Describing words for objects

words used to describe the shape of objects - synonyms and related words




an aerodynamic shape or design allows an airplane, car, etc. to move through the air in a smooth and fast way

as flat as a pancake


very flat



something that is asymmetrical does not have the same shape and size on both sides



big and round, or shaped like an onion



thick and square in shape



twisted into a shape or position that is not natural



shaped to follow or fit the shape of something else



mainly literary a convoluted shape or surface has many twists and curves



informal forming or full of curves



something that is deformed has a different shape from what is usual or natural and is not attractive to look at



made to fit the shape of something closely



thin and wide and not curving inward or outward



divided into two separate parts in a “Y” shape



square in shape, with four equal sides



in the shape of a small round ball



with a shape like a long narrow circle



with a point at the end



informal with a point on the end



used after some adverbs for describing the way that the different parts of something combine



arranged to form an even shape



with an even shape, or arranged with an equal amount of space between objects



rolled and folded in the shape of a tube






literary with a strong curved shape



shaped or moving with many bends and curves



a solid object or shape does not have any holes or empty space inside it



with edges or corners that are not as curved as usual



something that is straight does not bend or curve



without a bend or curve



a symmetrical shape or object has two halves that are exactly the same



narrower at one end



with three corners



bent into a shape that is not normal



wraparound objects curve around the sides of whatever they are fitted to

English version of thesaurus of words used to describe the shape of objects

Free thesaurus definition of words used to describe the shape of objects from the Macmillan English Dictionary - a free English dictionary online with thesaurus and with pronunciation from Macmillan Education.

Adjectives Words to Describe Shape of Objects

As we know a shape is a graphical representation of an object or its external boundary, outline as opposed to other properties such as color, texture, or material type. 

Today we are going to look at commonly used Adjective words for describing different 2d and 3d shapes of objects. Using these you would be able to express and compare various objects based on their shapes and structure.

Following is a list of common adjectives to describe the shape:

  1. Straight: This is a straight line
  2. Wide: It is a wide road
  3. Skinny: She is skinny
  4. Square: There are four squares
  5. Steep: It is very steep to drive
  6. Narrow: You will come across a narrow road
  7. Round: It is a round shape object
  8. Shallow: The water is shallow deep
  9. High: Being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension
  10. Hollow: The vessel is hollow from inside
  11. Low: It has low altitude
  12. Curved: Not straight; having or marked by a curve or smoothly rounded bend
  13. Deep: With head or back bent low
  14. Flat: Parallel to the ground
  15. Aerodynamic: Of or relating to aerodynamics
  16. Broad: Very large in expanse or scope
  17. Chubby: Children are bright-eyed, chubby, and shy
  18. Crooked: Having or marked by bends or angles; not straight or aligned
  19. Triangular: Having three angles; forming or shaped like a triangle
  20. Oval: A closed plane curve resulting from the intersection of a circular cone and a plane cutting completely through it
  21. Circular: Marked by or moving in a circle
  22. Cylindrical: Related to or having the shape or properties of a cylinder
  23. Angular: Having angles or an angular shape
  24. Two Dimensional: There are two major methods of two dimensional fractal generation
  25. Three Dimensional: Very large in expanse or scope
  26. Tapered: Gradually narrowed toward a point
  27. Globular: Having the shape of a sphere or ball
  28. Diminutive: Very small
  29. Dinky: Small and insignificant
  30. Foursquare: A plane rectangle with four equal sides and four right angles; a four-sided regular polygon
  31. Gargantuan: Of great mass; huge and bulky
  32. Horizontal: Parallel to or in the plane of the horizon or a base line
  33. Large: Above average in size or number or quantity or magnitude or extent
  34. Lengthy: Relatively long in duration; tediously protracted
  35. Level: A flat surface at right angles to a plumb line
  36. Little: Limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent
  37. Long: Primarily spatial sense; of relatively great or greater than average spatial extension or extension as specified
  38. Midget: Very small
  39. Oblique: Slanting or inclined in direction or course or position–neither parallel nor perpendicular nor right-angular
  40. Orbicular: Having the shape of a sphere or ball
  41. Plain: Lacking patterns especially in color
  42. Plump: Straight down especially heavily or abruptly
  43. Pointy: With a pointy stick
  44. Portly: Euphemisms for `fat’
  45. Punny: Witty or punny dialogue
  46. Regular: Having clear dimensions that can be measured; volume can be determined with a suitable geometric formula
  47. End Meets: Open shapes never make the ends meet
  48. Diagonal: Is something with slanted lines or a line that connects one corner with the corner furthest away.
  49. Mark: A shape mark is a trademark that safeguards the shape of the product. It might be the shape of a product, a good, brand, logo, label, tag, etc
  50. Regular: used for uniform shapes

When two objects have same shape you can use the words like identical and similar to describe those objects.

How to use these words in sentences & while you speak:

For Example : “It is a two-dimensional figure”, “This Valley is very deep”, “I like this Straight statue”.

Don’t worry If you aren’t able to remember all the shape words, You can use this list as a reference till the time you master these shape and structure adjectives and get used to speaking and writing them in sentences.

Quick Links

  1. Adjectives to Describe Size
  2. Types of Polygons with Pictures

"Find the Objects" game

Have you ever wondered what to do with a child for 10-15 minutes in his free time, and at the same time to minimize your participation in the process? Do you think it will be about video games or animated series? Wrong! There are no less exciting activities, but more useful and conducive to the development of intellectual abilities. And one of these activities is the game "Find the Objects".

What is the essence of the game?

The picture shows a lot of objects that are different in shape and size, and the higher the complexity, the better they are hidden. The task of the player is to find all the elements indicated in the task, located on a white background next to the picture, usually to the right or below it.

It is worth noting that frequently sought after objects can be so well disguised in a drawing that you will have to use your wit and imagination to find them. But for the first lessons with a child, it is better to choose simple options with larger images and in different colors so that the objects do not merge. This approach will allow the baby to quickly grasp the essence of the game and prevent difficulties when moving on to more complex tasks.

Why are such tasks useful?

The Find the Object puzzle is a game for the development of attention, the passage of which increases:

  • concentration and stability of visual attention;
  • perseverance;
  • ability to analyze and systematize;

as well as the development of imaginative and creative thinking.

10 "Find the Object" puzzles

We have prepared 10 fascinating pictures with tasks of different difficulty levels. Choose the moment when the child will rest after active games, and offer to find a couple of "lost"!

Task 1

It's time for the aspiring athlete to clean her room, but this is in her plans after training. Now help her find the necessary things: a bag, balls, sneakers, a racket and a tennis visor in order to get to class in time.

Task 2

What an abundance of all kinds of delicacies and products! But for our feast, only a small part of them will be required. Look at the field on the right and find all 20 items so that we can prepare a delicious and healthy dinner.

Task 3

Here, perhaps, all the puppies from "101 Dalmatians" are depicted! But you don't need to count them. It is better to help find treats and favorite toys of puppies, which are drawn to the right of the picture.

Task 4

Playful corgis and kittens played so hard that they lost the toys left by the owner! Find the 10 items shown on the right so that the little ones don't get bored until one of the adults gets back from work.

Task 5

Children love to go shopping with their mother, but while she was checking the grocery list, the kids hid some of the purchases. Help mom find all the items on the right that the children managed to pull out of the basket. Be careful, some things are not only hidden against the background of others, but also changed color!

Task 6

The kittens played so much while the grandmother was knitting that they lost their favorite toys and some of the treats. Find them before grandma finishes the sock and scolds these cute cats for being mischievous.

Task 7

This is how the summer camp looks like in the formation of detachments! Try to find among the children all the hidden toys and sweets that are drawn on the right.

Task 8

The guys decided to dress up as dinosaurs for Halloween, but someone took apart the costumes and scattered their elements around the room. Help everyone to assemble a whole costume, but pay attention, you need to find not only one part, but everything that is drawn in the pictures on the right: heads, tails, wings, etc.

Task 9

It seems that the participants of the marathon took with them things that were not needed for the race. Try to find all 15 objects drawn at the bottom of the picture, but be careful - after all, the task is not an easy one, since most of them even differ in color!

Task 10

Nothing surprising - a usual day in a city park. But wait! Some of the children lost their toys during the walk! Try to find plush animals, which are drawn at the bottom of the picture.

Mathematics and logic for children 7-13 years old

We develop logical thinking through solving plot mathematical problems in an interactive game format

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games and tasks for the development of thinking

Entertaining mathematics / Games for the development of thinking

Tasks of this type teach the child to highlight the essential features of objects, to abstract and generalize, and help develop logical thinking. There are more than 5500 logic puzzles on LogicLike!

Try the LogicLike course in a playful way!

Choose an age to start

4-5 years old

6-7 years

1-2 class

3-5 class

6-9 grade

15+ for myself

In the tasks "Extra in the row", "Who is superfluous here", "What is superfluous" in the group there is someone or something with a clear difference from other elements of the set. It is necessary to determine the most significant feature common to all objects except one.

"Find the extra word"

To answer which word is superfluous in each group, you need to guess which feature unites the rest among these words.

Sample task: sofa, wardrobe, lamp, table.

Encourage your child to think aloud!

Answer example: Extra lamp in this row. Because a sofa, a wardrobe and a table are furniture, a lamp is an interior item. Another possible explanation: the lamp can illuminate the room, other objects from the group cannot.

Together find the extra fourth or fifth word in each line and explain your choice.

wolf, fox, cat, bear

Show answer

The cat is a domestic animal, the rest of the group are wild animals.

summer, morning, winter, spring

Show answer

Morning is the time of day, the rest of the words in the series denote the seasons.

airplane, train, helicopter, crow, bumblebee

Show answer

The train does not fly.

kilometer, mile, millimeter, inch, kilogram

Show answer

Kilogram is a unit of mass, the rest of the words in the row are measures of length.

watermelon, strawberry, blueberry, plum, raspberry

Show answer

Plum is the fruit of a tree, other words are berries.

Students in grades 3-4 and older can easily complete a dozen of these tasks. Preschoolers and children 7-8 years old will like tasks in pictures much more.

To make it interesting for children to study, we have created and are constantly improving the LogicLike educational platform.

On the site, children develop logic in a playful way and learn to think outside the box. Do the tasks in turn with the child, and then be sure to invite him to work out on his own.

"The Fourth Extra" in pictures

Who is extra?

Choose an animal that does not fit the rest of the habitat.

Show answer



Fish, whales and seahorses live in water, rabbits live on land.

Find and explain what is superfluous

Hint: inside each fruit there is...

Show answer



There are a lot of seeds in apples, and in other fruits from this group - one each.

Identify the extra vehicle

Find out the answer



All vehicles in this row run on fuel, except for the bicycle.

3500+ interactive tasks

Playful lessons are useful and fun! The child develops logic and thinking playfully.

Solve online! Solve online!

You can just look at more examples of tasks or start online classes on the LogicLike platform.

Find an extra item

Choose an extra musical instrument

See also: