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30 Fun and Fascinating Dog Facts – American Kennel Club

We realize we may be biased, but here at the AKC we never get tired of learning more about dogs, whether it’s a new study on canine behavior, a statistic from the AKC’s database, or even just cool facts about a dog’s impressive physical and mental abilities. You may know some of these already, and others may be more of a “wait, really?” situation, but we think you’ll find all of them entertaining. Check out these 30 fun dog facts.

1. The Labrador Retriever has been on the AKC’s top 10 most popular breeds list for 30 consecutive years—longer than any other breed.

2. A dog’s nose print is unique, much like a person’s fingerprint.

3. Forty-five percent of U.S. dogs sleep in their owner’s bed.

4. Speaking of sleeping … all dogs dream, but puppies and senior dogs dream more frequently than adult dogs.

5. Seventy percent of people sign their dog’s name on their holiday cards.

6. A dog’s sense of smell is legendary, but did you know that his nose has as many as 300 million receptors? In comparison, a human nose has about 5 million.

7. Rin Tin Tin, the famous German Shepherd, was nominated for an Academy Award.

8. Dogs’ noses can sense heat/thermal radiation, which explains why blind or deaf dogs can still hunt.

9. Only one breed that was among the five most popular breeds in 1934— the Beagle — still remains in the top five today.

10. The name Collie means “black.” (Collies once tended black-faced sheep.)

11. Yawning is contagious—even for dogs. Research shows that the sound of a human yawn can trigger one from your dog. And it’s four times as likely to happen when it’s the yawn of a person he knows.

12. The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is the only breed named for a fictional person—a character in the novel Guy Mannering, by Sir Walter Scott.

13. Dogs curl up in a ball when sleeping to protect their organs—a hold over from their days in the wild, when they were vulnerable to predator attacks.

14. The Basenji is not technically “barkless,” as many people think. They can yodel.

15. The Australian Shepherd is not actually from Australia—they are an American breed.

16. … And the Labrador Retriever is originally from Newfoundland.

17. Human blood pressure goes down when petting a dog. And so does the dog’s.

18. There are over 75 million pet dogs in the U.S.—more than in any other country.

19. A person who hunts with a Beagle is known as a “Beagler.”

20. Dogs are not colorblind. They can see blue and yellow.

21. All puppies are born deaf.

22. Dalmatians are born completely white, and develop their spots as they get older.

23. Dogs have about 1,700 taste buds. We humans have between 2,000–10,000.

24. When dogs kick backward after they go to the bathroom it’s not to cover it up, but to mark their territory, using the scent glands in their feet.

25. A recent study shows that dogs are among a small group of animals who show voluntary unselfish kindness towards others without any reward. This is one fact dog lovers have known all along.

26. The Norwegien Lundehund is the least popular dog breed and the only dog breed created for the job of puffin hunting.

27. Greyhounds can beat cheetahs in a race. While cheetahs can run twice as fast as greyhounds, they can only maintain that 70 mph speed for about thirty seconds. A Greyhound can maintain a 35 mph speed for about seven miles. So, the cheetah may start out first, but the greyhound will soon overtake him.

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28. The Bloodhound’s sense of smell is so accurate that the results of its tracking can be used as evidence in a court of law.

29. Some dogs are taller or heavier, but according to the Guinness World Records, a Mastiff named Zorba is the world’s overall largest dog ever. Zorba weighed 343 pounds and measured over eight feet from his nose to his tail. He’s been described as being about the size of a small donkey.

30. According to the Guinness World Records, the smallest dog ever recorded was Miracle Milly, the Chihuahua. Born in 2011, Milly was a miniscule 3.8 inches tall and weighed in at one pound.

Dog, facts and photos

A border collie stands on the bluff at Raven's Point, Tennessee.

Photograph by Stephen Alvarez, NAT GEO IMAGE COLLECTION

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Common Name:
Domestic dogs

Scientific Name:
Canis familiaris



Group Name:

Average Life Span In The Wild:
12 years

Five to 35 inches at the shoulder

Three to 250 pounds

What is a domestic dog?

The term “domestic dog” refers to any of several hundred breeds of dog in the world today. While these animals vary drastically in appearance, every dog—from the Chihuahua to the Great Dane—is a member of the same species, Canis familiaris. This separates domestic dogs from wild canines, such as coyotes, foxes, and wolves.

Domestic dogs are mostly kept as pets, though many breeds are capable of surviving on their own, whether it’s in a forest or on city streets. A third of all households worldwide have a dog, according to a 2016 consumer insights study. This makes the domestic dog the most popular pet on the planet.

Evolutionary origins

All dogs descend from a species of wolf, but not the gray wolf (Canis lupus), like many people assume. In fact, DNA evidence suggests that the now-extinct wolf ancestor to modern dogs was Eurasian. However, scientists are still working to understand exactly what species gave rise to dogs.   

When dogs broke off from their wild ancestors is also a matter of mystery, but genetics suggest that it occurred between 15,000 and 30,000 years ago.

While it’s impossible to say exactly how a wild wolf species became a domesticated dog, most scientists believe the process happened gradually as wolves became more comfortable with humans. Perhaps wolves started down this path simply by eating human scraps. Many generations later, humans might have encouraged wolves to stay near by actively feeding them. Later still, those wolves may have been welcomed into the human home and eventually bred to encourage certain traits. All of this is thought to have unfolded over thousands of years.

Dog breeds

Today, many of the dogs you know and love are the product of selective breeding between individuals with desirable traits, either physical or behavioral. For instance, around 9,500 years ago, ancient peoples began breeding dogs that were best able to survive and work in the cold. These dogs would become the family of sled dogs—including breeds such as huskies and malamutes—that remains relatively unchanged today.

Similarly, humans bred German shepherds for their ability to herd livestock, Labrador retrievers to help collect ducks and other game felled by hunters, and sausage-shaped Dachshunds for their ability to rush down a burrow after a badger. Many more breeds were created to fill other human needs, such as home protection and vermin control.  

Certain breeds have also been created to make dogs more desirable as companions. For instance, the labradoodle, which combines the traits of a Labrador retriever and a poodle, was invented as an attempt to create a hypoallergenic guide dog.

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Left: A portrait of Lola, a two-year-old boxer-husky mix.

Right: A portrait of Daisy, a five-year-old English springer spaniel.


Modern working dogs

While people rely less on dogs for daily tasks than they did in the past, there are still many modern jobs for pooches.

Because the domestic dog’s sense of smell is between 10,000 and 100,000 better than our own, canines now assist law enforcement by sniffing out drugs, explosives, and even electronics. They can also help conservationists find and protect endangered species using their super-powered schnozzes.

They assist search and rescue teams in the wake of natural disasters or reports of people lost in the outdoors. Dogs trained to warn of hidden explosives and enemies serve as allies in military operations. Other dogs assist police looking for jail escapees or the bodies of murder victims. Some partner instead with customs officials searching for contraband, from drugs to elephant ivory. Still others lead the way tracking down poachers, patrolling cargo ships for rats that might escape at distant harbors, or exposing forest insect pests in shipments of wood from abroad.

Similarly, dogs can sniff out early signs of Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, several types of cancer, oncoming epileptic seizures, and antibiotic-resistant bacteria. They guide deaf and blind people, and they help people with autism and post-traumatic stress disorder manage with anxiety.

Living with dogs

Most dogs are a mix of breeds—in 2015, one study estimated that only 5 percent of dogs in shelters are purebred. Just as dogs come in all sizes, shapes, and colors, these animals also come in a spectrum of temperaments. A bulldog might look fierce but be cuddly as a kitten, whereas a cute cocker spaniel might nip at your finger without thinking twice.

This is why animal handling expert Jack Hanna recommends teaching children to always exercise caution around a dog they do not know. For instance, he says kids should ask for permission from the dog’s owner before trying to pet or play with the animal. Offering an outstretched hand also allows the dog to familiarize itself with a new person before reaching behind its head where it can’t see what you’re doing, which might make a dog nervous or scared. Finally, never allow children to put their faces near the dog’s muzzle.

“I don’t care what kind of dog it is,” Hanna told National Geographic. “The owner may say, ‘Well, this dog’s never bit anyone before.’ But that’s not the point. The point is it can happen.”

Of course, when dogs are cared for properly and treated with respect, they can be incredibly loving, playful, and intelligent companions. What’s more, by understanding where dogs come from, pet owners might learn to appreciate their canines even more.

After all, the yipping and tail-wagging your dog performs when you grab a bag of treats are carry-overs from when its ancestors needed to communicate with other members of its social group. Chasing sticks and balls may be linked to the pursuit of prey, while digging at the carpet or a dog bed echoes how a wild canid would prepare its sleeping area. And each time Fido stops to sniff a fire hydrant on your walk, it’s analyzing the pheromones left behind by another dog’s urine.

We take these behaviors for granted because dogs have become “man’s best friend.” But deep inside every pit bull and Pomeranian, there lie hints of the past.  

Editor's note: Bringing a dog into your household is a major responsibility. More than 1.6 million dogs ended up in shelters in 2020. Learn how to keep your dog happy and healthy with the National Geographic book Complete Guide To Pet Health, Behavior, and Happiness.

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Informative articles about dogs - ProPlan.


Are you just thinking about getting a pet, or have you already made a new friend, but don't know how to properly care for him? You will find the necessary minimum of advice in the articles of our experts.



Adult (1 to 7 years old)

Senior (over 7 years old)


Small (

Medium (10-25 kg)

Large (>25 kg)


Health care


Care and education

Calm breeds of dogs

Pets with a calm character are friendly and kind to others, patient with children and easily remain alone, not announcing the area with incessant barking or long howling.

The best breeds of dogs for an apartment

Living in an apartment is not a reason to deny yourself the joy of having a dog, because many of them successfully adapt to life in a limited area. A variety of breeds allows you to choose a pet even for a small apartment or do without long walks and complex hair care. nine0003

Service dog breeds

Today, service dog breeds are more likely to be family pets, but their instincts are still alive.

Hair Loss in Dogs

Proper nutrition and maintenance can reduce shedding, while complete foods meet the vitamin and mineral needs of dogs and help maintain healthy skin and a shiny coat. nine0003

What to feed a puppy?

Puppy nutrition is not just a way to satisfy the basic needs of the animal in food and provide him with energy. A balanced diet largely determines the health of the dog in the future, its well-being, appearance and life expectancy, as well as how the expected breed traits will be manifested in the pet (strong muscles, coat quality, body proportions).

nine0002 Castration and sterilization of dogs: what are the differences and possible consequences

When it comes to castration and sterilization, one may come across a common opinion that the difference lies in the gender, that is, males are castrated, and females are sterilized. But actually this is not true.

Choosing a dog according to its character

Breeders and experienced owners say that in order to establish friendly relations between the owner and the dog, their characters must be similar. nine0003

What can and cannot be given to dogs

Every responsible owner wants to provide his pet with a long, healthy and happy life. Perhaps one of the most important components of such a life is proper nutrition.

Up to what age do dogs grow

The growth of a dog is a complex process, and the owner's task is to take a comprehensive approach to the development of his pet, both physically and intellectually and socially. nine0003

Dog breeds with photos and names - description and characteristics of puppies

There are about 400 different dog breeds in the world. If you look at photos of dogs of different breeds, you can see that their external data, for example, size, coat type, color, and other characteristics are very different. There are completely different dogs: very large and very small, short and tall, long-haired, smooth-haired, wire-haired, with erect or hanging ears, with short or long tails, and so on. nine0003

In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you first need to determine for what purpose you are getting a dog. All breeds of dogs are divided into three main groups: service , hunting and decorative . Now there is still such a definition as a companion dog, that is, a friend dog.

On this page you will find the names of dog breeds with photos, each article gives a brief description, the main characteristics of different breeds of dogs.

The appearance of a dog, its size, type of coat are the main parameters by which people first of all choose a friend. But even more important are the character of the dog, its temperament and ability to exercise and intellectual activity. So, for example, a quiet, fragile person will not easily cope with a large breed dog, especially if the animal may be aggressive or too active. Conversely, a small shy dog ​​is not suitable for an owner with a strong will. Therefore, it is important to choose a breed that will suit your temperament and personal qualities. nine0003

If you need a companion dog, almost any breed from the three main groups (working, hunting and decorative dogs) can suit you - you just need to correctly determine what you are going to do with the dog, what to do with it and yourself. Think about the lifestyle you lead and what your temperament is. You need to consider how calm or active you are, a homebody or a traveler, whether you like noisy games in the company of people and dogs, or whether you prefer quiet walks in solitude. Depending on this, you will need to choose a dog with a temperament that will fit harmoniously into your lifestyle. In each of the above groups there are large, medium, small and even miniature breeds, so choosing the right breed that combines the necessary external data (including size, weight, coat type, color) with the character and temperament that suits you is not difficult. nine0003

Reading each description when choosing a breed for yourself, be sure to pay attention to the text on the origin of the breed. It is in it that the story of the breeding of each breed of dog is told, why it has certain, sometimes even unique external data, for example, short paws, coarse hair or webbing between the fingers. Also, this historical background will help you understand how active dogs of certain breeds are or, conversely, calm, whether they need a lot of physical and mental stress. nine0003

Reading the characteristics of each breed in the articles on this page, you will understand whether it can make friends with other pets (whether it be a dog, cat, rabbit or ferret), whether it is suitable for you if there are children in the family, whether it will become a companion for them. games, a guard or a nanny, as well as what kind of care each breed of dog requires.

Of course, when choosing a breed, you will definitely need to take into account such a factor as the conditions of your life.

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