Work by homer
Homer | Biography, Poems, & Facts
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- Flourished:
- c.900 BCE - c.701 BCE
- Notable Works:
- “Iliad” “Odyssey”
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Top Questions
Why is Homer significant?
Homer is the presumed author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, two hugely influential epic poems of ancient Greece. If Homer did in fact compose the works, he is one of the greatest literary artists in the world, and, through these poems, he affected Western standards and ideas.
Was Homer a real person?
Scholars are uncertain whether he existed. If real, he is believed to have lived about the 9th or 8th century BCE and was a native of Ionia. A poet in the oral tradition, his works were likely transcribed by others. He is traditionally portrayed as blind, and some claim he was illiterate.
Did Homer write the Odyssey?
The authorship of the Odyssey and the Iliad is disputed. While some scholars believe Homer is solely responsible, others claim that the poems were retold and revised by numerous people. This theory has led to various explanations for the use of the word Homer. Some speculate that it was a term meaning wandering blind poet.
Read a brief summary of this topic
Homer, (flourished 9th or 8th century bce?, Ionia? [now in Turkey]), presumed author of the Iliad and the Odyssey.
Although these two great epic poems of ancient Greece have always been attributed to the shadowy figure of Homer, little is known of him beyond the fact that his was the name attached in antiquity by the Greeks themselves to the poems. That there was an epic poet called Homer and that he played the primary part in shaping the Iliad and the Odyssey—so much may be said to be probable. If this assumption is accepted, then Homer must assuredly be one of the greatest of the world’s literary artists.
He is also one of the most influential authors in the widest sense, for the two epics provided the basis of Greek education and culture throughout the Classical age and formed the backbone of humane education down to the time of the Roman Empire and the spread of Christianity. Indirectly through the medium of Virgil’s Aeneid (which was loosely molded after the patterns of the Iliad and the Odyssey), directly through their revival under Byzantine culture from the late 8th century ce onward, and subsequently through their passage into Italy with the Greek scholars who fled westward from the Ottomans, the Homeric epics had a profound impact on the Renaissance culture of Italy. Since then the proliferation of translations has helped to make them the most important poems of the Classical European tradition.
It was probably through their impact on Classical Greek culture itself that the Iliad and the Odyssey most subtly affected Western standards and ideas. The Greeks regarded the great epics as something more than works of literature; they knew much of them by heart, and they valued them not only as a symbol of Hellenic unity and heroism but also as an ancient source of moral and even practical instruction.
Britannica Quiz
An Odyssey of Grecian Literature
Who was Odysseus’s wife? What author wrote The Republic? From famous philosophers to epic journeys, embark upon this "odyssey" of Grecian literature.
Implicit references to Homer and quotations from the poems date to the middle of the 7th century bce. Archilochus, Alcman, Tyrtaeus, and Callinus in the 7th century and Sappho and others in the early 6th adapted Homeric phraseology and metre to their own purposes and rhythms. At the same time scenes from the epics became popular in works of art. The pseudo-Homeric “Hymn to Apollo of Delos,” probably of late 7th-century composition, claimed to be the work of “a blind man who dwells in rugged Chios,” a reference to a tradition about Homer himself.
The idea that Homer had descendants known as “Homeridae,” and that they had taken over the preservation and propagation of his poetry, goes back at least to the early 6th century bce. Indeed, it was not long before a kind of Homeric scholarship began: Theagenes of Rhegium in southern Italy toward the end of the same century wrote the first of many allegorizing interpretations. By the 5th century biographical fictions were well under way; the Pre-Socratic philosopher Heracleitus of Ephesus made use of a trivial legend of Homer’s death—that it was caused by chagrin at not being able to solve some boys’ riddle about catching lice—and the concept of a contest of quotations between Homer and Hesiod (after Homer the most ancient of Greek poets) may have been initiated in the Sophistic tradition. The historian Herodotus assigned the formulation of Greek theology to Homer and Hesiod and claimed that they could have lived no more than 400 years before his own time, the 5th century bce. This should be contrasted with the superficial assumption, popular in many circles throughout antiquity, that Homer must have lived not much later than the Trojan War about which he sang.
The general belief that Homer was a native of Ionia (the central part of the western seaboard of Asia Minor) seems a reasonable conjecture for the poems themselves are in predominantly Ionic dialect. Although Smyrna and Chios early began competing for the honour (the poet Pindar, early in the 5th century bce, associated Homer with both), and others joined in, no authenticated local memory survived anywhere of someone who, oral poet or not, must have been remarkable in his time. The absence of hard facts puzzled but did not deter the Greeks; the fictions that had begun even before the 5th century bce were developed in the Alexandrian era in the 3rd and 2nd centuries bce (when false scholarship as well as true abounded) into fantastic pseudobiographies, and these were further refined by derivative scholars under the Roman Empire. The longest to have survived purports to be by Herodotus himself; but it is quite devoid of objective truth.
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Work By Homer - Crossword Clue Answers
The crossword clue Work by Homer with 5 letters was last seen on the May 27, 2017. We think the likely answer to this clue is ILIAD. Below are all possible answers to this clue ordered by its rank. You can easily improve your search by specifying the number of letters in the answer.
Rank | Word | Clue |
94% | ILIAD | Work by Homer |
31% | WATERCOLOR | Work by Homer or Whistler |
3% | OPUS | Work |
3% | ETHIC | Work ___ |
3% | ERGS | Work units |
3% | DOHS | Cries from Homer |
3% | FUNCTION | Work, operate |
3% | PRUNING | Landscaper's work |
3% | ORATORIO | Handel work |
3% | LAMER | Debussy work |
3% | MESSIAH | Handel work |
3% | LOAFS | Avoids work |
3% | ERG | Work unit |
3% | OPERA | Barber work |
3% | OEUVRE | Creative work |
3% | DESK | Work place |
3% | SHIFT | Work period |
3% | WHOCANITBENOW | No.![]() |
3% | ODYSSEY | Homer work |
3% | EPIC | Homer work |
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We found 1 solutions for Work By Homer. The top solutions is determined by popularity, ratings and frequency of searches. The most likely answer for the clue is ILIAD.
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With our crossword solver search engine you have access to over 7 million clues. You can narrow down the possible answers by specifying the number of letters it contains. We found more than 1 answers for Work By Homer.
Complete list of Homer Simpson's professions
- Complete list of Homer Simpson's professions
This list is a complete list of professions held by the fictional character of the animated series The Simpsons, Homer Simpson. Non-canonical professions (such as those in the Halloween episodes) are shown in green font.
In the episode "Papa's Got a Brand New Badge", he lists all the professions that he had already worked in before he decided to open his own security agency. In the first 428 episodes, Homer changed 188 professions. All occupations are listed in alphabetical order.
# A B C D E F G I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z
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- 23 E
- Author of surprise cake predictions, episode "A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love".
- Actor (eight times)
- Springfield Nuclear Power Plant commercial, episode "D'oh-in in the Wind"
- in Viagro Wool commercial, episode "Barting Over"
- in Mr.
Plow commercial, episode "Mr. Plow"
- in Springfield commercial, episode "Papa's Got a Brand New Badge"
- in the remake of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington episode "Beyond Blunderdome"
- Voice of a character from Itchy & Scratchy episode "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show".
- in the play, episode "Behind the Laughter".
- non-canonical profession
- Activist (twice) - In the episode "Weekend at Burnsie's", Homer advocated for the legalization of marijuana, and in the episode "Hungry, Hungry Homer", he advocated that his favorite baseball team not move from Springfield.
- Climber episode "King of the Hill".
- Armwrestler episode "Marge's Son Poisoning".
- Celebrity Assistant .
- Astronaut , episode "Deep Space Homer".
- Swindler , episode "The Great Money Caper".
- Bartender at Moe's Tavern and Homer's Hunting Club, episode "Homer the Moe".
- Baseball player episode "Homer at the Bat".
- Vagabond , various episodes.
- Boxer episode "The Homer They Fall".
- Marriage Counselor episode "Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play".
- Bootlegger Homer vs. The Eighteenth Amendment.
- Webmaster episode "The Computer Wore Menace Shoes".
- Owner (six times)
- ZiffCorp episode "The Ziff Who Came to Dinner".
- SpringShield, episode "Papa's Got a Brand New Badge".
- Denver Broncos episode "You Only Move Twice".
- "CompuGlobalHyperMegaNet" episode "Das Bus".
- Springfield Nuclear Plant, episode "C.E. D'oh".
- "Mr. Plow", episode "Mr. Plow.
- Driver (five times)
- ambulance episode "Diatribe of a Mad Housewife"
- limousine, episode "Homer vs. Patty & Selma"
- Ice Cream Truck Episode "Ice Cream of Margie (With the Light Blue Hair)"
- snow blower, episode "Mr.
- tow truck episode "Midnight Towboy".
- Kindergarten teacher , episode "Children of a Lesser Clod".
- Mob boss episode "The Mook, the Chef, the Wife and Her Homer".
- Herald episode "Lisa the Iconoclast".
- Trucker episode "Maximum Homerdrive".
- Butler episode "The Frying Game".
- Village Stupid , episode "Treehouse of Horror XI".
- non-canonical profession
- Detective in Marge's memory, episode "King-Size Homer".
- Car designer in the company of his half-brother Gerb.
- Horse trainer , episode "Saddlesore Galactica".
- Journalist episode "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show".
- Inventor episode "The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace, Flaming Moe's, The Old Man and the "C" Student".
- FBI Informant episode "The Trouble with Trillions".
- Nuclear power plant safety inspector Homer's main job.
- Executive Director of Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, episode "C.E. D'oh".
- Executive Vice President of the nuclear power plant (while smoking marijuana), episode "Weekend at Burnsie's".
- Candidate for Mayor of Springfield, See Homer Run.
- Film Critic Judge at the Springfield Film Festival episode "A Star Is Burns".
- Killer , episode "Treehouse of Horror XVIII".
- non-canonical profession
- Clown episode "Homie the Clown".
- Salesman , Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy.
- Consultant remake of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, episode "Beyond Blunderdome".
- Smuggler (four times)
- medicines episode "Midnight Rx"
- beers, episode "Homer vs.
The Eighteenth Amendment"
- vegetables, episode "Itchy & Scratchy Land"
- sugar, episode "Sweets and Sour Marge".
- Concept artist episode "The Great Money Caper".
- Dealer at Monty Burns' casino, episode "$pringfield".
- Union leader episode "Last Exit to Springfield".
- Monkey Mr. Burns, Homer vs. Dignity.
- monorail driver, Marge vs. the Monorail".
- Manager (three times)
- Lurnil Lumpkin episode "Colonel Homer"
- Sads McDuff, episode "Old Yeller Bell"
- Lisa and Cameron, episode "A Star Is Torn".
- Missionary episode "Missionary: Impossible".
- Target for training dogs , episode "I Married Marge".
- Gravedigger , episode "Treehouse of Horror II".
- non-canonical profession
- Musician (three times)
- Member, songwriter, and composer of The Rascals, episode of Homer's Barbershop Quartet.
- Writer of "Everybody Hates Ned Flanders", episode "Dude, Where's My Ranch?".
- Writer of songs he wrote for his daughter, episode "A Star Is Torn".
- Vocalist of the grunge band "Sadgasm", episode "That 90's Show"
- Mayor of New Springfield, episode "A Tale of Two Springfields". (was also the candidate for mayor of of all of Springfield in the episode "See Homer Run").
- Beggar episode "Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore".
- Founder and JVP of his own company , episode "Das Bus".
- Hunter episode "The Fat and the Furriest".
- Guard (twice)
- at the Springfield Juvenile Hall, episode "The Wandering Juvie".
- private security company created by him, episode "Papa's Got a Brand New Badge".
- Responsible for the sanitary condition of the city .
- Paparazzi episode "Homerazzi".
- Personal assistant (twice)
- Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger episode "When You Dish upon a Star"
- Monty Burns, episode "Homer the Smithers".
- Crazy Clown Airlines pilot , episode "Fear of Flying".
- Writer Homer wrote his autobiography, episode "Treehouse of Horror VII".
- non-canonical profession
- Submariner , on a nuclear submarine, episode "Simpson Tide".
- Firefighter episode "Crook and Ladder".
- ISP episode "Das Bus".
- Seller (seven times)
- child protective equipment, episode "Bye Bye Nerdie".
- at Kwik-E-Mart, episode "Lisa's Pony".
- knives, episode "I Married Marge".
- sugar, episode "Lisa's Rival".
- springs, episode "The Old Man and the "C" Student".
- at Kwik-E-Mart, episode "Lisa's Pony".
- mattresses, episode "The Boys of Bummer".
- Chef (twice)
- at a small Florida diner, episode "Kill the Alligator and Run".
- in a fast food cafe, episode "I Married Marge".
- Subject in the lab, episode "HOMR".
- Singer at the Springfield Opera, episode "The Homer of Seville".
- Working (six times)
- bowling, episode "And Maggie Makes Three"
- at the Tokyo Fish Factory episode "Thirty Minutes over Tokyo"
- at the mini golf course, episode "I Married Marge"
- at the oil station, episode "Half-Decent Proposal"
- at the local hypermarket, episode "On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister"
- Springfield Nuclear Power Plant (main job; later promoted to safety inspector)
- Restaurant Critic episode "Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?".
- Rybak episode "The Wife Aquatic".
- "Salamander Security" episode "See Homer Run" is a person dressed in a salamander costume who explains to children in elementary school how to behave so that nothing happens to them.
- Santa Claus episode "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire".
- Candlestick episode "I Married Marge".
- Priest episode "There's Something About Marrying".
- Death of , episode "Treehouse of Horror XIV".
- non-canonical profession
- Soldier episode "G.I. (Annoyed Grunt)."
- Co-producer remake of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, episode "Beyond Blunderdome".
- Caretaker of Mr. Burns' country house, episode "Treehouse of Horror V".
- non-canonical profession
- Snitch episode "The Seven-Beer Snitch".
- Judge of the Pigs Contest, episode "Simple Simpson".
- Superhero Pie Man episode "Simple Simpson".
- Team Mascot episode "Dancin' Homer".
- Tennis player , episode "Tennis the Menace".
- TV Producer episode "Behind the Laughter".
- non-canonical profession
- Mayor Quimby's Bodyguard episode "Mayored to the Mob".
- Coach of the children's soccer team, episode "Bart Star".
- Manager Globex Corp., Cypress Creek, episode "You Only Move Twice".
- Manager of nuclear plant in India, episode "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore".
- Teacher at Springfield Night School, episode "Secrets of a Successful Marriage".
- Farmer episode "E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)".
- Football referee episode "Marge Gamer".
- Choreographer episode "Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass".
- Chiropractor episode "Pokey Mom".
- Artist informal, Mom and Pop Art episode.
- Circus performer episode "Bart Carny".
- Man Band Homer's first post-school job, "Bart Gets Famous" episode.
- Springfield Police Chief episode "Papa's Got a Brand New Badge".
- Guide at the Museum of Hollywood Fools, episode "When You Dish upon a Star".
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- Exodus. Part 2 ("Lost")
- Vorobyov, Roman Konstantinovich
Complete list of Homer Simpson professions
- Complete list of Homer Simpson's professions
This list is a complete list of professions held by the fictional character of the animated series The Simpsons, Homer Simpson.
Non-canonical professions (such as those in the Halloween episodes) are shown in green font. In the episode "Papa's Got a Brand New Badge", he lists all the professions that he had already worked in before he decided to open his own security agency. In the first 428 episodes, Homer changed 188 professions. All occupations are listed in alphabetical order.
# A B C D E F G I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z
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- 23 E
- Author of surprise cake predictions, episode "A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love".
- Actor (eight times)
- Springfield Nuclear Power Plant commercial, episode "D'oh-in in the Wind"
- in Viagro Wool commercial, episode "Barting Over"
- in Mr. Plow commercial, episode "Mr. Plow"
- in Springfield commercial, episode "Papa's Got a Brand New Badge"
- in the remake of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington episode "Beyond Blunderdome"
- Voice of a character from Itchy & Scratchy episode "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show".
- in the play, episode "Behind the Laughter".
- non-canonical profession
- Activist (twice) - In the episode "Weekend at Burnsie's", Homer advocated for the legalization of marijuana, and in the episode "Hungry, Hungry Homer", he advocated that his favorite baseball team not move from Springfield.
- Climber episode "King of the Hill".
- Armwrestler episode "Marge's Son Poisoning".
- Celebrity Assistant .
- Astronaut , episode "Deep Space Homer".
- Swindler , episode "The Great Money Caper".
- Bartender at Moe's Tavern and Homer's Hunting Club, episode "Homer the Moe".
- Baseball player episode "Homer at the Bat".
- Vagabond , various episodes.
- Boxer episode "The Homer They Fall".
- Marriage Counselor episode "Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play".
- Bootlegger Homer vs. The Eighteenth Amendment.
- Webmaster episode "The Computer Wore Menace Shoes".
- Owner (six times)
- ZiffCorp episode "The Ziff Who Came to Dinner".
- SpringShield, episode "Papa's Got a Brand New Badge".
- Denver Broncos episode "You Only Move Twice".
- "CompuGlobalHyperMegaNet" episode "Das Bus".
- Springfield Nuclear Plant, episode "C.E. D'oh".
- "Mr. Plow", episode "Mr. Plow.
- Driver (five times)
- ambulance episode "Diatribe of a Mad Housewife"
- limousine, episode "Homer vs. Patty & Selma"
- Ice Cream Truck Episode "Ice Cream of Margie (With the Light Blue Hair)"
- snow blower, episode "Mr. Plow.
- tow truck episode "Midnight Towboy".
- Kindergarten teacher , episode "Children of a Lesser Clod".
- Mob boss episode "The Mook, the Chef, the Wife and Her Homer".
- Herald episode "Lisa the Iconoclast".
- Trucker episode "Maximum Homerdrive".
- Butler episode "The Frying Game".
- Village Stupid , episode "Treehouse of Horror XI".
- non-canonical profession
- Detective in Marge's memory, episode "King-Size Homer".
- Car designer in the company of his half-brother Gerb.
- Horse trainer , episode "Saddlesore Galactica".
- Journalist episode "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show".
- Inventor episode "The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace, Flaming Moe's, The Old Man and the "C" Student".
- FBI Informant episode "The Trouble with Trillions".
- Nuclear power plant safety inspector Homer's main job.
- Executive Director of Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, episode "C.E. D'oh".
- Executive Vice President of the nuclear power plant (while smoking marijuana), episode "Weekend at Burnsie's".
- Candidate for Mayor of Springfield, See Homer Run.
- Film Critic Judge at the Springfield Film Festival episode "A Star Is Burns".
- Killer , episode "Treehouse of Horror XVIII".
- non-canonical profession
- Clown episode "Homie the Clown".
- Salesman , Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy.
- Consultant remake of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, episode "Beyond Blunderdome".
- Smuggler (four times)
- medicines episode "Midnight Rx"
- beers, episode "Homer vs. The Eighteenth Amendment"
- vegetables, episode "Itchy & Scratchy Land"
- sugar, episode "Sweets and Sour Marge".
- Concept artist episode "The Great Money Caper".
- Dealer at Monty Burns' casino, episode "$pringfield".
- Union leader episode "Last Exit to Springfield".
- Monkey Mr. Burns, Homer vs. Dignity.
- monorail driver, Marge vs. the Monorail".
- Manager (three times)
- Lurnil Lumpkin episode "Colonel Homer"
- Sads McDuff, episode "Old Yeller Bell"
- Lisa and Cameron, episode "A Star Is Torn".
- Missionary episode "Missionary: Impossible".
- Target for training dogs , episode "I Married Marge".
- Gravedigger , episode "Treehouse of Horror II".
- non-canonical profession
- Musician (three times)
- Member, songwriter, and composer of The Rascals, episode of Homer's Barbershop Quartet.
- Writer of "Everybody Hates Ned Flanders", episode "Dude, Where's My Ranch?".
- Writer of songs he wrote for his daughter, episode "A Star Is Torn".
- Vocalist of the grunge band "Sadgasm", episode "That 90's Show"
- Mayor of New Springfield, episode "A Tale of Two Springfields". (was also the candidate for mayor of of all of Springfield in the episode "See Homer Run").
- Beggar episode "Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore".
- Founder and JVP of his own company , episode "Das Bus".
- Hunter episode "The Fat and the Furriest".
- Guard (twice)
- at the Springfield Juvenile Hall, episode "The Wandering Juvie".
- private security company created by him, episode "Papa's Got a Brand New Badge".
- Responsible for the sanitary condition of the city .
- Paparazzi episode "Homerazzi".
- Personal assistant (twice)
- Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger episode "When You Dish upon a Star"
- Monty Burns, episode "Homer the Smithers".
- Crazy Clown Airlines pilot , episode "Fear of Flying".
- Writer Homer wrote his autobiography, episode "Treehouse of Horror VII".
- non-canonical profession
- Submariner , on a nuclear submarine, episode "Simpson Tide".
- Firefighter episode "Crook and Ladder".
- ISP episode "Das Bus".
- Seller (seven times)
- child protective equipment, episode "Bye Bye Nerdie".
- at Kwik-E-Mart, episode "Lisa's Pony".
- knives, episode "I Married Marge".
- sugar, episode "Lisa's Rival".
- springs, episode "The Old Man and the "C" Student".
- at Kwik-E-Mart, episode "Lisa's Pony".
- mattresses, episode "The Boys of Bummer".
- Chef (twice)
- at a small Florida diner, episode "Kill the Alligator and Run".
- in a fast food cafe, episode "I Married Marge".
- Subject in the lab, episode "HOMR".
- Singer at the Springfield Opera, episode "The Homer of Seville".
- Working (six times)
- bowling, episode "And Maggie Makes Three"
- at the Tokyo Fish Factory episode "Thirty Minutes over Tokyo"
- at the mini golf course, episode "I Married Marge"
- at the oil station, episode "Half-Decent Proposal"
- at the local hypermarket, episode "On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister"
- Springfield Nuclear Power Plant (main job; later promoted to safety inspector)
- Restaurant Critic episode "Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?".
- Rybak episode "The Wife Aquatic".
- "Salamander Security" episode "See Homer Run" is a person dressed in a salamander costume who explains to children in elementary school how to behave so that nothing happens to them.
- Santa Claus episode "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire".
- Candlestick episode "I Married Marge".
- Priest episode "There's Something About Marrying".
- Death of , episode "Treehouse of Horror XIV".
- non-canonical profession
- Soldier episode "G.I. (Annoyed Grunt)."
- Co-producer remake of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, episode "Beyond Blunderdome".
- Caretaker of Mr. Burns' country house, episode "Treehouse of Horror V".
- non-canonical profession
- Snitch episode "The Seven-Beer Snitch".
- Judge of the Pigs Contest, episode "Simple Simpson".
- Superhero Pie Man episode "Simple Simpson".
- Team Mascot episode "Dancin' Homer".
- Tennis player , episode "Tennis the Menace".
- TV Producer episode "Behind the Laughter".
- non-canonical profession
- Mayor Quimby's Bodyguard episode "Mayored to the Mob".
- Coach of the children's soccer team, episode "Bart Star".
- Manager Globex Corp., Cypress Creek, episode "You Only Move Twice".
- Manager of nuclear plant in India, episode "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bangalore".
- Teacher at Springfield Night School, episode "Secrets of a Successful Marriage".
- Farmer episode "E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)".
- Football referee episode "Marge Gamer".
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