Basic concepts for kindergarten

Preschool and Kindergarten Concepts Worksheets

This is our page of basic preschool and kindergarten concepts worksheets. So far we have a sets of worksheets dedicated to learning the concepts or same and different, size, opposites, go-togethers, left and right, thinking skills worksheets and more. We even have some worksheets for kids to practice writing their own name, address and phone number. There worksheets are a perfect addition to any preschool or kindergarten lesson plan and we created these worksheets specifically for teachers and parents to use with their preschool and kindergarten age children.

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Basic Concepts to Teach Your Preschooler

“What should my preschooler know?”

This question often gets asked by parents. Many want to know what basic concepts their 4-year-old should know in order to be prepared for Kindergarten.

Academically speaking, it’s not a lot. It’s more valuable for your youngster to be able to listen to and follow directions than it is for him to recite the alphabet. While exposing him to the letters of the alphabet through fun activities like songs and puzzles is good practice at this age, expecting him to identify all 26 letters in upper and lower case isn’t really necessary. If you have a child who is advanced in Language Arts and is ready and interested in learning letters and reading, go ahead and do so. Otherwise, exposure to the written word through fun activities like I previously mentioned and read aloud time is usually enough.

I have compiled a list of basic concepts that are generally good for preschoolers to know. This is different from skills that they should be able to do which is found in this post: Preschool Skills Checklist. Both lists are just guidelines to help you out. Every child is unique and learns at a different rate so it’s fine if your child doesn’t know all of these by the time he starts doing Kindergarten level work. You can always cover the basic concepts that he didn’t learn as a preschooler then.

  • ❑ Colors
  • ❑ Shapes
  • ❑ Numbers 1-10 (mainly counting from 1-10 although identifying at least 1-5 is helpful)
  • ❑ Same and different
  • ❑ Does not belong
  • ❑ One-to-one correspondence
  • ❑ Pattern recognition
  • ❑ What comes next in a sequence of events
  • ❑ Up and down
  • ❑ Above, below, and beside (next to)
  • ❑ Front and back
  • ❑ Over, under, and in the middle
  • ❑ In front of and behind
  • ❑ Closed and open
  • ❑ First, next, and last
  • ❑ Inside and outside (in and out)
  • ❑ Backward and forward
  • ❑ Top and bottom
  • ❑ Before and after
  • ❑ High and low
  • ❑ Big and little
  • ❑ Largest and smallest
  • ❑ Tall and short
  • ❑ Wide and narrow (fat and skinny)
  • ❑ Medium sized
  • ❑ Long and short
  • ❑ Same size
  • ❑ Fast and slow
  • ❑ Basic feelings such as happy, sad, mad, and glad
  • ❑ Empty and full
  • ❑ More and less (fewer)
  • ❑ Many and few
  • ❑ Part and whole
  • ❑ Night and day
  • ❑ On and off
  • ❑ Loud and soft
  • ❑ Hot and cold
  • ❑ Hard and soft
  • ❑ New and old
  • ❑ Early and late
  • ❑ Times of the day such as morning, afternoon, and evening
  • ❑ Weather
  • ❑ Seasons
  • ❑ Simple categories such as food, clothes, animals, and toys
  • ❑ Family members
  • ❑ Parts of the body
  • ❑ Stranger safety
  • ❑ Full name
  • ❑ Parents’ names
  • ❑ Home phone number
  • ❑ Birthday
  • ❑ God
  • ❑ Jesus
  • ❑ Heaven
  • ❑ Earth
  • ❑ Angels

I have some preschool printables that teach some of these concepts here. I think your youngster will like them!

Many blessings,

P.S. If you need some inspiration, you can find a list of more than 250 preschool themes to teach your child here: The Ultimate List of Preschool Themes

Playing chess: basic terms

Chess is becoming more and more popular every day. And more and more parents understand that for their child this type of leisure will bring not only pleasure, but also benefit in development. In order to speak the same language with a young chess player, we have prepared for parents a short list of the main terms of this game.

Learning how to move pieces on a chessboard is easy. It is much more difficult to develop strategic thinking by anticipating the consequences of the moves made.

The debut of is the beginning of a chess duel. Wrong moves in it lead to a quick loss with checkmate and checkmate . The main task of the opening is the development of pieces with the capture of the center of the field. Not knowing the correct moves in chess at the opening is the main mistake of a novice player. The most common checkmate comes from a queen or a knight. The enemy's defense is easily broken and the irreparable happens if he starts the game incorrectly.

Followed by middle game . In the middle of the game, if it continues, combinations, captures of pieces, attacks with defenses, deceptive sacrifices, etc. occur. This is where the capture of the center of the field by one of the players comes in handy. From there it is easier to maneuver, attack and break through the opponent's defense. Lines are opened for heavy pieces, it is easier to control the movements of the enemy king attacked by bishops or knights. In this case, a larger "battlefield" for one of the players gives a decisive advantage.

Game transition at endgame from middlegame is usually invisible. At the end of the game, sometimes there are no queens on the chessboard, and the kings have to move more, participating in the duel. If any of the pawns reach the last file, they are promoted to any of the chosen pieces, usually a queen. And then the end of the game is near.

Getting into zugzwang by any of the chess players is “peace enforcement”, figuratively speaking, that is, the inevitable victory of one and the defeat of the other. All moves lead to checkmate. It is extremely difficult to achieve zugzwang in the middlegame, but it happens sometimes.

Sitting at the chessboard, any person receives under the command of " army ". She has to fight. In the minds of the players, “staff operations” are being developed to conduct “combat operations”. The winner is the one who is more purposeful and attentive and capable of logical thinking.

Chess is classified as a sport because in this game, nervous and mental tension replaces the strength work of the muscles. The game is morally exhausting if a person values ​​his mind and intellect, considers himself smart and far-sighted.

Playing chess just like that is not pleasant for everyone if there are always losses. Then the person quits this occupation, considering himself incapable of such a game. It is especially important for parents at the first losses to explain to the child that this is a normal situation that always happens in the learning process. And you need to draw conclusions for yourself, analyze the mistakes and try not to repeat them in the future.

Today, on the World Wide Web, you can play chess remotely with an opponent of any rank on a variety of sites. A wide choice of time intervals for moves by players makes it possible to play both fast and slow games. It is also possible to connect any chess program that helps you choose the right strategy, but be sure to indicate that you are using it. By purchasing or downloading an "electronic chess player" from the Internet, you can improve your skills in duels with him.

In the private kindergarten "Tete-A-Tete" chess is included in compulsory classes for children from 4 years old. We also have a chess section where your child will be taught to play and appreciate this intellectual game.

Kristina Alekseeva,
Tete-A-Tete Kindergarten, Voronezh

? To clarify the working hours and sign up for classes, please contact the studio administrators by phone: 290-90-50, 228-98-63 .

Read also articles about chess:

Why does a child need to know how to play chess?

Chess: home schooling or club activities?

kindergarten site - road safety

Welcome to the traffic rules page!

Road safety passport dated 05.08.2021

The page is intended for parents and educators of preschool educational institutions. Our website page is an inexhaustible source of information and ideas on road safety. An innovative form of increasing the communicative competence of teachers and parents.
An important task of the kindergarten and parents is the education of children, competent road users.

Teaching the rules of the road in kindergarten is a vital necessity, so various traffic rules are always relevant in preschool educational institutions. In kindergarten, the child must learn the basic concepts of the traffic system and learn the most important rules of behavior on the road. Traffic rules in kindergarten is a rather large set of knowledge that educators try to convey to children, because their safety on the road depends on it.

Throughout the training, our educators address the topic of road safety. Specially, for this purpose, various events, exhibitions, entertainment are held in MBDOU, they teach the rules of the road in direct educational activities.

Our teachers use in the classroom a variety of paraphernalia of the rules of the road for kindergarten: toy cars, buses, traffic lights, signs. In an interesting, exciting way, educators organize games based on fictional stories that reflect various situations on the street, which helps children better learn the knowledge and skills that are so necessary on the road.

Parents have the opportunity to receive advice on teaching children to behave safely on the websites:



"ROAD TRAPS": http://road traps.rf./


Children about the rules of the road

Young Pedestrian Reminder

Rules of the road for children

Coloring pages according to traffic rules

Poems according to traffic rules

Riddles according to traffic rules

Volkov S. Yu. About traffic rules

Aunt Owl's lessons on traffic rules (video)

Parents about the rules of the road

Memo to parents on traffic rules

Child Transport Regulations

Reflective elements

How to cross the road safely

On the impossibility of uncontrolled presence of minors on the street

Information about the activation of activities for the prevention of DDTT

Information on measures to increase efforts to prevent child road traffic injuries

Flashmob dedicated to the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims

"LIGHT IN THE DARK" campaign


Project "Rules of the road" (2 ml. gr.)

Project "Road letter" (cf. gr.)

Project “The rules of the road will help not to be a hindrance to traffic” (art. gr)

Road alphabet project (preparatory group)

Memo for parents "Rules for transporting children in a car!"

Booklet "Become more visible in the dark!"

Memo "Straighten your dearest!"

Report on the conduct of preventive material Attention - children!

Railway for everyone, and especially for children - a zone of increased danger. These are not empty words, not an attempt to intimidate someone, this is a real fact. Russian railways create the safest possible conditions at the facilities of the passenger complex. For these purposes, overpasses, pedestrian bridges, tunnels are being built, warning alarms are being installed, and crowded places of citizens near the railway track are being fenced off. However, due to unjustified haste or carelessness of adults and children, unwillingness to use bridges, tunnels and pedestrian crossings, and sometimes simply because of mischief, hooliganism on the railway tracks and the territory adjacent to them, people are injured and die. It is especially painful and insulting when it concerns children.

The children, left without adult supervision, often play near the railway tracks. Probably many have seen how adults walk along the railroad tracks, as if walking in the park, or how children, for the sake of curiosity, climb the cars, throw snowballs, stones and other objects at passing trains, put foreign objects on the rails in front of the approaching train, thereby endangering not only their lives, but the lives and health of the people around them, the locomotive crew and passengers traveling on the train. They are sure that having heard the signal given by the driver, they will have time to move to a safe place. But too often, many of them pay with their lives for such self-confidence, and the survivors receive severe injuries that make them disabled.

Rules of Conduct on Railway Transport and Its Infrastructure

Rules for safe behavior and stay at railway transport facilities


  • Cross railroad tracks in areas not equipped with pedestrian decks.
    · Crossing railway crossings when the barrier is closed or when the signaling signal is red.
    · At stations and hauls crawl under cars, climb over automatic couplers.
    · Pass along the railway track closer than 5 meters from the outermost rail.
    · Pass through railway bridges and tunnels that are not equipped with walkways for pedestrians.
    · To cross the track immediately after the passage of a train in one direction, without making sure that there is no train in the opposite direction.
    · Use headphones and mobile phones when crossing railway tracks.
    Remember that the railway is a high-risk area and requires increased attention and strict adherence to safety rules!


In connection with the ongoing cases of fatal injuries at railway transport facilities, as well as facts of vandalism and hooligan actions of teenagers in relation to railway transport facilities

· You must cross the tracks only on the bridge or on special decks.
· Do not crawl under the cars! Do not climb over the automatic couplers!
· Do not jump into the carriage of an outgoing train.
· Do not leave the carriage until the train has come to a complete stop.
· Don't play on platforms and paths!
· Stay out of windows while walking.
· Leave the car only from the side of the boarding platform.
· Do not walk on the tracks.
· At the station, children can only be under the supervision of adults, small children must be held by the hand.
· Do not cross in front of a nearby train if the distance to it is less than 400 meters. The train can't stop right away!
· Do not come closer than 5 meters to the rails.
· Do not cross the tracks without making sure there is no train in the opposite direction.
· The railway is a convenient and popular mode of transport used by millions of people every day. Increasing the speed of transport has solved many problems, reducing the time spent by passengers on the road and delivering goods, and at the same time has created a lot of dangers for humans.

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Ph: 250.627.7166 | Fx: 250.627.7482

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