Baby learning to read programs
7 Best Programs to Teach Your Child to Read
Whether we like it or not, many families have recently begun the transition from public school to educating our children at home. For some of us, this transition will (likely) be temporary. But for others of us, learning at home will become a new and exciting way of life. Regardless of which camp you’re in when it comes to at-home education, we parents always want to do our best to educate our children. Many of us don’t feel fully equipped to handle such an important task, however, and can use all the resources we can get!
One of the earliest ways we educate our young children is by teaching them how to read. Reading is the most fundamental area of education. Teaching a child to read will set them up for a lifetime of learning. If you are a parent who is looking to help your child learn to read, these seven programs are some of the best (and most successful) you can use.
1. Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons
Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons is a complete, step-by-step program that shows parents simply and clearly how to teach their children to read. It’s a sensible, easy-to-follow, and enjoyable way to help your child gain the essential skills of reading. This program contains one hundred lessons. It is fully illustrated and color-coded for clarity. Twenty minutes a day will give your child the basic and more advanced skills needed to become a good reader.
2. Reading Eggs
Reading Eggs is an online program that makes learning to read fun, interactive, and highly rewarding. It is intended for ages 2–13. Reading Eggs was created by a highly experienced team of elementary school teachers, writers, and developers to help children become fluent and proficient readers. The multi-award-winning early learning resource supports your child’s reading journey with carefully designed online reading games and activities that are easy to follow, self-paced, and highly engaging for young learners.
3. Teach Your Monster to Read
Teach Your Monster to Read is an award-winning series of online games that’s helped millions of children learn to read.
The game is for children in the first stages of learning to read, or for older children who need a bit more practice. Teach Your Monster to Read takes children on a magical journey, meeting colorful characters along the way, and collecting fantastic rewards. As they progress, they rehearse a range of essential reading skills, including matching letters to sounds, blending, and segmenting. They’ll also learn tricky words and reading full sentences. The game runs on any standard laptop or desktop computer (including Apple Macs), and the app works on iPhone, iPad, Android, and Kindle tablets.
4. The Reading Lesson
The Reading Lesson is a bestselling program that teaches young children to read in 20 easy lessons. It is designed as a step-by-step course for parents who want to teach their young children to read at home. The teaching method is based on phonics and key-word recognition. With its innovative and guided approach, the lessons provide an easy-to-follow recipe for teaching children to read.
This program has also been used successfully for children with disabilities.
5. Bob Books
Bob Books is a true first reader series. It is designed to make helping your child learn to read simple and straightforward. The clean layout, short words, and simple phonics make learning to read a fun and natural step for a child that knows the alphabet. Bob Books was designed to give young children the tools to cross from learning letters to reading words. The beginning reader book sets start slowly. They progress from books with three-letter words to books with more than one sentence per page.
6. Phonics Pathways
Phonics Pathways is a best-selling book that teaches reading using sounds and spelling patterns. These sounds and patterns are introduced one at a time and slowly built into words, syllables, phrases, and sentences. Simple step-by-step directions begin every lesson. Additionally, wise and humorous proverbs encourage virtues such as patience, perseverance, honesty, kindness, compassion, courage, and loyalty.
7. Sing, Spell, Read, and Write
This Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten programs help children develop readiness and early literacy skills. Sing, Spell, Read & Write uses phonics songs, interactive charts, and games to teach the alphabetic principle, phonemic awareness, and sound/letter correspondences. It also teaches short vowel sounds and blending in a fun and meaningful way. By the end of kindergarten, students will be reading fully decodable storybooks with single-syllable, short-vowel words.
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Baby Reading Program - Intellectual Baby
Babies love learning how to read, especially when it’s fun.
As more and more parents are teaching their babies to read, you may be wondering if you should begin a reading program with your baby.
In case you did not know, babies can actually learn to read and it is easy and fun to teach them. Parents using a baby reading program with their child have discovered that their babies love learning how to read, especially when it’s fun.
The key factor in beginning a baby reading program with your child is to have lots of fun. In order to teach your baby to read you need to expose your baby to words quickly and frequently throughout the day. Make sure you approach reading as a fun experience that your baby will love, and only pursue your program when you and your baby are in a good mood. Let’s take a look at some of the most common questions parents have in regards to teaching their baby how to read.
What is a baby reading program?
A baby reading program is simply the method or methods you use to teach your baby to read. It can include flash cards, DVDS, computer presentations, books and more. Today’s most popular method of teaching babies to read is the whole word method, also known as sight-reading. Sight-reading has been very effective in teaching babies to read hundreds and thousands of words. Upon seeing a large number of words, babies are able to decode the patterns of the language, also called phonics. It is at this point that babies who were taught to read whole words are then able to read phonetically, as if by magic.
The whole word method is a very effective method of teaching babies to read and babies that are taught in this manner require little to no phonetic instruction, since they figure out the rules on their own. When you begin a baby reading program you will begin teaching your baby single words. Once your baby has learned around 50 words you can progress to couplets, or word pairs, and then phrases and sentences.
At what age should we begin a baby reading program?
You can start a reading program with your baby at around 3 months of age. When parents begin in the early months of their babies’ lives they find it to be an excellent way to interact and stimulate their child. Babies at this young age are not yet mobile and will usually give you their full attention.
Babies can learn to read with the whole word method easily and naturally from 3 months old through 4 years old. Babies that are taught to read before they can speak will demonstrate their reading capabilities by pointng to the words they know, when asked. When they are able to speak they will be able to easily read out loud.
What are the advantages of teaching my baby to read?
- Babies can learn to read with ease and not struggle.
- Smoother and more fluid readers.
- Parents that teach their babies to read have a stronger bond with their children.
- Increases babies IQ.
- Stimulates baby, creating a deep love of learning in your child.
- Children taught to read as babies learn the rules of phonics on their own, making them good readers and spellers.
- Gives them a strong start in school.
- When taught to read as babies, children are faster readers with a deeper level of comprehension, making high school and college reading easier and less stressful.
- Babies that can read are good students.
By teaching your baby to read you are taking advantage of this natural window of opportunity for learning language. Never again in your child’s life will learning language be this easy. From birth to age 5 children can easily learn to read and to speak multiple languages. Parents that teach their babies to read find that their children will never struggle with reading. This gives them a strong start in school.
How can I start my baby on a baby reading program?
Getting started on a reading program has never been easier. Years ago parents had to create all their own materials. This took many hours of preparation and serious dedication. Nonetheless, countless parents successfully taught their babies to read, in spite of all the work that was involved.
Nowadays parents can teach their babies to read without having to create any materials. By purchasing a baby reading kit you will have all the materials you need to get started teaching your baby to read. You don’t need to waste a single moment of your precious time preparing your own materials. You can purchase your baby reading kit and begin teaching your baby to read right away.
Click here to take a look at the highly recommended baby reading kits we offer.
Reading training program for preschoolers, Teaching a child to read
For parents of preschoolers > Useful for parents
Bardova Lidia Georgievna
How good it is to be able to read!
Don’t pester your mother,
Don’t shake your grandmother:
“Read, please, read!”
Don't beg your sister:
"Well, read another page."
No need to call,
No need to wait,
Or you can take
And read!
Valentin Berestov
"Teaching a Child to Read" is an effective and affordable program for teaching preschoolers fluent and conscious reading.
Problems in teaching young children to read.
Reading is an amazing means of understanding the world. We use this tool every day in a variety of situations. At any moment we can satisfy our curiosity by opening a book or turning on a computer. Over the long years of study, the process of reading has reached us to automatism. We read without difficulty, and sometimes it seems to us that there is nothing easier than reading.
If a preschooler grows up in a family, then parents face the question: how to teach a child to read. In the old days, children were taught to read at school, but now, following some unwritten rule, the child must enter the 1st grade as a reader.
I must say that the parents themselves learned the basics of reading many years ago, and, of course, forgot how laborious and complex this process is. Therefore, many of them enthusiastically undertake to teach their child this “simple”, as they consider, process. And if the child is easily trained, then the parents cope with this work without problems.
However, many parents face great difficulties in teaching their children to read. This forces them to look for the necessary information on the Internet and on the bookshelves, where it is now, by the way, countless. However, often this information is either difficult for home use, or very ineffective. Therefore, some parents, whose family budget allows this, resort to the help of tutors.
What about other parents? Who will teach their children to read?
It turns out that preschoolers have become hostages of this difficult situation.
An effective children's education program.
For parents who would like to help their child learn to read, this guide has been developed. When compiling it, the experience of the most successful primary school teachers, as well as tutors preparing children for school, was used. This program is based on the well-known rule: any hard work will become easy if:
- correctly divide it into parts, i.e. - dose correctly;
- and then arrange these parts in a strictly defined sequence.
In the proposed program, the sequence of studying letters and syllables differs significantly from the generally accepted traditional system at school. And the amount of material for each lesson is dosed, taking into account the fact that at this age the attention of children is extremely unstable. Therefore, you need to deal with a child for about 10-15 minutes a day.
It is this sequence of each session and precisely this dosing of these activities that have become the main advantages of this program.
And one more of its advantages is that an adult does not have to have a pedagogical education to work under this program: it is enough for him to show a sample of reading and achieve its repetition.
- Create and maintain a positive classroom environment. Show maximum patience, do not rush the child while reading, tell him at a critical moment. Never scold him, praise him with or without reason.
- Currently, various gadgets do nothing to awaken a child's interest in reading. Moreover, some children openly express a stubborn unwillingness to read. Given this circumstance, classes should be started in a mild form, without pressure and coercion, reaching agreement with the child, taking into account his desires, but at the same time showing some perseverance.
And, due to the fact that these classes are short in time and small in volume, after a few days the child positively perceives the process of reading.
- Set yourself and your child up for daily activities (except weekends) , make them an obligatory item of the daily routine.
- Teachers and psychologists argue that each child has his own pace of learning. That is why this program does not indicate the time frame for passing a particular lesson. But, to achieve good results, one very important rule should be observed:0028 the child reads without errors and at a good pace. Throughout all classes, this is the most important rule. Strict observance of it leads to the formation of one of the most important skills in a child - the skill of confident reading. And this is the foundation on which fluent reading is subsequently easily developed.
The word is up to adults.
The purpose of this program is to make it as easy as possible to teach reading, not only for children, but also for adults. It includes 28 lessons that clearly show how much work a small child has to do in order to learn to read. For example, one two-letter syllables will have to learn more than 150 options.
If parents decide to walk this path together with their child, they are worthy of the deepest respect and reverence. And as a reward for this work, parents will repeatedly experience feelings of joy for each success, as well as pride in themselves and in their child. And then all the difficulties that have to be overcome during this time are forgotten.
And one more important factor: such joint activities and success bring adults and children much closer.
Experience shows that love for a child, patience and regular practice necessarily lead to the fact that by the end of learning to read under this program, the vast majority of children read at the level of a student completing grade 1, and some even better . Surprisingly, this result is achieved with just 10-15 minutes of practice per day! Of course, such a result justifies any time spent on these classes.
Teach your child to read easily and with joy!
Good luck to you and your child!
Classes for teaching reading to preschoolers
Content of the classes.
The number of syllables and words selected for each lesson is quite enough to learn to read, but this is subject to the rule mentioned above: the next lesson should be started only when the syllables and words of the previous lesson are read by the child error-free and confident.
Lesson 1.
First, learn 20 consonants. They should be pronounced briefly, abruptly, without overtones. You can't pronounce Be, We, Ge...
At first, we learn only capital letters together with the corresponding picture, then we read them without pictures.
Session 3.
We tell the child that a capital letter at the beginning of some words means that this word is someone's name.
Lesson 4.
Lesson 5.
Lesson 6.
Bu yu gu zh zhu uhuhu ahu ou ou ou ou ou ru
Su fuh huh shchi shch
Lesson 8.
Lesson 9.
Next, we begin to read syllables and words with the letters I, E, Yo, Yu, I. All these letters soften the consonant after which they stand. The letter b also softens the consonant, but it will be studied in lesson 26.
Lesson 10.
Lesson 11.
This lesson may cause some difficulties, because soft and hard consonants will alternate in these words. Usually it requires 2-3, and possibly more sessions.
Lesson 12.
Lesson 13.
Lesson 14.
Lesson 15.
Lesson 16.
Lesson 18.
Lesson 19. -SHA
Lesson 20.
In this lesson, you need to enter small letters a, b, e, e. and na-ny shu-ba ry-ba ra-bo-ta for-bo-ry
Lesson 21.
Show the child how to read three-letter words (at first, the vowel should be pulled a little, but only at the very first time) .
cancer house smoke rice whale juice forest poppy honey varnish soup son cheese mouth cat dog our beetle world shower hour noise chalk
Activity 22 air-spirit doc-tor far-tuk fan-tic bridge-tic log-nal shash-lyk lan-dysh rain-dick pocket
Lesson 23.
river rep-ka pal-ka stove set-ka half-ka weight-on vet-ka fork-ka sum-ka ban-ka kuk-la buk-wa man-ka met-ro barrel-ka mis-ka thread-ka shor-you brush-ka
skewers cup sushi hat
dance mouse cat
Lesson 24 -horn to-por dya-tel tu-man
ve-ter ve-cher sa-har ry-bak ka-tok ko-tik
Lesson 25.
yu-la u-shi ut-ka az -bu-ka um-ni-tsa ig-ra ik-ra el-ka ar-booz A-li-na u-li-tsachai my may may-ka your tea-nick sa-rai zai-ka white ig -paradise kind Yu-la mu-ra-vey your own
Lesson 26.
salt dust shadow day king horse goose stump pain pain-but more money-gi pal-toes lie-reap ki -sel drinks pours drinks seven-family vyu-ga
Activity 27 book school roof
Lesson 28.
At this stage, we finish the study of letters, as well as various variants of syllables and words with them. It remains to say that the letter Y is also a consonant letter, but, unlike other consonants, it does not form an independent two-letter syllable with vowels.
Large binding.
Reading skills can be consolidated through various aids. For example, in the books O. Perova " Primer-simulator" and Bakhtina "Primer" excellent material for these classes is collected. Classes still need to be held regularly, for about a month. The material should be given in small volumes to avoid overworking the child. And remember: even 10-15-minute daily sessions give a very good result.
Reading fluency (step by step) .
- To work on reading fluency, short stories of 4-6 sentences are selected. Suitable material for this is, for example, in the “Primer” by N. S. Zhukova.
- We inform the child of the following goal: “You are well done, you read well. But you're growing up, and so today we're starting to learn to read like adults." The child reads the selected story, and we ask him 2-3 questions about the content of the story. "About what (or what) is written in this story? What is said about him (about them) ? Then we say: “Read the story again, but read a little faster.” We praise the child and ask to read the story again, but a little faster.
- As a result, the child read the story 3 times. Undoubtedly, the child himself will like the fact that he already manages to read some words in whole words.
After this, the child must be praised and the lesson ends. At this stage, it is very important to observe the following rule: you cannot demand and, moreover, force a child to read in whole words. Over time, the transition from syllabic reading to reading whole words occurs naturally.
- We start the next lesson by working on the story from the previous lesson. Remind the child that he read this story very well, almost like adults, in the last lesson and ask him to read it now just as well. After that, praise the child and do not work with this text in this lesson anymore, even if the child did not read it very quickly. Let's move on to the next story. We read it 3 times in the same way as in the previous lesson.
- The next lesson, we again start working on the story from the previous lesson.
Reading children's books.
The purpose of these activities is to instill a love of reading .
Children's books should be colorful and with suitable type. During this period, you can read books without dividing words into syllables. And from time to time we remind the child that we try to read like adults because we grow up.
There are many different techniques and ways to increase interest in reading. One of the most effective ways to achieve this goal is as follows: an adult reads the beginning of some interesting story aloud, (for example, children's stories by Nosov, Suteev and other authors are suitable for this) . Further, the adult, referring to being busy, suddenly stops, preferably at the most interesting place and complains that there will be no time to find out what happened next. If the child is sufficiently interested, then he independently continues reading.
Also, to develop interest in reading, you can offer children to read fascinating children's encyclopedias with short informative stories, and then ask the child to tell us what he learned interesting. There are a great many such encyclopedias on the market now, we choose them according to the age and preferences of the child.
For parents of preschoolers:
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How to teach a child to read? Or the KoroBoom Reading Training Program - Once upon a time
It so happened that here, in the blog, I undeservedly bypassed one very important manual - the KoroBoom Reading Training Program. Why important? Now, when you are just starting to teach your child to form letters into syllables, something really important is being decided. Whether the child will study with pleasure or not, whether he will sit down to read books willingly or under pressure - it all depends on how you organize the learning process now. The KoroBoom program is a game technique, the main task of which is to make a child fall in love with reading. And in this article I will talk in detail about how the set copes with this task.
In addition, as the author of this manual, I feel a certain responsibility towards my readers. Of course, I should have talked about the kit for learning to read a long time ago, so to speak, in the first person)
The kit was first released in 2018, and during its existence it has received a huge amount of positive feedback from mothers, teachers and speech therapists. Children who, under no pretext, did not want to sit down to read, began to learn with pleasure according to the methodology.
What is the secret of the KoroBoom Reading Program?
There are two main reasons why children like the set:
1. Game approach
him. That is why it is often difficult for parents to get their child interested in reading lessons. After all, individual letters and syllables for a child are abstract objects, meaningless signs that are not attached to any tangible object.
Unlike boring primers and notebooks that invite you to reread the same type of syllables over and over again, the KoroBoom Reading Learning Program allows you to play with them! Here, each letter combination turns into a house, trailer, letter, treat, etc. Completing the tasks of the set, the child rearranges the magnets and figures, runs, searches, draws, glues stickers, feeds the animals, collects puzzles, etc. In a word, learning is no different from ordinary play, which is a natural activity for a child.
2. Step-by-step system
If you have already tried to teach your child to read, then you probably noticed that there are really quite a lot of manuals on sale. And you can find a variety of games for free on the network. But it’s not always clear how to build a coherent system from them that will lead the child from zero to the result. Which syllables to read first, in what sequence to use the games - all these are important factors on which the interest and success of the child will depend.
Once upon a time, when I bought such a chic and expensive manual as Zaitsev's cubes, I was sure that I would finally have a clear plan of action at my disposal. But here it was not there either, the methodological manual offered some options for games (moreover, a far from exhaustive list). But exactly what words to make up from cubes, when and how to introduce new warehouses, how to interest a child if he is not interested in cubes - all this had to be thought out by the parent / teacher.
Therefore, it is so important that in the KoroBoom Program all tasks are systematized and arranged in order of increasing difficulty. In tasks, new letters are gradually introduced, letter combinations become more complicated, the number of syllables in a word increases, etc. It is also important that there are really a lot of game options, if a child is not interested in some version of the game, there is another!
What is included in the KoroBoom Reading Program?
Briefly tell you about some of the games included in the set, so as not to be unfounded)
- Magnetic board with playing fields and magnets
There are 13 playing fields in the set. Different tasks are offered to the child on the playing fields. For example, the task is to seat the animals in the wagons. We tell the child: “Look, the cat bought a ticket for the MA trailer. Let's find MA!" “And the sheep wants to ride in the TA trailer, where do we have TA?”
Important! During the lesson, we do not ask the child to read each syllable (“Tell me, what is written here? What is written here?”), We ourselves repeatedly pronounce and show the syllables. During the game, the child first begins to recognize syllables, and then gradually moves on to independent reading.
- Nyam-Nyamych
Oh, this Nyam-Nyamych, always hungry) He loves to eat syllables, letters and words. “I want to eat PA! Now give me boo!” - says Yum-nyamych. Perhaps this is the most favorite tool for children in the Reading Program)
- Syllable Trainer
This simulator allows the child to see how changing one letter in a syllable changes its sound. This is very useful for practicing basic reading skills. And given that the letters change in the book at the teddy bear or on the train, it is also interesting.
- Big album with tasks and stickers
We mothers know that stickers have magical powers. They are able to interest even the most reluctant person) Well, when sticking stickers is part of the learning process, it is doubly pleasant. There are many tasks in the album where the child can circle, find, paste and, of course, read. All tasks in the album are also divided into several levels of difficulty and complement the game tasks of the set.
- Turntables
Turn over just one leaf and get a completely different word!
These turntables are excellent reading simulators, because the child here reads the same spellings over and over again, but with slight changes. And every time he gets a meaningful word.
- Window aids
Children love the element of surprise in the game, so the game is especially successful for them. It's so great to read a short word yourself, and then see what is hidden behind the sash! At the same time and test yourself)
- Animal cups
Some of the games in the set feature cute cup animals. Agree, it is much more interesting not just to read the word BALL, but to read it, and then also let the tiger cub play with such a BALL. And you can also feed the animals with “edible” words, look for letters in the animals in cups and make syllables out of them, etc.
- Simple self-reading books
For the most advanced readers, the box contains simple books for the first reading.
- Incentive sticker sheet
And one more thing. For additional motivation of the child in the set there are stickers and a sheet on which he can stick them. For each lesson, the child receives a sticker and approaches the magical land of letters.
Well, I won't describe all the variants of the games, there must be some intrigue) In total, there are 58 gradually becoming more complex games and more than 40 written tasks in the set. A clear action plan and instructions for each game are written in detailed methodological support.
By the way, you can watch a short video about the Learning to Read Program here.
Warehouse principle of dividing words
There is an important point that I would like to draw attention to. The Learning to Read Program uses the warehouse principle to separate words. It is with warehouses, and not with syllables, that the child plays here.
What is a warehouse? A warehouse never consists of more than two letters, and this compares favorably with a syllable, which can consist of both 4 and 5 letters, and can also include several consecutive consonants. It is the warehouse that is the most convenient element that is easy for a child to pronounce and read. I wrote about how to highlight warehouses in a word here.
When to start studying
The reading program will be understandable and interesting for children over 3 years old. However, if you feel that the child is not yet ready, then it is better to postpone classes until 4-5 years of age.
The main criteria for a child’s readiness to learn to read are: the ability to speak well and correctly build sentences, the ability to navigate in space (the child understands the concepts of “right-left”, “higher-lower”, etc. ), developed phonemic hearing (child can determine what sound a word begins with. Such signs indicate that the child's brain is ripe for reading, in this case, classes will be easier and more efficient, and you will not be afraid of the negative impact from a neuropsychological point of view, which experts are increasingly talking about now.
Does the child need to know the letters before starting the Program? The main emphasis in the program is on games with warehouses and words, and not with individual letters. However, this does not mean that by the beginning of classes the child must know all the letters. If he knows - well, if not - it's not scary, they will be remembered during the game.
For the first acquaintance with letters, you can pay attention to the Interactive alphabet, it will allow you to remember the letters in a playful way.
The KoroBoom Reading Program (Ozon, Wildberries) is a unique set that can replace many different manuals. I know for sure that this technique works.