Adjectives for passion
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[ pash-uh-nit ]
/ ˈpæʃ ə nɪt /
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See synonyms for: passionate / passionately on
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having, compelled by, or ruled by intense emotion or strong feeling; fervid: a passionate advocate of socialism.
easily aroused to or influenced by sexual desire; ardently sensual.
expressing, showing, or marked by intense or strong feeling; emotional: passionate language.
intense or vehement, as emotions or feelings: passionate grief.
easily moved to anger; quick-tempered; irascible.
OTHER WORDS FOR passionate
1 excitable, emotional, zealous; impulsive. impetuous.
1, 3, 4 ardent, impassioned, excited, fervent, warm, enthusiastic, earnest, glowing, burning, fiery; violent.
5 testy, choleric, touchy, short-tempered, fiery, hotheaded.
See synonyms for passionate on
OPPOSITES FOR passionate
1, 3-5 cool, calm.
See antonyms for passionate on
Should you take this quiz on “shall” versus “should”? It should prove to be a quick challenge!
Question 1 of 6
Which form is commonly used with other verbs to express intention?
Origin of passionate
First recorded in 1375–1425; late Middle English, from Medieval Latin passiōnātus, equivalent to Late Latin passiōn- passion + Latin -ātus -ate1
pas·sion·ate·ly, adverbpas·sion·ate·ness, nounnon·pas·sion·ate, adjectivenon·pas·sion·ate·ness, noun
o·ver·pas·sion·ate, adjectiveo·ver·pas·sion·ate·ness, nounun·pas·sion·ate, adjectiveun·pas·sion·ate·ness, noun
Words nearby passionate
passing note, passing shot, passion, passional, passionary, passionate, passionately, Passion cross, passionflower, passionfruit, Passionist
Dictionary. com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022
Words related to passionate
ardent, loving, romantic, wistful, dramatic, eager, eloquent, emotional, expressive, fervent, fierce, fiery, forceful, heartfelt, heated, impassioned, intense, poignant, spirited, strong
How to use passionate in a sentence
The hope is that those who feel passionate about the anthem being played will be just as passionate in listening to those who do not feel it represents them.
The Dallas Mavericks will resume playing the national anthem before games|Timothy Bella|February 10, 2021|Washington Post
“Sundays with Love” quickly became popular, leading to a passionate following but also division that continues on social media.
Peloton makes toning your glutes feel spiritual. But should Jesus be part of the experience?|Michelle Boorstein|February 5, 2021|Washington Post
I’m super passionate about the impact I think these organizations can have.
Blue Origin could definitely use more Jeff Bezos in the next decade|Neel Patel|February 4, 2021|MIT Technology Review
He is a passionate entrepreneur running multiple businesses, marketing agencies, and mentoring programs.
Eight simple steps to write epic product descriptions that boost conversions|Ricky Hayes|January 29, 2021|Search Engine Watch
First, engaging content and media distribution enable us to create a passionate community from Robert’s 100 million followers and to use that audience to access great investments.
Robert Downey Jr. is launching a new ‘rolling’ venture fund to back sustainability startups|Jonathan Shieber|January 27, 2021|TechCrunch
But Cocker proved to be a survivor, bringing his passionate persona to concert halls around the world decade after decade.
The Greatest Rock Voice of All Time Belonged to Joe Cocker|Ted Gioia|December 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST
Substance abuse was already an issue Cosby had grown particularly passionate about.
When Bill Cosby N-Bombed the Congressional Black Caucus|Asawin Suebsaeng|December 2, 2014|DAILY BEAST
While not the most stimulating for those less passionate about cattle, Grandin made it interesting.
The Most Inspiring Bits of Temple Grandin’s Reddit AMA|Emily Shire|November 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST
In it, the firebrand Republican senator from Texas is depicted as a kid-friendly “passionate fighter for limited government.”
Ted Cruz saves America in This Right-Wing Coloring Book|Asawin Suebsaeng|November 13, 2014|DAILY BEAST
The opera is a dark and passionate tale of adultery and greed.
When Stalin Met Lady Macbeth|Brian Moynahan|November 9, 2014|DAILY BEAST
A little boy of four was moved to passionate grief at the sight of a dead dog taken from a pond.
Children's Ways|James Sully
And when wine had unselfed my noble father, you received his passionate insults with forbearance and forgiveness!
The Pastor's Fire-side Vol.
3 of 4|Jane Porter
Hence their presence elsewhere, in spite of their passionate attachment to their free native hills.
Glances at Europe|Horace Greeley
It was then that he heard for the first time Mamma's passionate appeal to him never to let Judy forget Mamma.
Kipling Stories and Poems Every Child Should Know, Book II|Rudyard Kipling
He was a man of no mean mental acquirements, but passionate and often inflamed by inebriety.
The Every Day Book of History and Chronology|Joel Munsell
British Dictionary definitions for passionate
/ (ˈpæʃənɪt) /
manifesting or exhibiting intense sexual feeling or desirea passionate lover
capable of, revealing, or characterized by intense emotiona passionate plea
easily roused to anger; quick-tempered
Derived forms of passionate
passionately, adverbpassionateness, nounCollins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
126 Synonyms & Antonyms of PASSIONATE
Save Word1 having a strong sexual desire
- a passionate couple plunging into a new relationship
- concupiscent,
- goatish,
- horny,
- hot,
- hypersexual,
- itchy,
- lascivious,
- lecherous,
- lewd,
- libidinous,
- licentious,
- lubricious
- (or lubricous),
- lustful,
- oversexed,
- randy,
- salacious,
- satyric,
- wanton
- aroused,
- excited
- easy,
- fast,
- loose,
- promiscuous
- dissipated,
- dissolute,
- libertine
- corrupt,
- debased,
- debauched,
- decadent,
- degenerate,
- degraded,
- demoralized,
- depraved,
- dissipated,
- dissolute,
- immoral,
- indecent
- celibate,
- chaste,
- decent,
- immaculate,
- modest,
- moral,
- pure,
- virtuous
- monastic,
- monkish
- maidenly,
- virginal
- innocent,
- lily-white
- priggish,
- prim,
- prudish,
- puritanical,
- straitlaced
- (or straightlaced),
- Victorian
- frigid,
- undersexed
2 having or expressing great depth of feeling
- a passionate defense of the controversial play
- ardent,
- blazing,
- burning,
- charged,
- demonstrative,
- emotional,
- fervent,
- fervid,
- feverish,
- fiery,
- flaming,
- glowing,
- hot-blooded,
- impassioned,
- incandescent,
- intense,
- passional,
- perfervid,
- red-hot,
- religious,
- superheated,
- torrid,
- vehement,
- warm,
- warm-blooded
- gushing,
- gushy,
- maudlin,
- mawkish,
- mushy,
- saccharine,
- sappy,
- schmaltzy,
- sentimental,
- sloppy,
- sugary
- histrionic,
- melodramatic
- enthusiastic,
- gung ho,
- keen,
- zealous
- enamored,
- infatuated,
- obsessed
- uninhibited,
- unreserved,
- unrestrained
- frenzied,
- orgiastic,
- overemotional,
- overexcited,
- overheated
- on fire
- detached,
- dry,
- impersonal,
- objective
- reserved,
- undemonstrative
- cold,
- cool,
- dispassionate,
- emotionless,
- impassive,
- unemotional
See the Dictionary Definition
Frequently Asked Questions About
passionateHow is the word
passionate different from other adjectives like it?Some common synonyms of passionate are ardent, fervent, fervid, impassioned, and perfervid. While all these words mean "showing intense feeling," passionate implies great vehemence and often violence and wasteful diffusion of emotion.
a passionate denunciation
When could
ardent be used to replace passionate?While in some cases nearly identical to passionate, ardent implies an intense degree of zeal, devotion, or enthusiasm.
an ardent supporter of human rights
When is it sensible to use
fervent instead of passionate?Although the words fervent and passionate have much in common, fervent stresses sincerity and steadiness of emotional warmth or zeal.
fervent good wishes
When is
fervid a more appropriate choice than passionate?While the synonyms fervid and passionate are close in meaning, fervid suggests warmly and spontaneously and often feverishly expressed emotion.
fervid love letters
When can
impassioned be used instead of passionate?The words impassioned and passionate are synonyms, but do differ in nuance. Specifically, impassioned implies warmth and intensity without violence and suggests fluent verbal expression.
an impassioned plea for justice
When might
perfervid be a better fit than passionate?The words perfervid and passionate can be used in similar contexts, but perfervid implies the expression of exaggerated or overwrought feelings.
perfervid expressions of patriotism
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Time Traveler for passionate
The first known use of
passionate was in the 15th centurySee more words from the same century
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“Passionate. ” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 22 Oct. 2022.
Style: MLA Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 22 Oct. 2022.">MLA Thesaurus, s.v. “passionate,” accessed October 22, 2022,">Chicago thesaurus. Retrieved October 22, 2022, from">APA Thesaurus, Accessed 10/22/2022.">Merriam-Webster
More from Merriam-Webster on passionate
Nglish: Translation of passionate for Spanish Speakers
Britannica English: Translation of passionate for Arabic Speakers
Synonyms and antonyms "passion" - analysis and associations to the word passion.

- Translation
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- Morphological analysis
- Declensions
- Conjugations
Translation of the word passion
We offer you the translation of the word passion into English, German and French.
Implemented using the Yandex.Dictionary service
- English
- German
- French
- passion - excitement, desire, lust, obsession
- deep passion - deep passion
- desire for adventure - desire for adventure
- passion for life - lust for life
- new passion - new obsession
- ardor - ardor
- passionate
- affection - affection
- displays of affection
- passionately
- rage - rage
- flame - flame
- Leidenschaft - passion
- lack of passion - Mangel an Leidenschaft
- Hingabe - Passion
- Lust - lust
- Brunst - lust
- Hobby — hobby
- Sucht - thirst
- Inbrunst - ardor
- Flamme - love
- Vorliebe - love
- Manie - addiction
- Liebhaberei - passion
- Schrecken
- Fieber
- Schwarm - passion
- passion - passion, lust, love, passion
- great passion - grande passion
- passion de
- convoitise - lust
- feu - heat, love
- soif - thirst
- horreur - cruelty
- maladie - mania
- Find words starting with "passion"
- Find words containing "passion"
- Find words ending with "passion"
Case | Question | Unit | Mn.![]() |
Nominative | (who, what?) | passion | passions |
Genitive | (who, what?) | passions | passions |
Dative | (to whom, what?) | passions | passions |
Accusative | (who, what?) | passion | passions |
Creative | (by whom, what?) | passion | passions |
Prepositional | (about whom, about what?) | passions | passions |
Sentences with the word passion
Please help our robot to recognize the mistakes. There are still a lot of them, but with your help they will become much less. Here are some suggestions he made.
1. Love passion immediately changed to a short tango
2. Crazy passion certainly made me feel completely sad
3. Indefatigable passion repeatedly demanded from the right student
4. True passion must have led to a strange education
"Passion" morphological analysis of the word - associations, cases and declension of words
Adjectives for passion
What is passion like? We offer a selection of adjectives based on literary works and articles.
Verbs for passion
What can passion do? What can be done with passion? Selection of suitable verbs based on the Russian language.
To ignite
blurt out
sink down
sweep away
Associations to the word passion
Selection of an associative series. Words that are more or less associated with what you are looking for.
Hannah AngeoBorder
special effect
What kind of passion (morphological analysis)
Word parsing by part of speech, gender, number, animation and case.
Part of speech:
Declension of the noun passion (what case)
Case declension in singular and plural.
Case | Question | Unit | Mn.![]() |
Nominative | (who, what?) | passion | passions |
Genitive | (who, what?) | passions | passions |
Dative | (to whom, what?) | passions | passions |
Accusative | (who, what?) | passion | passions |
Creative | (by whom, what?) | passion | passions |
Prepositional | (about whom, about what?) | passions | passions |
Area of use
Jargon Americanism Banking Literature MusicPassion sentences
Our robot has made several sentences automatically. Evaluate his work, thereby you will help him become more perfect.
1. Harmfully passion descended to the huge subway