Come in sight
When they were [...] near Jerusalem and had come in sight of Bethphage on the Mount [...] of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples, saying [...] to them, "Go to the village facing you, and you will immediately find a tethered donkey and a colt with her. |
Cuando se [...] acercaban a Jerusaln y llegaron a Betfag, junto al monte de los Olivos, [...] Jess mand dos discpulos, dicindoles: [...] - Id a la aldea de enfrente, encontraris en seguida una borrica atada con su pollino, desatadlos y tradmelos. virc. |
11) and be ready against the third day for the [...] third day Jehovah will come down in the sight of all the people [...] upon mount Sinai. |
11) Y estn apercibidos para el da tercero, porque al tercer da Jehov [...] descender, ojos de todo el pueblo, sobre el monte de Sina. |
Exodus 19:10-11, "And the LORD said unto Moses, Go unto the people, and sanctify them to day and to morrow, and let them wash their clothes, And be [...] ready against the third day: for the third day
[. upon mount Sinai. |
xodo 19:10-11, "Jehov Dijo a Moiss: Ve al pueblo, y santifcalos hoy y maana; y laven sus vestidos, y estn [...] preparados para el da tercero, porque al tercer [...] da Jehov descender a ojos de todo el pueblo sobre [...] el monte de Sina. |
To communicate well with the client and keep all
opportunities in sight, is essential for us to come to the agreed [. end result. |
La buena comunicacin con el cliente y el [...] mantener todas las opciones a la vista, son esenciales para el resultado [...] deseado. |
The Commission has come within sight of the fulfilment [...] of its mandate. |
La Comisin se aproxima al cumplimiento de su mandato. |
With the finishing line
in sight, however, intense discussions have now broken out about the details of the institutional [. framework. |
Sin embargo, ahora que vislumbramos ya la lnea de meta, se han desatado acalorados debates en torno a los detalles [...] del marco institucional. |
Who among us has yet come to lose sight of shore and to swim in the Atlantic of Divine Love [...] where fathomless Truths of God [...] rolls underneath and the infinite is all around? |
Quin de nosotros se ha alejado hasta perder de vista la playa, nadando en el Atlntico del [. amor divino, donde una verdad [...] insondable se extiende abajo, y el infinito lo rodea todo? |
No end to this development is in sight, even though we have started to think about where Europe's boundaries lie. |
No se vislumbra el final de ese proceso, aunque hayamos empezado a pensar dnde se encuentran los lmites de Europa. |
As the falls come into sight, the horses are tethered at a small station where [...] drinks are provided before making the rest
[. of the trek on foot to the swimming hole at the base of the thundering and picturesque El Limon falls. |
Cuando son avistadas las cascadas, los caballos deben ser atados en una pequea [...] estacin donde se les proporciona agua antes [...] de hacer el resto del viaje, al pie de un pozo en la base de la pintoresca cascada El Limn. |
What he asked for he expected, for when [...] he was bid to come he evidently expected that his sight would be restored, [...] for we are told by another
[. Evangelist that he cast away his beggar's cloak! |
l esperaba lo que peda, pues cuando se le orden [...] que se acercara, l evidentemente esperaba que su vista fuera restaurada, [...] pues otro evangelista [...] nos narra que arroj su capa de mendigo. |
If the top of a [...] stake cannot be seen, when you come to set point C, sight with the aid of a plumb bob: [...] first, to find where to drive the stake, and secondly, to note [...] the point on the top of the stake. |
Si al momento de [...] colocar el punto C no se puede ver la parte superior de una estaca, apunte con ayuda de [...] una plomada: en primer lugar, para encontrar dnde colocar [...] la estaca, y en segundo lugar para anotar el punto en la parte superior de la estaca. |
At first sight, not many options come to mind on what the EU can do with regard to Russia other than what it did during 2009: standing firm on its claim that the Russian recognition of South-Ossetia and Abkhazia is a breach of the territorial integrity of Georgia and inconsistent with international law, calling upon Russia to let the UN and OSCE re-open their missions and demanding access for its Monitoring Mission in Georgia (EUMM). |
A primera vista, no se nos ocurren muchas opciones acerca de lo que puede hacer la UE respecto a la Federacin Rusa aparte de lo que ya hizo durante el 2009: mantenerse firme en su postura de que el reconocimiento ruso de Osetia del Sur y Abjazia constituye una violacin de la integridad territorial de Georgia inconsecuente con el respeto a la ley internacional, y exigirle a la Federacin Rusa que permita a la ONU y a la OSCE reabrir sus misiones y reclamarle acceso para su Misin de Observacin de la Unin Europea en Georgia (EUMM). |
At first sight, it could almost come from that period when [. adventure-seeking artists put their skills at the service of [...] science, the conquest of new lands and the fantasies of Europe. |
A primera vista, casi podra haberse extrado de aquellas [...] pocas en las que dibujantes intrpidos ponan su maa al servicio [...] de la ciencia, del apoderamiento de los territorios inexplorados y de la fantasa europea. |
Here many threads need to come together which at first sight are only indirectly linked to conflict transformation, such as fighting corruption, preventing illegal trading in raw materials or strengthening the structures and negotiating power of [. the population. |
Aqu deben reunirse muchas [...] estrategias, que a primera vista poco tienen que ver con la transformacin de conflictos, como son: la lucha contra la corrupcin, la prohibicin del comercio ilegal con materias primas o el refuerzo de la poblacin en sus estructuras y en su poder de [...] negociacin. |
She enters the building [...] with a black folder in her hands, no doorkeeper in sight. |
Entra en el portal con la carpeta negra en las manos, y [. no ve ningn vigilante. |
Power and [...] network cables are out of sight in the integrated cable box. |
Los cables [...] de corriente y de la red quedan ocultos en la caja para electrificacin [...] integrada. |
And there is no end in sight for this price spiral. |
El fin de la carrera inflacionaria no se puede prever. |
A crowd of neighbors and kids gathers round, and by the end [...] practically everyone in sight is drawn into [...] the discussion, which invariably takes place over umpteen cups of tea. |
Una multitud de vecinos y de nios se renen alrededor, y al [...] final prcticamente todo el mundo participa en el debate, que normalmente [...] se desarrolla en torno a numerosas tazas de t. |
Unless the Congolese and regional
governments try different tactics, there is no end in sight to Congo's troubles. |
Mientras los gobiernos nacional y [...] regionales no cambien de tcticas, no terminarn los problemas del Congo. |
In the area I come from, a very serious accident occurred in which a ship [...] leaked following a collision with another ship. |
En la zona en la que vivo se produjo un accidente muy grave en el que un barco [...] provoc un vertido tras una colisin con otro barco. europarl. |
The experience gained in this way [...] will naturally come in useful at subsequent stages. |
La experiencia que se obtenga a raz de [...] ello ser muy oportuna en las siguientes fases. |
That assistance can come in two different forms. |
Esa asistencia puede prestarse de dos maneras diferentes. daccess-ods. |
the tambourine sounds strong - we are in the center of his home [...] land under the vague sight of the stars - and come backs in ? |
suena con fuerza la pandereta -estamos en el centro del terruo bajo [...] la mirada distrada de las estrellas- que regresa de nuevo para ? |
It could be said that the waste with the greatest environmental impact, given its characteristics, is constituted by those materials that have [...] been in
[. such substances. |
Se puede observar que los residuos con un mayor impacto ambiental dadas sus [...] caractersticas son [...] los materiales en contacto con el aceite lubricante como son trapos y recipientes que lo han contenido. |
Change has also come in ways that are [...] not visible. |
Tambin se han producido cambios que [. no resultan visibles. |
A deep storage for waste in [...] hard rock can be located either in a former mine, where the mining activities have come to an end, or in a new storage facility. |
Un almacenamiento en profundidad de residuos en roca dura se puede ubicar o bien en una antigua mina clausurada, o bien en una nueva instalacin [...] de almacenamiento. |
Now the opponents come into sight once more because [. they pose the gravest threat to the project, leading either to its failure [...] or turning it into its opposite. |
Ahora vuelven a aparecer en el horizonte los [...] adversarios; de ellos parte el mayor peligro de que el proyecto fracase o se convierta en lo contrario. |
We have made significant progress on the ground and the end of the [...] deployment is at last in sight. |
Hemos registrado progresos significativos en el terreno y hoy, al fin, el despliegue
aparece como una realidad. |
When shopping, [...] keep your card in sight at all times [...] and make sure you get it back. |
Al efectuar una compra no [...] pierda su tarjeta de vista y asegrese de [...] que se la devuelven. |
AMD occurs when the macula, which is [...] located in the center of [...] the retina and provides us with sight in the center of our field of vision, [...] begins to degenerate. content. |
La AMD ocurre cuando la mcula, la cual [...] est localizada en el centro de la retina y provee la visin en el centro [...] de nuestro campo visual, comienza a degenerarse. |
to come in sight synonym | English synonyms dictionary
1 advance, appear, approach, arrive, become, draw near, enter, happen, materialize, move, move towards, near, occur, originate, show up (informal) turn out, turn up (informal)
2 appear, arrive, attain, enter, materialize, reach, show up (informal) turn up (informal)
3 fall, happen, occur, take place
4 arise, emanate, emerge, end up, flow, issue, originate, result, turn out
5 extend, reach
6 be available, be made, be offered, be on offer, be produced
come about
arise, befall, come to pass, happen, occur, result, take place, transpire (informal)
come across
bump into (informal) chance upon, discover, encounter, find, happen upon, hit upon, light upon, meet, notice, stumble upon, unearth
come along
develop, improve, mend, perk up, pick up, progress, rally, recover, recuperate
come apart
break, come unstuck, crumble, disintegrate, fall to pieces, give way, separate, split, tear
come at
1 attain, discover, find, grasp, reach
2 assail, assault, attack, charge, fall upon, fly at, go for, light into, rush, rush at
come back
reappear, recur, re-enter, return
come between
alienate, divide, estrange, interfere, meddle, part, separate, set at odds
come by
acquire, get, land, lay hold of, obtain, procure, score (slang) secure, take possession of, win
come clean
acknowledge, admit, come out of the closet, confess, cough up (slang) 'fess up (U. S.) get (something) off one's chest (informal) make a clean breast of, own up, reveal, sing (slang, chiefly U.S.) spill one's guts (slang)
come down
1 decline, degenerate, descend, deteriorate, fall, go downhill, go to pot (informal) reduce, worsen
2 choose, decide, favour, recommend
come down on
bawl out (informal) blast, carpet (informal) chew out (U.S. & Canad. informal) criticize, dress down (informal) give (someone) a rocket (Brit. & N.Z. informal) jump on (informal) lambast(e), put down, rap over the knuckles, read the riot act, rebuke, reprimand, tear into (informal) tear (someone) off a strip (Brit. informal)
come down to
amount to, boil down to, end up as, result in
come down with
ail, be stricken with, catch, contract, fall ill, fall victim to, get, sicken, take, take sick
come forward
offer one's services, present or proffer oneself, volunteer
come in
appear, arrive, cross the threshold, enter, finish, reach, show up (informal)
come in for
acquire, bear the brunt of, endure, get, receive, suffer
come off
go off, happen, occur, succeed, take place, transpire (informal)
come on
1 advance, develop, improve, make headway, proceed, progress
2 appear, begin, take place
come out
1 appear, be announced, be divulged, be issued, be published, be released, be reported, be revealed
2 conclude, end, result, terminate
come out with
acknowledge, come clean, declare, disclose, divulge, lay open, own, own up, say
come round
1 accede, acquiesce, allow, concede, grant, mellow, relent, yield
2 come to, rally, recover, regain consciousness, revive
3 call, drop in, pop in, stop by, visit
come through
1 accomplish, achieve, make the grade (informal) prevail, succeed, triumph
2 endure, survive, weather the storm, withstand
come up
arise, crop up, happen, occur, rise, spring up, turn up
come up to
admit of comparison with, approach, compare with, equal, match, measure up to, meet, resemble, rival, stand or bear comparison with
come up with
advance, create, discover, furnish, offer, present, produce, propose, provide, submit, suggest
what does it look like and can it appear under stress?
There are a large number of different visual pathologies. Some are well known, such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or cataracts. Others, on the contrary, are little known to a wide circle of people. One such disease is tunnel vision. What is it and what is its danger, read in our article.
What is tunnel vision
Everything that we see in front of us enters the field of view. The field is usually divided into central and peripheral. Peripheral vision allows you to see objects on the sides, coming out of the central view - the place where the eye is directed.
We wrote more about the field of view in this article.
With the loss of peripheral vision, a feeling of looking through a narrow pipe is created. This condition is called tunnel vision.
With tunnel vision, a person sees as if through a narrow pipe.
Violation of peripheral vision deprives a person of the ability to drive transport and creates difficulties in orienting in space.
Main symptoms
Tunnel vision can be short-lived, appearing abruptly and quickly, or progressing slowly.
It is possible to assume the presence of tunnel vision syndrome if:
- Objects located on the side are not visible and you have to turn your head to see them.
- Vision deteriorates in the dark.
- Dark spots of various sizes are formed before the eyes - scotomas.
- Unable to read the book normally.
Here are some factors that can trigger tunnel vision:
- damage to the optic nerve due to glaucoma;
- stroke or injury;
- retinal detachment;
- neurological damage;
- severe stress.
Treatment of disease
There are no simple options, such as glasses or lenses, to correct tunnel vision. In some cases, the peripheral view can be extended using a lens known as a prism.
Tunnel vision syndrome is treated medically or surgically. The method of treatment is selected by the doctor depending on the cause of the disease.
Stress tunnel vision
In a stressful situation, the body mobilizes to eliminate the threat, there is a surge of adrenaline in the blood, which leads to tunnel vision. At this moment, the eye perceives only those images that fall on the central part of the retina.
With severe stress, short-term
As a rule, such violations are temporary and appear only with severe stress.
How to avoid stress
Stressful situations often arise in life. It is necessary to cope with them in order to prevent problems not only with vision, but also with health in general.
Simple recommendations for relieving eye strain:
- Get into a comfortable position.
- Relax.
- Close your eyes and massage the bridge of your nose.
- Take a deep breath.
- Open your eyes.
And to avoid stress, there are time-tested tips:
- Stay calm in all situations.
- Smile more.
- Take regular walks.
- Periodically do relaxation: massage, hot bath, aromatherapy.
If you suspect a loss of peripheral vision, you should consult an ophthalmologist and undergo a comprehensive examination of the visual system.
Be more attentive to your health. Have a good vision!
Laser ophthalmology
Clinical manifestations of retinal detachment
Precursors of detachment are the appearance of light phenomena: “flashes”, “sparks”, zigzags of “lightning”. These phenomena ( photopsies ) indicate the presence of irritation of photosensitive cells of the retina due to traction from the vitreous .
Retinal traction is the tension that the retina experiences from the side of the vitreous body during the development of its changes.
Photopsies are especially visible when the eyes are closed . For the diagnosis of emerging lesions, it is important to remember the location of these symptoms and report this to the ophthalmologist.
Often there are floaters (or the number of existing ones increases significantly) in the field of view. The severity varies from many "black dots" and "soot flakes" to floating "lace" or a black "curtain" in front of the eye. Their appearance is associated with damage to the vessels of the retina during its rupture followed by hemorrhage in the vitreous body .
Floating cloudy ; in the form of "soot flakes" and the appearance of a "dark curtain" are the initial signs of a developing retinal detachment.
The onset of these two symptoms usually coincides, but floaters may appear several days after outbreaks.
It should be noted that the symptoms described above are manifestations of traction from the side of the vitreous body . Therefore, due to the increased risk of developing retinal detachment, if such complaints occur, it is advisable to immediately contact the ophthalmologist of the laser center for the purpose of a qualified examination of the extreme periphery of the fundus with a wide pupil. Timely appeal to to an ophthalmologist will enable to identify a complicated course of vitreous detachment , to carry out laser coagulation of defects of the retina in time and will help to avoid the development of severe consequences of detachment .
In case of a head injury, a fall from a height, a direct injury to the eye , even in the absence of any complaints from the organ of vision, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist . Examination by a specialist will reveal ruptures and initial signs of retinal detachment , and preventive laser treatment to prevent its further progression.
To the more rare symptoms of retinal detachment include pain in the eye , which occur at the time of formation of gap with sharp traction ( traction ) vitreous Body , which has a rich sensory innervation (itself retina has no pain receptors).
Further progression of retinal detachment is accompanied by the appearance of a black " curtain " in front of eye , gradually occupying an increasing part of field of view .
This is how “ black curtain ” looks like, descending from the periphery to the center with retinal detachment .
Time during which a significant narrowing of the visual field occurs and the central 9 is disturbed0106 vision is highly dependent on the location of the retinal break . When the location gap in the lower half of the fundus of the eye, retinal detachment can progress slowly (also depends on the functional state of the vitreous body ), for several weeks and even months, without causing defects in the field of view for a long time. Detachments with such an arrangement rupture are very insidious - often they are detected only when involved in the process macular area , which significantly worsens the prognosis regarding visual functions.
On the contrary, if the retinal tear is in the upper half of the fundus (and this is the most common), the progression of the retinal detachment can occur very quickly (within a few days). The fluid accumulating under the retina , due to its higher specific gravity, gradually descends lower and lower, peeling off the retina over an ever larger area.