Can kindergarteners read
Teaching children to read isn’t easy. How do kids actually learn to read?
A student in a Mississippi elementary school reads a book in class. Research shows young children need explicit, systematic phonics instruction to learn how to read fluently. Credit: Terrell Clark for The Hechinger ReportTeaching kids to read isn’t easy; educators often feel strongly about what they think is the “right” way to teach this essential skill. Though teachers’ approaches may differ, the research is pretty clear on how best to help kids learn to read. Here’s what parents should look for in their children’s classroom.
How do kids actually learn how to read?
Research shows kids learn to read when they are able to identify letters or combinations of letters and connect those letters to sounds. There’s more to it, of course, like attaching meaning to words and phrases, but phonemic awareness (understanding sounds in spoken words) and an understanding of phonics (knowing that letters in print correspond to sounds) are the most basic first steps to becoming a reader.
Reading Matters
The Hechinger Report has been covering reading for over a decade, as debates about how to teach it have intensified. Check in with us for the latest in reading research.
If children can’t master phonics, they are more likely to struggle to read. That’s why researchers say explicit, systematic instruction in phonics is important: Teachers must lead students step by step through a specific sequence of letters and sounds. Kids who learn how to decode words can then apply that skill to more challenging words and ultimately read with fluency. Some kids may not need much help with phonics, especially as they get older, but experts say phonics instruction can be essential for young children and struggling readers “We don’t know how much phonics each kid needs,” said Anders Rasmussen, principal of Wood Road Elementary School in Ballston Spa, New York, who recently led the transformation of his schools’ reading program to a research-based, structured approach. “But we know no kid is hurt by getting too much of it.”
How should your child’s school teach reading?
Timothy Shanahan, a professor emeritus at the University of Illinois at Chicago and an expert on reading instruction, said phonics are important in kindergarten through second grade and phonemic awareness should be explicitly taught in kindergarten and first grade. This view has been underscored by experts in recent years as the debate over reading instruction has intensified. But teaching kids how to read should include more than phonics, said Shanahan. They should also be exposed to oral reading, reading comprehension and writing.
The wars over how to teach reading are back. Here’s the four things you need to know.
Wiley Blevins, an author and expert on phonics, said a good test parents can use to determine whether a child is receiving research-based reading instruction is to ask their child’s teacher how reading is taught.
“They should be able to tell you something more than ‘by reading lots of books’ and ‘developing a love of reading.’ ” Blevins said. Along with time dedicated to teaching phonics, Blevins said children should participate in read-alouds with their teacher to build vocabulary and content knowledge. “These read-alouds must involve interactive conversations to engage students in thinking about the content and using the vocabulary,” he said. “Too often, when time is limited, the daily read-alouds are the first thing left out of the reading time. We undervalue its impact on reading growth and must change that.”
Rasmussen’s school uses a structured approach: Children receive lessons in phonemic awareness, phonics, pre-writing and writing, vocabulary and repeated readings. Research shows this type of “systematic and intensive” approach in several aspects of literacy can turn children who struggle to read into average or above-average readers.
What should schools avoid when teaching reading?
Educators and experts say kids should be encouraged to sound out words, instead of guessing. “We really want to make sure that no kid is guessing,” Rasmussen said. “You really want … your own kid sounding out words and blending words from the earliest level on.” That means children are not told to guess an unfamiliar word by looking at a picture in the book, for example. As children encounter more challenging texts in later grades, avoiding reliance on visual cues also supports fluent reading. “When they get to ninth grade and they have to read “Of Mice and Men,” there are no picture cues,” Rasmussen said.
Related: Teacher Voice: We need phonics, along with other supports, for reading
Blevins and Shanahan caution against organizing books by different reading levels and keeping students at one level until they read with enough fluency to move up to the next level. Although many people may think keeping students at one level will help prevent them from getting frustrated and discouraged by difficult texts, research shows that students actually learn more when they are challenged by reading materials.
Blevins said reliance on “leveled books” can contribute to “a bad habit in readers.” Because students can’t sound out many of the words, they rely on memorizing repeated words and sentence patterns, or on using picture clues to guess words. Rasmussen said making kids stick with one reading level — and, especially, consistently giving some kids texts that are below grade level, rather than giving them supports to bring them to grade level — can also lead to larger gaps in reading ability.
How do I know if a reading curriculum is effective?
Some reading curricula cover more aspects of literacy than others. While almost all programs have some research-based components, the structure of a program can make a big difference, said Rasmussen. Watching children read is the best way to tell if they are receiving proper instruction — explicit, systematic instruction in phonics to establish a foundation for reading, coupled with the use of grade-level texts, offered to all kids.
Parents who are curious about what’s included in the curriculum in their child’s classroom can find sources online, like a chart included in an article by which summarizes the various aspects of literacy, including phonics, writing and comprehension strategies, in some of the most popular reading curricula.
Blevins also suggested some questions parents can ask their child’s teacher:
- What is your phonics scope and sequence?
“If research-based, the curriculum must have a clearly defined phonics scope and sequence that serves as the spine of the instruction.” Blevins said.
- Do you have decodable readers (short books with words composed of the letters and sounds students are learning) to practice phonics?
“If no decodable or phonics readers are used, students are unlikely to get the amount of practice and application to get to mastery so they can then transfer these skills to all reading and writing experiences,” Blevins said. “If teachers say they are using leveled books, ask how many words can students sound out based on the phonics skills (teachers) have taught … Can these words be fully sounded out based on the phonics skills you taught or are children only using pieces of the word? They should be fully sounding out the words — not using just the first or first and last letters and guessing at the rest.”
- What are you doing to build students’ vocabulary and background knowledge? How frequent is this instruction? How much time is spent each day doing this?
“It should be a lot,” Blevins said, “and much of it happens during read-alouds, especially informational texts, and science and social studies lessons.”
- Is the research used to support your reading curriculum just about the actual materials, or does it draw from a larger body of research on how children learn to read? How does it connect to the science of reading?
Teachers should be able to answer these questions, said Blevins.
What should I do if my child isn’t progressing in reading?
When a child isn’t progressing, Blevins said, the key is to find out why. “Is it a learning challenge or is your child a curriculum casualty? This is a tough one.” Blevins suggested that parents of kindergarteners and first graders ask their child’s school to test the child’s phonemic awareness, phonics and fluency.
Parents of older children should ask for a test of vocabulary. “These tests will locate some underlying issues as to why your child is struggling reading and understanding what they read,” Blevins said. “Once underlying issues are found, they can be systematically addressed.”
“We don’t know how much phonics each kid needs. But we know no kid is hurt by getting too much of it.”
Anders Rasmussen, principal of Wood Road Elementary School in Ballston Spa, New York
Rasmussen recommended parents work with their school if they are concerned about their children’s progress. By sitting and reading with their children, parents can see the kind of literacy instruction the kids are receiving. If children are trying to guess based on pictures, parents can talk to teachers about increasing phonics instruction.
“Teachers aren’t there doing necessarily bad things or disadvantaging kids purposefully or willfully,” Rasmussen said. “You have many great reading teachers using some effective strategies and some ineffective strategies.”
What can parents do at home to help their children learn to read?
Parents want to help their kids learn how to read but don’t want to push them to the point where they hate reading. “Parents at home can fall into the trap of thinking this is about drilling their kid,” said Cindy Jiban, a former educator and current principal academic lead at NWEA, a research-based non-profit focused on assessments and professional learning opportunities. “This is unfortunate,” Jiban said. “It sets up a parent-child interaction that makes it, ‘Ugh, there’s this thing that’s not fun. ’” Instead, Jiban advises making decoding playful. Here are some ideas:
- Challenge kids to find everything in the house that starts with a specific sound.
- Stretch out one word in a sentence. Ask your child to “pass the salt” but say the individual sounds in the word “salt” instead of the word itself.
- Ask your child to figure out what every family member’s name would be if it started with a “b” sound.
- Sing that annoying “Banana fana fo fanna song.” Jiban said that kind of playful activity can actually help a kid think about the sounds that correspond with letters even if they’re not looking at a letter right in front of them.
- Read your child’s favorite book over and over again. For books that children know well, Jiban suggests that children use their finger to follow along as each word is read. Parents can do the same, or come up with another strategy to help kids follow which words they’re reading on a page.
Giving a child diverse experiences that seem to have nothing to do with reading can also help a child’s reading ability. By having a variety of experiences, Rasmussen said, children will be able to apply their own knowledge to better comprehend texts about various topics.
This story about teaching children to read was produced by The Hechinger Report, a nonprofit, independent news organization focused on inequality and innovation in education. Sign up for Hechinger’s newsletter.
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Kindergarten reading Reading |
If learning to read is like building a skyscraper, then kindergarten is the year to construct the most solid foundation possible. As part of that foundation, kindergartners will be working on the five pillars of kindergarten reading: understanding the relationship between sounds and words (phonetics), reading fluently, understanding what they read, expanding vocabulary, and building knowledge.
All about the alphabet
This year, your kindergartner will be expected to recognize all 26 lowercase and uppercase letters — as well as their sounds. They should be able to identify which letters are different in similar words (e.g. map, lap, tap). They should also know that spoken words represent a sequence of letters.
Left to right, up to down, front to back
Kindergartners need to learn the reading rules: that you start at the top of the page and going downwards, you read from left to right, and page by page. By the end of the year, students also need to become familiar with parts of a book, such as the front cover, the back cover, and the title page.
Related: Learn one simple way to boost your child’s reading skills.
Word sense and rhymes
Word play helps kindergartners understand how words are broken into individual syllables and how words with similar endings rhyme. The more exposure kindergartners get to how syllables and words work together, the more they’ll build their word knowledge.
All year long, kindergartners are working on what’s known as “decoding” skills — deciphering the meanings of words and phrases within the context of what they’re reading. And when your child asks you to read their favorite book over and over (and over) again? Take heart! Your clever kindergartner is practicing decoding without even knowing it!
Related: Watch our Milestone video Does your kindergartner “decode” like this?
Finally, with the help of adults, kindergartners are learning to make connections between words and their nuances, so they can sort them into categories (e.g. shapes and colors) and figure out antonyms, a fancy way of saying opposites (e. g. open/close, hot/cold). This year, they’ll even be deciphering shades of meaning between words. Tip: Have your child act out similar words. What does it look like to march, strut, walk, and stroll? What does it look like to cry, sob, and howl?
Mastering common words
According to the Reading Teacher’s Book of Lists, about half of all reading texts are made up of the same 100 words! Here’s something even more remarkable about these wonder words: most kindergartners will know all of them by the end of the year. To that end, many kindergarten teachers will send their students home with lists of these high-frequency words (e.g. at, be, of, and to). Your child will also need to learn sight words — words that can’t be easily sounded out or illustrated with a text (e.g. good, out). When it comes to sight words, memorization is key, since using phonics or decoding skills don’t often work for these short, common, but often oddly spelled words. (How does one sound out “the” anyway?) Tip: Word lists are perfect for the refrigerator, where you can playfully quiz your kindergartner before dinnertime.
Exploring fiction and nonfiction
While reading with your child, start asking: is this real or imaginary? The goal is for kindergartners to split their time between stories and information (think: dinosaurs, trees, and starfish) while learning the differences between the two types of text. By the end of kindergarten, your child should be able to recognize stories and poems and find the name of a book’s author and illustrator with the understanding that the author wrote the words and the illustrator drew the pictures — whether the book is a true story or a truly fantastic tale.
Related: Check out our lists of classic childhood favorites and history books for kindergartners.
Building a knowledge bank
Kindergartners need to grow their understanding of the world by integrating new information into what they already know. Think of it as your kindergartner opening a knowledge bank account and filling it with accumulated information.
Related: Watch our Milestones video Does your kindergartner read to learn like this?
Key skills that will help your kindergartner build knowledge include being able to retell familiar stories; identify characters, setting, and major events in a story; and compare and contrast characters and events in different stories.
What does this sound like? It’s your 5-year-old explaining that Harold in Harold and the Purple Crayon had an amazing adventure because of what he imagined. It’s your T-rex lover understanding dinosaurs were real, but now don’t exist. The key is getting kindergartners understanding and thinking about the big ideas they learn when they read — and taking that information with them as they grow.
Show me the evidence!
In kindergarten, this really just means finding — and literally pointing to — answers to questions. Your child could show evidence by flipping through the pages and finding the words — or the picture of the scene you asked about.
Related: Watch our Milestones video Does your kindergartner show understanding like this?
Your child’s teacher will emphasize evidence in different ways this year, but the main skills are:
- Asking and answering questions about details in books and showing exactly where those answers show up in the text or illustrations.
- Being able to discern a book’s main point and using the text or images to show how the author makes this point.
- Connect a book’s illustrations to the exact words they illustrate.
Komsomolskaya Pravda
Yulia Danilchenko
April 2, 2021 10:59
-immunologist Eleanor Belan gave advice on how to form strong immunity child [video]
Should the child go to kindergarten or not? This is especially noticeable after a six-month break due to the pandemic: while kindergartens were closed, the kids practically did not get sick. Parents rejoiced, but as soon as the children returned to the groups, the attack of all kinds of viruses seems to have doubled. Some fundamentally do not want to take children to these "hotbeds of infections." What to do? Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Immunology and Allergology, Volg State Medical University, Allergist-Immunologist Eleonora Belan is in a hurry to reassure Volgograd residents: it is normal to get sick in childhood.
HARMFUL PRACTICE - DEprive a child of kindergarten
Meduniver launched a media project "Call a professor!". It's about immunity. In the third issue, Professor Eleonora Belan answered the main questions that concern parents of preschoolers.
“After two years, my child began to get sick all the time. Something went wrong? - This question is more often heard by doctors from young parents. What is the reason? Should I refuse to attend kindergarten?
The simple answer is no.
- A child comes into the world knowing absolutely nothing about it. He cannot read, and his immune system has no information about the environment. In order to learn how to interact, a growing organism must undergo a course of study.
First it happens at home, and then in kindergarten. The child literally learns the world: when getting acquainted with new products, on the street, surrounded by other children.
- What to do about infections? There are two strategies. For infections that are accompanied by a severe course and complications, a new generation of vaccine preparations (hepatitis B, DTP, and others) have been developed. And there are infections of the lungs, which most do not cause complications, side effects. It is a pernicious practice to deprive a child of kindergarten so that he does not get sick. From the immunological point of view, we get that the child comes to school, and the whole process, which should have taken place several years ago, is launched at school. Only the consequences will be different: the child lags behind classmates and leads a different lifestyle. What do you need? Physiological nutrition, comfortable clothes comfortable clothes with normal thermoregulation, adequate sleep
“Why do little children get sick so often?”: a professor told Volgograd residents
“After two years, my child began to get sick all the time. What went wrong? " - This question is more often heard by doctors from young parents. What is the reason? Should I skip kindergarten? How to take care of the baby so that he grows up healthy?
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tax deduction, the right not to be vaccinated and not to donate money, transfer
Almost 85% of children aged 3 to 6 go to kindergarten.
Natalia Bogatyreva
Author profile
Younger children also often go to kindergarten: 42% of children from 1.5 to 3 years old, that is, almost half. True, these are general data for Russia. The situation varies greatly across regions. If in Ingushetia only 6.3% of children go to kindergartens, then in the Komi Republic - 86%.
Parents can send their child to kindergarten even earlier: according to the law, nursery groups are taken from 2 months. There the child should be fed, put to bed, provided with toys and taught useful things. Parents can choose a private kindergarten, but in any case, the state is obliged to find a free place for the child in a municipal one. And next to the house, and not ten kilometers away.
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Save the cards with the list of rights and the table with links to the laws. Or add the selection to your bookmarks if you are planning a child or preparing for kindergarten.
Send the child to a nursery from 2 months
Foundation. Federal Law on education art. 67 hours 1
How it works. Kindergarten groups are opened for very young children in kindergartens. They can accept a child from 2 months. Not all kindergartens have such groups, and not all nurseries have free places. But still, in many regions, separate buildings are even being built for this purpose on the territory of kindergartens. That is, there is such an opportunity theoretically - a mother who needs to go to work can give a very small child under the supervision of specialists.
You need to apply and wait. Indicate in the application that you want to enroll your child in nursery school as soon as possible. He will be accepted into the kindergarten as soon as there is a place.
Usually children are sent to kindergarten at 3 years old - but this age is not specified anywhere in the law. Just at this time, the right of one of the parents to be on parental leave ends - then the employer is not obliged to keep the place. However, not all families can or want to use the full three-year decree. Therefore, children can be sent to kindergarten earlier.
It doesn't matter if the baby is potty trained, weaned or not. Mom can come and feed the child during breaks at work. And they will change his diapers even without his mother.
cm. Also:
- How much does Babitter
- do how to get in line in kindergarten
- How to arrange a child in kindergarten: Step -by -step instruction
Selected articles for parents
All that you are wanted to know about children and money - in our mailing list twice a week along with other materials about money
Leave work to feed a child
Foundation. Labor Code of the Russian Federation Art. 258
How it works. Women have the right to leave work to breastfeed their children. At the same time, they do not lose in wages. Paid nursing breaks can be taken by any woman if she has a child under one and a half years old. To apply for them, you need to write an application and submit it to the employer.
Breaks must be given every three hours - at least 30 minutes. If there are two children, breaks are increased to an hour. You can use them separately, or you can combine them into one big break. If a woman has an eight-hour working day, she has the right to at least two breaks. That is, she can come to work an hour later, or leave for a long lunch break, or go home an hour earlier.
Feeding breaks are paid in the amount of average earnings. At the same time, the salary and bonus for the last year of work are taken into account.
The right to such breaks remains even if the child goes to kindergarten and eats there. Mom should still be given breaks for feeding - without a decrease in salary. No one should care how she actually spends this time.
See also:
- Rights on maternity leave: how women can protect their rights on maternity leave
- How to get a three-year-old mother to arrange a reduced working day
- 7 legal ways to work less
Send the child to a kindergarten near the house
Foundation. Federal Law on education art. 67 hours 3
How it works. Education in Russia should be accessible to everyone - regardless of citizenship, wealth, or place of residence. This accessibility should also be territorial. Parents should not take their children to a free kindergarten on the other side of the city, where they have to travel with transfers.
A place in a kindergarten is supposed to be allocated to families who live in the territory assigned to it. Everything is beautifully spelled out in the law, but in practice it does not always work as intended. For example, in a kindergarten near the house there may not be places for a year in advance. Or the child is not put in the queue due to the lack of registration at the place of residence - propiska. It shouldn't be like this, but it happens.
In such situations, one must not give up and defend one's rights. Sometimes it helps to contact the administration and talk. But sometimes you have to seek justice in court.
To protect your rights, give the following arguments: among the grounds for refusing to enroll a child in a kindergarten, there is no such thing as the lack of registration at the place of residence. And among the prerequisites for admission to kindergarten, there is no registration either. And education should be public. Therefore, it is necessary to stop discrimination and arrange a child in a kindergarten. These arguments work: read the real story of how a child managed to be placed in a kindergarten without a residence permit.
See also:
- How to get into a kindergarten even if there are no places
- Rights without registration
Take children to the same kindergarten
Foundation. Federal Law on education art. 67 h. 3.1, RF IC art. 56 hours 2
How it works. When there are several small children in the family, it is more convenient to take them to the same kindergarten. Since December 2019, this right has been spelled out directly in the law. If a brother or sister of a child goes to kindergarten, he must be admitted there first. There is no need to specifically negotiate with anyone and look for ways to get into the right kindergarten.
Thanks to the benefit, a child can enter kindergarten earlier than those who applied before him. This benefit is federal, that is, it is valid in any city.
To use the discount, you need to report it when registering for kindergarten. There will be several kindergartens to choose from. One can be indicated as a priority - the one where the eldest child already goes.
See also:
- What assistance is due to large families from the state and how to get it
- Benefits for large families in Moscow
Enroll in kindergarten online
Foundation. Procedure for admission to kindergarten paras. 8 and 9
How it works. All applications for enrolling in a kindergarten can be submitted online - through public services or the portal for Muscovites. This is written in the rules for admission to kindergarten, so it should work everywhere. Even in a small village.
You will need to submit two applications: to join the queue and to enroll in a specific kindergarten, when the administration finds a place and sends a referral. All this can be done online. At public services, at the same time, you can follow the queue for kindergarten. And to change the selected kindergartens if the queue seems to be too long or circumstances have simply changed.
You can also apply in person, no one forbids this option. Choose what is more convenient for you: go to the administration and personally clarify all incomprehensible questions or submit an application without leaving your home.
See also: 9 instant services for obtaining information from the state
Take advantage of enrollment benefits
Reason. FZ No. 2202-1 Art. 44 h. 5, Law No. 3132-1 art. 19 p. 3, Federal Law No. 403-FZ Art. 35 h. 25, Federal Law No. 76-FZ art. 19Clause 6, Federal Law No. 3-FZ Art. 46 h. 6, Federal Law No. 283-FZ art. 3 h. 14, Law No. 1244-1, art. 14, Art. 15, Art. 17, Presidential Decree No. 431, paragraph 1, sub. "b", Presidential Decree No. 1157 p. 1
How it works. Usually places in kindergarten are assigned in turn. They check who wants to go to kindergarten on a particular date. Those who applied earlier are placed at the head of the queue. Therefore, applications for the queue for kindergarten are often submitted immediately after the birth of a child in order to get a place earlier.
But some families have benefits: priority, extraordinary and preferential enrollment. Any of these rights allows you to send your child to kindergarten bypassing the queue. First, children are enrolled with an extraordinary right, then with a priority right, then with a priority right. And then everyone else, in turn.
Benefits for enrolling in kindergarten
Extraordinary right | First right | Right of Preemption |
Prosecutors Judges Employees of the Investigative Committee Chernobyl invalids, accident liquidators, as well as those evacuated and resettled in connection with the Chernobyl accident | Military personnel Policemen Employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, FSSP, FCS, fire service Parents with many children Parents with disabilities Parents of disabled children | Brothers and sisters of children who already go to this kindergarten |
Here's who has an extraordinary right to enroll in kindergarten:
- Prosecutor's employees.
- Judges.
- Employees of the Investigative Committee.
- Chernobyl invalids, accident liquidators, as well as those evacuated and resettled in connection with the Chernobyl accident.
The following groups of people have a priority right:
- Military personnel.
- Police officers.
- Employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, FSSP, FCS, fire service.
- Parents with many children.
- Parents with disabilities.
- Parents of disabled children.
And the preference is for brothers and sisters of children who already go to this kindergarten.
The right to a benefit must be confirmed by documents: a certificate from the place of work, a certificate of disability, a certificate of a victim of radiation exposure, etc.
See also:
- Kindergarten benefits - upon admission and payment
- What benefits are due to single mothers
Do not pay for kindergarten enrollment
Reason. Constitution of the Russian Federation Art. 43 p. 2
How it works. Every child in Russia can receive free pre-school education. This means that he should be given a place in kindergarten. Before school. Neither the Constitution nor the federal law says that this must be done when the child is 3 years old. However, this is logical: after that, the mother will no longer be able to sit with the child on maternity leave. She will have to go to work. Therefore, the President instructed to ensure the availability of preschool education for all children under three years of age by 2021.
If it's time to go to work, but they don't give you a place in the kindergarten, you need to demand it. Even if the child is under three years old and there are no places in the kindergarten. And September 1 is not far away. The administration is obliged to find a free place in a kindergarten, and this kindergarten should not be very far from home. If he refuses, you can go to court. It helps. There should be no enrollment fees.
In some regions, compensation is paid for the lack of a place in a kindergarten. There is no such federal payment, so you need to check with the local social security agency. For example, in the Arkhangelsk region, a benefit in the amount of 2076 R is paid if a child aged 1.5 to 6 does not go to kindergarten due to a lack of places. There is a condition: family income must be less than one and a half living wages.
See also:
- How to get a place in a free day care center
- What to look for when choosing a private day care center
Get cash compensation for parental fees
Foundation. Federal Law on education art. 65
How it works. Despite the fact that pre-school education is free, you still have to pay for kindergarten. Even for the municipal. The fact is that in the kindergarten they not only give education: they also take care of children and feed them. It turns out several thousand a month. This is called the parental care fee.
Parents may be reimbursed for part of the care fee. The amount of compensation is determined by the subjects of the Russian Federation, but there is a minimum. It is set as a percentage of the parental fee paid:
- 20% - for the first child;
- 50% for the second child;
- 70% for the third child and beyond.
Not everyone can get compensation. The subjects of the Russian Federation have the right to pay it only to needy parents. Who needs and who does not, the regions decide for themselves. That is, somewhere, compensation will be paid to all parents, somewhere - to the poor and those with many children.
See also:
- How to get childcare compensation
- Third child allowance
Get a tax deduction
Reason. Tax Code of the Russian Federation Art. 219 p. 1 sub. 2
How it works. If you spend money on tuition fees, the state will return part of the paid personal income tax. Therefore, you can save money - if there are official incomes from which personal income tax is paid, and you spent money on kindergarten.
A tax deduction can be issued if the money is spent:
- for a private kindergarten;
- for paid mugs and sections.
The Parental Care Fee is not an education fee. It will not be possible to issue a tax deduction from it. But you can get a deduction when paying for educational circles - in drawing, music, dancing, football. The main thing is that the organization that conducts classes has a license for educational activities.
With the help of a deduction, you can return 13% of all money spent on the education of a child. Maximum - 6500 R per year. This is 13% of the limit of 50,000 R, which is provided for the cost of education for each child.
cm. Also:
- How to get a tax deduction for training
- How to get a tax deduction for circles in kindergarten
- Tax deductions, if there are children
Do not receive money for toys and repair
9000 foundation foundation . Federal Law on education art. 65 hours 4How it works. The Parental Supervision and Care Fee is the only payment that parents have to pay in kindergarten. Everything that children need for education is paid by the state. That is, children should have toys, sketchbooks, paints and pencils - and they are not supposed to be dumped on them. And their absence is a reason to complain to the administration. Or at least talk to the head of the kindergarten.
Repairs in the kindergarten must also be done at the expense of the budget. There should be sand in the sandboxes, and soap, towels and paper in the toilets. To ensure this is the task of the state, not the parents.
Of course, if parents want the conditions in the kindergarten to be better and better every day, they can donate money to the so-called charitable foundation. This is usually how they collect money from their parents. Because, in fact, it turns out that the toys are old, there are not enough beds, the cubicles do not close, the toilet bowl is broken, and it is blowing from the windows.
Parents themselves decide whether or not to donate money, usually at meetings. But the main thing here is that parents should want it. Nobody can force them. And you can’t punish a child for the fact that his parents didn’t donate something for the needs of the kindergarten. There are no mandatory payments, except for the parental fee, for parents of preschoolers.
See also:
- Is it necessary to donate money for the needs of the group
- What parents do not have to pay for in kindergarten
- What can and cannot be demanded from parents
Do not donate money for gifts
Reason. Civil Code of the Russian Federation Art. 572 para. 1, art. 575 p. 1 sub. 2
How it works. Giving without compensation, does not require anything in return. You can't ask for a gift. If they demand money from you for a gift to the teacher, but you don’t particularly like it or you don’t have money, don’t hand it over. Even if one of the parents then looks askance at you, from the point of view of the law, there can be no claims against you.
Gifts worth more than 3000 R to educators are generally prohibited. The kindergarten employee must refuse such a gift.
If everyone chipped in for gifts for children on New Year's Eve, it's harder to refuse. By law, you are not required to give money back. But you will have to explain to the child why he was left without a gift. No one is obliged to give him anything at the expense of other parents. You can buy a gift yourself, and then give it to the teacher.
All questions about gifts are usually decided at meetings or delegated to the parent committee.
cm. Also:
- How to keep records of money in the parent committee
- How to prevent the parent committee from ruining
- Gift to the official: what is considered a bribe
to go to paid circles at the choice of
Foundation. Rules for the provision of paid educational services
How it works. Kindergarten can organize several circles or sections and take money for them. You can go there if you wish. Parents have the right to refuse paid circles that take place in the same kindergarten where their child goes. No one can force them and somehow connect the right to attend kindergarten with attending paid circles. If there is a swimming pool in the kindergarten for money, you are not obliged to take the child there. If all the girls go to paid gymnastics, you may not send your daughter there.
You can also not pay if a children's theater comes to the kindergarten or a photographer comes: these are additional services. Just because everyone is ordering squirrel and mushroom photos doesn't mean you should too.
But if you still decide to take your child to kindergarten circles, their cost must be approved and published on the website - every kindergarten has it. Look for the section on paid services. Sometimes this is really beneficial: a speech therapist, an English teacher or a coach can work with a child right in the garden.
See also: How much does it cost to send a child to ballroom dancing
Do not pay for security
Reason. Federal Law on education art. 28 h. 6, art. 41 h. 1 p. 8
How it works. Kindergarten is obliged to ensure the safety of children. This means that the building must be reliable, the playground must be fenced, fire extinguishers must be in good working order, and educators must be able to provide first aid. One of the requirements for the safety of children in kindergarten is the presence of security guards.
How security should be organized depends on the category of kindergarten in terms of anti-terrorism legislation. The more children in kindergarten, the higher the category. There are three of them in total. You can find out the category of your kindergarten from the head.
Any kindergarten should have round-the-clock security, an alarm system and a panic button to quickly call the police. For kindergartens of the first and second categories, there is an additional requirement: employees of private or state security organizations must provide security. In kindergartens of the third category, a watchman or janitor may be responsible for security. However, there must be a guard in any case.
Ensuring the safety of children in kindergarten is the task of the state and municipalities. Parents don't have to pay for this. If security is not provided, but money is required, there is a reason to complain to the prosecutor's office.
But the administration of the kindergarten can offer parents to increase the level of security. For example, if, according to the law, only a watchman is required for this category of kindergarten, you can additionally install video surveillance cameras and hire a professional security guard, and divide the areas of different groups with fences so that the smallest children do not scatter. Such improvements are paid for by parents or sponsors, but only voluntarily. Then payments for protection will appear - because the parents themselves wanted it that way.
See also: Child safety in kindergarten and school
Claim damages
Reason. Civil Code of the Russian Federation Art. 1068
How it works. Educators are responsible for the safety of children in kindergarten. Children are under their supervision. If something happens to the child, the kindergarten will be responsible. For example, if a child fell and broke his arm. Or pinched his finger in the child's locker door. Or he has suffered moral harm due to bullying by peers or staff.
If a child is injured, compensation can be collected from the kindergarten:
- Treatment costs. This is the cost of visiting a doctor, tests, medicines. All expenses must be confirmed by checks and prescriptions from the doctor.
- Moral damage. These are your experiences due to the fact that the child suffered. And the experiences of the child himself.
If your child was injured while in kindergarten, first write a statement to the principal and ask for compensation for the damage. Attach copies of medical bills to verify expenses. If this does not help, go to court.
See also: Who will pay for the child's injury in kindergarten
Decide who will pick up the child
Reason. Civil Code of the Russian Federation Art. 185.1
How it works. An agreement with a kindergarten is concluded by one of the parents. But both mom and dad can pick up the child from the kindergarten and take him there in the morning. No special documents are needed for this. The kindergarten has a copy of the birth certificate, which indicates who the parents of the child are. Even if the parents are not married, both of them can come for the children.
Other relatives or a nanny can pick up the child from the kindergarten. For example, if the kindergarten finishes working earlier than the parents. To do this, you need to write out a power of attorney - the usual one, by hand. You don't have to go to a notary. Be sure to notify the kindergarten about who will pick up the child.
The contract with the kindergarten may have additional requirements. For example, that only people over 16 can pick up a child.
See also: Your rights if you have children
Take care of the child at home
Founding. Federal Law on education art. 17 h. 1 p. 2, art. 64 h. 3, Order of work of kindergartens p. 3
How it works. The law guarantees the general availability and free of charge of preschool education. But it does not oblige parents to send their child to kindergarten. Parents choose for themselves: to send their child to a free or private kindergarten, or to study with him at home. If you choose the latter option, there will be no restrictions on admission to the first class. There is no compulsory program for preschoolers either.
The law provides that education can be received both in educational institutions and outside them - for example, in family education. In this case, the child does not go to kindergarten, but studies at home, with parents, grandparents or a nanny.
The state should help parents who choose family education. They have the right to free methodological and psychological-pedagogical assistance, consultations on the organization of education. If you want to know how to deal with a child at home, so that everyone is comfortable, which programs to choose, check with the education department of the local administration where you can get such help. There you also need to apply for the choice of family education.
See also: Family education rights
Skip classes
Reason. Federal Law on education art. 43 h. 5, Art. 61
How it works. Parents are not required to take their child to kindergarten every day. You can skip classes in kindergarten. For this they will not be expelled and will not be punished. There is no such basis for expulsion from kindergarten in the law.
Of course, it is better to try to follow the daily routine so that the child comes to kindergarten by the beginning of classes and has time to sleep and eat. But if you need to pick up a child from kindergarten at lunchtime and take it to classes in a sports section or a music school, no one will forbid it.
If the child is absent for a long time, an application to the head of the kindergarten may be required. The educators make sure that everything is in order with the children, and the educators are monitored by the administration. Therefore, such reports are checked. In the kindergarten, they must be sure that the child is alive and well and you don’t have to worry about him.
There is usually no charge for missed days of class. However, this depends on the terms in the contract. For example, in private kindergartens there may be a limit on how many days you can pick up a child from kindergarten and not pay for education.
If the child has not gone to kindergarten for several days, they may ask for a certificate from the pediatrician that the child has not been ill. Exactly how many days you can miss should be written in the contract with the kindergarten. Sanpin for kindergartens has a five-day rule, but it is valid only until January 1, 2021. Therefore, you need to be guided by the rules of the kindergarten where your child goes.
See also:
- Free online courses for children
- 10 kindergartens in Moscow with an atypical program
Get your child vaccinated free of charge
Reason. FZ No. 157-FZ art. 5 p. 1 para. 4, Immunization schedule
How it works. Vaccinations protect against dangerous infectious diseases: measles, whooping cough, tetanus, seasonal flu. Russia has a national vaccination calendar. If a vaccination is indicated in it, it must be given free of charge. Free vaccinations are given under the CHI program at the clinic.
The vaccine will be given with the vaccine purchased and brought to the clinic. Even if different vaccines are allowed for use, it is not always possible to choose in a polyclinic. You either have to wait until the right vaccine appears, or go to private clinics. But in any case, you can count on a free vaccination at a polyclinic with one of the vaccines allowed in Russia.
Sometimes vaccinations are given right in the kindergarten - at the request of the parents. It's also free.
See also:
- How to be treated under the CHI policy for free
- What vaccinations are given to children and how much it costs
Taking a child to kindergarten without vaccinations
2 Reason.

How it works. To be vaccinated or not is a personal matter for each person. Parents decide these issues for kindergarteners. If they think that vaccinations are not necessary, that is their right. There are other situations: when parents would be happy to vaccinate a child, but due to medical exemptions they cannot do it. All this should not be an obstacle for a child to attend kindergarten. Since vaccinations are voluntary, unvaccinated children have every right to go to kindergarten along with everyone else.
But still, there are cases when unvaccinated children may not be allowed into kindergarten. For example, if there are children in the group who have not been vaccinated against polio, and one of the children was recently vaccinated with a live vaccine - drops in the mouth. In order for an unvaccinated child to definitely not get infected, he will have to move to another group or stay at home for two months.
The Mantoux test is not a vaccination, there are different rules for it. With its help, tuberculosis is diagnosed. For many regions of Russia, this is an urgent problem, there is a risk of getting sick. Therefore, diagnostics is required. The Mantoux test is done every year. If a child does not have test results, they may not be allowed into kindergarten.
Many parents are unhappy, do not want to do a Mantoux test and go to a phthisiatrician. But the Supreme Court has already said what it thinks about this: diagnostics are mandatory. Instead of a Mantoux test, you can do a diaskintest or go for an x-ray - the main thing is to have a certificate from the doctor that everything is in order. If the child has not been diagnosed, he may not be allowed to see other children. He has the right to education, and the rest have the right to feel safe in the kindergarten.
See also: I'm afraid that a child with HIV or tuberculosis may go to our kindergarten
Transfer the child to another kindergarten
Reason. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 1527
How it works. Children go to kindergarten until they are 6-7 years old. During this time, the family can move to another district or to another city. Or it’s just that the child becomes uncomfortable in the kindergarten where he goes. Therefore, the kindergarten can be changed.
To transfer, you need to apply again to the education department of your municipal administration. There, the child will be registered again and offered free places in other kindergartens for transfer. From the former kindergarten, you will need to pick up the child’s medical documents that are stored there.
When transferring, benefits for enrollment are taken into account.
Open a family kindergarten
Founding. Working order of kindergartens p. 13, Letter of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 08-364
How it works. Family groups can be created in kindergartens. They are also called family kindergartens. This means that some of the children will not study in kindergarten with thirty other children, but at home, in conditions close to family education. A teacher in a family group can be one of the parents - he becomes a kindergarten worker and receives a salary. Family gardens can be created by parents with many children. They can take a few more children of preschool age with their children, if their parents do not mind. Usually there are 3 to 5 children in a group.
It works like this: a parent who has become a teacher in a family kindergarten works with children at home. Children are listed as pupils of the kindergarten, but most of the time they spend at home with the teacher. They can walk on the playground in the garden and come to common events, such as the New Year tree. They may also attend some activities with the rest of the children, such as physical education or music.
Food will be brought to children from the kindergarten, from the common kitchen, if the apartment or house of the caregiver is nearby.