5 year old lessons
How to Homeschool a 5 Year Old
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Homeschooling a 5 year old is an adventure. A whole new world of learning is waiting for your rambunctious and curious child. Your challenge is finding the right homeschooling strategies and resources to open up that world.
The following information will help you do that, by providing you with guidance on homeschool activities for 5 year olds, curriculum options, scheduling ideas and how Time4Learning sparks a child’s imagination. Topics include:
- What Should a 5 Year Old Be Learning?
- How To Start Homeschooling a 5 Year Old
- What Should a Curriculum for a 5 Year Old Look Like?
- How Time4Learning Helps You Homeschool Your 5 Year Old
- Tips for Homeschooling a 5 Year Old
What Should a 5 Year Old Be Learning?
Five year old students are traditionally in kindergarten. At that grade level they should be learning basic concepts in reading, writing and math, and also be improving their motor skills by using hands-on activities. Additional learning goals should include:
- Writing their first and last name
- Knowing the letters of the alphabet
- Improving and practicing phonetic skills
- Recognizing and writing numbers up to 20
- Identifying time to the nearest hour using digital and analog clocks
- Ordering events in a sequence
- Doing simple addition and subtraction problems
- Reciting the days of the week and months of the year
- Using qualitative and quantitative observation
- Understanding the characteristics that animals share
How to Start Homeschooling a 5 Year Old
Homeschooling a five year old can be a bit like driving a bumper car — one moment things are going smooth and the next moment, boom! Minimize the “booms” by preparing yourself for the upcoming year using the following steps:
- Step 1: Check your state laws for compulsory attendance. Ages vary when attendance is mandatory, but it’s always safer to investigate the required days per year that you must homeschool your child.
- Step 2: Choose a homeschooling curriculum or curricula that fits your child’s learning styles.
- Step 3: Decide on a schedule. You may have to modify your schedule occasionally, which is natural.
- Step 4: Join a local homeschooling group that shares your homeschooling vision.
- Step 5: Set your homeschooling goals (don’t set concrete goals, as they tend to change as the year progresses).
- Step 6: Don’t forget to have fun and include activities such as field trips.
Homeschooling Planner
Start planning out your homeschooling days with this free easy to use daily planner.
Get Started With This Daily Planner
What Should a Curriculum for a 5 Year Old Look Like?
Most experienced homeschoolers discover that there is no one perfect curriculum. They use a few different resources, depending on their children’s learning styles and their family dynamic.
But there are some basic guidelines you should follow when figuring out what to teach a 5 year old at home. A homeschool curriculum for a 5 year old should offer:
- Access to subjects such as language arts, math and science
- Worksheets and other resources that will diversify your child’s learning experience
- Game-based instruction that makes learning more difficult concepts easier
- Interactive lessons that challenge and entertain your child
- Resources for parents that offer assistance with grading and portfolio creation
- Comprehensive lesson planners
- Subjects that correlate to your state’s standards
How Time4Learning Helps You Homeschool Your 5 Year Old
Homeschooling a five year old is challenging. So, it helps when you have a curriculum product that makes your life easier by providing interactive lessons that engage your child, parent resources, 24/7 access and an inexpensive monthly fee among other things. The 5 year old curriculum benefits that Time4Learning offers include:
- Activity planners and curriculum calculators that will help you stay organized and make plans for the year.
- A self-paced approach that allows your children to learn important math, language arts and science concepts at a speed that suits their needs.
- A multimedia-based curriculum that is great for all types of learning styles as well as students with special needs.
- Interactive lessons that incorporate fun cartoon characters that make learning difficult concepts easier for children.
- A focus on fundamental concepts in all the core subjects to help students meet learning objectives.
- An automated grading and recordkeeping system that makes it simple for you to keep track of your student’s progress and create homeschool portfolios.
Is Time4Learning the only online curriculum you can use when you homeschool your 5 year old? No. You can compare Time4Learning to other popular online curricula, to see which curriculum may be the ideal fit for your child.
Remember that you can always choose to blend the best parts of more than one curriculum (called an eclectic approach) to truly fit the needs of your 5 year old.
Tips for Homeschooling a 5 Year Old
It doesn’t matter if you are a new or experienced homeschooler, every parent can use a helping hand. That’s why we included these additional tips. They will help you maximize your child’s homeschool experience and overcome the challenges that you might face on a daily basis. Use these tips during your homeschool year.
- Kids at this age love having fun, so create a homeschool schedule for a 5 year old that includes exciting outdoor activities, such as trips to the library and the local park.
- Use hands-on activities such as blocks, dice and board games for learning math.
- Provide plenty of breaks during the day to avoid burnout.
- Read out loud, sing songs and recite rhyming stories to build up your child’s vocabulary and communication skills.
- It’s important that 5 year olds interact with kids their own age.
So, arrange social activities with other homeschoolers.
- Include computer games, apps and resources that will help your children become adept at using technology. Tech skills become even more important as they grow older.
- Don’t get caught up in how other homeschoolers or traditional schools are teaching their kids. What works for your kids and your family is the perfect way.
Fun learning activities for 5-6-year-olds
Your child will probably have started synthetic phonic activities at school so finding time to enjoy playing with letters and sounds in games at home will really help them with that.
Other activities can help your little ones to develop key skills such as speaking, listening and numeracy. If you’re not sure what your child’s doing in school, you can find out more about it in our school section and click on their year group to disover more.
We’ve pulled together our top five ideas here and hope you’ll have fun testing them out!

- Listen to and join in with rhyming stories, like Julia Donaldson’s The Gruffalo.
- Play rhyming games, or sing an action rhyme.
- Make silly rhyming jokes. For example: What do you call a smelly elephant? A smellyphant! What do you call an elephant watching TV? A tellyphant!
2. Phonic games
- Play snap or bingo with letters and sounds. Write letters on pieces of papers or cards, to create homemade flashcards. Make two for each letter. Use them to play snap. You could also create a bingo card with eight boxes – each one containing a letter. Put the flashcards into a pile, facing down and take it in turns to be the bingo caller.
- Play phonics fishing! Use homemade letter flashcards, add a paperclip to each, tie a magnet to some string and a stick and ask your child to ‘fish’ for a particular sound.
- Play ‘I spy’ games (for example, ‘I spy something beginning with a…’, using the letter sound) when you are out and about.
For help with letter sounds, take a look at our sound chart.
Activity: Vowel sounds
Practise phonics by matching the pictures to the vowel sounds.
Activity: Phonics guidance
Learn how to say all the phonics sounds (phonemes) and letters.
3. Memory games
- Play ‘Kim’s game’. Put a few items on a tray (for example, a crayon, an apple, a building brick, a toy car). Then look, cover, remember and check!
- Talk about, photograph or write out some ‘events’ from something you have done together – can your child remember the correct order?
- Go shopping – try to remember the list together!
4. Listening games
- Play games such as ‘Simon says’ – party games are often good ways to practice speaking, listening, and memory skills, without them even noticing!
- Listen to music and talk about the instruments being played – find pictures on the internet together.
5. Action games
- Make a puppet theatre with cardboard boxes or a towel over a chair and encourage your child to make up or retell a story to you (or any willing family members!).
- Have lots of fun dressing up with clothes and props at home so that your child can dress up as a character and act out favourite stories. You can find lots of cheap props and clothes for dressing up in charity shops.
- Play games such as ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’, but write the times down for them to read instead of saying them.
6. Tactile games
- Use magnetic letters to spell names and simple words on the fridge or radiator.
- Use modelling clay to make your child’s name or simple words like mum.
- Enjoy jigsaws together and chat about finding the right pieces!
7. Screen games
- Watch TV programmes linked to books and then read the books afterwards. Little Princess, Katie Morag, and Charlie and Lola are good places to start. Talk about what they like or don’t like about the characters.
- Find story-telling sites like Little Kingdom, story-telling TV programmes, or story apps for your phone.
8. Car journey games
- Play ‘The cook’s cat is an amazing cat/beautiful cat/clever cat/daft cat…‘ and so on, and then make up your own versions (for example, ‘The doctor’s dog…‘).
- Play this noisy version of the car game, ‘Who can spot…?’. It’s great fun – but check out with the driver first before you start this one! Decide on a noise, or a word to call, when you spot the things you’re looking out for. For example, ‘Bang!’ for a yellow car, ‘Buzzz!’ for a bus, and ‘Wow!’ for a bird.
- Listen to an audiobook.
Video: Car journey games
Get ideas for fun and educational car games for kids! Educational author and parent Isabel Thomas shares her ideas to relieve the boredom of long car journeys.
9. Out and about activities
- Ask your child to find the things you need to buy when out shopping by reading the labels on products together.
- Check out your local library or community centre to find out what special activities or clubs are running.
- Try to do a few visits or find some information together to link with the topic or project work at school.
10. Reading books of all kinds together
- Carry on reading books of all kinds to and with your child: picture, pop up, information, poetry, eBooks, print books… and the levelled books brought home from school. Video or record your child reading them for fun!
- Why not choose a book from our free eBook library to share on-screen together?
Educational activities and online games for children 5 years old from Kids Smart
Puzzle games and online tasks for a child of five years old
19 219
tasks for children 5 years old
Attention and memory
Remember and guess
Mirror cubes 9002 Find the Fragment
Magic Dots
Wonder Cubes
Find the Pair
Collect the Picture
Collect the Animal
Collect the Photo
Electronic watches
Watch with arrows
Reading and diploma
Select the letter
Find excess 9000,0002 9000
Additions 9000
Same objects
Find the shadow
Learn to count to 10
Count animals
Learn numbers from 0 to 9
We consider items
The composition of the number up to 10
Funny score
Color and black and white
We distinguish colors
Study colors
Color figures
Figures and subjects
Study figures
Small or large
Short or long
Learning to count up to 20
Learning numbers from 10 to 20
Numerical row
We consider animals
The composition of the number up to 20
We consider items
on the order of
Wordsia Addition (up to 20)
Addition (up to 10)
Compare numbers (up to 20)
Compare numbers (up to 10)
Subtract (up to 5)
Subtraction (up to 20)
Subtraction (up to 10)
Add (up to 5)
Make a word
Alphabetical order
Musical instruments
Learning to count up to 100
Numbers in order
Learning numbers up to 100
Number series
Attention and memory
Remember and guess
Mirror cubes
Find a fragment
Magic points
Miracle Cubics
Find a couple
Pick the picture
PEAD 9000
Clock arithmetic
Reading and literacy
Choose a letter
Letters in order 9Ol000
Composition of numbers up to 10
Cheerful counting
Color and black and white
Distinguishing colors
Color sorting
We study the colors
Color figures
Figures and subjects
Study figures
Small or large
Short or long
Learning to count up to 20,
Learning a number from 10 to 20,
of the numerical series
Counting animals
Composition of numbers up to 20
Counting objects
Numbers in order
Letter at the beginning of
Find the word
Collect the word
letter at the end of
Entertaining mathematics
Add (up to 20)
Add (up to 10)
Comparison of numbers (up to 20)
Comparison of numbers (up to 10)
Subject (up to 5)
Subtraction (up to 20)
Subtraction (up to 10)
Addition (up to 5)
Make a Word
Alphabetical Order
Musical instruments
Learning to count up to 100
on the order of
Learning up to 100
numerical series
Useful development games for five years!
A five-year-old child shows more patience, attention and memory are strengthened, he has a developed fantasy and imagination. This section presents educational activities and games online for children aged 5 years , which cover a wide range of topics and subjects necessary for the development of children at the age of five. Logical tasks, studying time by the clock, learning the alphabet and counting, shapes and colors. Learning tasks located in this category help to expand vocabulary, learn to count and solve simple problems, train attention and logical thinking.
Individual training!
Our system automatically adapts to each child and adjusts the level of difficulty of developmental and educational exercises for children aged 5 years. Training sessions are held in an understandable and playful educational form. Children gradually learn and consolidate knowledge, and the system gradually increases the complexity of the exercises. If the child does not cope with the current level of tasks, the platform will offer easier exercises.
Various tasks!
Online educational activities for children aged 5 broaden the horizons of the child, are a convenient way to acquire the necessary skills for preschoolers, shape the perception of the world around and help prepare for school. The development of mathematical skills, memory, attention, creative thinking, the ability to analyze and make decisions - all this in one online platform Kids Smart.
Make the most of the service!
It is very important for a five-year-old child to develop his abilities, this will be useful both at school and in the future. Children at this age are open to new knowledge and curious. Training sessions with a five-year-old kid take about 12-15 minutes. Educational games can be divided into days of the week, for example, on Monday - mathematics, on Tuesday - the study of the alphabet, and on Wednesday - logic classes.
Also, a parent can create their own workout for a 5-year-old child, consisting of all subjects at once, as well as use the suggested workouts on the site. Do not forget that you need to practice systematically in order to achieve a result.
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Educational activities, games and exercises for children online
Fun games, exercises and activities for children by age group.
Educational games for boys and girls. Choose the age you want and get started!
Practice on any device, anytime.
68 962
activities for children
Exercises by topic
2 years
First Steps
3 years
3Beginning of education
New discoveries
What your child needs!
Dear parents, on the Kids Smart platform, all educational exercises and games for children online are distributed by subject/topic and by age groups. In this section of our service, exercises are specially selected for a certain age of the student.
First, you can try to go through several exercises from different groups, then, in the process of performing developmental activities and games, determine in which group your child will be comfortable and productive in learning. Depending on the preparation of the child, you can choose tasks according to his age or go to the older or younger group of games.
Educational games on any device and at a convenient time!
Also developing exercises for children are divided into three levels of difficulty. The service will automatically select the difficulty level of the exercise for each child, taking into account the learning statistics. By performing correctly developing tasks, the service will increase the level of complexity and adapt individually to the student. Periodically, the system issues tasks for repetition, which helps to remember and repeat the material covered.
Kids Smart is convenient because it is possible to perform educational activities online both on a PC and on smartphones, tablet computers and netbooks from anywhere in the world. One registration is enough for you to be able to log in from any device.
A huge number of tasks!
Fascinating, informative, interesting games and tasks for children help develop attention, logical thinking, train memory and other useful skills in a child. Developing online classes help preschoolers to learn new knowledge, and schoolchildren to consolidate the skills learned in the classroom.
Our team regularly updates and expands the database of exercises and educational games for the development of children online, adding new tasks and items. Show children the fascinating world of new knowledge, develop the ability and train the mind of the child.
Develop logic, intelligence, memory and imagination!
Completing our activities for kids is fun and rewarding! You can devote very little time to doing exercises and tasks online (10-20 minutes a day), and the acquired knowledge and skills will definitely come in handy for your baby.