Big bad wolf huffing and puffing
Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Wolf?… I mean, COVID… Part One – Pagosa Daily Post News Events & Video for Pagosa Springs Colorado
Back in 1933, Walt Disney Studios released an eight-minute animated short, ‘The Three Little Pigs’, which featured three musical pigs, a ravenous wolf, and a moral lesson.
The pig who plays the flute builds a house of straw, and the pig who plays the fiddle builds his house of sticks.
Like typical musicians, these two pigs are rather naive, especially about wolves. And possibly, also, about vaccinations, although Disney doesn’t specifically address this question.
The third pig appears, in the Disney version, to be somewhat wealthier than his brothers, and also smarter. Not only can he afford a brick house, he also owns a piano. As things turn out, both the brick house and the piano come into play when a big, bad wolf shows up at the straw house, and then at the stick house, and huffs and puffs both houses into oblivion, causing the less affluent brothers to seek shelter in the third pig’s brick house.
When the wolf tries — unsuccessfully — the old ‘huffing and puffing’ trick that worked so well previously, the third little pig teases the wolf unmercifully with virtuoso runs on the piano keyboard.
The wolf meets an unhappy circumstance when he decides to invade the brick house by sliding down the chimney… into a pot of boiling water. Disney allows the wolf to run off down the road, crying in pain, instead of ending up boiled to death, as in the original folktale.
When the villain runs off down the road, into the sunset, it’s time for the little pigs to break out their musical instruments and dance a jig.
We have our own tales to share, in 2022. Some of them concern the illness known as COVID-19, and the stories can seem all too real.
To judge by the latest data shared by San Juan Basin Public Health (SJBPH), we might get the impression that the SARS-CoV-2 virus has headed off down the road. The 7-day average of new daily cases in Archuleta County has remained at one case or less since February 23.
But some folks are still worried about the wolf. Is he lurking in the forest, nursing his burnt tail, and planning another run at the brick house?
Here in Archuleta County, we have a big, bad difference of options, about who, exactly, is playing the role of the wolf.
A Daily Post reader recently sent me the following warning, as part of what appears to be a group email.
This was a prepping. Please review this power point presentation, given by SJBPH this last Tuesday morning [April 19] at the BOCC work session. This is a prelude of what is coming. I believe this fall. We cannot afford to be divided now more than ever. We must push back and prepare as never before. I fear this fall is when it will be tried again. Please we need to put our personal differences aside. If we do not, I fear us being divided (currently) will be our undoing. Please forward this to everyone. This will be our last stance for Freedom…
The email warning comes from the perspective that SJBPH and the public health industry in general — with the able assistance of other government agencies, mainstream media, and big tech — were able to use the COVID pandemic as an excuse to usurp our constitutionally-defined freedoms… and that the past two years were merely a dry run, a “prepping”, with even greater levels of social oppression on the horizon.
The big, bad wolf is, in other words, a conglomerate of special interest groups, including public health, health care, big pharma, the ‘deep state’… and the folks who support those interests. And We the People are the little pigs.
I did not attend the April 19 work session, at which SJBPH Executive Director Liane Jollon summarized the results of recent public health efforts by her agency, and the outlook for the future. But the email I received included a copy of Ms. Jollon’s power point presentation, which you can download here.
I reviewed the power point presentation, looking for evidence of something that might be “tried again”, something that would require us to make a “last stance for Freedom.”
What I found, at the beginning of the presentation, were several pages summarizing the ‘Foundational Capabilities’ that public health districts and agencies are expected to possess here in Colorado. The ‘Foundational Capabilities’ include ‘Health Equity’, ‘Assessment and Planning’, ‘Communications’, ‘Policy Development’, ‘Partnerships’, ‘Organizational Competencies’, and ‘Emergency Preparedness and Response’.
These ‘Capabilities’ are expected to apply to every type of public health service provided by SJBPH.
One of the core services is communicable disease prevention. Investigating and controlling disease outbreaks.
But SJBPH normally has other duties to perform, as well. Restaurant inspections. Permitting of septic systems. Maternal, child and family health services. Chronic disease and injury prevention. Dealing with behavioral health issues, including drug addiction and abuse. Ensuring equitable access to health care.
About halfway through the power point slides, we come to a segment focused on COVID-19.
One of the slides indicates how many of the ‘Foundational Services’ were ‘hindered’ as staff were reassigned to support the COVID response, and certain services were moved onto the back burner.
In the slide, we find the acronym, ‘LHDs which translates as ‘Local Health Districts’.
We might be able to imagine what it felt like, for the staff at SJBPH, then the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic, and Colorado’s governor Jared Polis subsequently began issuing public health orders regarding mask-wearing, public gatherings, business lock-downs, school closures and so on.
Probably felt a bit like the house of straw had been blown down. So to speak.
Read Part Two…
Bill Hudson
Bill Hudson began sharing his opinions in the Pagosa Daily Post in 2004 and can’t seem to break the habit. He claims that, in Pagosa Springs, opinions are like pickup trucks: everybody has one.
Weetabix Reimagines the Three Little Pigs Fable
It’s said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. If Weetabix is on your morning menu, then expect to have enough “fuel” to (re)write a fable. Turns out that a nutritious meal such as Weetabix is enough to “slightly” change the storyline of a famous, classic tale. At least, that’s what we concluded after watching the cereal brand’s latest ad part of the ‘Have you had your Weetabix?’ campaign.
Developed with the help of creative agency BBH London and simply titled “Wolf,” the brand’s spot delivers “an instant nostalgia jolt for audiences of a certain age,” according to the agency, carrying the viewers through the story of the Three Little Pigs and their plans to save themselves from the Big Bad Wolf. There are many versions of the tale. Yet, the fate of the pigs or of the wolf varies, depending on which version one knows best.
One of the versions states that the first two pigs are devoured by the wolf, which is then eaten by the third pig to avenge the death of its siblings. In other adaptations, all the pigs live, while the wolf is portrayed as either dead, running away, or fainting after it tries to blow down the third pig’s house. Although it is inspired by this classic tale, Weetabix’s version is more modern and has a different ending.
Created in a Looney-Tunes-like style, the three pigs make a cameo as part of the cereal brand’s plan to show the audiences how a bowl of a Weetabix in the morning can change the day for the better — in this case, equipping the villain of the story with the energy it needs to make it through the day. The first part of the fable is pretty much similar to the version most of us know — the wolf fails to capture the first two pigs.
Helpless and with their houses destroyed, the two pigs seek their brother’s help, whose house is built of bricks and, therefore, solid enough to protect them against the wolf’s huffs and puffs. Well, a strong house such as the third pig’s could prevent the little pigs from ending in the wolf’s belly, but not in the story recreated by the London-based agency. You see, the Big Bad Wolf had Weetabix in the morning and nothing — not even a house made of bricks — can stand in its way to get its claws on the pigs.
“‘Have you had yours?’ has become part of our nation’s everyday language, and our mission with BBH is to create campaigns as memorable as our slogan. With ‘Wolf,’ we think we have achieved just that,” explained Gareth Turner, Head of Marketing at Weetabix.
“We continue to lead investment in the cereal category to ensure Weetabix remains front of mind throughout the nation with those looking for a nutritious and affordable breakfast. This fun and memorable advert is part of our next wave of marketing to promote our legendary yellow box, and we’re certain it will also have a halo effect on the rest of the Weetabix portfolio,” Turner continued.
Felipe Guimaraes, Deputy Executive Creative Director at BBH, concluded: “Weetabix has a long and popular history of taking famous and legendary stories and tearing up the script, which is why these campaigns are always brilliant fun to work on. The truth is anyone can benefit from a Weetabix breakfast, even the Big Bad Wolf.”
The “Wolf” kicked off on television and social media on May 16th and represents the start of a long-term campaign with an annual marketing spend of £14m behind it. You can check the new version below. Oh, and by the way, if you pay enough attention, you’ll notice there are some modern touches hidden within the hand-drawn animation — the most obvious change is visible in the pigs’ looks. But before we say “that’s all, folks!”, you should know there are other interesting elements included in the new story. Can you spot them?
Client: Weetabix
Advertising Agency: BBH London
CCO: Alex Grieve
Executive Creative Director: Helen Rhodes
Deputy Executive Creative Director: Felipe Guimaraes
Copywriter: Grace Chambers
Art Director: Lucy Johnstone
Strategy Director: Fran Griffin
Business Lead: James Rice
Account Director: Caitlin Quigley
Agency Producer: Jemima Bowers
Media Agency: iProspect
Production Company: Stink
Director: Goldenwolf
Producer: Jenny King/Jeremy Smith
Post-Production Company: Goldenwolf/ETC/Unit
Audio Post-Production Company: String and Tins
Photographer: Jonathan Knowles
40 riddles about fairy tales and fairy tale characters
Riddles about the names of fairy tales
Animals lived in the house tom,
But the bear broke their house,
He couldn't get into it. ..
This is a fairy tale...
Everyone wanted to eat him,
But he fell into the mouth of a fox. nine0005 Sweet, small ball
This is a fairy tale - ...
From the king's ballroom
The girl ran home,
Crystal shoe
Lost on the stairs.
The carriage became a pumpkin again...
What fairy tale is this? nine0005 (Cinderella)
What a fairy tale: cat, granddaughter,
Mouse, another dog Bug
Grandfather and woman helped,
Have you harvested root crops?
Near the forest, on the edge,
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a clue,
What is this fairy tale?
(Three Bears)
What kind of house on the edge of the forest
Gave shelter to the Hedgehog, Frog,
Mouse, Hare, Rooster?
House with a chimney upstairs,
Smoke comes out of the chimney. nine0005 This house is …
This tablecloth is famous
The one that feeds everyone to the full,
That by itself she
Full of delicious food.
(Self-assembly tablecloth)
Both a hare and a wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment. nine0005 (Aibolit)
Father had a strange boy,
Unusual, wooden,
He had a long nose.
What is a fairy tale? – Here is the question.
(Golden Key)
Gobbling up rolls,
The guy rode on the stove.
Ride through the village
And he married a princess.
Riddles about fairy-tale heroes
The most important baby in a fairy tale,
Although she lived in the cellar:
Pull the turnip out of the garden
Helped my grandparents.
(mouse) nine0009
He left his grandfather
And he left his grandmother.
Only, unfortunately, in the forest
I met a sly Fox.
I fly with a broom in a mortar
I kidnap small children,
Kostyan my leg
Who am I?…
(Baba Yaga) nine0009
Lots of silver and gold
He hid in his chests.
He lives in a gloomy palace
And steals other people's brides.
(Koschei the Deathless)
Boloto is her home.
The Waterman visits her.
He flies over the earth -
At the same moment, the grass burns.
He knows how to shoot fire,
Three-headed fairy dragon.
(Zmey Gorynych)
Round spout,
It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,
Small crochet ponytail,
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and how friendly the brothers are alike. nine0005 Guess without a clue,
Who are the heroes of this tale?
(Three piglets). Riddle author: Tatyana Dvoretskaya
He is a robber and a villain,
His whistle scared people.
(Nightingale the Robber)
Answer the question:
Who carried Masha in the basket,
Who sat on a stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know this story!
Who was it?
I bought a samovar,
And the mosquito saved her.
(Fly Tsokotukha)
With whom Frost plays hide and seek,
In a white coat, in a white hat?
Everyone knows his daughter,
And her name is ...
(Snow Maiden)
She was the dwarfs' girlfriend
And, of course, you know.
(Snow White)
The fat man lives on the roof,
He flies above all. nine0005 (Carlson)
What a strange boy,
Wooden man?
On land and underwater
Looking for a golden key.
It has a long nose everywhere.
Who is this?
My simple question
You won't spend a lot of energy.
Who is the boy with the long nose
Did you make it from a log?
(Papa Carlo)
An elderly person
With a huge dark beard.
Offends Pinocchio, Artemon and Malvina,
And in general for all people
He is a notorious villain. nine0005 Does any of you know
Who is this?
She was an artist
As beautiful as a star,
From evil Karabas
She ran away forever.
As a child, everyone laughed at him,
They tried to push him away:
After all, no one knew that he was
Born a white swan.
(Ugly duck)
They are always together everywhere,
Animals - "do not spill water":
Him and his furry friend
Joker, bear Winnie the Pooh.
And if it's not a secret,
Rather give me an answer:
Who is this cute fat man?
Piggy mom's son - ...
Lemon grabbed his father,
He threw dad into the dungeon ...
Radish - boy's friend,
Did not leave that friend in trouble,
And helped free
To the father of the hero from the dungeon. nine0005 And everyone knows without a doubt,
The hero of these adventures.
My question is not difficult at all,
It is about the Emerald City.
Who was the glorious ruler there?
Who was the wizard there?
(Goodwin) nine0009
Self-confident, though clumsy,
And by nature he is a big nerd,
Come on, guess it, guess it,
Known to everyone under the name ...
Sweet apple flavor
Lured that bird into the garden.
Feathers glow with fire,
And light around, as in the daytime. nine0005 (Firebird)
Return to the section Riddles for children.
What is Little Red Riding Hood's real name? – Celebrity.

Charles Marelle begins his story by saying that many lies have been written in the past about the girl known as Little Red Riding Hood. According to Marelle, the girl's real name is Blanchett . She became known as Little Golden because of a hooded cloak the color of gold and fire given to her by her grandmother. nine0009
So Little Red Riding Hood sleeps with the wolf?
When Little Red Riding Hood arrives at her grandmother's house, the wolf tells her to go to bed with him . … Little Red Riding Hood does what she is told; she gets into bed with the wolf. I would call her very obedient because she does everything she is told.
With that in mind, what is the Big Bad Wolf's real name?
In the show his name is Big Bad Wolf or Big Bad (real name - Aloysius .)
Disney version.
Big Bad Wolf | |
Full name | Zeke Midas Wolf (real name) |
nickname | Br'er Wolf |
view | gray wolf |
Floor | M |
Also, did the big bad wolf eat Little Red Riding Hood?
Then he set a trap for Little Red Riding Hood. Little Red Riding Hood is asked to get into bed before being eaten by the wolf where the story ends. The wolf emerges victorious in the fight, and there is no happy ending.
How did Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother show that she loved her?
How did Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother show that she loved her? Grandma gave her a red cloak with a hood.
Second, how old is the big bad wolf?
Little Wolf made his debut in his own series of the same name, which began in Walt Disney's Comics and Stories #52 (1945). The first story was written by Dorothy Streb and illustrated by Carl Buettner. This feature appeared regularly until 1957, when it temporarily moved to the back pages of Mickey Mouse.
Is Little Red Riding Hood a wolf?
The wolf in this version of the tale is actually a werewolf who comes to the forest to the newly-made Little Red Riding Hood in the form of a charming huntress.
What did the big bad wolf say to Little Red Riding Hood? nine0292
Dear grandmother, what big teeth you have! » «The better to eat you! With these words, the evil Wolf attacked Little Red Riding Hood and devoured her. If thus the Wolf gets his dinner.
Why is the big bad wolf bad?
He is depicted as a cunning, predatory and manipulative wolf who wants to devour three pigs bricks. nine0009
What color is the big bad wolf?
Big Bad Wolf is tall and slender with black fur, cream muzzle, and usually wears red trousers supported by green suspenders with a yellow patch on the left knee, a blue top hat, and white opera gloves.
Is the big bad wolf innocent or guilty?
BRIDGEPORT - Big Bad Wolf was found not guilty of two counts of murder by a jury of his peers at Warren Harding High School. nine0009
How big are grandma's teeth?
"Grandma Dear what big teeth you have!" "The better to eat you!" With these words, the evil wolf attacked Little Red Riding Hood and ate her
Why did Little Red Riding Hood go to her grandmother's house
He greeted Little Red Riding Hood and asked where she was going Little Red Riding Hood was very cute told him that he was going to her grandmother's house, who lived on the other side of the forest. .. She wanted to please her grandmother and decided to make a bouquet of flowers for her.0009
What did Little Red Riding Hood's mother say one morning?
One morning Little Red Riding Hood asked her mother if she could visit her grandmother as if they had not seen each other for a long time. … And they put together a beautiful basket for Little Red Riding Hood to take to her grandmother.
Does the Big Bad Wolf have a home?
Three little pigs
He is depicted as a cunning, predatory and manipulative wolf who wants to devour three pigs, managing to blow up a house of straw and a house of sticks, causing two unfortunate people to flee to his brother's house: he was smart enough to build your brick house. nine0009
Did Valerie and Peter stay together?
Valerie is neither afraid nor disgusted by him, knowing that he is a good person despite his fate. They finally consummate their relationship, although Peter ultimately decides to leave in order to find a way to come to terms with and control his condition.
Who is the wolf in Once Upon a Time?
Peter is a character on ABC's Once Upon a Time. He makes his debut in the fifteenth episode of the first season as a guest star. nine0221 Jessie Hatch . Peter is based on the character of the same name from Peter and the Wolf.
Who eventually becomes the wolf in Little Red Riding Hood?
Little Red Riding Hood's End Revealed Valerie's father, Sezer (Billy Burke) be a wolf. This was not only a shocking turn of events, because it meant that Sezer had killed Valerie's sister, Lucy, and was responsible for all the other murders that had taken place in the Daggerhorn.
What did the big bad wolf say? nine0292
The big bad wolf comes and says, “ Piglet, piglet, let me in. But the piglet says: “Not by the hair on my chin! I won't let you in! So the wolf says, "Then I'll puff up, tear myself up and blow up your house!" So, the wolf snorts, he puffs and demolishes the house.
How big are your ears?
When Little Red Riding Hood entered the house, she said: “ Oh grandmother what big ears you have. “It’s better to hear you,” the wolf replied. “Oh, grandmother, what big eyes you have,” said Little Red Riding Hood. “It’s better to see you,” the wolf replied.
What is the real story of Little Red Riding Hood?
In most versions of the story, Little Red Riding Hood never recognizes the real wolf and is eventually burned along with her grandmother's remains. However, one version does indeed end with the little girl outsmarting the wolf. She tells the wolf that she has to go to the toilet and she needs to urinate in the forest.
Does the big bad wolf eat pigs?
In some versions, the first and second piglets are not eaten by the wolf after he demolishes their dwellings, but instead runs to his sibling 's house, who was originally supposed to take care of the other two pigs and build a brick house in multiple variations.