Cardinal number list

Cardinal Numbers - Meaning, Examples, Sets

Cardinal numbers are numbers that are used for counting. They are also known as natural numbers or cardinals. A set of cardinal numbers starts from 1 and it goes on up to infinity. We use cardinal numbers to answer the question "how many?". For example, how many students are going to the school picnic? The answer could be any number like 20, 23, 30, etc. So, all these numbers come in the category of cardinal numbers. In this article, we will explore the world of cardinal numbers and understand the difference between cardinal and ordinal numbers.

1. What are Cardinal Numbers?
2. Difference Between Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers
3. List of Cardinal Numbers from 1 to 100
4. Cardinal Numbers of a Set
5. FAQs on Cardinal Numbers

What are Cardinal Numbers?

A cardinal number describes or represents how many of something are present. Example 2 apples, 5 flowers, etc. It quantifies an object. It does not have values as fractions or decimals. Cardinal numbers are counting numbers, they help to count the number of items. Let's have a look at cardinal numbers examples. Ana wants to count the number of people standing in a queue at a billing counter. Can you help her? Ana started to count using Natural numbers.

Ana counted 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. There are 5 people standing in a queue at the billing counter. Counting numbers are cardinal numbers! Now, Let's consider another example, Noah kept eight apples in a basket. The number eight denotes how many apples are there in the basket, irrespective of their order.

Examples of cardinal numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and so on. The smallest cardinal number is 1 as 0 is not used for counting, so it is not a cardinal number.

Difference Between Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers

All the natural numbers are also referred to as cardinal numbers. Cardinal numbers are used for counting. While an ordinal number is a number that denotes the position or place of an object. Example: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc. Ordinal numbers are used for ranking. Here is an example that explains cardinal and ordinal numbers:

In the above image, we can see a team of 4 workers on the construction site. This is an example of cardinal numbers.

In the above image, we can see the position of the runners in the running event. First, second, third, and so on. This is an example of ordinal numbers. Let's discuss ordinal and cardinal number differences in the table below:

Cardinal Numbers Ordinal Numbers
They are counting numbers that represent quantity. They are based on the rank or position of an object in a given list or order.
Cardinal numbers give us the answer of 'how many?'. Ordinal numbers give us the answer of 'where'. For instance, where does the object lies in the list?
Examples are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, etc. Examples are 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 10th, etc.

List of Cardinal Numbers from 1 to 100

Given below are the basic and most important cardinal numbers, which form the base for other counting numbers.

1 - One 6 - Six
2 - Two 7 - Seven
3 - Three 8 - Eight
4 - Four 9 - Nine
5 - Five 10 - Ten
10 - Ten 60 - Sixty
20 - Twenty 70 - Seventy
30 - Thirty 80 - Eighty
40 - Forty 90 - Ninety
50 - Fifty 100 - Hundred

Given below is the list of all cardinal numbers from 1 to 100. It will also help you to see how we write cardinal numbers in words like 21- twenty-one.

Cardinal Numbers of a Set

In the case of a set, the cardinal number is the total number of elements present in it. In other words, the number of distinct elements present in a set is the cardinal number of the set. The cardinal number of a set A is represented as n(A). For example, the cardinal number of set W = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9} is n(W)=5, as there are 5 elements in it.

Think Tank:

  • Maria wrote January 1, 2020, as today’s date in her notebook. Does the number 1 in the date, represent a cardinal number?
  • There are _______ people in the line ahead of me. I am the 7th person in the line.

Important Notes:

  • Cardinal numbers help us to count the number of things or people in or around a place or a group.
  • The collection of all the ordinal numbers can be denoted by the cardinal.
  • Cardinal numbers can be written as words such as one, two, three, etc.
  • Cardinal numbers tell how many items, whereas ordinal numbers show position or ranking.

Related Articles

Check out these interesting articles to know more about cardinal numbers and its related articles.

  • Ordinal Numbers
  • Whole Numbers
  • Natural Numbers
  • Difference Between Natural and Whole Numbers


Cardinal Numbers Examples

  1. Example 1: Kate has a list of numbers as shown - 7, 8th, 10, Two, Fourth, 2nd. Identify the cardinal numbers.


    7, 10 and two help us in counting, whereas 8th, fourth and 2nd helps us in identifying the position. Thus, 7, 10, and two are cardinal numbers.

  2. Example 2: Help Ryan, to calculate the number of vowels in "NUMBERS". Also, identify the number of alphabets used to form this word.


    (i) We know that a, e, i, o, and u are the vowels and in the given word u and e are used. Therefore, 2 vowels are used to form this number (2 is the required cardinal number).

    (ii) We start counting from N to S, we see that "Numbers" has 7 alphabets in all. Therefore, a total of 7 alphabets are required to form the given word and here 7 is a cardinal number.

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FAQs on Cardinal Numbers

What is a Cardinal Number Example?

Cardinal numbers are used for counting. Some examples of cardinal numbers are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, etc. In our daily life, we use cardinal numbers a lot. Even a small child uses this mathematical concept without knowing the term for it. They do count how many toys they have, how many people are there around them, how many friends they have, how many subjects do they study at school, etc.

What is the Smallest Cardinal Number?

The smallest cardinal number is 1 (one) as whenever we count, we always start from 1.

How do you Find Cardinal Numbers?

Cardinal numbers can be found by counting. We start by 1 and then go on as per the number sequence.

How is Cardinal Number Different from the Ordinal Number?

Cardinal numbers are numbers that represent the number of items(quantity) while ordinal numbers represent the rank or position of an item in the given list.

What is a Cardinal Number in Sets?

In set A, if there are a total of 25 elements then 25 is the cardinal number of set A represented by n(A).

Can Cardinal Numbers Negative?

No, cardinal numbers cannot be negative. They are positive integers or natural numbers, as we always count the number of items starting from number 1, and then it goes up to infinity.

Is Zero a Cardinal Number?

No, 0 is not a cardinal number as cardinal numbers represent quantity, and 0 means nothing or no quantity.

What is the Biggest Cardinal Number?

There are infinite natural numbers. Therefore, there are as many cardinal numbers as natural numbers. There can be no generalization of the biggest natural number and so does for the biggest cardinal number.

Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers Chart

Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers Chart

A Cardinal Number is a number that says how many of something there are, such as one, two, three, four, five.

An Ordinal Number is a number that tells the position of something in a list, such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th etc.

Most ordinal numbers end in "th" except for:

  • one ⇒ first (1st)
  • two ⇒ second (2nd)
  • three ⇒ third (3rd)


Cardinal   Ordinal
1One   1stFirst
2Two   2ndSecond
3Three   3rdThird
4Four   4thFourth
5Five   5thFifth
6Six   6thSixth
7Seven   7thSeventh
8Eight   8thEighth
9Nine   9thNinth
10Ten   10thTenth
11Eleven   11thEleventh
12Twelve   12thTwelfth
13Thirteen   13thThirteenth
14Fourteen   14thFourteenth
15Fifteen   15thFifteenth
16Sixteen   16thSixteenth
17Seventeen   17thSeventeenth
18Eighteen   18thEighteenth
19Nineteen   19thNineteenth
20Twenty   20thTwentieth
21Twenty one   21stTwenty-first
22Twenty two   22ndTwenty-second
23Twenty three   23rdTwenty-third
24Twenty four   24thTwenty-fourth
25Twenty five   25thTwenty-fifth
30Thirty   30th Thirtieth
31Thirty one   31stThirty-first
32 Thirty two   32nd Thirty-second
33 Thirty three   33rd Thirty-third
34 Thirty four   34th Thirty-fourth
40Forty   40thFortieth
50Fifty   50thFiftieth
60Sixty   60thSixtieth
70Seventy   70thSeventieth
80Eighty   80thEightieth
90Ninety   90thNinetieth
100One hundred   100thHundredth
1000One thousand   1000thThousandth


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Cardinal numbers: digits, spelling. Numeral POL

  • Digits
  • Spelling of cardinal numbers
  • Soft sign in numerals
  • Numeral LOL
  • Syntactic role

Cardinal numbers are numerals denoting numbers and amounts of objects. Cardinal numbers answer the question how much? :

one, seven, one hundred and five .

Cardinal numbers change according to cases, but do not change according to numbers and genders. The exception is the numerals one, two, both, one and a half , which change by childbirth:

One - one,

Two - two,

Both - both,

- one and a half 11;

and numerals one, thousand, million, billion , which change by numbers:

one - one,

thousand - thousand,

million - millions,

billion - billions .

Cardinal numbers are characterized by specific compatibility with nouns:

  • After the numeral one (one, one) nouns stand in the nominative singular :

    one friend one cup , one case .

    The numeral one is consistent with nouns in all cases:

    one friend, one friend, one friend, one friend, about one friend .

  • After the numerals two, three, four nouns are in the genitive singular :

    two friends , three bananas , four birches .

    After all other numerals, nouns stand in the genitive plural :

    seven friends , forty bananas , one hundred birches .

    In all cases, except for the nominative, the numerals will agree with the nouns:

    no two friends, approached two friends, proud of two friends, talked about two friends .


Cardinal numbers are divided into digits:

  1. Integers (denoting an integer):

    one, twenty-five, one hundred .

  2. Fractional (denoting a fractional number):

    three fifths, one eighth .

    Fractional numbers consist of two parts: the first part is the numerator of the fraction is a cardinal number in the nominative case, the second part is the denominator of is the ordinal number in the genitive plural:

    If the numerator is 1 or 2 , then the feminine form is used:

    one tenth, two sevenths .

    Fractional numbers are written separately.

    In colloquial speech, some fractional numbers have specific names:

    one second - half , one third - third , one fourth - quarter .

    Nouns after fractional numbers are always put in the genitive singular:

    half an apple, three fourths of the area, a quarter of a kilogram .

    The word and a half also belongs to fractional numbers, which has only two forms:
    M. and Wed. genus J. Rod
    I., V. One and a half FILE
    R., D., T., P. 9011 9019
  3. Collective (total 11 pieces):

    two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten ;

    both (both, both), both (both).

    Collective numerals denote the number of persons or objects as a single group, something united and inseparable:

    two sisters, four friends .

    Collective numbers combined:

    • With nouns that are used only in the plural:

      two points, three sleds .

    • With masculine nouns denoting people and baby animals:

      three friends, five kittens .

      Regular quantitative nouns can also be combined with these nouns:

      three friends - three friends, five kittens - five kittens .

    • With nouns denoting paired items:

      two socks, three boots .

    • Only the numeral and both can be combined with feminine nouns:

      both sisters, both legs .

    • With personal pronouns:

      there will be six of us .

    After the collective nouns in the nominative case, the noun is placed in the genitive plural :

    two boys , three kittens , five boys .

    After the collective numbers both, both , standing in the nominative case, the noun is put in the genitive singular :

    both boys , both girls .

    The numerals both, both are the only collectives that combine with any nouns denoting countable objects:

    both windows, both cases, both doors, both legs .

Spelling of cardinal numbers

Cardinal numbers ending in -TEN, -STA, -COT , written together:

seventy, four hundred, nine hundred .

The numeral eleven is written with НН from the expression one-on-twenty , where - twenty means ten.

Simple numerals from 5 to 10 and complex numerals, which end at - (from 11 to 20 and 30 ), are written with a soft sign ( b ) at the end:

five, thirty .

When declining these numerals, only their endings change:

five - five, thirty - thirty .

complex numerals that end at -thousand ( 50 -80 ) and at -hundred ( 500 -900 ), are written with a mild sign ( b ) in the middle:

seventy, seventy, seventy, seventy, seven hundred .

Declension changes both parts of these numbers: 90 osta

Soft sign in numerals

Spelling of the soft sign in numerals
in the middle fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, five hundred, six hundred, seven hundred, eight hundred, nine hundred
at the end thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty

Soft sign ь is not written in the middle of the following numbers:

fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen.



Instead of the word half its abbreviated version is often used - floor . The numeral floor with other words can be written together, separately or with a hyphen.

one piece As part of compound words, the second part of which begins with a consonant letter. half past two
half an hour
half a glass
As part of adverbs. half voice
half turn
half voice
hyphenated Before vowels. half an apple
half a watermelon
Before a consonant L . half a lemon
half a liter
Before proper names. half of Moscow
half of Italy
separately If gender has an independent meaning and there is an agreed definition between it and the noun. half a coffee cup

half past three in the night

Syntactic role

In sentences, cardinal numbers can be any member of the sentence. Cardinal numbers with nouns dependent on them are one member of the sentence. For example:

Ten is divisible by two.

Three kittens were playing on the lawn near the house.

After an unexpected defeat, there were nine of us left.

I took out five coins from my pocket.

Extra classes were supposed to start at five o'clock.

Cardinal numbers in English ‹

There are numbers and numbers in any language, so this topic is not considered difficult to understand. The numerals of each language have their own characteristics, which may not be in their native language. Therefore, when studying this part of speech, it is necessary to remember the names of numbers and numbers, as well as cases of their correct use.

English figures

English has 10 digits ( figures ): from 0 to 9. Various combinations of these "numbers" form "numbers". These ten digits in English with transcription are as follows:

  • 0 - zero / ‘ziərəu /;
  • 1 - one / wʌn /;
  • 2 – two / tu: /;
  • 3 – three / θri: /;
  • 4 – four / fɔ: /;
  • 5 - five / faiv /;
  • 6 - six / siks /;
  • 7 – seven / ‘sev(ə)n /;
  • 8 - eight / eit /;
  • 9 – nine / nain /.

Now let's see what numbers we can form with numbers.

Cardinal numbers from 1 to 100

As in Russian, there are numbers in English, with the help of which we count something. They are called "quantitative" ( cardinal numbers ), answer the question "how much?": one - one, two - two. And also there are numerals that are responsible for the order of something when counting. These numbers are called “ordinal” ( ordinal numbers ) and answer the question “what is the number?”: first is the first, second is the second.

  • We advise you to study the article on ordinal numbers in our blog separately.

These are the numbers you can see in English.

1 – one 13 - thin 30 – thirty
2 – two 14 - fourteen 40 – forty
3 – three 15 – fifteen 50 – fifty
4 – four 16 - sixteen 60 – sixty
5 – five 17 - seventeen 70 – seventy
6 – six 18 – eighteen 80 – eighty
7 – seven 19 - nineteen 90 – ninety
8 – eight 20 - twenty 100 – one hundred
9 – nine 21 - twenty-one
10 – ten 22 - twenty-two
11 - eleven 23 - twenty-three
12 – twelve 24 - twenty-four

Look like a native speaker Ronnie says these numbers in English. Try to repeat after her to get used to the correct pronunciation and stress in these words.

Cardinal numbers in English are:

  1. Simple: one (1), three (3), hundred (100), thousand (1000).
  2. Derivatives, that is, those that have the suffixes - teen and - ty : seventeen (17), fifty (50).
  3. Compounds that include two or more words: eight hundred (800), five hundred and forty-three (543), six thousand, three hundred and ninety-nine (6399).

Cardinal numbers from 100 to ...

And this is how cardinal numbers over a hundred are formed.

101 – one hundred and one
102 - one hundred and two
200 – two hundred
300 – three hundred
1000 – one thousand
1001 – one thousand and one
1346 - one thousand, three hundred and forty-six
3000 – three thousand
10 000 – ten thousand
100 000 - one hundred thousand
1,000,000 – one million
1,000,000,000 – one milliard (more common in England) and one billion (more common in USA)

Let's try to do the impossible and write down in words such a number 1 623 457?

1,623,457 = One million , six hundred and twenty-three thousand

According to the classical rules of English, when we write numbers in words, then after each “three” of digits we must put a comma (1. 346 - one thousand, three hundred and forty-six ), but in modern English they may not be separated in writing comma every thousandth place. When we write compound quantitative numbers in digits, we separate every three digits with a comma: 6 , 485 or 15 , 394. But in decimal fractions we use a point - 2.5 or 4.46. And in Russian, everything is completely opposite: we use a comma with fractions, and a dot with digits.

Features of the use of cardinal numbers in English

Let's talk about some features of the use of cardinal numbers.

  1. Look at the numbers from 13 to 19. Did you see a pattern? Yes, these numerals are formed with the help of the suffix - teen from the numerals of the first ten. Watch out for minor spelling changes in 13 ( thirteen ) and 15 ( fifteen ). Pronounce such numbers correctly: the stress will be on this suffix - teen .
  2. Numerals expressing tens are also formed. We work with the numbers of the first ten and the suffix - ty . And notice that there is a hyphen between the tens and subsequent ones ( fifty-five , sixty-three , ninety-one ).
  3. If you were attentive, you must have noticed that the numbers hundred , thousand and million do not have a plural when they are preceded by another number: seven hundred , five thousand , nine million . However, if we are talking about some indefinite amount and a noun follows after the numeral, then the ending - s is possible.

    Millions of people voted in this election. Millions of people voted in this election.

    Three hundred people voted for him. Three hundred people voted for him.

  4. If you come across the phrases "five hundred workers" or "four thousand students", you will certainly want to translate them using the preposition of , but this is not necessary. It is correct to say five hundred workers and four thousand students . When we say “four of my sisters” and mean “four of all my sisters”, “ten of your articles” (ten of all your articles), “three of his colleagues” (three of all his colleagues), we use the preposition of when translating: four of my sisters , ten of your articles , three of his collegues .
  5. In the phrases “thirty-one novels” or “sixty-one weeks”, students think that when translating into English, the words “romance” and “week” should be in the singular. And here it is not. They are translated by plural nouns: thirty-one novels and sixty-one weeks .

As you can see, nothing complicated. This topic is closely related to other numbers that you need to pay attention to:

  • Numbers in English
  • "Ordinal numbers in English"
  • "Dates and Ordinal Numbers in English"
  • Fractional Numbers in English

After reading them, we recommend that you take the general "Test for the use of numerals in English".

Learn more