Color purple activities for preschoolers
100 Purple Things and Purple Activity Ideas for Kids
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Purple Things for KidsAre you looking for purple things to share with your students or kids? We collected below 100 purple things you can share plus a big list of activities around the purple color.
Learning colors can be a fun experience for young children. The best way to teach children colors is by showing them many examples.
The color purple can be celebrated with a themed day or classroom lesson.
Encourage children to wear purple. There will inevitably be many shades of purple that provide a teachable moment about how colors come in light and dark shades.
The next step is to showcase many examples of the color purple by offering pictures of purple items or tangible items that can be passed around and touched. A game is a great teaching method that makes learning fun.
Each year purple day is March 26th. Wear purple to support epilepsy awareness worldwide. For more info on Purple Day visit the ‘Purple Day Campaign’
Color matching, guess the color, and I spy are activities that build excitement and color recognition. Art projects and simple coloring offer another hands-on learning tactic.
Find something purple like grapes and have the children color them or glue purple circles onto the picture.
A display of the colorful art projects will continue to cement the concept into young minds.
Table of Contents
- Purple Things List
- Purple Decoration Ideas
- Purple Themed Activity Ideas
- Purple Art Ideas
- Purple Craft Ideas
- Purple Themed Science Projects
- Purple Snack Ideas
- Purple Beverage Ideas
2. Eggplant
3. Lavender
4. Purple Nudibranch (marine animal)
5. Purple Sea Star
6. Purple Tang (fish)
7. Purple Mountain, China
8. Amethyst
9. Lucifer Hummingbird
10. Purple Peacock
11. Purple Honeycreeper (bird)
12. Purple Cauliflower
13. Crocus (flower)
14. Trailing Geranium
15. Purple Jade
16. Spinel (gemstone)
17. Jambul (Fruit)
18. Purple Martin (bird)
19. Canterbury Bells (flower)
20. Magenta Flower
21. Begonia Rex
22. Fig
23. Bruises
24. Barney
25. Orchids
26. Cabbage
27. Red Onions
28. Violets
29. Plums
30. Tulips
31. Blueberry
32. Blackberry
33. Purple Bell Pepper
34. Purple Cayenne Pepper
35. Purple Jalapeno
36. Violet-Backed Starling (bird)
37. Purple Grenadier (bird)
38. Purple Gallinule (bird)
39. Varied Bunting (bird
40. Violet-crowned Woodnymph (bird)
41. Splendid Sunbird (bird)
42. Indian Purple Frog
43. Orchid Dotty Back (fish)
44. Purple Emperor Butterfly
45. Violet Sea Snails
46. Purple Beetles
47. Purple Bamboo Salt
48. Purple Granite
49. Purple Potato
50. Purple Asparagus
51. Purple Carrots
52. Acai Berry
53. Purple Corn
54. Ube (Purple Yam)
55. Passion Fruit
56. Elderberries
57. Purple Kohlrabi
58. Radicchio
59. Purple Belgian Endive
60. Purple Kale
61. Red Leaf Lettuce
62. Purple Broccoli
63. Purple Thyme
64. Purple Basil
65. Black Currants
66. Lepidolite (mineral)
67. Quartz
68. Sodalite (mineral)
69. Spodumene (mineral)
70. Purple Coral
71. Elegant Firefish
72. Betta Fish
73. Purple Striped Jellyfish
74. Blackcap Gramma Basslet (fish)
75. Purple Queen Anthias (fish)
76. Charoite
77. Sugilite
78. Lilac
79. Violet
80. Jacaranda
81. Hellebore
82. Bellflower ( Campanula )
83. Lupin
84. Aster
85. Hyacinth
86. Foxglove
87. Giant Onion Flower
88. hollyhock Flower
89. Petunia
90. Fuchsia
91. Pansy
92. Anemone
93. Wisteria
94. Morning Glory
95. Verbena
96. Bell Heather
97. Columbine
98. Clematis
99. Lisianthus
100. Pasque
Pick a color for a theme and see how easy it is to do! Just choose a color your kids like–and go with it! This ‘Purplicious Theme’ for a party or childcare program is an example…
‘Purplcious’ for a girls’ party…or…
‘Operation Purple’ for an all-boys’ or ‘boys and girls’ celebration or theme…
NOTE: Be sure to also visit the “PURPLE PEOPLE EATER” theme!
Purple Decoration Ideas
- Balloons: Purple, violet, lavender, and white
- Crepe Paper and/or paper chains: Make them in colors of purple, violet, orchid, lavender, pink and white
- Purple paper plates, cups, and napkins
Paint and color large sizes and shapes of paper in shades of purple. Hang them on the walls in art gallery fashion.
Several identical and very large purple paintings would look great going across a wall in the gallery-wall style. You could also mount purple fabric or paper!
Fun Purple Themed Activity Ideas1. Have kids/guests come DRESSED, in purple, violet, lavender, orchid or white!
2. Have PURPLE MAKEOVERS with purple eye shadow, purple lipstick, purple nail polish, purple hair ribbon, etc.
3. USING FACE PAINT– paint purple stripes, hearts, and stars on face and hands
4. PLAY ACTIVE GAMES USING PURPLE BALLOONS OR BALLS. See many balloon games in the Races, Relay, Balloon and Bean Bag Category. (Balloon games are towards the bottom of the page.)
5. Watch a movie and count how many purple things you see
Have a treasure hunt for purple items (Purple crayons, ribbon, fabric swatches, small nail polish, ponytail elastics, etc.)
✓ Grape Flavored drink mix
✓ 1 cup vegetable shortening
✓ Food coloring
✓ A small container such as a film container
- Mix one packet of drink mix with shortening.
- Add in a few drops of food coloring that matches the flavor. ie: yellow for lemon.
- Pack in a small container, such as a film container, and you have a wonderful tasting and smelling lip gloss. Of course, the lip gloss is edible should some accidentally be licked off.
This is my favorite playdough because–it’s fast–no cooking–easy ingredients and smells good—tastes bad. The original recipe calls for 1 cup of flour–however, just having made it–we added another two or three cups of flour. When making playdough, you can always add more flour if it is too wet and additional hot water if it’s too dry! My 4.5 and 6-year-old grand-daughters thought it was the greatest thing ever! (Barb 10/3/10)
Ingredients:✓ 2 1/2 c flour, sifted
✓ 1/2 c salt
✓ 3 T cooking oil
✓ 1 or 2 pkg Grape Kool-aid (unsweetened)
✓ 1 c very hot water
- Mix together flour, salt, oil, and Kool-aid.
- Add the cup of almost boiling water. Mix well.
- Knead the mixture until it forms a soft dough.
- Have fun!
When done, store in a sealed container in the refrigerator. Your play dough will be the scent and color of the Kool-Aid!
*Any other unsweetened, powdered drink mix may be substituted.
*There may be colored hands but it washes off. (My own experiences have never produced colored hands–hower some have said theirs did.)
✓ 2 tsp. purple powdered tempera paint
✓ 1/3 cup water
✓ Wax-coated paper cup
✓ Craft stick
✓ Plastic wrap
1. Mix paint and water together.
2. Pour the mixture into a wax coated paper cup.
3. Cover the cup with plastic wrap, then insert the craft stick through the plastic wrap in the center of the cup.
4. Place the cup in the freezer and freeze until solid.
5. Remove the paper cup and plastic wrap from the Freeze Pop Paint.
6. Dip the paint into water and paint on white paper.
✓ purple fabric scraps
✓ Purple paper
✓ purple tissue paper
✓ purple yarn
✓ purple buttons
✓ purple cotton balls
✓ purple milk jug caps
✓ purple confetti
✓ purple paint chip samples from the paint or hardware store, etc.
Beautiful collages can also be made by clipping ‘purple images’ from magazines and cards! Clothing collage made by Abby in Grand Rapids for
4. THUMBPRINT GRAPESInstructionsOn finger-paint, paper, draw or copy a lot of grape stems. Using purple finger-paint- have children use their thumbs to fill the page with “purple grapes”!
5. SPONGE PAINTINGInstructionsDip sponge pieces into thick purple paint. Print on sheets of white or light blue paper. Tip: Clothespins can be clipped on the sponges and used as handles.
✓ 1 Tablespoon purple powdered unsweetened drink mix
✓ 1 Tablespoon warm water
✓ Several small containers
- Mix the water and unsweetened drink mix together in a small bowl. (Make tints of purple (grape) and also mix red and blue to make purple)
- Pour blended mixture into containers. (Muffin tins or film canisters work well.)
- Repeat this with each “color” you’re making, pouring them into separate containers.
Paint with ordinary paintbrushes, cleaning the brush between colors. Allow artwork to dry overnight before scratching and sniffing.
7. PURPLE KOOL-AID PAINT Ingredients:✓ 2 packages unsweetened grape Kool-aid
✓ 2 cups flour
✓ 1/2 cup salt
✓ 3 cups boiling water
✓ 3 tablespoons oil
Mix dry ingredients together, then add wet ingredients. Paint.
✓ 4 TBSP of white Elmer’s glue
✓ 2 TBSP of liquid starch… Add liquid starch slowly to the glue
✓ If it is stringy–add a drop of glue.
✓ If too hard– add more starch. Mix in a couple of drops of purple food coloring-or red and blue.
Caution: the food coloring mixed into the glue and starch concoction–WILL stain hands. Be sure to have good soap near a water source. Color should come off in a couple of washings
Chill for at least 2-3 hours. It becomes runny when too warm.
9. PURPLE MILK PAINTMix one cup condensed milk with a few drops of red and blue (or purple) food coloring.
10. SHAVING CREAM FINGER PAINTMaterials:✓ 1 medium Ziploc bag
✓ white shaving cream
✓ Food coloring
1. Place a palm-size dollop of shaving cream into the Ziploc bag; add a few drops of blue and red food coloring.
2. Zip up the bag, removing all the air you can before sealing. The kids can “knead” the bag to mix the colors – red and blue make purple!
Sprinkle Kool-aid crystals onto a piece of paper. Have children spray water from a spray bottle onto the paper. Use grape mix as well as blending red and blue.
12. SHADES OF PURPLEPut out shades of purple paint, from dark purple to lavender at the easel or art table.
13. PURPLE SAND ART Instructions1. Give each child a piece of construction paper, and have them draw a picture or write words with the glue. Make sure that they do not put gobs of glue in any one spot.
2. Before the glue dries, with the hand, pour/put sand onto the glue. Let it sit for a few minutes and then shake off the excess sand.
3. It should dry flat for about half an hour depending on how much glue was used.
Take 1 cup of sand and 1 T. powdered paint. Mix and put into a shaker.
Put glue design onto paper-Shake sand onto the glue.
This is a great sensory play activity idea. Add red and blue food coloring into the water table. Squirt some liquid detergent for wonderful purple suds.
Purple Craft Ideas for Kids1. PURPLE YARN VASEMaterials:✓ A glass bottle
✓ Purple Yarn
✓ Craft glue
✓ A toothpick
- Cover about 1″ of the bottom of the bottle with glue.
- Wind the yarn around the bottle, tight but not too tight. You can use different colors of yarn to make stripes on your vase.
- When the glued area is completely covered, push the rows of yarn closer together. Tuck in the beginning of the yarn with a toothpick, add a little more glue there and press down for a minute.
- Keep repeating steps 1, 2, and 3 until the whole bottle is covered with yarn.
Glue will dry clear.
- Remove the label from a clean, clear 16 oz. plastic soda bottle.
- Pour at least 1/2 cup of light corn syrup into the bottle. Add a few drops of purple food coloring and some glitter and/or confetti.
- Hot glue the lid onto the bottle.
- Swirl and shake the bottle to watch its movement.
Blow up a balloon to a size of a softball or larger; cut about a 2 to 3 foot of purple yarn (depending on the size of ball) and put it in a bowl of Elmer’s glue.
Take out the yarn and begin wrapping it around the balloon. Hang the balloon to dry for 24 hrs or till the glue is dry. Pop the balloon and carefully remove it. You can hang this yarn balloon from the ceiling, branches or ______!
Purple Science Activities1. COLOR CUBES Instructions- After filling an ice cube tray with water– add drops of red and blue food coloring in the compartments.
- After cubes are frozen, place a red cube and blue cube in a glass.
- As the cubes melt, watch what happens!
Add 4 TBSP of white Elmer’s glue to 2 TBSP of liquid starch. Mix together…if it’s too stringy, add a drop of glue. If too hard, add more starch. (The playdough ideas up above in ‘Art’ is also science!
3. COLORED CRYSTALS Instructions- For each child mix 1 tablespoon Epson salts and 1 tablespoon water in a baby food jar or a clear plastic glass.
- Stir in 1/4 teaspoon of purple food coloring.
- Have children observe over the next few days as the water evaporates and small crystals begin to form.
- Keep a magnifying glass handy for closer examination.
Cut the bottom of celery stalks and set them in glasses of PURPLE tinted water; the longer the stalks are in the water, the deeper the color will be. The stalks will absorb the color and then the kids can eat them!
- Take a stalk of celery and slice it up the center leaving it connected at the top. Place the celery stalk in two containers of colored water. Example: To get purple, put one side in red, and the other in blue.
- Leave it for a day or two and watch how the veins in the celery turn color as it takes up the water. You can also include a discussion of plant life with this activity.
Make a purple fruit salad with a selection of purple fruit. Purple fruits include:
Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, plums, Purple and red grapes, cherries. - Make Grape JELL-O
- Make Peanutbutter and Grape JELLY/JAM SANDWICHES–cut with cute cookie-cutters if desired.
- Add purple food color to a sour-cream base DIP — and serve with veggies.
Putting veggies on toothpicks and inserting them into an EGGPLANT would add to the purple theme!
- Make Purple PIES (Blueberry Pies)– Bake pre-made pie shells and have kids fill with blueberry pie filling…
- Serve CREAM CHEESE ON CRACKERS –Tint cream cheese purple (blue if can’t find purple) and spread on crackers.
- Make purple or blue POPCORN balls tinted with food coloring and blueberries.
or… - Tint melted butter with purple food coloring before drizzling – then let the kids mix well)
- Make EGG SALAD sandwich filling (tinted with food coloring)
- Frost a CAKE OR CUPCAKES with frosting tinted with purple food coloring. Or–have kids FROST PLAIN SUGAR COOKIES with purple-colored frosting. Decorate with purple sprinkles and candy.
Have the kids make Berry Smoothies!
BLUEBERRY SMOOTHIE #1 Ingredients✓ 1/2 cup orange juice
✓ 1 cup blueberry yogurt
✓ 1 cup washed, stemmed blueberries
✓ honey to taste
Place all the ingredients in a blender. Blend on high speed until smooth.
✓ 1 pint fresh blueberries or 2 cups (10 oz.) frozen blueberries, slightly thawed
✓ 1 cup pineapple, orange and strawberry juice blend or pineapple-orange juice
✓ 1 container (8 oz.) blueberry or vanilla yogurt
✓ 2 teaspoons sugar
- In the container of an electric blender, combine blueberries, juice, yogurt, and sugar.
- Blend until smooth, about 1 minute.
- Serve immediately in tall glasses.
Check out our other kid’s smoothie ideas.
MAKE PURPLE ICE-CUBES #1Add a small amount of food coloring to the water before putting in ice cube trays and freezing. Add a grape to each if desired.
PURPLE ICE-CUBES #2Freeze grape juice or soft drink in ice-cube trays.
PURPLE COW #1Ingredients✓ ¼ cup unsweetened grape juice
✓ 1 cup milk
✓ 1 sliced banana
Mix all ingredients together in a blender. Makes 4-6 small servings
✓ 2 oz. of grape juice
✓ 1/4 c. vanilla ice cream
✓ 2 oz. of lemon-lime soda
- Blend juice and ice cream
- Add soda.
I never saw a Purple Cow,
I never hope to see one…
But I can tell you, anyhow,
I’d rather see than be one.
✓ 100% frozen grape concentrate juice
✓ Carbonated water (amount required on juice can)
✓ Small cups
✓ Pitcher
- Make frozen concentrate juice by the directions on the can, substituting carbonated water for the regular water.
- Pour into cups and enjoy.
Serving size 6 oz.
Storebought Purple Beverage Ideas
- Grape KOOL-AID
- Grape Soda Pop or ICE-CREAM FLOATS
- Purple PUNCH
Looking for ‘Purple People Eater Ideas? VISIT OUR PURPLE PEOPLE EATER THEME! Lots of fun ideas!
https://demplates. com/things-that-are-purple/
PURPLE COW PAINT Here is a recipe for a glossy purple milk paint that children enjoy.
PURPLE BUTTERFLIES You will need coffee filters and food coloring for this activity. ![]()
FIVE PURPLE BALL PICTURES After you have done the activity below, you may want to have your children make ball pictures. ![]()
FIVE PURPLE BALLS You will need five purple circle stickers for each child. ![]()
PURPLE BUTTERFLIES Here is a fun movement game for your children.
PURPLE LITERATURE Read popular children’s stories to your children that stress the color purple. Such as;
PURPLE POSIE FUN Try one or more of these ideas with your group. ![]()
MAKING PURPLE What happens when red and blue are mixed together? Try these experiments with your children to find out.
PURPLE SNACKS Try serving one of these foods at snack time.
WE LOVE PURPLE We love purple. |
I never saw a purple cow, |
LITTLE JACK HORNER Little Jack Horner He put in his thunb |
I met a purple dinosaur He had a purple basket One day when I was out, Another time, I found Some days I find grapes, So if you see a dinosaur |
Synopsis of the GCD "Purple Tale" | Outline of the lesson (middle group):
Synopsis of the GCD "Purple Tale" in the senior group
Educational areas - cognitive, social and communicative, speech, artistic and aesthetic, physical.
Program content: reinforce children's knowledge of the color purple with color.
To consolidate knowledge of the name of the purple color.
Teach children to identify a purple object from a variety of colorful objects. Exercise children in counting up to 5. Introduce children to a new insect - the Crimean ground beetle, listed in the Red Book. Cultivate an ecological culture. Teach children to answer questions in full sentences. Encourage children's interest in working with color.
Develop children's imagination, attention.
Develop fine motor skills of the hands.
Dictionary: enter into the children's active dictionary the words - pistachios, pests, ground beetle, Red Book, Hibiscus tea,
Equipment: illustrations for the fairy tale, the book "Rare Animals and Plants of Crimea", a photograph of a ground beetle, purple objects. Phonogram of birds singing, lyrical music.
Preliminary work: reviewing the Red Book, drawing a blue bird, preparing blanks for art activities.
Guys, you and I know a lot about the colors of the rainbow, we conducted paint mixing experiments and got new colors, we took paints from nature, drew a lot, sculpted, and today we will again devote our lesson to color.
But first, let's do a warm-up:
- How many colors are in the rainbow?
- What kind of rhyme do you know to memorize the arrangement of colors in a rainbow?
- Name in order all the colored paths of the rainbow?
- When can you see a rainbow?
I. The Tale of the Purple Palace.
Guys, listen to a fairy tale:
In a magical purple country, in a purple palace, there lived - there was a little princess. And her name was Princess Fi. Almost everything in this country was purple: the houses, the sky, the sun and even the food were purple.
In the morning, five purple birds flew to the windows of the purple palace and woke up Princess Phi with their gentle singing.
(the soundtrack of birdsong sounds).
The princess woke up, opened the window and fed pistachios to the purple birds.
Pistachios are such delicious nuts in a hard shell. She gave each bird one pistachio.
Fi was a kind, but very capricious girl - everything was wrong for her: they bring her a purple dress - the princess stamps her feet: "I don't want to!" They put purple porridge for breakfast - the princess cries, sobs: "Oh, I don't like it!"
Only one thing made the little princess happy - the garden in the courtyard of the purple palace. Fi was very fond of walking in her purple garden. Purple eggplants grew there in the beds, purple violets and bluebells bloomed in the flowerbeds, purple plums and bunches of purple grapes hung from the trees. Little Princess Phi took a purple watering can and watered her garden.
This morning, the princess went out to her favorite garden as usual. She stopped near a bush of violets and sang a song:
"Purple violet is tired of living in the garden,
I will pick it and bring it to my mother on her birthday.
She will live with purple lilacs,
On the table in a beautiful vase near the window. "
The princess bent down to pick a violet, and then from under the sheet came the sound: "BUT-but-but! Princess, don't ruin my favorite violet." It was a big old, of course, purple and very wise beetle, its name was Ground beetle. (photo display)
He lived in the purple garden. “Fi, don’t tear the violet, it won’t stand in a vase for a long time - it will wither, and it will bloom in the flower bed for a long time and delight you and me,” the Ground beetle added. “Why should I listen to some purple beetle?” Fi asked.
"Because I live a long time in the world, I've seen a lot, I know a lot. Take my advice, girl, take pity on the violet. And someday I'll thank you for your kindness. . He said so and crawled away. Princess Fi thought about it and didn't pick the flowers.
Time has passed. One beautiful purple morning, Princess Phi went out into her garden and did not recognize him. The garden was attacked by pests - caterpillars, snails, bugs. They voraciously ate all her favorite plants. Tears rolled from the eyes of the princess, she did not know how to save her garden. And then she heard a familiar kind voice: "Don't cry, girl, I promised you to repay your kindness with kindness. And I will help save your garden. Now I will call my friends - Ground beetles and we will quickly defeat harmful insects, because for us this is the most delicious treat!" Beautiful purple beetles, as promised, drove away all the pests. The garden has been saved! The princess thanked the old beetle and his friends and never offended them.
II. Essay on the content of the story.
Guys, this is how Princess Phi's story ended.
- Would you like to go to the purple kingdom?
- Do you remember the name of the little princess?
- What color was her palace?
- How many birds flew to the princess? (five)
- What did the princess feed the birds with? (pistachios).
- She gave one nut to each of the five birds. How many nuts did she take with her for the birds? (five).
- What else was purple in this kingdom? (houses, trees, sky, sun and even food).
- What did Princess Phi dislike about purple? (Dress, porridge).
- What was the princess like? (kind, but capricious).
- And what did she love? (garden).
- How many plants did she have in her garden? (a lot of).
- What grew in the garden? (eggplants, violets, bluebells, plums, grapes).
- What color is eggplant, grape, violet, bluebell, plum?
- Are there purple porridge, sky, sun, trees? Do you like purple?
- Who asked the princess not to destroy the violet? What was the beetle's name? (Ground beetle).
- Why did the beetle ask not to destroy the garden violet? (She does not stand in a vase for a long time and dies).
- Will you pick flowers in the flower beds? Why?
- How did ground beetles save the magic garden? (they ate pests).
Yes, guys, beetle Ground beetle is a useful beetle that lives in Crimea. It feeds on insect pests and saves plants from them. Ground beetle is a rare beetle, it is even listed in the special Red Book of Crimea and Ukraine. This book tells about all kinds of rare and endangered animals, insects, plants and fungi. And people should know about them and protect them. Otherwise, they will simply disappear from the face of the Earth. The purple ground beetle has a special weapon - at the moment of danger, it shoots at its enemy with special caustic purple ink, so you should not take this beetle in your hands.
- If you meet a Ground Beetle on the street, what will you do?
- Why do people protect this beetle and even put it in the Red Book? (this is a rare and beneficial beetle for nature).
- What happens if all the beetles of the Ground beetle suddenly disappear? (Plants will suffer from harmful insects).
The violet kingdom exists only in a fairy tale. And you guys, remember that you have to pay good for good.
In our life, the purple color is not very common, we all know what purple is, and we won’t mix it up. Let's play:
III. Didactic games for reinforcement.
"Find a purple object."
Equipment: Violet colored items placed in a group.
Game progress: invite the children to disperse into a group, look carefully, find and show purple objects.
IV. Dynamic gymnastics
The class raises its hands - this is the time.
Head down - that's two.
Hands up, look forward - that's three.
Arms wide apart
We will divide by four.
Five - let's sit down deeply,
Six - let's jump lightly
Let's take a deep breath now.
Seven, let's sit down at the table.
V. Research and experimental activities.
You already know a lot about the different colors of the rainbow, but would you like to learn more?
Today you will learn how to get purple dye.
This is not difficult to do. It is enough to mix blue and red paints. But before we do the experiment, let's talk about these colors.
So blue. It is the color of the sea and sky.
Together we read Meter Link's fairy tale about the Blue Bird, which brings happiness to people, and drew it.
Is the blue color warm or cool? Light or dark? What happens in blue? What does blue smell like? What does it taste like?
Red is the color of courage, bravery and victory.
Red is the color of blood. The red cross is a symbol of medicine.
The word red and beautiful have a common meaning. In Russian folk tales, the expression "beautiful maiden" and "red fellow" is often found.
What does this mean?
This means a beautiful girl and a handsome guy.
Among the Slavic peoples in ancient times, the bride was not sewn for a wedding white, but a red dress, and a towel (towel) was laid under her feet, on which a red pattern was embroidered on a white background, because red is the color of kindness, happiness and love. The sun is also affectionately called the red sun, i.e. beautiful.
You can take red paint from nature. We have already obtained dark red paint from beet juice.
And today I will show you how you can get a dark red dye from a special tea called Hibiscus. Hibiscus tea is dried rose petals that grow in Africa. I will pour boiling water over the dried petals and you will see what happened. The drink turned dark red. This tea is very healthy as it contains a lot of vitamin C, so it tastes sour. They drink it in hot weather to quench their thirst, and also during a cold to overcome the disease faster.
Try Hibiscus tea too. (tasting).
Tell me, guys, is red a warm or cold color? Bright or dark? What does he smell like? What does it taste like?
And now we will conduct an experiment - we will take and mix blue and red paint. See what color it is?
Violet Paint
Produces blue with red.
Violet violets
We give a bouquet as a gift
VI. Inventiveness
The teacher distributes blanks with the silhouette of a ground beetle to the children.
Task: Paint the beetle with the paint that you yourself received as a result of the experiment.
Guys, every paint is needed and useful.
Today, you have visited the purple kingdom, met Princess Phi and her friend, the Ground beetle. Learned a lot of new and interesting things. You were attentive, tried hard, and therefore
did all the tasks correctly. And you also remember that kindness must be repaid with kindness. Tonight, take your work home and show your parents, brothers and sisters the Crimean ground beetle, tell us about the beetle listed in the Red Book, Explain how to treat it.
Experience in obtaining purple paint
Didactic game “Find purple items
90,000 Violet fairy tale, an integrated lessonSynopsis of the integrated class in the middle group of kindergarten“ Violet fairy tale ”
A author of the Varlamova TA TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TU TALARAROMA Yuryevna, teacher of the preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 1", Feodosia.
Program content:
Introduce children to the color purple.
To consolidate knowledge of the name of the purple color.
Teach children to identify a purple object from a variety of colorful objects.
Exercise children counting up to 3. Introduce children to a new insect - the ground beetle, listed in the Red Book.
Raise an ecological culture. Teach children to answer questions in full sentences.
Encourage children's interest in working with color.
Develop children's imagination, attention.
Develop fine motor skills.
Dictionary: enter the words - pistachios, ground beetle, Red Book into the children's active dictionary.
Illustrations for the fairy tale, the book "Rare Animals and Plants of the Crimea", a photograph of a ground beetle, subject pictures painted in uncharacteristic colors, colored pencils, silhouette images of objects.
Lesson progress:
Children, listen to the fairy tale:
The Tale of the Purple Palace
In a magical purple country, in a purple palace, there lived a little princess. And her name was Princess Fi. Almost everything in this country was purple: the houses, the sky, the sun and even the food were purple. In the morning, three purple birds flew to the windows of the purple palace and woke up Princess Phi with their gentle singing. The princess woke up, opened the window and fed the purple birds with pistachios. Pistachios are such delicious nuts in a hard shell. She gave each bird one pistachio. Fi was a kind, but very capricious girl - everything was wrong for her: they would bring her a purple dress - the princess stamped her feet: “I don’t want to!” They put purple porridge for breakfast - the princess cries, sobs: “Oh, I don’t like it!”
Only one thing pleased the little princess - a garden in the courtyard of the purple palace. Fi was very fond of walking in her purple garden. Purple eggplants grew there in the beds, purple violets and bluebells bloomed in the flowerbeds, purple plums and bunches of purple grapes hung from the trees. Little Princess Phi took a purple watering can and watered her garden. This morning the princess, as usual, went out to her favorite garden. She stopped near a bush of violets and sang a song:
Violet violet is tired of living in the garden
I will pick it and bring it to my mother on her birthday.
She will live with purple lilacs,
On the table in a beautiful vase near the window.
The princess bent down to pick a violet, and then from under the sheet came the sound: “But-but-but! Princess, don't ruin my favorite violet." It was a big old, of course, purple and very wise beetle, his name was Ground beetle. He lived in the purple garden. “Fi, don’t tear the violet, it won’t stand in a vase for a long time - it will wither, and it will bloom for a long time in the flower bed and delight you and me,” added the Ground beetle beetle. "Why should I be listening to some purple beetle?" Fi asked.
“Because I have lived a long time in the world, I have seen a lot, I know a lot. Take my advice, girl, take pity on the violet. And someday I will thank you for your kindness. After all, I am not an ordinary beetle, we are beetle beetles - defenders.
He said so and crawled away. Princess Fi thought about it and didn't pick the flowers.
Time has passed. One beautiful purple morning, Princess Phi went out into her garden and did not recognize him. The garden was attacked by harmful insects - caterpillars, snails, bugs. They voraciously ate all her favorite plants. Tears rolled from the eyes of the princess, she did not know how to save her garden. And then she heard a familiar kind voice: “Do not cry, girl, I promised you to repay your kindness with kindness. And I'll help save your garden. Now I will call my friends Ground beetles and we will quickly defeat harmful insects, because for us this is the most delicious treat! Beautiful purple beetles, as promised, drove away all the pests. The garden has been saved! The princess thanked the old beetle and his friends and never offended them.
A conversation about the content of the fairy tale
Guys, this is how the story of Princess Fi ended.
Would you like to go to the purple kingdom?
Do you remember the name of the little princess?
What color was her palace?
How many birds flew to the princess? (three)
What did the princess feed the birds with? (pistachios).
She gave one nut to each of the three birds. How many nuts did she take with her
for the birds? (three).
What else was purple in this kingdom?
(houses, trees, sky, sun and even food).
What did Princess Phi dislike about purple? (Dress, porridge).
What was the princess like? (kind, but capricious).
What did she love? (garden).
How many plants did she have in her garden? (a lot of).
What grew in the garden? (eggplants, violets, bluebells, plums, grapes).
What color is eggplant, grape, violet, bluebell, plum?
Are there purple porridge, sky, sun, trees?
Do you like purple?
Why did the princess want to pick a flower?
(To put it in a vase for mom).
Who asked the princess not to destroy the violet? What was the beetle's name? (Ground beetle).
Why did the beetle ask not to destroy the garden violet?
(She does not stand in a vase for a long time and dies).
Will you pick flowers in the flower beds? Why?
How did ground beetles save the magical garden? (they ate pests).
Yes, guys, the beetle The ground beetle is a useful beetle that lives in our area. It feeds on insect pests and saves plants from them. The ground beetle is a rare beetle, it is even listed in a special Red Book. This book protects all rare animals, insects and plants. The purple ground beetle has a special weapon - at the moment of danger, it shoots at its enemy with special caustic purple ink, so you should not take this beetle in your hands.
If you meet a Ground Beetle on the street, what will you do?
Why do people protect this beetle and even put it in the Red Book? (this is a rare and useful beetle for nature).
What would happen if all the beetles of the Ground beetle suddenly disappeared? (Plants will suffer from harmful insects).
The purple kingdom only exists in a fairy tale. And you guys, remember that you have to pay good for good.
In our life, the purple color is not very common, we all know what is purple, and we will not mix it up. Let's play:
Didactic games for reinforcement. Game "Confusion"
Equipment: pictures of animals, plants, etc., which are painted in uncharacteristic colors for them.
Game progress: children are shown a picture - "Confusion". They need to carefully consider it and cross out the objects painted incorrectly.
Dynamic gymnastics with elements of prevention of flat feet and scoliosis
Legs, legs, ran along the path,
Run through the woods, jumped over bumps,
They ran to the meadow, lost their boot,
They found the boot and went home.
We walk on toes,
We walk on our heels.
Here they checked the posture
And brought the shoulder blades together.
We go like this all the guys
And like a clumsy bear.