Activity on following directions
19 Activities for Middle School Students to Improve Following Directions
Whether 1-step directions or multi-step directions, students need practice and clear expectations. Students follow hundreds of directions every year at school and at home. In order to improve their ability to process oral directions and listening skills, you can incorporate fun activities into your school day.
Try some of these 19 activities and notice the difference you will see over a period of time, as students improve with following directions.
1. Science Experiments
Incorporate your school curriculum into teaching kids to follow directions. Using science experiments in your school setting will improve academics, engage students, and strengthen students' following directions skills and abilities.
Learn More: Moms
2. Learn to Code
Further developing science skills and learning to code are beneficial for so many reasons. In addition to helping students learn computer science skills, they can also work on fine motor skills and improve following directions skills. Coding is ideal and appropriate for all grade levels.
Learn More: Teach Your Kids Code
3. Following Direction Logic Puzzle
This worksheet takes on the form of a riddle or secret code to be solved. For students who need a break from screen time, let them try to decipher the code by solving the riddles. The following directions worksheet is a good way to also encourage critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Learn More: Centervention
4. Paper Folding Activity
Simple instructions will be easy to follow and form a unique craft! This activity uses multi-step directions to have students create a paper masterpiece. Students will need to pay attention to directions and details to be successful in this awesome activity.
Learn More: Speech Snacks

This fun and challenging activity allows some creative freedom but requires multi-step directions as well. This activity is great for upper elementary teachers or middle school teachers to use with their students.
Learn More: Pedia Staff
6. Building From Scratch
This activity will require key listening skills. Teaching students to make something with their hands is a great way to improve following directions. This is ideal for motor skills as well. Students may have a harder time working with their hands, so making the teacher aware of expectations is key.
Learn More: Moms
7. Coloring Worksheets
Giving the child directions for this printable activity is key. Lists of directions are included for students to read themselves or for the teacher to call out to them. Precise directions will help students know when to do each step in the process.
Learn More: Tam Aqua K12

This adorable summer Olympics game is great for following directions. Perfectly themed activity sheets are designed for listening activities that focus on teaching students 1-step directions, 2-step sequential directions, and even 3-step sequential directions.
Learn More: Speech Time Fun
9. Leaf Craft
This leaf craft is a perfect hands-on activity for teaching students the importance of following directions. As they listen and perform each task in each step, students' following directions skills will improve with practice.
Learn More: Inspontaneous Speech
10. Following Directions Map
These easily printable maps are easy to use. There are several themes to choose from. Each is accompanied by a list of instructions. Students can read them or listen as teachers read them aloud.
Learn More: Making Learning Fun

Fun games, like this Star Wars following directions game, are great for helping students practice how to properly follow directions. This interactive game allows students to work within groups and collaborate and interact with others.
Learn More: Teach This
12. Glyphs
Glyphs are a fantastic resource for upper elementary and middle school students who need to practice following directions. Students will use white drawing paper to draw a picture, based on listening to directions and using what applies to them individually.
Learn More: Teach With Me
13. Before and After Statements
These before and after statements are great for older kids. This is a way to let students interact in groups and follow directions. On slips of paper, you will write in events and use them to complete this activity.
Learn More: Miss Barrett Speech Language

These printable worksheets will be helpful for children with language skills needing improvement or for students to practice following directions. They are holiday themed and ideal for key listening skills and multi-step directions.
Learn More: Resources From Rachel
15. Can You Follow Directions Quiz Sheet
This fun quiz-type sheet is helpful in assessing how well students follow directions. This is a great way to see if they can follow targeted directions and if not, where the breakdown occurs so you will know what to work on.
Learn More: The Worksheets
16. Following Directions: Directions Sheet
This directions sheet is a breakdown of 4-step directions. Each section requires students to look ahead to see what to do, when to do it, and how to do it. They are working to follow directions in each step.
Learn More: The Worksheets

Relay races get students up and moving. Teachers can customize this activity to get students to practice following directions in a nontraditional way. Students can follow directions and work with their teams to see who can win each challenge.
Learn More: Mr Physed
18. Following Direction Worksheet
This following directions activity is good for working on following directions and literal directions. Students can cut and place items in places, dependent on prepositional directions. This is especially good for bilingual students.
Learn More: The Worksheets
19. Paper Airplanes
Constructing paper airplanes is fun and ideal for practicing following directions. Let students use a template and guide for directions or orally tell them what to do. Either way, they will get good practice and finish with a nice end result.
Learn More: Speech Snacks
7 Core Following Directions Activities for Kids That'll Improve Listening
Inside: Quick and easy following directions activities for kids that will help them practice self-control, emotional regulation and improve listening skills.
There was a joke traveling around years ago from Carrie On Y’all that said, “Maybe if I start yelling ‘Get your shoes on!’ the night before, we could get to school on time the next day.”
Honestly, the struggle is real.
Kids need A LOT of practice to learn basic life skills.
Following directions activities can support better listening skills in your child.
Teaching kids to follow directions isn’t as simple as doing a listening activity for kids, watching fairy dust shower from above, and seeing your kids transform into magical listeners.
Several years ago I was getting ready to take my son to school. He insisted—like life or death insisted—that he needed to wear his green shoes.
So I helped him find his green shoes, laid them out on the floor, and then realized I made a horrible mistake.
He shook his head and said, “No green shoes, mom. Nooo!”
In exactly two minutes, the green shoes went from being my complaining child’s most prized possession to the most horrible and disgusting shoes one could don.
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Teaching kids to follow directions – let’s simplify.
1. Connection first. Attention follows.
A few brief moments using SAY WHAT YOU SEE®, where you describe what your child is thinking, doing, feeling or saying, makes a big difference. This is the building block of connection, and when kids feel connected to you, they are for more likely to cooperate.
It might sound something like, “You’re drawing a picture with big green squares and red lines.”
No brainer, right? And yet, I still find myself talking to my kids without taking a brief moment for connection.
Sharing a set of instructions before you briefly connect with your child is like speaking foreign language. It can fall flat.
I know I have my child’s full attention when I have two things:
- Eye contact
- Eyes level (get down to the child’s level).
2. Be short and specific.
Kids tend to hear a lot of conversational white noise when adults are speaking to them. Say exactly what needs to be said for your child to follow your directions. Trim everything else out.
Instead of… “Hurry up. We gotta get out the door for this appointment. Get your coat lets go.”
Try… “Coat please.” Or, “You’re missing a coat.”
3. Use “wait time.”
This is a great strategy that I learned from a teacher. After giving a set of instructions to your kids, pause for 3-7 seconds to allow their brain to process and apply the information. Research shows kids are more likely to follow directions if you give them “wait time” or a hearty pause.
As adults, we are used to processing information much quicker, but kids…they take time.
Think of it this way: Keeping realistic expectations and waiting is the difference between you giving up and throwing your tea in the air vs. you calmly taking a sip of your tea while you employ “wait time.”
4. Unless you are offering a choice, don’t ask.
If your directions aren’t up for negotiation, keep that door firmly closed. Offering choices is a fabulous way to help end power struggles and enjoy a happier home.
But…everything in life is not always a choice. If you can’t offer a choice within a parental boundary you feel good about, give instructions as a statement, rather than a question.
Instead of… “Can you pick up your toys?”
Try… “I see toys on the floor and it’s time to leave.”
Or if you’d like to offer a choice, you can say something like, “I see blocks and dolls. Show me which one you want to put away first.”
5. Practice using following directions activities.
In order to build great listening skills, kids need a lot of practice…A LOT.
Which makes sense! I think we all can relate to needing a lot of practice before we can get good at anything. I could tell you a few stories about burnt dinner rolls for the past five years, but that’s a story for another day 🙂
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7 core following directions activities for kids.
There are several good ‘ole fashioned standby games to play with kids to help them 1) Listen and hear what you are instructing and 2) Practice following the directions you shared.
1. Simon Says
One person is Simon or Elmo or Dora or Spiderman or Teacher or Whoever, and this person is the “leader.” Simon gives a set of instructions and everyone else follows. The person who doesn’t follow the instructions is “out.” And the person who follows the instructions throughout the game, wins Simon Says.
2. Red Light, Green Light.
One person is the leader who calls out “Red Light” or “Green Light.” When the leader calls out “Red Light,” everyone stops. When the leader calls out “Green Light,” everyone goes. Anyone who doesn’t stop or freeze during “Red Light” is out.
3. Follow the Leader.
Take a walk around your house or outside and whatever you (or the leader) does, everyone else must follow. This is a great game to allow your child to be the leader and have you follow your child. It’s a perfect opportunity to model following directions for your child!
4. Map Game
Try this map game and help your kids work their way through the grid following the directions given. Practice counting and using the words left, right, forward, and backward.
5. Two-step direction games.
Do one of these 2-step direction games with your kids. This is perfect for preschoolers and above! Have your kids follow some of the 2-step directions throughout the day (e.g. Shake your head “yes” and then quack like a duck.) Brilliant!
6. Lego® Game
If you have kids who are old enough to play a board game, try this Lego Game to help your kids practice reading directions and following them.
7. Visual direction activities.
With kids, visual directions are so important! You can make life simpler and fun using visual directions for your kids, such as a printable daily schedule for kids.
- Bedtime routine cards
- Morning routine cards
- Mealtime routine cards
Using routines is a great way to support cooperation and help your kids learn to follow directions.
They are also energy saving, AND a great way to avoid yelling “Green shoes!” ten times every morning or “Eat your dinner!” six times every evening.
Grab your FREE Following Directions Checklist Here!
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I've created a free email series just for you! If you are struggling with teaching your child to listen, this series will help transform your parenting. Yes, really. I've seen my proven strategies work time and time again for parents. I know it can work for you too.
After taking my free email series, you will:
- Learn simple, yet highly effective listening strategies
- Experience a stronger connection with your child
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Click here to sign up!
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Institute of Continuing Pedagogical Education
- 9000 Student Council
- Academic Council INPO
- Conference 2019
- Conference 2020
| Mission of the Institute The Institute of Continuing Pedagogical Education (INPO) of Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav the Wise preserves and continues the glorious traditions associated with more than a century of history of higher pedagogical education in the Novgorod region, organizes and provides training for bachelors, masters and graduate students in areas and profiles in the field of pedagogy and psychology, is a regional center for the development of pedagogical science and practice, recognized in Russia and abroad. |
The structure of INPO includes:
departments: bilingual education, primary, preschool education and social management, pedagogy, psychology, technological and artistic education, physical culture;
an interdisciplinary center for open education, a center for regional problems in adult education, as well as a teaching and research laboratory for folk and arts and crafts.
85 scientists-teachers work in the subdivisions of the Institute, including 12 doctors of sciences, professors and 49candidates of sciences, associate professors.
Currently, INPO trains bachelors and masters in 4 areas: "Pedagogical education" ( undergraduate profiles: technology and computer science; English and German; fine arts and additional education: arts and crafts; primary education and additional education: extracurricular work; physical education; primary education; preschool education; Russian language and literature; education management and social pedagogy; game pedagogy and English; master's profiles: educational management; management and digitalization of technological education; physical Culture and sport; Orthodox culture in modern education; education in the field of physical culture and sports; literary education),
"Psychological and pedagogical education" ( undergraduate profiles: social pedagogy and psychology, inclusive psychology and pedagogy; master's profile: education management),
"Special (defectological) education" ( undergraduate profile: speech therapy; magistracy profile: education of persons with intellectual development problems),
"Psychology" ( undergraduate profiles : psychology; psychology of management; psychological assistance using distance technologies; magistracy profile: social psychology of development).
Students studying in the areas of "Pedagogical Education" and "Psychological and Pedagogical Education" have the opportunity to take part in the international educational project "Double diploma" and receive a diploma from the University of Hildesheim (Germany) along with a Russian diploma. During the project, starting from 2006, more than 30 students of INPO, along with diplomas of graduation from NovSU, received diplomas of graduation from a German university.
INPO pays great attention to research work with students, among whom there are laureates of the special award of the President of Russia for the support of talented youth, winners and prize-winners of all-Russian research and subject competitions and olympiads, scholarship holders of the Oxford Russian Foundation, participants in fundamental scientific research carried out within the framework of Russian and international grants, etc.
The Dissertation Council has been successfully working at the Institute for more than 20 years to defend dissertations for the academic degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in the scientific specialties: “General Pedagogy, History of Pedagogics and Education”, “Theory and Methods of Vocational Education”.
Fundamental research carried out by INPO scientists made it possible to create well-known scientific schools in Russia and abroad, such as: "Professional development of teachers in the system of continuous education" (supervisor: Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor R.M. Sheraizin ), "Development of open educational systems in Russia and abroad" (supervisor: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor M.N. Pevzner ), "Social and system studies of education" (supervisor: Doctor of Sociological Sciences, professor A.M. Osipov ).
For many years INPO has been actively developing international relations with universities in Austria, Belarus, Germany, Latvia, Ukraine, Sweden and the USA qualifications, study and work in foreign universities.
INPO has established and actively operates student self-government bodies, whose leaders are members of the Academic Councils, both of their faculties and the institute, taking part in the discussion and decision-making on all issues of the life of the university. Much attention is paid to the development of the creative abilities of students by involving them in vocal and instrumental groups, theater and fine arts, preparing themed evenings and holidays. A prominent place in the life of the institute is given to physical education and sports. Among INPO students there are champions and winners of city, regional, Russian and international competitions, including the European Championship and the World Cup .
Information published by: Shirin Alexander Glebovich, 01/09/2023 14:06:31
Responsible for information: Anatoly Viktorovich Permyakov
Strategy | Russian Geographical Society
by the Governing Council
of the All-Russian Public Organization
"Russian Geographical Society"
Protocol of the meeting No. 5
from July 06, 2012
All -Russian Public Organization
Russian Geographical Society
900 is a system of measures and steps that provides the basis for achieving long-term goals and objectives of the Company.
The directions of activity laid down in the Strategy continue the path traveled by the Russian Geographical Society over its long history.
The development strategy of the Russian Geographical Society is based on a comprehensive geographical knowledge of Russia and the world in all their diversity, which contributes to the realization of the creative potential of our Motherland and its citizens.
Public initiative can and should be aimed at a deep and comprehensive study and popularization of Russia's geographic, ecological, ethno-cultural and historical identity. The society should promote scientific creativity and education, the development of geography and related sciences, and actively participate in environmental protection activities.
The most important task of the Russian Geographical Society is to unite people who are not indifferent to the nature of the Motherland.
I. Purpose and Tasks
The key goal of the Russian Geographical Society is to consolidate the forces and aspirations of Russian society in the study and popularization of geography and related sciences in order to realize the creative potential of the country and its citizens.
To achieve this goal, the Company sets itself the following tasks:
1. Stimulation and organization of the active participation of society in environmental activities, the formation of an ethic of responsible attitude to the environment.
2. Promoting the natural, historical and cultural heritage of Russia as a matter of national pride.
3. Collection, processing and dissemination of reliable global and national geographical, environmental, ethnographic and statistical information in Russia and abroad.
4. Assistance to scientific creativity, development of geographical and related sciences about nature and society, large-scale dissemination and implementation of the best achievements of domestic science into practice.
5. Attracting wide attention of the international and Russian public to the unique historical, cultural and geographical objects of our country for the intensive development of tourism in Russia.
II. Strategic areas of activity
To achieve long-term goals, the Russian Geographical Society identifies the following areas of activity.
1. Research activities
Research activities of the Russian Geographical Society is a theoretical and applied work aimed at obtaining, systematizing and interpreting geographic information to solve urgent problems facing Russian society.
The priority research areas of the Russian Geographical Society are:
• The study of Russia's geographical, ethno-cultural and historical identity, including unique natural complexes, historical and cultural monuments, which are the basis of the national identity of the peoples of Russia.
• Research in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development, contributing to the conservation of nature in Russian regions and the development of a network of specially protected natural areas.
• Study of the legacy of the Russian Geographical Society.
• Regular production and distribution of specialized and popular publications, as well as cartographic materials for practical use.
• Formation of an expert community in the field of competence of the Company.
2. Information activities
Since 1845, when the Russian Geographical Society was founded, its members set themselves the task of collecting, processing and disseminating reliable geographical information about Russia.
The Russian Geographical Society intends to:
• Continue to collect geographic information. The activities of the Society will be aimed at increasing the volume of information about Russia, replenishing archival, library and museum funds, especially electronic cartographic materials.
• Conduct active dissemination of collected and processed geographic information using all communication channels available to the Company (both existing and those created by the Russian Geographical Society): print publications, television and radio programs, exhibitions, lectures, the Internet, etc. In its activities, the Company will be guided by the principle of a responsible attitude to information and disseminate data obtained taking into account all available reliable sources.
3. Educational and outreach activities
As part of educational and outreach activities, the Russian Geographical Society will develop the following areas:
• Contribute to the creation of modern textbooks, teaching aids and other educational materials for primary, secondary and higher schools.
To achieve this goal, the Company sets itself the following tasks:
1. Stimulation and organization of the active participation of society in environmental activities, the formation of an ethic of responsible attitude to the environment.
2. Promoting the natural, historical and cultural heritage of Russia as a matter of national pride.
3. Collection, processing and dissemination of reliable global and national geographical, environmental, ethnographic and statistical information in Russia and abroad.
4. Assistance to scientific creativity, development of geographical and related sciences about nature and society, large-scale dissemination and implementation of the best achievements of domestic science into practice.
5. Attracting wide attention of the international and Russian public to the unique historical, cultural and geographical objects of our country for the intensive development of tourism in Russia.
4. Environmental activities
The activity of the Russian Geographical Society is based on striving for a balance between the conservation of Russia's nature, the development of the national economy and the realization of the society's creative potential.
In the environmental concept of the Russian Geographical Society, a key role is given to the formation and development of the ethics of respect for nature among Russians.
The environmental activities of the Russian Geographical Society are implemented through:
Popularization of examples of respect for nature in Russia by citizens, government agencies and public organizations with the involvement of various media.
· Conducting public environmental events of a scientific (seminars, forums), educational (lectures, schools) and practical (ecological expeditions, subbotniks) nature.
Development of a network of public geoecological monitoring.
Information support for environmentally innovative industries (elements of the "green" economy).
Preservation of natural heritage sites and the national landscape of the Russian Federation is the main task of the newly recreated Permanent Environmental Commission of the Russian Geographical Society.
Identification, development and introduction into production of the latest "green" technologies is the task of the Technology Platform "Technologies for Ecological Development", the activities of which are coordinated by the Company.
5. Expeditions and travels
Expedition activity of the Russian Geographical Society is a system of complex activities aimed at direct study of Russia's natural and cultural heritage.
Proceeding from this, the Russian Geographical Society intends to develop and support:
Scientific and practical expeditions for the implementation of geographical research in Russia and abroad.
Educational expeditions related to the training of new specialists in the field of geography and related sciences.
Educational expeditions and trips to popularize the unique historical, cultural and natural monuments of Russia.
· Youth and volunteer expeditions, hikes, tourist gatherings, tourist and sports events and other expeditionary activities aimed at getting acquainted with the nature and culture of the native country.
Local history expeditions - historical and geographical study of the small motherland, its natural and cultural heritage.
Tourism. Information and organizational support for the development of tourism infrastructure in the Russian Federation and the development of new tourist routes (eco-trails, unique natural objects, etc.).
6. Publishing activities
Continuing their rich publishing traditions, the Russian Geographical Society intends:
· To issue a wide list of publications, including monographs, periodicals, popular science books, materials of expeditions and field research.
Publish cartographic materials and atlases, including electronic ones.
Republish the most significant works in the field of geography and related sciences, as well as the works of prominent members of the Society.
· To promote the publication of works by young scientists.
Participate in the production of reference books, albums, calendars and other printed materials.
Consider the possibility of carrying out the publishing activities of the Russian Geographical Society within the framework of the unified publishing house of geographical literature of the Russian Geographical Society (“Geografgiz”).
7. Grant activities
Within the framework of grant activities, the Russian Geographical Society plans to support the following priority areas: cartographic research, ecogeographic education, theoretical and applied scientific research, organization of expeditions and travels, conservation of wildlife, preservation of historical and cultural heritage of Russia, implementation of youth geographical programs, publishing work, restoration work.
The Russian Geographical Society intends to award grants annually on a competitive basis with the maximum involvement of regional projects.
Grant projects should be of great social importance and be oriented towards achieving practical results in the interests of Russia and its regions.
In its grant policy, the Russian Geographical Society is guided by the principles of openness, equal accessibility and transparency.
8. Organization and holding of public events
The Russian Geographical Society plans to organize and hold public events of a scientific, educational, environmental, charitable and recreational nature, to pay great attention to the promotion of tourism, sports and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
9. International activities
International activities should play a significant role in achieving the Goals and Tasks of the Russian Geographical Society:
• Participation in international events. The Russian Geographical Society intends to take part in organizing and holding international events, the topics of which correspond to the Society's Development Strategy.
• Establishment of partnerships and implementation of joint projects with geographical societies of other countries, international organizations, scientific centers and universities of foreign countries.
• Revival and expansion of the network of associates of the Russian Geographical Society abroad. The Russian Geographical Society intends to increase the number of foreign members. On the basis of international cooperation, an exchange of experience and geo-information will be carried out.
III. Regional Development
The system of regional branches is an important basis for the activities of the Russian Geographical Society.
Uniform regional management standards ensure the integrity of the organization, efficiency and purposefulness of activities.
Each branch of the Russian Geographical Society should become a center that unites enthusiasts around national geography in its region, the priority of the activities of regional branches should be the implementation of educational and outreach activities aimed at studying the region.
For the implementation of projects, regional branches of the Russian Geographical Society have equal opportunities to receive grants from the Russian Geographical Society, and can, within their competence, independently raise funds for research projects, expeditions and travels, publishing activities, public events, including environmental events.
Regional branches of the Russian Geographical Society should actively participate in the reconstruction of the youth movement under the auspices of the Russian Geographical Society, pay great attention to working with young people, implement educational and educational projects, and support initiatives to organize additional educational programs for schoolchildren and students.
The main results of the activities of the regional branches of the Russian Geographical Society should be: increasing the level of awareness of citizens about the region in which they live, increasing the number of active supporters of the Russian Geographical Society, increasing the degree of public participation in environmental activities and expeditions.
IV. Youth initiative
The youth policy of the Russian Geographical Society is carried out in the following main areas:
• Organization and support of youth research to collect and disseminate reliable geographic information about Russia.
• Assistance in unleashing the creative potential of young people through the organization of competitions, etc.
• Formation among young people of the ethics of responsible and careful attitude to nature.
• Involving young people in active participation in the activities of the Russian Geographical Society.
• Reconstruction of the youth movement under the auspices of the Russian Geographical Society.
V. Partnership
The Russian Geographical Society is open for long-term cooperation in the implementation of projects with public and commercial organizations, authorities, individuals who share our Goals and Tasks.
The Company attaches great importance to the formation of partnerships with ecological-geographical, environmental and charitable organizations, educational institutions, research centers, as well as with commercial organizations working in the field of education, "green" economy and tourism.
The basis of the interaction of the Russian Geographical Society with partners is the desire to form long-term relationships and joint projects to ensure the success of the common cause.
Particular attention should be paid to partnerships with the media, educational institutions (including federal universities), as well as the implementation of joint projects that meet the statutory goals and objectives of the Russian Geographical Society.
VI. Communications
The Russian Geographical Society will take measures to further modernize the official website, through which the public is informed about the activities of the Russian Geographical Society, supporters are attracted, and contacts are maintained with residents of Russian regions. The Russian Geographical Society also intends to introduce an English version of the site in order to establish and maintain contacts with foreign audiences.
The portal is also a means of internal communication between members of the Russian Geographical Society and coordination of their activities, where each regional branch has its own website in the www. domain space and posts information about its activities and its region there.
The portal should provide various groups of members of the Russian Geographical Society - scientists, experts, students and social activists - with a convenient and reliable platform for exchanging opinions and information. The portal will allow them to unite on a regional basis, according to interests and specialization, within the framework of individual actions and projects to solve specific problems facing the Russian Geographical Society.
VII. Heritage
The Russian Geographical Society will pay considerable attention to the restoration of its archives, the digitization of the book stock of its libraries and cartographic materials.
This activity will be aimed at preserving the historical heritage of the Russian Geographical Society, its updating, since many of the information contained in the funds are of scientific and practical value even today.
It is planned to recreate the thematic commissions of the Russian Geographical Society: Nature Conservation, Ethnographic, Phenological, etc.
In adopting the Development Strategy, the Russian Geographical Society declares its intention and readiness to:
• become an organization whose activities cover the entire territory of Russia;
• recruit new members, especially young people;
• establish close partnerships with organizations that share the Purpose and Tasks of the Russian Geographical Society;
• base their activities on innovative technologies and an integrated approach.
The Russian Geographical Society intends to create a unified network for the collection, processing and dissemination of geographic information, which will provide access to data to all interested parties. The Russian Geographical Society will create an extensive regional network that will make it possible to form a complete picture of Russia's national geography.
The Russian Geographical Society strives to become a source of public initiative in the preservation of the Russian natural heritage, to unite and coordinate the work of organizations and enthusiasts involved in the protection of Russia's nature, to involve the public in environmental activities, especially the younger generation.
The Russian Geographical Society will make every effort to ensure that the expeditionary activities of the Society contribute to increasing the volume of useful knowledge about Russia, its territorial development and the growth of popularity of Russian natural and cultural heritage sites.
The Russian Geographical Society will focus its publishing activities on the creation of a modern library fund, which will present the most complete and up-to-date information about the national geography of Russia, the most important research in the field of geography and related sciences, as well as the research activities of members of the Russian Geographical Society.