Being verbs for kids
Verbs for Kids
by Craig Shrives
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What Are Verbs? (for Kids)
Verbs are "action" words. Here are five sentences with the verbs highlighted:
- The cat chased the mouse.
- Simon jumped in the pool.
- Jane swims every morning.
- My uncle drives a bus.
- The mayor's daughters will sing after the break.
Can you spot a verb?
Notice how the verbs describe actions. In these examples, the verbs all describe physical actions. They tell us what the subject of the sentence is doing.
Get Smart about Verbs
Verbs can also describe mental actions or even actions about just existing.
- John guessed the right number.
- Claire thinks she is clever.
- Mark will consider your idea.
- Grimaldi was at the party.
- Aliens exist in far away galaxies.
- The mascot will be at the game.
Can you spot verbs describing mental actions?
Can you spot state-of-being verbs?
More about Verbs
Verbs are very important. Every sentence has a verb.
Verb Tense
Look again at the examples above. Did you notice that each one describes an action from the past, the present, or the future? This is called the tense of a verb.
So, as well as telling us what the action is, a verb also tells us whether the action was in the past, present, or future.
- The cat chased the mouse. ("Chased" is the past tense.)
- The cat chases the mouse. ("Chases" is the present tense.)
- The cat will chase the mouse. ("Will chase" is the future tense.)
- Simon jumped in the pool.
- Simon jumps in the pool.
- Simon will jump in the pool.
- Jane swam yesterday morning.
- Jane swims every morning.
- Jane will swim tomorrow morning. (Notice that the future tense requires the help of "will.")
Auxiliary Verbs
So far, we have looked only at the simple tenses. As you learn more about tense, you will see other tenses. Just like the simple future tense ("will chase," "will jump," "will swim"), the other tenses also need helping verbs (like "will"). These "helping verbs" are more commonly called auxiliary verbs.
The most common auxiliary verbs are:
- was, were (for the past tense)
- am, is, are (for the present tense)
- will be (for the future tense)
- My uncle was driving a bus when he met my auntie.
- My uncle is driving a bus around Europe.
- My uncle will be driving a bus to Paris next year.
All the auxiliary verbs are in bold. Did you notice that "to drive" changed to "driving" in every example?
- The mayor's daughters were singing before the break.
- The mayor's daughters are singing now.
- The mayor's daughters will be singing after the break.
Did you notice that "to sing" changed to "singing" in every example?
Get Smart about Verbs
- Words ending "-ing" formed from verbs are called present participles.
- When a verb is preceded with "to" (e.g., "to drive," "to sing"), it is called the infinitive form of the verb.
- The main verb and any accompanying auxiliary verbs are called a verb phrase. (The highlighted texts in all the examples on this page are verb phrases.)
More about Auxiliary Verbs
After "was," "were," "am," "is," "are," and "will be" (all from the verb to be), the next most common auxiliary verb is the verb to have. It has the following forms:
- had (for the past tense)
- has, have (for the present tense)
- will have (for the future tense)
- My uncle had driven a bus before he became an astronaut.
- My uncle has driven for twenty years.
- My uncle will have driven for thirty years when he retires.
Did you notice that "to drive" changed to "driven" in every example?
Get Smart about Verbs
- Words used with "to have" to form verb tense are called past participles.
- The word in a verb phrase that tells you whether the action was in the past, present, or future is called a finite verb. The participles are called non-finite verbs.
- The mayor's daughters were singing before the break. ("Were" tells us the action was in the past, so "were" is the finite verb. The present participle "singing" is a non-finite verb.)
- My uncle will have driven for thirty years when he retires. ("Will have" tells us the action will be in the future, so "will have" is the finite verb. The past participle "driven" is a non-finite verb.)
Modal Auxiliary Verbs
There is another type of auxiliary verb called a modal auxiliary verb. The main modal verbs are:
- can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would, and must.
- The cat might chase the mouse.
- Simon must jump in the pool. ("Must" helps to express obligation.)
- Jane can swim for hours. ("Can" helps to express ability.)
Linking Verbs
When a verb links the subject of a sentence to a description, it is called a linking verb.
- The cat is hungry. ("Is" links "The cat" to "hungry.")
- My ancestor was a pirate. ("Was" links "My ancestor" to "a pirate.")
- Your dog smells awful. ("smells" links "The dog" to "awful.")
Video Lesson
Here is a video summarizing this lesson on verbs:
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See Also
Adjectives for kidsAdverbs for kidsConjunctions for kidsNouns for kidsPrepositions for kidsPronouns for kidsnouns for adult learnersregular verbsirregular verbs
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Verb "to be"
How to use the “to be” verb
Forms of “to be”
Base form: Be
➕ Affirmative:
➖ Negative:
Past: Was / Were
Past Participle: been
Continuous: being
Passive form
Questions in English with the “to be” verb
Examples of the “to be” verb:
Printable Worksheets about the Verb “To Be” in English ️
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In English, verbs have a very important place in communication, they are the ones responsible for expressing actions. Words like jump, run, speak… all are common and clear examples of verbs that describe an action that a subject does. However, there is one verb that’s the most used in the English language: the verb to be.
For children, learning the verbs -and especially this one- might be a difficult task. Verbs are concepts that some kids might find hard to grasp, but through constant repetition using different activities and exercises, learning about it can be easy, and even fun!
It’s essential for the little ones to learn the uses of the “to be” verb, after all, it’s used frequently and for a lot of different purposes.
How to use the “to be” verb
The “to be” is a verb used to describe something or someone.
In English, it can be used to say different things according to the context. However, the most common use of the to be verb is to talk about names, ages, feeling, nationalities, and professions, especially when talking in the present tense.
The most tricky thing about this verb, however, is that It’s also one of the most irregular verbs in the English language. This means, that unlike regular verbs, which barely change when used when different subjects -or even in different tenses-, and when they do, they follow a pattern, the “to be” verb changes almost completely in most of its forms.
Forms of “to be”
Since the to be verb is highly irregular, it’s written in different ways according to the tense of the verb (whether if it’s present, past, future, or even in mixed tenses), and it also varies according to the subject. Let’s see the forms this verb can take when used next to the subjects.
Base form: Be
This is the most basic form of the verb, and it’s how we can find it in the dictionary. It’s mostly used when using imperatives, and also as the infinitive. Some examples are:
Be nice to your sister! (imperative)
I like to be at my house. (infinitive)
This form of the verb is mainly used in the simple present, and its meaning can change depending on the use in the context. Also, when writing, the present form of the to be verb can be shortened.
Here is the to be for all the subjects in both long and short forms for affirmative sentences, and also for negative sentences with to be.
➕ Affirmative:
I am – I’m
you are – you’re
he/she/it is – he’s/she’s/it’s
we/you/they are – we’re/you’re/they’re
➖ Negative:
I am not – I’m not
you are not – You aren’t
he/she/it isn’t
we/you/they aren’t
Let’s see some examples of this for sentences with the “to be” verb.
For names:
She is Sheila
For ages:
He is 6 years old.
For feelings:
Lauren and Sandra are happy.
For nationalities:
We are from Thailand.
For professions:
You aren’t a painter, you are a singer.
Past: Was / Were
When talking about the past, the to be verb changes its form again. This is how it looks with the different subject pronouns.
I was – I wasn’t
you were – You weren’t
he/she/it was – he wasn’t/she wasn’t/it wasn’t
we/they/you were – we weren’t/they weren’t/you weren’t
Some examples of the past form of the to be are:
I was at the school yesterday
You were 10 years old last year.
Billy and Elliot were students, now they are doctors.
It was raining a while ago.
Past Participle: been
This is the form of the “to be” verb used with the perfect and passive tenses, and it is the same for all the subjects.
It’s also used as an adjective in English sometimes.
She has been busy all day.
Lisa and Billy have been running for an hour.
He has been a teacher for a year now.
Continuous: being
The continuous form of the to be verb is used to make up the continuous tenses. Just as the past participle, it’s the same for all the subjects.
Elliot is being helpful.
Passive form
The “to be” verb, both in its present and past forms, can be used to make passive sentences.
The house was built in the mountains.
The program is being recorded right now.
Questions in English with the “to be” verb
“To be” verb can be used to make questions in English in two different ways. The first one is to use it normally with Wh- questions, like in the following sentences:
What‘s her name?
How old is Baby Bot?
How are they feeling?
Where are you from?
Do you know what my profession is?
What are you doing?
The second option, and also the most important, is to use the “to be” verb to make “yes” or “no” questions in English. This type of questions are very simple, and they can be answered with a yes or no.
Are you reading?
Yes, I am.
Is Lisa ready for bed?
No, she isn’t.
Examples of the “to be” verb:
I am Cowy, and I‘m from Ireland.
Elliot and Cowy are best friends.
Where are Billy and Elliot?
They are at the theater.
Bobby is helping Lisa with his homework.
The river is very pretty.
The flowers aren’t red, they are orange.
Are the dogs running in the field?
Yes, they are.
Printable Worksheets about the Verb “To Be” in English ️
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How to learn the verb to be for children of any age
If you have a child, start learning English with him now, childhood is a golden time for intuitive language acquisition! Where to begin? Of course, from the verb to be .
Children under the age of eight can easily learn a native language and speak without an accent. Later it is also possible, but with much more effort. You will have to delve into grammar, do exercises and master an unusual way to pronounce sounds. Today we will talk about how to learn English at different ages - starting with the smallest.
We will look at different teaching techniques for toddlers and exercises with the verb to be that you can do with mom or dad.
Someone will say: what exercises can be on to be if the child is five years old?
It is not necessary to tell your child that he conjugates the verb to be in Present Simple, exercises are not only what they write in a notebook, sitting without moving. In childhood, especially preschool, it is primarily a game. Children learn about the world through play. So let this world, as if by chance, include the English language!
But first of all, we ourselves need to remember what we want to teach in one way or another.
The verb to be is the word "to be". The difficulty is that in English it is inserted wherever possible, but in Russian it has long been forgotten about since the fifteenth century. Remember when in the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession", the tsar says:
Az I am king!
This is I am and there is our native verb to be . Now instead of kings there are presidents, and instead of there are - at best, a dash:
I am - President!
Let's move on to English. There, for the queen, and for ordinary people, and in general, for each person there is a form of the verb to be , and it SHOULD NOT be skipped.
Suppose you have to say the following phrase:
My dad - is the best.
One cannot take the obvious path and say:
My father - the best.
Something is missing, and it's a verb to be !
My father is the best.
The problem is that if you don't know in advance, you will never understand that is Words are outwardly dissimilar. This is how the verb to be looks like in different faces:
Short words I, you, she, it and so on are pronouns . They are called so because they occupy the place of nouns. That is, in order not to name a noun that is already known each time, you can put a pronoun in its place.
- Words denoting objects in the singular, such as: table, apple, house, computer, can be replaced by it .
If there is more than one item or person, replace them with they :
3 apples, 10 houses, a sister and a brother = they
Animals: beloved pet and almost family member, we call he or she .
If the animal is not domestic or its gender is unknown, we use the neuter pronoun - it .
All this information is needed in order to correctly combine pronouns and to be , according to gender and number.
For example, you want to say "the book is boring."
the book - the book
Boring - boring
Just say :
The book boring
- will not work.
We need to ask ourselves a couple of questions. 1) Is the book in the singular? Yes, we are talking about the same book. 2) Is the book an object? - Yes.
In this case, instead of the word book , we substitute it - a pronoun for inanimate objects in the singular. And with the pronoun it is is .
It is interesting
The book is interesting
Or, say, a sentence in Russian sounds like
"Mom and dad are happy."
Mom and dad are two people, so the third person pronoun is needed in the plural - they . We look at the table: this pronoun corresponds to are .
They are happy.
Mother and father
Now that you are confident in your theoretical base (the tablet can be printed or rewritten to refer to it in case of uncertainty), you can start educating your children.
Verb to be : exercises for young children
If adults can already gather themselves together and memorize the table when life forces, then children are completely useless.
Of course, you need to create strong associations in order to understand that am, are, is refer to one word - be , that they are all in the same bundle.
But in no case should a child be forced to sit and mumble the forms of the verb, while expecting them to be remembered. Dull repetition, even for adults, does not help much.
Need to link information to something beautiful, fun, exciting. What does your child like to do the most? Does he like to run, jump, or can he not be torn away from paints and pencils? Is he humming tunes he's heard recently? Depending on his preferences, we will choose the most suitable way for him to perceive information, activate the type of memory that works great from nature.
Movement — is life
Linking speech and movement, we activate motor memory. If you sit passively at the table, only the desire to sleep is activated, isn't it?
So, here are the first fun exercises on to be for preschool and primary school children:
- Steps
Find any safe ladder. Write on the steps with chalk forms of the verb to be .
Jump from one step to another, shouting loudly:
I am!
You are!
He is!
She is!
It is!
We are!
They are!
- Rope
Jump rope, on each jump do the same as in the previous exercise.
- Ball
The parent or someone else throws the ball while saying the pronoun, the child catches and says the appropriate form to be .
In principle, the movement can be anything - you can clap your hands, squat, lightly jump up and stomp your feet. There is only one condition here - the action must be repetitive (otherwise it will be too difficult to coordinate movements and speech), not be too complicated and energy-consuming.
Little artists
If a child likes to draw...
- Draw everything that lies badly with verbs to be for different persons.
Gouache, ink, felt-tip pens, crayons, pencils, and fingers dipped in paint.
- Sculpt small (or even large) is, are, am from plasticine and clay, bake pancakes in the form of these words.
Why do this? So the child creates visual images of letters and words. If he is a visual, this will later help in memorizing new vocabulary, and generally improve memory.
If the letters are crooked, incomprehensible and "wrong" in any sense of the word... Rejoice! There is a process of knowledge. There is no need to evaluate the result and adjust the classes to some standards. The main condition is that they should bring joy.
Future musicians
- If a child likes to sing, you can come up with a simple melody, or use an existing one, and sing all forms of the verb in a row. Any melody will do - if the child is musical, “There was a birch in the field” and “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter” will do.
- If you don’t feel like inventing it yourself, you can always turn on Youtube and find there specially invented songs for such purposes on the request “verb to be for kids songs” or “verb to be for children”.
You can play this game from time to time: point to different objects and people and name the pronoun ( he, she, they , etc.) and the verb to be for this pronoun.
For example, if you see computer , you need to say: It is;
A man and a woman are walking down the street - They are;
Rain outside the window — It is;
Dad on the sofa - He is;
Mom and I in the window reflection — We are;
My reflection — I am.
To be : exercises for children of school age
Sometimes parents sound the alarm: it seems that they studied English from early childhood, but went to school and forgot everything. In fact, the knowledge remains, but the skill of transferring knowledge to another context is not yet available. And the form of classes is now completely different - you need to sit for a long time, write something down, listen to something incomprehensible ...
The priority of play activity gradually disappears with age, but this does not mean that classes should become dry and purely theoretical. It is still useful to include tactile sensations, to paint everything in different colors. Singing sounds in a certain rhythm also helps a lot. These ways of tapping into your inner resources will work well all your life.
Cutting out cards with words is quite an exciting activity, it perfectly trains memory and develops logical thinking.
- We make beautiful cards. We write verbs on three of them:
On the rest - pronouns:
Now you need to arrange them so that
I matched am ,
you, they, we matched are,
he, she, it were opposite is.
Then we choose the colors, and paint each pair in its own color. For example, cards I and am green, you and are red and so on. Subsequently, these colors will help to quickly distribute the verbs into pronouns, this will consolidate the newly formed neural connections.
After a while, you can add nouns instead of pronouns, and you will already have other pairs:
Mother is (mother is)
Masha is (Masha is)
Brother and sister are (brother and sister are)
And the third step is adding cards with adjectives: happy, beautiful, funny, lucky, tired , cool and so on.
You will get full-fledged offers:
Mother is happy
Masha is beautiful
Brother and sister are tired
Abbreviated forms
In most cases, it is not the full form “pronoun + verb to be” that is written and spoken, but an abbreviated one. You need to shorten the verb. The first letter "bites off" from it:
I am
you are (remove a from are ) = you're, and so on:
She is = she’s
He is = he’s
It is = it’s
We are = we’re
They are = they’re
Rewrite the following phrases so that they are shortened:
- We are little girls
- It is a computer (This is - computer)
- You are beautiful
- I am so happy
The book is not boring
The book is not boring
I am not happy
Most often, the particle not occurs in an abbreviated form - the median vowel is thrown out of it - o.
Practical task
Change the sentences so that they are negations:
1. You are a student — You aren’t a student 9
3. He is my father
4. She is happy
5. I am tired
Interrogative sentences
It is a cat
The question turned out (Is this a cat?), you need to place to be at the very beginning of the sentence:
Is it a cat?
Make questions out of these affirmative sentences.
1. They are students - Are they students?
2. She is my sister
3. He is a doctor
4. It is an apple0003 7. I am tired
The simple past time of the verb To BE
There are only two versions of the verb To BE , this is WAS and . Was for the singular, were for the plural. In Russian we use the verb to be in the past tense. Accordingly, where in Russian we would say “was”, “was”, “was”, or “were”, in English there will be words was or were .
I was a boy
I was a boy
Apple was green
The apple was green.
Was/were: exercises for children who already know the past simple tense:
- Choose the correct translation:
1) She was happy
- She were happy
- She was happy
- She wasn't happy
2) They were tired
- They were tired
- They were tired
- They are tired
3) He was a doctor
- He was a doctor
- He's a doctor
- He was a doctor
- Change the sentences to make the past tense
1. I am a teacher
2. They are beautiful
3. We are sad
And now, a crossword puzzle!
Our favorite verb to bi, the exercises with which we did today, will need to be inserted in place of the gaps in the sentences, and then fill in the crossword puzzle.
- I __ not a teacher. (I am not a teacher).
- You____ at school yesterday. (You were at school yesterday).
- It__ a good idea. (This is a good idea).
- You ___ a good girl. (You are a good girl).
- She ___ at home yesterday. (She was at home yesterday).
Crossword answer:
- am
- were
- is
- are
- was
Mastered to be ? Excellent! This is the cornerstone of English. With it, you can make a huge number of different sentences - both affirmative, and interrogative, and negative. Move on, read our materials and learn new things!
Verb TO BE for beginners.
What is the difficulty? Why is the theme so simple, but so many mistakes? Because, starting to learn English, not everyone restructures their thinking, but continues to think in Russian. The verb 'to be' is present in Russian, but ... we miss it when we build a sentence in the present tense. In the past, the verb 'to be' had many forms in the present tense: are, are, are, are, are , and so on. But in modern Russian only 'is' is preserved: I am, he is, we are and so on. But no one says that, 'is' remains "in the mind"! Therefore, it seems very strange to us that this very "is" should be inserted in English.
- How to translate the verb to be
- Interrogative and negative and form to be
- Short form to be
In English, the verb to be has three present tenses: am, is, are .
If you are talking about yourself ( I ), then use the verb am :
I am a teacher. - I (am) a teacher.
I am happy. - I (are) happy.
If you are talking about he (he), she (she), or it (it), use the form is :
He is a doctor. - He (is) a doctor.
She is beautiful. - She (is) beautiful.
It is my dog. – This (is) my dog
If you are talking about we (we), you (you), they (they), then use the form are :
We are friends. We (are) friends.
You are hungry. - You (are) hungry.
They are my parents. – They (are) my parents. Agree that the word 'is' looks rather strange in our example sentences, but if you want to speak English, you will have to think in this way, especially in the initial stages of learning. To be can be translated with verbs 'to be', 'to be', 'to exist' although this gives the statement some formal coloring, a dash can also be used.
Another observation from practice that needs to be paid attention to. Sometimes they forget about the three forms and say this: I be a teacher . It's something like: I'm a teacher . Of course, you should get rid of such a mistake if you notice it in your speech.
To use the verb to be correctly, you need to remember the main cases of its use. Since to be acts primarily as a linking verb, its main function is to link parts of a sentence.
1. The verb to be connects a noun (pronoun) and an adjective.
Since to be is indispensable in descriptions, characterizing or describing something with adjectives, do not forget to link words with a linking verb:
I am fine. – I (are) fine.
My son (he) is happy. - My son (is) happy.
The children (they) are healthy. - Children (are) healthy.
This book (it) is interesting. - It's an interesting book.
Please note that if the subject in the sentence is a noun, then in order to choose the correct form of the verb to be, you should replace the noun with the appropriate pronoun: son – he; children – they; book - it.
2. The verb to be is used when they want to say who or what the subject of discussion is.
In other words, answering questions like: Who is this? What is it?, use to be in your answer. Also to be required if you introduce yourself or represent someone:
I am your teacher. - I'm your teacher.
She is my sister Mary. This is my sister Mary.
They are my colleagues. “They are my colleagues.
3. The verb to be is used when talking about professions.
Mary is a writer. Mary is a writer.
John is a businessman. John is a businessman.
My friends are engineers. My friends are engineers.
If you are talking about someone's profession, then the verb to be can be translated as 'to be' , but this translation is not always appropriate.
4. To be is used when talking about nationalities.
No wonder many English textbooks begin with the study of the names of countries and nationalities, so it is very convenient to practice the use of the verb to be:
I am American. - I am American.
Anna is Russian. - Anna is Russian.
Max is Canadian. Max is Canadian.
My partners are Chinese. – My partners are Chinese.
Detailed information about nationalities in English can be found here.
5. To be is used when talking about age.
A common mistake is to use the verb have in this case. Although some languages use have when talking about age, in English always use to be in the correct form:
I am thirty (years old). - I'm thirty years old.
My sister is twenty-five (years old). My sister is twenty five years old.
The students are eighteen (years old). “Students are eighteen years old.
6. The verb to be should be used when you are talking about the location of something.
Verbs 'to be', 'situate' can be used if the content of the sentence allows:
I am in the kitchen. - I am in the kitchen.
We are at home. - We're home.
Her bag is on the table. – Her bag is on the table.
The cat is in the box. - A cat in a box.
London is in Great Britain. London is located in the UK.
7. To be (or rather its forms is and are) is an important part of the there is/there are turnover.
We will not talk about this turnover here, because we have already published detailed material on this topic. You can read more about the there is/there are turnover here, but first we recommend that you read this article to avoid confusion.
8. To be can also be used as an auxiliary verb.
In the tenses of the Continuous group, for example, to be, combined with the verb with the ending - ing , forms various tense forms.
If we again draw parallels between Russian and English, we will see that in Russian the verb to be does not carry a grammatical load, which is why we omit it so freely and without prejudice to the meaning of the sentence. If you need to ask a question, use intonation. If we want to say negation, we add the particle 'not' and that's it! In an English sentence, the verb to be is a strategically important component, because it is it that determines the type of utterance and it is to it that particle 9 is added.0095 not .
To form a negative sentence, all you need to do is put the particle not after the verb to be in one form or another:
I am not your teacher. - I'm not your teacher.
My sister is not twenty-five. “My sister is not twenty-five.
He is not at home. - He is not at home.
We are not related. - We are not relatives.
You are not busy. - Are you busy.
They are not my colleagues. They are not my colleagues.
Theoretically, each of the previous examples can be turned into a negation by adding the particle not .
If you want to ask a question, then the verb to be must be placed at the beginning of the sentence, before the subject:
Am I right? - I'm right?
Is she your sister? - Is she your sister?
Is he busy? - He is busy?
Is it my book? - It is my book?
Are we ready? - We are ready?
Are you American? - Are you American?
Are they in the room? Are they in the room?
As you can see, these questions imply answers ' Yes' or ' No' . To answer, we also need the verb to be. The short answer should be in two parts. The form of the verb to be in the answer is determined depending on the subject. Please note that when the answer is 'No', then the second part of the answer must contain a negative particle not:
Few people talk to themselves and ask themselves questions, so questions to I and we are rarely asked. But, nevertheless, they occur in certain contexts. For example, when you want to clarify something, ask again, you can ask a question with I or we . Just in case, we offer you options for short answers:
All short answers are translated either 'Yes' or 'No' , the second part remains untranslated. However, when answering in English, you should not miss the second part.
Since the verb to be is used to link words in a sentence, it is often unstressed in the flow of speech, therefore it is shortened and not pronounced in full. Therefore, is distinguished by the full form of the verb to be and by the abbreviated .