Activity shapes kindergarten
10 AMAZING Shape Activities For Kindergarteners - 2022 Round-up
Learning to recognize shapes is an essential skill for preschool education. All children learn to differentiate between the basic and advanced 2D shapes and eventually acknowledge their relationship with 3D ones later in their kindergarten studies.
Our article helps parents and pre-k teachers guide their children and students in that process. We introduce gamification via fun outdoor and indoor activities, tools, and printables.
Great Shapes Activities For KindergartenAll the activities in our book go along with kindergarten education guidelines, focusing on shape recognition and many other educational aspects.
These include practicing group communication, developing fine motor and sensory skills, and allowing the child to dab into the creative aspect of learning. Let’s see what we have in store for you this time.
Photo Credit: teachingmama.orgLearn More
Once the noodles are ready, prompt the kids to pick them and “rebuild” the shapes on the printables you should have on hand. Here’s the list of materials you need to set up the activity:
- Spaghetti noodles
- Food dyes
- Ziplock bags
- A large container or paper plates (depending on if you want the noodles mixed or separated by color)
For more information about the process and setup, visit
Photo Credit: planningplaytime.comPhoto Credit: peekaboomakelearnsewanddo.blogspot.comPhoto Credit: littlemindsatwork.orgLearn More
Below are the items needed for this exercise:
- Printables with compound shapes
- 3D shape blocks
For more information about the products and teaching method, look at the adorable blog post at
Photo Credit: fantasticfunandlearning.comLearn More
Here’s all you need for this activity:
- Playdough and tools like roll pins for spreading it
- Shape outlines or printables
To connect the shapes to real-world objects, you can suggest adding other attributes. Suppose the triangle represents a pizza slice – what can the child add to it to turn it into one?
Are you interested to learn about more shape teaching methods? has more entertaining activities in stock.
Photo Credit: Pocketofpreschool.comPhoto Credit: howwemontessori.comPhoto Credit: mrsjonescreationstation.comLearn More
For this activity, you’re going to need the following specialized tools:
- Geoboard with the rubber bands
- Reference cards or laminated printables
- Colorful markers, if you’re going to practice connecting the dots on the cards as well
Discover more 2D shape manipulatives at
Photo Credit: funwithmama.comLearn More
Here are a few items you’re going to need for the setup:
- A medium-sized bowl
- Rice or a mixture of other grains
- Small shapes cut out of foam, plastic, or other material
- Shape puzzle board or printable
com suggests a lot more exciting shapes teaching games, activities, and tools.
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Photo Credit: peekaboomakelearnsewanddo.blogspot.comPhoto Credit: planningplaytime.comLearn More
Here is the list of items you’re going to need:
- The worksheet
- Printed shapes to cut out
- Scissors
- Glue
If you plan to take this activity as a test and put up a showcase, the glue is essential. Have the kids make the picture by sticking the shapes on a printout.
For shape sorting and other composition ideas, scroll through the blog post on
Photo Credit: andweplay.comLearn More
This activity doesn’t require much preparation:
- A tray or a table
- Shape blocks
- A screen or a cloth to cover the play area from the child during gameplay
This idea comes from, which has a lot more unique activities on their blog.
Photo Credit: creativefamilyfun.
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This exercise only needs:
- Colorful chalk
- A free sidewalk or a driveway
- Patience
Once the driveway is set up with colorful patterns, the activity is ready. Call the kids and announce the rules. There are a few ways to play this game:
- Stepping on a given shape from the start to the end of the maze in one direction
- Calling out the next shape and finding the way out while being guided before each step
You can color-code each shape (all squares are red, all triangles are blue, etc.). Making the same shape of various colors will add to the difficulty of the game. To get a detailed explanation of the composition and the whole game, visit
Photo Credit: k5learning.comPhoto Credit: littlelearningclub.comPhoto Credit: coloring-pages-for-kids.rvappstudios.comLearn More
ConclusionLearning shapes is fun with the suggested activities in this article. Don’t miss any fun; check out more games and entertaining ideas from provided links. If you have a unique game or activity you’ve not seen listed, don’t hesitate to let us know!
Good luck in learning and playing!
Photo credit: murrieta-daycare.comPeople Also Ask
Now that you’re familiar with these fun shapes activities, let’s answer a few more questions to set you on the right track.
What Are The Basic Shapes For Kindergarten?
Basic shape recognition is a skill that a child needs to understand, recognize, and describe the world around them. In preschool education, the basic ones taught are:
It’s also essential to ensure they understand that they can make more shapes with the ones mentioned.
How Do You Explain 3D Shapes To Kindergarteners?
The first principle is to base the new information about 3D shapes on the 2D knowledge.
Another methodology is to use hand motions to explain the difference between a flat shape vs. a solid.
There are a few other techniques like the “quick change,” where you show how a square “grows” into a cube.
Use gamification and a touch of “magic” to introduce these concepts.
Fun and Engaging 2D Shape Activities
One of the very first math lessons we teach in kindergarten is two-dimensional shapes! There are so many ways you can introduce shapes while also engaging your students in fun, hands-on activities. I think one of my favorite things about teaching shapes is that the students don’t even realize they are learning! They get to build, sort, and manipulate shapes in many ways, which leads to high engagement. Read on for my favorite kindergarten-approved 2D shape activities that your students will love!
Activities for Teaching 2D Shapes
Since shapes are all around us, chances are that many of our students will enter kindergarten with a basic knowledge of shape names. It also doesn’t take too long to fill in the missing shape names that our students haven’t quite mastered. After that, the goal is for our students to describe, build, and even manipulate two-dimensional shapes. This is where some additional shape practice activities can come in handy!
Introducing Shape Names and Attributes
The first step in teaching students shapes is to make sure they know all of the 2D shape names and their unique attributes. I have found that all students benefit from an introduction (or reintroduction) to the shape names and attributes before we move on to other 2D shape activities.
I love introducing and reviewing shapes with these 2D Shapes Poems! These poems are catchy and help students learn about each shape’s attributes as well as relate them to real-world objects that they already know. Before you know it, your students will look at a stop sign and say, “Hey, that’s an octagon!” 🙂 #proudteachermoment
I introduce the shapes one at a time which prevents overwhelm and allows the students to focus on that shape and its unique attributes. We practice one shape each day until all of them have been added to our shape wall!
Identifying and Describing Shapes
After plenty of time has been spent pronouncing the shape names and discussing the shape attributes, it is time for students to put that knowledge into practice. They are now ready to identify shapes in different contexts and describe them in their own words! As with any new concept, it’s important to keep young learners engaged by using a variety of activities when practicing the same skill multiple times, such as identifying and describing shapes.
Shape Bingo is a fun way to add repetition to your 2D shape practice because students will want to play this game over and over again! I love to play this game in small groups, so we can quickly review the shape names and attributes as we draw each card. For an added challenge, you could pull a card and keep it hidden from the students. Then, give them clues about the shape by describing its unique attributes so that the students can guess the correct shape before placing their bingo markers.
I also love to encourage students to identify shapes in the world around them. One way to practice this skill is with a shape sort, where students can identify and sort a variety of real-world objects based on shape. This 2D shape sort is a very fun center activity that gets students excited to look for shapes all around them. It’s so fun to hear students point out the shapes they see as they walk down the hall!
Here are several more 2D shape activity ideas that will keep your students engaged as they practice identifying and describing shapes in multiple ways:
- Play a shape game where students draw a shape out of a bucket and say its name and whether it has curved or straight lines
- Play “I Spy” where students must find real-world objects that match a specific shape
- Go outside on a nature hunt and see what you can find in each shape
- Do a shape show-and-tell
Making Shapes
After students have a good understanding of shape names and their attributes, they are ready to start building shapes on their own! There are many ways to provide individualized opportunities for shape building, based on the fine motor skills of your students. Some students might form shapes using craft sticks while other students might be ready to trace shapes with a highlighter.
In the kindergarten classroom, it’s important to include fine motor practice anywhere we can. Two-dimensional shape building practice is the perfect time to strengthen hand-eye coordination and writing skills! Here are some additional ways to practice forming and writing shapes:
- Practice drawing shapes in the air
- Highlight shapes
- Trace shapes with a writing utensil
- Practice making shapes with sensory materials, such as in sensory trays filled with beads, cereal, rice, etc.
- Trace over shapes with little cars or something similar
- Form shapes with playdough (Check out this playdough mat freebie)
- Form shapes with craft supplies, such as pom-poms, craft sticks, pipe cleaners, etc.
Working With Shapes
Once students have had plenty of time to form shapes using their knowledge of shape names and attributes, they’re ready for the next step: Working with shapes.
When students are given plenty of opportunities to manipulate and work with shapes in various ways, it deepens their understanding of two-dimensional shapes and prepares them for future math concepts.
One of my favorite 2D shape activities is this shape-building activity, where students can see the relationship between shapes as they use pattern blocks to create a larger shape. I love how this activity encourages students to see how shapes are related to each other.
Here are some of my other favorite ways to help students build on their budding knowledge of 2D shapes:
- Sort shapes by attributes, size, color, etc.
- Build with shapes
- See what they can build using only one shape
- Do art projects using a variety of shapes
- Build their name with shapes
- Make a shape book
Using 2D Shape Activities for Centers
Many of the activities I mentioned above would be perfect for math centers in your kindergarten classroom. In fact, I have compiled my ten favorites into a collection of 2D Shapes Centers and Activities! These activities include practice opportunities for 12 different two-dimensional shapes. These shape centers are perfect for kindergarten, Pre-K, and preschool!
2D Shapes Centers and Activities
These 2D shapes centers and activities are full of learning and fun for your preschool and kindergarten students. You can use these activities as you introduce the 2D shapes to your class, or spread them out throughout the year in your math centers. Some centers are also in black and white to be printed on colored paper.
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Save These 2D Shape Activities
Be sure to save this post to your favorite classroom board on Pinterest so that you can refer back to these ideas later!
Forms of work with the family within the kindergarten
Consultation for educators
Forms of work with the family within the kindergarten
Compiled by Koshurnikova V. A., Art. educator MBDOU
“Kindergarten No. 54 “Iskorka”, Naberezhnye Chelny
Today, all experts recognize the importance of involving parents in the work of the kindergarten, but there is a certain disharmony in the real relationship between teachers and parents. Both personal and professional factors can impede the development of these relationships: lack of time, feelings of inadequacy, ethnic stereotypes, resentment can all lead to the formation of personal and professional prejudices that prevent families from becoming active participants in the upbringing of their children. Therefore, educators must take the initiative and understand how to interact with each individual family for the benefit of the child. Using the principle of an individual approach to the participation of parents, it is possible to develop a variety of ways to involve more families in the work.
Presentation of the preschool institution
Objectives: to acquaint parents with the preschool institution, its charter, development program and team of teachers; show (fragmentary) all kinds of activities for the development of the personality of each child.
As a result of this form of work, parents receive useful information about the content of working with children, paid and free services provided by specialists (speech therapist, psychologist, ophthalmologist, swimming and hardening instructor, social pedagogue, psychologist) .
Open classes with children in preschool for parents
Purpose: to acquaint parents with the structure and specifics of conducting classes in preschool.
The teacher during the lesson can include an element of conversation with parents (the child can tell something new to the guest, introduce him to his circle of interests) .
Pedagogical council with the participation of parents
Goal: to involve parents in an active understanding of the problems of raising children in the family based on their individual needs.
The course of the teachers' council
- The theoretical part prepared by teachers in accordance with the theme of the teachers' council.
- Questioning of parents. Conducted in advance to identify the main trends in the opinions of parents on the issue under discussion.
- Summing up the results of the survey.
- Interviews with parents. It helps teachers to establish an appropriate atmosphere in communication with parents, to establish feedback in the sphere of influence of a preschool institution on a child and family.
- Pedagogical situations. Discussing situations activates parents and makes communication with educators and specialists beneficial for both parties.
- Helpline. In a playful way, parents can ask any questions they are interested in both aloud and in writing. The notes are reviewed, and based on the analysis, it is planned to work with parents in the appropriate form.
Family visits
The teacher of each age group must visit the families of their pupils. Each visit has its purpose.
The purpose of the first family visit is to find out the general conditions of family upbringing. Return visits are planned as needed and include more specific tasks, such as checking the implementation of the recommendations that were previously given by the teacher; familiarity with the positive experience of family education; clarification of the conditions for preparing for school, etc.
There is another form of family visit - a survey, usually conducted with the participation of the public (members of the parents' asset) for the purpose of providing material assistance to the family, protecting the rights of the child, influencing one of the family members, etc. Based on the results of such an examination, a psychological and pedagogical description of the family is drawn up (Appendix 5) .
Pedagogical conversations with parents
This is the most accessible form of establishing a connection between a teacher and a family, it can be used both independently and in combination with other forms: a conversation when visiting families, at parent meetings, consultations.
Purpose: to provide parents with timely assistance on a particular issue of education, to promote the achievement of a common point of view on these issues.
The educator plays the leading role here; he plans in advance the topics and structure of the conversation.
It is recommended that when conducting a conversation, choose the most suitable conditions and start it with neutral questions, then go directly to the main topics.
Thematic consultations
Consultations are close to conversations, their main difference is that the teacher, when conducting a consultation, seeks to give qualified advice to parents.
Consultations can be scheduled or unscheduled, individual or group.
Scheduled consultations are held systematically in the kindergarten: 3-4 consultations per year in each age group and the same number of general consultations in the kindergarten according to the annual plan. The duration of the consultation is 30-40 minutes. Unplanned ones often arise during communication between teachers and parents at the initiative of both parties.
Consultation, like a conversation, requires preparation for the most meaningful answers of teachers to parents.
Group meetings of parents
At group meetings, parents are introduced to the content, tasks and methods of raising children of a certain age in a kindergarten and family.
The agenda of group parent meetings includes a pedagogical conversation (report) on the most important topic at the moment; performance by a doctor or nurse, music worker; reports of any of the parents about the experience of family education; discussion of current organizational issues.
During the school year, it is recommended to hold 3-4 group meetings; as a rule, both teachers take turns preparing them. Duration - 1.5 hours.
At the end of the meeting, parents ask questions that concern them and were not covered at the meeting, consult with the teacher and, perhaps, express complaints.
"Round table" with parents
Purpose: in a non-traditional setting with the mandatory participation of specialists to discuss with parents the current problems of education.
Parents are invited to the "round table" meeting, expressing in writing or orally their desire to participate in the discussion of a particular topic with specialists.
Conference with parents
At the conference in an entertaining way, teachers, specialists and parents simulate life situations, playing them. This enables parents not only to accumulate professional knowledge in the field of raising children, but also to establish trusting relationships with teachers and specialists.
Example 1. Conference for moms "Let's talk about mom".
- Dialogue with parents after listening to a tape recording of children's opinions.
- Acting out situations - constructing and analyzing the mother's behavior in various situations.
Example 2. Dad conference "My dearest person".
- Invited dads sit in a semicircle, after the introductory speech of the presenter, a recording of conversations with kindergarten children about dads is offered for listening (children answer questions: what should dad be able to do? Why is it interesting with dad on weekends and in the evenings?) .
- Opinions of a psychologist, speech therapist, teacher on the problems expressed by fathers in the questionnaires.
- Construction and analysis of father's behavior in life situations. For example: "Friday, evening. The whole family gathered at the TV and watches the program" Good night, kids ", and suddenly the lights go out ... Do not go to bed without a fairy tale?" Tell your child the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" or "Turnip".
- Practical task. In three minutes, make a toy or souvenir for your child.
Conference topics for parents
- Aesthetic education of preschoolers.
- We raise expectant mothers and fathers.
- Physical and psychological readiness of the child to study at school.
- "School tomorrow" of our children.
General meetings of parents
General organizational issues of joint work of the entire preschool institution are discussed at the meetings.
At each meeting, a chairman and secretary are elected (from parents) , minutes are taken, a decision is made; personal registration is required.
The head of the kindergarten plans and conducts a general parent meeting together with the parent committee and educators. There must be at least three meetings per year.
Visual propaganda
It is recommended to use different means of visual propaganda in the work of preschool institutions. One of these means is to involve parents in visiting a kindergarten with setting specific pedagogical tasks for them: monitoring the activities of the group teacher, relationships between peers, as well as adults and children, games, activities of preschoolers, the behavior of their own child; familiarization with the living conditions in kindergarten.
A visual acquaintance of parents with the life of children in kindergarten is also carried out by organizing open days, which are held 3-4 times a year on appointed dates. On these days, parents can visit the kindergarten, in one or another age group, without prior arrangement. The activities of parents include monitoring the conduct of classes, children's games, regime moments. After viewing, a small collective conversation is held, parents ask questions, share their impressions.
In order to visit the pre-school institution, not only on the days specially designated for this, duty is carried out. Parents on duty are involved in excursions and walks with children outside the kindergarten, in leisure and entertainment activities.
The number of shifts during the week, month, year can be set at the discretion of the kindergarten management and the parent committee, as well as depending on the capabilities of the parents themselves.
While on duty, parents must not interfere in the teaching process. They can express their thoughts or comments to the educator, head, and later write down in a special notebook.
Traditional means of visual pedagogical propaganda - a variety of stands. Each age group should have a group booth (a corner for parents) .
Along with traditional forms, there are modern works with the family.
Opportunities for face-to-face communication must be created and used.
There are a variety of activities that create opportunities for parents and caregivers to collaborate and share information with each other. It is desirable to create opportunities and set aside time for discussions with families, always leaving enough time for parents to ask questions. Learn to listen well. The following are some of the activities that have been successfully used in the Step by Step program.
First visits to kindergarten.
Before a child starts attending kindergarten, parents should come to classes and introduce them to teachers, other children and the kindergarten in general.
Introductory meetings.
After a child is enrolled in kindergarten, introductory meetings for parents help them meet with caregivers and other parents, get to know both the child and his family at home.
When to drop off and pick up your child
The schedule can be set up so that the time children are taken to kindergarten and taken home is used to communicate with families.
Phone calls.
Phone calls are made on special occasions or once a month by all parents to maintain informal communication with them.
Parent-caregiver conferences.
Conferences are formal gatherings designed to discuss children's progress and give parents the opportunity to share their ideas and concerns. Conferences can be used to jointly plan individualized programs.
How to use written forms of communication?
When time constraints or scheduling prevent you from meeting your parents in person, or if you don't have a telephone, some form of written communication can help you keep in touch with your parents.
Brochures help parents learn about kindergarten. Brochures can describe the concept of the kindergarten and give general information about it.
The manuals contain detailed information about the kindergarten. Families can apply for benefits throughout the year.
A newsletter can be issued once or twice a month to keep families updated on special events, program changes, and more.
Weekly notes.
Weekly note, addressed directly to parents, informs the family about the child's health, mood, kindergarten behavior, favorite activities and other information.
Informal notes.
Caregivers can send short notes home with the child to inform the family about the child's new achievement or skill just learned, to thank the family for the help provided; there may be recordings of children's speech, interesting sayings of the child, etc. Families can also send notes to the kindergarten expressing gratitude or containing requests.
Personal notebooks.
These notebooks can travel between kindergarten and family every day to share information about what is happening at home and in kindergarten. Families can notify caregivers of special family events such as birthdays, new jobs, trips, guests.
Bulletin board.
Bulletin board is a wall screen that informs parents about meetings for the day, etc.
Suggestion box.
This is a box in which parents can put notes with their ideas and suggestions, allowing them to share their thoughts with a group of caregivers.
Written progress reports are a form of communication with families that can be helpful, provided it does not replace face-to-face contact.
There are techniques for creating roles for parents.
Parents can play a variety of formal and informal roles in the program. Below are some of them.
Group guest.
Parents should be encouraged to join the group to watch and play with their children.
Parents and children may have common interests or skills. Adults can help teachers in the classroom, take part in performances, help organize events, provide transportation, help clean, equip and decorate group rooms, etc.
Member of the parent council.
The Parent Council is a group of parents that meets regularly to advise caregivers on their theory and practice.
How to develop work aimed at parents?
Cooperation of parents with each other.
This is the help of more experienced parents for beginners. Group activities may include gatherings to socialize or provide support.
Parent information and education.
Kindergarten provides parents with information on the topic of interest to them about the development of the child.
Informal meetings of parents and caregivers.
These are thematic meetings, evenings, etc.
Use of communication resources.
Communication with parents on issues related to employment, health, housing, childcare, education and other family needs.
Literature exchange.
Kindergarten can create a library of interesting books, articles, booklets, videos, audio cassettes that parents can use.
What parents can do in kindergarten:
- read stories, fairy tales, stories to children;
- bring various toys for general play;
- collect natural materials for children's activities: pebbles, seeds, shells, etc.;
- participate in holidays (for example, bring albums, family relics, tell children about yourself, your family, etc. for the Day of My Family, etc.)
In order to create favorable conditions for raising children in the family, parents first of all need to master the full scope of certain psychological and pedagogical knowledge, practical skills and teaching skills.
To implement a differentiated approach to working with parents, it is necessary to comply with such general pedagogical and specific conditions as family structure, social status, style of family relations, etc.
The following socio-pedagogical methods can be used to identify the level of pedagogical culture and the degree of participation of parents in the upbringing of children: questionnaires, testing, individual conversations, visiting families, monitoring children and parents, etc.
Depending on the categories of parents, such new active forms of work, such as “round tables”, auctions, quizzes, pedagogical kaleidoscopes, disputes, interest clubs, contests, “Question and Answer Nights”, etc.
Before each meeting, viewing sessions are organized according to the topic. The various forms of influence used should be based on trust. The organization of interaction should be aimed at the implementation of the pedagogy of cooperation between educators and parents, at raising the professional level of the educators themselves in working with parents, taking into account modern requirements of pedagogical propaganda.
Identification of all categories through socio-pedagogical methods, the use of active forms of work with parents, taking into account the types of families and the level of their pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities, communication skills with children, organizing the work of preschool educational institutions as an open system, active support for communication with microdistricts, brings significant results.
It is necessary to further improve the forms of work with parents, taking into account their social position, social status, category of families, social situation in society. And the main leading role in this should be taken by the teacher, using all the knowledge gained.
Working with parents in preschool educational institution:
in kindergarten | | in preschool |
Program "Kindergarten 2100"
Content (Program from 2 months to 3 years)
COMPLEX OB R Azov A T E Flax I am the development program of
and the upbringing of children of infant and early age
(from 2 months to 3 years)
Tarpot section
9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000. Age features of the development of children infants and young children .
Adaptation to the conditions of life and education in a preschool educational organization
Planned development results Children of infant and early age
Substituting section
Social and communicative development
Cognitive development 9000,0009 age
Early age
Artistic and aesthetic development
Infantry age
Early age
Physical development
Infant age
Early age
9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000
000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 Daily routine
Content, methods, forms of work with children
with disabilities in infancy and early childhood
Development of speech and communication skills in children with disabilities
Content for the development of movements in children with disabilities
List of literature
- Psychological and pedagogical parameters of the child’s determination to the receipt of the preschool educational organization
- Model planning of educational activities in early age groups (2-3 years)
- General Guidelines for Working with Children with Disabilities of Early, Infant and Preschool Ages
- To kindergarten - together with mother
Read entire program. ..
Content (program from 3 to 7-8 years)
Complex about r Azov A T E Flax I program 9000 (8) YEARS)
Glossary of key concepts and terms used in Program 9
Target section
Explanatory note
Principles and approaches to the development of program
goals and objectives of the program
Age characteristics of preschool children
characteristics of younger preschool age (3-4 years)
of the characteristics of the middle characteristics of the middle characteristics preschool age (4–5 years)
Characteristics of senior preschool age (5–7(8) years)
Planned learning outcomes
The main educational program
Preschool Educational Education “Kindergarten 2100”
Substituting section
Possibilities development in various types of activities
(interconnection of children's activities with the tasks of the development of the child
00 9039 in each of the educational areas and the contribution of each type of activity
to the development of the child)
Game activity
Cognitive and research activity
Communicative activity
Perception of fiction and folklore
Fine activity
Musical activity
Self-service and elementary household labor
Motive activity
forms, methods and means of implementing the Program
Content of corrective work
General principles and approaches to the organization of correctional work
in a preschool educational organization
Special conditions for the education and upbringing of children with disabilities
health opportunities
Correctional and developmental activities for different categories of children
with disabilities in a preschool, educational organization implementing educational program
"Kindergarten 2100"
Content, forms and methods of corrective work
with children of preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech
Organizational section
Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the Program .
General approaches
Ways and directions of supporting children's initiative
Organizational and pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the Program
Models of the educational process0008
directions of development (educational areas) and forms of work
Personnel conditionsMaterial and technical conditions
Description of the developmental subject-spatial environment (EDS)
General approaches to the design of EDPS
list of exemplary items and equipment literary works recommended for use
in the implementation of the Program
Interaction with the families of pupils
Forms of interaction with pupils of pupils
Calendar of holidays
Financial support for the program
List of manuals and methodological recommendations required
for the implementation of the program
- medical and pedagogical support of a child with disabilities
List of normative legal acts and methodological documents
List of used literature
Read the entire program. ..
The publication presents two comprehensive educational programs : for infants and young children (from 2 months to 3 years old) and for preschool children (from 3 to 7 (8) years old), which together make up the Basic educational program "Kindergarten 2100" . Each of the Programs is educational and methodological documentation, upon adaptation of which preschool educational organizations of the Russian Federation can independently develop, approve and implement the main educational program of preschool education (hereinafter referred to as the BEP), taking into account the Exemplary Basic Educational Program.
The programs were developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” and the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. The main provisions and target orientation of the Federal State Educational Standard have found their detailed embodiment in the educational program "Kindergarten 2100", focused on the age stages of development of infants, toddlers and preschool children.
One of the main values of modern education in the Standard is a developing personality-oriented approach. It is on this approach that the Educational system "School 2100" is based, part of which is the EMC "Kindergarten 2100". In accordance with the provisions of the Programs, the child is a subject of activity participating in his own development, therefore the Programs are aimed at creating conditions for organizing a community of children and adults in the kindergarten group.
Programs offer general principles and approaches for specific actions of a teacher in a group, determine the main goals, specific tasks, characterize ways to achieve the goals of the development of a child of early and preschool age, as well as the results of such development. At the same time, Programs wear advisory character , which allows teachers to take into account the cognitive and emotional needs, interests of children, their motivations and opinions, different points of view.
Programs ensure the development of intellectual, cognitive, physical, spiritual, moral, aesthetic and personal qualities of children of early and preschool age, their creative abilities, as well as the formation of prerequisites for learning activities in older preschoolers.
Programs include a systematically presented set of development directions, types of children's activities and educational areas, the implementation of which ensures the creation of conditions for the development of children of infancy, early childhood and preschool age, opens up opportunities for the positive socialization of each child, his comprehensive personal development, development of initiative and creative abilities on the basis of interaction with adults and peers in activities appropriate to early and preschool age.
Programs offer approaches to the organization of the educational process both for children who develop normally and for children with special educational needs, including children with disabilities (HIA).