Activities for 5 year olds at school
7 Fun And Easy Learning Activities For 5-Year-Olds
It can be challenging to find the right activities for 5-year-olds. It was easier when they were younger, wasn’t it? All you needed to do was place a colorful, fluffy, or musical toy in front of them, and they would be completely fascinated by the object for a long time.
But things have changed. Over the past few years, your 5-year-old has seen so much physical, mental, emotional, and social growth and development, and simple toys don’t cut it anymore.
To help your child continue learning and developing at a healthy rate, it’s essential to find relevant activities for their age. But where do you start?
Look no further! The Homer team knows a thing or two about creative activities for kids. In this article, we’ll share some fun and engaging games your 5-year-old will fall in love with while learning.
Importance Of Learning Activities For 5-Year-Olds
Learning activities play an important role in early childhood development. However, when parents come across this information, they often assume they need to create the most elaborate games to help maximize learning. That’s not the case.
For example, simple games and activities such as painting or playing house help develop language and emotional skills, creativity, and fine motor skills, among other things.
Also, when children engage in physical activities such as running, jumping, or skipping, it contributes to their gross motor development.
In addition, if an activity is challenging (think tricky puzzles or building a tall lego tower), it helps children learn how to follow through on a project and problem-solve. Ultimately, this helps build confidence and gives children a sense of ownership and accomplishment.
Learning activities for 5-year-olds are also great to help beat boredom. A child who has nothing to do for the day can often become irritable or display disruptive behavior. That’s not ideal for them (or you!), so it’s important to have some go-to activities at the ready.
Finding the right activities for your child is one way you can foster their continued growth and development. So where do you start?
Questions To Ask Before Choosing Activities
Now that you understand the importance of activities for 5-year-olds, here are a few questions to ask yourself to ensure you’re choosing the right ones for your child.
What Will My Child Learn From This Activity?
There are many developmental milestones that are essential for your child to reach — from physical to mental, emotional, and social.
This is why it’s important to incorporate a variety of activities into your child’s play, rather than choosing similar games that help develop the same skills.
Are The Instructions Easy To Understand?
As children get older, the activities and games we introduce them to will naturally become more complex.
While it’s beneficial to keep challenging our children so they learn to think creatively and problem-solve, it’s equally important to not overwhelm them with games that are simply too complicated for their age group.
Will The Activity Engage My Child’s Senses?
From the moment they are born, our children are seeing, touching, tasting, hearing, and smelling the world around them.
Children use their senses to explore and understand things, so we encourage sensory play in early childhood because it plays a significant role in developing many essential language and cognitive development skills. It also helps children continue exploring and engaging.
7 Fun Activities For 5-year-olds
1) Letter Toss
What You’ll Need:
- Post-its
- Marker
- Rolled-up sock or small beanbag
What To Do:
We love letter toss because it only requires about 10 minutes of set-up time, making it the perfect game to incorporate when you’ve had a busy day or week.
Start by writing uppercase and lowercase letters on individual Post-its (one per page). Then stick the Post-its onto the floor or playroom wall, making sure that there’s space between each one.
Next, have your child stand a few feet away and toss the rolled-up sock at the Post-it notes as you call them out.
You can also pick letters in a word and arrange them in random order. In this version, your child will need to hit the letters in their correct order to spell the word. (You can write the word on a piece of paper for them to have a reference if needed.)
This is a fun and engaging activity to help children practice their alphabet and spelling. All the aiming and throwing is also a great way to help them continue developing their gross motor skills.
2) Cupcake Tin Counting Game
What You’ll Need:
- Cupcake tin
- Cupcake liners
- Marker
- A snack with small pieces (e.g., cereal, puffs, blueberries, etc.)
What To Do:
In a nutshell, this activity involves having your child fill each numbered cupcake liner with the corresponding number of snack pieces. For more information on how to play cupcake tin counting, you can check out this link.
This simple activity is excellent for helping children develop their understanding of counting principles (and is a fun way to enjoy some delicious treats at the end!).
3) Create A Storytelling Map
What You’ll Need:
- A huge piece of craft or butcher paper
- Marker
- Crayons
What To Do:
The aim of this activity is simple: Create a giant storytelling map using a marker, crayons, and craft or butcher paper. (You can even take this activity outside and use your backyard layout as a guide for the map.)
Encourage your child to use their creativity and come up with their own ideas for this invented world. The map might lead to a magic castle, a haunted house, or even a mystical forest. Let their imagination run wild!
If you have multiple children, this is an excellent game for sibling or all-family play. And if you do take the activity outside, there’s the added benefit of sunshine and fresh air.
4) Draw To Music
What You’ll Need:
- Papers
- Markers, crayons, colored pencils, watercolor paints, etc.
- Classical music playing in the background
What To Do:
Music — you listen to it, of course, but have you considered making drawings to match what you hear?
This is a simple but wonderful activity for many children. All you need is drawing and painting materials and, of course, music.
As the music plays in the background, encourage your child to draw or paint anything they want. To help them get started, you can ask questions like, “How does the music make you feel? What does it remind you of?”
This is one of those activities where the journey is much more important than the destination. It really doesn’t matter if the colors they choose clash or the lines are too harsh. We’re not talking about creating a Picasso here but, rather, engaging the senses with this experience.
Treat this activity as a great sensory (auditory and visual) learning opportunity that your child can enjoy for some uninterrupted quiet time.
5) HOMER Character Cut-Outs
What You’ll Need:
- This printable from HOMER
- Crayons or markers
- Scissors
- Glue
- Cardboard or cardstock
- Popsicle sticks (optional)
What To Do:
Start this activity by encouraging your child to color the characters. Once they’ve colored them how they’d like, have them cut the characters’ shapes out. Next, help your child glue the characters onto cardboard or cardstock.
Voila! It’s time to play!
This is a great way to encourage imaginative play, as your child can bring the characters to life (and even create a play). This really helps encourage creativity!
For some inspiration, check out this link.
6) Create A Rainbow Suncatcher
What You’ll Need:
- Colored gift tissue paper
- Cotton balls
- Scissors
- Clear tape
- Wax paper
- Clear-drying school glue
What To Do:
Begin with cutting the colored tissue paper into squares. Then make the rainbow shape by drawing six lines on the wax paper with your glue.
Next, encourage your child to glue down the tissue paper onto each line in rainbow color order (you can hand your child a picture of the rainbow as a guide). Lastly, add cotton balls below the rainbow to represent clouds.
This is a great activity to teach your child the colors of the rainbow and to continue developing their fine motor skills.
7) Make An Ocean
What You’ll Need:
- Medium bin or deep tray
- Dried pasta for coral
- Paint
- Play-Doh
- Water
- Scoops of cups for playing in the water
- Ocean creature toys and loose parts like pebbles, shells, and starfish
- Blue food coloring (optional)
What To Do:
For detailed instructions on creating your very own ocean, check out this link to our Ocean Sensory Bin.
After finishing the creation with your child, encourage them to touch and feel all the interesting ocean creatures. This is a great sensory activity to help children explore and investigate some of the amazing fish found in our seas.
Have Fun At Home With Activities For 5-Year-Olds
We hope one thing’s clear from our above list of activities for 5-year-olds — your child can have so much fun learning right at home!
You also don’t have to bend over backward trying to get them the latest toys. There’s so much joy and learning that can come from using everyday household items.
For more fun, engaging, and learning activities to try out at home, check out the HOMER Learn & Grow App!
Fun learning activities for 5-6-year-olds
Your child will probably have started synthetic phonic activities at school so finding time to enjoy playing with letters and sounds in games at home will really help them with that.
Other activities can help your little ones to develop key skills such as speaking, listening and numeracy. If you’re not sure what your child’s doing in school, you can find out more about it in our school section and click on their year group to disover more.
We’ve pulled together our top five ideas here and hope you’ll have fun testing them out!
1. Rhyming games
- Listen to and join in with rhyming stories, like Julia Donaldson’s The Gruffalo.
- Play rhyming games, or sing an action rhyme.
- Make silly rhyming jokes. For example: What do you call a smelly elephant? A smellyphant! What do you call an elephant watching TV? A tellyphant!
2. Phonic games
- Play snap or bingo with letters and sounds. Write letters on pieces of papers or cards, to create homemade flashcards. Make two for each letter. Use them to play snap. You could also create a bingo card with eight boxes – each one containing a letter. Put the flashcards into a pile, facing down and take it in turns to be the bingo caller.
- Play phonics fishing! Use homemade letter flashcards, add a paperclip to each, tie a magnet to some string and a stick and ask your child to ‘fish’ for a particular sound.
- Play ‘I spy’ games (for example, ‘I spy something beginning with a…’, using the letter sound) when you are out and about. For help with letter sounds, take a look at our sound chart.
Activity: Vowel sounds
Practise phonics by matching the pictures to the vowel sounds.
Activity: Phonics guidance
Learn how to say all the phonics sounds (phonemes) and letters.
3. Memory games
- Play ‘Kim’s game’. Put a few items on a tray (for example, a crayon, an apple, a building brick, a toy car). Then look, cover, remember and check!
- Talk about, photograph or write out some ‘events’ from something you have done together – can your child remember the correct order?
- Go shopping – try to remember the list together!
4. Listening games
- Play games such as ‘Simon says’ – party games are often good ways to practice speaking, listening, and memory skills, without them even noticing!
- Listen to music and talk about the instruments being played – find pictures on the internet together.
5. Action games
- Make a puppet theatre with cardboard boxes or a towel over a chair and encourage your child to make up or retell a story to you (or any willing family members!).
- Have lots of fun dressing up with clothes and props at home so that your child can dress up as a character and act out favourite stories.
You can find lots of cheap props and clothes for dressing up in charity shops.
- Play games such as ‘What’s the time Mr Wolf?’, but write the times down for them to read instead of saying them.
6. Tactile games
- Use magnetic letters to spell names and simple words on the fridge or radiator.
- Use modelling clay to make your child’s name or simple words like mum.
- Enjoy jigsaws together and chat about finding the right pieces!
7. Screen games
- Watch TV programmes linked to books and then read the books afterwards. Little Princess, Katie Morag, and Charlie and Lola are good places to start. Talk about what they like or don’t like about the characters.
- Find story-telling sites like Little Kingdom, story-telling TV programmes, or story apps for your phone.
8. Car journey games
- Play ‘The cook’s cat is an amazing cat/beautiful cat/clever cat/daft cat…‘ and so on, and then make up your own versions (for example, ‘The doctor’s dog…‘).
- Play this noisy version of the car game, ‘Who can spot…?’. It’s great fun – but check out with the driver first before you start this one! Decide on a noise, or a word to call, when you spot the things you’re looking out for. For example, ‘Bang!’ for a yellow car, ‘Buzzz!’ for a bus, and ‘Wow!’ for a bird.
- Listen to an audiobook.
Video: Car journey games
Get ideas for fun and educational car games for kids! Educational author and parent Isabel Thomas shares her ideas to relieve the boredom of long car journeys.
9. Out and about activities
- Ask your child to find the things you need to buy when out shopping by reading the labels on products together.
- Check out your local library or community centre to find out what special activities or clubs are running.
- Try to do a few visits or find some information together to link with the topic or project work at school.
10. Reading books of all kinds together
- Carry on reading books of all kinds to and with your child: picture, pop up, information, poetry, eBooks, print books… and the levelled books brought home from school. Video or record your child reading them for fun!
- Why not choose a book from our free eBook library to share on-screen together?
Interesting activities for preschoolers. What to do with a 5-year-old child at home: organizing children's leisure
Knowledge that a 5-6 year old child should have
If the baby has well-developed basic mental functions, such as memory, thinking, attention, perception and imagination, as well as speech and fine motor skills of the hand, then it will be quite easy for a first grader to learn the program material at school. But the development of intelligence in crumbs at preschool age is much more effective.
- forward and backward counting within 10;
- composition of numbers within 10;
- visual image of numbers and their spelling;
- mathematical operations within the first ten - addition and subtraction, knowledge of the signs by which they are denoted - "+", "-";
- set comparison - greater than, less than, equal to; signs - ">", "<", "=";
- understanding and precise, correct answer to the question: how much? Which the? What's the score?
- Ability to compose and solve a problem in one step - addition and subtraction;
- orientation in space: up, down, forward, backward, before, after, right, left; know the concepts of “lower-higher”, “longer-shorter”, “further-closer”;
- knowledge of basic geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle, trapezoid, rhombus; and geometric bodies: cube, ball, cylinder, pyramid;
- the ability to determine the shape of various bodies - round, square, rectangular, triangular;
- division of a circle and a square into 2 and 4 identical parts;
- ability to solve simple puzzles.
Logical thinking:
- classification of objects according to some attribute;
- compiling stories according to the proposed illustration or continuing the story according to a given beginning;
- the ability to find an object that does not belong to this group, superfluous;
- establishing patterns and continuing the series.
Speech development:
- the baby should know his last name, first name, patronymic, age, city of residence, address and phone number, names of parents and grandparents, place of work of parents, profession;
- the quality of coherent speech is almost the same as in adults;
- pronounce all speech sounds clearly; speech should be coherent, expressive;
- be able to use prepositions, change words according to numbers, cases;
- emotionally color your speech with the help of intonation;
- distinguish and be able to use incentive and declarative sentences, interrogative and exclamatory;
- ask questions, reason and argue;
- participate in a dialogue, conduct a monologue;
- know poems by heart, tell them expressively; retell great works.
- If the child is not yet familiar with letters, cannot read, then now is the time to start doing it
Knowledge of the surrounding world:
- know the names and classify all the objects around him: furniture, clothes, shoes, dishes, household appliances, wild and domestic animals, plants, fruits, vegetables and berries, know the names of fairy tales that he loves and the names of fairy-tale characters, the names of his favorite cartoons;
- know the months in order, according to the seasons, name the current month, days of the week.
Self-service skills:
- etiquette rules;
- use the phone;
- without reminders to wash, brush teeth, wash hands with soap and water after using the toilet and walking, rinse mouth after eating;
- be able to insert a thread into a needle, learn to sew on a button;
- to use buttons, laces and buttons;
- take care of your appearance, nails, clothes, hair;
- know the basic rules of the road.
Memory development:
- memorize 5-6 visual images;
- 4-5 words, not interconnected;
- repeat 5-6 actions that were shown to adults.
Things to consider when organizing classes
Education should be organized in all activities of children. They must improve the skills of modeling, designing, drawing. But at the age of 5-6, a gradual transition to a learning style begins, when children need to be taught to perform the required tasks. Children still feel the need for play activities. Based on this, the learning process, although it becomes more focused, also includes elements of the game.
The intelligence of a child is determined by such cognitive processes as attention, imagination, perception and memory.
The attention of children 5-6 years old is characterized by involuntariness; The kid is not yet able to manage his emotions, concentrate and direct attention to important things. Because of this, it can be under external impressions. These impressions are expressed in the fact that the child is quickly distracted, he cannot focus on any one object or action, and the activity must often change. Adult guidance is aimed at gradually increasing the level of concentration. A child with this attitude will develop responsibility for the results of his actions.
It is necessary to teach the child to retell what they have read
This direction of action assumes that the child will conscientiously and carefully perform any tasks, regardless of whether it is interesting or not.
Organization of children's leisure at home
Proper organization of a child's leisure ensures his harmonious development. Children learn the world best in the game. So the child learns, develops and receives a lot of emotions.
Leisure activities at home are different from what you can do with your child on the street. Home games should be calmer, aimed at developing counting and reading, logic and thinking, memory and attention, provide the maximum cognitive effect (distinguishing colors, seasons, learning the rules of the road, the ability to navigate the street, rules of conduct when a child is alone at home , know your first name, last name, address, etc. ).
First of all, the child should be interested and not tiring. Therefore, all classes with preschool children should not exceed 30-35 minutes.
The participation of adults is very useful, but on one condition. Children invite adults themselves or agree to their participation in the game voluntarily. At home, it is very exciting for children to organize all kinds of holidays (Birthday, New Year), you can come up with the name of “your” holiday, to which you invite your child’s friends, organize team competitions, you can add learning a foreign language with the help of cubes.
From the age of five, your child is already a senior preschooler. Therefore, you can already begin to teach him how to handle a pen, suggest drawing small figures in a notebook, coloring pictures, trying not to go beyond the lines. All this helps not only to brighten up the child's leisure time, but also prepares the hand for writing.
Sometimes it becomes necessary for the child to play by himself for some time, so that the adults have time to finish their business. You can offer several activities that can captivate the baby for up to an hour and a half: plasticine, sand, watching cartoons.
Target orientation of classes
Classes that are aimed at the development of children of five or six years old are very diverse. Classes of this type will allow you to gradually transfer game forms into training ones. Such a transition for children is carried out without stress and without problems.
Tasks are presented in the form of solving riddles, coloring pictures. Then the child masters the recipes. Children at the age of 5-6 love to perform logical tasks.
In a children's education program that uses developmental forms, classes should achieve the following goals:
- develop cognitive interest;
- improve creative, physical and intellectual abilities;
- tasks should contribute to a positive attitude towards future schooling.
Memory training game
The program for the specified age group should have tasks:
- on the basics of native speech, which lay the foundation for teaching reading, the Russian language, develop the speech of children.
- mathematical direction - the beginning of arithmetic and geometry, tasks aimed at developing attention, strengthening memory and logical thinking.
- on the formation of interest in nature, the ability to be sensitive to it, as well as the first knowledge of ecology.
- on the study of the physical component of the simplest everyday phenomena and astronomical knowledge.
Children of 5-6 years old are very fond of playing with construction sets
Children of this age are interested in fine arts, they like to design, make some products.
At five or six years old, children can be occupied with various activities for up to two hours - they will not get tired. Moreover, the concentration of attention during this time does not decrease. Children can be involved in activities during this time. Only tasks need to be changed and take small breaks.
What forms of training are most suitable
Use of toys and various games for developmental learning. The big advantage is that children play and learn at the same time on a completely voluntary basis. They are interested in the results, they do not overwork. Thus the development of logic progresses beautifully at Nikitin's games.
Board games gradually teach math, traffic rules, letters and reading. During the game, children develop perseverance, patience and skills of decent behavior.
Artistic creativity is a great way to develop abilities
Creativity at this age is best manifested in the design and implementation of handicrafts. Moreover, the tasks should gradually become more complex, including elements of independent modeling. The child learns to be creative. He learns to think and think logically, develops fine motor skills.
Developmental learning at 5-6 years old is best done through play activities. The child must, in the process of development, prepare for the traditional school system of education.
Classes in kindergarten
In preschool institutions, teachers organize developmental classes, taking into account federal state educational standards (FSES).
Five educational areas constitute the main structure in the organization of developmental activities for children of 6 years old.
Educational area | Classes |
Social and communicative development | Labor, basic life safety, social world |
Cognitive development | World around, mathematics, construction |
Speech development | Literacy, speech development, reading fiction |
Artistic and aesthetic development | Music, drawing, modeling, application |
Physical development | Physical education on the street and in the gym |
Educational and educational processes are inextricably linked. All classes in kindergarten have a developmental focus, as they contribute to the activation of all mental processes, develop motor skills and speech.
Activities at home
There are many interesting activities that you can do with your child at home. All of them are aimed at enhancing attention, memory, thinking and other mental processes, the development of speech and logical thinking.
- Number series. Cards with numbers from 0 to 10 are needed. An adult thinks of two numbers and puts cards with the corresponding numbers in front of the baby (for example, 2 and 8). The task of the child is to lay out cards with the numbers that are between them (in our example, the child must lay out 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 between these numbers).
- Coloring pages in which you first need to draw a picture, connecting the numbers in ascending order;
- Color by number;
- Cottages;
- Copybooks with numbers;
- Laying out numbers from counting sticks.
- Tasks for addition and subtraction. Use visual examples to teach. It will be much more interesting for the kid to count how many sweets were in the vase and how many will be if you eat, for example, 5 sweets, or add 3 more to them. Or count how many apples there were and how many will be if they treat him with one more. And what is interesting for a preschooler, he will learn much faster. For example, you can use colorful illustrations.
- Set comparison;
- Geometric figures;
- It will be very interesting for a child to solve geometric examples.
- Simple plastic cubes will help your child learn basic geometric bodies. They can also help in determining whether an object is round, oval, etc. Build a house with your child, naming geometric bodies - a cube and a pyramid, to build a tower, take a cylinder and a pyramid. Now ask your little one to build something on their own. Let him name which geometric bodies he uses.
- Use puzzles in verse.
They are much more entertaining for a preschooler and they are perceived much easier.
- Children will love the variety of math presentations or flash games on a computer or tablet. They can be successfully used in your home math lessons.
Logical thinking
For the development of logic in children, you can buy interesting didactic games (these can be puzzles “split into groups, lotos, dominoes, etc.) and ready-made notebooks with a variety of colorful illustrations.
If it is possible to print them out on a printer, then you can make excellent educational aids with your own hands by finding such cards on the Internet. In this case, it will be easier for you to choose material for home lessons according to the preferences of your baby.
Various constructor is very useful for the development of logic. In stores it can be purchased for both girls and boys.
Preschoolers will enjoy working with visual material even more. So, for example, you can put 4-5 fruits and one vegetable in a basket and ask the baby to find the extra.
You can offer your child to find something superfluous among animal figurines (according to the wild-domestic principle), find something superfluous among toy furniture (for example, a toy vacuum cleaner - household appliances).
In order for the baby to learn to classify, you can play with bright plastic cubes. They can be divided into groups according to several characteristics (color, shape, size). Ask your child to tell you how he did it. In the same way, you can use almost everything that you have at home.
When teaching your child to tell a story from pictures, try to make coherent speech and complete sentences.
To begin with, you can help a little student by asking leading questions. When the child understands how to do this, you can already ask him to write a story on his own or finish the story you started. Try swapping pictures.
Before starting the story, the kid must guess that the order of the cards is not correct.
Use your imagination and the lesson will turn into an exciting game for the crumbs.
- Find an extra item
- Divide into groups
- Drawing up stories from pictures
- Pattern setting
The development of a child's attention is a hot topic for many parents, as the ability to concentrate will help a preschooler in the learning process and will make it possible to avoid many troubles in everyday life.
Find a Path
Draw 10 intertwined lines of varying lengths. At the end and at the beginning of each of them, draw any objects, for example: a mouse and cheese, a caterpillar and a butterfly. Have the child follow each line and name the object at the beginning and end of the line. First, you can draw lines in different colors and suggest leading along the line with your finger or pencil. Then draw unrelated objects or any numbers and ask them not to use a pencil or finger.
Find the differences
An entertaining task known to everyone since childhood perfectly develops attention. The older the child, the more differences between objects and pictures he needs to find, the less time he is given to complete the task.
Knowledge about the outside world
Lessons about the outside world can be done almost anywhere: at home, in the store, on a walk, in line at the clinic.
When you are in the store, ask your child to name vegetables, fruits, and berries that are familiar to him. Show the ones he doesn't know yet. On a walk, you can remember the types of transport encountered, consider various trees and their leaves, bushes, flowers, grass.
Be sure to talk about what season it is now, look for its signs in nature, remember the names of the months of this season, what month is now, what season was before it and will be after, changes in nature that they will bring with them and the name of the months.
Talk about birds, migratory and wintering species, those that live in the forest and in the city. Remember wild and domestic animals, insects.
While waiting in line at an institution, you can tell your child about the different professions of the people who work there.
Ask your child to remember what they know and can name when they go to clothing and footwear stores.
In a household appliance store, you can introduce your child to one that you don't have at home and explain what it is for.
Introduce the child to new information and remember what he knows everywhere. All this is a great way to introduce the baby to the outside world using examples from life, and the knowledge gained in this way is absorbed much more efficiently.
Also, various didactic games, cards, lotto, dominoes will perfectly help in getting to know the outside world.
Development of speech
The topic of speech classes for children of 6 years old can be any object from the environment of a preschooler. These tasks contribute to the development of figurative thinking and enrich the speech and vocabulary of the future student.
“Describe the object”
The adult names the object, and the preschooler needs to select as many qualities and characteristics for the object as possible: describe the shape, color, weight, taste, smell, size and other characteristics. For example, an apple is large, fragrant, sweet and sour, heavy, round, juicy, ripe, etc.
An adult can describe an object, while a child, on the contrary, guesses it from the description, concretizing the classification.
“Words in reverse”
An adult names a word, and a child suggests the opposite: heavy - light, hard - soft. This game can be diversified by the fact that the host calls not the quality of objects, but objects that have such qualities: instead of hot - the sun, instead of big - the ocean. The preschooler offers his own opposite words: snow, ant.
Do not forget that everything is good in moderation. Overloads can affect the health of the child - there will be fatigue, headaches, poor sleep, reduced immunity.
Learning a foreign language
At preschool age, the language system is laid. The child learns to navigate in the system of signs and concepts. For this, mental functions mature in him. Preschool childhood is a favorable period for mastering a foreign language.
It is worth learning a new language in a playful way, without imposing classes. It is useful to include cartoons in a foreign language, audio recordings of dialogues, and show pictures with words in the lessons. Language learning is combined with creative pursuits and physical activities (such as playing with a ball).
Didactic games
A variety of educational didactic games can help parents to carry out the learning process of a 6-year-old child in a fun and interesting way. Usually these are various thematic cards, lotto or dominoes. You should not buy a lot of manuals, but it is better to choose 2-3 games that will really be useful and will interest a preschooler.
Preparation for school
As part of the preparation for school:
- children are taught to plan activities and achieve results;
- carry out work to improve self-esteem;
- develop the arbitrariness of mental processes;
- preparing hands for writing;
- learn the alphabet and counting.
Classes include game situations. You can not sit a preschooler to study at a desk for 45 minutes, as in a school lesson. The optimal duration of the lesson is 15-20 minutes with a change of activity.
The main leading activity of a preschooler is play. This should not be forgotten by adults who want to work with children. It is while playing that kids most fully learn new knowledge, and this happens voluntarily. During the game, the guys are very interested in the result, they do not get tired even from a large amount of information. Use various games and toys in your activities. Keep in mind the preferences of your baby.
During play activities, children develop perseverance, attentiveness, memory develops, vocabulary expands.
And also the kid learns to think, build logical chains, develop fine motor skills.
The learning process must be organized in all directions. Teach the baby to clearly perform the task assigned to him. During classes, a change in the type of activity and a short break for rest are required. It is necessary to repeat the studied material constantly, until the baby remembers everything well.
These activities will help you prepare your child for school.
Classes for children 5-6 years old in Lipetsk
- 1+
- 3+
- 5+
- 7+
Classes for children from 5 to 6 years old
Do you want your child to study with desire and not lose interest in learning?
Bring him to us, and he will study independently and with pleasure!
We offer comprehensive classes to prepare children for school in a playful way using the latest technologies, so children do not get tired in our classes and study with interest, fun and easily!
You will be amazed by the result
Your child will:
- Be able to read and retell what they have read
- Write in block letters
- Write graphic dictations
- Reason and draw conclusions
- Determine the place of a sound in a word and select words with a given sound
- Divide words into syllables and isolate stressed sounds
- Make sentences from picture
- Answer questions about the content of the text
- Know the classification of sounds: consonants and vowels; hard and soft, voiced and voiceless consonants
- Conduct full sound analysis of the word
- Determine the number of letters and sounds in words
- Know basic geometric shapes
- Read within 20
- Call even and odd numbers
- Solve simple examples and problems
- Say the previous and next number relative to any number within 20
- Know the composition of numbers from 2 to 10
- Compare 2 groups of items
- Know signs +, -, =, >, <
- Determine time relationships (day - week - month - year) know their sequence
- Show interest in everything new and engage in passion
Educational pre-school classes for children aged 5 to 6 will help you gradually, effortlessly prepare your child for school and maintain interest in learning.

Why they trust us
- Testimonials from grateful parents
- We offer gentle and comprehensive development of children
- Classes are held in the form of a game
- Children do not have time to get tired, classes are divided into short blocks
- In groups of no more than 10 people
- Individual approach to each child
- Modern equipment
- Large amount of visual and didactic material
- Online Home Trainer
- We hold open events for parents where you can see the results of your child and rejoice in his success
Come to our center for developmental classes to prepare children for school and see for yourself!
Hours of Operation:
Educational Ready for School take place 2 times a week for 45 minutes.
Groups are formed by appointment
Our centers
- Lipetsk, Sherstobitova, 12
8 (908) 601-64-50 - Lipetsk, st.
Learn more
- Sight words games first grade
- Words that rhyme with helping
- Simple sentences for 5 year olds
- Why is rhyming important for reading
- What are the upper and lower case letters
- Recognizing letters and numbers
- Easy reading for kids
- Techniques to teach reading comprehension
- How to teach kids reading comprehension
- Great tongue twisters
- What is a read aloud book