Creativity activity for children
Creative play & activities for children
Creative activities: why they’re important for school-age learning and development
School-age children usually take a keen interest in creative activities. This is great because creative activities like drama, singing, dancing, art and craft help school-age children:
- develop creativity and imagination
- build confidence
- express emotions, thoughts and ideas in verbal and non-verbal ways
- learn about the world from someone else’s point of view
- practise decision-making, problem-solving and critical thinking
- practise and improve social skills
- develop physical and motor skills.
Encouraging school-age children to enjoy creative activities
You can encourage creative activity by giving your child free time to play and stepping back from your child’s play. Even boredom can encourage children to be creative. So can relaxation – for example, lying on the grass and watching the clouds change their shape.
It’s important for your child to enjoy and think about the process of creating things. You can help this happen by encouraging your child to share artworks and creative activities with you and your family. It’s always best to check with your child before sharing their artwork with other people, especially on social media.
When your child is creating something, it’s good for them to keep experimenting and changing their artworks until they feel they’re finished.
You can encourage this by:
- asking about their process – for example, ‘Tell me how you attached the wheels to the bus’
- suggesting ways to experiment – for example, ‘Show me how many sounds you can make with the drum’
- being available to help if they need it – for example, ‘I can hold that shape while you paint around it’.
If you can give your child a workspace or storage box for their unfinished projects, that’s great too.
Whatever artwork your child comes up with, you can encourage their effort with plenty of descriptive praise. For example, ‘I like the rhyming words in your song’. This is great for your child’s confidence.
Some children are more interested in creative activities than others, so you can’t really ‘teach’ your child to enjoy these creative activities. But you can pass on a positive attitude to them.
It’s good to include some ‘art appreciation’ in your child’s life. Why not visit a local art exhibition or see a multicultural or Aboriginal dance or theatre performance together and talk about your favourite parts?
Art and craft: creative activities for school-age children
At this age, children have a solid understanding of colour, shapes, patterns and details. Where your child used to draw scribbles and squiggles for trees and flowers, now you can see leaves, branches, trunks and petals.
School-age children are also figuring out different ways to make things – they don’t need parts pre-made for them. For example, they might draw and cut out wings for a craft butterfly, or they might make wings from scrap paper and leaves.
Younger school-age children might still need your help to get started.
Here are some ideas for creative art and craft activities:
- Get your child to build and decorate a cubby house out of cardboard boxes or natural materials like tree branches.
- Play with textured paint. Encourage your child to add sand, dirt or sawdust to paint and use this to decorate boxes or make paintings.
- Make invisible ink out of a mixture of lemon juice and water. Your child can write a secret message with the ink. When it’s dry, they can hold the paper up to the light and see the message reappear.
- Find a large cardboard box and see what your child can come up with. It could become a robot costume, plane, puppet theatre and so on.
- Combine drawing, painting or clay-making with digital media. For example, make a clay model or a sculpture out of sticks and take photographs of it. Your child can use these photographs to make up a story.
- Go on a nature walk and take nature photographs.
Create a story, photo album or map with the photos using an app or a software program.
- Create digital artwork using software programs or apps.
Creative writing is a great way for your child to express emotions and explore ideas. For example, your child might make up new words or riddles, write and illustrate a family story book, write a script for their favourite TV show, or start a journal or blog about their favourite subjects or activities.
Drama: creative activities for school-age children
School-age children often make up and act out their own stories using simple props. Sometimes they act out events from daily life, movies and TV shows. Or you might notice your child acting out the lyrics as they listen to music or watch music videos. Also, children might act out roles like a caring vet or a police officer.
These dramatic activities give children the chance to work out real-life problems, like what to do when a person or a pet is sick or someone is angry. They also encourage children to see the world from someone else’s point of view, which helps to build empathy.
Here are some ideas to get your child involved in dramatic creative activities:
- Start a dress-up box. Use old clothes or buy simple props like cooking utensils from op shops.
- Make simple puppets and put on a puppet show.
- Take turns making up a story. You could begin with a simple situation and take turns saying what happens next. The longer the game continues, the more imaginative the story can be. If you need help to get started, you could try roll-a-story.
- Video a play or performance. Your child could write the script and make the costumes, then video themselves using a smartphone or camera. They can edit and add special effects with software or apps.
- Play games that involve guessing and acting, like charades and Pictionary. Your child could also make up their own set of flashcards with words to act out or draw.
Diversity in play is good for children. It helps children learn about people from diverse backgrounds, avoid stereotypes and understand equality. For example, you could encourage children of all genders to dress up as nurses or builders. Or choose stories or songs from diverse cultures or languages.
Music, sound, movement and dance: creative activities for school-age children
Your child might enjoy making music, either copying songs they know or making up their own. Your child might also be keen to experiment with volume, echo, rhythm, tempo and pitch. And they might be ready to use musical symbols and notes to learn how to play a piece of music.
Also, at this age, children can often control and move their bodies in expressive ways. You’ll probably see your child moving more in time with music. Or your child might start making up dance sequences to popular music or songs.
Here are some ways for your child to get creative with music, sound, movement and dance:
- Let your child play or make sounds using bought instruments or instruments you already own.
Encourage your child to try different volumes, tempos and rhythms, or copy the way you play.
- Listen to the musical pieces Peter and the wolf and The carnival of the animals, which use different instruments to represent different animals. Guess what animal the music represents, copy the sounds and make up movements to go with the music.
- Encourage your child to hum a favourite song, and try to guess what they’re humming. You can have a go too.
- Use body percussion with singing. You and your child can tap your shoulders, knees or elbows to the beat of a song.
- Play with music apps that allow your child to make songs and beats using the sounds of different instruments.
- Dance to different rhythms and music. Or make up dance sequences about people, animals, machines, plants – whatever interests your child. Your child can teach you some dance moves too.
If your child wants to learn a musical instrument, encourage them to listen to a range of instruments and musical styles so they can work out what interests them the most. For example, play orchestral music, electronic music and popular bands. Or go to see different live music acts at a local festival.
Creative activities for children with diverse abilities
You can adapt creative activities to suit school-age children with diverse abilities. For example, if your child:
- needs help with creative play skills, you could model simple actions – for example, show your child how to growl like a monster or bang a drum, or break down the activity into easier steps or use written or picture instructions to help your child understand what to do
- has sensory sensitivities, give your child tools to touch things like playdough, play music more quietly or introduce new textures and colours slowly
- has vision impairment or fine motor difficulties, use larger materials and tools – for example, make collages with large oak leafs instead of petals, or use chunky crayons instead of pencils
- has a lot of energy, encourage bigger movements like jumping, swaying arms, stretching, crouching or shaking
- has limited mobility, collect play materials for your child and put them within easy reach.
15 Fun and Exciting Creative Activities for Kids
As any mother would know, it is hard to keep your child occupied for long periods of time. Children usually have a notoriously small attention span, making it difficult for their caretakers or parents to breathe in peace. It is especially beneficial to have some activities lined up for your child if you crave some time to yourself and also want to help your child improve in the meantime.
Video: 7 Fun and Exciting Creative Activities for Kids
Activities for children have to be chosen carefully, as a lot of their mental and intellectual growth depends on what they do during the formative years. An exercise that can work the brain while also intellectually stimulating the child can have a telling effect on their development. Therefore, it is imperative that parents choose the activities that their children do with great care.
Fun Creative Activities for Children
Here are some of the best creative activities for children:
1. Cut and Glue
Using scissors is an activity that all children take some time to learn and is an important motor skill too. This is one of the creative craft activities for kids which helps them build their creativity and also create memorable pieces of art.
What You Will Need:
- A pair of scissors
- Coloured paper with predetermined shapes
- Glue
- Drawing paper
How To Perform:
- Encourage the child to cut through the predetermined shapes on the coloured paper.
- You can start with simple shapes and make them complex once your child gets a hang of it.
- Let him stick the cutouts on the drawing paper to create an artwork.
2. Sticker Fun
Stickers were some of the best aspects of all our childhoods, and they also have beneficial effects on the child. Stickers help build motor skills, as the child concentrates on peeling it off without damaging the paper body, and it also teaches them to be patient.
What You Will Need:
- Stickers
- Drawing Paper/ or a book
How To Perform:
- Give a wad of stickers to your child, and encourage him to peel them off and stick them the way they like in a book or on a drawing paper.
- This helps build their creativity, and the resulting artwork is sure to be one to keep for ages.
3. Raised Salt Painting
A tried and tested favourite among children, salt painting is ridiculously fun to do and also an activity that helps improves the child’s creativity. Salt painting can bring out a real potential for art among children, no matter how disinterested they seem at first.
What You Will Need:
- Epsom Salt
- Food colour in varied colours
- Glue
- Drawing paper
- Pencil
- Paper plates
How To Perform:
- On a paper plate, add a few drops of food colour on some Epsom salt and mix.
Repeat this process for all the colours the child wants.
- Let your child draw his favourite shapes and patterns on the drawing paper.
- Help him apply glue on the designs and then pour the coloured salt over the glued areas.
- Let it dry.
4. Drawing With Oil Pastel
Although it is not strictly an activity meant for children, oil pastel painting is highly stimulating and also fun to do. Encourage your child to draw various shapes on a canvas, and fill it in a variety of ways.
What You Will Need:
- Oil pastels
- Drawing paper
- Baby oil
- Cotton buds
How To Perform:
- Let your kid draw his favourite things on a drawing paper with the oil pastels and fill in the colour. Encourage him to make as many shapes as he wants.
- For a fine, painting-like art effect, give him some baby oil and help him smear it on the painting with a cotton bud.
- The baby oil can make any art look vibrant and deserving of being hung on the refrigerator.
5. The Back-And-Forth Drawing Game
Creative games for kids, such as this one, require active participation from the parent, and can greatly help in bringing your child closer to you. This game involves drawing a common image alternatively, so children are forced to think on their feet and make stuff up as the game progresses. This stimulates creativity in your child, as the game becomes harder with each step.
What You Will Need:
- Colour pencils/ crayons
- Drawing paper
How To Perform:
- Start by drawing an unassuming picture on a paper, and pass it onto your child.
- The child is to add something of his own accord to the image.
- Both of you then proceed to build on the drawings of the previous person.
6. Playdough Modelling
Playdough has been a mainstay in toy stores for ages. Not only is it cheap, but it is also a highly fun and creative item to play with. Creative art activities for preschoolers, like this one, are simple. Just provide some playdough to your child, and let his imagination take over. Soon, the child will be seen making shapes of increasing complexities. Playdough easily stimulates the brain and makes the child think hard to make different shapes.
What You Will Need:
- Playdough
- Poke-ins
- Playdough mats
How To Perform:
- Give your child some playdough and let him make shapes of his choice.
- You may sit next to him and assist or have fun making your own shapes.
- Encourage him to use poke-ins, and playdough mats to make textures on his shapes.
7. Marble Painting
Marble paintings are fun to do and great to look at, so your child is sure to not get bored with this activity any time soon.
What You Will Need:
- Watercolour
- Drawing paper
- Some marbles
How To Perform:
- Encourage your child to dip the marbles in the paint and draw shapes on the paper.
- The child can roll the marbles to create interesting patterns or hold them in between his fingers and carefully draw his favourite shapes.
8. Water Balloon Painting
Water balloon painting is another great way to add new textures and techniques in your child’s activities. With this activity, your child can learn how to play with textures.
What You Will Need:
- Some water balloons.
- Watercolour
- Paper plates
- Drawing paper/ canvas
- How To Perform
How to Perform:
- Start with getting your child to fill some water in the water balloons. You may help them tie the opening so that the water doesn’t spill while he is painting.
- You can have him fill different amounts of water to give him more sizes to experiment with.
- Remove your child’s favourite colours on different disposable paper plates.
- Let your child dip the water balloons in the colour. He can dab the balloons or drag and roll them as he pleases on the drawing paper.
9. Elephant Toothpaste
Elephant toothpaste fits the bill perfectly as one of the best creative thinking activities for kids. Watch your child curiously play with jumbo-sized toothpaste-like substance, which is created out of harmless ingredients.
What You Will Need:
- Safety goggles
- Dry Yeast
- A plastic bottle
- Liquid soap, preferably dish soap
- 6% peroxide
- Edible colour
- Warm water
How To Perform:
- Help your child put on the safety goggles.
- Take some 6% peroxide in the bottle.
- Add dish soap and colour.
- Stir the bottle.
- In another container, take some yeast and add warm water to it.
- Add the yeast mix to the bottle with peroxide, dish soap and colour.
- Step back with your child and watch the mixture lather up and flow out of the bottle in wonderful shapes and forms!
10. Shaving Cream Playdough
For a more interactive creative game for kids, you can choose to make dough out of shaving cream along with your child. Colour the dough in various colours, and watch your child thrive creatively.
What You Will Need:
- 1/2 cup of cornstarch
- 1/2 cup of shaving cream
- Food colour
How To Perform:
- Help your child mix and knead the cornstarch, shaving cream and edible colour together.
- The dough would still look crumbly after a while but will be able to hold shapes.
- Let your child then create desired shapes and patterns with this dough.
11. Making Masks
Making masks can help kids truly think out of the box and use their imagination in creative ways.
What You Will Need:
- A construction plate
- A pair of scissors
- Glue
- Watercolour/ crayons
- A pencil
- Two rubber bands
How To Perform:
- Get your child to mark areas that need to be cut out on the construction plate (for your eyes, nose and mouth).
- Help him cut the plate as per the markings.
- Now, let your child colour the mask his way.
- Poke two holes on opposite sides of the plate.
- Tie a rubber band on each side, leaving a loop to put on the mask around the ears.
12. Finger Painting
Finger painting has traditionally been one of the messiest activities a child can do, but also one of the most creative.
What You Will Need:
- Watercolour
- Paint palette
- Drawing paper or canvas
How To Perform:
- Spread some newspaper on a table before your child starts painting.
- Remove all the colours he wants and let him paint shapes and patterns of his choice with his fingers.
13. Playing School
Playing school at home may not seem appealing, but believe it or not, your child will turn out to love it soon enough.
Things You Will Need:
- Some stationary
- A roll-up blackboard/ whiteboard
- Some chalk/ whiteboard markers
How To Perform
- Let your child play the roles of whomever he likes; let him choose if he wants to be the teacher or the student, or the principal or the school nurse.
- Make him alternate various roles until he is satisfied with the dialogue and the outcome.
14. Glowing Dough
Children seem to have an attraction towards anything that glows, and glowing playdough is no different. This activity is advisable for older children who can handle being around the stovetop and are exposed to some amount of cooking. Nonetheless, you need to be around them at all times to prevent any accidents.
What You Will Need:
- 4 to 5 cups of water
- 5 cups of flour
- 2 cups of table salt
- 2/3rd cup of vegetable oil
- 2 tablespoon of cream of tartar
- Edible colour
- Glow in the dark paint
- Blacklight
How To Perform:
- On a stovetop and on a medium flame, mix all the ingredients except the edible colour and the glow in the dark paint.
- Let the mixture cook till it starts coming together like a gooey dough.
- Get it off the stovetop and let it cool a bit.
- While it is still a little warm, add the food colour and the glow in the dark paint.
- Knead the dough properly.
- You can store in a ziplock, and whenever your child wants to play, he can have some fun making shapes with the dough with some blacklight.
15. Toy Excavation
To make for a truly memorable evening for your child, excavating toys are a great idea. This can improve their motor and reasoning skills.
What You Will Need:
- Some plastic toys
- Utensils
- Water
- A dropper
- Some saltwater
- Brushes
How To Perform:
- Take enough water in the utensils and drop the toys in them. You may choose to drop one toy in each utensil or all of them in one large utensil.
- Keep the utensils in the freezer and let the water freeze.
- Then, remove the utensils, loosen the ice and drop it in a tray.
- Make your child excavate the toys carefully with the help of some saltwater, a dropper and some brushes.
These creative activities will help you keep your energetic toddler happily engaged for long. By trying out these creative activities, his motor skills, reasoning skills, and observational skills will develop. If your child shows interest in craft activities, you can also get him craft kits too. The activities in the craft kits can help your child nurture his talents.
If you’re looking for a box full of activities that can not just keep your little one busy but also provide hours of learning through fun and play, subscribe to Intellikit, a monthly activity box subscription for kids. With interactive activities that ensure all-round development in kids through various types of play, your child will learn something each day while having fun. Subscribe to Intellikit and receive a unique box of fun learning at your doorstep every month!
These interesting activities can truly help your child have fun, learn something new, and also improve their cognitive and motor skills.
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The influence of various types of creativity on the development of children | Interactive educational equipment Olodim
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September 27,
ANIMAITE v.3.7The influence of various types of creativity on the development of children
Creativity for a child is one of the forms of understanding the world, self-expression, getting rid of stress and fear, distraction from negative emotions. In the creative process, the child makes important discoveries, experiments, creates something new. Creative activity also develops the imagination. Without the development of a child's imagination, without filling the child with vivid impressions, the most banal difficulties may arise in school, and then in later life. For some reason, we rarely think about it, but for productive work in many professions, a sufficiently developed imagination is required.
Basically, the development of children's creative abilities occurs through play. In the game, children most of all show their inclinations. By favorite games, you can judge which area of \u200b\u200bactivity is most interesting to the child.
Creativity is the ability to create and convene, so the main goal of training with a child is to teach him to create images, and eventually to realize what he has thought up. Almost all surrounding situations and objects can be used as a means of developing creative abilities.
An important feature of children's creativity is that children are not so much interested in the result as in the process itself. That is, the question of the value of creating something new recedes into the background. Therefore, the development of a child directly depends on a properly organized creative process.
We will look at several types of creativity and their impact on the development of children.
Modeling with plasticine. Modeling with plasticine develops in a child not only spatial thinking, but also gives an idea of the variety of shapes, sizes, color combinations. The child learns to "decompose" an object into its component parts: for example, the body and head are made of round balls, the tail is rolled out of an oval. It is also important for parents and educators to teach the child to feel the size, that is, in addition to the hen, also sculpt a chicken, and they should be of different sizes. In the process of sculpting:
- the child learns to analyze and compare. Sculpting many animals, he analyzes the similarity of their
body parts, and knows that all animals have round eyes, but their tails are different;
- observation develops. When a child moves from drawing flat figures to sculpting three-dimensional ones,
he studies the world more carefully in order to subsequently embody it in his work;
- visual-figurative thinking develops;
- the aesthetic taste of the child is brought up.
Kinetic sand. Kinetic sand is a wonderful material for developing children's imagination, creativity and desire to experiment. In the classroom with sand, children develop tactile sensitivity, as sand particles act on biologically active points located on the fingertips, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the child's speech. Speech is the result of the coordinated activity of many areas of the brain. A significant part of the cerebral cortex of the human brain is occupied by cells associated with the activity of the hand, especially its thumb, as well as cells associated with the functions of the muscles of the speech organs - lips and tongue.
Sand painting. Sand painting is very active in developing thinking, imagination and fine motor skills. Why are we talking specifically about thinking and imagination? If you give a child, for example, paints and a brush, then he knows that by drawing the brush straight, he will get a line. But sand is a little different.

Engineering. The term "construction" (from the Latin word constructere) means bringing various objects, parts, elements into a certain mutual position. Children's construction is a variety of fakes made from toys, paper, cardboard, wood and other materials.
Constructive activity is a practical activity aimed at obtaining a specific, preconceived real product that corresponds to its functional purpose. Kindergartens assign a significant place in their work with children to design, since it is extremely important for mental, aesthetic and labor education.

Construction contributes to the knowledge of geometric bodies and spatial relationships, in this regard, children's speech is enriched with new terms, concepts (bar, cube, pyramid, etc. ), which are rarely used in other activities. Children practice the correct use of concepts (high - low, long - short, wide - narrow, large - small), in the exact verbal indication of the direction (above - below, right - left, down - up, behind - in front, closer, etc.). d.).
Making various crafts and toys for a gift to a sister, grandmother, mother, the child brings up an attentive and caring attitude. It is this that often makes the child work with special zeal and diligence.
Making handicrafts from natural materials forms in children not only technical skills and abilities, but also a special attitude to the world around them - children begin to see and feel the beauty of autumn leaves, bright red mountain ash, shells, etc.
Water animation. (EBRU) Recently, the art of drawing on water has become increasingly popular. It is now possible to learn this amazing and beautiful kind of creativity not only in special studios, but also in kindergartens. Water animation causes great delight among children, because it is so mesmerizing and inspiring when droplets of paint turn into amazing drawings.

What is this amazing technique? First, the image is made with paints on water, and then it can be transferred to paper. In this way, you can draw not only objects, wildlife, but also depict whole pictures. In order for the drawing to turn out beautiful, it is absolutely not necessary to have any special skills. Even for a small child, patterns always turn out to be amazingly beautiful and unique.
Water animation serves as a kind of relaxation for a person. Her goal is to relax, reboot, scoop up fresh strength. Such therapy is available to people with any level of psychological development, with varying degrees of "load" problems, adults and children (from 4 years of age).
Proper organization of the workplace is also an important point in the creative process. If you want classes to be fruitful, set aside a separate area for this. Even if there is not enough space in the group to organize a workspace for each child, then the compact, transforming creative laboratory "Olodim" will be an excellent solution in this situation.

Why children need creativity: emotions, body and self-confidence
creative process July 8, 2021
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Why children need creativity: emotions, body and self-confidence
Together with the Skysmart online school, we understand why it is necessary to develop creativity and where it is useful.
Some adults think that creativity is only for those who have obvious talent. Or at least for the humanities. If the child does not show the obvious inclinations of a great artist and is generally more interested in mathematics than fine arts, then it is not necessary to develop his creativity.
But creative activities are not a waste of time and not a break between “real” lessons. Together with the Skysmart online school, we understand why it is necessary to develop creativity and where it is useful.
What can be learned from creative classes?
Drawing, modeling, dancing, theater or music are not just a set of techniques. Any activity that involves self-expression requires creativity. And creativity is wider than any arts and crafts. It is a way to interact with the world and solve problems.
Creative skills are highly valued in the modern world and will definitely be useful to the child in the future.
This becomes clear if we look at what creativity consists of:
- originality. That is, the ability to come up with ideas that no one had thought of before, and the courage to defend them and say “and I will do this.”
- persistence. Being creative, children will make mistakes and try again and again until they achieve the result they want.
- intelligence. Any creativity requires an effort of mental strength and the ability to make the best choice from the possible options.
- imagination. Creativity allows children to turn on their imagination to the maximum. Of course, if adults help them with this.
For example, at Skysmart drawing lessons, children are encouraged to draw not cubes and vases, but fantasy worlds: to come up with unprecedented landscapes, monsters and fairy-tale characters.
All these are skills that are highly valued in the modern world and will definitely be useful to the child in the future.
But, in addition to creativity, creative activities develop many other skills that can be used in situations that are very far from art lessons.
Creativity allows you to understand your emotions. During drama or dance classes, children learn to demonstrate different states of mind.
Management of emotions. Children (and some adults, too) find it difficult to express and identify their feelings. Creativity allows you to express, comprehend and understand your emotions. For example, during drama or dance classes, children learn to demonstrate different states of mind, literature lessons help them describe feelings, and drawing classes help them depict them.
Empathy. Understanding that other people are different from us is very important. Creative activities help show children that others can act differently in the same situations. And at the same time they explain that being different from others is normal. A child drew a cow, but everyone thinks it's a dog? Well, this is a good time to try to look at your work through the eyes of others and reflect on what they see and why.
The ability to control your body. It is believed that physical development is only a sport. But creativity also helps children get in touch with their own bodies. Dancing and drama develop balance and spatial reasoning, while drawing, modeling and other arts and crafts help improve fine motor skills, coordination and finger strength.
Critical thinking. In order for the drawing to get better and better every time, you need to see and take into account past mistakes. Also, remember good decisions. Reflection and the ability to look at the fruit of your work with an open mind are extremely important skills, they are needed by a programmer, an entrepreneur, and an engineer.
Faith in one's strength. By expressing themselves, children gain self-confidence and discover their creative potential.
Any creative activities develop in children a whole range of skills and abilities that will be useful to them both in school, at work, and in personal communication. In addition, researchers see a clear relationship between creativity and academic success: the more creativity in a student's life, the better their grades in all disciplines.
5 myths about children's creativity
Creativity is about art
Although creativity is often associated with "creative" disciplines like art and music, it is independent of the subject. Creativity is an approach to problem solving that can be applied in different areas. The way children express their creativity will differ in PE, math, programming, and literature.
The creative process is just fun
Creativity is indeed a pleasure, but this does not mean that it should not be taken seriously. Drawing, sculpting, home theater can all seem like fun activities that adults oppose to more serious classroom work. But the creative process is not a game, it involves many complex tasks. Success requires focus, hard work, perseverance and determination. In fact, creativity can be a difficult process with ups and downs. Creativity deserves serious consideration.
Children can keep themselves entertained for hours if given a notebook and crayons. But without the help of adults, creative development will stall.
Creativity is a rare natural talent
It is believed that there are very few truly creative people, but they will find their way no matter what happens at school and at home.
Of course, people have different combinations of abilities, personalities and experiences. But creativity does not always grow in spite of everything, like grass through asphalt. It can and should be encouraged. Some children miss the opportunity to develop their creativity without the support of parents and teachers.