Three little p
English | The Three Little Pigs
The Three Little Pigs
Mrs Pig was very tired: 'Oh dear,' she said to her three little pigs, 'I can’t do this work anymore, I’m afraid you must leave home and make your own way in the world.' So the three little pigs set off.
The first little pig met a man carrying a bundle of straw.
'Excuse me,' said the first little pig politely. 'Would you please sell some of your straw so I can make a house?'
The man readily agreed and the first little pig went off to find a good place to build his house.
The other little pigs carried on along the road and, soon, they met a man carrying a bundle of sticks.
'Excuse me,' said the little pig politely. 'Would you please sell me some sticks so I can build a house?'
The man readily agreed and the little pig said goodbye to his brother.
The third little pig didn’t think much of their ideas:
'I’m going to build myself a much bigger, better, stronger house,' he thought, and he carried off down the road until he met a man with a cart load of bricks.
'Excuse me,' said the third little pig, as politely as his mother had taught him. 'Please can you sell me some bricks so I can build a house?'
'Of course,' said the man. 'Where would you like me to unload them?'
The third little pig looked around and saw a nice patch of ground under a tree.
'Over there,' he pointed.
They all set to work and by nighttime the house of straw and the house of sticks were built but the house of bricks was only just beginning to rise above the ground. The first and second little pigs laughed, they thought their brother was really silly having to work so hard when they had finished.
However, a few days later the brick house was completed and looked very smartwith shiny windows, a neat little chimney and a shiny knocker on the door.
One starlit night, soon after they had settled in, a wolf came out looking for food. By the light of the moon he espied the first little pig’s house of straw and he sidled up to the door and called:
'Little pig, little pig, let me come in.'
'No, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin!' replied the little pig.
'Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!' said the wolf who was a very big, bad, and a greedy sort of wolf.
And he huffed, and he puffed and blew the house in. But the little pig ran away as fast as his trotters could carry him and went to the second little pig’s house to hide.
The next night the wolf was even hungrier and he saw the house of sticks. He crept up to the door and called:
'Little pig, little pig, let me come in.'
'Oh no, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!' said the second little pig, as the first little pig hid trembling under the stairs.
'Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!' said the wolf.
And he huffed, and he puffed and he blew the house in. But the little pigs ran away as fast as their trotters could carry them and went to the third little pig’s house to hide.
'What did I tell you?' said the third little pig. 'It’s important to build houses properly.' But he welcomed them in and they all settled down for the rest of the night.
The following night the wolf was even hungrier and feeling bigger and badder than ever.
Prowling around, he came to the third little pig’s house. He crept up to the door and called:
'Little pig, little pig, let me come in.'
'Oh no, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin!' said the third little pig, while the first and the second little pigs hid trembling under the stairs.
'Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house in!' said the wolf.
And he huffed, and he puffed and he blew but nothing happened.
So he huffed and he puffed and he blew again, even harder, but still nothing happened. The brick house stood firm.
The wolf was very angry and getting even bigger and even badder by the minute.
'I’m going to eat you all,' he growled, 'just you wait and see.'
He prowled round the house trying to find a way in. The little pigs trembled when they saw his big eyes peering through the window. Then they heard a scrambling sound.
'Quick, quick!' said the third little pig. 'He’s climbing the tree. I think he’s going to come down the chimney.'
The three little pigs got the biggest pan they had, and filled it full of water and put it on the fire to boil. All the time they could hear the sound of the wolf climbing the tree and then walking along the roof.
The little pigs held their breath. The wolf was coming down the chimney. Nearer and nearer he came until, with a tremendous splash, he landed in the pan of water.
'Yoweeeee!' he screamed, and shot back up the chimney thinking his tail was on fire.
The Three Little Pigs - Storynory
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Almost everyone knows the story of The Three Little Pigs – but it’s one of those stories that you can hear again and again. Our audio is based on the version of Joseph Jacobs – in which the wolf huffs and puffs and the pigs exclaim by the hairs of their chiny chin chins.
Read by Natasha. Duration 9.21
There was once a family of pigs. The mother pig was very poor, and so she sent her three little pigs out to seek their fortunes. The first that went off met a man with a bundle of straw, and said to him:
“Please, man, give me that straw to build me a house. ”
Which the man did, and the little pig built a house with it. Presently came along a wolf, and knocked at the door, and said:
“Little pig, little pig, let me come in.”
To which the pig answered:
“No, no, by the hair of my chiny chin chin.”
The wolf then answered to that:
“Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in.”
So he huffed, and he puffed, and he blew his house in, and ate up the little pig.
The second little pig met a man with a bundle of furze, and said:
“Please, man, give me that furze to build a house.”
Which the man did, and the pig built his house. Then along came the wolf, and said:
“Little pig, little pig, let me come in.”
“No, no, by the hair of my chiny chin chin.”
“Then I’ll puff, and I’ll huff, and I’ll blow your house in.”
So he huffed, and he puffed, and he puffed, and he huffed, and at last he blew the house down, and he ate up the little pig.
The third little pig met a man with a load of bricks, and said:
“Please, man, give me those bricks to build a house with. ”
So the man gave him the bricks, and he built his house with them. So the wolf came, as he did to the other little pigs, and said:
“Little pig, little pig, let me come in.”
“No, no, by the hair of my chiny chin chin.”
“Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house in.”
Well, he huffed, and he puffed, and he huffed and he puffed, and he puffed and huffed; but he could not get the house down. When he found that he could not, with all his huffing and puffing, blow the house down, he said:
“Little pig, I know where there is a nice field of turnips.”
“Where?” said the little pig.
“Oh, in Mr Smith’s Home-field, and if you will be ready tomorrow morning I will call for you, and we will go together, and get some for dinner.”
“Very well,” said the little pig, “I will be ready. What time do you mean to go?”
“Oh, at six o’clock.”
Well, the little pig got up at five, and got the turnips before the wolf came (which he did about six) and who said:
“Little Pig, are you ready?”
The little pig said: “Ready! I have been and come back again, and got a nice potful for dinner. ”
The wolf felt very angry at this, but thought that he would be up to the little pig somehow or other, so he said:
“Little pig, I know where there is a nice apple-tree.”
“Where?” said the pig.
“Down at Merry-garden,” replied the wolf, “and if you will not deceive me I will come for you, at five o’clock tomorrow and get some apples.”
Well, the little pig bustled up the next morning at four o’clock, and went off for the apples, hoping to get back before the wolf came; but he had further to go, and had to climb the tree, so that just as he was coming down from it, he saw the wolf coming, which, as you may suppose, frightened him very much. When the wolf came up he said:
“Little pig, what! Are you here before me? Are they nice apples?”
“Yes, very,” said the little pig. “I will throw you down one.”
And he threw it so far, that, while the wolf was gone to pick it up, the little pig jumped down and ran home. The next day the wolf came again, and said to the little pig:
“Little pig, there is a fair at Shanklin this afternoon, will you go?”
“Oh yes,” said the pig, “I will go; what time shall you be ready?”
“At three,” said the wolf. So the little pig went off before the time as usual, and got to the fair, and bought a butter-churn, which he was going home with, when he saw the wolf coming. Then he could not tell what to do. So he got into the churn to hide, and by so doing turned it round, and it rolled down the hill with the pig in it, which frightened the wolf so much, that he ran home without going to the fair. He went to the little pig’s house, and told him how frightened he had been by a great round thing which came down the hill past him. Then the little pig said:
“Hah, I frightened you, then. I had been to the fair and bought a butter-churn, and when I saw you, I got into it, and rolled down the hill.”
Then the wolf was very angry indeed, and declared he would eat up the little pig, and that he would get down the chimney after him. When the little pig saw what he was about, he hung on the pot full of water, and made up a blazing fire, and, just as the wolf was coming down, took off the cover, and in fell the wolf; so the little pig put on the cover again in an instant, boiled him up, and ate him for supper, and lived happy ever afterwards.
Once upon a time when pigs spoke rhyme
And monkeys chewed tobacco,
And hens took snuff to make them tough,
And ducks went quack, quack, quack, O!
Musical and dramatic
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or when toys come to life
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fairy tale by S.

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10 DEC Sat. 12:00THREE BEARS
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About safety at water bodies in winter
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Winter has come, and ponds and rivers have frozen with cold weather. A misleading impression of a carefree holiday on the ice can be created, which at any moment can turn into a tragedy, so do not forget about safety measures on the water
Irina Ch.
Galina B.lu_bushkina
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History of Theater
Moscow Children's Music and Drama Theater "Generation" is a new name on the theatrical map of the capital, but a name with a fascinating and rich history.
The name of the Theater - "Generation" - is very symbolic in the context of the very history of the theater's creation. In 2022, two successful theaters - the Moscow Children's Musical Theater under the direction of Gennady Chikhachev and the Moscow Drama Theater Soprichastnost - each with its own audience, a built artistic concept, a perspective and a well-coordinated acting team, were united under the Generation brand. And, quite unexpectedly, both teams were imbued not with a cold feeling of formal unification (which, admittedly, took place in a similar case in a number of Moscow theaters), but with a warm feeling of unification of kindred artistic organisms. First of all, the generational closeness of the founders of the theaters: Gennady Chikhachev and Igor Sirenko played a big role here. Two Honored Artists of Russia, two Honored Artists of Russia, who created their theaters from scratch, from studio organizations, were brought up in the best traditions of the Russian stage, and both adhered to the principles of psychological theater...
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OGAUK Irkutsk Academic Drama Theatre.

ten December Saturday
Halam-Bundu, or Hostages of Love
Yuriy Polyakov, production - merit. art. Russia Gennady Gushchin
Duration: 2 h. 40 min.
18.30 Main Stage
The plot of this comedy story is unusual. Post-perestroika time. A “new Russian” businessman unexpectedly appears in the apartment of a professor of comparative mythology and, hiding from the killers, takes hostage the family of a prominent scientist with his neighbors to boot. Forced to endure each other in the same space, people of different material wealth, education, views on life and human dignity, through laughter and tears, learn to understand each other.
Eugene Onegin
Alexander Pushkin, production - Alexei Orlov (I)
Duration: 1 hour 20 min.
18.30, Chamber Stage
Pushkin worked on this novel for more than seven years. In the performance of the Irkutsk Academic Theater, young artists easily, funny, recklessly, excitingly tell the audience about the first hopes and disappointments, the beauty of love, the reasonableness of life experience and the situation of choosing between duty and feeling that happens in the life of every person.
eleven December Sunday
Romeo and Juliet
William Shakespeare, production - Gennady Shaposhnikov
Duration: 2 hours 0 min.
18.30 Main stage
Only love. From century to century.
Old-fashioned comedy
Alexey Arbuzov, production - Olga Rumyantseva
Duration: 1 hour 20 min.
18.30, Chamber stage
“Old-fashioned comedy” is a story that has no statute of limitations, because when two people meet, a man and a woman, something must definitely happen… Even if they are completely different! One of the most lyrical, bright and pure stories on the theater stage, awakening feelings and making you cry with happiness.
16 December Friday
Old fashioned comedy
Target audience: Vostsibugol
Alexey Arbuzov, production - Olga Rumyantseva
Duration: 1 h. 20 min.
17.00, Main Stage
"Old-fashioned comedy" is a story that has no statute of limitations, because when two people meet, a man and a woman, something must definitely happen... Even if they are completely different! One of the most lyrical, bright and pure stories on the theater stage, awakening feelings and making you cry with happiness.
From evening to noon
Viktor Rozov, production - Stanislav Maltsev
Duration: 2 h. 20 min.
18.30, Chamber Stage
Many of us know the feeling when there are suddenly more questions in life than answers. So the heroes of the play "From Evening to Noon", who stopped at the point of disappointment, are faced with a choice - to live with thoughts about their good past or go forward, overcoming the obstacles that they themselves have built.
17 December Saturday
Rescheduled: 01/21/23
Rescheduled from: 12/17/22
Ken Ludwig, staged by Stanislav Maltsev
Duration: 2 hours 50 min.
18.30, Main stage
Two young artists from England have been touring America for many years to acquaint the viewer with the work of Shakespeare. However, everything is unsuccessful, their troupe is gradually becoming smaller, things are getting worse. And suddenly, in the next town, the guys accidentally stumble upon an ad in the local newspaper that a rich old woman is dying and looking for her nieces. This is where the main intrigue begins - our heroes transform into ladies and go to the house of their "beloved aunt", where incredible adventures and, of course, love await them!
French lessons
Valentin Rasputin, production - Ivan Gushchin
Duration: 1 h. 0 min.
18.30, Chamber stage
The story of a village boy who found himself away from his parents in a difficult, hungry post-war period. How to find your place in the sun? How to cope alone with children's and non-children's problems? And who will lend a helping hand, albeit to a completely independent will of fate, but still to a child? This is a story about kindness and how saving human participation can be for us, about mercy and true friendship, about childhood and about something gone that should not be forgotten.
eighteen December Sunday
Lion in Winter
James Goldman, production - Gennady Gushchin
Duration: 2 h. 30 min.
18.30, Main stage
The English kingdom at the beginning of the 12th century. Serious passions unfold in the palace. All members of the royal family, led by the first ruler of the Plantagenet dynasty, Henry II, become participants in insidious conspiracies, behind-the-scenes games, and family intrigues. Three heirs and the exiled Queen Elinor join the fight for the throne. Here, everyone craves power, and for this, everyone is ready to betray and transgress through the life of a loved one. But is this blood feud going on only because of the crown of England? Perhaps the personal tragedies of the heroes are behind this? Childish resentment, jealousy, the pain of betrayal, deceived hopes, desperate love - this is what drives not kings and princes, but living people.
Eldest son
Alexander Vampilov, production - Gennady Shaposhnikov
Duration: 2 h. 40 min.
18.30, Chamber stage
Modern youth is used to demanding, everyone owes them: friends, teachers, parents... And few people know that before you get something, you need to give something of equal value. You are always surrounded by close people, and, nevertheless, there is no one to open your soul, to speak out, there is no one for whom just to feel needed?
twenty December Tuesday
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
11.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
13.30, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
21 December Wednesday
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
11.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
Wizard of Oz
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 h. 0 min.
13.30, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
22 December Thursday
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
11.00, Main Stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
13.30, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
23 December Friday
Wizard of Oz
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 h. 0 min.
11.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
13.30, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
Ivan Vasilievich's New Year's Eve
production - Yakov Voronov
Duration: 1 h. 0 min.
18.30, Main stage
To the 100th anniversary of Leonid Gaidai
24 December Saturday
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
11.00, Main Stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
13.30, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
Ivan Vasilyevich's New Year's Eve
staging - Yakov Voronov
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
18.30, Main stage
To the 100th anniversary of Leonid Gaidai
25 December Sunday
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
11.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artem Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
13.30, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
Ivan Vasilyevich's New Year's Eve
staging - Yakov Voronov
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
18.30, Main stage
To the 100th anniversary of Leonid Gaidai
26 December Monday
Wizard of Oz
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 h. 0 min.
11.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
13.30, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
Ivan Vasilievich's New Year's Eve
production - Yakov Voronov
Duration: 1 h. 0 min.
18.30, Main stage
To the 100th anniversary of Leonid Gaidai
27 December Tuesday
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
11.00, Main Stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
13.30, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
Ivan Vasilyevich's New Year's Eve
staging - Yakov Voronov
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
18.00, Main stage
To the 100th anniversary of Leonid Gaidai
28 December Wednesday
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
11.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
13.30, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
Ivan Vasilyevich's New Year's Eve
staging - Yakov Voronov
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
18.30, Main stage
To the 100th anniversary of Leonid Gaidai
29 December Thursday
Wizard of Oz
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 h. 0 min.
11. 00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
13.30, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
Ivan Vasilyevich's New Year
Target audience: Regional hospital
performance - Yakov Voronov
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
18.30, Main stage
To the 100th anniversary of Leonid Gaidai
thirty December Friday
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
11.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
13.30, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
16.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
2 January Monday
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
11.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
Wizard of Oz
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 h. 0 min.
13.30, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
16.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
3 January Tuesday
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
11.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
13.30 Main Stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
16.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
four January Wednesday
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artem Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
11.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
13.30, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artem Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
16.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
5 January Thursday
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
11.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
13.30, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
Ivan Vasilyevich's New Year's Eve
staging - Yakov Voronov
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
18.30, Main stage
To the 100th anniversary of Leonid Gaidai
6 January Friday
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
11.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
13.30 Main Stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
Ivan Vasilyevich's New Year's Eve
staging - Yakov Voronov
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
18.30, Main stage
To the 100th anniversary of Leonid Gaidai
7 January Saturday
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artem Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
11.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
13.30, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artem Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
16.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
eight January Sunday
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
11.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
13.30, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
Ivan Vasilyevich's New Year's Eve
staging - Yakov Voronov
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
18.30, Main stage
To the 100th anniversary of Leonid Gaidai
13 January Friday
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
11.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
13.30 Main Stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
Ivan Vasilyevich's New Year's Eve
staging - Yakov Voronov
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
18.30, Main stage
To the 100th anniversary of Leonid Gaidai
fourteen January Saturday
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artem Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
11.00, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.
The Wizard of the Emerald City
Alexander Volkov, production - Artyom Yatsuhno
Duration: 1 hour 0 min.
13.30, Main stage
A fairy tale for our little viewers.