Words that rhyme with refrigerator
164 best rhymes for 'fridge'
1 syllable
- Bridge
- Switch
- Which
- Rich
- Bitch
- Ich
- Pitch
- Snitch
- Ditch
- Ridge
- Midge
- Stitch
- Twitch
- Glitch
- Mich
- Inch
- Hitch
- Niche
- Cringe
- Fitch
- Kitch
- Binge
- Lich
- Zich
- Pinch
- Hinge
- Singe
- Fringe
- Minge
- Tinge
- Twinge
- Winge
- Lynch
- Flinch
- Grinch
- Clinch
- Finch
- Cinch
- Zilch
- Winch
- Tinch
2 syllables
- Garbage
- Image
- Damage
- Message
- Courage
- Knowledge
- College
- Language
- Savage
- Manage
- Marriage
- Package
- Village
- Cabbage
- Hostage
- Passage
- Baggage
- Sausage
- Vintage
- Carnage
- Bandage
- Ravage
- Storage
- Privilege
- Dosage
- Wreckage
- Pillage
- Luggage
- Voltage
- Sewage
- Scrimmage
- Mortgage
- Salvage
- Porridge
- Bondage
- Carriage
- Mileage
- Shortage
- Cleavage
- Cottage
- Voyage
- Cartridge
- Usage
- Outage
- Rummage
- Vantage
- Footage
- Cambridge
- Blockage
- Carthage
- Drainage
- Leakage
- Adage
- Spillage
- Wattage
- Forage
- Vestige
- Postage
- Stoppage
- Seepage
- Yardage
- Suffrage
- Millage
- Shrinkage
- Presage
- Selvage
- Partridge
- Cartlidge
- Tonnage
- Triage
- Linage
- Aldridge
- Anchorage
- Cribbage
- Breakage
- Coolidge
- Orange
- Sandwich
- Ostrich
- Enrich
- Bewitch
- Povich
- Greenwich
- Norwich
- Eldritch
- Gingrich
- Ulrich
- Syringe
- Infringe
- Unhinge
3 syllables
- Average
- Advantage
- Acknowledge
- Encourage
- Percentage
- Underage
- Leverage
- Heritage
- Beverage
- Cartilage
- Miscarriage
- Coverage
- Discourage
- Hemorrhage
- Pilgrimage
- Verbiage
- Appendage
- Envisage
- Mismanage
- Disparage
- Foliage
- Assemblage
- Tutelage
- Parentage
- Acreage
- Sewerage
- Patronage
- Malkovich
- Popovich
- Lubavitch
- Dragovich
4 syllables
- Disadvantage
- Micromanage
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160 Words that rhyme with fridge for Songwriters
Top rhymes for songwriters
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Songwriting rhymes for fridge
These rhymes are specially chosen by our unique songwriting rhyming dictionary to give you the best songwriting rhymes.
- bridge
- did
- shit
- hit
- bed
- bit
- bitch
- sit
- fit
- which
- admit
- rich
- slip
- quit
- lit
- whip
- trip
- switch
- kid
- flip
- ship
- tip
- lip
- rip
- split
- grip
- hip
- spit
- get
- let
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Perfect rhymes for fridge
- bridge
- ridge
- abridge
- smidge
- midge
- drawbridge
- fidge
- flidge
- oxbridge
- suspension bridge
- relig
- lockridge
- pepperidge
- kingsbridge
- eldridge
- contract bridge
- brigge
- lidge
- estridge
- golden gate bridge
- etheridge
- bailey bridge
- flying bridge
- woodbridge
- auction bridge
- monkey bridge
- gall midge
- alveolar ridge
- ethridge
- greater new orleans bridge
- lift bridge
- brooklyn bridge
- pedestrian bridge
- breckenridge
- fly bridge
- moving ridge
- goodridge
- patridge
- truss bridge
- biting midge
- george washington bridge
- walt whitman bridge
- bayonne bridge
- akridge
- covered bridge
- trestle bridge
- floating bridge
- tappan zee bridge
- humber bridge
- muggeridge
- new river gorge bridge
- quebec bridge
- baton rouge bridge
- pierre laporte bridge
- sturbridge
- benjamin franklin bridge
- pontoon bridge
- delaware memorial bridge
- strawbridge
- commodore john barry bridge
To see our full selection of genre-specific rhymes, triggers that get your creativity flowing, and next line suggestions from our incredible A. I. assistant, sign up to Chorus today.
Near rhymes for fridge
Near rhymes work great for songwriting, often giving a more interesting feel than perfect rhymes.
- it
- did
- shit
- hit
- bit
- bitch
- sit
- fit
- which
- admit
- rich
- slip
- quit
- lit
- trip
- whip
- switch
- kid
- flip
- ship
- tip
- split
- lip
- grip
- hip
- get
- spit
- rip
- let
- strip
- wit
- hid
- said
- pit
- skip
- kissed
- missed
- build
- built
- lift
- head
- sip
- resist
- exist
- wrist
- filled
- commit
- id
- bed
- chip
- ditch
- kit
- crib
- hitch
- forget
- twist
- gift
- picked
- weird
- inch
- wished
- mixed
- edge
- kicked
- dead
- red
- relationship
- fist
- set
- mid
- pitch
- ripped
- addict
- met
- clip
- list
- drip
- stitch
- itch
- zip
- yet
- pissed
- step
- disappeared
- lead
- read
- instead
- regret
- ahead
- fixed
- bet
- convinced
- guilt
- slipped
- appeared
- killed
- sweat
- whipped
- spilled
- permit
Want to know what rhymes with fridge?
Are you a songwriter who is tired of not being able to think of words that rhyme with your song's subject? I know I was this way
It's awful, especially when you need to come up with lyrics quickly! This is where a rhyming dictionary can help; however, most dictionaries just spit out a word regardless if it's usable in a song
For example, if you're writing a song about how you miss your grandmother, the last thing you want to hear as "Homeland"
We all know that's not singable and it doesn't even have the right meaning! With Chorus, we find you only those rhymes which are useful for songwriters, so you know that the words we give you are singable and work for the genre you're writing in
Here are a few rhymes for you to sample. If you want to use the app's full functionality, including the ability to create your own rhymes, you can sign up for the full version of Chorus now.
To see our full selection of genre-specific rhymes, triggers that get your creativity flowing, and next line suggestions from our incredible A.I. assistant, sign up to Chorus today.
Create your songbookHow to remain calm in any situation? Read an excerpt about this - The City
The Bombora publishing house published a book by Yulia Bulgakova "Allow yourself to feel" - about how to get to know your anger, joy, love and other feelings. We publish an excerpt about finding peace.
One day the piano left me. Rolled off into the bright distance. Really, not metaphorically. Metaphorically, it sounds beautiful, you can suffer over a glass with friends and casual acquaintances, share your incomprehension, quote poets of the Silver Age and enjoy grief. But, damn it, everything is simpler and more specific. nine0003
In the 1990s, the prestige of classical music in general and the pianist profession in particular in our country dangled between baseboard and basement. No money, no job. And then a concert, I don’t remember where and for what reason. In the hall, people, to put it mildly, are far from classical music, some are a little drunk, it is cold and uncomfortable in the hall. But they will pay for the concert, which, against the background of general musical poverty, makes me incredibly happy. In general, a cold hall, a stage, a piano, Wolfgang Amadeus…
I'm in a black dress, heels, lipstick, everything is fine. Exit, bow, sit down on a chair, get comfortable, take a breath and put my hands on the keyboard. The most magical moment for a musician - the magic of sound reveals silence. I freeze. And then the piano quietly rolls forward from me. Oh my God! I move around with a chair behind him, everything seems to be fine, thank God. Another magical moment. I raise my hands in the hope of giving the audience a moment of beauty, but. .. this bastard, or rather the bastard, went again. The people giggled quietly but disgustingly. I'm moving again, tuning in, trying to recreate the magic of the moment, but fuck you, it's moving again! nine0003
I have a wet back, panic, the people in the hall are already frankly laughing, and this bastard goes on and on. Final destination, wall. My God! There is nowhere further. An exclamation sounds from the hall: "The first part of the Marlezon ballet." Everyone laughs out loud and ... clap. And then I do something unimaginable for myself - I get up, bow and say:
- We arrived safely. Now part two. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
The audience claps and laughs again, of course. Either my recognition of the situation, or humor, or my apparent equanimity, but then I fell into a field of powerful inner calm. nine0003
Everything possible has already happened, so my attention was only on my actions right now. After that, they didn’t let me leave the stage for a long time, they applauded, I played an encore and completely forgot about the piano that had rolled away. It was only later, when I looked back on the incident, that I realized it was the only way to shake up the uninvolved audience and make them listen. And the only way to then let me know is that anything can happen, but calmness is incredibly charismatic, convincing and dignified in any collapse. That was the deep meaning of this episode for me. nine0003
What happened to me next. Sometimes I got into calm, sometimes not, but I caught his power. If, after any of your inadequate actions, you remain calm, the action acquires additional trump cards and significance. If after any difficult event in life you remain in inner peace, you will know its deep meaning for yourself.
Get to know your serenity
Serenity is like the depths of the sea. On the surface of the sea there is either a tide, or an ebb, or a calm, or a storm, but inside, at a depth, there is incredible beauty, a special world, silence, inviolability and balance. Always smooth inside. It is both a verb, and a noun, and an address. Smooth inside. There will be peace - there will be everything: trust, inspiration, love, health, joy, flourishing, peace. And money. Yes, they, too, are anxious with us, and they are waiting for calm in order to please us with abundance. nine0003
Tranquility is the golden crown of a personal empire; without it, any choice will be incorrect. Agree, either to make a decision in anxiety and tension, or in calmness and balance, the difference will be obvious. I often say to executive clients when it comes to important tasks: “If you were calm now, how would your decision change?” The answers are different. Sometimes the decision remains the same, sometimes it changes, sometimes important points are added to it, sometimes it generally shows the situation from a different angle. But most importantly, calmness reduces the degree of doubt, and decisions become solid, stable and fresh. Do not give naphthalene. nine0003
I saved several couples from divorce and several women from abortion in this way. More precisely, they were saved by calmness. I just helped him feel. Of course, it is impossible to be calm always. The surface of the water is always in motion, and it is not always possible to have time to dive deeper, saying to yourself: "Smooth inside." But you can practice the transition to a calm state every minute. After all, the world does not meet our expectations, and therefore there are a million reasons for practice a day, you can start right now. It happens that I stand in the sway of anxiety, anxiety and tension and repeat, like a spell: "Julia, smooth inside, smooth inside." Until I feel the aroma of balance, I will not take a step. But it is now. And before that, from a restless springboard, I dived into the very storm, hoping to sort everything out. And as a result, she choked only with water and lost her strength. nine0003
Now I have the key to all safes - peace of mind. Peace of mind is the first item in any chain. Even food. Let's say you make a plan for anything. Without thinking, put the number one and write: "Calm." And then how it will go and how it will be. When there is this first point, everything else is experienced more easily and freely. The frames are moving apart, I am alive, natural, I am not pressed by the “headlines” of the mind. Often ask yourself out of calmness: “How do I feel for myself what is happening now? How do I want to call the situation? What do I pay attention to first of all? What else do I want to notice? The universe has no opinions, only a huge flow of energy, on which people hang labels with different inscriptions: “experiences”, “pain”, “suffering”, “anger”, “bad”, “good”, “tragedy”, “ happiness" and so on. Most of these labels have been hanging for a long time, there is no need to invent anything - a person has accumulated a lot of experience over the centuries. Some of them we create ourselves. The more often we realize that it is now and fresh. It is worse when we confuse the inscriptions. For example, we can call fear excitement or awe, toxic crap - love, anger and tension - concentration.
Imagine that to everything you do or think about, the word “calm” is first applied as the first item. It then gently fills all subsequent points with its light, and maybe even allows you to create new names. My girlfriend and I tried to put the first word calm in a situation that was not at all suitable for this. Her ex-husband, who was officially not an ex-husband at the time, took out all the jointly acquired furniture from the apartment while she was on a business trip. Started "military operations", so to speak. And the furniture is so expensive that it could be considered an asset during a divorce. Girlfriend calls in hysterics: “Julia, this is horror! Horror! He took everything! How to live, what to do? I reminded her of the first word:
- Write it on a piece of paper, look and breathe. This is point one, the beginning of your personal bible: first there was peace. Wait what will be.
My friend sobbed, they say, apart from the word "ass" nothing else comes to mind, but the word "ass" rhymes with "catastrophe", and this makes you want to howl. In general, I promised to think.
Two hours passed, I decided to call.
— Well?
Looking for the next word.
At first, “divorce” appeared, but I wanted it to end with “i” too. It's ugly and doesn't fit. In general, while she was sorting through the words, it turned out that he still left the bed in the bedroom, as well as a refrigerator and a floor lamp. I won't clean it up. And as a result, her chain turned out like this: calmness, parting, renewal, reflection, general cleaning, new shoes. nine0003
Now imagine that the word “calm” is missing from the first paragraph. What would be the first word in this situation? Good question, right? Where would your chain of interpretation begin? With the names of feelings and sensations, we are oh so tight. Whoever has a small horizon - they read few or only business books, who does not have enough personal experience - such a person walks along the same rails, not allowing himself to live what is happening according to his author's program. And the more names we have for feelings, the more often the word “calm” is ahead, the brighter the palette of opportunities and life in general. nine0003
Photo: "Bombora"
Your Excellency is Lonely - The latest news from Russia and the world today
So, Russia has a new Prime Minister - Viktor Zubkov. And it doesn't matter at all that his surname rhymes well with the surname of his predecessor, Mikhail Fradkov. The important thing is that the change of government was carried out according to the same scenario as in 2004, when instead of Mikhail Kasyanov, Mikhail also came, but Fradkov. But there is also a minor difference: Kasyanov's cabinet was dismissed not before, but three months after the Duma elections, and only three weeks before the presidential elections. It was rumored that the change of government was then associated with the fear of a low voter turnout, due to which the elections could be declared invalid, and in this situation the figure of the prime minister would inevitably grow to the size of "almost acting. " If we accept this hypothesis as correct, then it turns out that three years ago the government was sacrificed in order to avoid the interception of presidential power. I think, in this case, such motives played an important role. And the point here is not at all that Fradkov, who has managed to gain solid political weight over the past three years, could try to start his own game. No, Mikhail Efimovich is not the right person to get involved in adventures. But Viktor Alekseevich has clear advantages: he is a novice in politics, not associated with any scandals, with any centers of political influence and owes his current rise to only one single person. Not a reformer with burning eyes, not a martinet, not a foster child of Harvard, but a solid, not ambitious, executive, balanced, respectable civil servant in the Soviet way. It is reliable, like a ZIL refrigerator, which has worked in my kitchen for twenty years. It is not surprising that his candidacy easily passed through the State Duma.
He is ours, from our common past. Only the communists opposed it, and even then, I think, solely in order to demonstrate to the voters their irreconcilable opposition. nine0003
Reliability, loyalty to his word, shown by Viktor Zubkov when he was Vladimir Putin's deputy in the St. Petersburg mayor's office (his further career growth testifies to this), I believe, played a major role in the issue of his appointment to the second post in the state. At the same time, he immediately made it clear that he was seriously thinking about climbing the presidential Olympus. Could he risk such a confession without the highest permission? No, because otherwise it would be an act of political suicide. It should be noted that Vladimir Putin also quite favorably spoke about this intention of the newly minted prime minister: “He did not say: “I will run for office.” He doesn't rule out that possibility. I think this is a balanced, calm answer.” nine0003
What follows from this? And the fact that the Russian president number 3 will be called Viktor Alekseevich Zubkov. It is for this reason that the only real Russian politician single-handedly conceived and carried out the current appointment with lightning speed, which has become an accelerating stage for the successor and a fig under the nose for all those who have already cut their hair under the imperial cocked hat. This is how I read Vladimir Putin's words about members of the government who "began to think about how their personal fate will develop after the elections." All other motives, I think, if they did take place, then only as secondary or distracting, masking the main task. Could the president share this plan with anyone? Of course not. For the supreme power dooms to loneliness, which is especially aggravated in situations where the closest associates already divide the inheritance that has not yet fallen to them. Yes, in the absence of effective democratic institutions, the head of state inevitably turns out to be an insider among strangers and a stranger among his own. A lone scout, deprived of communications, passwords, appearances, but remembering that "there is one warrior in the field.