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Magic Doodle Set, Vektor handgezeichnete isolierte Elemente
von 100Sindy: The Fairy Princess (Video 2003)
- Cast & crew
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- Video
- 20032003
- 46m
6. 3/10
Sindy awakens in a fairytale land where an evil wizard is attempting to overthrow the royal family in order to stop this Prince Hugo must find his true love and marry her within the next day... Read allSindy awakens in a fairytale land where an evil wizard is attempting to overthrow the royal family in order to stop this Prince Hugo must find his true love and marry her within the next day and receive his mother and father, the king and Queens magical powers in order to stop th... Read allSindy awakens in a fairytale land where an evil wizard is attempting to overthrow the royal family in order to stop this Prince Hugo must find his true love and marry her within the next day and receive his mother and father, the king and Queens magical powers in order to stop the wizard taking over. Sindy with the help of 3 fairies and a magical unicorn attempt to he... Read all
- Richard Allport
- Stars
- Rik Mayall(voice)
- Cate Debenham-Taylor(voice)
- John Nettles(voice)
- Richard Allport
- Stars
- Rik Mayall(voice)
- Cate Debenham-Taylor(voice)
- John Nettles(voice)
Top cast
Rik Mayall
- Azbar
- (voice)
Cate Debenham-Taylor
- Sindy
- (voice)
- (as Kate Debenham Taylor)
- …
John Nettles
- Ulebus the Wand
- (voice)
- …
Marc Silk
- Prince Hugo
- (voice)
Jessica Suffield
Joe Williams
- Richard Allport
- All cast & crew
- Production, box office & more at IMDbPro
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User reviews3
Featured review
Loved this film when I was younger, the soundtrack is AMAZING!!!
- jessica-02151
- Feb 6, 2021
- Release date
- November 3, 2003 (United Kingdom)
- United Kingdom
- English
- Also known as
- Sindy, la princesa de las hadas
- Production company
- Video Collection International
- See more company credits at IMDbPro
Technical specs
46 minutes
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14 beautiful cartoons about princesses from the Walt Disney studio and not only
July 24, 2022 Likbez Movie
The heroines of these pictures will touch you with their courage and kindness.
1. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
- USA 1937
- Musical fairy tale.
- Duration: 83 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.6.
The envious evil queen, obsessed with the desire to remain the most beautiful at all costs, is going to kill her young stepdaughter named Snow White. The princess has to flee from her native castle to the forest, where she meets good-natured gnomes and finds true love. nine0003
At the time of its release, Snow White proved to be an incredibly innovative picture in all aspects: at that time, cartoons longer than 8 minutes were simply not filmed in Hollywood, and the producers doubted that the film without the participation of live stars would be a success. But Walt Disney sincerely believed in his project and even pawned his own house for its creation. And he did not lose: "Snow White" broke all conceivable box office records and still remains on the list of the most successful films in the history of American box office.
Even now the film looks great, but back then it seemed to the audience that they were being shown something incredible: the animation was smoother than ever before, and the drawn characters were as reminiscent of real people as possible. The artists achieved this effect by inserting additional intermediate frames. nine0003
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2. Cinderella
- USA, 1950.
- Musical fairy tale.
- Duration: 74 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.3.
Meek, kind-hearted Cinderella is left an orphan early. She has to live with her arrogant stepmother and two obnoxious stepsisters, Drizella and Anastasia. Relatives in every possible way push the girl around and make her work day and night. But soon a big royal ball should take place, which will change everything in the life of the heroine. nine0003
Disney's writers repeated the same techniques that ensured the success of "Snow White": they took the familiar fairy tale plot, but significantly reworked it, removed unnecessary cruelty and made the characters more vivid and prominent. For example, the stepmother has become the personification of pure evil, and the fairy has become a charismatic awkward old woman. Thanks to such simple but important innovations, history began to sparkle with completely different colors.
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3. Sleeping Beauty
Sleeping Beauty
- USA, 1959
- Musical fairy tale.
- Duration: 75 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.2.
Everyone is invited to the celebration in honor of the birth of Princess Aurora, except for the evil sorceress Maleficent. An angry witch sends a curse on the girl, which can only be broken by a kiss of true love.
Walt Disney dreamed of filming the fairy tale by Charles Perrault for a long time, but due to World War II and financial problems, the idea had to be postponed until better times. As a result, the project still saw the light, but much later than planned. nine0003
The work on the visual design of the picture was entrusted to the animator Eyvind Earl. He made the cartoon look like a gothic tapestry come to life and much more concise than previous Disney fairy tales.
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4. The Little Mermaid
The Little Mermaid
- USA, 1989.
- Musical fairy tale.
- Duration: 83 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.6.
The daughter of the sea king Triton, the little mermaid Ariel falls in love with Prince Eric and makes a deal with the sea witch Ursula: she takes on a human form, but at the same time loses the gift of speech. At the same time, the heroine has only a few days to impress the prince. And if Eric does not fall in love with the girl in return, everything can end in tragedy. nine0003
Everyone who has read Andersen's original fairy tale will remember that it is a very sad story about self-sacrifice. But in the retelling of the Walt Disney Studios, it turned into a bright and funny cartoon with catchy vocal numbers.
The main character herself, who in the original was nameless, paved the way for a new image of the princess in popular culture. If the former characters were modest, meek young ladies who dutifully waited for salvation, then Ariel, on the contrary, is shown as a very lively, wayward and sharp-tongued girl who is able to stand up for herself. nine0003
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5. Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast
- USA, 1991.
- Musical fairy tale.
- Duration: 84 minutes.
- IMDb: 8.0.
Well-read beauty Belle lives in a French village and dreams of adventure. The heroine's life changes dramatically when, for the sake of her father's freedom, she has to stay in the castle of an ill-mannered Beast with a bad temper. The girl does not yet know that her jailer is an enchanted prince, whom only true love can save. nine0003
Belle, following Ariel, embodied the qualities of an ideal Disney princess of the new generation: she is not only beautiful, but also smart, and she is in no hurry to get married ("It's too early for me to get married"). Instead, she strives to learn as much as possible and see the world.
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6. Aladdin
- USA, 1992.
- Musical fairy tale, adventure.
- Duration: 90 minutes.
- IMDb: 8.0.
The action takes place in the medieval eastern city of Agrabah. A young street bum named Aladdin steals food for himself and his monkey Abu. By chance, the hero meets the freedom-loving princess Jasmine, who ran away from the palace in search of adventure.
At the same time, the evil vizier Jafar dreams of overthrowing the Sultan, but for this he really needs a magic lamp, which is stored in the Cave of Wonders. But only a person with a good heart can get there. As it turns out, Aladdin is perfect for this role. nine0003
The proud heiress to the throne, Jasmine, acts as a minor character in the cartoon, but nevertheless, the image turned out to be very bright: the princess was remembered by the audience for her bold outfit and refusal to marry without love.
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7. Shrek
- USA, 2001.
- Adventure, fantasy.
- Duration: 90 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.8.
A huge green ogre named Shrek lives alone in the swamp, but his idyll is disturbed by fabulous creatures expelled from the kingdom by the decree of the evil Lord Farquaad. To get peace and quiet back, the giant must free Princess Fiona, imprisoned in a tower guarded by a fire-breathing dragon. nine0003
The image of Princess Fiona parodies the behavior of classic Disney princesses: the heroine is waiting for a savior in the tower like Sleeping Beauty, and then she sings a duet with a bird like Snow White (however, everything ended sadly for the bird). But all this does not prevent Fiona from mastering martial arts perfectly - after all, according to her, a girl should be able to stand up for herself.
8. Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Atlantis: The Lost Empire
- USA, 2001. nine0014
- Animated adventures.
- Duration: 95 minutes.
- IMDb: 6.9.
A young scientist, Milo Tetch, dreams of finding Atlantis that disappeared without a trace. And one day he gets a chance to solve the mystery of an ancient civilization, and even as part of a high-class team aboard an underwater ship.
Kida, the daughter of the ruler of Atlantis, was not included in the official lists of Disney princesses, despite belonging to royal blood. Perhaps the point is in the atypical image of the girl: a tattooed warrior simply would not fit into the company of conservative beauties. And the cartoon itself collected very little at the box office and was undeservedly forgotten. nine0003
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9. Anastasia
- Musical fairy tale, adventure.
- Duration: 94 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.2.
Sinister Rasputin brings trouble to the family of the last Russian Tsar Nicholas, but the imperial daughter Anastasia miraculously manages to survive. That's just the girl loses her memory. Many years later, the heroine tries to remember who she is and meets a young adventurer, Dmitry. Together they go to Paris to the Empress Maria Feodorovna, who promises to reward the one who brings her missing granddaughter to her. But they do not suspect that Anastasia is the same princess. nine0003
Many mistakenly consider Anastasia a Disney princess, but this is not so: the cartoon was filmed at 20th Century Fox under the direction of talented animator Don Bluth ("The Land Before Time", "All Dogs Go to Heaven"). And, of course, one cannot speak of any historical authenticity here. For example, the October Revolution, according to the version of the creators, was allegedly provoked by Rasputin, who sold his soul to dark forces. But otherwise, the Americans can and should be praised: they completely succeeded in recreating the Russian spirit and customs in the picture. nine0003
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10. The Princess and the Frog
The Princess and the Frog
- USA, 2009
- Musical fairy tale, adventure.
- Duration: 97 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.1.
Purposeful but poor girl Tiana has to work day and night. She dreams of one day opening her own restaurant and thereby fulfilling the dream of her late father. At a dance party hosted by a friend, the heroine meets Prince Navin of Maldonia, who was turned into a frog by an evil voodoo wizard. Naveen asks Tiana to kiss him to remove the spell. But something goes wrong, and the girl also becomes a frog. nine0003
This was Walt Disney's penultimate feature-length cartoon in the technique of classical animation, which at that time was already considered an almost extinct genre. Serious competition at the box office also played a role, and in general, the audience lost interest in the traditional "manual" technique: all the attention of the audience was taken by the three-dimensional projects of Pixar and Dreamworks studios.
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11. Rapunzel: Tangled
- USA, 2010.
- Musical fairy tale, adventure.
- Duration: 100 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.7.
A princess named Rapunzel is born with magical golden hair. The insidious Gothel learns about their wonderful properties. She kidnaps a child from a family and locks her in a tower, while pretending to be the girl's mother. Thanks to Rapunzel's hair, a woman manages to look young for many years. Only now the princess grows and wants to see the world around her with her own eyes more and more. And one day an unexpected guest appears, ready to help her with this. nine0003
The original fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm was going to be adapted during Walt Disney's lifetime. But it was only today that this idea was realized. The result is excellent: the graphics are well done, the characters look alive and charming, the story is well written, and there is a lot of good humor here.
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12. Brave
- USA, 2012.
- Musical fairy tale, fantasy, adventure.
- Duration: 93 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.1.
The young Scottish princess Merida loves most of all to spend time in the forest, practicing archery. But suddenly it turns out that Queen Elinor is going to marry her daughter. The girl is not at all enthusiastic about this idea. She runs away, meets a witch and asks her to somehow bewitch her mother, but does not specify how.
For Pixar, long established as a symbol of quality in modern animation, Brave is the first fantasy cartoon. True, the heroine in it is not quite ordinary: she is not going to be a standard princess and get married. The plot does not even provide for a traditional love story. But the picture pays a lot of attention to the analysis of the difficult relationship between the mother and the maturing daughter. nine0003
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13. Ralph
Wreck-It Ralph
- USA, 2012.
- Animated adventures.
- Duration: 101 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.7.
Good-natured bumpkin Ralph works as a villain in an arcade toy. The problem is that colleagues in the game treat the hero very badly and are not invited to parties. Then the thug goes in search of recognition in a nearby slot machine. nine0003
Everyone will like this wonderful cartoon, but most of all gamers who are in love with arcade retro. It would seem that what the princesses have to do with it, but one of them will definitely have an important role in the plot.
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14. Frozen
- USA, 2013.
- Musical fairy tale, fantasy, adventure.
- Duration: 102 minutes.
- IMDb: 7.5.
Sisters Elsa and Anna grew up in the same castle, but hardly spoke to each other. The reason for this is the magical ability of the first to create ice and snow, which the heroine cannot always control. Therefore, she has to carefully hide her gift from others. nine0003
The girls' relationship seems to start getting better on the day of Elsa's coronation, but circumstances develop in such a way that the new queen accidentally reveals her abilities, gets scared and runs away. The whole country is engulfed in a terrible snowstorm. Princess Anna goes to help her sister, taking Kristoff's ice ax as an assistant.
Walt Disney himself planned to film Hans Christian Andersen's The Snow Queen, but during the life of the founder, the studio could not bring his idea to life. This has only been done now. True, the original fairy tale was so rethought that it is almost impossible to find out in it the story of how the girl Gerda went on a journey to save her childhood friend. nine0003
Nevertheless, the experience turned out to be successful: the new version of "The Snow Queen" was loved all over the world, and the catchy song "Let go and forget" almost went viral.
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0013 12 princess films for true dreamers
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- Cartoon character,
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- Barbie wearing gray shirt and pink skirt, Barbie Doll Toy Fashion, barbie, fashion Illustration, fictional Character, shoe png 252x589px 31.08KB
- Barbie, Barbie girl in pink mini dress illustration, image File Formats, fictional Character, shoe png 566x1340px 131.46KB nine0014
- Disney Frozen Elsa, Elsa Frozen Anna The Snow Queen Olaf, Anna Frozen, disney Princess, cartoon, girl png 712x1494px 1.
- Elsa Kristoff Rapunzel Anna Frozen, Elsa, Disney Frozen Elsa and Anna, purple, child, poster png 850x1600px 1.88MB
- Princess Aurora Ariel Belle Maleficent, Princess Aurora, cartoons, disney Princess, fictional Character png 1055x1565px 1MB
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- Elsa Hans Frozen Anna Olaf, frozen, Disney Frozen Elsa, disney Princess, cartoon, desktop Wallpaper png 676x976px 484.95KB
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- Barbie in pink dress art, Barbie doll, barbie file, fictional Character, magenta, desktop Wallpaper png 700x700px 331.91KB
- pink fairy, Cartoon Tooth Fairy, Cartoon Fairy, cartoon Character, cartoons, flower Fairy png 1150x1779px 377.
- Disney Tangled Princess Rapunzel, Rapunzel Tangled: The Video Game Flynn Rider Elsa, Cartoon Princess, cartoon Character, purple, cartoon Weapon png 510x691px 1.35MB
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- Belle Princess Aurora Cinderella Sleeping Beauty, Sleeping Beauty, aurora princess illustration, the Walt Disney Company, cartoons, fictional Character png nineteen66x2503px 3.41MB
- Disney Princess, Princess King Sticker Illustration, Cartoon Princess, cartoon Character, painted, king png 542x800px 186.53KB
- Ariel The Little Mermaid Princess Disney Princess, Ariel, Princess Ariel, the Walt Disney Company, cartoons, cartoon png 842x1417px 924.04KB
- Disney Frozen Queen Elsa art, Elsa Anna Olaf Figurine Let It Go, elsa, disney Princess, cartoon, girl png 816x771px 684.59KB nine0014
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- Fashion illustration Drawing Illustration, Fashion Girl, woman in red dress, watercolor Painting, child, painted png 449x645px 264.7KB
- pink and beige princess illustration, Princess Aurora Disney Princess, Pink clothes princess, blue, childrens Clothing, cloth png 626x1000px 365.55KB nine0014
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- Toy, Cartoon creative toys, cartoon Character, painted, hand png 2362x2362px 21.29MB
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- Princess Aurora illustration, Princess Aurora Cinderella Ariel Belle Disney Princess, aurora disney, doll, fashion Design, princess png 1200x1877px 1.55MB
- Frozen: Olaf's Quest Elsa Anna, Anna and Elsa Frozen, Frozen Elsa and Anna, the Walt Disney Company, cartoons, fictional Character png 2500x2115px 3.41MB
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- Disney Frozen Elsa illustration, Kristen Bell Elsa Rapunzel Anna Frozen, Anna Frozen, purple, poster, disney Princess png 500x1453px 780.24KB nine0014
- Barbie doll wearing pink and silver ball gown, Barbie: A Fashion Fairy Tale Ken Doll, barbie doll, girls, magenta, doll png 774x1024px 1.17MB
- Barbie: The Princess and the Pop Star Doll, cartoon shoes, fashion Illustration, fictional Character, shoe png 794x1502px 330.
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