Click clack moo pdf
8 Advanced - CLICK CLACK MOO Cows That Type Pages 1-28 - Flip PDF Download
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1|Page Table of Content Summary of the story…………………… 3 Cast and Crew………………………………… 5 Students’ Bio and Role……………… 7 Script…………………………………… 10 Pictures of the Process…………………. 24 Students’ Experience……………. 26 2|Page Summary of the \\ story 3|Page Click clack moo, cows that type This is a story of Farmer Brown's cows, who find an old typewriter in the barn and proceed to write letters to Farmer Brown, making various demands and then going on strike when they aren't met. 4|Page Cast & Crew 5|Page Narrator 1: Candy Narrator 2: Ian Narrator 3: Cian Narrator 4: Selina Narrator 5: Ella Cow: Farmer Brown: Alvin Ivy 6|Page Students’ Bio & Role 7|Page Hi, my name is Candy from 8A. This year, I’m an editor, and I help to modify the script. I think this job have many challenges, but I’ll do my best. Last year I was an IT. IT was difficult but an important job in Reader Theater. I helped translated the script, made the PPT, find background music, collated the bio and Introduction.
By the way, I’m also Norrator1 in this years’ RT. I choose this character, because my classmates don’t like to speak English. So, Cian, Ian, and I choose this character. My name Cian. I am in class G8(A). My job is to collect team photos and make it into the ppt. I also take photos and videos of them when they are practicing. I am a Narrator in RT. Last year I was the leader in the group, and help other people in our team, because they need more practice. So, I was nervous for them, because I want the prize. Last year, we didn’t win. I choose the Narrator character to give our team a big surprise. I hope we win this year. Hi, my name is Ian. I’m from 8A class. I make Props and I’m a Narrator in Reader Theater. There are 4 people in my family, my mom, dad, my brother and I.
We are a little family. This is my first time performing in Reader Theater, and I hope I can do well. My name is Alvin, I am in 8A and job is the props group. l need to do props. I am a cow in the RT. I like cows so I chose this character. I think I can do better than last year. Last year I was an IT, l think IT is a much harder job than reading. 8|Page Hello, everyone I’m Ivy. My class is in the 8A1. My position in the team is to make props so that the team members can perform. I like hands on projects and I want to try to make some props for my classmate, that’s why I chose this job.
My name is Ella. I’m studying at Wagor High School now. My hobby is listening to music and drawing. I have one big brother. I’m in grade eight Advance. I transfer from another school this semester, so I am very excited to join the reader theater. Hope that our group can win in this contest. I think this time to last time preparation to short, this time we doing best, but I have bad place, but we this time get best team. I think we doing very good, on the stage ,I very nervous, so I didn’t do myself, result is good, everyone is very excited 9|Page Script 10 | P a g e Narrator 1: CLICK, CLACK, MOO Cows That Type 狀聲詞(牛叫聲) Narrator 2: Farmer Brown has a problem.
His cows like to type. All day long he hears 旁白 2:農夫布朗有一個問題。 他的牛喜 歡打字。 他整天聽到 Narrator 3: Click, clack, moo. Click, clack, moo. Clickety, clack, mo. 狀聲詞(牛叫聲) 11 | P a g e Narrator 4: At first, he couldn't believe his ears. Cows that type? Impossible! 旁白 4:起初他不敢相信自己的耳朵。 那 是奶牛? 不可能! Narrator 5: Click, clack, moo. Click, clack, moo. Clickety, clack, moo. 狀聲詞(牛叫聲) Narrator 1: Then, he couldn't believe his eyes. 然後,他不敢相信自己的眼睛。 12 | P a g e Cows: Dear Farmer Brown, The barn is very cold at night. We'd like some electric blankets. Sincerely, The Cows 親愛的農夫布朗,晚上穀倉很冷。 我們想 要一些電熱毯。 真誠的,母牛 Narrator 2: It was bad enough the cows had found the old typewriter in the barn, now they wanted electric blankets! 旁白 2:奶牛在穀倉裡找到一台舊打字機 已經夠糟了,現在他們想要電熱毯了! 13 | P a g e Farmer Brown: \"No way! No electric blankets.
\" 農夫布朗:“沒辦法!沒有電熱毯。” Narrator 3: said Farmer Brown. So, the cows went on strike. They left a note on the barn door. 旁白 3:農夫布朗說。 於是牛們開始罷工。 他們在穀倉門上留下了一張紙條。 Cows: Sorry. We're closed. No milk today. 母牛:對不起。 我們關門了 今天沒有牛奶。 14 | P a g e Farmer Brown: \"No milk today!\" 農夫布朗:“今天沒有牛奶!” Narrator 4: cried Farmer Brown. In the background, he heard the cows busy at work. 旁白 4:哭泣的農夫布朗。 在後台,他聽 到牛在忙著工作。 Narrator 5: Click, clack, moo. Click, clack, moo. Clickety, clack, moo. 狀聲詞(牛叫聲) 15 | P a g e Narrator 1: The next day, he got another note: 旁白 1:第二天,他又得到一個音符: Dear Farmer Brown, the hens are cold too. They'd like electric blankets. Sincerely, The Cows. 親愛的農夫布朗:母雞也很冷。 他們想要 電熱毯。 真誠的,母牛母牛: Narrator 2: The cows were growing impatient with the farmer.
They left a new note on the barn door. 旁白 2:母牛對農夫不耐煩。 他們在穀倉 門上留下了新的音符。 16 | P a g e Narrator 3: Closed. No milk. No eggs. 旁白 3:已關閉。 沒有人。 沒有雞蛋 Farmer Brown: \"No eggs!\" 農夫布朗:“沒有雞蛋!” Narrator 4: cried Farmer Brown. In the background he heard them. 旁白 4:哭泣的農夫布朗。 在後台,他聽 到了。 Click, clack, moo. Click, clack, Clickety, clock, moo. 狀聲詞(牛叫聲) 17 | P a g e Farmer Brown: Cows that type. Hens on strike! Whoever heard of such a thing? How can I run a farm with no milk and no eggs! 農夫布朗:那種牛。母雞罷工。誰聽說過 這樣的事? 我如何經營沒有牛奶和雞蛋的農場! Narrator 1: Farmer Brown was furious. Farmer Brown got out his own typewriter. 農夫布朗很生氣。 農夫布朗拿出自己的打 字機。 18 | P a g e Farmer Brown: Dear Cows and Hens: There will be no electric blankets.
You are cows and hens. I demand milk and eggs. Sincerely, Farmer Brown 親愛的母牛和母雞:沒有電熱毯。 你是母 雞。 我需要牛奶和雞蛋。 真誠的農夫布朗 Narrator 2: Duck was a neutral party, so he brought the ultimatum to the cows. 鴨子是個中立者,所以他給牛最後通牒 19 | P a g e Narrator 3: The cows held an emergency meeting. All the animals gathered around the barn to snoop, but none of them could understand Moo. 母牛舉行了緊急會議。 所有的動物都聚集 在穀倉周圍窺探,但它們都聽不懂 Moo。 Narrator 4: All night long, Farmer Brown waited for an answer 整晚,農夫布朗都在等待答案 20 | P a g e Narrator 5: Duck knocked on the door early the next morning. He handed Farmer Brown a note: 第二天一大早,鴨子敲門。 他遞給農夫布 朗一張紙條: Dear Farmer Brown, we will exchange our typewriter for electric blankets. Leave them outside the barn door and we will send Duck over with the typewriter.
Sincerely, The Cows. 親愛的農夫布朗,我們將用打字機換電熱 毯。 將它們放在穀倉門外面,我們將把鴨 子和打字機一起送到。 真誠的,母牛 21 | P a g e Narrator 1: Farmer Brown decided this was a good deal. 農夫布朗認為這很划算。 Narrator 2: He left the blankets next to the barn door and waited for Duck to cone with the typewriter. 旁白 2:他在下一個倉庫留下毛毯並等待鴨 子完成打字 Narrator 3: The next morning he got a note: 第二天早上,他得到了一條紙條: 22 | P a g e Dear Farmer Brown, the pond is quite boring. We'd like a diving board. Sincerely, The Ducks 農夫布朗:池塘很無聊。 我們想要一個跳 水板。 真誠的鴨子 Narrator 5: Click, clack, quack, Click, clack, quack. Clickety, clock, quack. 狀聲詞(牛叫聲) 23 | P a g e Pictures of the process 24 | P a g e 25 | P a g e Students’ Experience 26 | P a g e Before I stand on stage, I was very nervous, because I was scared to stay on the stage, but we did it.
We won the “Best team” award. This year I think everyone did well on the stage, but I think if we can practice more movements, and we can do better. Last year, I didn’t go on stage, because I was the IT. I stood under the stage; I saw my classmates on stage. I think we did better than last year. Our team is the “Click Clack Moo, Cows that type”. I think we did better than last year. I’m sad that I can’t participate in RT next year. I think our teachers helped us a lot. I want to say thank you to all of them. This year, it was my first time performing in RT and it was very fun. I was very shy before the performance.
However, I think I did very well on stage. I was very surprise we won best team, but I’m very happy. I think this years’ RT was very successful. I think we did better than last year, because we didn’t win last year. I was very nervous on stage, because it was my first time. I think our team can do better. We need bigger movements, if we have more movements, I think we can win first place. 27 | P a g e I was very nervous during the contest. Our team worked very hard together and we won best team. During the contest, I mispronounced some words, but I’m still very happy about the result. I want to thank Wagor for giving us this chance to go on stage.
We didn’t get to practice too much this year, but we did our best. We won the best team award. I think we did very well on stage, even though I was very nervous. I didn’t believe myself at first, but I did it. We are very happy about the result. Hi, I’m Ivy. I learned how to work in a team and how to work with others. Although there are some fighting but didn’t hurt us. At the end, we won best team. I think we will do even better next year. 28 | P a g e
Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type - Flip eBook Pages 1-30
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- Nihith Ravikanti
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Published by Nihith Ravikanti, 2021-01-09 22:19:02
- 1 - 30
Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type
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It, 11.00
COWs Th&t TyPe
bl"Doreen Cron1n pl0tUres' bl"BetSyLewin -
Farmer Brown has a prohlem,
His cows like to type.
AlI day long he hears .
Click, clack, moo.
Click, clack, moo.
Clickety, ctaok, moo.
At flrst, he couldn't helieve his ears.
Cows that type?
C¡ick, cjaok, moo.
Click, clack, moo.
C¡ickety, clack, moo.
.•.... '
De&r Farmer Brown,
The barn is verY eojd
at night.
We'd like some electrto
- Sincerel~,
The COws
~~No milk todayl" cried Farmer
Brown. In the background., he
heard the cows bus Yat work:
~ --.
Click, clack, moo.-
Click, cl aok, moo.
Clickety, cl ack, moo.
The next day, he got another
Dear F&rnler Brown,
The hens are cord tOO.
They'd like electr-íc
The COws
The COW8 were growing Impatient
with the farmer. They left a new
note on the harn door.
NO milk.
"No eggs!" cried Farmer Brown. 1.
In the background he heard
C¡ick, cl ack, moo.
C¡ick, crack, moo.
C¡ickety, clack, moo·.
"Cows thattype. Hens on strike!
Whoever heard of such a thing?
How can 1run a farm with no rnilk
and no eggs!" Farmer Brown was
Far:mer Brown got out his own
_1 typewriter.
Dear Cows and Hens:
There will be no electric blankets.
You are cows and hens.
1 demand milk and eggs.
Farmer Brown
( ,V?
Duckwas a neutral party, so he
hrought the uftimatum to the
The cows held an elllergency
m.eeting.All the animals gathered
of them could understand Moo.
AlI night long, Farmer
Brown waited for an
answer. ~
Duck knocked on the door earIy
the next morrring, He handed
Farmer Brown a note:
{Ol' electl'ic blanltetso a OO
Le thetll outside the b l'n d l'
ave send Duclt over
and we will
with the type'Wl'itel'o
The next morrring he got a note:
Dear F&rmer Brown,
The pOnd is quite bOring.
We'd like a diving board.
The Ducks
Click, clack, quack.
Click, clack, quack.
ClicketY,. clack, quack.
ISBN 0-689-83213-3
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On the History of Russian Futurism: Memoirs and Documents. - M. : Gilea, 2006
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Source: Meduza
Gabriele Diwald / Unsplash
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Official channel of KVN
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Beslan. Remember / vDud
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