Words that rhyme with encounter
236 best rhymes for 'encounter'
1 syllable
- Der
- Per
- Were
- Sir
- For
- Her
- Are
- Ur
- Yer
- Stir
- Bir
- Blur
- Fur
- Ver
- Ter
- Spur
- Slur
- Mer
- Thur
2 syllables
- Outer
- Louder
- Counter
- Powder
- Our
- Sour
- Shower
- Power
- Tower
- Flower
- Cower
- Chowder
- Founder
- Doubter
- Router
- Prouder
- Browser
- Flounder
- Downer
- Bouncer
- Smarter
- Mr
- Winter
- Laughter
- Master
- Faster
- Better
- Enter
- Fighter
- Greater
- Slaughter
- Butter
- Gangster
- Later
- Center
- Sweater
- Daughter
- Bitter
- Shatter
- Hotter
- Lighter
- Monster
- Water
- After
- Matter
- Quarter
- Brighter
- Sister
- Chapter
- Peter
- Doctor
- Writer
- Letter
- Hater
- Tighter
- Gutter
- Upper
- Leader
- Older
- Order
- Ladder
- Cheddar
- Reaper
- Under
- Chopper
- Deeper
- Sniper
- Colder
- Thunder
- Proper
- Rapper
- Super
- Paper
- Wonder
- Harder
- Murder
- Shoulder
- Scour
- Bauer
- Pastor
- Ever
- Darker
- Loser
- Razor
- Sucker
- Conquer
- Clever
- Favor
- Closer
- Fucker
- Sicker
- Sober
- Liquor
- Pressure
- Cover
- Over
- Quicker
- River
- Lover
- Never
- Rubber
- Number
- Silver
- Sever
- Liver
- Whisper
- Batter
- Wetter
- Joker
- Member
- Sharper
- Sweeter
- Inner
- Neither
- Bigger
- Mother
- Failure
- Either
- Brother
- Rather
- Pleasure
- Treasure
- Sinner
- Honor
- Figure
- Further
- Corner
- Stronger
- Finger
- Winner
- Longer
- Hunger
- Father
- Gather
- Anger
- Whether
- Stoner
- Younger
- Other
- Sugar
- Nigger
- Measure
- Savior
- Leather
- Trigger
- Dinner
- Farther
- Bother
- Temper
- Viper
- Alter
- Fresher
- Tiger
- Fever
- Culture
- Major
- Summer
- Danger
- Dealer
- Color
- Torture
- Capture
- Answer
- Stranger
- Future
- Hammer
- Dollar
- Picture
- Teacher
- Cancer
- Killer
- Nature
- Soldier
- Flavor
- Actor
- Faker
- Shooter
- Splatter
- Ether
- Factor
- Stripper
- Offer
- Prefer
- Suffer
- Cypher
- Ponder
- Chamber
- Heater
- Luther
- Spider
- Stutter
- Fatter
- Higher
- Prayer
- Lower
- Wire
- Mirror
- Who're
- Player
- Fire
- Terror
- Liar
- Horror
- Coaster
- Soccer
3 syllables
- Devour
- Disaster
- Sinister
- Empower
- Willpower
- Remember
- Deliver
- December
- Similar
- Desire
- Entire
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Words That Rhyme With "Encounter"
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2 syllables:
antre, banter, benter, blunter, bounder, browner, bunter, center, centre, chanter, chunter, counter, crowner, doubter, douter, downer, downturn, enter, fainter, flounder, flouter, founder, granter, grantor, grounder, grunter, Gunter, hunter, jointer, lauter, linter, manter, minter, mounter, outer, painter, panter, Pinter, plantar, planter, pointer, pounder, pouter, printer, punter, ranter, renter, rounder, router, saunter, Senter, shouter, shunter, sinter, sounder, splinter, spouter, sprinter, squinter, stenter, stentor, stinter, tainter, tenter, tinter, touter, towner, tranter, vaunter, venter, wanter, winter
3 syllables:
accentor, anointer, appointor, assenter, assentor, augmenter, cofounder, concenter, concentre, decenter, decentre, discounter, dissenter, enchanter, expounder, frequenter, instanter, inventer, inventor, lamenter, levanter, midwinter, mischanter, mishanter, precentor, presenter, preventer, reenter, rencounter, scienter, succentor, supplanter, surmounter, tenpounder, transplanter, Vermonter
4 syllables:
5 syllables:
Event "Alumni Reunion" - extracurricular activities, activities
School Alumni Reunion
The scenario of the reunion of school graduates is called "Meeting with youth, meeting with childhood". All graduates are greeted by real high school students at the entrance. Conduct registration of former graduates. Everyone is given a certain emblem of the evening - a bell with the year of issue. On the stand are all the cabinets, in which there are only releases of different years. A special corner with a table can even be organized, above it is the inscription: "Autograph for memory."
Here, if desired, school graduates of different years can write down all the data about themselves in a special notebook or on sheets (place of work, position; place of study, faculty; home address; marital status). You can organize photo and video shooting. Music sounds in the festively decorated assembly hall, and the song "Evening of School Friends" sounds as the main signal for the beginning of the evening. Then the presenters come out - a boy and a girl.
Leader: - Hello dear friends
Graduates of different years, beloved teachers!
Host: - Welcome to the evening of the meeting.To my own school this evening!
Presenter: - The school is like a bouquet of flowers, waiting for the hour of the meeting.
Presenter: - So let it be for many years, you will remember this evening!
Leader: - After all, at the beginning of February,
in every school,
will certainly gather you, friends,
The evening of the meeting is unchanged.
Leader: - A year has passed, or maybe five,
Maybe ten or twenty -
You are in a hurry to school again,
To meet childhood.
Presenter: - Hello, hello, meeting evening! We keep traditions!
Presenter: - Today is Graduation Day, and we will talk about you here.
Presenter: - But before the holiday.
Friends, we will begin,
Now the roll call
We will hold here.
Leader: - Be careful, shout loudly,
Do not miss the year of its release!
Leaders begin the roll call of former graduates, starting from the first year of graduation, while celebrating all the anniversary years of graduation.
Presenter: - They did a great job with the roll call! We give you an unusual dance for this!
A dance is being performed.
Presenter: - Winters and springs have passed,
You have already become adults,
But let's remember your school days.
Leader: - Calls and changes again, lessons, first love...
Host: - Teachers who were close to you!
Presenter: - We invite the class teacher to the stage, who sent his pupils on a big voyage in _____ academic year. Meet...
( Brief speech of the class teacher, parting words.)
Host: - Let's try to play a game so you don't get bored.
Presenter: - We will hold a music competition with you, we will sing our favorite school song now.
Presenter: - We invite you to the stage duets from the following release years: 1977,1982,1987,1992,1997,2002,2007,2011.
Don't be shy! Go on stage more boldly,
Name the most popular song
of your release.
Try to sing this song now,
At least one verse, for us.
Songs from previous releases are being performed. The performers are given souvenirs.
For those who sang so beautifully,
For those who listened and watched,
Accept our song as a gift,
Appreciate it worthy!
A song is being performed.
Time flies, everything changes.
Colleges and lyceums appear everywhere.
And among them is our regular,
Our high school, excellent!
You will appreciate the school only then,
When the years flash by like moments.
She will often dream at night.
No one will forget school years!
I will dream of a school scene,
Your first roles will certainly be,
First applause! First success!
And you are happy! You are the best!
A concert number-sketch is performed without announcement.
Wits and ingenuity
Helped you more than once in your life.
If you don't mind the time -
Prove it to us now.
Let's play a little more,
It's very boring to live without playing,
After all, the game helps many
Remember childhood and love life!
They are playing a Guess Game.
5-7 participants on the stage. From a box or vase, each in turn takes out a balloon for himself. Inflates him. The ball bursts. Inside the balloon is a note with a task. You need to quickly answer a question or complete a task.
Examples of tasks in balls.
Ball No. 1. Recall fairy tales, in the names of which there are numbers. ("Three Little Pigs", Three Bears", "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", etc.)
Ball No. 2. Recall the cities in whose names there are notes. (Ufa, Cherepovets, Usolsk, Novosibirsk, Donetsk, Minsk, etc.)
Ball No. 3. Name five words (as many as possible) that begin with the letter A and end with the letter Y. (Acacia, army, astronomy, academy, astrology.)
Ball No. 4. Name the TV programs correctly:
1. "Good morning, old people." ("Good night, kids")
2. "Mannequin and lawlessness". ("Man and Law")
3. "Village". ("Town")
4. "Cave of Nightmares". ("Field of Miracles") Balloon
Balloon number 5. Name as many words as possible that rhyme with the word "candy". (Newspaper, cigarette, planet, rocket, comet.)
Ball No. 6. Read the poem correctly: "The goat lies without moving, Does not breathe, but lies." (“A bull is walking, swinging, Sighing on the go ...”)
Ball No. 7. To name the song correctly, you can sing: “What a pity that none of them wandered off yesterday ...” (“How great that everyone We're here today...").
Prizes are awarded to all participants of this game.
Presenter: - Our school is rich in talents!
Guys give you their art!
School amateur performances are performed.
Presenter: - A parting word, like a second mother, the director of the school wants to tell you!
( The director of the school says his wishes to graduates of different years. ) A song about childhood is being performed. All participants of the concert leave.
Host: - Thank you all again! You came to the meeting, you brought the warmth of your hearts with you.
Host: - The evening of the meeting does not end here, it continues in your former classes
Host: - And we say goodbye to all of you: Everything. "See you again, friends, and goodbye!"
The phonogram of the song "Where does childhood go" sounds. Former graduates go to classes to meet teachers and classmates.
School news can be started like this:
Today (day, month, year) and on the air our daily newscast. Starting Monday, only paper grenades will be used in physical education classes. This innovation is explained by yesterday's state of emergency in physical education classes.
Pupil 8-B Petya S., throwing a training grenade, hit the physical education teacher in the head, although the target was located in the opposite direction. The young man explained this incident quite simply - he mixed up the goals!
Vanya K. from the 6th grade was so carried away by the history teacher's stories about archaeological excavations that he dug a foundation pit in front of the school. Unfortunately, no artifacts were found in the pit.
But they found a history teacher who was returning home in the evening. "The teacher was born in a shirt!!!". That is how they commented on the incident, pulling the historian out of a two-meter pit, a physical education teacher and a Trudovik. Now, the teacher will think ten times before telling the students about the Egyptian Pyramids.
You can continue indefinitely. Coming up with school news is elementary, remember yourself or your younger brother (sister), nephew, neighbor. Finally, your own child!
We offer a funny skit about school life for the evening of the reunion, which is called "Bandits".
School class, students sit with their eyes down on the floor. The door swings open and the teacher appears.
Teacher :
- Hello, bandits, lazybones, slobs, losers! Get up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Get up, sit down!
One of the students sits down and gets up at the wrong time.
Teacher :
- Petrov, "two" for inattention!
The original scene for the reunion evening continues, and the teacher opens the magazine
The teacher :
– Who is missing?
Pupil (frightened):
– S…s..s..
– Is Sidorov absent? "Two" to Sidorov.
Student :
– S…s…s…
– Is Smirnov absent? "Two" Smirnov.
Student :
– S…s…s…
Teacher :
– And “two” for you so that you don’t stutter! Now let's check how you did your homework. Here you are, Petrov, solved one hundred and fifteen control problems?!
Petrov :
– No, I only decided one hundred and five…
Teacher :
– Two! And you, Zvezdochkina?
an excellent student with two huge bows gets up from the first desk :
- Yes.
- You're lying! You copied from him! (Points to the loser on the last desk.)
The scene for the 2016 Alumni Reunion is continued by a teacher and a loser.
Teacher :
– Hey, you, from the last desk… March to the blackboard!
The student, trembling, comes to the board, spreads his legs and raises his hands up.
Teacher :
– Are there cheat sheets?!
Student :
- None.
- And if you think carefully?
- I forgot them at home.
– Did you forget your head at home? So you weren't ready! Two!!!
The student, sobbing, goes to the place, and the skit about school life at the graduation party continues.
Teacher (looks at her watch and addresses the class):
– There are five minutes left until the end of the lesson. So, you will have time to do a little control work. Those who solve twenty tasks out of ten will receive "three". The rest I'll give "twos".
The guys are whispering.
Teacher :
– Everyone be silent! Hand out leaflets! Collect leaves!
Excellent student Zvezdochkina (pulls out her hand):
- But I'm not successful ...
- Silence! Everybody get up! I say stand up, bandits! Sit down, bandits! Get up! And if this happens again, then I will call the ro-di-te-lei to the school! I'm telling you, double!
A loser from the back of the desk falls to the floor.
Teacher :
- What a contingent! And where did they get these loafers...
A comic scene on the evening of the reunion of graduates ends with the words of a loser who gets up and looks around the class in bewilderment:
- It's good that I only dreamed all this! And in our school everything was different!
Homecoming evening contests | Class hour (Grade 11):
1. Dear graduates, now we invite you to return to the past and remember your school life. Before starting the game program, I suggest doing a warm-up. Please answer the questions:
- Which institution accepts illiterates? (school)
- A place that students don't like to go to. (Board).
- Surprise on the teacher's chair. (Button).
- Dating club for parents and teachers. (Parent meeting).
- Flat globe. (Map).
- Album for parents' autographs. (Diary)
- From 2 to 5. (Grade).
- Schoolwide President. (Director).
- All teachers are looking forward to this. (Vacation).
- A storehouse of knowledge. (Cheat sheet.)
- Writing unit. (Pen.)
- Remover for stains, mistakes and bad grades. (Correction fluid.)
- What is the name of a time-out at school? (change)
14. What is another name for the goat's foot drawing tool? (compass)
15. What is the name of the help given in a whisper? (hint)
2. So, invite (competitors - 2, a girl and a boy) the competition is called “What do I have in my portfolio?” Two briefcases are brought onto the stage. One of them contains a ribbon, a bell, disposable gloves, lipstick, an empty jar (it is advisable to give this briefcase to a young man). The second briefcase may contain sunglasses, a toy car, playing cards, a roulette wheel, an artificial flower (it is advisable to give this briefcase to a girl)
The situation is as follows: in your portfolio there are things that are not related to the educational process and your task is to convince those present of the need for these items during the study time. Taking out one item, demonstrating it to the audience, you say “I need this for ...” or “I need this for ...”, the winner will be the author of the most original answers. The winner will be determined by the applause of the audience.
3. 6 graduates are invited. Blow up the balls. Pop them and complete the tasks. Patter
Once a jackdaw scaring a pop,
I noticed a parrot in the bushes,
And then a parrot says:
“You scare the jackdaws, pop, scare.
But, only jackdaws, pop, scaring,
Don't you dare scare the parrot!
On the shallows we lazily caught burbot,
You exchanged burbot for tench.
Didn't you kindly pray for love for me
And beckoned me into the mists of the estuary.
Two woodcutters, two woodcutters,
Two wood splitters sharpened their axes,
Axes are sharp for the time being,
Axes are sharp for the time being, for the time being.
A quick talker spoke quickly,
That you cannot speak all tongue twisters, you do not speak too quickly,
But, speaking quickly, you spoke quickly,
That you will speak all tongue twisters, but you will not speak too quickly.
Once upon a time there were three Chinese: Yak, Yak-zedrak, Yak-zedrak-zedrak-zedroni.
Once upon a time there were three Chinese women: Tsypa, Tsypa-drypa, Tsypa-drypa-drympamponi.
All of them got married: Yak on Tsyp, Yak-zedrak on Tsype-dryp,
Yak-zedrak-zedrak-zest on Tsyp-drype-drympamponi.
And they had children. Yak and Chick have Shah, Yak-tsedrak and Chick-drypa have Shah-balls, Yak-zedrak-zedrak-zedroni and Chick-drypa-drympamponi have Shah-balls-balls-shironi.
The commander was talking about a colonel and a colonel,
About a lieutenant colonel and a lieutenant colonel.
About the lieutenant and about the lieutenant,
About the second lieutenant and the second lieutenant,
About the ensign and about the ensign,
About the ensign, but he kept silent about the ensign.
4. 3 graduates. Draw a poster and come up with the text of a poster that could hang: in the school locker room; above the director's office; on the doors of the dining room.
In the meantime, our contestants are doing the task. A competition for teachers called "Memory Test" is announced. Which song or poem begins with the following question words
— Where to? ("... childhood is leaving", "... the circus left")
— Who? (“…invented you”)
— Where from? (“… firewood”)
— Where? (". .. it was")
— When? (“…let's leave the schoolyard”)
— What? (“... you are looking eagerly at the road”)
5. We invite 3 graduates to come up to the stage.
Moderator: We offer to amaze us with your literacy. Write only 1 sentence under dictation.
The notorious widow of a collegiate assessor Agrippina Savvichna served ham, vinaigrette and wolverine stew to the accompaniment of an accordion on the wooden terrace of the clerk Apollo Filippovich.
While the jury is checking your literacy. I invite those present to continue the game.
6. School years live in your memory! Many adults believe that children have lateral thinking. Of course, you are not children. Guess what famous fairy tales we are talking about:
1. A fairy tale about a vegetable farm (Turnip)
2. About the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones (Three Little Pigs)
3. About overpopulation of living space, which led to destruction buildings (Teremok)
4. About the difficult path of a bakery product to the consumer (Kolobok)
5. The tale of how a psychic gave the president a radar device (golden cockerel)
6. About the first victim of an unsuccessful investment (Buratino)
7. About how love turns a beast into a man (Scarlet Flower)
8. About a girl who almost entered into an unequal marriage three times, but then still found her prince (Thumbelina).
Well done! And you remember fairy tales!
7. I invite those who answered the question correctly. Divide into pairs.
In 1 minute it is necessary to add the words of the song from separate words.
Whoever collects it faster,
The first one will sing a song to us!
it's fun to walk, it's better to sing in chorus,
It's fun to walk together through the open spaces,
Through the open spaces, through the open spaces!
And of course it's better to sing in chorus,
Better in choir, better in choir!
Sing with us quail-quail
One needle, two needles - there will be a Christmas tree!
One plank, two planks - there will be a ladder!
One word, two words - there will be a song!
just like a cucumber, sitting in the grass
A grasshopper was sitting in the grass, a grasshopper was sitting in the grass,
Just like a cucumber, he was green.
Imagine, imagine,
Just like a cucumber,
Imagine, imagine,
He was green.
He only ate grass, he only ate grass,
I didn't touch the goat, and I was friends with the flies.
Imagine, imagine,
Didn't even touch the goat
Imagine, imagine,
And was friends with flies.
two merry geese, one grey,
Two merry geese lived with a granny,
One is gray, the other is white,
Two merry geese,
One is grey, the other is white,
Two merry geese!
Washing geese paws in a puddle near the groove,
One grey, one white,
Hiding in a groove,
One grey, one white,
Hiding in a groove!
For those who sang so beautifully,
For those who listened and watched,
Accept our concert number,
Appreciate it worthy!
8. For the next competition, everyone is invited. How well you all sing. Competition kings of the dance floor. Everyone is welcome. The winner of the dance floor will be determined by the applause of the audience.
9. The game "Merry Phantom" is being held. There are 7 participants on the stage. You need to quickly answer a question or complete a task.
1. Recall fairy tales, in the names of which there are numbers. (“Three little pigs”, Three bears”, “Wolf and seven kids”, etc.)
2. Sing a children's song.
3. Name as many words as you can that rhyme with candy. (Newspaper, cigarette, planet, rocket, comet.)
4. Stand on a chair and read the poem correctly: "The goat lies, not moving, does not breathe, but lies." (“A bull is walking, swinging, sighing on the go ...”)
5. Answer the question: Where does childhood go?
6. Depict a baby whose parents did not buy a car (doll) for bad behavior.
7. Your wishes to teachers and your former classmates.
10. In addition to lessons, the school had class hours. Now we will have a class hour.
The game is called “One, two, three”. Walk around the chair.
I'll tell you a story
A dozen and a half times,
As soon as I say the word "three" - take the prize immediately.
Once we caught a pike,
We gutted it, and inside
We counted small fish -
And not one, but two.
A hardened boy dreams
Become an Olympic champion,
Look, do not be cunning at the start,
And wait for the team one, two, seven.
When you want to memorize the verses,
Don't learn them, until late at night,
And about yourself, repeat them
One, two, but five is better!
Recently train at Station
I had to wait three hours
Why didn't you take the prize, friends? The next competition is called "Theatrical farce". Before we play the scene, we will conduct a rehearsal. Those who wish to compete are given cards with a task that they perform without preparation. We have to walk.
- a woman with heavy bags;
- sparrow on the roof;
- stork in the swamp;
- chicken in the yard;
- a girl in a tight skirt with high heels;
- sentry guarding the food warehouse;
- a baby who has just learned to walk;
- a guy in front of an unfamiliar girl.
Yes, you have convinced us that you are artistic and will be able to cope with any role.
Characters and words:
Graduate - "What am I? I'm nothing...",
Laziness - mother - "Ba-a-ldezh!",
School director - "What's going on here?"
Class teacher - "They are good!"
Mamanya - "Where does the school look?!"
Dad - "He'll get a belt!"
Odnoklassniki - "It's good to play the fool!"
Text (read by presenter) Once upon a time there was a Graduate... So he would have lived in peace for himself, but seized the Graduate... Mother Sloth... The Principal was the first to worry... And the Graduate to him... All because Mother Sloth whispered to him not in his ear .