Best dinosaur book for 5 year old
Best Dinosaur Books for Kids, as Chosen by Educators
The awesomeness of dinosaur books for kids is no secret. Dinosaur fiction stories capture kids’ imagination and make for great read alouds. Dino information books naturally inspire future scientists. Check out this list of our favorites from both genres.
(Just a heads up, WeAreTeachers may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. We only recommend items our team loves!)
Dino-rrific Fiction Dinosaur Books for Kids
1. Dinosaurs on the Go series by Penny Dale (pre-K–1)
This series merges dinosaurs and other high-interest topics. Think farm vehicles, space exploration, construction, emergency rescue vehicles, pirate treasure, and more. We love them for working on print concepts and phonological awareness. They’re also perfect for practice making inferences using pictures.
2. We Love Dinosaurs by Lucy Volpin (pre-K–1)
This rhyming text professes its love for dinosaurs of all shapes, sizes, and habits. We love all the descriptive vocabulary!
3. How Do Dinosaurs … series by Jane Yolen (pre-K–1)
This classic series has withstood the test of time. We love these titles for modeling visualization, reading with expression, and attending to punctuation. Plus, they’re full of important themes!
4. The Girl and the Dinosaur by Hollie Hughes (pre-K–1)
Digging up a dinosaur skeleton is an amazing possibility to imagine. Having that skeleton come to life and become your pet dinosaur? Magical. This is one of our favorite new dinosaur books for kids, for sure.
5. How to Catch a Dinosaur by Adam Wallace (pre-K-1)
This installment of a popular series mixes imaginative fiction with some facts. A light and fun read aloud.
6. Brontorina by James Howe (pre-K–2)
Brontorina Apatosaurus is desperate to dance. But, her size—and others’ doubts—make it seem impossible. Perseverance and others’ kindness help her wish come true.

Tiny T. Rex just wants to find a way to give his sad friend a hug, despite his short arms. This story of persistence, acceptance, and friendship could spark many important classroom discussions.
8. There’s a Dinosaur on the 13th Floor by Wade Bradford (pre-K-2)
This funny tale follows Mr. Snore on his floor-by-floor search for a quiet room at the Sharemore Hotel. We don’t meet the dino from the title until the end, but she exemplifies everything the hotel’s name suggests.
9. What the Dinosaurs Did Last Night: A Very Messy Adventure by Refe and Susan Tuma (pre-K–2)
What kind of mischief would toy dinosaurs get into if they came alive at night? The photos in this book show the havoc they could cause. Maybe you’ll even bring the authors’ Dinovember, a month-long tribute to childhood wonder, to your classroom.
10. Dino Sports series by Lisa Wheeler (pre-K–2)
Carnivores and herbivores compete in a wide variety of sports.
Kids love these rhyming titles. Brush up on your dinosaur names and your sports terminology before reading aloud!
11. Dino Holidays series by Lisa Wheeler (pre-K–2)
If you love the Dino Sports books, you’ll love sharing some of the holiday-themed titles too.
12. Crunch, the Shy Dinosaur by Cirocco Dunlap (pre-K–2)
Crunch wants a new friend, but he’s not the easiest brontosaurus to get to know. Start a class discussion about meeting new friends where they are.
13. Dinosaurs Can’t Roar! by Layla Beason (pre-K-3)
When a T. Rex meets a modern-day paleontologist, he’s surprised to hear the latest science on dinos. We love this title for talking to kids about myths vs. new scientific learning.
14. Dad and the Dinosaur by Gennifer Choldenko (pre-K-3)
Nicholas’s favorite dinosaur is a lot more than a toy. It helps him be fearless and strong, just like he imagines the real dinosaurs were. When it gets lost, his dad knows just what he needs.
This is a heartwarming story about what it means to be brave.
15. The Dinosaur Expert by Margaret McNamara (K–3)
Superstar teacher Mr. Tiffin is back! (Should we set him up with Ms. Frizzle?) This time he’s taking his class to the natural history museum. Budding paleontologist Kimmy feels dismayed by the male-dominated examples at the museum. When Mr. Tiffin points out a profile of Dr. Brandoni de Gasparini, her outlook changes. Back matter includes information about notable female paleontologists.
16. Mad Scientist Academy: The Dinosaur Disaster by Matthew McElligott (2–4)
Dr. Cosmic is not the average teacher! Students must make their way through a realistic dinosaur exhibit to find the class pet, Oscar the “dinosaur.”
17. Dinosaur Empire (The Earth Before Us #1): Journey Through the Mesozoic Era by Abby Howard (3–5)
This exciting graphic novel series opener stars Ronnie, a reluctant science student. She goes on an enlightening journey back in time with her retired paleontologist neighbor, Ms. Lernin.
18. Dinosaur Boy by Cory Putman Oakes (3-6)
Yikes! Fifth grader Sawyer Bronson grows stegosaurus spikes and a tail over summer break. With themes of bullying, integrity, and identity (plus dinosaur facts), this novel is for kids who like a fast-moving, twisting plot. Also check out the companion title, Dinosaur Boy Saves Mars.
Nonfiction Dinosaur Books for Kids to “Dig” Right Into
19. Dinosaur A to Z by Roger Priddy (pre-K–1)
Besides 26+ pages of fascinating dinosaur info, this is a fantastic mentor text for writing informational alphabet books. It introduces one dinosaur for each letter of the alphabet. It also has informational text features like labels, size comparisons, pronunciation guides, and bolded text sprinkled throughout.
20. National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Dinosaurs by Catherine D. Hughes (pre-K–2)
In this title, dinosaurs are organized by size, prompting plenty of great conversations about comparisons. This is the perfect series for introducing informational text features, too.
21. Dinosaur Feathers by Dennis Nolan (pre-K-3)
This rhyming book has a big idea: Dinosaurs and birds are related! It’s perfect for working with kids on generating questions and determining the author’s message in informational text. (Plus, you’ll get a phonics workout pronouncing all those species names!)
22. Fly Guy Presents: Dinosaurs by Tedd Arnold (K–3)
The popular early reader character duo will draw kids in, and this spinoff series packs plenty of memorable information. We like how it dispels some common myths about dinosaurs.
23. Prehistoric Actual Size by Steve Jenkins (K–4)
We adore this title and its non-paleontological companion, Actual Size. The true-to-life illustrations of dinosaur parts—and one entire dinosaur—make a memorable impression. It’s also good for helping kids understand that dinosaurs weren’t the only prehistoric creatures.
24. Dinosaurs (National Geographic Kids Reader) by Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld (K–2)
Standard nonfiction features mixed plus jokes and other extras. A conversational tone walks new readers through key questions.
25. In the Past by David Elliott (1–5)
Take a trip back through the ages with these witty creature poems. There are familiar players, like T. rex, and plenty of lesser-known species, too. The illustrations are breathtaking.
26. Science Comics: Dinosaurs: Fossils and Feathers by MK Reed (3–6)
This graphic nonfiction book covers the history of paleontology like it’s never been presented before. Riveting!
27. Dinosaurs: A Visual Encyclopedia, 2nd Edition by DK (3 and up)
This is not your dusty Encyclopedia Britannica. Learn about prehistoric life from dinosaurs and birds to early mammals, invertebrates, and vertebrates.
28. The Age of Dinosaurs: The Rise and Fall of the World’s Most Remarkable Animals by Steve Brusatte (3 and up)
For serious dino buffs who want the real scoop on the latest discoveries. This is an up-to-date resource from an expert in the field.
Can’t wait to share these dinosaur books for kids? Also check out our favorite dog books and books about space.
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The Best Dinosaur Books for Kids
Ready for the best dinosaur books that kids love?
Here’s what’s great about these books…Even kids with only a passing interest can learn to appreciate the wonder of these creatures of prehistoric times.
And if it’s not a passing fancy, this is one obsession proven to be beneficial long term for children.
While some of these books go into the science and history of dinosaurs, others are playful and fun — perfect for preschool and kindergarten ages.
For example, my own kids ADORED Jane Yolen’s HOW DO DINOSAURS series. Which has nothing to do with science or real life but lots to do with kids and behavior.
Which books will be your child’s favorite?
The Best Dinosaur BOARD BOOKS for Toddlers
(Scroll down for some fun dinosaur toy ideas for your toddlers!)
Dinosaur Touch and Feel
Touch the smooth horns and the bumpy scales then feel the sticky tongues.
My First Pop-Up Dinosaurs by Owen Davey
WOW! Each page opens to a sturdy, earth-toned pop-up dinosaur. The artwork is gorgeous, mesmerizing for readers because it POPS! Each of the 15 dinosaur names is written on the bottom right corner of the page as well as a phonetical guide to pronunciation for us clueless adults who don’t know how to say words like Coelophysis. (It’s SEE-lo-FIE-sis just in case you didn’t know.) One of the best first dinosaur books you could buy a child!
Hello, Dinosaurs! by Sam Boughton
Facts and flaps introduce readers to the coolest dinosaurs and interesting info about each. Dinosaurs like the Diplodocus who was as long as two school buses. Or the Triceratops who had between 400 and 800 teeth. Flaps, fold-out pages, whimsical illustrations, and handwritten text.
Baby T. Rex Finger Puppet Book illustrated by Victoria Ying
Help the blue Baby T. Rex be the biggest, baddest dinosaur ever. She stomps her feet and roars and roars but accidentally wakes up grandma. Whoops. What will Baby T. Rex do now? Well, it’s Baby’s bedtime so she’ll go to sleep.
My Big Dinosaur Book by Roger Priddy
Perfect for toddlers and preschoolers, this book provides information in colorful photos and simple text.
Rumble with the Dinosaurs: Discovery Kids Dinosaurs Sounds
Imagine hearing dinosaur sounds. Well, now you can with this fun book!
Stomp! Stomp! by Sebastien Braun
Look under the flaps to find dinosaurs hiding. Find the dinosaur and read along with the noise word — stomp, stomp, munch, munch, roar, roar. Sure to be a hit with dino-loving little ones.
Creature Features Dinosaurs illustrated by Natasha Durley
Colorful pages filled with dinosaurs! For each two-page spread, you’ll be asked to notice a particular feature of dinosaurs like horns, teeth, wings, beaks, armor, and more. Read the question that asks you to differentiate even further such as, “Which animal also has flippers?” or “Which creatures also have a long neck?” The dinosaurs are all labeled.
Tiny Dino by Deborah Freedman
Learn all about the characteristics of dinosaurs as you compare the little bird’s many features to those of a dinosaur. The plot is clever and the dialogue between the animals is playful and engaging.
The Best Dinosaur PICTURE BOOKS for Kids in Preschool & Elementary
We Are the Dinosaurs by Laurie Berkner, illustrated by Ben Clanton
Laurie Berkner’s popular song is now a super cute picture book. As you read the song lyrics, follow along with Dax as he and his friends go exploring, marching, picnicking, napping, and roaring. Clanton’s animated illustrations with cartoon-like dialogue bubbles make these dinosaur friends inviting and friendly. Get ready to sing your way through this delightful book — it’s sure to be a new favorite. Added to: The Best Picture Books for Age 2.
We Love Dinosaurs by Lucy Volpin
We love dinosaurs — tall and small, with gigantic roars and snuffly snores — the book narrates. This is a charming introduction to the world of dinosaurs in gentle rhymes and colorful watercolor illustrations. “We love their spots and zigzags, too. Their colors — yellow, red, and blue.”
How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight? by Jane Yolen, illustrated by Mark Teague
You’ll read this aloud so many times, you’ll have it memorized. It’s a silly, very silly look at what good behaviors and not so good behaviors look like using your favorite dinosaurs. The entire series of “How Do Dinosaurs…” is wonderful!
Dear Dinosaur by Chae Strathie, illustrated by Nicola O’Byrne
Max writes the museum’s T. Rex a letter and he gets a slightly rude reply back. Not to worry, Max isn’t daunted. He writes back the T. Rex with more questions and the two begin a pen pal dialogue of funny and entertaining letters, some of which you can lift or open a flap to read. Dear Dinosaur is highly entertaining and engaging — don’t miss this gem of a book.
In the Past: From Trilobites to Dinosaurs to Mammoths in More Than 500 Million Years by David Elliott, illustrated by Matthew Trueman
Aptly-oversized to reflect many of the gigantic creatures within, these poems and gorgeous illustrations celebrate prehistoric creatures. Creatures like the weird-looking dunkleosteus or terrifying yutyrannus. Some of these creatures you’ll know, many will be new. The text is very accessible. Each creature includes their scientific name plus the geologic timeline in which they lived. SO cool, right?
No birds yet.
Only you in the sky.
Meganeuropsis permiana:
the giant dragonfly!”
Tiny Dino by Deborah Freedman
Alligator and bird debate about which animal friend is a dinosaur — and in doing so, describe different dinosaur-inherited parts. They end with the conclusion that they are cousins! Their banter shares a fun way to think about animal traits with children.
Dinosaurs Don’t Have Bedtimes! by Timothy Knapman, illustrated by Nikki Dyson
An imaginative boy tries to school his mother about the dos and don’ts of parenting dinosaurs in this playful story. (Because everyone knows that dinosaurs don’t take baths or have bedtimes!)
The Wonderous Dinosaurium by John Condon, illustrated by Steve Brown
SO FUN! This boy wants a pet dinosaur from the Dinosaurium. In an introduction to different kinds of dinosaurs, each one he picks, he’s not happy with. Finally, he settles on a small, cute dinosaur that doesn’t eat as much as some of the others. A turtle! Or meiolania.
Three Little Dinosaurs by Charles Fuge
Scratch, Lofty, and Sniff are best friends who want to fly — and keep trying. Then they meet an enormous winged creature, Terry Dactyl, who gives them a ride on his back. Now they can fly!
Mad Scientist Academy The Dinosaur Disaster by Matthew McElligott
In this comic book, Dr. Cosmic is a kooky mad-scientist teacher to an unusual group of students: werewolf, bug-girl, vampire, robot, and others. He takes his students through an interactive exhibit on dinosaurs but can the students can stay safe? Lots of dinosaur facts throughout.
If I Had a Dinosaur by Alex Barrow and Gabby Dawnay
A young girl knows all the reasons having a dinosaur for a pet would be the best. Kids will be sure to nod along at all her reasonable reasons.
I Want That Love by Tasuya Miyanishi
In the harrowing prehistoric world, the Tyrannosaurus believes that the strongest is best. Until when he’s old and wounded, he meets baby Triceratops who show him kindness and Tyrannosaurus shows love in return. This beautiful story will make you think about what is best and kindness to others.
Mamasaurus by Stephan Lomp
Babysaurus can’t find his Mamsaurus so he asks other dinosaurs he meets if they have seen her. The dramatic black background makes the colorful dinosaurs pop in this sweet story about a Mamasaurus who was really there all along.
T. Rex Generations by Ted Rechlin (ages 8+)
In a graphic novel with realistic, dramatic illustrations, readers follow a T Rex family from the birth of hatchlings all the way to their adulthood, or at least the adulthood of those infants who survive. Life is dangerous even for the top predators — it’s an eat or be eaten world. Kids won’t be able to put down this well-done illumination of the Cretaceous period filled with action and drama.
The Best NONFICTION About Dinosaurs
Dinosaur A – Z by Roger Priddy
This book is AWESOME — colorful, engaging, and fact-filled. It’s a must-own for any dinosaur lover.
You Can Be a Paleontologist! National Geographic Kids by Scott D. Sampson, Ph.D.
Each section of information begins with a question like “How do you find fossils” then answers the question using text, photographs, and informational insets. Dinosaur fans will be excited to learn just how scientists find, store, study, and figure out more about the dinosaurs they study — all from the bones. Clear information with enticing photographs make this an excellent choice for dinosaur and science enthusiasts.
Dinosaurs By the Numbers by Steve Jenkins
A eye-catching illustrated book of interesting facts and figures about dinosaurs. The well-designed layout will appeal to kids who will enjoy the timelines, charts, infographics, and numbers.
Ultimate Dino-Pedia Second Edition by “Dino” Don Lessem, illustrated by Franco Tempesta
What first struck me about this incredible dinosaur tome, is the incredible illustrations of dinosaurs that aren’t skeletons. Kids who are interested in dinosaurs can see what they actually looked like including all 600 of the species in this book. Along with the illustration, each dinosaur page shows how to pronounce their name, facts, and information, often with photo inserts of bones and paleontologist reports. The back of the book includes a dino dictionary listing names, meanings, geological age, where it lived, fossils, length, and group. It’s incredible!! Kids who love dinosaurs NEED this book. It’s the one-stop field guide to everything dino.
Dino-Mite (Science with Stuff )by Sarah Parvis
Will the fossilized dino poop entice you to read this book? It just might help you turn the pages to learn more about dinosaurs. The book is well-organized and informative with full color, glossy pages and kid-friendly layouts making it a good choice for elementary school dinosaur fans.
Dinosaur! by DK
Starting with Triassic life and continuing to Cretaceous and Cenozoic, discover the timeline of the dinosaurs and important facts about each. The photo-realistic illustrations will make your child think they’re actually seeing the real creature, not just the bones from a museum.
You Can Be a Paleontologist! National Geographic Kids by Scott D. Sampson, Ph.D.
Each section of information begins with a question like “How do you find fossils” then answers the question asked using text, photographs, and informational inserts. Dinosaur fans will be excited to learn just how scientists find, store, study, and figure out more about the dinosaurs they study — all from the bones. Clear information with enticing photographs make this an excellent choice for dinosaur and science enthusiasts.
Dinosaur Lady: The Daring Discoveries of Mary Anning, the First Paleontologist by Linda Skeers, illustrated by Marta Alvarez Miguens
Perfect in every way, this appealing biography recounts Mary Anning’s beach discoveries of the first dinosaur bones –fossilized ancient creatures that no one had ever seen before. Even though women weren’t invited into the scientific community at the time, she continued her exploring and learning. Pretty illustrations and fantastic writing with impressive sentence variety.
Walking with Dinosaurs The 3D Movie Encyclopedia
Images from the movie accompany information about dinosaurs, paleontologists, and the movie. Great for both movie fans and budding paleontologists.
Magic Tree House The Graphic Novel Dinosaurs Before Dark by Mary Pope Osborne, adapted by Jenny Laird, illustrated by Kelly & Nichole Matthews (GRAPHIC NOVEL)
Hands down, one of the best graphic adaptations of a novel ever! Even kids who have read the novels before will love rereading the books in graphic versions. In this first story, brother and sister Jack and Annie, find a magical treehouse filled with books. Jack begins a book on dinosaurs when he wishes that he could travel to see them, they do! Annie befriends a flying dinosaur and the siblings help save baby dinosaurs before they return home.
Prextex Realistic Looking 7T-Rex Green Tie-Dye Youth Tee Shirt (Kids XS)2Bunnies Little Boys Toddler Dinosaur T Rex Short Sleeve Tee T Shirt (4T, Green)3 Bees & Me Dinosaur Toys for Boys and Girls – Toddlers and Older Kids – Set of 4 Toy DinosaursMelissa & Doug Wooden Stamp Set: Dinosaurs – 8 Stamps, 5 Colored Pencils, 2-Color Stamp PadMelissa & Doug Magnetic Wooden Dinosaurs in a Wooden Storage Box (20 pcs)Melissa & Doug Prehistoric Reusable Sticker PadPeaceable Kingdom Dinosaur 24 Card Color Match Up Memory Game and Floor Puzzle for KidsMelissa & Doug Dinosaurs Jumbo Jigsaw Floor Puzzle (48 pcs, 2 x 3 feet)
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14 best books about dinosaurs for toddlers, preschoolers and more
The theme of dinosaurs has fascinated and attracted children for generations, so there are so many books about ancient dinosaurs that it is very easy to get confused when choosing. We have compiled a list of the most popular, most reliable and highest quality publications of recent years. Don't thank!
1. “Children's Encyclopedia. Dinosaurs”, publishing house “Rosmen”
Let's start with publications that are so well established that they are reprinted again and again - for many years. These include, for example, the children's encyclopedia "Dinosaurs" - a bright colorful book with lively and very realistic pictures. Even a three-year-old will be happy to look at the illustrations in it, and the student will draw a lot of interesting information and facts.
2. Encyclopedia for kindergarten. Dinosaurs”, publishing house “Rosmen”
Another bestseller is the Dinosaurs edition of the Encyclopedia for Kindergarten series. Both children and adults love it for bright and reliable pictures - and for the simplicity of the information provided. You will see, soon even the most unpronounceable names of dinosaurs will be known by heart by the whole family.
3. Dinosaurs. The Illustrated Atlas, Michael Brett-Shuman
If not for the panorama book (which will be discussed below), the Illustrated Atlas would be the most impressive publication in our selection: large format, amazing illustrations, and even a full Dictionary of Dinosaurs with information about 140 (!) species. In addition, this book contains the results of the latest research and discoveries in the field of paleontology. In general, a huge beautiful and informative book for the most dedicated dinosaur lovers.
4. Encyclopedia of antiquities. Dinosaurs. Book-panorama”, Robert Sabuda
And here is the same book-panorama. Luxurious - let's not be afraid of this word - edition, a real work of art. On every page, in every pocket there is a surprise: the prickly back of an Ankylosaurus, the sharp horns of a Triceratops, or even the huge mouth of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. You can't put it down, the book is so captivating and unique. And information about dinosaurs in it is presented in a simple and accessible way. The perfect gift for a young paleontologist! Unless, of course, close your eyes to the cost.
5. “Such different dinosaurs. Encyclopedia in pictures”, Victoria Zatolokina, Maria Melik-Pashaeva, Tatyana Rudenko
An extremely cute encyclopedia about dinosaurs with a curious structure: in the first part, the child gets acquainted with prehistoric times with the help of funny cartoon stories, and in the second part, a more serious encyclopedic part - learns in detail and in detail about each of the types of dinosaurs separately. The book tells about the environment in which dinosaurs lived, and about their way of life, and about the very process of studying ancient reptiles.
6. “Magic windows.

All kids love books with windows - so feel free to choose this format for your first acquaintance with ancient dinosaurs. For example, the book "Magic Windows" from the publishing house "Robins" - bright, colorful, with cheerful smiling dinosaurs, literally calling to make friends. At the same time, the book will tell about their lifestyle: where they lived, what they ate and how long they lived, as well as explain what fossils are and how they help scientists study dinosaurs.
7. Book with secrets. Discover the Mysteries of Dinosaurs, Robins
Also a bright book with windows, but suitable for older children: the images are more realistic here, and the information is more serious. The child will be able to study in detail the skeleton of a dinosaur, consider the fierce fights that took place in the world of lizards, and also find out about the origin of life in general. Behind each of the 65 flaps is a curious fact from the life of your favorite dinosaurs.
8. Super stickers. Dinosaurs”, publishing house “Makhaon”
Well, what kind of children do not like stickers?! And if they are also on the theme of dinosaurs, then this is a double pleasure for the baby. Choose from a variety of albums with hundreds of colorful stickers and let your child create their own stories.
9. “Find and show. Dinosaurs”, Thierry Laval
The book from the most popular series “Find and show” is 5 spreads with a huge number of dinosaurs. Each panorama corresponds to a separate historical era, and the child's task is to find each of the dinosaurs depicted on a special valve. Believe me, this is an excellent training of attention and visual memory.
10. Dinosaurs. 4D Encyclopedia in Augmented Reality, Devar Publishing House
Not quite an ordinary - and maybe even quite unusual encyclopedia about dinosaurs. With its help, the child will be able to revive more than 30 different dinosaurs! After all, reading information about eating habits, size and weight with mom, looking at illustrations is one thing, but launching a moving triceratops with the help of a gadget, feeding it with fern leaves and even taking pictures with it is quite another. The perfect combination of learning and fun.
11. "Dinosaurs and other reptiles", Elena Kachur
We are just crazy about Chevostik - and we do not hide it. And no less reverently than audio stories, we love printed books with questions from the inquisitive Chevostik and detailed answers from the omniscient Uncle Kuzi. "Dinosaurs and other reptiles" is like a story book about adventures, but with a huge educational overtones. From the conversations of Chevostik and Uncle Kuzi, the child learns a lot not only about the formidable ancient lizards, but also about their descendants, which we can see today: about lizards, crocodiles, turtles. We strongly recommend for preschool and primary school age.
12. School of dinosaurs. Diplodocus Becomes a Hero”, Gemme Pierre
An excellent format for younger children: simple, but kind and instructive stories about little dinosaurs who study in an unusual dinosaur school. Pleasant illustrations, simple narrative language and a brief encyclopedic reference on a particular type of dinosaur - in each book in the series. Well, the names speak for themselves: “Deinosuchus forgot to brush his teeth”, “Stegosaurus celebrates a birthday”, “Brontosaurus is new in class”.
13. Magic book of dinosaurs. Jurassic Journey”, Anastasia Galkina
A wonderful series of children's preschool books about the adventures of the girl Rita and the boy Nikita - nothing less than that - in the prehistoric world! With the help of a magical book found in the attic, children travel to the distant past, to the Jurassic period, to meet cute brachiosaurs, allosaurs, and even a diplodocus baby there. A fascinating plot and the development of horizons - in one book.
14. Journey to the Dinosaurs by Gerald Durrell
Another great educational book about the adventures of children who traveled through time and found themselves in the world in the age of dinosaurs - but for an older audience. By the way, we note that Gerald Durrell is a world-famous naturalist writer, so there is no doubt about the reliability of the facts mentioned.
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10 cool books for young dinosaur lovers
10 cool books for young dinosaur loversFor subtle connoisseurs of the topic!
Almost all children 4-8 years old are interested in ancient lizards, and manufacturers respond to children's love by offering hundreds of themed products: rubber dinosaurs, plush toys, toy eggs from which dinosaurs hatch, and, of course, numerous encyclopedias with color images of fossil animals. Most of these publications are strikingly similar to each other: they depict approximately the same dinosaurs, list their possible qualities, and regrettably lack both an interesting, child-friendly narrative and a scientific consultant. But it doesn't matter, because we found some really good books about dinosaurs!
miraculous egg
Author and illustrator: Ipkar Dalov
Translator: Marina Aromstam
Publisher: Vector-Childhood
Age: 3-5 years old
In the distant, distant times, when there were no people in the world yet, but there were dinosaurs, an egg appeared. Nobody knew who it belonged to. While the reader, together with the author, will solve this riddle, he will get acquainted with a dozen different ancient lizards and find out how they lived and how they differed from each other. Although the book “The Miraculous Egg” has a plot, it is primarily educational: a short and interesting text introduces the baby to the beginnings of paleontology, and also does not bypass the theory of evolution, because at the very end it turns out where the birds came from. Another good feature of the book is its good short descriptions of living beings (and here, apparently, it is worth thanking the translator), which are both capacious and interesting. It is with the help of such texts that it is worth teaching a child to talk about objects and phenomena of the world around him! The end of the book contains reference material: the names of the dinosaurs mentioned are written in syllables, and it also talks about the size of the giants.
Katy and dinosaurs
Author and Illustrator: James Mayhew
Translators: Olga Varshaver, Natalia Kaloshina
Publisher: Young Mama
Age: 3-5 years old
The heroine of a series of books by James Mayhew, Kati, often travels and goes to museums, along the way, very amazing things happen to her: either she gets inside the picture, or she helps Santa Claus deliver gifts to the houses of the festive night in London. In one of the books, Katya and her grandmother go to the Natural History Museum. While her grandmother was resting, Katya entered one of the museum doors and found herself in the Jurassic period. There, the girl met good herbivorous dinosaurs, was frightened by a predatory tyrannosaurus rex, and in the end treated him to her meat pie and safely returned back to the museum.
As in the previous edition, in the book about Katya, cognitive information, understandable to the youngest readers, is woven into the plot. From this fictional story in general (it is obvious that the girl cannot travel in time, and dinosaurs are not at all “kind” and certainly not talking), the kid learns quite a lot of reliable facts about ancient reptiles. For example, that real dinosaur bones can be seen in the museum, the giant lizards themselves were different and ate differently, and the climate and nature on the planet were different from the current ones.
How to raise a dinosaur?
Author: Jill Esbaum
Illustrator: Mike Boldt
Translator: Mikhail Wiesel
Publisher: Edited by Willy Winki
Age: 2-4 years old
Dinosaurs do not always become heroes of educational books. Often the author composes a fairy tale or an everyday story, where instead of the usual people, hares or cubs, the reader sees dinosaurs. "How to raise a dinosaur?" is a humorous picture book about the arrival of a second baby in the family. Using the example of a dinosaur family that includes a mother, father, older child, and a small red baby dinosaur, the reader will learn what to expect from a baby and how to play with a younger brother or sister. “The kid still knows so little. He doesn't even know what it's like to be a dinosaur. This is where your time comes! Only you can teach him everything, ”the authors inspire the future older brother or sister. Dinosaurs in this story are not realistic, they live in an ordinary apartment and do the usual human things, but they are all incredibly funny!
Such different dinosaurs. Encyclopedia in pictures
Authors: Victoria Zatolokina, Tatyana Rudenko
Illustrators: Alexander Sichkar, Philip Yarin
Publisher: Melik-Pashaev
Age: 4-7 years old
The encyclopedia consists of two parts, which differ from each other not only in content, but also in design. The first, dedicated to the story of paleontology and the life of ancient pangolins in general, was designed as a whole narrative with humorous pictures, and the second presents fourteen dinosaurs separately, there are accurate realistic drawings and many specific facts about these animals. These facts are communicated in such a way that a preschool child can understand and be interested, without cumbersome scientific constructions and long figures. Short fragments say something like: “The nostrils were located in an unusual place - on a bone crest above the eyes, almost on the top of the head” or “There were many holes in the skull of the oviraptor. With such a light head, one could run fast, ”and almost every descriptive phrase is accompanied by an illustration. Some readers, however, reproach the authors for giving a controversial point of view about the lifestyle of the oviraptor mentioned above: not all modern scientists are convinced that he stole the eggs of other dinosaurs.
Dinosaurs at dusk
Author: Mary Pope Osborne
Illustrator: Sal Murdock
Translator: Irina Yushchenko
Publisher: Career Press
Age: 5-8 years old
"Magic Tree House" is one of the most famous series addressed to novice readers. In each book, Jack and Annie, brother and sister, travel back in time, where they become eyewitnesses of important historical events or simply get acquainted with the era. In the very first story, with which the adventures of the heroes begin, the children find themselves in the Cretaceous period. There they get acquainted with predatory and herbivorous dinosaurs, fly on a Pteranodon, and then safely return to the tree house, the same one from which they will make all their further travels.
This book does not contain as many facts about dinosaurs as in thematic encyclopedias, it is addressed to those young paleontologists who have just begun to be interested in the topic and cannot yet list a hundred or two dinosaurs with all the characteristics. Note that the books of the Magic Tree House series are especially good as the first reading after the primer: the stories in them are not too long, entertaining, they have large print and large line spacing.
Dinosaurs. find and show
Author and Illustrator: Thierry Laval
Translator: Lada Dorozhenko
Publisher: Klever-Media-Group
Age: 5-8 years old
The authors of books in the genre of “seeking and finding” (wimmelbuch) do not miss a single popular topic, whether it be transport, New Year or knights. Of course, there are dinosaurs in this series. Like the other books in the series, Dinosaurs is printed on very thick paper and has a tapered format. Each of the five spreads unfolds into a large panorama, the folded pages depict all the dinosaurs that the reader has to find in the picture, but inside there is a large, very bright landscape, filled to capacity with land and water dinosaurs, as well as other animals. There is no text or plot inside, but the illustrations contain so many details and scenes from the life of primitive creatures that you can use them to invent stories on your own. And, of course, train attentiveness and reaction speed.
Dinosaurs and other reptiles
Author: Elena Kachur
Illustrator: Anastasia Balatenysheva
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber
Age: 5-9 years old
"Dinosaurs and Other Reptiles" is the twelfth issue of the "Children's Encyclopedia with Chevostik". Unlike the other mentioned books, which focus mainly on dinosaurs, here we are talking not only about ancient, but also about modern reptiles: sea turtles, tuatara, monitor lizards, geckos, chameleons and many others. The story about all these creatures is conducted in the form of a dialogue: Chevostik asks questions, and Uncle Kuzya answers them, sometimes the two of them travel through time or space and describe what they saw. Of course, the book lacks the usual charming voices of your favorite characters, but there are beautiful illustrations by Anastasia Balatenysheva, creative tasks and curious comments in the margins. The educational series about Uncle Kuzya and Chevostik, which began as an audio encyclopedia on disks, has now become truly transmedia: audio podcasts (which, by the way, are no longer available on disks), have been supplemented with books, educational aids, a large online educational platform and several groups in social networks.
From tyrannosaurus to rooster
Authors: Christina M. Banfi, Cristina Peraboni, Rita Mabel Schiavo
Illustrator: Mora Roman Garcia
Translator: Olga Uvarova
Publisher: Walk in History
Age: 7-12 years old
The authors of this book, employees of the Educational Museum Association, know all about the popularization of complex scientific knowledge, and the artist, biologist and specialist in the reconstruction of ancient animals can easily assemble a dinosaur from bones. No wonder they came up with a really good book that not only talks about dinosaurs and other ancient animals, but also shows how evolution worked with numerous facts and examples. The authors focused on perhaps the most surprising fact: the gradual transformation of the descendants of carnivorous dinosaurs into birds. In parallel, many other things are reported, for example, we learn about the unexpectedly close relationship between the ancestors of the sheep and the wolf, giant marsupials, long extinct, the evolution of the horse, the history of the trunk, and much more. It's amazing how much information about the changes in life forms on Earth the authors managed to fit in just forty pages filled with numerous illustrations!
Author and Illustrator: Sean Rubin
Translators: Olga Bukhina, Galina Gimon
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber
Age: from 7 years old
Another fictional humorous story about modern people, the main character of which unexpectedly became a dinosaur. The dinosaur's name is Bolivar, and he is an ordinary New Yorker. Fortunately or not, people are so busy with their bustle that they do not see this amazing neighborhood, and Bolivar himself tries to remain unnoticed, he is too different from others. Of course, at some point a child will discover it (after all, children are often more observant than adults), and changes will begin in the life of a dinosaur, and indeed of the whole city. Artist Sean Rubin told this story in comic book format and was right, the book was a real highlight last year, winning 11 literary awards and a nomination for the Eisner Award, the Oscar of comics.
Dinosaurs. science comic
Written and Illustrated by M.K. Reed and Joe Flood
Translator: Maria Skaf
Publisher: Mann, Ivanov i Ferber
Age: from 8 years old
A huge and very popular English-language series of educational comics has finally reached Russian readers. It has books on absolutely everything - from astronomy to chemistry, but the editors of the Russian-language series decided to start with the most popular: dinosaurs and robots. A comic book about dinosaurs seems simple only at first glance. The authors did not count on young readers at all, their text is full of facts, names and terms, as well as a popular presentation of scientific theories of the 19th century. A lot of space in the comic is devoted to the history of paleontology, the first key discoveries, thanks to which people learned about the existence of ancient lizards, and the disputes of scientists that accompanied these discoveries. Connoisseurs of beautiful illustrations will immediately note the skillfulness of the images (although, of course, dinosaurs do not seem to everyone to be very pleasing to the eye), it is no coincidence that this book was one of the nominees for the Eisner Prize, the most prestigious in the world of comics.
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