Add games for kids
Addition Games for Kids Online
Fun Addition Games OnlineAddition is a mathematical operation that helps you combine two or more things together. If you want to know the number of candy bars you collected in your Halloween candy bucket, then you need to add them together. Similarly, when you go grocery shopping, you add up all your purchases and pay for them together at once. So, the act of combining things to derive a larger group is defined as addition.
In mathematics, you can add numbers, whether they are single digits, double digits, triple digits, or more. Addition is one of the most fundamental operations in mathematics. It forms the foundation for other operations, as well as forms the building blocks of higher math learning. The mathematical symbol for addition is: ‘+’.
The concept of addition can be learned and practiced through fun addition games for kids. These games, aligned with the common core curriculum, help children learn about addition techniques with ease. Math addition games include games on addition strategies, addition facts games, addition without regrouping games, addition with regrouping games, multi-digit addition games, etc.
Some other math games that you can explore are: number sense games, subtraction games, multiplication games, division games, measurement games, algebra games, etc.
How Do We Introduce Addition to Kids?Addition interactive games are perfect for introducing addition to your child. They help kids identify different objects and start by asking children to count and group the objects together. In kindergarten math, a child learns to count from 0-20, and understands the concepts revolving around numbers such as putting the numbers together. For example, “If there are 5 ice cubes in a refrigerator, how many ice cubes will be there if we add one more?” In order to ascertain that number, the child keeps track of the counting. With the help of online games, kids learn to understand addition as ‘putting together’ and ‘adding to’ for numbers from 0 to 10. This is a good way to introduce the concept of addition as it is not too overwhelming for children. Addition math games online make learning the process of addition simple and easy.
Math addition games for kids make practicing addition a fun and interactive process. These games use addition models, strategies and facts and represent them on the digital screen in an interesting way using exciting and colorful visuals. They do a great job at making math learning engaging.
How Can Games Help in Better Understanding of Addition?Addition games online help children relate addition to real life situations. This helps them to understand the logic and reasoning behind it. Math adding games also increase critical thinking skills which help kids to better understand the process of addition.
Frequently Asked Questions- How do you practice addition for kids?
Math adding games are perfect for kids to practice addition.
They help kids to identify turn around facts, add using models, add using place values, add using the count on strategy, add using the column method, complete addition patterns and solve word problems based on addition. They also help kids to add multi-digit numbers easily with and without regrouping.
- How to teach addition?
Addition interactive games are extremely useful to teach addition to children. Everything from adding single digit numbers to adding fractions, decimals and mixed numbers can be learned by playing fun addition games online.
- How can I help my child understand addition?
Math addition games for kids not only explain the concept of addition well, but also allow repeated practice so that children can fully understand it. Practice leads to concept reinforcement which helps children to develop a positive relationship with mathematical operations like addition.
- How can kids play games on addition?
Using online games, kids can practice addition anytime and anywhere.
They can play games on addition at their own pace and at their own convenience. This promotes a healthy learning attitude in young learners.
- What are the best fun addition activities for kids?
Some fun and amazing addition activities for kids are: playing addition jenga, performing addition with a group of objects like beans or books, practicing regrouping with building blocks, etc.
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Addition Games for Kindergarteners Online
Online Addition Games for KindergartenThroughout the formative years, a child explores and learns from his or her immediate surroundings. They compare and identify different quantities, objects, shapes, numbers, directions etc. The early childhood mathematical education lays a strong base for developing future mathematical aptitude. Everyday math learning setting is entirely based on a child’s everyday experiences and research based core curriculum and teaching practices. Science and mathematics education helps the child to make sense of the world around them.
In the formative years, a child develops effective skills through play and games. Online math games and puzzles are a great way to develop a foundation for math skills playfully and are in alignment with the core curriculum.
These math learning games and math activities for kids instruct them to identify different objects, count, and group the objects together and add up to find out the total amount.
Interactive Addition Math Games for KindergartenA preschooler or a kindergarten child is introduced to the number world. After preschool, a child can identify and count numbers easily.
Using Appropriate Math AidsA kindergarten child begins to explore various tools, math aids and use them to investigate mathematical concepts. They learn everyday math by experimenting and using concrete materials such as dimensional solids, connecting cubes, ten frames, number balances and technological materials e. g., virtual manipulatives, interactive math games.
A kindergarten child learns to draw pictures, use drawing and diagrams, manipulate different objects to express math equation in putting together objects. Take, for example, Julian put 3 orange candies in a jar and her sister also put 2 strawberry candies in the same jar. How many candies are there in the jar?
A kindergarten child starts using mathematical language to understand how math symbols (+, =) are used to represent quantitative ideas in a written format.
In kindergarten math, a child learns to count from 0-20, try to understand the concepts revolving around the numbers such as putting the numbers together; for example, “If there are 5 ice cubes in a refrigerator, what would there be if we add one more? “ In order to know how many, the child keeps track of the counting.
Through math education common core curriculum, a child understands addition as putting together and adding to, for numbers 0 – 10, Kindergarten students choose, combine, and apply strategies for answering quantitative questions.
At this stage, the child is still not familiar with the meaning of the math symbol “ equal to”, which will be introduced in 1st grade math education through math activities and interactive games.
At Kindergarten level math education, a child will be able to :
- Solve addition word problems, and add within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawings to represent the problem.
- Solve three types of addition problems within 10: Result Unknown/Add To; Total Unknown for different objects put together, and Addend Unknown.
- Use counting to solve addition problems with objects, fingers, and drawings.
- Fluently add within the number 5.
- Understand that a number (less than or equal to 10) can be decomposed into parts.
The facilitator can use LEGO towers for simple addition problems.
For example, Ryan put 4 bananas in the fruit basket. His mother also put 4 oranges in the same basket. How many fruits are there in the fruit basket?
The child can make use of LEGO cubes to add the number of bananas and number of oranges.
Walking the Number Line: Interactive Learning GameOne can make use of number line mat for putting things together and making a child understand the concept of addition in math.
For example, “ Sally has 1 blue balloon in her hand. She wanted more balloons of different colors. So Sally went to the balloon seller and bought one yellow colored balloon, one green colored balloon, and one red colored balloon. How many balloons does Sally have now?
Use the number line mat, to solve this simple math puzzle for kids.
Start from 1 ; as Sally already had one balloon.
Now move one step forward for the yellow balloon, another step for green and one last step for red.
Where did you finish? 4.
Thus Sally now has 4 balloons in her hand.
Counting number and summing numbers together using: Math learning through mental math skill
A child already knows how to count using fingers. Now at this stage, the concept of counting is extended to the concept of summing. All these skills are in alignment with the facilitators and students following core curriculum.
Add up 5: Kindergarten educational math game
A simple math play for the young brains.
- Look at the picture and the number equation the children are holding in the tube
- Use any of the math strategies for kindergarten: finger addition, sticks, blocks etc. and sum up the numbers.
- Now choose the answer from the sail boats given below.
- Click on the correct answer boat and it will start sailing.
This is a funbrain games where the kids add while they color. The math activity is simple to implement and is based on the core curriculum. All one needs is a print copy of this kids math worksheet and colors.
- Ask the child to count the number of red, green and golden apples on tree one first.
Then tell them to draw out these many apples on the empty and colorless tree.
- Next, ask them to count the number of apples on the second apple tree. Tell them to draw these again on the third tree.
- Once the required assignment is done, count the number of apples drawn on the third apple tree. This is the sum of all the apples on both the trees.
Addition up to 10: Fun Math Activity for kindergarten
- Cut and paste the missing pictures from the one given below.
- Add the number of animals in both the pictures and draw an equal number of lines in the third box.
- How many are they?
Color the Missing Addend: Math is fun
A great educational game for children following core curriculum. It is not all study not play at SplashLearn; it is learning math while playing. free games for 5-year-olds
In this simple addition activity, the addend is missing.
- Ask the child to count the number given in the box with fingers.
- Now look at the first bunch of flowers, it is all colored.
- Ask the child to count the colored flowers in the first bunch. While doing so, simultaneously fold one finger for one colored flower.
- The number of fingers left unfolded is the missing addend.
- Color these many number of flowers in the second bunch.
Chu-Chu Addition Train: Step by step math
An interesting preschool game for 4-5 years old based on mental math strategies.
- In this game, a chu-chu train passes in front of the kid slowly so that there is sufficient time to count and add.
- Look at the chu chu train carrying the animals.
- How many animals are there in each train?
- The kids count the number of animals in each train and try to add them using fingers.
- At the end of the train, there are flags swinging in the air that carry the correct answer.
- Click on the correct answer.
Animal Summed Up !!: Addition Word Problems
In kindergarten, the child does not understand the meaning of the math symbol ‘ equal to’. A child adds numbers together using word problems.
- In this educational math game for kids, we define addition problem through words.
- A picture of two group of animals appears on the screen and the addition word problem is defined using Voice Over.
- The child can add using any of the math aid.
- The answer floats after a sometime in bubbles across the screen.
- Click the bubble carrying the correct answer. On doing so the bubble will blast and next set of math problem will appear on the screen.
Tens and Ones
To help count and add big numbers, one can group the numbers in tens and ones.
This way a kindergarten child will learn that 0-20 numbers can be broken into parts.
For example ( defining addition problem),
Maggie goes to buy two trays of eggs with her mother. She wants to know how many eggs need to be added to a single tray to make 14 eggs.
Thus in this addition problem, the addend is missing.
Maggie has already developed math skill of counting numbers. She knows that there are 10 eggs in one tray.
Perform the simple math activity to find out more about addition beyond number 10.
The Christmas Mitten: Simple addition Math interactive Game
In this interactive online game for kids, the child will recognize the addition with different symbols and patterns. Whole math worksheet/ activity appears on the screen with different symbols aligned at the bottom. After adding the numbers, the similar symbols of that many numbers are placed onto the third mitten.
SplashLearn for Kindergarten
The major goals of these fun games for kids are to stimulate children's mathematics task motivation, build up self-concept by involving them in solving simple everyday math problems that apply to real life. This also facilitates their growth from one level to another level of education. Online math problem solvers and learning games are a great way to develop a foundation for math skills playfully and are in alignment with the core curriculum.
15 games and apps your kids need to download for the summer
It's summer time, the big school holidays, when all parents try to send their kids somewhere far away from home. These days, a lot of things change in a child's life - the environment, the climate, he moves to other cities and villages, meets a lot of previously unfamiliar people, even parents are often replaced by grandparents. One thing remains the same these days — having your own mobile phone. nine0003
Tlum.Ru offers you a selection of 15 free games and applications for a smartphone or tablet that will not only brighten up and diversify the long road and summer holidays for children, but also, most importantly, will help their parents to worry a little less about their treasures.
12 cartoons of this summer
School of Arkady steam locomotive Free
and we begin our review, of course, from the most important children's rescuer of the country - the incomparable Arkady Parovozov, who is in a hurry to help all Sashas, Mashas and are in a hurry. other kids in trouble. In this application, fans of the Russian superhero are waiting for the 100 best cartoon series, as well as many interesting and simple educational games. nine0017 Google play/App Store
Alphabet game: alphabet for kids
A simple, bright and colorful game will help children brighten up a long road to rest, and at the same time learn and learn the entire alphabet, and not only in Russian. All letters are locked, in order to move on to the next letter, you need to complete a few simple tasks from the previous one, and at the same time earn sweets. The tasks are as follows: trace the contour of the letter with your finger, find the correct picture and combine the contour with the drawing.
Google play/App Store
Safety on the road: for children
Safety is a vital issue in raising children. This game was created to help parents teach their children the rules of conduct and safety in a big city. Together with baby Panda and his friends, the guys will learn and try to apply the rules of behavior at a pedestrian crossing, in a supermarket, when meeting strangers and many others in the game!
Google play/App Store
Drawing! Toddler games
In this game, every child can draw a cute character step by step, such as a butterfly, a frog or a hedgehog. Each drawing, after being drawn, as if by magic, comes to life. The butterfly starts fluttering merrily, the hedgehog curls up into a ball, the rocket flies into space, and the frog jumps amusingly. Great voice acting, funny animations and funny sound effects - all this will surely appeal to little artists.
Google play/App Store
What grows in the forest child's play
A small interactive colorful encyclopedia of plants, trees and fruits with mushrooms in central Russia. It will be very useful and interesting for children going to their grandmothers in the village or to the country to get acquainted with all the pictures presented. After playing with the children, it will be possible to conduct a botany lesson right on the spot, in the nearest forest.
Google play/App Store
Another app that brings you fairy tales beautifully designed as games. A large section here presents everyone's favorite Be-be-bears with their games and photo books. It is worth noting that most of the books are paid. Local gold coins are accepted as payment here, which can be bought for real money or earned by talking about the application on social networks, or saved up. nine0017 Google play
Papers is a real creative studio based on the popular animated series. Elk Aristotle and Woodpecker Tuk-Tuk will lead the child through the paper forest to a real paper adventure! Here, each place is unique and filled with items that you can: turn on, put on characters, combine and get not always predictable results.
Google play/App Store
Magic Lantern: Tales
Little fans of filmstrips, adventures and the animated series "Magic Lantern" will meet their favorite characters. "Treasure Island", "Little Captain", "The Ship with Scarlet Sails" and other interactive stories will not only introduce children to the plots of classical works, but also make them full participants in the events described.
Google play/App Store
Be-be-bears Planet of creativity
Before us is the second part of the interactive game of the Interactive Mult studio, created based on the be-be-bears animated series. Fun and interesting educational adventures in the fairy forest are waiting for your children. Here, little players will be surrounded by many objects with which they can interact. Thus, the child will be able to explore and learn about the world around him. nine0017 Google play/App Store
Animation Desk — Sketch & Draw
An app that aspiring artists will absolutely love! It's all about cute design, hand-drawn graphics, as well as the ability to create not only individual drawings, but also real animation masterpieces! Of course, these will not be full-length paintings, but mini-lengths, but here everything is limited only by the imagination and skill of the artist. The tools presented in the application will make the life of a young master easier, because in skillful and creative hands they will help to create real miracles. nine0017 Google play
Cartoon - children's cartoons
The application for children from the studio "Interactive cartoon" is without a doubt one of the most popular in the Russian-speaking space today! And all because it allows you to watch many domestic cartoons in high quality both online and offline (for offline mode, you need to buy a subscription and download selected cartoons)! For the holidays, the editors of the application prepare special collections, and premieres here appear earlier than on TV screens. nine0017 Google play/App Store
KIDOZ Protect your kids
The app turns your phone or tablet into a safe environment for kids. KIDO'Z brings together the best content available for kids in an intuitive interface, including apps, entertaining and educational videos, websites and games. All of them are adapted taking into account age, gender and language.
Just as importantly, the app will protect the device from problems that may arise when using it by children (for example, application deletion, calls or unintentional purchases). nine0017 Google play
Family GPS tracker KidControl
With this application, you can control the location of a child's phone or even several children for 24 hours. If you create special "Places" - geofences, for example "School" or "Home", then you can receive automatic notifications by phone and mail when children visit them.
In the "Battery and Internet" menu, you can see how often the child puts the phone on charge, how quickly the battery is used up, what time the child takes the phone off the charger. Based on these data, it is possible to judge when the child goes to bed and what time he gets up. Other useful features include the SOS button and the ability to search for a lost phone. nine0017 Google play/App Store
LEARNING TO LOSE WITHOUT hysterics and tears

Screen Time will help parents control the amount of time their children spend on tablets and smartphones. Using the application, you can remotely set time limits that will prevent the child from sitting in the specified applications longer than the time set per day. Here are some more useful actions available:
- Block games at bedtime but allow book reading apps
- Block social media and games while in school without affecting learning apps
- Reward kids with extra minutes for doing something like cleaning the room, doing homework on time, or washing the dishes
- You will have access to the full history of actions with applications on the child's phone
Google play/
Good night
Our review ends with an app that helps kids get into bed and fall asleep wherever they are. This is a small masterpiece from Oscar nominee Heidi Witlinger. Everything here is built on interactivity - the children will take turns looking at different animals on the farm, putting them to bed and wishing them good night. Each animal has three animations that will introduce the kids to how they behave and talk.
Google play/App Store
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9 Games and Applications for Fans of Star Wars 9000 9000 children 3-4 years old with parents at home
For a child 3-4 years old, play is the main way of interacting with the world. In the game process, the child develops logic and thinking, trains memory, expands communication skills, and strengthens physically. We have collected games that will appeal to both the baby and his parents, because they will be not only fun and interesting, but also useful. nine0003
Article content:
- Outdoor games
- Educational games
- Educational games
- Tips for parents
- Terminals
Outdoor games
Active games are aimed primarily at physical development. The kid improves coordination, attention, endurance. Regular activity strengthens the immune system and is the best prevention of diseases. Find out what you can play with your child at home or on the street. nine0003
Keeping balance. The parent lays out a rope or a long rope (such as a linen rope) on the floor. The child should walk along it, spreading his arms to the sides. The game can be made more difficult. For example, a child can carry a glass of water in his hands (of course, plastic) or hold a small book on his head.
Collecting flowers. For this game, you will need several squares of colored paper, as well as a path, which can also be made from paper or, for example, a long scarf. The track is placed on the floor, pieces of multi-colored paper are scattered around it. We imagine that we are walking along a path, on both sides of which flowers grow. The facilitator (parent) periodically says how many and what flowers need to be collected.
For example, 3 yellow or 5 red. The child stops and collects the right flowers. This game not only teaches coordination, but also distinguishes colors and recognizes numbers. nine0003
Sly fox. A mobile game that children love very much. It is more interesting to play it when there are many participants, but you can also play it together. The participants stand in a line, and the leader moves a few meters away and turns his back. The task of the player is to reach the leader. But you can only go when he is not looking! And when the leader turned, the participant must freeze, or they will have to go to the start.
Traffic light. For this game, you need to prepare red, yellow and green circles that can be made from colored paper. Each color represents a specific action. For example, the host shows a green circle - the child is running, yellow - jumping on 1 leg, red - crouching, etc. The game can be started with three signals, but when the baby remembers them, complicate and add new ones.
Educational games
All games are educational for a child. But adults by developing games usually mean those that are aimed at studying any objects, phenomena. Such games develop intelligence, broaden horizons, improve memory, attention and speech.
On the development of motor skills
The development of fine motor skills directly affects the formation of speech, self-service skills, thinking, memory. At home, you can use various household items for games: buttons, clothespins, colored pasta, pencils, etc. On the street you can take cones, chestnuts, sticks. Consider several options for games for the development of motor skills. nine0003
- Piggy bank. Let's take 2 cans. Pour beans into one of them, and leave the other empty. A cover with a small slot is put on the second. The task of the child is to shift the beans from one jar to another. Alternatively, you can use the steam container from the multicooker (with small round holes).
You can put pasta in them.
- Drawing with groats. PVA glue is applied to a sheet of paper, cereals are poured on top in a certain order. You can use semolina, wheat groats, buckwheat to create multi-colored patterns. nine0130
- Beads. The child is given a fishing line on which objects must be strung. It can be beads, buttons and even drying. Objects should not be too small, otherwise it will be difficult for the child to cope with them.
- Flower. Cut out a circle from paper - this will be the base of the flower. We will give the child colorful clothespins. He should attach them in a circle as if they were flower petals. In parallel, you can memorize colors and lay them out in a certain sequence. nine0209
- Find the extra.
For this educational game, you will need special cards or sheets that can be found on the Internet and printed. The task for this age usually contains four simple subjects, one of which does not fit into the group for a certain reason. These can be color, shape, skills (for example, flies - does not fly), the purpose of the object (clothes, dishes, etc.) and other signs. It is important to allow the child to think independently. nine0130
- Divide into groups. A similar task, but here you need to select from the abundance of objects those that belong to a certain group. For example, vegetables, fruits, pets, toys, etc.
- Say the opposite. A child at 4 years old already understands what antonyms are, that is, words with the opposite meaning. The parent says "hot" - the child answers "cold", etc. Use understandable words: quiet-loud, white-black, sad-cheerful, deep-shallow, wet-dry. nine0193 Who needs what. This game requires a ball. The facilitator says the profession, for example, "doctor", and throws the ball to the child.
- Describe the item. For this game, you need to collect several toys and put them in a box. The child takes out a toy and describes it. For example, the girl took out a doll. She can tell what size the doll is, what color her eyes and hair are, what clothes she is wearing, and come up with a name for the doll.
- Tell me from the picture. For this game, you will need an illustration of some popular fairy tale (again, you can find it on the Internet and print it out, or just show it on the screen).
The child must tell what he sees in the picture, what happened first and what happened later, how the story ended. nine0130
- Everything is messed up. For this game, you can take the plot of a fairy tale that the child knows well. In telling it, you need to make mistakes. For example, the animals did not let the fox into Teremok, or Little Red Riding Hood went not to her grandmother, but to her friend. The kid must understand what is wrong in the fairy tale. You can dream up and compose your own fairy tale, in which the end will be different.
- Application. Cut out large letters from paper. For decoration, you can use cereals (motor development!), Cotton wool, fabric, beads, sparkles - whatever you like. When decorating a letter, be sure to pronounce it many times so that the baby remembers what it is called.
- Find the letter. Print the letter in several copies. Keep one for yourself, hide the rest in the children's room. Show the child a picture with a letter: "This is the letter O.
Find 3 more such letters." At the same time, the letters should be hidden so that they are not difficult to find, you can give the baby hints. nine0130
- What's in common? Place items (or images of items) that begin with the same letter in a bag. The child must take them out and pronounce the names aloud, and then guess which letter was guessed.
- Construction site. This game is suitable for both boys and girls. Build a brick house with your child. In this case, you need to determine how many floors there will be in the house, and how many apartments (cubes) on each floor. For example, on the 1st floor - 4 cubes, on the second - 3. To complicate it, you can take cubes of different colors and give tasks not only with numbers, but also with color (2 yellow cubes for the third floor). nine0130
- Engine. Make cards with numbers from 1 to 10 and invite your child to make a train out of them. Only for this you need to arrange all the cards in order, from 1 to 10. If everything is done correctly, the train will go on a journey.
- Count the candies. Take two dolls (bears) and put them at the table to drink tea with sweets. Give one doll 2 candies, and the other 3. You can ask: "who has more candies", "how many candies do two dolls have in total." Then more dolls can come to visit, while the hostess will have to share the sweets equally among everyone.
This game teaches not only to count, but also to think logically. nine0130
- One-many. Play a mindfulness game. You can ask the child: “What items are many in the room? And what subject is one? For example, in the kitchen there are many plates, but there is only one table.
- For a baby, the game process itself, the action, and not the final result, is important. You should not be upset and even more so scold the child if the elephant you made looks more like a snowman. nine0130
- The rules of the game must be simple and clear. At the same time, it is necessary to leave room for creative improvisation. It develops imagination and initiative.
- Not all games may appeal to a child. You need to feel the mood of the crumbs and, if necessary, stop the game.
- Exercise regularly with your child.
For the development of logic
Logical connections are a very important part in the development of a child's thinking. To understand why and why, simple and exciting tasks will help.

For the development of speech
It is important to develop speech from birth. Talking even with a baby who is still silent seems strange, but in fact it is an investment in his future. Often, already studying at school, children cannot connect several sentences into a logical text, retell what they read, or talk about some event. To prevent this from happening, at 3-4 years old you can offer such home games with children. nine0003
Educational games
At the age of 3, you can introduce your child to letters and numbers. The number is average, sometimes more developed children show interest in letters even at 2 years old. But there is no need to rush and force the baby to study - this will only discourage the desire to learn new things. nine0003
For learning to read and write
A popular technique for learning letters is to hang cards in different places in the apartment/room. And you can do this without even waiting for the age of three. Cards with letters should be bright, arouse the interest of the child. If the baby does not ask what kind of letter it is, you should sometimes pronounce them on your own. You can hang a card with a letter on an object that begins with it. For example, hang the letter L on a chandelier, and the letter T on a TV. Periodically, cards need to be changed, outweighed in other places. nine0003
The following ideas are useful for learning about letters.
When the child knows all the letters of the alphabet, you can move on to the study of syllables and words. To do this, write syllables or simple words of 3 letters on cardboard squares. These will be houses. Then take small toys, for example, from kinder surprises, and find a house for each toy. At the same time, pronounce: the horse lives in the “MA” house, the squirrel lives in the “CO” house, the bunny’s house is called “KY”, etc. nine0003
For teaching math
Educational games with numbers are the foundation of learning mathematics for a child of 3-4 years old. They teach not only to memorize numbers, but also to compare, solve simple problems.
Tips for parents
In conclusion of the article, we will give some important recommendations.