Cute bedtime stories about love

21 Short, Romantic, And Funny Bedtime Stories For Girlfriend

Reading your girlfriend bedtime stories will make her feel loved and cherished.


Falling in love is a beautiful feeling, and you leave no stone unturned to pamper your partner. And if you are looking for some exciting bedtime stories for girlfriend to make her feel extra special, then your search ends with our post. A sweet and beautiful story lets you convey your emotions with her, and you will enjoy the sight of her sleeping with a smile on her face.

Also, it helps strengthen your bond and lets you get an inch closer to her every day. So, read on for some lovely stories and give a wonderful touch to your love story, making it a memorable one.

21 Bedtime Stories For Girlfriends

Short Bedtime Stories For Girlfriend

1. Love in difficult times

Gerald watched Elaine across the table as she carefully picked up her muffin and examined it. He looked at the clothes she was wearing and realized that her sweater was inside out. He usually made sure things like these didn’t happen, but they seemed to happen more often lately.

Their waitress, Maria, walked towards them holding a tray of milky, sweet tea (just the way Elaine liked it), a plate of delicious-looking butter cookies, and a wide smile.

“How are you doing today?” she asked brightly. Elaine flinched at the tone. Gerald looked warningly at Maria. When one had dementia, there was no saying how the day would go.

Maria took the hint, quietly placed the tray on the table, and walked away. Gerald offered Elaine the cup of tea, which she took with her hands trembling.

“When are we going to get married?” she asked.

Gerald sighed. They had been married for the last forty years.

“Soon, my love,” he said, placing his hand over hers. Elaine looked at his hand and then up at him and smiled.

“I love you, you know. You must talk to my father soon,” she said happily.

“I love you too, my dear. I love you, too,” Gerald said.

After they had finished their tea and biscuits, they walked away slowly, holding hands.

2. Love at first sight

Joseph didn’t believe in “love at first sight.” He thought you had to know a person to fall in love with them. How could you fall in love with someone you had just met?

But that was before he met Anna. It was raining cats and dogs that day, and Joseph had been drenched to the skin on the short walk from the taxi to the entrance of his office block. Anna was in a similar condition. As she ran to get out of the rain, they collided in the doorway. Her bag fell to the floor, and its contents spilled out. Joseph immediately apologized and bent down to help her pick up her things.

When he handed her the file and make-up bag, he looked up at her and felt his world shift. Her hair was the color of spun gold, and her eyes were blue. He had never seen a lady more beautiful than her. Joseph didn’t know her name yet, but he knew she was the perfect woman for him.

And thus, a beautiful journey of friendship and love started on a rainy day.

3. Worthy love

Image: iStock

One day, a husband brought home a bouquet of beautiful roses for his wife.
The wife was pleasantly surprised and delighted, but before she could ask what they were for, their daughter piped up, “What are they for, Daddy?”

He smiled and said, “All my colleagues were discussing how tired they were of their marriage. It made me feel so lucky to have your Mommy in my life. She is the most understanding and charming woman in the entire world!”

His wife beamed with joy, and they all came together in a family hug. It was a perfect moment.

(Source: Upsmash)

4. Blind sight

There was a girl who loved a boy. She loved the way he took care of her, and she loved the way he talked to her. The only hurdle, she thought, was that she was blind.

She wished she could see him as he could see her. She had built a perfect image of how he might look in her mind.

One day, her parents gave her the good news that they had found an eye donor for her, and she could now get an eye to see the world.

After the operation, she told the doctors that the boy must be the first person she sees when she opens her eyes. As promised, the doctors brought the boy to the room.

As soon as the doctors unwrapped the bandages, she saw the boy standing in front of her. The mental image of him that she had was wrong; he was even more perfect in real life.

It was then that she learned her eye had been donated by the boy just so that she could see.

(Source: Upsmash)

5. Coincidence

A boy was single.
A girl was single.
They met.
And then they weren’t single anymore.
Because two singles sometimes become a double, and that is not a coincidence.

6. Night of love

One night, a girl decided to tell her boyfriend how much she loved him. She leaned in close to his ear and whispered, “I love you so much. I love you more than anything and anyone in my life.

She assumed he was sleeping as it was pretty late.
But she was to be surprised.
The boy opened his eyes and pulled her into a hug. He whispered, “I love you too, my darling. I love you more than you could ever imagine!”

Romantic Bedtime Stories For Girlfriend

7. Love forever

A young student once asked her teacher why she became a nun. The teacher shared the story of her life with her.

Many years ago, when she was much younger, she loved a boy. The boy loved her too. The only problem was that he was from a wealthy family, while she was from a poor one.

The boy talked to his parents, but they were against him marrying the girl. Instead, they started looking for eligible girls from among their acquaintances.

There was nothing else to it then, the young lovers thought. They decided to elope. They could not end their relationship for anything in the world.

A priest knew their story and was supportive of them. With his assistance, the young lovers planned to run away. The priest made arrangements with another priest to hide them till the danger had passed.

On the planned day, the lovers silently bid goodbye to their homes and families and traveled long and hard. Soon, they were out of danger. They married and lived happily.

Both of them were gratified by the service the priests had done for them, and they began taking an active interest in the Church’s humanitarian missions.

After the man passed away, the woman took her vows and became a nun.

(Source: TheMindFool)

8. Unexpected love

Image: iStock

‘“High school romances aren’t forever!” he had heard enough people say. He never knew what to think about it, though. He had never been romantically involved with anyone.

Alexa walked into the class with their teacher one day. “Students, She is your new classmate, Alexa,” the teacher announced.

As luck would have it, he had an empty seat beside him, and that was where Alexa sat. However, after the first formal greetings and introductions, she didn’t seem inclined to speak to him at all.

He got immersed in his studies again and quietened his aching heart by looking at Alexa whenever she wasn’t looking.

The year came to an end. On the last day before the holidays, he mustered courage and walked up to Alexa. She was surprised to see him there. He cleared his throat and said, “Alexa, there has been something I have been meaning to tell you for some time.”

Alexa waited.

He said, “I like you. I didn’t know how to convey it to you as I was scared you would reject me. But now that we might never meet again, I want you to know this.”

Alexa’s eyes filled up with tears. She said, “I liked you from the first day I saw you! When I came to sit next to you, I was so overwhelmed that I had to purposely keep an aloof face because I thought you didn’t like me at all!”

They laughed and held hands for the first time.’

The grandchildren clapped as their grandmother, Alexa, told them the story of how she met their grandfather.

9. Online love

They met on Facebook. He had been lonely. She had just had a breakup. He was a loner and an introvert. She was gregarious and an extrovert. He loved reading. She loved watching movies and meeting people. They were very different from each other, but as the saying goes, opposites attract.

As they overcame their inhibitions and shared more details about themselves online, they realized they had more in common than they realized. Both of them loved pasta. Both danced to jazz music. Both of them were learning French. He loved painting, and she loved drawing.

They slowly realized they were falling in love with each other. They couldn’t spend a day without messaging each other. They had to share their day’s happenings with each other.

The only hurdle between them was that they lived many miles apart.

After several months, they decided to meet each other. She was traveling to London with her parents, and their flight had a stopover. He agreed to meet her at the airport.

They met at the appointed time and place. Although they had shared pictures over Facebook, seeing each other face to face was different. He thought she looked prettier. She thought he looked more handsome.

He met her parents too. They seemed to be sensible people to him. All too soon, they heard the announcement for their boarding.
“I will message you as soon as we land,” she promised him.
“I will wait for it,” he said.

As she walked away, she turned back and saw him watching her. His eyes held a promise for a better future.

10. Ultimate love

A girl and a boy were the best of friends. But the boy considered the girl to be more than a friend. He had fallen in love with her, but he couldn’t find the right words to tell her.

One Sunday, he decided he would tell her about his feelings. He decided that even if she didn’t reciprocate his love, he would convince her to remain friends as they already were.

He picked her up from her home, and they went on a long drive. After some moments of silence, both of them talked at the same time.
“I wanted to…” he said.
“You know what…” she began.
They laughed, and he motioned for her to continue.

“Well, I was saying that I wanted to tell you something for the longest time,” she began again.

His heart started beating faster.
“What is it?” he asked, without looking at her.
“I am in love with this guy, but he doesn’t know about it,” she said. His heart nearly stopped beating. He looked at her for a second before concentrating on the road again.

When he was a bit calmer and was sure his voice wouldn’t shake when he talked, he asked, “Who is the lucky guy? Do I know him?”
“Of course, you do! Do you not know any of my acquaintances?” she asked, rolling her eyes at him. “I won’t tell you his name, though. I have written his name on this,” she said, handing him a piece of paper.

He took it and put it in his pocket when all he wanted was to tear it into a million pieces and throw it out the window. He was painfully aware of it. He felt as though it was burning his skin through his shirt.

The moment he reached home that evening, he pulled out the piece of paper and angrily unfolded it. He stopped short when he saw that the name was his.
Beneath his name, she had written, “I could never find anyone as perfect as you, and no one could understand me as well as you do. ”

He smiled, then laughed, and he was in a relationship with his best friend in the whole world.

(Source: Upsmash)

11. Truth or dare

It was that time of the year. The prom was fast approaching, and Mike didn’t have anyone to go with him. All the girls seemed to be going with some handsome boy, while Mike, neither handsome nor a smooth talker, didn’t seem to attract anyone.

“Why don’t you ask Rita out? No one seems to have asked her,” Mike’s friend, Joe, said with a smirk. Mike knew why Joe was smirking. Rita was the most unpopular girl at school. She wore thick glasses and braces. Mike groaned, “Oh, no! Not Rita!”

But time was running out fast, and Mike knew he had to do something quickly, or he would be the only boy without a date on prom night. So, with an internal sigh and a shudder, he asked Rita out. Rita agreed.

When Mike went over to pick Rita up on prom night, he noticed that she was wearing a lovely dress. She had also done something with her hair. If he decided to overlook her large glasses, he might have said that she looked stunning.

When they reached the venue, they were immediately pulled onto the dance floor. As they danced, Mike realized that Rita was, in fact, a good dancer. She could also carry on a conversation without making anyone feel awkward. He realized with some surprise that she could make him laugh, and her laugh was easy too. He loved hearing her laugh.

That prom night culminated into something beautiful. Mike and Rita started dating each other, and soon enough, they were in a serious relationship.

Mike loved Rita, and he was planning to pop the question that evening. He shuddered to think what would have happened if he had not asked her out to prom that night.

(Source: Think aloud)

12. The worst fight

Image: iStock

A husband and wife had the worst fight. She was furious that she packed his things in a bag and asked him to get out of the house.

He slowly picked up the bag and left.

After a while, the wife calmed down and started worrying. “Where has he gone?”

She tried calling his friends, but nobody had a clue to his whereabouts.

Now, the wife was worried. “What if he had done something bad?” she thought.

She ran out of the house in the snow and walked up the sidewalk searching for a taxi. She didn’t know where to go or what to do but walking gave her a sense of purpose.

Suddenly, she saw a hunched figure sitting under the streetlamp at the corner of the street. On closer inspection, she realized that it was her husband.

She slowly brushed off the snow off his clothes and took him home. “I am sorry,” she sobbed. “I thought you would have gone to one of your friends’ homes. I didn’t realize…” she was at a loss of words.

“I couldn’t leave knowing that you would be alone here without me,” he said simply. “Whatever you think about me, I care for you deeply.”

She burst into tears as she hugged and kissed him repeatedly. She vowed to herself to never fight with him so much and never, ever, turn him out of their home. She loved him.

(Source: Upsmash)

Funny Bedtime Stories For Girlfriend

13. The reasons to love

One day, a girlfriend asked her boyfriend to give her at least one reason behind his love for her. The boyfriend was surprised; he hadn’t been expecting such a question. “Why do you want to know? Is it not enough that I love you?” he asked. But the girl was insistent. She wanted to know.

The boy pulled out a sheet of paper from his bag and started writing in it. The girl was surprised, but she held her tongue until he stopped writing and handed over the paper to her.

On it was written, “I have written down 100 reasons why I love you. Now, write down one reason why I shouldn’t love you.”

(Source: Think aloud)

14. A dozen flowers

When Jack handed over a dozen flowers to his wife, she looked at them in surprise. There was one plastic flower among the others.

“What is this plastic flower doing here?” she asked Jack.
“Why do you think it is there?” Jack replied.

But as much as she thought about it, she couldn’t understand the meaning of the one artificial flower.
Finally, when she had given up, Jack smiled and said, “That flower is my love. I will love you until that flower dies.”

Hearing this, she was overcome with tears and hugged him with all the love she had for him.

(Source: Think aloud)

15. Best of the best

A boy and a girl were deeply in love. The girl once asked the boy, “Do you think I am pretty?”
The boy answered, “No.”
The girl was disappointed with his answer, but she asked the next question anyway, “Do you want to be with me forever?”
The boy said “No” again.
The girl’s eyes filled up with tears. “Will you be sad if I leave you?” she asked.
The boy said, “No.”
The girl decided to walk away. She had just turned when the boy caught her arm and turned her tear-streaked face towards himself.

He said, “You asked if you were pretty, and I said no because you are not just pretty, but you are the most beautiful woman on this planet. You asked me if I wanted you, and I said no because I don’t want you, but I need you like we need oxygen. You asked me if I would be sad if you left me, and I said no because I will no longer be alive when you leave me.”

When she heard these passionate words, the girl smiled through her tears and hugged the boy tightly.

(Source: Think aloud)

16. Like or love

One day, a girl mustered the courage to tell a boy about her feelings for him.

She told him, “I like you very much. Do you like me too?”
He answered, “No, I don’t like you.

The girl was sad to hear this reply and slowly turned away. But before she could walk away, the boy caught her hand and said, “I said I don’t like you. It doesn’t mean I don’t love you.”

The girl turned towards him in delight and hugged him.

(Source: Think aloud)

17. Future mom

Image: Shutterstock

One morning, a boyfriend took a photograph of his girlfriend when she had just woken up.

“Ugh, I look horrible! Why are you taking my picture when I have no make-up on, and my hair is all over the place?” she questioned.

The boyfriend smiled and answered, “I want to show my kids that their mother is beautiful even without make-up and combed hair. She is perfect; the most perfect woman on Earth.”

(Source: Upsmash)

18. Drunk boyfriend

One night, a girlfriend had to pick her drunk boyfriend up from the bar. She was furious with him, but there was little she could do other than to drag him into the car.

She somehow hauled him up to their apartment and helped him onto the bed. Then she started removing his filthy clothes. First, his shoes came off and then his shirt. But when she reached the buckle of his jeans, he pushed her away, shouting, “Go away, woman! I have a girlfriend I love very much! Don’t you dare touch me!”

The girlfriend found herself laughing as she changed and went to sleep.

(Source: Upsmash)

19. Invited bride

Image: Shutterstock

A boyfriend asked his girlfriend, “Will you come to my wedding if I invite you?”

The girlfriend was shocked. Of all things, she hadn’t been expecting this. In fact, she had been expecting her boyfriend to propose to her!

She stuttered a weak, “Wha..what? Are you seeing someone else? Have your parents found a match for you?”
The boyfriend laughed and said, “No, my dearest! I want to marry you and was about to invite you to my wedding as a bride. Will you accept the invitation?”

The girlfriend couldn’t believe what she heard and answered with a resounding, “YES!” and a kiss.
(Source: Upsmash)

20. Impossible things

There was a girl who had very low self-esteem because of some past issues. She thought she was ugly.

She liked a boy but was never sure how to approach him. When he came and talked to her, she was surprised.

One day, she mentioned that she didn’t think he should be with her. “I am too ugly,” she said.
The boy immediately said, “I am pregnant.”
The girl’s eyes widened. “How can you say that? It is impossible!” she exclaimed.
The boy smiled and answered, “Just as this is impossible, so is you being ugly impossible. You are beautiful.”

(Source: Upsmash)

21. I like potatoes

A lady felt insecure about her weight. She thought she looked terrible in certain dresses. She married the man she loved, but a few days after marriage, she stopped wearing frocks and nightdresses and wore baggy t-shirts and pajamas instead.

Her husband questioned her about the choice of her clothes. She tearfully replied, “I look like a potato in those clothes!”

Her husband looked at her, bewildered, and said, “But I like potatoes! What is there not to like about them?”

This brought a smile to her face, and slowly, with her husband’s encouragement, she overcame her insecurities.
(Source: Upsmash)

1. What are the tips for telling a good bedtime story for a girlfriend?

You can make the storytelling experience amazing for your girlfriend by following a few simple tips:

  • Select a story based on her mood and the things she has been going through lately
  • The story should reflect the stage of your relationship you are in and may include some intimate conversations
  • Make sure the bedroom is cozy and romantic to get the best effects of a bedtime story

2. What is the importance of bedtime stories for a girlfriend?

Bedtime stories are a great way to bridge the gap in a long-term relationship. Your girlfriend’s day may not have been perfect but at night, a bedtime story can help her de-stress and be lost in your thoughts. This will help consolidate your bond and keep the flame of your love burning.

Telling bedtime stories to your girlfriend is an intimate way of spending some quality time together, and it will also make her feel special. So keep picking from our collection of short, romantic, and funny bedtime stories for your girlfriend and convey your emotions and feelings for her. You can also combine the stories and develop a new version of your own. Sharing these stories will also help you know more about her likes and dislikes and help you get an inch closer to her.

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  • Author

Ratika has experience writing in various fields including finance, education, lifestyle, and entertainment. After her masters degree in Commerce, she acquired a PG Diploma in Communication and Journalism from Mumbai University. She is inquisitive about human relationships and likes to study people and how they manage their relationships, during her freetime. At MomJunction, Ratika writes insightful and informative articles on...
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40 Short, Romantic Bedtime Stories For Your Girlfriend

Romantic bedtime stories are the perfect way to bond with your girlfriend. This is especially true if you are in a long distance relationship or, for some reason, you’re separated at the moment.

Besides, women want to hear all about the beauty of true love. They still believe in fairy tales, and are enchanted by stories like Snow White or The Princess And The Pea, but also by more serious ones like Nicholas Sparks’ The Notebook.

So, if you want to be her prince charming and make her happy, read on and take a look at the best bedtime stories for your girlfriend found online.

Short Romantic Bedtime Stories

Is there a better way to fall asleep than after listening to a good short bedtime story?

I think not.

So, if you want to make your girlfriend happy, try any of the stories below:


A love that never dies.

A husband bought a dozen flowers for his wife. The wife was a bit shocked to see that 11 flowers were fresh flowers while one wasn’t a fresh flower. Instead, the flower was artificial.

She became curious about such a strange mix-up. At first, she tried to figure out the purpose of that artificial flower but failed in all of her attempts.

In the end, she decided to ask her husband, “Why have you given me an artificial flower while the other flowers are fresh?”

The husband smiled and answered, “I will love you till this artificial flower dies!

2. True love is selfless.

A teacher lived alone with his wife. They didn’t have much, but they were content.

One day, his wife asked him to buy her a hairbrush as she loved her hair so much.

That made him sad because he couldn’t afford it. But, the next day, he set out to work, sold his lousy pair of shoes for a flimsy price, and got the hairbrush. However, when he got home, he noticed her pretty hair was gone!

She cut it and sold it. And, in her hands was a pair of brand new shoes for her husband.

Tears flowed from their eyes as they never expected to find such a high level of selflessness and love in someone else.

3. It always happens unexpectedly.

Joseph didn’t believe in “love at first sight.” He thought you had to know a person to fall in love with them.

But, that was before he met Anna.

It was raining cats and dogs that day, and Joseph had been drenched to the skin on the short walk from the taxi to the entrance of his office block.

As he ran to get out of the rain, they collided in the doorway. Joseph immediately apologized and bent down to help her pick up her things.

When he looked up, he felt his world shift. Her hair was the color of spun gold, and her eyes were blue. He had never seen anyone so beautiful. Joseph finally understood what ”love at first sight” meant.

And, thus, a beautiful journey of friendship and love started on a rainy day.

4. Hidden desires.

“High school romances aren’t forever!” At least that’s what he thought until Alexa walked into the classroom.

As luck would have it, he had an empty seat beside him. But, nothing happened because he had no courage to tell her… until one day.

He cleared his throat and said, “Alexa, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you… I like you. I used to be scared of rejection, but now I just want you to know.”

To his surprise, she replied, “I liked you from the first day I saw you! When I first sat next to you, I was so overwhelmed that I had to keep an aloof face because I thought you didn’t like me at all!”

They laughed and held hands for the first time.

5. The secret love.

A woman and a man were the best of friends. But, the man had actually fallen in love with her; he just couldn’t find the right words to tell her.

One Sunday, he decided to confess. But, she had her own secrets to confess.

His heart nearly stopped beating upon hearing that she liked someone.

“Who is the lucky guy? Do I know him?”

“Of course, you do! I won’t tell you his name, though. I have written his name on this,” she said, handing him a piece of paper.

The moment he reached home that evening, he pulled out the piece of paper and angrily unfolded it. He stopped short when he saw that the name was his.

Beneath his name, she had written, “It’s you, silly… ”

He had never slept better than that night.

Romantic Bedtime Stories For Your Girlfriend

Cuddling up next to her man, and hearing him tell her a good bedtime story is what every woman could use after a long and exhausting day.

If you want the perfect one, you can choose from the following:

1. Fairytale romance after all these years.

Life had changed for me. I never realized it. Moonlight walk changed into late-night strategy workshops. Candlelight dinner turned into business meetings.

Spending even 5 dollars on a bouquet for Valentine’s Day seemed meaningless – you would lose at least half an hour searching for a parking space downtown.

Recently, I had to go to Holland on a business trip for a week. I was working on an important assignment. I checked into the Crown Inn in Eindhoven.

I wanted to rehearse my presentation before I met senior management… but when I opened the file that I needed, I was surprised to find something else entirely – a pink envelope, something similar to what my wife and I used to exchange a long time ago.

There was our family photo, and a pink greeting card with a red heart printed on it. Inside the card, it read, “Miss you, my dear Teddy Bear.”

On my return at Schiphol Airport, after many years, I purchased something for her… a pair of diamond earrings. I was missing her badly, as never before.

RELATED: 145 Cute Goodnight Paragraphs For Her To Make Her Smile

2. Love against all odds.

Many years ago, a woman fell in love with a young man from a wealthy family. The two began seeing each other and quickly developed a deep connection.

Unfortunately, the young man’s family was not in agreement with the relationship.

They even threatened to enroll him at a university overseas.

But, they both had fallen so in love with each other that ending the relationship was not an option. So, they decided to run away…. and they never came back.

Instead, they joined the church, and began traveling the world.

They lived like that for 40 years, and even got married, until the man’s life suddenly came to an end…

But, death can do nothing to a love like this, can it?

3. The portrait of love and devotion.

It was the year 1975, when Charlotte von Sledvin, a member of a Swedish royal family, traveled to India to get her portrait made by a gifted artist.

But, by the time it was finished, the two had fallen in love.

Pradyumna, the artist, was fascinated with Charlotte’s beauty. Never before had he seen a more beautiful woman.

Because of him, she decided to stay longer in India. But, unfortunately, the time came when Charlotte had to leave again.

Nothing could stop him from reuniting with her, though, so he embarked on a journey of four months, and eventually arrived at her door. They’ve never parted since.

4. The secret to happiness.

Emma had kept her love secret for so long, letting it grow in her heart. But the secret was so big, she knew she couldn’t keep it inside much longer.

At first, she noticed the secret trying to get out when she began smiling at everyone, and they smiled back.

Then, she would write silly stories in her notebook and paint watercolor pictures on a tablet to make herself smile.

She would neatly tear them out and give them to her friends. Her secret was getting out.

At first, she was a little afraid she might run out of good feelings for herself, but what she soon discovered was it was quickly being refilled as others shared their happiness with her.

5. The cloak of love and light.

Dae was the sun and Knight was a curious man. They both wished for the same thing, to hold and love each other for all time, but they could not be together as it caused them both discomfort.

He used his enormous heart to fashion himself a cloak made of his love for Dae, and then covered himself with the cloak and went to her.

When she saw him, she was overcome with joy and shone brighter than ever.

This made him nervous. The cloak was very delicate. He was unsure if it would be destroyed by her intense rays.

He reached out to her anyway. Then, something magical happened! They were able to finally hold each other! Just as they had wanted all along.

No more did they suffer. Their love is true, but no longer tragic.

6. Princess Rose and the golden bird.

Many years ago, in a kingdom far away, there lived a beautiful princess with long red hair. She loved roses so much that everyone called her Princess Rose.

But, one day, a curse was cast upon her by a wicked witch – her hair turned black!

She thought it was all over until a golden bird told her: “Black hair in rose water.” At that very moment, a handsome prince bent down and placed the hair atop the princess’s tear, and the red hair turned into a red rose.

She plucked its petals to add to the water in the basin. Then, she dipped her hair, and the curse was broken.

Turns out, when the princess and he were both children, he picked a single strand of hair from her head as a sign of his loyalty to her. And, she did the same.

They got married on that very same day.

7. Nothing is as it seems.

It was that time of the year. The prom was fast approaching, and Mike didn’t have anyone to go with him. He didn’t seem to attract anyone.

“Why don’t you ask Rita out?” Mike’s friend, Joe, said with a smirk. Mike knew why he said it. Rita was the most unpopular woman at school. No one liked her.

But, time was running out fast, so he had no other choice but to ask her. She accepted.

He realized with some surprise that she could make him laugh. And, he loved hearing her laugh.

She was a good dancer, too, and the most considerate woman he had ever seen.

As you can imagine, this culminated into something beautiful. He shuddered to think what would have happened if he had not asked her out to prom that night.

8. Love above all.

A woman and a man were riding a motorbike.

He asked her: “Do you love me?”

She said, YES – I love you.

Then, he asked her to hug him tightly and place his helmet on her own head. She was confused but obliging.

The next day, there was news that a motorcycle had an accident because of a brake failure. The guy died while the woman was injured, but out of danger.

He gave her his helmet to save her life.

Moreover, he asked her to hug him because he wanted to feel her warmth and sweet hug just for the last time.

9. Blind sight.

There was once a blind woman in love with a man who was as gentle as one could be.

One fine day, she said to him that she wanted to see the guy who loved her so deeply. He promised that she would, and donated his eye to her. It surprised her to see they had the same problem.

She didn’t know what he had done for her, and he didn’t want to tell her. He loved her selflessly. He didn’t need her gratitude. The only important thing was her happiness.

And now, they were both able to look at each other lovingly and appreciate the world together.

10. The flower of honesty.

In Ancient China, a soon-to-be-crowned prince decided to summon all the young women from his kingdom, and in their presence, announced a challenge.

He said, “I will give you each a seed. The one who brings me the loveliest flower after six months will be my wife.”

They all took the seed and left. Only one poor young woman took her seed and planted it in a pot. She took care of it with love. But, alas, even after six months, nothing had grown!

Still, the prince chose her.

All the seeds he handed out were sterile, and she was the only one who cultivated the flower that made her worthy of becoming the empress: the flower of honesty.

Cute Bedtime Love Stories

Every woman loves a happy ending, especially if it happened in real life!

So, if you’ve been searching for the best list of cute bedtime stories for your girlfriend, some imaginary and others real, take a look at the following:

1. Love has always been enough.

A woman was sitting in a forest with her boyfriend.

They were stuck in the middle of the forest with no food and water left, but the guy was still talking to her with a smile and in a lighthearted manner.

The woman said, “Your smile is the prettiest and sweetest. What’s the reason behind this smile?”

The man looked at her and replied, “You are the one and only one reason behind this smile.

As you are present with me, my life is full.

I don’t believe I need anything extra.

I just want your companionship and partnership because that’s more than enough for me.”

They were able to get out of the forest and live a happy life.

2. A blessing to be cherished.

A husband took a selfie with his wife after she just woken up from sleep.

The wife resisted and said, “Why would you take a picture with me when I am all messed up and not looking good?”

The husband replied: ”I am taking this picture to show to my future kids. They should know how beautiful their mom looks. She is gorgeous even with no makeup and messy hair.”

3. The taste of coffee.

It was glorious, colorful autumn.

We’d just left the coffee shop. I don’t even like coffee. I never have. But, when she handed me my cup and looked into my eyes while I tried it, it was the best thing I’d ever tasted.

My hand still tingled where she grabbed it.

“So, Ava…” She began. I knew this tone of voice… it’s dangerous.

“If I tell you who I like, will you tell me, too?”

“Okay.” I said.

“The person I like… …is you.”

I drop my drink. My voice catches in my throat.

“What is it?” She asks, looking concerned.

Because I can’t seem to form the words, I tell her how I feel the only way I can – by pressing my lips on hers.

Nothing has been the same since.

4. It’s never too late.

Alex and his grandmother always had a unique bond with each other. He would spend hours with her, listening to his grandmother’s stories of a lifetime.

She once told him that she had met his grandfather a long time after graduating from high school. This was also the reason why she was never asked out to go to prom.

When the day of Alex’s prom had arrived, his grandmother was so excited for him. She couldn’t wait to find out who Alex would be taking to the prom. But, to her great surprise, it was her.

He told her that every woman deserves to go to prom, no matter if they are 18 or 80.

5. True love lives on.

When Gene was diagnosed with melanoma, he had only been given six weeks left to live.

It was a shocking diagnosis, but Gene decided to use the time he had left to make all the necessary arrangements for his wife, Carol, with whom he had been married for 30 years.

After his death, she discovered that he hid hundreds of Post-it notes around the entire house shortly before he died.

Throughout the course of many months, she found one note after another. The notes served as a reminder of his love, but also as an encouragement for her to continue living life to the fullest.

It was really the most heartwarming farewell gift one could ever imagine.

6. Love conquers all.

She was another man’s wife, but when Paris, the “handsome, woman-mad” prince of Troy, saw Helen, the woman whom Aphrodite proclaimed the most beautiful in the world, he had to have her.

Helen and Paris ran off together, setting in motion the decade-long Trojan War. According to myth, Helen was half-divine, the daughter of Queen Leda and the God Zeus, who transformed into a swan to seduce the queen.

Whether Helen actually existed, we’ll never know, but her romantic part in the greatest epic of all time can never be forgotten. She will forever be “the face that launched a thousand ships.”

7. The power of love.

There are people who say love can move mountains. This might not be physically possible, but Dashrath Manjhi, also known as the ‘Mountain Man’, came quite close.

One day, his wife fell while crossing a nearby hill and hurt herself seriously. Tragically enough, his wife died from the serious injuries before he could do anything about it.

But, he decided to carve a small path through the mountain in order to give his village easier access to medical assistance.

Even though he was initially mocked and ridiculed for his mission to give his hometown easier access to the nearby town, he finally succeeded.

Perhaps someone else’s love story could be continued this way.

8. The voice that brought me back.

When Frank’s wife had a car accident, she was so injured that she fell into a coma.

Every time he visited her, he told stories about their past.

One day, when he showed her the video of their wedding day, she slowly began to move her hand.

She whispered his name and began gaining consciousness. Several weeks after she had woken up, she had fully recovered and was finally allowed to leave the hospital for good.

When the couple left, she told Frank that she heard his voice while she was in a coma, and that it was his voice that was the greatest aid in helping her to return to consciousness.

9. Never to be forgotten.

The story of the building of the second Taj Mahal begins when Faizul Hasan Quadri and his wife, Tajammuli Begum, begin to realize that their marriage will remain childless.

It is a difficult situation, especially for Tajammuli, who begins to question if anyone will ever remember her after her death.

Moved by his saddened wife, Faizul decided to erect her a monument. This way, he would grant his beautiful wife her wish, and she would be remembered for centuries.

10. Not a story about infatuation.

A woman fell in love with a sweet-looking man.

One day, she asked him, “Do you like me?”

He said, “No, I don’t like you.”

Her eyes filled with tears, and she just couldn’t help but stare at him.

The man passed a sweet smile, gently held her hand, and replied, “I don’t like you because I am in love with you.”

Funny Bedtime Stories To Tell Your Girlfriend

The perfect bedtime stories for your girlfriend are the ones that make her laugh. If you want to accomplish that, read the following stories:

1. Forever loyal.

A married man once went out with his friends to a bar and came back home drunk. He threw up and passed out on the floor. His wife carried him and cleaned him up.

The next day, to his surprise, she was all smiley. She even wrote him a note on the table beside his hangover soup.

“Darling, don’t forget to have some rest today. I am off to the grocery store. I love you.”

At this point, he was scared. Then, his son said, “I guess she is happy. Last night, she tried to carry you to bed and take off your dirty shoes and t-shirt, but you kept shouting:

“Hey, woman! Take your hands off me. I am married.”

2. A strange proposal.

A boyfriend asked his girlfriend, “Will you come to my wedding if I invite you?”

The girlfriend was shocked. Of all things, she hadn’t been expecting this. In fact, she had been expecting her boyfriend to propose to her!

She stuttered weakly, “Wha… what? Are you seeing someone else? Have your parents found a match for you?”

The boyfriend laughed and said, “No, my dearest! I want to marry you, and was about to invite you to my wedding as my bride. Will you accept the invitation?”

The girlfriend couldn’t believe what she heard, and answered with a resounding, “YES!” and a kiss.

3. Why I love you.

A woman asked her boyfriend about the reason why he fell in love with her. Her sudden question surprised him. He didn’t know how to answer it.

But, this made the woman think that no reason means no love, and she began to sulk. The guy hugged her and said that he did not answer the reason why he fell in love with her because love needs no reason.

You just fall in love with a person without any reason or explanation. You never need a reason to love someone.

4. Love sees no flaws.

There was a woman who had very low self-esteem because of some past issues. She thought she was ugly.

She liked a man, but was never sure how to approach him. When he came and talked to her, she was surprised.

One day, she mentioned that she didn’t think he should be with her. “I am too ugly,” she said.

The man immediately said, “I am pregnant.”

The woman’s eyes widened. “How can you say that? It is impossible!” she exclaimed.

The man smiled and answered, “Just as this is impossible, so is you being ugly impossible. You are beautiful.”

5. We said ‘forever’.

Once, a wife and a husband had the worst fight, and the wife packed all of his stuff. She asked him to leave.

The husband didn’t say anything as she packed his bags. Seeing no reaction from him, she yelled, may you suffer all your life and live in pain.

The husband was quick to reply, “So, you want me to stay with you, thanks for the invite!”

See also: Top 60 Beautiful Poems For Her Straight From The Heart

Personal Bedtime Love Stories For Your Girlfriend

Show her how special she is by telling her stories that are personal to YOU. Here are some bedtime stories you can use for your girlfriend:


A story about unconditional love.

You know that story about two small boxes? The saying says that you should open the white one when you are doing just fine in your life and to open the black one when things are not so great.

And you know what was written in both of them? “It will pass!” Tell her this story and help her understand that she should be prepared for bad things and not just good ones.

Also, tell her that you are not planning to go away from her when life gets tough and that all those bad things that might happen to you will just make a deeper bond between the two of you.

2. A story about everlasting affection.

Some things happen when people don’t think straight but you should be focused on not making mistakes that could cost you a marriage.

Talk with your girlfriend and tell her that you won’t betray her. And if you will say so, make sure that you think like that. Don’t just find a way to deceive her, take advantage of her and walk away.

Explain to her that you want your love to last and that you want to enjoy her even when she gets old and there are wrinkles on her face. That will mean so much to her and she will love you even more.

3. A story about how happy she makes you.

If you tell her this, you will definitely sweep her off her feet. She will feel special and unique and she will be happy all the time.

Tell her that you already experienced a one-sided relationship and that you don’t want to repeat that with her.

Admit to her that she is giving you all that you need to be a happy and fulfilled man and that you are the happiest man when she is around you.

4. A story about how much you support her.

Explain to your girlfriend that you are okay with the fact that she may become an emotionally unavailable woman during her life and that you will do everything to make her get back on the right track again.

It is very important for her to know that you will always be there and that no matter what happens, you won’t let her down.

That will mean the world to her and she will be happy for choosing a man like you to be her partner.

5. A story about your friendship.

Show her signs of true love. Tell her that you will always be her best friend and her lover at the same time.

Show her that you are not planning to run away when things get bad and that you are man enough to hold her hand in her moments of sorrow.

That will help her realize that behind those seductive eyes, there is a soul that is cleaner than any sea in the world.

It will just help her realize that she didn’t make a mistake when she chose you to be her boyfriend.

6. A story about growing old together.

If you tell her this, she will be so happy because you are thinking about the important things in your life.

You can tell her that you found all that you have been looking for when you met her and that there is no woman above her.

Show her that you are serious and that you want to engage her in all your future plans. Your words will definitely melt her heart and you will make one woman very happy.

7. A story about your future wedding.

The wedding theme is something every woman thinks of her whole life. So, if you tell her that you want to talk about that with her, she will be thrilled.

She will want to talk to you about the people you will invite or about her wedding dress and all those cute things that are characteristic for every wedding.

When she falls asleep, I am sure she will have a nice dream about her wedding day with the man of her life.

8. A story about your appreciation for her.

Tell her that you extremely appreciate her strength and common sense in bad situations.

Tell her that all those good things that she is doing are qualities of a good woman and that you really respect her because of that.

Show her that you believe in her and that you are so lucky to have her in your life.

I am sure she will be extremely happy and that she will have sweet dreams every night you tell her bedtime stories.

9. A story about your future home.

Even if the two of you are not planning to get married soon, you can always talk about your future home.

You can listen to her wishes and tell some of your own. You can hug her and tell her that you imagine a big house with a nice backyard where your kids will play and where the two of you will prepare barbecues for your friends and family.

Tell her that you will have a huge pool where you will prepare summer pool parties and listen to music together.

Tell her that a house like that won’t be just a house, but home just because she will be in it.

10. A story about your future life together.

I am sure that this one will be one of her favorite love stories. You can tell her how you imagine your future with her and how you want that to happen very soon.

This will melt her heart and she will see that you are really the man she has been seeking for such a long time.

You can mention all those things that you want to do with her and tell her that with her, you found the love you needed and that you respect the fact that she is a high-value woman.


I hope that the collection of these online bedtime stories for your girlfriend will strengthen your connection even more.

Romance is essential in a relationship. So, never let it die out! That will make all the difference, you’ll see.


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The most beautiful heart

One sunny day, a handsome guy stood in the square in the middle of the city and proudly showed off the most beautiful heart in the area. He was surrounded by a crowd of people who sincerely admired the impeccability of his heart. It was really perfect - no dents, no scratches. And everyone in the crowd agreed that it was the most beautiful heart they had ever seen. The guy was very proud of it and just beamed with happiness.

Suddenly, an old man stepped forward from the crowd and said, addressing the guy:
- Your heart, by its beauty, was not even close to mine.

Then the whole crowd looked at the old man's heart. It was crumpled, all in scars, in some places pieces of the heart were taken out and others were inserted in their places that did not fit at all, some edges of the heart were torn. In addition, in some places in the old man's heart, pieces were clearly missing. The crowd stared at the old man - how could he say that his heart is more beautiful?

The boy looked at the old man's heart and laughed:
- You must be joking, old man! Compare your heart to mine! Mine is perfect! And your! Yours is a mess of scars and tears!
- Yes, - the old man replied, - your heart looks perfect, but I would never agree to exchange our hearts. Look! Every scar on my heart is a person to whom I gave my love - I ripped out a piece of my heart and gave it to that person. And he often gave me his love in return - his piece of heart, which filled the empty spaces in mine. But because the pieces of different hearts don't exactly fit together, that's why I have torn edges in my heart that I treasure because they remind me of the love we shared.

Sometimes I gave pieces of my heart, but other people didn't give me back theirs - that's why you can see empty holes in the heart - when you give your love, there are not always guarantees of reciprocity. And although these holes bring pain, they remind me of the love that I shared, and I hope that one day these pieces of heart will return to me.

Now do you see what true beauty means?
The crowd froze. The young man stood dumbfounded in silence. Tears flowed from his eyes.
He went up to the old man, took out his heart and tore off a piece from it. With trembling hands, he offered a piece of his heart to the old man. The old man took his gift and inserted it into his heart. Then, in response, he tore a piece from his battered heart and inserted it into the hole that had formed in the young man's heart. The piece fit but not perfect and some of the edges were sticking out and some were torn.

The young man looked at his heart, no longer perfect, but more beautiful than it used to be, until the old man's love touched him.
And they, embracing, went along the road.

He and she

There were two of them - He and She. They found each other somewhere and now lived one life, somewhere funny, somewhere salty, in general, the most ordinary life of two most ordinary happy people.
They were happy because they were together, which is much better than being alone.
He carried Her in his arms, lit the stars in the sky at night, built a house so that She would have a place to live. And everyone said: “Still, how not to love him, because he is an ideal! It's easy to be happy with this!" And they listened to everyone and smiled and did not tell anyone that She made Him an ideal: He could not be different, because he was next to Her. This was their little secret.
She was waiting for Him, met and saw off, warmed their house, so that He would be warm and comfortable there. And everyone said: “Sure! How not to carry it on your hands, because it was created for the family. No wonder he's so happy!" And they only laughed and did not tell anyone that She was created for a family only with Him, and only he could feel good in Her house. It was their little secret.
He walked, stumbled, fell, got frustrated and tired. And everyone said: “Why does He need her, so beaten and exhausted, because there are so many strong and confident people around.” But no one knew that there was no one stronger than Him in the world, because they were together, and therefore stronger than everyone. This was Her secret.
And She bandaged His wounds, did not sleep at night, was sad and cried. And everyone said: “What did he find in her, because she has wrinkles and bruises under her eyes. After all, why should he choose a young and beautiful one? But no one knew that She was the most beautiful in the world. Can anyone compare in beauty with the one they love? But that was His secret.
They all lived, loved and were happy. And everyone was perplexed: “How can you not get bored with each other for such a period? Don't you want something new?" And they didn't say anything. It’s just that there were only two of them, and there were many of them all, but they were all one at a time, because otherwise they wouldn’t have asked about anything. It was not their secret, it was something that cannot be explained, and it is not necessary.

A very beautiful fairy tale

It is said that once all human feelings and qualities gathered together in one corner of the earth. When BOREDOM yawned for the third time, MADNESS suggested: "Let's play hide and seek!" INTRIGA raised an eyebrow: "Hide and seek? What kind of game is this?" and MADNESS explained that one of them, for example, drives - closes his eyes and counts to a million, while the rest hide. The one who is found last will drive the next time, and so on.
ENTHUSIASM danced with euphoria, JOY jumped so much that DOUBT convinced, only APATHY, which was never interested in anything, refused to participate in the game, TRUE, chose not to hide, because in the end they will always give her away, PRIDE said that it was completely stupid game (she didn't care about anything but herself) COULDY really didn't want to risk it.
- One, two, three - the beginning of the count is MADNESS.
LAZY was the first to hide, she hid behind the first stone on the road.
VERA ascended to heaven, and ENVY hid in the shadow of TRIUMPH, who managed to climb to the top of the highest tree on his own.
NOBILITY could not hide for a very long time, because every place it found seemed perfect for his friends.
Crystal clear lake - for BEAUTY.
Tree split? So this is for FEAR.
Butterfly wing - for voluptuousness.
A breath of the breeze - so this is for FREEDOM! So, it hid in a ray of sunshine.
EGOISM, on the contrary, has found a warm and cozy place for itself.
LIE hid in the depths of the ocean (in fact, she hid in a rainbow).
PASSION and DESIRE are hidden in the nozzle of the volcano.
FORGETTING, I don't even remember where she hid, but it doesn't matter.
When MADNESS counted to 999.999 LOVE was still looking for somewhere to hide, but everything was already taken; but suddenly she saw a marvelous rose bush and decided to take refuge among its flowers.
- A million, - MADNESS counted and began to search.
First, of course, it found LAZY.
Then it heard how FAITH argues with God about zoology, and it learned about PASSION and DESIRE by the way the volcano trembles, then MADNESS saw ENVY and guessed where TRIUMPH was hiding.
EGOISM and there was no need to look, because the place where he was hiding turned out to be a hive of bees who decided to drive out the uninvited guest.
In search of MADNESS, he came to the stream to drink and saw BEAUTY.
DOUBT was sitting by the fence deciding which side to hide on.
So, everyone was found - TALENT - in fresh and juicy grass, SORROW - in a dark cave, FALSE - in a rainbow (to be honest, it actually hid at the bottom of the ocean). But they couldn't find love.
MADNESS searched behind every tree, in every stream, on the top of every mountain, and finally it decided to look in the rose bushes, and as it parted the branches, it heard a cry of pain. Sharp thorns of roses hurt LOVE's eyes.
MADNESS didn’t know what to do, began to apologize, cried, prayed, asked for forgiveness and even promised LOVE to become her guide.
Since then, when they played hide-and-seek for the first time on earth,



- Ah, Love! I dream of being just like you! - Admiringly repeated Love. You are much stronger than me.
- Do you know what my strength is? Love asked, shaking her head thoughtfully.
- Because you are more important to people.
- No, my dear, not at all, - Love sighed and stroked Love on the head. “I can forgive, that’s what makes me so.
- Can you forgive Betrayal?
- Yes, I can, because Betrayal often comes from ignorance, and not from malicious intent.
- Can you forgive Treason?
- Yes, and Treason too, because, having changed and returning, a person got the opportunity to compare, and chose the best.
- Can you forgive Lies?
- A lie is the lesser of evils, silly, because it often comes from hopelessness, awareness of one's own guilt, or from an unwillingness to hurt, and this is a positive indicator.
- I don't think so, because there are just lying people!!!
- Of course there are, but they have nothing to do with me, because they don't know how to love.
- What else can you forgive?
- I can forgive Anger, as it is short-lived. I can forgive Sharpness, as it is often a companion of Grief, and Grief cannot be predicted and controlled, since everyone is upset in their own way.
- What else?
- I can still forgive Resentment - the older sister of Grief, as they often follow one from the other. I can forgive Disappointment as it is often followed by Suffering, and Suffering cleanses.
- Ah, Love! You are truly amazing! You can forgive everything, everything, but at the first test I go out like a burnt out match! I envy you so much!!!
- And here you are wrong, baby. Nobody can forgive everything. Even Love.
- But you just told me something completely different!!!
- No, what I was talking about, I can actually forgive, and I forgive infinitely. But there is something in the world that even Love cannot forgive.
Because it kills feelings, corrodes the soul, leads to longing and destruction. It hurts so much that even a great miracle cannot heal it. It poisons the life of others and makes you withdraw into yourself.
It hurts more than Treason and Betrayal and hurts worse than Lies and Resentment. You will understand this when you face him yourself. Remember, Love, the most terrible enemy of feelings is Indifference. Because there is no cure for it.

About the most beautiful woman

One day two sailors went on a journey around the world to find their destiny. They sailed to the island, where the leader of one of the tribes had two daughters. The eldest is beautiful, and the youngest is not very.

One of the sailors said to his friend:
- That's it, I found my happiness, I stay here and marry the leader's daughter.
- Yes, you are right, the eldest daughter of the leader is beautiful, smart. You made the right choice - get married.
— You misunderstood me, friend! I am marrying the chief's youngest daughter.
- Are you out of your mind? She's like... not so much.
- This is my decision and I will do it.
The friend sailed on in search of his happiness, and the groom went to woo. I must say that in the tribe it was customary to give cows for the bride. A good bride cost ten cows.
He drove ten cows and approached the leader.
- Chief, I want to marry your daughter and give ten cows for her!
- This is a good choice. My eldest daughter is beautiful, smart, and she is worth ten cows. I agree.
- No, chief, you don't understand. I want to marry your youngest daughter.
- Are you kidding me? Can't you see, she's just so... not so good.
- I want to marry her.
- Okay, but as an honest person, I can't take ten cows, she's not worth it. I'll take three cows for her, no more.
— No, I want to pay exactly ten cows.
They got married.
Several years have passed, and the wandering friend, already on his ship, decided to visit the remaining comrade and find out how his life is. Sailed, walks along the shore, and towards the woman of unearthly beauty. He asked her how to find his friend. She showed. He comes and sees: his friend is sitting, the kids are running around.
- How are you?
- I'm happy.
That beautiful woman enters here.
- Here, meet me. This is my wife.
- How? Are you married again?
— No, it's still the same woman.
— But how did it happen that she changed so much?
- And you ask her yourself.
A friend approached the woman and asked:
— Sorry for the faux pas, but I remember what you were like… not really. What happened to make you so beautiful?
— It's just, one day I realized that I was worth ten cows.

About how young people chose their life partners...

Two young people offered two girls to become their life partners. One said:
- I can only offer my heart, which can be entered by one of those who agree to share my difficult path. Another said:
- I can offer a huge palace in which I want to share the joy of life with my companion. One of the girls, after thinking, answered:
- The heart that you offer, wanderer, is too tight for me. It will fit in the palm of my hand, and I must enter the monastery myself and feel the space and light that can bring happiness. I choose a palace and hope that it will not be crowded and boring in it. There will be a lot of light and space in it, which means there will be a lot of happiness.

The young man who offered the palace took the beauty by the hand and said:
— Your beauty is worthy of the magnificence of my halls.
And he took the girl to his beautiful abode. The second extended her hand to the one who could offer only the heart, and quietly said: - There is no warmer and more comfortable abode in the world than the human heart. Not a single, even the most huge palace, can be compared with the size of this holy abode.

And the girl went uphill along the difficult path with the one with whom she wished to share her happiness.
The road was not easy. They met many hardships and trials on their way, but in the heart of her beloved she was always warm and calm, and the feeling of happiness never left her. She was never cramped in a small heart, because from the Love that it radiated to everyone, it became huge, and there was a place for all living things in it. At the end of the path, on the top, which was hiding under the clouds, they saw such a radiant light, felt such warmth, felt such an all-encompassing Love, that they understood what happiness a person can experience if the path to it lies through the heart.

The beauty, who chose a wealthy abode, did not long experience satisfaction from the spaciousness and light of the palace. Soon she realized that no matter how huge it was, it had limits, and the palace began to remind her of a beautiful gilded cage, in which it was hard to breathe and sing. She looked out of the windows, rushed between the columns, but did not find a way out. Everything pressed on her, choked, oppressed. And there, outside the windows, there was SOMETHING that is not tangible and beautiful. No splendor of the palace could compare with what was outside its windows, in the boundless expanses of radiant space. The beauty realized that she would never experience that distant happiness. She did not understand what the road to this happiness leads through. She only became sad, and sadness enveloped her heart in a black canopy, which stopped beating. And the beautiful bird died of longing in a gilded cage, which she chose for herself.

People have forgotten that they are birds. People have forgotten that they can fly. People have forgotten that there are vast expanses into which you can sink and never drown.
Before making a choice, one must listen to the heart, and not touch the icy severity of the mind, which is more calculating than sensitive.
People have forgotten that there is no close happiness, that happiness must be followed along a difficult, long and long path, and this is the meaning of human life.

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The Princess in the Mirror

The Princess in the Mirror was more dangerous than any monster. From her smile they went crazy and lost their heads, but she didn’t care. Her heart, hard as stone and cold as ice, had long since ceased to feel anything. Pain and joy, love and hate - these feelings were in their entirety inaccessible to her, she heard only their echoes - a faint echo of true experiences.

Her beauty fascinated, made people look after her; more than one daredevil wanted to become her prince - she called such her toys - and she knew the end of such meetings in advance. As a matter of fact, there was no end. She, having played enough with her next toy, simply went into the fog, dissolved in the air.

She brought destruction with her, because beauty is a terrible force. Infected with the poison of her love, he could never forget her. It burst into someone's life like a hurricane, and also quickly disappeared, leaving behind only the ruins of the soul; others, especially persistent, she slowly fell in love with herself, like water wears away a stone, broke their independence bit by bit, tied them to herself at first with threads as thin as cobwebs, which later turned into ropes. And then this someone, once proud and brave, and now blinded and submissive, trustingly fell into the abyss of love, waiting there to meet her, her Princess, but she only silently and impassively watched his fall. One day, someone was supposed to appear who would make her experience the same feelings that she gave to others. The princess even knew his name - Tramp. She would gladly accept from him love and pain, suffering and pleasure. She was looking forward to the moment when her heart beat in rhythm with the other.
But the meeting was still far away, and the Princess was pierced by a hellish cold, then she went in search of another toy, whose love warmed her for a while ...

Winter's Tale

It was snowing in the morning. The little bear was sitting on the edge of the forest on a stump, with his head up, and counting, and licking the snowflakes that fell on his nose. Snowflakes fell sweet, fluffy, and before sinking completely, they stood on tiptoe.
Oh, how fun it was!

"Seventh", - Bear cub whispered and, admiring to his heart's content, licked his nose. But the snowflakes were enchanted: they did not melt and continued to remain as fluffy in the Bear's stomach.

"Oh, hello, my dear! - said six snowflakes to their friend when she found herself next to them. - Is it still windless in the forest? Is the Bear cub still sitting on a stump? Ah, what a funny Bear cub!" The bear cub heard that someone was talking in his stomach, but did not pay attention. And the snow kept falling and falling. Snowflakes more and more often fell on Bear's nose, crouched and, smiling, said: "Hello, Little Bear!"

"Very nice," said Little Bear. "You are the sixty-eighth." And licked.

By evening, he had eaten three hundred snowflakes, and he became so cold that he barely got to the lair and immediately fell asleep. And he dreamed that he was a fluffy, soft snowflake ... And that he sank on the nose of some Bear cub and said: "Hello, Bear cub?" - and in response I heard: "Very nice, you are the three hundred and twentieth..."
"Lam-pa-ra-pam?" - the music played. And the Little Bear began to spin in a sweet, magical dance, and three hundred snowflakes began to spin along with him. They flashed in front, behind, to the side, and when he got tired, they caught him, and he circled, circled, circled ...

Teddy bear was sick all winter. His nose was dry and hot, and snowflakes danced in his stomach. And only in the spring, when drops rang all over the forest and birds flew in, he opened his eyes and saw a Hedgehog on a stool. The hedgehog smiled and moved its needles.

- What are you doing here? - asked Little Bear.
- I'm waiting for you to recover, - answered the Hedgehog.
- How long?
- All winter. When I found out that you ate too much snow, I immediately dragged all my supplies to you ...
- And all winter you sat next to me on a stool?
- Yes, I gave you spruce broth to drink and applied dried grass to your stomach...
- I don't remember, - said the Little Bear.
- Of course! - the Hedgehog sighed. - You said all winter that you are a snowflake. I was so afraid that you would melt by spring...

Autumn fairy tale

A bright yellow autumn leaf finally broke away from the branch and began to slowly fall to the ground.
- I love you - she said, but he did not hear. Was it because he didn't want to hear it, or because at that moment a truck was noisily passing by?
- What, I'm sorry, I did not hear?
- I want to give you a present.
- Really? Which?
A bright yellow autumn leaf slowly sank to the ground right at her feet.
- I'll give you this, - she said, picking up a leaf from the ground, - let it be with you.
"I will put all my love into this sheet, maybe it will stop torturing me? Let him keep it."
"Why do I need this nonsense? But don't offend her, it's not good."
- Thanks, but what should I do with it?
- I don't know, this is your sheet now, do what you want, - she suddenly said with some indifference.
He just put the paper in his pocket: "I'll throw it away when she leaves. "
- Well, I have to go. Bye, - he was really in a hurry: he had a business meeting.
- Happy, - there were new notes in her voice, but he did not notice anything.
The business meeting was very successful. He signed a very lucrative contract. "I did not even expect that everything would turn out so well, but everything worked out!" - he fiddled with a gilded pen in his hands, with which he had just signed papers. The pen was very beautiful, only he did not remember where he got it: it just happened to be in his pocket just when he needed it. He slipped the pen back into his pocket. "So, now home to clean up, I have to be at the reception tonight ... Damn, my best suit is still in the dry cleaners. Actually, it's time to buy a new one. But I don't have a credit card with me ... But here it is. How could I forget you put it in your pocket?" He pulled out a golden credit card from his pocket.
He chose a suit for a long time: "The price-quality ratio does not tolerate fuss," - lately he had to save money. Having finally made his choice, he gave the credit card to the saleswoman. When she saw the amount on the credit card, her eyebrows raised in surprise, but she remained silent, and then, after thinking, she asked:
- Would you like to buy something else?
- Maybe next time.
She smiled and gave him a credit card: "The rich are all weird," she thought, "he could buy five of these shops entirely, but he chose this modest suit."
The reception was also very good: "It wasn't even boring!". And already at home, sitting over a bottle of beer, he thought: "Well, now I can rest. All the work is done for today. Now, perhaps, I don't need anything else." In his pocket was a bright yellow autumn leaf. "Ah, there you are! I completely forgot about you!" - He smiled, opening the window and letting the leaf out into the street. A bright yellow leaf began to slowly fall to the ground.
In the morning he did not find his yesterday's credit card, did not find his new suit, and the gilded pen also disappeared somewhere.
She was walking down the street, and her heart was very light: "How good, now I'm free! I can still arrange my personal life, and yet, I'm sorry that my love is not with me now. It was so beautiful feeling. Maybe I'll be able to experience this at least once in my life," she smiled at the bright sun, bright yellow autumn leaves falling to the ground. She never mentioned him again.

Seventeen white roses

The quietest summer evening, the coldest. Evening when it rains. Clouds cover the sky and leave only a small ray of sun. The day when angels descend to earth. A day when angels can feel pain.
She was sitting on the roof of a tall building. Today is exactly this day, the day when she is allowed to remember her past, to re-live the moments of happiness and grief, and to forget everything again with the first rays of the rising sun. Today she can remember him… because of whom she became an angel, because of whom she is immortal… and she so wanted to live a human life, so short, but so interesting. Now she is an angel... with beautiful white wings and with a heart inside for just one day, only she does not feel pain - this is the privilege of an Angel. There is no pain, no fear, no love, no feelings at all. And only once a year, angels are allowed to be people with white wings behind their backs.
When was that? When did she love him? There is no time in heaven, no days, weeks or years. Everything is different there. There is so much light, but there are no faces there. And sometimes you walk, and the same angel passes by you and it seems to you that you know him ... but it is not given to know this. Angels don't have real faces.
She became the Angel of Sadness. She visited people in moments of sadness, sadness and grief. She helped to survive their pain, took it to herself, but it didn’t hurt her, she’s an angel, she doesn’t know how to feel. But how did it happen that she remembered Him and cherished love for Him deep in her soul, and even a trial from oblivion could not kill her feeling. And one day in the year she was allowed to remember everything, and she got this love from the depths of her soul, and cherished it like a child. Re-lived my short life. I looked at him and was glad that he was alive, that he now had a family, children. She could read minds, because she was an angel. She knew that he still remembered and thought of her. She saw how exactly on this day, the day of angelic freedom, he went to the cemetery and laid flowers on her grave ... After all, this day was the day of her death ... And he came, was silent for a long time, and then quietly cried and prayed, each time he prayed for forgiveness . After all, he did not even suspect that she had forgiven him, she had forgiven him on the day of her death. And when he was too hurt and lonely, she leaned over him and whispered words of love in his ear, took away his pain. After all, she was the Angel of Sadness.
Crazy love of two souls. Crazy, unrestrained love. The love that made her an angel.
They agreed to meet at 19:00 in their place. She came a little later, but he was not there. She did not see him, but he was standing in the store opposite, a flower shop, buying her 17 snow-white roses, staring at her, could not move. And she was more and more worried, afraid that something had happened to him, he had never been late before. 17 snow-white roses... She just wanted to call him from a payphone on the other side of the street, she just wanted to know where he was and what was happening to him. She was crossing the street, and he was already leaving the store, she saw him and slowed down a little, smiled, but horror froze on his face ... how did it happen ... how for her the moments suddenly began to go faster than for him, why didn’t he have time ... but the driver of the car did not know how much they loved each other, how late he was for the first time in his life, how she ran to call him. A scarlet pool of blood on the pavement, her smile on her lips, his horror in his eyes and 17 snow-white roses on a red background. ..
Every year he lived it all over again on the day when she could feel. But she could not take away his pain, she so wanted, so wanted to say that today she also feels, today she also remembers everything. She so wanted to say that now she has become a real angel, with snow-white wings behind her back.
Every year he brings 17 snow-white roses to her grave and cries, cries softly, begging for forgiveness. Only he will never know that she forgave him even then, on the day of her death, forgave him for being late.
She was sitting on the roof of a tall building, crying and remembering him, opening her heart to him and pouring out her pain. White-white wings behind the back obediently folded on the day of angelic freedom, on the day when angels can remember everything and live their lives in memories. The day the angels die. She folded her snow-white wings and fell down like an arrow, but the wings did not open, did not open as usual, because today is the day when angels die. In the middle of a hot, hot summer, it rains, and only one ray of the sun remains in the sky, the wind subsides, and the sea is calm ... this is how angels die ... they die on the day of their freedom ...


They say that many years ago in France there lived a young merchant who really wanted to find his love. His name was Andre. He had his own ship, which he inherited from his father, also a merchant. On this caravel, Andre went to all corners of the globe. To India for spices, to America for tobacco. And Andre also tried to find his love in all the countries he visited.

You may ask why a young handsome guy who has his own ship, under sails of scarlet color - the color of gentle and romantic, cannot find his love?
The answer is simple! Andre did not try to win the love of girls with the help of his position. He was looking for sincerity, feelings! He wanted to find a beloved who would not pay attention to his property, but saw an open, loving soul of a lonely, romantic guy.

Years have passed…

Andre has become much older. But he still remained alone.
When the caravel approached the ports, all the girls already knew that it was Andre's ship. And so with great interest they watched the sails on the masts.
They knew that as soon as Andre found his love, the ship should approach the port in full sail!

But each time the ship approached the city, the girls with a little grief and hidden hope, sighing, returned to their work. Since the caravel was still under scarlet, but not fully opened sails.
You may ask: Why were all the girls worried about the fate of this man, who, by the way, was already not as young and handsome as before?
Because every girl dreamed that Andre would fall in love with her. They saw a kind, devoted, romantic, but at the same time lonely soul of a guy. And so they sympathized with him as a best friend. And they felt hope that someday Andre would be able to make happy the one he had been looking for for so long.

Many more years have passed...
Andre has grown old. He was no longer able to steer his ship with its beautiful but half-mast crimson sails.
One autumn day, he anchored his ship in Marseille. And descended from the ladder to the ground. Never again rising to the deck of his faithful and lonely companion.
Andre ended his life alone.

Since then, his ship has become a symbol for people who are looking for their love.

Centuries have passed...
The ship survived the storm and was swallowed up by the sea. Then the water receded. And the masts of the ship reappeared above the surface of the ocean. But the caravel was already completely covered with sand...

The legend also says:
When the people of the whole earth find their love, when there is no evil, hatred, self-interest and deceit on the globe, then the ship will come to life, thus symbolizing the soul of Andre, who found love .
And the sand will fall from the ship. We will be able to see a new symbol - a symbol of peace and love.
The caravel of love will sail to the stars. And then the brightest star will light up in the sky. Star - Love!

Three kisses

Hello! Your palm is clenched by my fingers. I took your hand on purpose. I'll take you today... I see that you already feel the unusualness of this evening...

Your smile ran through the glass of the windows like orange lights. I guess I'll never know how you can be so majestic, serious, mischievous, romantic and funny at the same time. Apparently that's why you manage to pick a cloud from the sky and put it by my collar when I get too worried... I'll lead you... Do you know that the blue sky, intertwined with green foliage, falls into the lake when the rays of sunset run through the leaves in fearful anticipation of dusk? That's why the dew falls. Do you like it? That's where we'll go. Only I need your kiss, otherwise nothing will work.

We will walk through the streets of this city. Look, the streets are already scattering in different directions, like the rays of the sun through a thundercloud. You will take the cat of the city roofs in your arms, the dog of gray sidewalks will run after you, on the back of which apartment hamsters will settle down, guinea pigs and canaries, stupefied with freedom, will sing to you a song of contented sparrows. The houses you pass by will forget their architects and the gray hue of peeling memories. They will whisper to you the tale of an old slumber and forgotten dreams. Rooftops will drop drops of spring rain and baby candy from icicles, plucked petals of autumn spice will cover your dream with a warm blanket. Are you already confused in the streets and do not know which way to go? Kiss me and you will immediately remember where your path leads you.

Well, here we are. Yes, the path always seems difficult when it's ahead. And when you came, he seems naive, light and insignificant. The little animals fled, taking away everything that you called yourself. You don't believe it, you were taught differently, but this is where the sky intertwines with the earth, and this is where we can finally meet.

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