Children listen to music

25 Reasons All Children Should Be Listening to Music ~ Thisnthatparenting

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Why Is Music Education Important?

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Why Is Music Education Important?

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Children LOVE listening to music.  If there’s a child who doesn’t love music, then I’m going to argue that they haven’t met their hearts match where music genre is concerned

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Born to Dance

Did you know that humans are born to dance?  Researchers have found that babies prefer to listen to the beat of music over speech(Source)  They decided this by testing the babies reactions to speech vs. their reaction to music.  Let’s just say, don’t feel bad if you run out of things to talk about with your baby.   Just turn on some music.  Try several age-appropriate genres and decide which your baby prefers.  You’ll know by their reaction.

Moreover, have you ever noticed that you can turn on music and a baby who has never seen dancing will start to bounce up and down?  Secondly, the child who has just started walking will move from foot to foot, stiff-legged, large smile, swaying head.  Next, the child gets to the toddler stage, he might start to get a little hip action going or the infamous spin until your dizzy and fall down.  Soon, they’ll move on to preschool dance moves where some breakdancing and other floor action usually takes place.  Again, the child may have never seen any of this stuff.It’s almost as if Child Developmental Specialists should include dance moves in the baby’s milestones checklist.  Can he recognize his name?  Check.Can he throw a ball?  Check.Can he get dressed by himself?  No.Can he follow 2 step directions? Sometimes.Can he breakdance? Oh yeah!

Luke uses a paper towel roll for a microphone.

Music : Children :: Air : Breathe

To begin with, George Santayana said, “The earth has music for those who listen.”   Our children want to “stop and smell the roses” nonstop.  Why? Because they are virgins to this Earth.  Children appreciate.  Kids are curious.  They are explorers.  Read that quote again.  Our children hear the Earth’s music.  Don’t stop them from dancing to it.  Let them take time to smell the roses.

Secondly, “After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music,” was a brilliant statement by Aldous Huxley.  Before our children can talk, they can follow the beat, sway with the tune, and smile to the lyrics.  Music gives them expression.  When your child finds their genre love, give them a healthy diet of it.

Thirdly, The female legend, Maya Angelou, wrote, “Music was my refuge. I could crawl into the space between the notes and curl my back to loneliness.”  Similarly, followed by Taylor Swift, “People haven’t always been there for me but music always has. ” This is how teens feel.  This is what music is for that tween or teen who is finding themselves.  Who doesn’t realize they are not one-of-a-kind where their problems are concerned. 

When so much is at stake as far as mental health, this is why it is important to make sure what is going into those ears musically, is what you wish you could be empowering them with. Hope. Safety. Dreams can happen. Who cares what everyone else is doing! music.  Not tearing them down. Not degrading their bodies or enhancing their sinful thoughts.

Help them make the right choice on what they listen to.  Without a doubt, the best way to do that is by modeling it.

Lastly, “Those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music,” is thought to have been spoken by Friedrich Nietzsche.  With this quote, I question, why is it so cute to see a child dance to the beat of their own drum, but the older one gets, it is not so often thought cute?  As children, we dance so freely. Not worried about what others think. If we’re doing the “in” moves. Totally present in the moment. Laughter spills out of the grins. What happens to us?  If you still do this, cheers to you.  I do, but not in public.

Music Increases Dopamine Production

Particularly, studies indicate that the main reason humans want to listen to music is that it arouses emotion(Source)  Unsurprisingly, we actually look for music to match our current mood, (Source)  but surprisingly, we can change a negative mood by choosing positive music.  Much of this has to do with the production of dopamine.  Important to realize, studies show that just by thinking about listening to music can release dopamine.  To illustrate, the following short video explains the relationship between music and dopamine.

How Listening to Music Benefits Children 

*Sources unless otherwise stated: Gari Stein, and Kendall Deflin

  • Strengthens listening skills
  • Increases attention span
  • Encourages motor skills
  • Helps boost language skills
  • Promotes emotional well-being 
  • Gives an opportunity to practice social skills when listening with others
  • Calms and focuses the mind
  • Reduces Depression
  • Urges you to eat less
  • Makes a commute less stressful, more enjoyable, happy and pleasurable if positive music is playing
  • Supports the development of reading skills (To Learn More)
  • Improves memory
  • Elevates oral and written language
  • Supports bonding and connection with whomever the musical experience is shared with
  • Can accelerate brain development (Source)
  • Provides joy
  • Decreases stress
  • Increases and betters sleep
  • Can alleviate pain
  • Uses energy
  • Learn to sing-along, keep up with the music’s pace, rhythm, and rate
  • Brings out the personality
  • Learn dance moves
  • Any child, but especially a child with any type of special need can benefit greatly from music therapy

What Kind of Music To Provide for Your Children
  • All genres as long as they are age appropriate
  • Parents sing to children
  • Depending on the mood we are trying to create, should depend on the speed of the beat
  • Songs about bathing, dressing, eating, and other routines, You can make those up.
  • Repetition of songs
  • Silly songs
  • Age or language appropriate live concert
  • Rhythms with a definite beat
  • Nursery Rhymes
  • Finger, hand and body motion songs
  • Counting, spelling memorizing a sequence such as Bingo
  • Songs to Raise Your Kids To
  • Kidz Bop Music
  • Radio for Kids Music on Pandora – Create your own playlist
  • Soundtracks from their favorite movie 
  • Don’t forget about your local library’s music collection.  Usually, they have an endless supply of children’s music.

Set Up a Listening Station in Your Home

You can set up a music station in your home where children can play their favorite tunes.  In fact, this has brought so much joy to my family that I put one upstairs and one downstairs.  My 2 year old uses it the most.  It is amazing to me how quickly he learned to work the CD player and how often he thinks to turn songs on.  Most importantly, it adds joy and energy to our day.

This simple set up is downstairs in our breakfast area window seat. It gets used 5:7 days of the week.
  • music player – You can include a CD player or a device can be used where a playlist is saved.
  • microphone- We have the one below and our whole family takes turn jamming out on it.
  • instruments
  • children’s music CDs
  • headphones
Our upstairs music station contains instruments. The mic gets used often for all sorts of funtivities!

Before you release this, have a discussion with your family about how you expect the items to be used and taken care. Add one item at a time so the kids appreciate it and own it.  Train your child to use all of the items in your center, and you will be amazed at what your blooming musician has to offer to your entertainment life.

What Music Should Be Off Limits?

According to the American Association of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Rand Group, and other children are affected by what they listen to.   

If you put sex, drugs, alcohol, spinning out on a back road, derogatory language… into your child, there’s a lot better chance that is what will come out and at an earlier age.  There can also be a greater risk for children becoming depressed, cutting, and anxiety-filled if they are exposed to a lot of stressful music and/or music videos. From what I read, there’s not a lot of good outcomes of heavy metal listening.

As with most laws of the land, if A + B + C is put in, ABC comes out. There’s no reason to be surprised when ABC is the outcome.  Make sure the music you allow to enter your child’s ears has the message that will benefit your family culture.

Also, just because the music is produced for children does not mean it is the best choice.  If the whole CD has the same children or person singing with the same beat, it’s probably poor quality.  If you don’t have a good feeling about it, if no one is enjoying it, if it doesn’t serve the purpose you are trying to achieve, avoid it.

The Children’s Music Collections My Family Enjoys Most

The 123, 3 disc, Collection is great for the price.  You won’t run out of songs, and this will give you a lot of selection.  This is one of the first collections I used during infant, and we still listen to it.  We also own the 123 Bible songs, and they are just as enjoyable.  Altogether, this collection is beneficial for making sure your child has exposure to a plethora of nursery rhymes and kid’s tunes.

Songs For Wiggleworms is a great get you up and moving CD.  Librarians used this at a library program we attended, and we enjoyed it so much that I added it to our collection.  It’s folky.  It’s fun.  Without a doubt, there’s a reason why it won a Parent’s Choice award.  Unquestionably, you’ll like it just as much as the kids.  

15 Songs Every Kid Should Know is my 2nd place personal favorite!  Absolutely the best version of Old Mac Donald I’ve ever heard. As an illustration, I can’t help but get up and do my wanna-be version of a Jamaican Dance.  This is a collection that is great for road trips. You really aren’t sacrificing your ears for your kid’s pleasure when it comes to this collection! As the kids have gotten older, this is one they’ll still listen to.

And Our Family’s Favorite Children’s Music Collection Award goes to…  

Deep In The Heart: Big Songs For Little Texans Everywhere  I gave up a lot of the secular music I listened to pre-kid because it’s not what I wanted to go into their ears. Never was I so happy to see some of my favorite Red Dirt singers, including Stoney LaRue, Pat Green, and Cory Morrow on a children’s CD. This is another that parents won’t mind at all. I’d listen to this CD if I didn’t have kids. I highly encourage this CD if you have any like of country music in you!


Genius Morning Song

I played this song every morning in my public school classroom!  Kids love this song.  Certainly, it brings movement and joy to your mornings.  If your family needs something to wake up to, this is a 5-star morning song.   By all means, this could be a wake-up-to song, breakfast song, drive to the school song,  whenever.  Regardless of the location or time, play it in the a.m., to add positive energy to the day.

Call to Action

All these facts considered and knowing how much your children love music should encourage you to play music for your children or set up a music station in your home where children have access to playing music when they feel the urge.

My challenge to you is to set up a music area in your home.  Get your children involved in setting it up.  Put it in or near a high traffic area so it gets used.  Better yet, the best way to get everyone excited about it is to use it yourself. 

If you model a love for music, it is contagious.   Specifically, I have seen this to be true in my own family.  My love of tunes rubbed off on my boys before they were one!  Then again, their dad and I met at a concert, so maybe it was just in the cards. In light of all this, the benefits of exposing your children to music are all too valuable to pass up.    I’d love for you to hit comments and let us know what music collection gets your family in the groove or share what you include in your listening station!  We really do want to know:)

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Best MP3 Players For Kids (That May Just Keep Them Quiet For A Few Minutes)

Kids’ MP3 music players are perfect for young music lovers who are always groovin’ to a beat. Love it or hate it, digital devices are a part of your kids’ lives — they’re using tablets in school, fitness trackers for everyday life, and likely stealing your cell phone every chance they get (that is, if they don’t have their own). If you’re not ready to get your kid a phone but still want something that can keep them entertained for a few hours (read: out of your hair and/or trouble), a kids’ music player is a great option. You can upload songs, plug in a pair of earphones, and let them shuffle through or play their favorite tunes on their own, which means you no longer have to be the world’s most boring DJ by playing the same Disney tune 100 consecutive times.

MP3 players for kids are also a great way to give your little ones their own device, but one that can’t accidentally call a random contact in your phone book or buy something on your credit card. Plus, who — no matter what age they are — doesn’t feel happier listening to music? Ahead are 8 MP3 players for kids that will help them jam out so you can hopefully get some peace and quiet.

Best MP3 Players


Mighty Vibe Spotify and Amazon Music Player


The Mighty Vibe music player is pocket-sized and durable enough for little hands — it’s water, sweat, and drop-resistant and doesn’t have a glass screen to break. You can clip it onto a jacket, seatbelt, or backpack, and play up to 1,000 stored songs (or about 5+ hours) without a phone, WiFi, or an internet connection. It has Bluetooth connectivity and is compatible with Spotify and Amazon Music.

Reviewers Say: “Our three kids have each had their Mightys now for one year and they still work great for us. They allow our kids to listen to the music they want, but without access to [the] technology we aren't ready for. The setup was very straightforward for someone with limited tech skills.”


Apple iTouch


The Apple iTouch is basically an iPhone without the “phone” and is a good option if you’re looking for something a little more high-tech than a simple MP3 player. It can store and play music but it also has a big touch screen, room for apps, a camera, and WiFi capability. There are three sizes (32 Gb, 64 GB, and 128GB) and it comes in four different colors.

Reviewers Say: “Excellent device for kids who aren't old enough for a phone yet. Runs modern iOS and all phone apps easily. Can do text [messages] and FaceTime. It's basically a baby iPad. Battery lasts 6 hours straight on video playback or days doing little apps and music. My kids love it, it's cheap, and accessories like cases and such are plentiful. Camera is good enough for kids too.”


Sony Walkman MP3 Player


The bulky Sony walkman of your childhood has gotten a sleek, digital upgrade. The Sony MP3 player comes in black or red, has up to 35 hours of audio playback, an FM radio, and an easy-to-use drag and drop feature to load music and photos from your computer.

Reviewers Say: “We bought these for our two boys. We didn’t want them to have any internet access/WiFi capabilities, just the ability to play music and radio. This is perfect! It’s small, durable, loooong battery life, [has] good sound, and fits TONS of songs! Easy to plug into your computer and transfer music onto. The FM radio is great. It’s easy to use and navigate. My 12-year-old has had his for 3 years now and it’s still in great condition. My 10-year-old is harder on his, but after a year it’s still perfect. They listen to them everyday!”


Timoom Portable Lossless MP3 Music Player with Clip


This cute teal MP3 player packs a punch. The 32GB unit offers up 40 hours of continuous play after just a two and a half hour charge. It also supports voice recording and has an FM radio, so your kids will always have something to listen to. This is also a great MP3 player for adults — especially those who like to hit up the gym. This player comes with a clip that you can easily attach onto your workout gear.

Reviewers Say: “I walk a lot and listening to music while I'm walking is something I love doing quite often. While I'm walking, I prefer to use something small and portable that just plays MP3s. Most people have phones that will also play music, but for me, phones are too big. I do a lot of walking and I do not want the distraction of a phone while I'm on the go. I like a small, pocket-sized MP3 player for exercise. I'm quite picky with songs I like and this has a lot of internal memory on its own so I will never be able to fill it up. It also has the option of expandable memory, which is a nice feature. The headphones that come with the player are actually pretty decent, even though I wasn't expecting too much. There are just as good as ones I have purchased separately in the past.”


AGPTEK K1 MP3 Player for Kids


This MP3 player with a cute cartoon case will make a great music companion for your kids. It not only plays their favorite saved tunes, but it also has an FM radio, eBook, voice-recording feature, alarm clock, and games. It has a bright color display and up to 26 hours of playback when used with earphones and up to 17 hours when using the built-in loudspeaker.

Reviewers Say: “We got this as a Christmas gift for a 5-year-old. I LOVE IT! It's easy enough to use that he can do it on his own. So far, we haven't run out of space with two dozen songs and some podcasts. It will hold "pictures" but they are grainy like from a really old cell phone. But - I didn't buy it for that. The sound is [of] good quality. I like that it's not ridiculously loud.”


RUIZU Mp3 Player


This simple, thin MP3 player has an impressive 80-hour battery life, so your kid can listen to their favorite few songs on repeat all day long. It has no WiFi but has a big screen, FM radio, and simple button interface on the front. You can choose between 8 and 18GB of memory and four different colors.

Reviewers Say: “Bought this for my 5-year-old son and it's the best thing I've ever gotten him. Now he sits outside on his swing for hours listening to music and is completely quiet! For parents with a very talkative child who just need a moment of peace and quiet BUY THIS PRODUCT!!!!! It's easy for him to use by himself and lasts quite a while. The volume is a bit hard to use which makes it better for anyone with kids because it's harder for them to turn the music up too loud. He's dropped it, thrown it, dragged it across the floor and so much more and it still works!”


SanDisk Jam MP3 Player


This compact, lightweight MP3 player has an FM radio and 8GB of storage so your kid can save up to 2,000 songs of audiobooks. It has a bright display screen and up to 18 hours of battery life. The clip can be easily used to attach to bags, clothes, or pockets, and the player comes in seven fun colors.

Reviewers Say: “I bought each of my children one of these for Christmas. They all love them. After five months of use, no complaints. Songs were easy to transfer from iTunes. Would buy again!”

Best Toddler Music Players


AGPTEK MP3 Player for Kids


This kids’ music player also doubles as a mini sound machine, and it has 10 relaxing sounds including white noise, waves, and lullabies to help your tots drift off to sleep. It has a 2.4 inch screen, FM radio, alarm, equalizer, and can play video and record voices. It’s also Bluetooth compatible and comes with a lanyard to put around the wrist. The player has a life of up to 50 hours, more than enough time to keep your little ones out of (too much) trouble.

Reviewers Say: “I found this MP3 player for my 2-year-old granddaughter and I can say, this is an awesome product. So easy to use. She can easily navigate through the songs and turns it off and on. I did have to change the format but that was so easy to figure out... The battery is pretty decent. She plays it all night to sleep and it usually lasts a few days. If I actually remember to go turn it off, the battery last about a week. Just depends on how much you use it.”

For other ways to keep your kids entertained (read: out of trouble), check out our Kid Gear picks.



Mighty Vibe Spotify and Amazon Music Player



Apple iTouch



Sony Walkman MP3 Player



Timoom Portable Lossless MP3 Music Player with Clip



AGPTEK K1 MP3 Player for Kids



RUIZU Mp3 Player



SanDisk Jam MP3 Player



AGPTEK MP3 Player for Kids


This article was originally published on

"Songs are unlikely to teach bad things." What kind of music do children listen to - and what should parents do about it

Do you know what your child listens to: what songs does he dance to, mourn, think to? And if you find out, you definitely won't judge? Even if this music seems “inappropriate” to you? Together with the Yandex. Music audio streaming service, psychologist Ksenia Nesyutina, and musicians Timur Rodriguez and Yulianna Karaulova, we tried to figure out how parents can develop a child's musical preferences (and whether it should be done).

Even 15–20 years ago, it was not so easy for children to listen to music: they could catch something on the radio and TV, something on cassettes and disks (usually bought by their parents). The question of the musical taste of the new generation was little discussed: from some point on, children simply listened to about the same as the adults around them.

Today, everything is much simpler: all you need is a smartphone or a smart speaker - and the music is already playing in the headphones or the room. Every day, new hits get to the top of the charts and tops of TikTok, which become viral in a matter of hours and often “stick” even to preschoolers of 4-5 years old. And then it starts: "Mom, put on a Cadillac song."

The Yandex.Music app now has a children's section that helps parents cope with everyday activities more easily and keep abreast of trends. It contains only safe content: for easy navigation through the section, there is a safe search that answers queries only with children's songs, fairy tales, audio books and podcasts.

Modern music can be quite frank, bold, provocative. And this worries parents: they are afraid that music will somehow affect the child and his views in general, provoke him to some “wrong” thoughts or actions. After all, the media often emphasize this: they say that a teenager listened to the songs of such and such a group, and then did something illegal. But is the music of that very group to blame for this? And is it worth it to control what a child listens to, divide music into good and bad, and try to cultivate the “right” musical taste in him? And if so, how and at what age to do it? And why do children prefer unpretentious songs of bloggers instead of conditionally safe jazz? We deal with these and more questions together with Yandex.Music and child psychologist Ksenia Nesyutina.

How children listen to music

Ksenia Nesyutina, child psychologist

Babies. Songs for very young children are based on refrains for good reason: they like the constant repetition of the same simple phrases related to what they see every day or can imagine. This allows them to consolidate their life experience, rely on it, build a picture of the world. Bad news for music lovers: over jazz or classical, kids in most cases will prefer something like “Once upon a time there was a little gray goat with my grandmother” or they will choose songs from cartoons that they constantly watch. The good news for everyone is that this is a natural developmental stage.

Yulianna Karaulova:

My child is still very small and listens to what adults nearby play. I try to develop his musical taste, for example, I put on the classics. Some of my friends have older children who listen to different things, including rather harsh rap - and this is at 3-4 years old. It is clear that there is non-childish vocabulary and meanings, but it really seems to me that if you do not focus on this, then children at this age simply catch the general vibe of music, in this case assertive and energetic, and they are cool.

Preschoolers. Another feature of music consumption at preschool age is the emphasis on pampering and rather simple, even primitive humor. Most children love funny stories where someone laughs at someone, falls loudly, eats someone with pleasure, or otherwise breaks the usual framework. This again helps them comprehend the complex world, look at some everyday things from a new angle, laugh, including at themselves, and thus release some tension. Therefore, you should not be afraid that songs like “The priest had a dog, he loved her, she ate a piece of meat, he killed her” (remember, the Bremen Town Musicians sang it in the cartoon?) will harm the child. Preschoolers do not yet have such a developed reflection to analyze such texts, they rather amuse them, especially if the melody is joyful.

But too heavy, aggressive loud music is hardly suitable for a child of this age - even if the words of the song are harmless. This is due to the fact that preschoolers do not yet have the need to splash out aggression, which such music helps to process into energy. So such music will be rather incomprehensible to them and may even frighten or upset.

Junior schoolchildren. At this age, the child becomes more conscious, music begins to occupy an important place in his life: it no longer just entertains, amuses, allows you to let off steam, but also helps to experience new experiences, to experience an emotional reaction. The positive effect is that music makes the psyche more flexible and mobile. This makes it easier to experience their own emotions and teaches children empathy. They begin to listen to the words, to realize the meaning of the songs.

At the same time, there is an opinion that if a child with a still fragile psyche hears something aggressive, then he will behave accordingly, that music can "teach bad things." But it is important to understand: when a person listens to music or watches a movie, he is in a fantasy world, imagines himself the hero of these works of art, scrolls events not from his life in his head, imagines himself to be someone else, a lyrical hero.

A one-time encounter with any adult music content at this age is unlikely to become a trauma for a child. At the same time, parents can still limit constant listening to music not for age - but not forbidding, but offering an alternative: elementary school students are ready to listen to music with mom and dad, share with them what they like, discuss it. And it's important to take advantage of the opportunity.

Timur Rodriguez:

I very often listen to music with my sons and, more importantly, discuss it with them. I have a "holy" time with the children that I don't give to anyone - the morning when I take them to school. On the way, the sons listen to music in the car, and very often at the grandfather's on the vinyl player. As a result, everything turns out the same as in my childhood: the boys in general convey my taste in music - while everyone around was jumping to "Hands up!" and "Ivanushki", I listened to Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Ray Charles. Of course, children themselves are already surfing music in applications and finding something new that they like, but based on what we listened to together. Periodically, the eldest son shows me his findings, and they are very good! For example, recently he turned on the Grandson for me, and I really liked it. Although more controversial tracks for me appear in their playlists: dark modern hip-hop, instrumental music from games and TV shows... Maybe it seems simple or monotonous to me, but I never tell them: "Bad, turn it off."

Teenagers. Parents worry about teenagers the most: what is he listening to in his headphones, is this music connected with his mood? And aggression is also because of her? In most cases, no. If a child grows up in love, if you have a trusting relationship, some kind of music is unlikely to affect him drastically. With the help of the experiences associated with listening, a teenager rather explores himself - placing empathy for the "bad" heroes of any tracks in his fantasy field. We all have fantasies, reflections, a desire to go beyond any boundaries - and teenagers especially. And if a person listens to music about it, watches movies, plays similar games - that's even good. This is a fantasy, not a realization, this is an attempt to realize this role, to try it on yourself - for fun. The formula "heard - went - repeated" does not work here, we are not arranged so simply.

Yulianna Karaulova:

To be honest, I would not want my child to listen to the vast majority of the tracks that are popular today. But I'm not going to forbid it, because it will make him want even more. I’d better offer some alternative: listen to what you want, but look, there is still good western hip-hop. The main thing is that there should be a dialogue between the child and the parent: one should not swear because of “bad” music, but argue and tell what else happens. I am pleased that children love my songs - I think this happens, among other things, because they are quite simple to understand. Simple pop melodies are easy to hear, easy to reproduce, and memorable. I have never heard that children were forbidden to listen to my music.

Timur Rodriguez:

It makes no sense to ban anything (in general, not only with regards to music), because it always entails only additional interest. The only thing that can be done is to lay the foundation of taste from early childhood, so that the child would already cut off all the filth. My children know very well how I feel about some modern artists with primitive songs and primitive lyrics. But I am voicing my position to them not to forbid something, but to help them with guidance. I myself have tracks that contain content inappropriate for children. But 80–90% of my creativity is harmless to children. Whether it matches the taste of their parents is another matter.

How to help your child develop taste in music

  • Variety. Acquaintance with music of different genres has a positive effect on the development of the child. Melodic classics, abstract jazz, pumping hip-hop or hard rock - everything will suit your mood.
  • Introduce your child to music gradually , leaving for later songs for which he is too small. The child's psyche is formed gradually, and it is unlikely that a two-year-old child will be able to understand the beauty of Zemfira's poems or Metallica's guitar riffs. So, if you and your two-year-old only listen to the songs of "Kids", relax: this does not make you a bad parent.
  • Distance yourself from your experience. The world is not divided into "mine" and "alien". Parents and children need to try to listen to new things without dwelling on the familiar. And the best thing is to share your favorite music with loved ones and listen to what they share. This is very close.
  • Experience new experiences with your child. If you hear something you like, show it to the children. And ask him to share his musical discoveries with you.
  • Keep track of when your child is listening to music. We often match it to certain feelings and moods. Perhaps the child is sad now, and it is not worth condemning him for choosing too gloomy tracks: you will only make it worse, and now they are helping him.

Playlists for children and parents: choice of Timur Rodriguez and Yulianna Karaulova

Timur Rodriguez: When I was a child, I listened to what my parents listened to: jazz, blues, rock and high-quality pop. My tastes developed under the influence of this music, and now my sons form their tastes under the influence of what is playing in our house. In my playlist for family listening, I have collected my favorite songs from different eras and genres: Bruno Mars, Billy Eilish, Stevie Wonder, Blur - everything is mixed in it. I really envy people who will listen to these songs for the first time with their children: these are indescribable emotions.

Yulianna Karaulova: When I was a child, my family lived in Bulgaria for some time. Parents missed their homeland, so Russian-language music of that time sounded at home all the time. But for some reason, out of all the variety, I especially remember the lullabies that my mother sang to me as a child. Now I sing them to my son, my favorite is about a bear. She and many other songs, to which I put Sasha to sleep, got into my playlist to help other parents.

The children's section of Yandex.Music contains playlists for joint listening with children from famous parents - Yulianna Karaulova, Timur Rodriguez, Polina Gagarina, Alsou, Diana Arbenina, Larisa Surkova, Anna Levadnaya, Natalya Remish and others.

parent's guide to contemporary artists

Billie Eilish

Popular American singer-songwriter Billie Eilish is only 19 years old, but she has many prestigious awards under her belt, including five Grammys. More than 90 million people have subscribed to her page on the social network, and YouTube clips are gaining one and a half billion views. No revealing dresses and outrageous antics, Billy wears bright baggy outfits and behaves modestly. The main theme of her work is teenage suffering, phobias, TV series, computer games and social networks - the digital reality that young people live with.


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Ariana Grande

If you ask your child to name the main pop star of the planet, he will answer - Ariana Grande. Here's what you need to know about this young performer: Her career began with children's shows on Nickelodeon, then she voiced cartoons and starred in the teen TV show Scream Queens. Ariana Grande became the first singer to have three singles at the same time occupy the first three places of the Billboard Hot 100 hit parade. Before that, only the legendary Beatles managed to do this in 1964 years old. The girl's videos collect hundreds of millions of views, and not because she starred in them in very revealing outfits. Perhaps one of the main reasons why millennials like Ariana so much is her unshakable confidence in herself and the desire to share this confidence with everyone.

Ariana Grande—thank u, next

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No, these are not color names. Black Pink is, without exaggeration, the most popular female K-pop group in the world. For those who are 20 years behind the times, to clarify, K-pop is a musical genre that originated in South Korea. So what is the secret of the band's popularity? Many believe that the viral success is the result of the work of marketers and sound producers from YG Entertainment - it was they who once introduced the world to the music video of the singer PSY for the track Gangnam Style. But not a single teenager will agree with this statement. Young people in Blackpink are attracted not only by the visual image of the girl band, but also by their perky songs, under which you can not only increase self-esteem, but also have fun.

Blackpink—SQUARE UP

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A few years ago, only a narrow circle of people knew about a simple Ufa guy Alisher Valeev (real name of the musician). Now he is the most scandalous and controversial personality of the modern music community. And even if you don’t particularly follow Russian rap and haven’t heard a single Morgenstern song, you probably know about him himself - yes, this is the guy with tattoos on his face who annoys everyone in general. The young man started his career with video blogging, but gradually began to move more and more into music and now positions himself as a rap artist. A strange half-whisper in his performance, few people can call real rap. However, Morgenstern managed to win the love of young people who still cannot buy alcohol, with a provocative image of a carefree guy who lives for his own pleasure, enjoying creativity, money and attention.


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Do parents know what kind of music their children listen to? MTS conducted a study where it compared the real preferences of the younger generation and the expectations of adults. It showed that opinions differ greatly. However, four domestic performers were in the top for both: Niletto, Morgenstern, Timati and Yegor Creed.

Gruppa Skryptonite

Rapper Skryptonit (real name of the performer is Adil Zhalelov) from Kazakhstan has become a famous artist in a few months. Millions know his tracks, he is on the lists of the most desired guests of any social events, and many consider the performer to be just a genius. But an unprepared listener is unlikely to be able to make out at least a few lines from his songs. An indistinct manner of performance combined with gloomy music and lyrics about the meaning of life - this is the recipe for the perfect buzzer music.

Gruppa Skryptonite—2004

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Max Korzh

Each song of the Belarusian phenomenon Max Korzh is a 100% hit, created by mixing yard and club style. The artist gathers entire stadiums, and is also considered one of the most promising singers in modern show business. The composition “Heaven will help us” brought wide popularity to the young Belarusian. He wrote it down a few days before leaving for the army. After returning, Max was surprised to find that the song he wrote was rapidly gaining popularity and even sounded on the charts of some radio stations. The artist's arsenal includes dozens of autobiographical songs, in which every teenager finds something familiar for himself.

Max Korzh—Maly has matured. Part 1

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Material on the topic

Teenage slang for their parents: learning to understand our children


A new star of Russian rap, 22-year-old Artyom Nikitin talks in his tracks for a minute and a half about romantic adventures young gangster. The appearance of the popular meme "Fumbling for Mayot" is associated with his name. Morgenstern also named this young artist the most promising rapper in 2021. What other explanations of the phenomenon of popularity are needed?


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This performer carefully hides the details of his biography, and in the lyrics he talks about his cheerful youth: having fun with pretty girls, parties and experiments with illegal substances. It would seem a standard set, but the original manner of Rocket's performance, together with high-quality arrangements, does not leave young listeners indifferent.

Rocket—Swag Season 2

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OG Buda

Yes, this is another popular Russian rapper, don't be surprised. How is this performer different from all the others? Why are his performances expected at every fashion party, and the new release instantly becomes a hit? OG Buda perfectly plays up the stereotypes about the dashing 90s. The older generation usually scolds this era, but the younger generation tends to romanticize it.

OG Buda—OPG city

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For those who hear the name of this group for the first time, we tell you: the Kis-Kis duet burst into the Russian show business not with the usual sweet-voiced love songs, but with protest rock hits on topical and bold topics.

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