Alphabet song words
The Korean alphabet song - Hangeul melodies to sing
Did you know that there’s also a Korean alphabet song?
Since we’ve all been kids once upon a time, we’ve probably all had the experience of singing our language’s ABC song many times enough that we’ve willingly blocked it out of our minds. The Korean language is no different and has its alphabet song as well.
There is more than just one Korean alphabet song! In this article, we will go over what a Korean alphabet song is and introduce you to a few different songs so that you can choose for yourself which your favorite Korean alphabet song is!
- 1 What is the Korean alphabet song?
- 1.1 Why is it helpful to learn the alphabet song in Korean?
- 2 Popular Korean Alphabet Songs
- 2.1 Korean alphabet song
- 2.2 Pinkfong ABC word game
- 2.3 Learning Korean: B1A4 – ABC Song
- 2.4 Hangeul ga na da ra Song
- 2.5 Korean Alphabet Song (with EasyKoreanPH)
- 2.
6 The Global Language Network’s Korean alphabet song
- 3 What should I do after I learn the Korean Alphabet song?
As the name gives away, the Korean alphabet song is a song where you sing through the alphabet letters. In this case, the Korean alphabet or Hangeul.
Singing these alphabet songs, many of which were similar to a Korean alphabet song, helped us tremendously as children when we were still trying to learn the alphabet. And now it can do the same for us in learning the Korean alphabet, too!
After all, before you have mastered each letter in the Korean alphabet system, it is not possible for you to read any song lyrics or other text in Korean. Even for speaking Korean, you’ll need to have covered some of the language’s basics, including the alphabet!
Why is it helpful to learn the alphabet song in Korean?Just as listening to a Korean song is helpful in learning vocabulary, using a Korean alphabet song may be helpful with learning the Korean alphabet faster.
It can also be a fun additional way to do so!
If you’re going over and over the alphabet, getting bored and frustrated, and still not remembering all of them, why not try with an alphabet song instead? Even if you think you have memorized them all, you can go through a Korean alphabet song to make sure that they’re properly stuck in your mind now.
Additionally, with the Korean alphabet song, you can learn to memorize the specific order of each alphabet. This will come in handy in cases like using a dictionary.
Popular Korean Alphabet Songs
There are multiple different Korean alphabet songs you can use to learn. Below we’ve introduced you to a few of the most popular ones.
Korean alphabet songThis is the basic version of the Korean alphabet song. Perhaps you have sung an alphabet song with a similar tune while a kid. Indeed, it is the tune of “Twinkle twinkle, little star,” an incredibly popular nursery rhyme. It simply goes like this:
아 야 어 여 오 요 우 유 으 이 (a ya eo yeo o yo u yu eu i)
Pinkfong ABC word gameThis alphabet song, called 핑크퐁 가나다 말놀이 (Pingkeupong GaNaDa Malnori) in Korean, only goes through the Korean consonants. However, it does so in an insanely memorable way. It’s represented as a song to sing along to.
It’s super catchy, and each consonant is repeated many times enough that you wouldn’t be able to forget them even if you wanted to! Here’s a quick snippet of the format of the song:
가재가 가가가 (gajaega gagaga)
춤을 춰요 가가가 (chumeul chwoyo gagaga)
우가가 가가가 (ugaga gagaga)
Crawfish gagaga
Dances gagaga
Woo gagaga
Learning Korean: B1A4 – ABC SongIf you are a fan of K-pop, you are in for a treat with this Korean alphabet song, as it’s sung by a K-pop group! This one is presented even more as a poppy song than simply one for learning the alphabet.
It’s got a cute choreography and color-coded lyrics presented in Korean alphabet letters and its romanization, and at the bottom, you even have the English translation! Besides being good for memorizing consonants and vowels, you can use this Korean alphabet song to learn vocabulary and grammar structure, too.
Here’s a short snippet of what you can expect of the Ksong:
가 나 다 라 마 아 에 이 오 우 (ga na da ra ma a e i o u)
자음과 모음이 만나서 글자를 만들어요 (jaeumgwa moeumi mannaseo geuljareul mandeureoyo)
The consonants and vowels meet to make letters
Hangeul ga na da ra SongBesides simply introducing you to the different Korean letters, the alphabet song 한글 가나다라노래 (Hangeul ganadaranorae) can offer you even more fun and learning possibilities.
It’s not the best possible song for those who are complete beginners to the Korean language, as it’s presented entirely in Korean.
However, even if you are pretty new to Korean, in that you already know your alphabet, you can reinforce memorizing them with this song. Not to mention, it’s a stellar way to pick up some new Korean vocabulary!
Here are the lyrics of the song:
신기한 스물네자의 비밀 (singihan seumullejaui bimil)
누구나 지금 배울수 있지 (nuguna jigeum baeulsu itji)
자음과 모음으로 (jaeumgwa moeumeuro)
나눠서 배워 (nanwoseo baewo)
자자자자자자자자 (jajajajajajajaja)
자음 열 네자 (jaeum yeol neja)
가. 가. 가는 (ga. ga. ganeun)
가방이라 하지 (gabangira haji)
나. 나. 나는 (na. na. naneun)
나비라 하지 (nabira haji)
Anyone can right now learn
The secret of these cool twenty-four letters
Learn by dividing into
Consonants and vowels
Ja ja ja ja ja ja ja ja
Consonants fourteen letters
Ga, ga, ga is
Is called a bag
Na, na, na is
Is called a butterfly
Korean Alphabet Song (with EasyKoreanPH)This is the same alphabet song as the first one linked in this article. However, this video is directed in particular at foreigners learning Korean. It encourages you to also sing along, so it may work great as a quick practice to memorize each alphabet and how to pronounce them.
The Global Language Network’s Korean alphabet songDo you think a little bit of movement helps you with learning new things, such as Korean language learning? Or are you simply perhaps eager to get some moving done after hours in front of the computer learning Korean? Then this Korean alphabet song from the Global Language Network is the perfect solution for you!
This isn’t as much a song as the previous options on this list, but instead, it does get you to move and make the shape of each letter in the alphabet. Even if you don’t memorize them all in one go, this practice could be so much fun that you’ll gladly keep doing it repeatedly until you do!
After you have listened to these songs repeatedly, you most likely have memorized the Korean alphabet already. With that hurdle surpassed, it’ll be easier for you to practice reading and writing Korean letters and, eventually, words.
Our blog consists of different articles that you can choose from if you’d like to practice reading different words. In this way, you can also expand your Korean vocabulary. Here are some of them:
- Korean Nouns
- Food in Korean
- Fruits, Nuts, Vegetables in Korean
- Jobs in Korean
- Colors in Korean
- Flowers in Korean
- School in Korean
- Animals in Korean
It looks like it’s time to channel your inner child and sing along to a Korean alphabet song! Not only is it fun, but it doubles great to enhance your Korean learning by memorizing the Korean alphabet and beyond. Let us know in the comments which of these songs is your favorite!
The Alphabet Song – ABCD – Nursery Rhyme Lyrics, History, Video, Lesson Plans & More – Nursery Rhyme Central
An alphabet song is any nursery rhyme that teaches children how to recite the alphabet. There are many alphabet songs, but the most famous is the ABC song. Although thought to be the only Alphabet song, the ABC song is an alphabet song.
Children sing the alphabet song by reciting all the letters of the alphabet in the correct order from the first to the last one. Therefore, the Alphabet song is a vital nursery rhyme in teaching children language.
Since the ABC song is the most famous of all alphabet songs, let’s see all it entails and its history.
WHAT ARE THE LYRICS FOR THE ALPHABET SONG?The song lyrics are recited to the tune and melody of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
A, B, C, D, E, F, G
H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P (L, M, N, O, P are recited faster than the other letters)
Q, R, S, /T, U, V (there’s a slight pause between S and T)
W, X, Y, and Z (slight breaks in between W and X and X and Y)
Now I know my ABCs
Next time, won’t you sing with me?
The Alphabet Song Lyrcis Backwards
Sometimes backward versions are sung to ensure children master all the letters even better. Here is how it goes.
z-y-x, w
v-u-t, s-r-q
i-h-g-f-e-d-c-b-a (E, D, C, and B are recited faster than the other letters)
Now you know your ZYXs
I bet that’s not what you expected!
Acrostic Versions of the ABC song
An acrostic song is where each letter is made to form a word. The alphabet song has several acrostic versions where the letters stand for a word. This aims to make the letters easier to relate to the formation of words.
Here is an example of an Acrostic version of the ABC song by Cocomelon.
Who Came Up with the Alphabet Song?
Unlike other nursery rhymes whose writers have disappeared in the mists of time, the Alphabet or ABC song has a known writer. Boston publisher Charles Bradlee was the first person to publish the ABC song.
Then, he called it “The ABC, a German air with variations for the flute with an easy accompaniment for the piano forte”- quite a mouthful, isn’t it? The song has become known simply as the ABC or the Alphabet song.
Bradlee credited the musical arrangement to 18th-century composer Louis Le Marie.
The song used a tune based on Mozart’s composition, ah, vous dirai-je, maman (French for Oh what will I tell your mama), which itself was based on an anonymous 1740 pastoral song.
Without even knowing it, the original Alphabet song is an amalgamation of the musical work of three different people. From the original composer of Mozart’s tune to the 18th-century composer Le Marie to Bradlee himself.
Did Mozart Create the Tune for the ABC Song?
Mozart didn’t come up with the tune. He only wrote variations of the tune. The tune appears in the nursery rhymes “Baa Baa Black Sheep and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.”
There isn’t a record of the original composer of the tunes Mozart made variations of. Mozart was around 25 years old when he developed the variations around 1780.
What Songs Sound the Same as The Alphabet Song?
The Alphabet song follows the same tune as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Baa Baa Black Sheep. The three rhymes are melodically similar but different in the lyrics and lessons. They only share a tune. The words and the lessons are entirely different.
The tune was probably the easiest to use to preserve the arrangement of the letters in the Alphabet. Try singing the ABC song in any other tune if you doubt that and see how difficult that may be.
What’s the Purpose of the Alphabet Song?
Besides entertaining children, the alphabet song teaches children the alphabet. The alphabet is a fundamental part of English and other global languages.
Therefore, the alphabet song is critical to children learning to read and write. It teaches children the various sounds attached to each letter of the alphabet. It thus plays a crucial role in the children’s learning how to speak a particular language.
That perhaps explains why the ABC song is one of the most famous songs sung by adults and children alike. Even some people have to recite the famous song to remember the order of words of the alphabet.
But then everyone needs mnemonics to remember some written things. Songs make the brain remember things faster than memorizing the words independently. Therefore, the alphabet song isn’t a song for children only.
Were the Letters of the Alphabet Rearranged to fit into the Alphabet song?
Considering how smoothly the letters slide off the tongue when singing the ABC song, someone might think the letters were rearranged to fit the tune. That isn’t true. The arrangement of the letter of the alphabet has been the same since time immemorial.
There is no explanation for how the letters came to be arranged that way. Therefore, the format has persisted through centuries and permeated most world languages.
As the building blocks of many languages, the letters keep the format in wildly different global languages.
Are There Alphabet Songs for Other Languages?
Although English is one of the most widely spoken languages, it is worth noting that there are ABC songs in other languages as well. The alphabet is the building block of all letters in different global languages.
It, therefore, makes sense for different languages to make use of the Alphabet song as well. But since they have their writing style, the Alphabet song doesn’t resemble the English version to a tee.
It instead takes only the tune and melody. Take the example of the French version of the ABC.
The letters are the same, but the pronunciation is quite different from what you hear when you pronounce the letters of the alphabet in English. Predictably, the tune remains the same. That French version is also taught to children in Canada.
The Hebrew, the Chinese, Hungarians, Japanese, and Koreans also have their versions of the Alphabet song. A Haka mana is a Māori alphabet song that follows the tune of the song stupid cupid.
You can see that the alphabet song is not unique to English-speaking countries.
Is Letter Z Pronounced Zee or Zed?
We know that the alphabet song has many variations in English and other languages. But have you heard a version that pronounces the letter z as zee? Depending on where you come from, the pronunciation of the letter will vary.
Understandably, this might confuse some people who pronounce the letter as zed and not zee. The UK, Australia, and Canada pronounce the letter Z as zed. Zee is the American pronunciation of the letter Z.
That is why you are likely to come across versions of the ABC song that finish with zed or zee. That shouldn’t worry you too much since it’s just different pronunciation for one letter.
Why Are Letters LMNOP Recited Faster?
When singing most versions of the ABC song, you notice that the letters LMNOP might sound something like elemenope. After singing the song for some time, children might think that the letters are one word: elemenope.
However, teachers can guide the children to know it isn’t one word. When you recite the letters fast, it comes out as elemonope. Since the song has remained the same for a long time, few versions attempt to change how that part is recited.
In 2019, Twitter was in an uproar after a user uploaded a version of the ABC song with the LMNOP part clarified so as you didn’t need to recite it faster. Most people think the ABC song should be left as it was.
Which Came First: ABC Song or Baa Baa Black Sheep and Twinkle?
The ABC song was first published in 1835. Twinkle was first published in 1838 despite its words being around since 1806 as “The Star.” So, the ABC song predates Twinkle.
Baa’s words were first documented in a 1744 book, Tommy Thumbs Pretty Song Book. However, the lyrics and melody were only added to the words, making it whole in 1879. That makes the ABC song the first of the three songs with a shared melody.
Is the Alphabet Song in The Public Domain?
Since the first copyrighted version of the ABC song was way back in 1835, it is available publicly. All historical music recorded or written before 1925 is free to use in public. Therefore, you can use the music, and the lyrics of the Alphabet song as you so wish.
What you can’t do, however, is use someone else’s recording of the song without their permission. The copyright, in this case, is of their performance but not the lyrics or the melody. It’s also not their song, after all.
However, laws vary, and you should check with the copyright laws in your local area before using the song.
The following is a selection of Lesson Plans. You need to click on the images to learn more and download the resources from their websites.
What Time Signature is The Alphabet Song?
The Alphabet song follows the 2/4-time signature, the same as Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. That’s not much of a surprise since the two songs share a melody and tune.
It also means the 4/4-time signature also works for the alphabet song as it does for Twinkle.
How do You Sing the Alphabet Song in Sign Language?
You can sing the Alphabet song with sign language. Check the below resource from YouTube that includes some common words for each letter of the alphabet.
You can have fun playing the Alphabet song on several instruments. Here are some resources from YouTube to make that easy for you.
A song about the English alphabet for children for free: video, text and pronunciation
One of the first steps in mastering the English language is the study of sound-letter composition. Learning the English alphabet with the help of songs is suitable for both adults and children.
English letters
The alphabet consists of 26 letter units. 5 (A, U, O, I, E) represent vowels, and the rest represent consonants.
When learning a language, you need to pay attention to the alphabet for several reasons:
- Firstly, after memorizing all the letters, the student will quickly move on to reading English texts and expanding the vocabulary.
- Secondly, in some positions the sounds are pronounced in the same way as in the alphabet.
To learn all the Latin letters in the correct order, you can use the English song "ABC song".
English alphabet - songs to learn
Listening to a piece of music with the English alphabet as the text has several advantages:
- When performed by a native speaker, each sound in the song will be pronounced naturally and correctly.
- It is easy to remember the sound of vowels and consonants, since they do not merge with each other in the song.
- A clear rhythm and melody of the song will contribute to the rapid memorization of the alphabet.
ABC Song
Lyrics | English pronunciation |
A B C D E F G | ABC D and FG (hard) |
H I J K L M N O P | Eitch IJ (softly) K L EM N O P |
Q R S T U V W X Y Z | QAR S T Yu Wee Dabelyu Ex Wai Zet (zee) |
Now I know this "ABC's" | Naw I Knows ABCs |
Next time won't you sing with me? | Next Time Wont Yu Sing Wiz Mi? |
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Alphabet by the names of animals and objects
In order to replenish your vocabulary along with the alphabet, you can memorize the alphabet by the first letter of the names of animals.
There is also an English song for this:
English pronunciation | |
A - alligator, B - bear, C - cat, | Hey - eligiator, B - bea, C - cat, |
D - dog, E - elephant, F - fox, G - gorilla, | Dee - dog, I - elifant, Efi - fox, Ji (firmly) - gorilla, |
H - horse, I - iguana, J - jaguar, K - kangaroo, | H - horse, Ai - eguana, D'Jey (softly) - jaguar, Kay - kangaroo, |
L - lion, M - monkey, N - night hawk, O - ostrich, | Al-lyon, M-monkey, N-night hawk, O-stretch, |
P - penguin, Q - quail, R - rooster, S - sheep, | Pi-penguin, Q-quail, Ar-rooster, Es-thorn, |
T - tiger, U - umbrella cockatoo, V - vulture, | Ti - tiger, Yu - ambrella kakatu, V - walcher, |
W - whale, X - xenopus, Y - yak, Z - zebra | Dabelyu - vale, Ex - xenopas, Wai - yak, Zee - zibra |
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Rap Song
Those who already feel more confident in English and perceive fluent speech without problems can use rap to memorize. Thanks to the fast rhythm, the song will sit in the student's head.
Lyrics | English pronunciation |
A is for apple, B b - bat, C - cat, | Hey Is For Apple, B-Bet, C-Cat, |
D is for dance, E - eagle, F - fat, G - giggle, | D-is-for-dance, I-needle, F-fat, G-gigle, |
H is for hippo, I - inn, J - jogging, K - kid, | H is for hippo, Ai-in, Jay-jogging, K-kid, |
L is for lemon, M - mix, N - neighbors, O - orange, | Al is for lamon, Em - mix, N - neybor, O - orange, |
P is for pan, Q - queen, R - ran, S - sneeze, | P is for pan, Q - queen, Ar - ren, S - down, |
T is for tan, U - umbrella, V - volume, | Tee is for ten, U – ambrella, V – value, |
W is wet, X - x-ray, Y - yes, Z - zebra.![]() | Dabelyu is vet, Ex - ex-ray, Wai - es, Zee - zebra. |
* is for (is for) replaced by -
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There are many free versions of the ABC song in British, American and Australian pronunciations that can be downloaded and listened to online on the Internet. First, you need to find the song that the English learner will like. A brilliant child with a good visual memory can start by simply watching videos with the alphabet.
The kid needs to listen and sing the words of a piece of music several times. Only then the student will be able to correctly pronounce the letters of the English alphabet and at the same time memorize. Then you can practice without the song. And in order to quickly learn the order of Latin letters, you can come up with certain movements to the beat of the music.
Children's songs - ABC, Alphabet lyrics Written beauties,
One live page,
And they are famous everywhere!
They are hurrying to you,
Glorious sisters,
We kindly ask all the guys
Befriend them!
A, B, C, D, D, F, G
Rolled on a hedgehog!
3, I, K, L, M, N, O
Together they climbed out the window!
P, R, S, T, U, F, X
They saddled the rooster.
C, H, W, W, E, Yu, Z,
That's all, friends!
Thirty-three sisters,
Written beauties,
One live page,
And they are famous everywhere!
Get to know them, kids!
Here they are, standing side by side.
It is very bad to live in the world
For those who don't know them!
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- Children's songs
- ABC, Alphabet (33 native sisters of written beauties)
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