Spelling for preschoolers
Preschool Spelling Words & Vocabulary
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Time4Learning is an online student-paced learning system popular as a preschool homeschool curriculum, as an after school tutorial and skill sharpening during the summer break.
This page is a summary of curriculum topics, foundational skills and resources related to preschool spelling including information about:
- Preschool Spelling Curriculum
- Foundational Spelling Skills
- Preschool Spelling Words List
- Preschool Spelling Resources
- Additional Helpful Parent Tools & Resources
In preschool, spelling words start with basic two-letter words. For example, a good starting point for preschoolers would be: AT, ME, BE, and IT.
Children then start to expand the list by working through “word families”. From AT, in preschool spelling, the curriculum, worksheets, and then spelling tests would cover BAT, CAT, HAT, and SAT. Also, they might vary the vowel and go to HOT. A list of preschool spelling words might start with MAD and include MAN, MAP, and MAT as well as DAD and SAD.
These very young children learn through spelling activities including many creative methods that make the preschool spelling program fun for them. Remember, every child learns at a different rate, so what works for some students may not be the best approach for your child. This is why so many parents enjoy Time4Learning’s student-paced curriculum.. You can skip lessons that teach concepts your child has already mastered and repeat those he or she has not. The choice is yours.
Foundational Spelling Skills
Spelling skills should develop as part of an overall language arts phonemic awareness, phonics, reading comprehension, vocabulary and reading fluency, grammar, reading and writing program. Children should (with help from their parents) develop their foundational spelling skills through an interest in words, regular writing, constant reading, a study of spelling rules, and playing of spelling games
With help from their parents, children can develop and reinforce foundational spelling skills through the following activities:
- Regular writing for a head start on spelling, punctuation, and other concepts
- Constant reading or use of reading workbooks
- Frequent study of spelling rules like the relationships between letters and sounds
- Spelling bees for a fun way for your child to practice their spelling
- Playing of spelling games, quizzes or word games to help develop their spelling skills
- Structured computer spelling programs
- Personalized tutoring and assistance to boost confidence
- Setting daily blocks of time for spelling and reading activities
- Instruction through guided spelling activities like word sorts or word boxes
- Creating a rich language environment at home based on the quantity and quality of words spoken
Time4Learning teaches a comprehensive preschool spelling curriculum using fun activities to build a solid spelling foundation. Help your child excel in spelling by trying out our PreK demos.
Preschool Spelling Words List
What spelling words should your preschooler know? Here is a list of 50+ words that are great for use in spelling games, tests, or practice for an upcoming spelling bee. To add more value, download our PreK spelling list printable worksheet with +100 words!
- one
- two
- three
- at
- bat
- cat
- mat
- pat
- rat
- sat
- an
- can
- fan
- man
- are
- ask
- as
- or
- mom
- and
- us
- pad
- sad
- an
- can
- fan
- pan
- ran
- big
- dig
- fig
- pig
- wig
- fin
- in
- pin
- win
- bid
- did
- hid
- rid
- if
- her
- hi
- bye
- bee
- see
- cow
- how
- now
- bun
- fun
- run
- sun
- but
- cut
- gut
Preschool Spelling Resources
If you’re interested in preschool spelling lists or vocabulary words, you might also be interested in:
- PreK curriculum overview with a summary of key preschool learning objectives
- Detailed list of PreK language arts lesson plans
- Our lesson planning worksheet can help you estimate how many lessons to have your child do each day
Additional Helpful Parent Tools & Resources
Welcome to Homeschooling Guide – Are you new to homeschooling? This guide was written by seasoned homeschoolers to answer some of the difficult questions new families often struggle with.
Curriculum Lesson Plans – An overview of the number of lessons that are included for each grade and subject. All students have access to at least 2 (and in most cases 3) grade levels of curriculum for each subject, so they can move ahead or review at their own pace.
Lesson Planning Worksheet – Wondering how many lessons to have your child do each day? Estimate the number of activities per day using this easy to use, printable worksheet.
The Basic Spelling Vocabulary List
By: Steve Graham, Karen R. Harris, Connie Loynachan
This list was created to help teachers know which spelling words should be taught to kids in grades 1–5. The list contains 850 words that account for 80 percent of the words children use in their writing — the ones they need to be able to spell correctly.
This list was devised to help educators know which spelling words should be taught to children. The list contains 850 words that account for 80 percent of the words children use in their writing — the ones they need to be able to spell correctly.
Mastering this relatively small corpus of words yields a high rate of return. For example, the most common 1,000 words are used 13 times more frequently than the next most common 1,000 words. It also provides teachers flexibility in planning spelling instruction, providing an opportunity to give children the "basics" while supplementing with other spelling words germane to classroom activities.
Grade level for each word was determined based upon difficulty, pattern of occurrence in children's writing across grades, and grade placement on current vocabulary lists and spelling materials.
Words that children have difficulty spelling correctly are marked with an asterisk.
Grade 1 | |||
a | fat | like* | sat
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Grade 2 | |||
about* | father* | lives | set |
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Grade 3 | |||
able | even | mind | spelling |
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Grade 4 | |||
across | during | mountain | sure* |
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Grade 5 | |||
although | different* | planet | suddenly
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Graham, S. , Harris, K.R. and Loynachan, C. (1993). The Basic Spelling Vocabulary List. Journal of Educational Research 86(6) 363-368.
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Copybooks for children - Print and circle!
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Here you can download all kinds of recipes for children and print them for free. Among them there are recipes for mathematics, recipes with capital letters, recipes for kids, recipes for preschoolers and primary school students: grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, etc. For children 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 years old.
Copybooks are a very important methodological material for children, as they teach a child's hand to write, stimulate the development of beautiful handwriting and develop a positive attitude towards learning. Children who at preschool age were not familiar with copybooks and did not study them regularly have big problems in elementary school - they hardly learn to write, their handwriting is far from ideal, and every word written in a notebook is perceived by them as the most difficult work, and sometimes real pain. Where, then, will the love for learning and the incentive to achieve school success come from?
Be sure to print out various recipes for your kids, starting from the earliest years, and you will not regret it - your child will always delight you with his academic efforts, good grades and excellent handwriting!
To delve deeper into preparing children for school, use our section on teaching a child to read, in which you will find a lot of useful educational materials with the alphabet, syllables, word processing, game aids and much more . ..
These recipes for schoolchildren of grade 1 and elementary school students will allow children to get the first skills in calligraphy and handwriting. Recipes can be used for self-study at home.
Help kids develop their fine motor skills with dotted or outlined tracing. Our tracing tasks and exercises for children aged 5-6 will help your little one prepare their hand for writing...
Your child knows how to pronounce the alphabet. Now it's time for him to start writing letters on paper. Children learn the basics of writing at school, but handwriting needs to be developed at home as well.
Here you can download Russian copybooks for children (printed letters) with tasks. Materials in the original size are posted at the bottom of the page in one file. Learning to write, the child will be able to learn not only how to write letters correctly, he will have a great opportunity to color pictures and perform various tasks.
In this material, you can download in the attachments at the bottom of the page the exercises for children "Circle the dots". Such tasks will serve as a great start for the baby while learning to write and help develop a beautiful handwriting in a child.
Here you can download tasks for kids "Circle the dots of the picture", where the child must first circle each depicted object along the contour, and then color the resulting pictures. Exercises will help you teach your child to write, and will also develop fine motor skills of the baby.
Here you can download eight exercises for preschoolers "Capital Russian letters" in one file, which will help your child form ideas about the correct combination of capital letters in words, and provide the child with the opportunity to practice writing some letters and words on his own.
Copybooks for children "Capital letters from A to Z" you can download in attachments at the bottom of the page in one file. These are indispensable activities for preschoolers who are learning to write. Timely teaching of children will certainly bring positive results during school hours, besides, a beautiful handwriting is gradually formed and developed in the child, the speed of writing letters is increasing, and there is also a desire and love for learning.
Here you can download the "Writing while playing" recipes, which consist of 33 worksheets for children from 5 years old. Performing simple and exciting sentences, your child: gets acquainted with the basic elements of numbers and letters, forms graphic skills, trains fine motor skills, develops attention and memory, learns to complete tasks independently...
Copybook for children capital letters is the best educational material for training a preschooler and younger students in writing. After all, it is capital letters that cause difficulties in primary school children.
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Preservals with preschool children with printed letters
9000 copybooks for children with block letters
Print copybooks for preschoolers with block letters. For children 5, 6 years old: elements of letters, printed letters, fine motor skills training, strokes, popular preschool copybooks.
Only adults can think that the ability to write letters evenly, correctly and beautifully is born from the student's diligence and correctly selected copybook.
When a child writes, the areas of the brain responsible for abstract thinking, motor skills, coordination, reading, writing, imagination, memory, intelligence are activated.
It becomes obvious that it is necessary to prepare a child for school in a complex way, and not by training only a hand. A variety of tasks to prepare for school here.
If the hand gets tired quickly or the letters do not come out - you need to practice graphomotor skills by doing:
- graphic dictations,
- tracing drawings along dotted lines,
- drawing by dots and numbers,
- copying drawings,
- coloring,
- doing pixel tasks.
Typically, prescriptions for preschoolers and first-graders include several popular methods for teaching writing in sequence: elemental, copying and linear . All these methods meet the requirements of GEF and have been tested by many generations of children studying calligraphy.
Print copybooks for children with printed letters
Many teachers advise trying to print letters in parallel with learning to read. Exactly what happens in 1st grade. Children learn the sound, the letter, its graphic symbol - spelling. This activates the memory and makes it easier to remember.
Print copybook for children 5 years old
Preschoolers 5 years old do not need to learn how to write letters. The main thing at this age is to develop graphomotor skills and not develop an aversion to learning. This means that prescriptions for children of 5 years old should not be boring! Good decision - coloring pages .
Print prescription for children 6 years old
Kindergarteners and at home are busy preparing for school. They already have “serious” recipes for children of 6 years old: with elements of capital letters, printed letters, eyelets, circles, etc.
Print recipes for preschool children
This section contains fragments of well-known manuals by leading teachers and authors. You can print fragments of copybooks for children and purchase them if your child likes the manual.
Uzorova, Nefedova. Getting ready to write. We develop fine motor skills
The manual contains a set of logically thought out and interesting exercises: graphic dictations, tracing drawings by dots, coloring, copying, coloring according to the model, etc.
1000 exercises to prepare your hand for writing
Labyrinths, patterns, pictures, interesting game tasks and graphic exercises - a guide to the Labyrinth.
Uzorova, Nefedova.