Babies abc learning
English for Babies: ABC |
Note to parents: Learn English with your baby. All underlined words are explained in Wordchecker below.
Introduce letters to your baby as soon as possible. Point out letters when you see them on blocks. Teach your baby to recognize a few letters at a time. Start with A, B, C, and the first letter of his or her name. You can also teach M for Mommy or D for Daddy. Some babies pick their own favourite letters.
Read and Listen: New Words
- A, a
- B, b
- C, c
- J, j (for Joey)
- M, m (for Mommy)
Surround your baby with letters. Find plastic, foam, and wooden letters for your baby to play with. Bring letters into the bath, playroom, and yard.
Ask a family member who can sew to make stuffed fabric letters that spell your baby's name. Put the letters on the wall in your baby's room. You can even have fun with letters at mealtime. The sooner they learn their letters the sooner they will read in English.
Safety Tip: Most magnetic letters are choking hazards for young children. Babies love to put them in their mouths because they are colourful. Don't use these until your child is 3+ and there are no babies in the house.
On my lap
- Put the baby on your lap.
- Say the baby's name.
- Point at the picture on the screen.
- Look for the letter that your baby's name starts with.
- Say, "Let's find J for Joey."
- Say: "There's J. J is for Joey."
- Open a word document and type some large J's for your baby to see. Or get a piece of paper and write a large J.
- Show excitement when he points at letters even if he doesn't say the right ones.
Clap your hands and say:
That's right! Letters!
That's the J. J is for Joey.
Good job!
Song, Rhyme or Story time
The Alphabet Song
Y and Z.
Now I know my ABC's.
Next time won't you sing with me?
Baby's First Alphabet Book
Make your baby an English alphabet book or set of flashcards. Choose your baby's favourite things. Draw or cut out pictures to go with the letters. Here are some ideas for alphabet words that babies and young children hear often.
A a is for apple or airplane
B b is for baby
C c is for cat or cereal
D d is for dog
E e is for egg
F f s for fish
G g is for go or giraffe
H h is for house
I i is for ice cream
J j is for jump
K k is for kiss
L l for love
M m is for Mommy
N n is for nose
O o is for on or open.
P p is for pig
Q q is for quiet
R r is for run
S s is for sleep
T t is for toy
U u is for under
V v is for vegetable
W w is for water
X x is for x-ray
Y y is for yo yo
Z z is for zebra
Fun with Chalk
Decorate the outdoors with the alphabet.
Use sidewalk chalk to print the alphabet on a pathway or driveway. Each time you pass it sing the alphabet song with your baby.
The bath is a great place to play with letters. Foam letters stick to tiles or the side of the tub. Dump all of the letters into the tub and ask your baby to fish for a letter that she knows. You can also use bath crayons to write the alphabet on the tiles or tub. Write your baby's name and point out the letters.
recognize: know which one (from seeing often)
surround: put all around
yard: playing area outside at the back or front of your home
sew: make by hand using thread, material, and a needle (or machine)
stuffed: filled with soft material to make it look like a pillow
fabric: material such as cotton
sticks to metal
choking hazard: small enough to get caught in a person's throat; prevents a child from breathing
flashcards: picture cards used for teaching vocabulary
How To Teach Toddlers The Alphabet (9 Effective Ways)
Teaching the alphabet is one of the first things that you will teach your child!
It’s essential to know the alphabet, so toddlers/preschoolers can start recognizing letters and learning phonetics.
But teaching your kids the alphabet can be incredibly frustrating!
Trust me; I know first hand how challenging it can be! But I promise if you stick with it and work with your toddler every day, you will see progress! Below you will see a video of my son working on his skills!
Today, I’m sharing 9 ways to help teach the alphabet to your toddler!
#1. Play With Alphabet Toys
Did you know that there are FOUR ways that people learn? (Visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic)
When children are exposed to alphabet toys like puzzles, magnetic letters, or foam letters, it is an excellent opportunity to begin teaching them.
Children can look at the letters, hear you say the name of the letter, and physically touch them, which almost hits all of the ways that we learn best (reading and writing will come at a later date for these kiddos).
I have used a variety of different alphabet toys with my kids to help them learn their letters at such a young age.
Here are FIVE alphabet toys that I recommend.
A. Melissa and Doug See-Inside Alphabet Puzzle
I can honestly say that my son learned his ABC’s with this puzzle!
At the time this short video was taken, he was 16 months old. Below you will find a video of how you can play with this toy to help your toddler learn!
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Do you have time to sit and play with your toddler all day?
Most likely, the answer is no, we all wish we could, but dishes need washing and laundry needs folded. This puzzle is fantastic because not only does it have the letters but it also makes the phonetic sound for each of the letters!
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They can still be learning even when you are not right next to them!
It’s suitable for toddlers and preschoolers so they can start connecting the sounds that each letter makes.
C. Sesame Street Elmo’s On the Go Letters
Who doesn’t love Elmo?
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This alphabet toy has the letters that children can manipulate and also includes some of their favorite Sesame Street characters inside once they lift the letter!
*TIP* It is a little harder for younger ones to try to get the letters in and out, so you may need to be there to help them with this toy until they can pull them out themselves.
D. LeapFrog Fridge Phonics Magnetic Letter Set
My husband collects magnets from everywhere we travel, and our kids can’t get enough of pulling them off of the refrigerator!
That’s why I knew this toy was going to be a hit for both my kids!
These magnets can stick to the refrigerator, which is fun and engaging for toddlers. It comes with a magnetic bus that kids can press the letter into, and it tells them what letter it is and the sound it makes.
It also says words that begin with each letter and uses the word in a sentence, which is great for preschoolers or kindergartners, which makes this toy worthwhile since it can be used for a couple of years!
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E. Leapfrog My Own LeapTop
My FAVORITE on the go toy! I had to get two because both my kids wanted their own.
I keep both of them in the car because it’s a fun toy for them to play with for a few minutes while we are in the car, and they get to be learning at the same time!
There are four functions on the computer for kids to interact with (letters, messages, animal games, and music). You can also personalize the computer by adding your child’s name in it!
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#2. Repetition is Key!
Remember that time when you told your toddler something once, and they remembered it correctly, and you never had to say it to them again?
Yeah, me neither.
When you are trying to teach anyone something new, especially toddlers, repeating the information is crucial. Even though my son knows the alphabet, I still spend at least 10 minutes a day going over it with him, so he remembers the information.
It is engaging for your kids also to present the alphabet in different ways, so they don’t get bored with the same toy, which I will explain in the next section.
#3. Alphabet Learning Activities
There are so many creative and fun ways to help a child learn the alphabet!
Does your child love blocks? Try writing the letters of the alphabet on the Mega Bloks to get them interested in learning them. Use a dry-erase marker, and it comes right off with a baby wipe!
Does the child enjoy painting? Paint letters on a piece of paper and ask the child which letter is which.
Does the child like to play in the bathtub? Get foam letters that are made to go in the tub and review the letters when it’s bath time!
No matter what the child enjoys, you can use their interests as an opportunity to help them learn.
I have an article that lists 21 PERFECT Alphabet Activities For Preschoolers, check out this article to learn about more activities that you can do!
In the meantime, here are THREE easy activities you can use today!
A. Post-It Letter Activity
I think it’s easiest to do activities with supplies that you already have at home!
Write down an upper/lower case letter on each post-it note. Mix up the letters and ask your child to find a letter. Or, if they are really excited about pulling the post-it notes off the wall, when they pull them off, ask them what letter they have in their hands!
B.Do-A-Dot Painters
Who doesn’t love paint that doesn’t cause a mess?
Do-A-Dot Painters are so much fun, and the clean-up is so much easier than traditional painting.
All you need to do this activity is Do-A-Dot Painters and my FREE Do-A-Dot Letters
How to help your kids learn with this activity:
1. For early learners, identify the letter to them. Have them try to look around the worksheet to see if they can see at least one or two matches to the letter you are working on. If they are struggling to use the Do-A-Dot painter on their own, try to help them by having them hold your hand while you both do it!
2. Older children should try to do this activity on their own. Ask them what letter it is that you are focusing on and have them try to use the Do-A-Dot painters on their own to see how many they can match correctly.
View Amazons Price
C. Sand Letter Search
This activity was a hit! Both kids continued to do this activity for a half-hour after they found the first round of letters!
You need kinetic sand and magnetic letters to do this activity.
- The link for magnetic letters above has uppercase, lowercase, and numbers in the container, which I thought was the best deal because you could do this activity for each of these.
Ask your kids to search through the container of sand to find letters. They will love it because the sand feels SO cool! Once they find a letter, they can find it on the below worksheet that I created for you.

I have noticed that almost all alphabet toys, learning videos, and books use uppercase letters.
Because of this, starting with uppercase letters is the best way to teach your child the alphabet!
Make sure before moving onto lower case letters that your child knows each uppercase letter. I promise it’ll make it easier for them to learn!
We have these uppercase and lowercase learning locks that are so much fun to play with and work on fine motor skills!
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It can be confusing for kids to hear that a lowercase letter is the same as an uppercase letter, especially if they look nothing alike. It’s essential to help them with this activity, so you can explain that they are the same letter!
#5. Read Letter Books
Each night, we have a routine to at least read 2-3 books with our kids before bedtime.
Reading is crucial to a child’s development.
I don’t know about you, but I feel like each time I am at the pediatrician, they always ask me if I am reading to my kids. That shows me it’s pretty important!
There are SO MANY books to choose from out there that focus on the alphabet and letter recognition. It’s challenging to make a choice!
But here is a list of my kid’s favorites.
A. My Best Ever: ABC Alphabet Book
B. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
C. LMNO Peas
D. Sesame Street: Elmo’s Word Book
- This book is my favorite! It has flaps that kids can pick up to see pictures underneath, so it’s interactive, which makes it more memorable for them.
#6. Watch Educational Videos
Yes, I know you think I’m crazy for recommending screentime for toddlers!
We try to limit the amount of screen time that we have at our house.
But there are times when I have to change the laundry or clean up the giant mess created in the kitchen from painting. Utilizing an educational video for these times can be extremely helpful, and I don’t feel that guilty.
The current favorites at our house are Super Simple Songs, Bob the Train, or Little Baby Bum. These songs/shows are catchy, and they help aid in the learning process.
I’m not saying I allow my kids to watch hours of TV each day, but I do let them watch some.
#7. Focus On A Few Letters
Wow, I messed this step up when I was first teaching my kids the alphabet!
I started out showing them all the letters of the alphabet and trying to tell them all the letters at one time. I was wrong!
After realizing they weren’t picking up what I was trying to teach them, I tried focusing on only 2-3 letters a day.
This way, it wasn’t so overwhelming.
If you use one of the alphabet toys that I mentioned above or you have your own that works for you, start by showing them A, B, and C.
For a few days, go over just those letters then add two more to that list. Always go over the letters you began with as well to keep that repetition going!
#8. Don’t Overdo It
Have you ever tried to sit down and teach your toddler something, and all they want to do is play with other toys?
This happens to all of us! Toddlers don’t have a very long attention span. There are times throughout the day that are better than others to try to teach them.
There will be times I attempt to work with both my son and daughter, and I can tell they are not interested whatsoever.
If you make them learn when they are not ready, they will not be eager to do it the next time. It’s better to wait until your kids are prepared to concentrate for a few minutes so you can get the most out of that time.
#9. Don’t Compare Your Child To Others.
Do you have friends on social media that brag about how their children are geniuses?
So many parents use social media as a place where they can brag how well their kids are doing at school and how smart they are!
It’s easy to compare what your child is doing with other children their age.
Every child has a unique learning process, and they will learn the information when they are ready!
There is no need to get frustrated or worried that the child is behind if they don’t know their alphabet at 16 months.
Take your time when you are teaching your child and stay positive with them! If you show them that you are frustrated, they will see your frustration and maybe not be as interested in learning.
Final Thoughts and Conclusion
My most important tips for teaching the alphabet are repetition and don’t get frustrated! If you follow these 9 ways to teach your child the alphabet, you are off to a great start on your child’s education!
I would love to help you on your journey to teaching your child the alphabet!
If you have any great ideas that you would like to share that helped you teach the letters of the alphabet to your child, please share them with us!
Children learn to write - a fun alphabet in verse
A selection of alphabets about writing, writing and learning. Useful for teaching and entertaining children, as well as for holidays dedicated to grammar or primer.
Everyone likes the letter “A”… (We learn to write letters!)
Everyone likes the letter “A” -
The first beauty!
Let's draw a stick -
A toy stick,
And another house -
A house for gnomes.
Next crossbar -
It turned out okay!
"B" is a beautiful turntable.
Stick, and two ears to it -
Two lovely semicircles,
The letter "B" is my friend!
"G" is easy to draw -
Stick, stick and walk!
"D" draw like a house,
Stick, stick plus your own yard!
Children are walking in the yard,
Children know these letters!
We draw the letter “E” boldly,
Stick and one two three.
Three stripes is a deal!
It worked, look!
The letter "Yo", like the letter "E",
Just add points.
Only two points are needed,
Try very hard!
The letter “Zh” buzzes with a bug,
We draw sticks.
One two three and the letter "Zh"
Dancing merrily!
The letter "Z" - two squiggles!
Bunny took the handles!
The letter "I" - three sticks,
Sticks toy.
One and two, they stopped,
The third only leaned towards them!
The letter "Y", like the letter "I",
Seagull on top - look!
The letter "K" is like a duck's mouth,
Quacking jokes to us!
The letter “l” is as easy as shelling pears,
Like “A” we draw again.
If "A" then one two three,
"L" - take one away!
"M" let's draw.
Stick, stick, tick.
It turned out, let's dance!
Let's play tag!
"H" - two sticks stand,
Third crossbar.
Strictly exactly, right in line,
Did it work? Nice!
"O" - a circle-bun!
On the path lope yes lope!
The letter "P" - draw the door,
Column one and column two.
From above, the heart rejoices,
There is only one crossbar!
Draw the letter "P" like this:
Stick and rim.
Various fishes and cancer
Protecting the brook!
"C" - a beautiful curl,
Very bold, lope and lope!
The letter "T" repeats to the guys:
I'm a wand, a hat on top!
Letter "U" - snail, duck.
Bowing sticks are no joke!
The letter "F", well, like a flower,
Stick, two petals!
We got tired of the letter “H”,
But we drew it.
They thought the number four,
"H" - is known throughout the world!
The letter "Sh" hisses at us,
What if we don't come?
Let's put the sticks in a row,
Let's emphasize from below!
The letter Š” is like the letter “Ш”,
Only with a ponytail already!
We draw the letter “E” like this:
A rim like a month,
In the middle, just like that,
Let’s hang a dash!
The letter "Yu" is whimsical,
He loves books very much.
Stick, large circle,
Dash baby!
Draw the letter "I"
We need guys.
Stick, circle again,
Leg and everyone is happy!
If "P" is turned over
and add a stick,
Letter "Y" - don't forget,
Use your wit!
Stick and semicircle -
"b" soft sign is our best friend!
The hard sign repeats in the morning,
The soft sign is to be corrected.
Very necessary, kids,
Add a stick!
Irina Manskaya
Writing letters, learning a verse…
Writing letters, learning a verse,
We'll sit at a table
And try to build a house out of them
With the letter A we build a house:
Two pillars at an angle,
Window sill - for the window.
The letter A will be the first.
The letter B(e), like a hippo,
Let's draw her tummy,
Add a visor above:
The letter B(e) is under our roof.
We draw a pillar, and on it
Two friends are sitting together,
Two circles on a pillar -
We get the letter V (e).
Up the line, then bend,
We will call the letter G (e).
Table on one leg
Reminds us of the letter G(e).
A pole, a window, a pair of legs —
A real house!
Watching, learning, and then
Building the letter D(e), like a house.
We attach the sticks to the line:
One, two, three ... and the letter E.
About the three-toothed comb
The letter E will remind us. the letter Y.
From the line we write six paws:
Three - up and three - down.
The letter Zh(e), like a spider,
Like an alphabet bug.
Put two circles in a column,
Leave holes on the left.
Just look:
The letter Z(e), as the number 3.
One - a bar and two - a bar,
Plus one obliquely,
Bottom, top - corners,
And all together - the letter I.
Letter And, above her little thing,
Like a tiny cloud.
With joy I will write in a notebook
And a short one.
Dragonfly or grasshopper?
Maybe it's a little man?
Arm up, leg forward,
Looking to the right… Letter K(a)!
Letter (e)L, a little tired,
Turned her leg to the left.
We will fill in our gap
And write the letter (e)L.
Two lines lie straight,
Two lines lie obstinately,
But it is not difficult for us at all
Remember: this is the letter (e)M.
We look, we think for a short time:
There are two legs, in the middle there is a shelf.
Whatnot between the walls,
We also build the letter (e)N.
Oh, a cheerful circle,
Like a round pie.
It's good that it's so easy
We remember the letter O.
Finally we build the doors:
On the sides, above - panels.
Three lines, and believe me,
The letter P(e) itself is like a door.
A circle hangs on a stick,
Everything is the size of a letter,
It looks like a small flag
There is a letter (e)R in the notebook.
What kind of gray top
Bit off a barrel from "O"?
Well, it's not a problem:
Will be the letter (e)C then.
Look, in one of the lines
The letter is like a hammer.
Dash over dash:
You will remember the letter T (e).
Tail down, corner up,
Like a little bag.
How nice it is to
Write the letter U in a row.
Nose and round eyes?
Or is it a dragonfly?
Or with elf wings?
That's a miracle - the letter (e)F.
Who sends greetings from the book?
A helicopter, or a cross...
So funny and so easy:
Meet the letter X(a).
Along - a strip, two - higher,
Like two pipes on the roof,
Tail on the right end,
And all together - the letter C (e).
Is that a cup? Scoop?
Maybe there is a hook on the wall?..
So girls and boys
Remember the letter H(e) from the book.
Upside down in front of us
Comb with three teeth.
Let's draw, slowly,
And remember the letter Ш(а).
Scallop, hook underneath,
Like a baby worm;
Effortlessly together
Write the letter U(a) in a line.
What is the letter in the alphabet:
A column, a circle… and a tie?
In the middle between letters
A SOLID SIGN divides the sound.
Two dashes in a step,
One of them has a circle.
We learned without difficulty,
How to remember the letter Y.
It is so pleasant in our speech
To hear the letter is very soft.
Stick, circle... So,
With a soft letter - SOFT SIGN.
Circle and barrel with a hole,
And in the middle - a tongue,
That's the trick! We already
We know everything about the letter E.
Column, ponytail. Letter O
Let's attach a wheel to them.
A sign with a circle on the edge
They call it the letter Y.
From the line a circle and a leg
We write to the left carefully,
And in your notebook
The letter Y came out.
We are not afraid of the first class -
We read books!
Spica Rein
- Letters, alphabet, Russian - thematic selection
- What and how to read to a child? Tips and best books for your kids 0-7 years old
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3235 easy and quick ways to learn the alphabet with a child aged 3-6 — Somersault
Before you learn the alphabet with your child, it is important to understand what you will not do. Namely, learning to read. This is a more complex skill, so it is worth putting it off until the time when the child gets acquainted with all the letters and will confidently recognize them and write on their own. Until then, put off the alphabet and reading by syllables.
In this article we have put together the basic principles to quickly learn the Russian alphabet with a 3-6 year old child in a playful way. For all games with letters, you can use plasticine, paints and any improvised means or magnetic letters ROOM - they will easily attract the child's attention.
- Learning the Alphabet Easily: Basic Principles
- 5 ways to learn the alphabet with your child
- From alphabet to reading
Learning the Alphabet Easily: Basic Principles
Each child can find an easy way to learn the alphabet that suits them best, but there are basic principles that are important for all children. If you do not follow them, study will turn into drill and the child is unlikely to ever love to read. Here are a few such principles on how to properly learn the alphabet for a child.
- Learn sounds first, not letters . At the first stage of learning, it does not matter how the letters in the alphabet are called correctly. Now only sounds are important for the child - "d", and not the letter "De". The names of the letters will only confuse the child, who first needs to learn to recognize the shape of the letters and their sound.
- Not learning the alphabet in the correct sequence . Until a child goes to school, it is of no use to him to know how the letters are arranged in the alphabet. This information will only distract him from what is really important: how the letters look and sound. The sequence of the alphabet can be learned later or even at school, where this knowledge will be tested by the teacher.
- Do not turn learning into a lesson .
Learning from call to call is difficult even for children at school, let alone a baby. Therefore, all learning should take place in a playful way and not for long: 5-7 minutes a day to get acquainted with the letters will be enough. Gradually, this time can be increased, especially if the child likes the proposed games with letters.
- Use material objects . At the age of 3-6 years, the child learns the world by touch and taste. It is difficult for him to work with abstract letters spoken aloud. Therefore, it is better to stock up on plasticine and paints and create letters that are more understandable to the child and can be touched. Such a game for children will allow the child to learn the letters of the alphabet and he will recognize them in different forms regardless of what they are made of.
- First vowels, then consonants . Vowel sounds are easier to pronounce, so it's worth starting with them.
The main thing is not to force anyone. If you see that the child is inquisitive, enjoys exploring the world and is ready to learn, you can move on to learning letters and the alphabet. So the child will be happy to learn the alphabet in a playful way and gradually learn to read. So that the game is not abstract, you can use the magnetic letters TUMBLING.
5 ways to learn the alphabet with your child
1. Use an interesting topic to study
Use your child's interest to spur his motivation to learn. For example, if your kid is crazy about cars, let them be the topic in which you learn the alphabet. Use any words related to cars:
"A" - bus
"B" - trunk
"C" - driver, etc.
You can show cars and their parts, draw or sculpt from plasticine. It is important that the child's focus shifts from learning to doing what they love. Additionally, the method will help expand vocabulary and knowledge about the world.
2. Cross out a letter of the alphabet in the list
Fill in a small square with arbitrary letters. The task is to cross out only the letter that you are studying. This will help the child focus on one letter and not get distracted by the ones he doesn't remember or don't know.
3. Pulling the letters of the alphabet out of the pouch
Magnetic letters , which are soft to the touch, are perfect for this method. Put the letters in a bag and give the child the task, without looking, to pull out only the letter that you thought of. Let there not be too many letters in the bag, otherwise the child will get confused. 6-7 pieces will be enough. To start, use letters that are very different in shape, such as "O" and "M". Gradually, the complexity can be increased and searched among similar letters, for example, "K" and "X". Don't forget to praise and encourage your child. You can alternate the learning process with desktops.
4. Recognize letters of the alphabet by ear
You pronounce a word, and if it contains a hidden letter, the child claps his hands.
With this game for kids, you can learn individual letters or the entire alphabet. For example, you name a word, and the child inserts its first letter into the insert frame. To stimulate your child's interest, you can use only words from his favorite topic, for example, the names of animals.
5. Guess words starting with the first letter
You choose one letter and think of a word that starts with that letter. For example, the letter "Z":
- What is this animal with big ears and loves carrots?
- Hare!
This game form is again suitable for learning individual letters or the entire alphabet. If you learn only one letter, the child gets used to quickly recognizing it in different words. And if you give words with different letters, the child as a whole learns to understand with which letter they begin. With the study of the account and the English language will also help TUMBLING.
From the alphabet to reading
When a child learns the Russian alphabet, confidently recognizes all the letters in different words and can draw or mold them on his own, it is worth moving on to reading.