Big bad wolf the three little pigs
English | The Three Little Pigs
The Three Little Pigs
Mrs Pig was very tired: 'Oh dear,' she said to her three little pigs, 'I can’t do this work anymore, I’m afraid you must leave home and make your own way in the world.' So the three little pigs set off.
The first little pig met a man carrying a bundle of straw.
'Excuse me,' said the first little pig politely. 'Would you please sell some of your straw so I can make a house?'
The man readily agreed and the first little pig went off to find a good place to build his house.
The other little pigs carried on along the road and, soon, they met a man carrying a bundle of sticks.
'Excuse me,' said the little pig politely. 'Would you please sell me some sticks so I can build a house?'
The man readily agreed and the little pig said goodbye to his brother.
The third little pig didn’t think much of their ideas:
'I’m going to build myself a much bigger, better, stronger house,' he thought, and he carried off down the road until he met a man with a cart load of bricks.
'Excuse me,' said the third little pig, as politely as his mother had taught him. 'Please can you sell me some bricks so I can build a house?'
'Of course,' said the man. 'Where would you like me to unload them?'
The third little pig looked around and saw a nice patch of ground under a tree.
'Over there,' he pointed.
They all set to work and by nighttime the house of straw and the house of sticks were built but the house of bricks was only just beginning to rise above the ground. The first and second little pigs laughed, they thought their brother was really silly having to work so hard when they had finished.
However, a few days later the brick house was completed and looked very smartwith shiny windows, a neat little chimney and a shiny knocker on the door.
One starlit night, soon after they had settled in, a wolf came out looking for food. By the light of the moon he espied the first little pig’s house of straw and he sidled up to the door and called:
'Little pig, little pig, let me come in.'
'No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin!' replied the little pig.
'Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!' said the wolf who was a very big, bad, and a greedy sort of wolf.
And he huffed, and he puffed and blew the house in. But the little pig ran away as fast as his trotters could carry him and went to the second little pig’s house to hide.
The next night the wolf was even hungrier and he saw the house of sticks. He crept up to the door and called:
'Little pig, little pig, let me come in.'
'Oh no, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!' said the second little pig, as the first little pig hid trembling under the stairs.
'Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!' said the wolf.
And he huffed, and he puffed and he blew the house in. But the little pigs ran away as fast as their trotters could carry them and went to the third little pig’s house to hide.
'What did I tell you?' said the third little pig. 'It’s important to build houses properly.' But he welcomed them in and they all settled down for the rest of the night.
The following night the wolf was even hungrier and feeling bigger and badder than ever.
Prowling around, he came to the third little pig’s house. He crept up to the door and called:
'Little pig, little pig, let me come in.'
'Oh no, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!' said the third little pig, while the first and the second little pigs hid trembling under the stairs.
'Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!' said the wolf.
And he huffed, and he puffed and he blew but nothing happened.
So he huffed and he puffed and he blew again, even harder, but still nothing happened. The brick house stood firm.
The wolf was very angry and getting even bigger and even badder by the minute.
'I’m going to eat you all,' he growled, 'just you wait and see.'
He prowled round the house trying to find a way in. The little pigs trembled when they saw his big eyes peering through the window. Then they heard a scrambling sound.
'Quick, quick!' said the third little pig. 'He’s climbing the tree. I think he’s going to come down the chimney.'
The three little pigs got the biggest pan they had, and filled it full of water and put it on the fire to boil. All the time they could hear the sound of the wolf climbing the tree and then walking along the roof.
The little pigs held their breath. The wolf was coming down the chimney. Nearer and nearer he came until, with a tremendous splash, he landed in the pan of water.
'Yoweeeee!' he screamed, and shot back up the chimney thinking his tail was on fire.
The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs!
"Everybody knows the story of the Three Little Pigs. Or at least they think they do. But I'll let you in on a little secret. Nobody knows the real story, because nobody has ever heard my side of the story." That's Alexander T. Wolf talking, and he'd like to set the record straight. He says, "I don't know how this whole Big Bad Wolf thing got started, but it's all wrong . . . The real story is about a sneeze and a cup of sugar."
If you can buy his explanation, the wolf relates how he was making a birthday cake for his dear old granny when he ran out of sugar. Off he went to his neighbor's to borrow a cup, but, because of his terrible cold, he sneezed a great sneeze, and the whole straw house fell down, leaving the occupant, the First Little Pig, dead as a doornail. So the wolf ate him. The same thing happened to the Second Little Pig in his house of sticks. When the wolf tried again at the brick house of the Third Little Pig, the rude little porker called the cops on him. The wolf, speaking from behind bars, concludes his indignant testimonial by claiming he was framed.
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- In this gaily newfangled version of a classic tale, Scieszka and Smith ( Flying Jake ) argue in favor of the villain, transforming the story of the three little pigs into a playfully suspicious, rather arch account of innocence beleaguered.
–Publishers Weekly
Child, Lauren. Beware of the Storybook Wolves. Scholastic, 2001.
Christelow, Eileen. Where’s the Big Bad Wolf? Clarion, 2002.
Emberley, Michael. Ruby and the Sniffs. Little, Brown, 2004.
Ernst, Lisa Campbell. Little Red Riding Hood: A Newfangled Prairie Tale. Simon & Schuster, 1995.
Hartman, Bob. The Wolf Who Cried Boy. Putnam, 2002.
Hawkins, Colin, and Jacqui Hawkins.The Fairytale News. Candlewick, 2004.
Kelly, John, and Cathy Tincknell. The Mystery of Eatum Hall. Candlewick, 2004.
Marshall, James. The Three Little Pigs. Dial, 1989.
McClements, George. Jake Gander, Storyville Detective.Hyperion, 2002
Meddaugh, Susan. Hog-Eye. Houghton Mifflin, 1995.
O’Malley, Kevin. Humpty Dumpty Egg-Splodes. Walker, 2001.
Palatini, Margie. Piggie Pie. Clarion, 1995.
Palatini, Margie.The Web Files. Hyperion, 2001.
Rayner, Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Pig’s Evening Out. Atheneum, 1976.
Scieszka, Jon. Baloney (Henry P.).Illus. by Lane Smith. Viking, 2001.
Scieszka, Jon. Cowboy & Octopus. Viking, 2007.
Scieszka, Jon. Knights of the Kitchen Table. Viking, 1991.
Scieszka, Jon. Math Curse.Viking, 1995.
Scieszka, Jon. Squids Will Be Squids: Fresh Morals, Beastly Fables. Viking, 1998.
Scieszka, Jon. The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales. Viking, 1992.
Smith, Lane. The Happy Hocky Family!Viking, 1993.
Smith, Lane. The Happy Hocky Family Moves to the Country! Viking, 2003.
Smith, Lane. John, Paul, George & Ben. Hyperion, 2006.
Smith, Lane. Madam President.Hyperion, 2008.
Stevens, Janet, and Susan Stevens Crummel. And the Dish Ran Away with the Spoon. Harcourt, 2001.
Trivizas, Eugene. The Three Little Wolves and the Big, Bad Pig. McElderry, 1993.
Vozar, David. Yo, Hungry Wolf!Doubleday, 1993.
Wiesner, David. The Three Pigs. Clarion, 2001.
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- Big bad wolf,
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- a brown wolf in a blue and red jumpsuit with a picture of a big bad wolf. The True Story of the Three Little Pigs! Gray wolf Aesops Fables, Disney Pig s, mammal, child, cowboy png 540x750px 377.48KB
- Big Bad Wolf Gray wolf True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! Domestic pig, pig, mammal, child, food png 501x668px 400.35KB
- Little Red Riding Hood Fairy tale Big Bad Wolf Short story, 3 little pigs, carnivoran, dog Like Mammal, fictional Character png 415x733px 148.
- Fairy tale The Three Little Pigs Little Red Riding Hood, palha, child, art, fictional Character png 900x786px 619.2KB
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- The Three Little Pigs Fairy tale Literature Child Gray wolf, little red riding hood, miscellaneous, mammal, child png 900x900px 100.68KB
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- The Three Little Pigs Drawing Fairy tale, others, miscellaneous, mammal, vertebrate png 545x700px 52.11KB
- Big Bad Wolf Domestic pig The Three Little Pigs Children's story, Littles, child, food, hand png 360x552px 204.19KB
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- The Three Little Pigs Little Red Riding Hood Fairy tale The Big Bad Wolf Domestic pig, Cute cartoon pig, miscellaneous, mammal, child png 900x900px 90.
- Little Red Riding Hood Fairy tale Big Bad Wolf, others, miscellaneous, child, fictional Character png 2200x2942px 65.81KB
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- Big Bad Wolf Gray wolf The Three Little Pigs, Big Bad Wolf The Three Little Pigs, food, cartoon, fictional Character png 670x656px 461.14KB
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- The Three Little Pigs Drawing Big Bad Wolf, 3 little pigs, child, hand, vertebrate png 482x699px 265.82KB
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- Image size
- 800x800px
- File size
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- Big Bad Wolf Gray wolf True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! Domestic pig, pig, mammal, child png 501x668px 400.35KB
- a brown wolf in a blue and red jumpsuit with a picture of a big bad wolf. The True Story of the Three Little Pigs! Gray wolf Aesops Fables, Disney Pig s, mammal, child png 540x750px 377.48KB
- Gray wolf Domestic pig The Three Little Pigs, Big Bad Wolf, child, hand png 507x719px 359.
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- The Three Little Pigs Domestic pig Little Red Riding Hood, others, miscellaneous, toddler png 600x600px 165.53KB
- The Three Little Pigs Big Bad Wolf, pig, mammal, animals png 900x1123px 102.06KB
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- The Three Little Pigs Drawing Fairy tale, others, miscellaneous, mammal png 545x700px 52.11KB
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- Domestic pig Goldilocks and the Three Bears The Three Little Pigs, The Three Little Pigs], child, toddler png 532x592px 289.94KB
- Big Bad Wolf Gray wolf True Story of the 3 Little Pigs! The Three Little Pigs, Big Bad Wolf The Three Little Pigs, mammal, vertebrate png 670x484px 234.46KB
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- Big Bad Wolf Little Red Riding Hood Goldilocks and the Three Bears The Tale of the Three Little Pigs, others, miscellaneous, mammal png 750x612px 70.49KB
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- Big Bad Wolf Gray wolf The Three Little Pigs, Big Bad Wolf The Three Little Pigs, food, cartoon png 670x656px 461.
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- Little Red Riding Hood Fairy tale Big Bad Wolf Short story, 3 little pigs, carnivoran, dog Like Mammal png 415x733px 148.12KB
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- The Three Little Pigs Domestic pig, Big Bad Wolf The Three Little Pigs, food, hand png 541x698px 298.
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