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700+ Learning Activities for Kids [Hands On] All Ages
Play and learn! That is why we love to create and curate the best learning activities for kids. Hands-on learning helps kids understand, remember and process…oh, and it is fun!
Put down the textbook and get some hands-on learning through play! Here at Kids Activities Blog we are big champions of fun. We know that when kids learn something through an activity or craft, they will remember it longer, process it more fully and have more fun.
Learn through play by choosing from over 700 educational activities for kids!Educational Activities for Kids
Many of our learning activities are used in classrooms and homeschool lessons, but don’t stop there! These are just plain fun. They make the perfect after school, rainy day or “mom I’m bored” activity too!
Reading, writing, STEM, Science and so many other things can be learned through play.
What makes it even more fun is that kids of different ages can learn and play together.
Reading for Kids
Explore books, reading and play games! Learning to read is an incredibly important skill for kids which can seem challenging for many children. We have reading activities, reading games and reading tips to make it easy to gain reading skills. Reading is fun and opening the adventure for kids is key to their reading level development.
Check out all our reading activities: Reading for Kids
Do you have a favorite book? Or want to explore reading beyond the pages? Check out over 40 resources on books for kids!
Learn Colors, Letters, Numbers & More
These essential preschool skills allow future success in school and are the foundational building block on so many lessons. Here are some resources to teach kids colors, letters, numbers and more…
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- Find ways to learn numbers with math activities for kids
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File Folder Games
File folder games are perfect to make with and for kids because they put all the learning fun into one place…a file folder! And because they are in a file folder, they are easily stored for future learning. Teachers, homeschoolers and parents use file folder games to create educational activities for children to play.
Alphabet Letter Learning Center for Kids
Every single letter has a learning center here at Kids Activities Blog devoted to worksheets, spelling words, sight words, crafts and activities…and more!
- Letter A
- Letter B
- Letter C
- Letter D
- Letter E
- Letter F
- Letter G
- Letter H
- Letter I
- Letter J
- Letter K
- Letter L
- Letter M
- Letter N
- Letter O
- Letter P
- Letter Q
- Letter R
- Letter S
- Letter T
- Letter U
- Letter V
- Letter W
- Letter X
- Letter Y
- Letter Z
Our Top Educational Activities for Kids
- Best workbooks for preschoolers.
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- Sesame Street books <–big list of free online books for kids.
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Keep browsing the hundreds of fun ways that you and your child can learn together with hands on learning play…
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Your kids will love exploring colored water and oil, but a surprise ingredient will make this science activity even more exciting!
Editable Name Spelling and Tracing Printables
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Easy Play Dough Recipe Without Cream of Tartar
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Printable Letter Sounds Alphabet Board Game
An effective way to teach letter sounds while developing counting skills and more.
Letter Matching Apple Tree Activity with Printable
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Super Fun Name Search Activity and Free Printable
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Make Your Own Dinosaur Dig Excavation Activity
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Leak Proof Bag Science Experiment
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Roll and Dot the Letter Alphabet Activity and Printable
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Spider Web Fine Motor Activity
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Rainbow Hop Letter Sounds Game
This life-size board game is a fantastic way to move and learn alphabet sounds and counting!
Sand and Water Ocean Sensory Bin
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Preschool Math Game: Roll and Dot the Number
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Educational activity, its features at preschool age, levels of development of educational activity (A.P. Usova).
Educational activity - e that, according to the classification of SL Rubinshtein, the first type of teaching , directly and directly aimed at mastering knowledge and skills. Analysis of educational activity , carried out by D. B. Elkonin, V. V. Davydov, showed that it has its own structure , a specific structure, namely:0003 learning task, learning activities, monitoring and evaluation .
The central place in the structure of activity belongs to educational task . A learning task should not be understood as a task that a child must complete in class. The learning task is the target . The essence of the goal is to master a generalized method of action , which will help to perform similar tasks, to solve problems of this type.
Thus, the teacher sets a goal - to teach children to draw a deciduous tree. The main attention is paid to the development of the ability to convey the essential features of the subject: the trunk, branches, their location. Having mastered the generalized method of drawing a tree as such, the child will be able to use it when performing any specific task of a similar content (in drawing on the topics “Autumn Tree”, “Blossoming Apple Tree”, “Winter Square”, etc.).
Learning activities , with which learning tasks are solved, consist of many different learning activities.
In order for children to master learning activities, they must first be performed with full deployment of all operations . At first, operations are performed either materially - with the help of some objects, or materialized - using images, their iconic substitutes.
For example, while assimilating the concepts of equality and inequality of groups of objects, a child performs actions with toys, pictures, chips that replace real objects or their images. Only gradually, as one or another operation is worked out, the process of performing actions is curtailed and performed immediately as a whole.
Learning activity is formed under the influence of learning. AP Usova (1981) singled out 90,003 specific signs of mastery of educational activity in 90,004 children. 3 levels are allocated, characterizing different degree of development of educational activity .
Level I is distinguished by the productivity and purposefulness of all processes of cognitive activity; an active, interested attitude to learning, the ability to self-control their actions and evaluate their results. On the basis of what they have learned, children can solve problems available to them in practical and mental activities.
Level II - weaker. All signs of mastery of educational activity are still unstable. But at the same time, children can already learn, although all sorts of deviations are possible.
Level III — the beginning of the formation of learning activity, characterized by external discipline in the classroom.
These indicators reflect not age development, but the development of the process of learning and cognitive activity . The formation of readiness for learning and teaching also has several stages. Each of them is characterized; complication of cognitive content; increasing demands on the mental activity of children; development of their independence.
children of primary preschool age are at the primary level . Their mental activity still is not a completely conscious process , as they acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, but do not yet experience the need to learn.
children of middle preschool age show readiness to master knowledge , there is an opportunity to teach them in the classroom, setting cognitive tasks for them. But these tasks are still directly related to the conditions of life and play activities of children, their communication with each other and with adults. At this age, teaching serves practical needs of the child and creates prerequisites for the transition to a higher level of mental activity.
In older children there are noticeable changes in educational activity , in the ability to mental and volitional effort. This is evidenced by children's questions, interest in identifying connections and relationships between objects and phenomena.
The intellectual demands of older children are also expressed in the fact that they are no longer attracted to simple games and toys. They develop interest in acquiring knowledge and skills not only for current use, but also for the future. Curiosity, interest in knowledge and mental activity increases, demands on oneself and others appear. Educational activity among older preschoolers is clearly distinguished from other types of activity, it involves the purposeful education of children and the assimilation of certain knowledge, skills and abilities by them. Based on this baggage, the child becomes able to solve various cognitive tasks. This skill is the most important criterion for the success of the educational activities of children and should be formed by the end of preschool childhood.
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Thus, the full development of children's educational activities allows them to form their psychological readiness for school , and in particular for schooling.
The formation of learning activities, even with well-structured learning, is a long process. At preschool age, the prerequisites for educational activity are laid, its individual elements are formed.
At the early preschool age in the classroom, it is necessary to form in children the ability to set goals for their own activities (at the stage from 2 to 3 years), to teach them to master various methods of activity (at the stage from 3 to 4 years). After 4 years, the child's activity acquires a clear focus on the final result. The teacher teaches children to listen to explanations, to complete tasks without interfering with each other; maintains interest in the content of classes, encourages effort, activity. All this is very important for the further development of educational activities.
At senior preschool age a child develops the following elements of learning activity:
- the ability to determine the goal of the upcoming activity and ways to achieve it, to achieve results;
- self-control, which manifests itself when comparing the result obtained with a sample, standard;
- the ability to exercise arbitrary control over the course of activities in the process of obtaining intermediate results;
- the ability to plan activities, focusing on its result.
As A.P. Usova's research has shown, for the development of a child's learning activity, it is necessary to form the ability to listen and hear the teacher, to look and see what he shows, to follow his instructions when completing a learning task. A. P. Usova considered the attitude of the child to the assessment by the teacher an important indicator of developing educational activity.
Instructional letter Min. Education of the Russian Federation: "On the practice of diagnosing the development of a child in the system of preschool education", dated 04/07/1999 No. 70/23-16
This letter states that the diagnostics of the development of preschool children, being included in preschool education, is designed to help teachers and parents of the child to properly build pedagogical communication with him.
The specificity of preschool age lies in the fact that all mental processes are very mobile and plastic, and the development of the child's potential largely depends on what conditions for this development will be created for him by teachers and parents. Psychological and pedagogical science unconditionally recognizes the fact that a child's real abilities can manifest themselves quite late, and the education he receives contributes to their manifestation to a large extent. Therefore, Determining the individual characteristics of a child of preschool age , it is preferable to first of all have in mind his "inclinations ", which are the basis for the further development of abilities.
This specificity does not allow us to consider the results of diagnostics (even if they are reliable) stable and determining the fate of the child . Any achievement of a child of preschool age at each stage of his development is intermediate and serves only as a basis for the choice by the teacher of methods and technologies for individual work . Testing data should not be allowed to be the basis for labeling a child. Unreliable test results can have especially serious consequences. They can have a negative impact on both the development of the individual and the further educational trajectory of the child.
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Educational activity, its features at preschool age, levels of development of educational activity (A.P. Usova).
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Educational activity, its features at preschool age, levels of development of educational activity (A.P. Usova).
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90,000 elements of educational activity in preschool age, prerequisitesContent
- 1 prerequisites for educational activities in preschool age
- Features of educational activity of preschool children
- 3.
1 Elements of educational activity
- 3.
- 4 Functions and tasks of educational activity of preschool children
Readiness for learning activities should be gradually formed in childhood, starting from preschool age. Otherwise, at the school desk, the child will not cope with the load that has fallen on him. Education requires careful perception and assimilation of a fairly large amount of knowledge. Elements of educational activity are laid at the senior preschool age, as this is facilitated by the social situation of development.
Prerequisites for learning activities at preschool age
The formation of the prerequisites for learning activities at preschool age begins in a game context. Being the leading activity, the game lays several important "bricks" in the development of the child's personality. They will form the basis that is necessary for successful learning activities.
Let's consider what acquisitions are the prerequisites for the educational activity of a preschooler.
Formation of logical thinking. Children still predominantly think in images, but abstract thinking is already forming in them. This is well seen in children's games.
If the younger preschooler definitely needs substitute objects for play, then speech becomes the main thing at the older preschool age. The guys agree on the rules, reason, analyze and give their arguments.
Thanks to the active development of mental operations, preschoolers try in some way to generalize and classify the surrounding objects and occurring phenomena. In almost everything they want to hear the argument. For example, they require proof why a watermelon is a berry, and a penguin is a bird.
The emergence of a cognitive motive. Children become interested in learning. Previously, the kid was attracted directly to the game, at the same time he could learn something new. The older preschooler is eager to purposefully acquire specific knowledge that helps him to move one step further in the knowledge of the surrounding reality.
There is an interest in scientific facts, natural phenomena, new information. Hence - the desire to understand the arrangement of mechanisms, to understand the causes of a rainbow or hail in the middle of summer. Tales of "magic" in such cases will not satisfy preschoolers.
Interest in basic learning skills. Children show interest in such serious skills as reading and counting. Having mastered reading by syllables or learning to count within a dozen or even hundreds, a preschooler realizes that this is only the beginning. And he understands in which direction he should move: to be able to read and operate with numbers just as easily as adults.
Formation of arbitrariness of cognitive processes. An older preschooler is already capable of arbitrary regulation of perception, attention, and memorization. Previously, the child directed attention to the desired object, obeying the words of an adult: “Look carefully”, “Listen”. A preschooler of 6-7 years old can set himself the task: “I will now look at all the models of cars in this magazine”, “I will learn this rhyme and congratulate my grandmother!”.
Development of a collective form of activity. In the pre-school period, a special type of communication with peers appears, which is called cooperative-competitive in developmental psychology. Preschoolers exchange opinions, defend their position, but also agree to give in on some issues. It is important for them to demonstrate their result to each other and what assessment the adult expressed.
What motivates a preschooler to learn
The emergence of the prerequisites for learning activity does not yet mean that a preschooler is ready to engage in systematic learning, as required by the school. The prerequisites create a kind of field, and whether there will be a crop in this field depends on many factors.
The child needs motivation to learn. Motivation is the desire and willingness to act. For a preschooler, this is a desire to gain knowledge, develop mental activity, constantly work on the formation of skills.
It is possible to single out the motives that act on children from the outside, and those that originate in the mind of the child (internal).
External motives
A preschooler gradually masters the functions and norms of the adult world through play and then joining work. This world attracts him in many ways. Children often say: "When I grow up and ...". What follows is a message about what achievements the desired adulthood will bring.
Senior preschoolers perceive learning activities as a matter that brings them closer to adulthood. In this case, there is an external motive for the educational activity of preschoolers.
Some children are attracted by the organization of classes. They like it when they have lessons and breaks, there are special notebooks for classes, etc. Such preschoolers are attracted to a new social role. Let their classes last some 15 minutes, but they feel like real students. It is obvious that an external motive is also manifested here.
Internal motives
The development of the child's personality forms a new attitude to reality, as a result of which the motivational sphere is enriched. Internal motives aimed at learning activities are born.
The most important is the cognitive motive. The inner need of a preschooler to learn more keeps his interest and encourages him to concentrate on solving problems. There is a desire not only to ask chains of clarifying questions, but the desire to argue, prove, and present one's own arguments.
Sometimes parents decide that their 5-year-old "why" is ready for learning activities. Nevertheless, this conclusion is erroneous, since the child’s questions may have another goal - to draw attention to himself, to keep the attention of mom or dad. In fact, this is the desire to play, but not with peers, but with adults.
Cognitive motives also appear in the middle preschool age, but they are of a generalized nature. Cognitive and educational motives are formed after 6 years.
The motive of awareness of the social benefits of education is also internal. Not so often there are children - but they are - who convincingly state that society needs smart and knowledgeable people. “I want to invent such trains that they deliver passengers from one city to another in a few minutes.” Such preschoolers learn to read early, and their favorite books are children's encyclopedias.
Peculiarities of educational activity of preschoolers
An older preschooler is distinguished by emotional involvement in learning activities. He shows a steady interest, surprise at unexpected discoveries, joy that he managed to achieve the expected result.
For children, learning activities are still close to play. Such a form of educational activity of children as a didactic game is widespread. The main purpose of didactic exercises is educational, but they are presented under the guise of a child's game with clearly defined rules. A certain task is set, which the participants solve, following the rules.
Elements of educational activity
Elements of educational activity in senior preschool age are formed due to the development of voluntary regulation of mental processes.
These include:
- goal setting;
- formulation of hypotheses;
- planning elements;
- attempts to monitor progress;
- readiness to correct the error.
Let us illustrate how the listed elements manifest themselves in the activity of a preschooler.
A preschooler sets himself the task of remembering something: poems, the sequence of assembling a structure, the parameters of a giraffe (in order to tell others later) and a lot of other information that is important from his point of view.
There are so many interesting things in the surrounding world that one can resist the urge to formulate and test a hypothesis. Children wonder why a small metal ball sinks in water, but a large wooden board does not. Check if the apricot pit will germinate. The question "what will happen if ..." can sound several times a day from an inquisitive preschooler.
It is not uncommon for children to report what they are doing now and what they want to do later. In role-playing games, they discuss the plot, distribute roles. This is basic planning. It is typical for older preschoolers. Younger children, on the contrary, talk about their actions at the time of execution or after they are performed.
The achievement is the transition to internal planning, which makes children's ideas sustainable and encourages the achievement of results.
The elements of planning help the child see the steps in which order to move forward in order to get what he imagined. In turn, these steps can be points of control: “Did I do this?”. In essence, it is a self-test of actions. The need for control in a preschooler appears if he doubts the correctness of the work.
Children, in principle, do not want to hear about their mistakes, let alone admit them. But at the senior preschool age, the motives for actions are shifted towards the goal - the child acts in order to get a result. If the result, despite the application of efforts, has not yet been achieved, then the preschooler undertakes to correct the detected error.
Functions and tasks of learning activities of preschoolers
Perhaps someone considers it superfluous to talk about learning in relation to preschool age, if the development of the game creates natural conditions for the transition to learning activities.
Still, the game is much less regulated than the training session. Gradually, the child should be prepared to consciously submit his actions to strict rules.
Preschoolers need learning activities. It performs several functions:
- Teaches you how to manage your behavior and adhere to requirements.
- Directs to use the specified course of action.
- Develops the skill of working on the instructions of an adult.
- Trains independent performance of tasks according to the model.
- Forms the awareness that learning activities can be directed not only to a certain result, but also to the training of skills.
This type of activity develops later than such types as games, art, labor.