What does the llama say
What Does a Llama Sound Like? How Do Llamas Communicate?
Llamas are docile, quiet animals, and while they are not outwardly vocal creatures, they do have their own unique form of communication. If you’ve ever spent any time around llamas, you’ll likely have noticed the low humming sound they use, often likened to a cat purring or even a person humming. But llamas are capable of some other interesting vocalizations too.
If you’ve ever wondered what llamas sound like and how they communicate, you’ve come to the right place. Read on below to find out more!
Types Of Llama Sounds
Here are all of the various sounds you’re likely to hear a llama make:
The most common of all llama vocalizations, llama humming is a relaxing and peaceful sound, often referred to as “morning humming” as they typically make this sound in the morning. Llamas will make this sound when they feel comfortable, safe, and relaxed, and it can sound very human-like at times.
Llamas also purr at times, a sound very similar to humming, and is also an indication that your llama is happy and content. Cats are not the only animals that purr, and it’s easy to mistake the purring of a llama with that of a cat!
Grunting and Grumbling
Llamas also emit a grunting sound occasionally, most often when they’re hungry. They may also grunt when they feel uncomfortable, and this could indicate that they have pain or digestive discomfort of some kind.
Llamas will again snort or sneeze when they feel uncomfortable, or possibly when they’re about to spit! They may simply have an itch in their nose, or they are feeling slightly threatened and letting you know they want their space. It’s important to watch your llama’s body language as well as the sound they’re making to really understand what they’re trying to say.
Llamas are commonly used to guard sheep flocks for farmers, and when you hear their alarm sound it’s easy to understand why! The call sounds almost like a high-pitched neighing horse and is a sure sign that the llama feels threatened by something. Llamas will often make this sound before spitting, so be sure to steer clear! If you have a herd of llama around other animals and you hear this sound, it’s best to pay attention as there may be a predator nearby that your llama is trying to warn you of.
Llamas also produce a loud, high-pitched, and somewhat disturbing scream that can sound very much like a human at times. There are various reasons for llamas producing this sound; fear, pain, or even if they feel threatened, and so it’s a sound you’ll want to pay attention to and respond to immediately.
Orgling or Mating call
Similar to grunting, llamas make an orgling sound when in heat or looking for a mate. It’s similar to both grunting and snorting but a fair bit more intense and somewhat longer. Sometimes, llamas will also scream during mating season, which usually begins in January and lasts about 3 months.
How Do Llamas Communicate?
Llamas communicate using all of the above-mentioned sounds, most commonly humming or grunting.
While llamas are capable of several unique vocalizations, they use these sounds in different ways in different situations. For example, llamas will grunt when they feel unhappy or uncomfortable, but can also grunt a lot during the breeding season while looking for a mate and may even scream during this period too—although a scream is typically used as an alarm call.
This is why it’s important to take note of a llama’s body language as well as their vocalizations when trying to understand them more deeply. Look for signs like pulled-back ears and stamping feet, these are sure signs that a llama is unhappy and should be left alone. If your llama seems calm and is very still and relaxed, emitting a gentle humming sound, they are likely in a good mood and happy to be approached.
Image Credit: PixabayDo Llamas Spit?
Yes! Just like their close cousin the camel, llamas won’t hesitate to spit if they feel annoyed or threatened. Female llamas spit to let a male know she’s not interested during the breeding season, and males and females spit to keep others away from food.
- See Also: 12 Fun and Interesting Llama Facts; What You Need To Know!
Final Thoughts: Llama Sounds
Llamas communicate in a variety of ways, and the sound you’ll hear coming from them the most is a calming, soothing humming sound. They also grunt, snort, and even scream at times, although these sounds are usually reserved for when they feel threatened or during the breeding season. Communication is not reserved solely to sounds, though, and body language is also an important method of communication. Typically, a pulled-back head, an upward-pointed chin, and stamping feet are sure signs to steer clear!
Featured Image Credit: Piqsels
55 Llama And Alpaca Jokes So Funny You’ll Spit
Do you love a little llama drama? Are you dying to start an alpaca farm? Well, do we have some jokes for you! While not exactly the same animals, the two adorable floofsters are often used interchangeably for stuffed animals, stickers and other fun llama-themed or alpaca-themed junk marketed toward fans. We’d be mad, but we’re just too happy for fun tie-dye stuffie versions of our favorite animals, even if they’re not exactly the same thing. As soon discover, jokesters think llamas and alpacas are interchangeable, too. So many of these llama jokes turn into alpaca jokes that we gave them their own section. Enjoy!
RELATED: 35 Adorable llama Gift Ideas For Everyone You Love Who Loves Llamas
Llama Jokes That Are Basic-ally Hysterical
1. What do you get when you cross a turtle and a llama?
A turtleneck sweater
2. What do llamas call the end of time?
3. Did you hear about the woman who broke up with her boyfriend and moved to Peru?
What a llama queen
4. What’s a llama’s favorite song?
Llama Chameleon
5. What happens when you stand between to llamas?
You get llamanated.
6. What’s a llama’s favorite drink?
7. What do you call a secret group of llamas?
The i-llama-nati.
8. What do you call a very fast llama?
A Llamagini
9. What’s more amazing than a talking llama?
A spelling bee.
10. What’s llama’s favourite film?
11. What sound does a llama’s doorbell make?
12. What did the llama get when he graduated school?
A dipllama
“Famous” Llama Jokes
13. Who is a llama’s favorite rapper?
Kendrick llama
14. Who is the llama spiritual leader?
The Dalai Llama
15. Which sultry-voiced singer will happily spit in your face?
Llama Del Rey
16. Who is a llama’s favorite president?
Barack Ollama
17. Who’s a llama’s favorite composer?
Wolfgang Llamadeus Mozart.
If Llamas Could Tell Llama Jokes
18. How do llamas respond when someone says, “thank you?”
“No probllama”
19. What did the llama say when he was robbed?
“I’ve been fleeced!”
20. What did the llama say to the grass?
“Nice gnawing you!”
21. What did the llama say to the depressed camel?
“Don’t worry. You’ll get over this hump.”
22. What do llamas say when they meet someone new?
“Fleeced to meet you!”
23. What do llamas always say after yoga class?
Llama Jokes That Are Actually Alpaca Jokes
24. Why don’t llamas like singing with backing music?
They prefer to sing alpacapella
25. What actor do llamas love?
Al Pacacino
26. What did the llama say when he was invited on vacation?
“Alpaca my bags!”
27. Where do llamas go on vacation?
30. How do alpacas get you in the morning?
They set their allamas
31. What did the llama say when his wife asked for a divorce?
“I guess alpaca my things.”
32. What do you call a stampeding herd of llamas?
33. No one is afraid of llama kisses.
But, why is everyone afraid of the alpaca lips?
34. What did Mario say when he saw an alpaca?
“Don’t-a worry! It’s a fals-a llama. ”
35. What do you call an alpaca with a carrot in each ear?
Anything you want. He can’t hear you!
36. When does a alpaca go “moo”?
When it is learning a new language!
A Few More Llama Jokes
37. Why did the llama cross the road?
It was the chicken’s day off.
38. What did the llama see when he looked in the mirror?
His spitting image.
39. Why else did the llama cross the road?
He wanted to prove to the possum that it could be done.
40. What did the camel say to the llama?
Let me teach you how to spit!
41. Why don’t Lucy Llama and Lacey Llama get along?
Typical llama drama
42. What is a llama’s favorite Justin Bieber lyrics?
“My llama don’t like you and she likes everyone.”
43. Want to go on a picnic? Alpaca lunch.
44. What happens when you stand between two llamas? You get llamanated!
45. What is a llama’s favorite drink? Llamanade.
46. Alpacas: Soon it’ll be the alpacalypse!
Llamas: You mean llamageddon.
47. I’m tired of these llama jokes. Alpaca my bags and leave.
48. What did the llama say to his friend?
“Is your mama a llama?”
49. What do you call a very fast llama?
A llamaghini
Llama and alpaca puns
50. No prob llama!
51. Llama mia, here I go again.
52. ¿Como te llama?
53. My llama don’t like you, and she likes everyone!
54. I got a wool llama love for you!
55. Why don’t you just save the drama for your llama?
This article was originally published on
The Dalai Lama revealed the secret of longevity - RIA Novosti, 07/07/2021 , 07/07/2021
The Dalai Lama revealed the secret of longevity
The Dalai Lama, who turned 86 on July 6, the next day told doctors about his determination to live to at least 110 years, although some predictions ... RIA Novosti, 07.07. 2021
2021-07-07T21: 00
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DAYA-LAMA XIV (tenzin Giav)
healthy lifestyle
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https://cdnn21. img.ria.ru/images/07e4/0b/06/1583334270_0:0:1302:732_1920x0_80_0_0_5a8408aaf9b87b3d6d644de64bde86d4.jpg
MOSCOW, July 7 - RIA Novosti, Olga Lipich. The Dalai Lama, who turned 86 on July 6, the next day announced to doctors his determination to live to at least 110 years, although some predictions speak of 113 years, and revealed the secret of longevity. According to the world-famous Buddhist spiritual leader, he was congratulated the day before happy birthday "so many friends, including government leaders." "I do not consider this a manifestation of diplomacy, all these congratulations are sincere, from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate them very much and am grateful to everyone who thinks that my life is useful to people. This fills me with inner determination, the strength to live as long as I can," the Dalai Lama explained. He also said that, being a refugee from Tibet, for more than 60 years he has been living in India, thanks to its government, freely and peacefully. And, at least a few hours a day, devotes to meditation. The deep foundation of his practice is karuna (compassion) and ahimsa (non-violence). Judging by the words of the Dalai Lama, these principles and practices promote peace of mind, and a calm mind, in turn, brings a person happiness, health and longevity. "This is part of the Buddhist tradition of the ancient Indian University of Nalanda, whose teachings have spread in Tibet since the 8th century ... I have the opportunity to meet with representatives of various fields of science. Modern scientists are primarily interested in the structure of the brain and physical health of a person. But they have no special methods to help a person achieve peace of mind.Therefore, a number of scientists highly value our knowledge of how to deal with one's troubled mind, not through medicine, but through reflection ... Karuna (compassion) is the real antidote to anger, fear, envy and other negative emotions, which, as scientists prove, have a detrimental effect, including on the physical health of a person,” says the Dalai Lama.
The 14th Dalai Lama (Lhamo Dhondrub, later Tenzin Gyatso) was born on July 6, 1935 years in the village of Taktser in northeastern Tibet. In 1937 he was recognized as the reincarnation of his predecessor, the 13th Dalai Lama, and in 1940 he was enthroned. After Tibet was incorporated into China, the 14th Dalai Lama fled to India in 1959. His residence is located in the city of Dharamsala in the northern state of Himachal Pradesh, in the foothills of the Himalayas. Buddhists consider the Dalai Lama (in translation - "ocean teacher") the embodiment of Avalokiteshvara - the Buddha of Compassion. For educational activities in different countries and peacekeeping efforts, the Dalai Lama XIV was awarded at 1989 Nobel Peace Prize. He pays special attention to the development of education and the interaction of Buddhism with modern science throughout his life, and in recent years he has been actively collaborating with outstanding Russian scientists.
https://ria.ru/20210707/dalay-1740303858. html
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Federal State Unitary Enterprise MIA "Russia Today" Himalayas, religion, healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle)
Religion, Tibet, Dalai Lama XIV (Tenzin Gyatso), Himachal Pradesh, Himalayas, Religion, Healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle)
MOSCOW, July 7 - RIA Novosti, Olga Lipich. The Dalai Lama, who turned 86 on July 6, the next day, announced to doctors his determination to live to at least 110 years, although some predictions speak of 113 years, and revealed the secret of longevity. nine0003
"According to my dreams, as well as predictions, my life will last up to 110 years, some predictions say even up to 113 years ... Thanks to the sincere respect and friendly feelings of many people, I am determined to live at least until the age of 110" , the Dalai Lama said Wednesday at an online meeting with Indian doctors and pharmacists, which was broadcast by the website of the Save Tibet Foundation.
According to the world-famous Buddhist spiritual leader, the day before he was congratulated on his birthday by "very many friends, including state leaders." "I do not consider this a manifestation of diplomacy, all these congratulations are sincere, from the bottom of my heart. I appreciate them very much and am grateful to everyone who thinks that my life is useful to people. This fills me with inner determination, the strength to live as long as I can," the Dalai Lama explained. nine0003
He also said that, being a refugee from Tibet, for more than 60 years he has been living in India, thanks to its government, freely and peacefully. And, at least a few hours a day, devotes to meditation. The deep foundation of his practice is karuna (compassion) and ahimsa (non-violence). Judging by the words of the Dalai Lama, these principles and practices promote peace of mind, and a calm mind, in turn, brings a person happiness, health and longevity.
7 July 2021, 17:12 Religion
The Dalai Lama has a special attitude towards Russia, his representative said
"This is part of the Buddhist tradition of the ancient Indian University of Nalanda, whose teachings have spread in Tibet since the 8th century ... I have the opportunity to meet representatives of various fields of science. Modern scientists are primarily interested in the structure of the brain and the physical health of a person. But they do not have special methods to help a person find peace of mind.Therefore, a number of scientists highly value our knowledge of how to cope with your troubled mind, not through drugs, but through thoughts… Karuna (compassion) is a real antidote for anger, fear, envy and other negative emotions, which, as scientists prove, have a detrimental effect, including on the physical health of a person,” says the Dalai Lama. nine0003
The 14th Dalai Lama (Lhamo Dhondrub, later Tenzin Gyatso) was born on July 6, 1935 in the village of Taktser in northeastern Tibet. In 1937 he was recognized as the reincarnation of his predecessor, the 13th Dalai Lama, and in 1940 he was enthroned. After Tibet was incorporated into China, the 14th Dalai Lama fled to India in 1959. His residence is located in the city of Dharamsala in the northern state of Himachal Pradesh, in the foothills of the Himalayas.
Buddhists consider the Dalai Lama (in translation - "ocean-teacher") the incarnation of Avalokiteshvara - the Buddha of Compassion. For educational activities in different countries and peacekeeping efforts, the Dalai Lama XIV was awarded at 1989 Nobel Peace Prize. He pays special attention to the development of education and the interaction of Buddhism with modern science throughout his life, and in recent years he has been actively collaborating with outstanding Russian scientists.
July 6, 2021, 08:00 Religion
"Putin needs to think." What future did the Dalai Lama predict for Russia
"The fate of the world will be decided in the coming years." Dalai Lama about hopes for Russia
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“The fate of the world will be decided in the coming years”
The Dalai Lama on hopes for Russia and real happiness
Olga Lipich
in Dharamsala the 10th annual teaching for Russian Buddhists and gave an exclusive interview to RIA Novosti. The world famous spiritual leader told what his belief in the bright future of mankind is based on, what he thinks about Putin, Trump and the role of Russia in the world, what message he sends to the new generation, what modern science and the education system need and how to work with the "sixth consciousness" to find happiness. nine0003
— Your Holiness, you have said more than once that people are getting better: they show more and more compassion, they don’t want to fight, they treat nature more carefully. But now you declare that humanity lacks responsibility - and the world is close to disaster. Have you changed your mind, disillusioned with humanity?
— No, I haven't changed my mind. Even more established in it. Every creature, even an insect, does not want to suffer, but wants to live life happily. And everyone has the right to be happy. nine0223
The Dalai Lama talks with RIA Novosti journalist Olga Lipich
© Photo: Pavel Platonov/Courtesy of the Save Tibet Foundation
In addition - and this is very important - according to the latest scientific data, by nature, a person is inclined to compassion . This is obvious: in the first few years after birth, we need maternal love and care, without them we would not have survived. This is the case with all social animals. We humans are also social animals. The collective feeling is to a certain extent inherent in us biologically. For thousands of years, people have survived precisely thanks to a sense of community, mutual assistance and care for each other. nine0223
— Then what is the problem today?
- In today's world, there are problems that are beyond our control. For example, such a serious problem as global warming. I recently met with scientists, including one Nobel Prize winner in chemistry from Taiwan. He said that the question of whether our world will continue to exist or not will be decided in the next eighty years.
We need to take environmental issues seriously. Today, more and more people are thinking about saving the environment, and this is a good sign. nine0176
And more. How many people die at the hands of other people! If from the very beginning people killed each other, as they do today, then we would have nothing to worry about - humanity would disappear from the face of the earth.
I think it is inextricably linked with the feudal system. In a feudal state, the king or queen, and sometimes religious leaders, gathered armies and sent them to kill other people ... But all soldiers, without exception, I am sure, value their lives. If they had the freedom of choice, they would not have gone to kill each other. nine0223
The Dalai Lama teaches Buddhists from Russia and the Baltics
You Russians have a bitter experience of life under Stalin, and your opponents (the Germans) had an experience of life under Hitler. During the reign of Stalin in the Soviet Union and Hitler in Germany, millions of people were killed ... These millions of dead are our brothers and sisters.
World War I, World War II - did they bring something good? No. Only created more hatred. Except for a good result, the development of the military industry. But the only purpose of weapons is to kill. nine0223
The very concept of war, which is to mobilize soldiers and send them to kill each other, belongs to the feudal system. She is hopelessly outdated.
Twenty-four ships from 14 countries are taking part in NATO's Trident Juncture 2018 joint exercise in the Norwegian Sea. November 7, 2018
© Photo : U.S. Navy
Not too long ago, a new king was proclaimed in Thailand, a new emperor of Japan ascended the throne, and another prince was born in Britain... I really think that the monarchy form of government is outdated. The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia ended tsarism, and the French Revolution ended the monarchy in France. I think it was right. (Laughs) It's all outdated thinking: kings, queens. In addition, the monarchy placed too much emphasis on military force. nine0223
— What form of government do you consider optimal?
— Today is the time for democracy. The world belongs to seven billion people. Each country belongs to its people. When people are properly educated, when they have the right mindset, they are unlikely to be in the mood to kill each other.
Take the European Union as an example. In the last century, European countries waged bloody wars with each other. And then, after the Second World War, two states that seemed to be implacable enemies - France and Germany - decided that it is much better to think about common interests than about the interests of France or Germany separately, because this corresponds to the prevailing realities. This is how the European Union was born. And thanks to this, from the last half of the 20th century to this day, its participating countries have not fought each other, have not shed the blood of their citizens. nine0223
Sometimes I say that Russia should also join the European Union.
— Moving on to Russia… President Putin jokes that after the death of Mahatma Gandhi there is no one to talk to. What do you think? Are there politicians today who can change the world for the better, like Gandhi, or is the role of politicians not so important these days?
— First of all, I want to say that the Russian Federation is a great country with great power. Recent events have shown that Putin, as the leader of the country, pays great attention to what is happening in different parts of the world, and this is good. nine0223
And here is Putin's colleague, President Trump... (makes a hand gesture indicating his hopelessness.) Like Putin, he leads a vast country, bears a heavy burden of responsibility. The leader of such a country must see the big picture. And think about what will be good for the country in the long run. It is very important. He should not think only about getting short-term results. Of course, I have no right to criticize the activities of President Trump. But just think: he sold billions of weapons to Saudi Arabia. In my opinion, this is wrong. He also withdrew from the Paris Climate Agreement. This is very unfortunate. nine0223
Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Donald Trump at a joint press conference following their meeting in Helsinki. July 16, 2018
The world is in a critical situation today. And Putin needs to think very carefully about his actions, take into account the big picture and think about what will be beneficial in the long term.
— You said that Russia can make a great contribution to the development of the world. Do you still think so? And why? nine0176
Yes. The Russian Federation has another advantage: from a geographical point of view, it serves as a bridge between East and West.
And more. I am a Buddhist, but I never say that Buddhism is the best religion. All major religious traditions are like medicines to bring about peace of mind. You can not choose one medicine and say that it is the best for everyone. The doctor first examines the patient, and only then, based on his condition, recommends a medicine that is most effective in this case. The same can be said about believers. Among them there are people with a variety of predispositions. For some, one religion is more suitable, for others, another. However, among the many religious traditions, Buddhism, and in particular the tradition of the ancient Indian monastery-university of Nalanda, followed by the Buddhists of the Russian Federation, offers a very scientific approach to the teachings of the Buddha. nine0223
Russian pilgrims at the Dalai Lama's spiritual teachings in Dharamsala, India
Buddhism and modern science can go hand in hand. There are regions in Russia where people traditionally practice Buddhism. These are the republics of Buryatia, Kalmykia, Tuva, as well as Transbaikalia. When I was still living in Tibet (before 1959), we had many brilliant philosophers and abbots of large monasteries from Buryatia, Kalmykia and Tuva.
- Not only Buddhists, but also many people who do not practice this religion, consider you a wise teacher and would like to keep in touch with you, from life to life. Is this possible, how? nine0176
— The question of whether the institution of the Dalai Lama will exist in the future or not is up to the peoples inhabiting the territories of Tibetan Buddhism to decide. Including the peoples of Russia, Mongolia, Tibet and the entire Himalayan region.
The Dalai Lama at the annual teachings for Russian Buddhists in Dharamsala
The very name "Dalai" is a Mongolian word (in translation it means "ocean", "great" - Approx. ed.). This title was given to the Third Dalai Lama during a visit to Mongolia. If you remove the words “Dalai Lama” from my name, then I won’t be able to sign, because my signature is “Dalai Lama” (laughs). nine0223
We have a unique, very special relationship with the people of Russia, rooted in history.
These relationships benefit everyone, both the Dalai Lama and the Tibetans (mainly the so-called Yellow Hat School, Gelug) and the Russians. Many monks from Russia studied for years in the monasteries of Tibet and became very good philosophers and abbots.
In the future, whether I live or not, this connection will continue to exist. Today, at least several hundred students from Mongolia and the Buddhist regions of Russia study in our monasteries. So the connection is not terminated. A new generation is coming. nine0223
Children pray at the portrait of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama during the prayer-congratulations in the Central Kalmyk khurul “Golden Abode of Buddha Shakyamuni”
— What message would you address to the new generation today?
- As I said, among the various religious and philosophical traditions, the tradition of the monastery-university of Nalanda is the most modern and scientific. You can apply it. First of all, it should be studied as deeply as possible by those who belong to the traditional Buddhist communities. nine0223
The Dalai Lama
© Photo: Pavel Platonov/ Courtesy of the Save Tibet Foundation
In addition, today more and more non-Buddhists among Russians, including professors from Moscow State University, are showing interest in the Nalanda tradition, in the science of the mind. This is a very encouraging sign. Now the situation is really maturing. Because Russia is a large country and also a bridge between Europe and Asia, it can make a significant contribution to promoting the importance of peace of mind.
Prayers or faith alone will not help you achieve peace of mind. We need to realize that anger is a destructive emotion, and compassion is a constructive one. The most important thing is to understand that the basis of anger is ignorance, limited thinking. And the basis of compassion is logical reasoning, the ability to look at things in a broad perspective.
According to Buddhism, we can promote compassion based on analytical thinking as well as modern science.
The Dalai Lama and Russian professor, specialist in the field of analytical philosophy of consciousness David Dubrovsky (Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences) at a conference in Delhi after the first dialogue on the nature of consciousness
Compassion can also be instilled within the education system by applying scientific findings. The more compassion, the less anger. The reason for anger is ignorance, short-sightedness - it does not have a solid foundation.
— Is there such a basis for happiness, and what is it all about? How to be happy?
— Happiness is a very serious topic. In the Western world, education in general is aimed at acquiring material values. Material values can only give us sense gratification. nine0223
We love exciting spectacles like sports, some sports fans literally go crazy when their team wins. Thinking is practically not involved here - everything happens at the level of sensory perception. People also enjoy beautiful music - it makes them cry. From delicious food, pleasant smells, touches, including sexual pleasure. The feeling of happiness that they experience while doing this is entirely based on sensory perception. nine0223
Such happiness is not permanent. When you have some material reasons for being happy, you are happy. When they disappear, you are left with only memories. True happiness is connected with the sixth consciousness.
During my visit to Moscow in 1979, I met several Soviet scientists. I told them that in Buddhism there are five types of consciousness associated with the senses, and the sixth type of consciousness is mental. They immediately declared that these were all religious matters, and did not want to discuss anything. Of course, I did not argue with them, but it was obvious to me then that this was a limited worldview. nine0223
The 14th Dalai Lama conducts teachings for pilgrims from Russia
So, true happiness is not caused by sensations received by the senses, but by mental experiences. Therefore, if you experience discomfort associated with the senses, then with a certain experience of working with the mental level, you can maintain peace of mind. Thus, the mental consciousness is above the kinds of consciousness associated with the sense organs. But due to the fact that we lead a materialistic way of life, we become slaves to sensory experiences. nine0223
— Could you name the ways out of this slavery, the methods of achieving peace of mind, happiness?
- In this regard, I would like to say the following. In the West, theistic religions are widespread, in which the main emphasis is on faith in God ... At the same time, in India, more than three thousand years ago, the concept of the sixth type of consciousness was developed. Meditations - "shamatha" (one-pointed concentration) and "vipasana" (analytical meditation) - help to bring the sixth consciousness into a state of calm. Therefore, I consider Indian civilization to be the most advanced. nine0223
In the 8th century this ancient Indian knowledge came to Tibet. They were brought to us by Shantarakshita from the monastery-university of Nalanda, and since then we have been preserving this knowledge for more than a thousand years. In addition, Drogon Chogyal Phagpa visited Mongolia and introduced it to the Buddhist dharma. And later, Sonam Gyatso, the Third Dalai Lama, also brought the teachings of the Buddha to Mongolia, including the tradition of deep dialectical disputes.
Dalai Lama's visit to Mongolia
© Photo: Igor Yancheglov, Save Tibet Foundation
When I lived in Tibet, we had many monks of Mongolian origin, they all studied hard and behaved exemplarily. Among them there was not a single violator of the monastery rules. For example, Gen Legden was a great Mongolian philosopher who fled to Tibet after the Russian Revolution. He told me that during the day he hid under a sheepskin, and at night he walked towards Tibet. So he came to Lhasa, where he began his studies and after 20-30 years became one of the best scientists-philosophers. So between us - Tibet, Mongolia and Russia - there is a special relationship. Therefore, I pin certain hopes on Russia. nine0223
— Are your hopes for Russia connected with science and education?
- Over the past few decades, I have been talking with Western experts in the field of education, psychology, neuroscience. And they show a truly sincere interest in the knowledge accumulated by Tibetan Buddhism. But when I communicate with Western scholars, I usually have some doubts and try not to propagate Buddhism. Because Buddhist concepts can undermine their one-pointed belief. nine0223
The Dalai Lama
© Photo: Pavel Platonov/ Courtesy of the Save Tibet Foundation
For example, I have a Christian friend, Father Wayne Tisdale, a very good Catholic monk. He and I often discussed our common practices: compassion, forgiveness, tolerance, and the like. Once he asked me about shunyata (emptiness), and I answered him: "Don't ask me about it, it doesn't concern you." I believe that the provisions of quantum physics and sunyata are very close to each other - they say that everything is interdependent, there is nothing absolute. And God is not absolute either. That is why I told my Christian friend not to ask me about emptiness. nine0223
But in Russia, with the Russians, I have no such doubts. Because you have had this knowledge and contacts with us for many centuries. Therefore, I want to say that today Russian Buddhists should pay special attention to the study of Buddhism. It is necessary to extract psychology, quantum physics, logic from Buddhism - all these subjects contained in Buddhist literature and used in spiritual practice can also be studied in an academic way. So this knowledge can be used by people of various faiths, as well as non-believers.
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