Developing counting skills

10 Fun Activities to Improve Your Child's Counting Skills

Counting Skills is a huge subject. Counting is an important skill for all children to learn, and it’s best to get them started early. There are many fun activities that you can do with your child that will help develop their counting skills, some of which may not even be on your radar yet! This article briefly discusses some of the most fun and engaging activities that will help children improve their counting skills and become better mathematicians in general.

Here are the ten activities that will hopefully give you enough ideas to improve your child’s counting skills and keep your child entertained at home.

1. Sing Rhyme Songs Together

Counting Rhyme Songs, also known as rhyme songs, are very educational for children. There are many different counting songs out there, so you can pick whichever one you want to use. Sometimes they are funny, silly, or just fun to sing because of the tune. If it’s a silly or funny song, that will help get your child into a playful mood to start learning. Some rhyme songs you can sing with your child are Five Little Ducks, Five Little Monkeys, 1, 2, Buckle My Shoe, Ten Green Bottles, and many more.

2. Play Mystery Socks

Kids need a partner for this game. They will need one sock and seven flat floral marbles; the flat marbles are ideal for this game because they won’t roll away. One kid should put several marbles into the sock. The other kid reaches into the sock without peeping, counts the marbles by touching them, and then tells the number. After that, the kids check if the answer is correct by taking the marbles out. 

3. Counting Snacks

Kids love snacks, and it is a great opportunity for you to work on their counting skills. If your kid asks for pretzels, gummies, grapes, or crackers, have your kids tell you a particular number and provide them with that number as they start counting. 

For instance, How many pretzels do you want? 8! Alright, Here’s the 8 Pretzels, so count 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. As your kid starts understanding to count, they can start counting on their own. Then, as they are eating, you can ask them to count how many they have eaten. It is a great math practice that will help improve their counting skills while enjoying snacks!

4. Show More or Show Less

For this activity, you may need to make piles of different items on the table, which could be snacks or toys. Just make sure to pile one with less and one with more. Then, ask your kid to observe the items and have your child tell which pile has fewer items and which has more. It is an excellent concept to learn as your kid understands what numbers mean. Therefore, if a kid notices 6 and 3 of something, he will know which one has less or more.

5. Drawing Numbered Sets

Suppose you notice that your child can already recognize and recite particular numbers like numbers from one to ten. You can help your child retain that knowledge by encouraging him to perform this activity. First, you need to prepare a pencil and a paper. Then, write a particular number and word that you want your child to draw. For example, you write three suns on the paper; your child needs to draw three suns. Write as many figures as possible. This way, he’ll practice his counting ability at the same time develop his fine motor skills.

6. Fruit Counting

The objective of this game is to develop your child’s one to one correspondence. For this activity, you may need fruit counters and disposable plastic plates if you have any. Put some sticker dots on each plate; ensure to put a different number of dots to make it more engaging. Let your kid count the dots on the plate, then have him count out the number of fruits to put on the plate. Now, if you don’t have any disposable plate and fruit counter available to use, there are alternatives you can use. You can use dotted cards and any small items such as pebbles or buttons as counters. 

7. You’re Cookin’ Now!

It is a counting activity that will help your child improve their counting skills and develop his math skills at the same time. You can prepare bread, cookies, or crackers and tell your kid to complete one part of the instructions. Say, “You’re cookin’ now!” and insist your kid check his work before serving it. Ask him how many pieces of bread you want; 2 pieces of bread? Okay, here are 2 pieces of bread.

8. Count and Sort

Having your child learn how to count is the first step until they start learning how to count money, which will come next. For instance, you need to sort out some small items: marbles, beans, or buttons. Then ask your kids to count them and sort them into two piles by counting one by one. This kind of activity will help your child understand the concept of comparing numbers.

9. Laundry Learning

Kids love to help you in the laundry room, so why not use them in a learning environment? For example, if you have a large laundry basket, let your kid sort clothes according to color. For instance, he can sort out clothes by color. Then let him learn how to count the clothes by sorting them into groups of 5 or 10 or more. This kind of activity will help kids improve their counting skills while practicing math at the same time.

10. Counting Things Outside On A Walk

Make your outside walk with your child educational as possible. When you bring your child with you outside, point out all the things or items in nature that you can count. For example, ask your kid how many houses are on the street, how many trees are in the park, how many cars are in the driveway, and many more things to see your child can count.

Counting is a math skill that can be developed as your child learns more numbers, numbers from one to ten. As you know from the previous examples, this is a skill that can be developed as your child learns more about numbers. In addition, as your kid learns how to count, he will improve his ability to distinguish other numbers and understand other concepts such as fractions. That is why counting is a very important math skill for kids at any age, so don’t forget to help your kid develop the skill of counting.

Understanding Numbers and Counting Skills in Preschoolers

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Understanding Numbers and Counting Skills in Preschoolers

By Kristin Stanberry

You’re probably in the habit of measuring your preschooler’s growth by checking his or her height and weight. But how can you measure your child’s development in other areas, such as numbers and counting — early math skills?

Think about all the ways that numbers and counting are part of your child’s life! From soapy toes in the bathtub to “get ready-set-go!” in the yard, you are well positioned to observe and gather information about the early math skills your 3- to 4-year-old child is developing. The questions and tips that follow will help you understand what math awareness and skills your child should have — and how you can support his development.

Is your child developing age-appropriate numbers and counting skills?

It’s helpful to know what numbers and counting skills your child should be developing by age 3 or 4. Review the following list of milestones and note how your child is doing in each area. My child:
  • Is aware of — and curious about — how numbers and counting apply to his life and the world around him.
  • Can correctly count at least five objects.
  • Can point to places on a number line and count with 1-to-1 correspondence along the line (from left to right, right to left)
  • Understands that the written numeral “3” means three objects — and the same with numerals 1-5.
  • Can add and subtract small numbers of familiar objects. For example: “I have three cookies. You have two. How many do we have all together?”
  • Can put written numbers (numerals) from 1 to 5 in the correct order, small to large.
  • Can count from one to ten in the correct order.
  • Understands concepts of quantity (for example, “more” and “less”) and size (such as, “bigger” and “smaller”) and uses those terms correctly.

Encouraging numbers and counting skills at home

Now that you are aware of some of the basic math skills and concepts your preschooler should have, you can reinforce and build upon these skills. There are many ways you and your child can play with numbers and counting throughout the day. Here are some ideas to get you started:
  • Show your child how numbers and counting apply to everyday life. Use number words, point out numbers, and involve your child in counting activities as you go through your day. For example: Have your child help you measure ingredients for a recipe by measuring and counting the number of cups or spoonfuls. Talk about how things or amounts are more, less, bigger and smaller, and be sure to praise his efforts and his progress in math awareness.
  • Collect a variety of materials your child can use for hands-on counting. Old keys, plastic bottle caps, and buttons all work well. Collect them in a bag or jar and pick a time to count and re-count them again and again. (For added fun, offer guesses at the total number of items and see who comes the closest.)
  • Use items from around the house to experiment with addition, subtraction and “more” and “less” activities.
  • Read, tell stories, sing songs, and recite poems that include numbers and counting. Try to include books in which characters come and go as the story progresses.
  • Play simple board games that call on players to count spaces on the board, objects used in the game, and to recognize printed numerals or their representation (such as “dots on dice”).

Note: If your child has a regular babysitter or daycare provider, be sure to pass these tips along to the caregiver.

Promoting number and counting skills at preschool

The preschool classroom is filled with opportunities to learn and practice number and counting skills. Be sure to talk to your child’s teacher about structured teaching activities to develop skills in this area. To keep track of your child’s progress in early math skills, you’ll want to:
  • Ask your child’s teacher what early math lessons, games, and activities your child is exposed to and where your child is succeeding or struggling.
  • Find out what early math skills your child will need to master in ensure a smooth start of the kindergarten year
  • Look at the work and projects your child brings home from school. Look for numbers and counting themes and elements and discuss them together.
  • Encourage your child to talk about school and whether she finds numbers and counting interesting (or difficult).

Cause for concern? Where to turn for advice and assistance

Rest assured that “normal” development of beginning math skills doesn’t progress in exactly the same way for all preschoolers. However, you may want to seek help if your child:
  • Has difficulty with simple counting.
  • Doesn’t understand the one-to-one correspondence between number symbols and items/objects.
  • Doesn’t seem to understand or notice variations in size, patterns, or shapes.
  • Doesn’t see how math concepts exist in everyday life, even when examples are pointed out to him or her.
  • Dislikes and avoids activities and games that involve numbers and counting.

Discuss your concerns with your child’s preschool teacher and pediatrician. If you’re concerned that your child may have a learning disability or delay, you should contact your public school system and request (in writing) that a diagnostic screening (at no cost to you) be conducted (available under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act).

Kristin Stanberry is a writer and editor specializing in parenting, education, and consumer health/wellness issues. Her areas of expertise include learning disabilities and AD/HD, topics which she wrote about extensively for Schwab Learning and GreatSchools.


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Suggested Tip!

Read Books New Ways
Does it feel like you’ve read the same story 100 times? Read it a new way: Ask the child questions about what they think will happen next and encourage them to tell you what they see in the illustrations.
Learn more >

Mobile application for parents launched in Uzbekistan

TASHKENT, November 19, 2021 . - Today, UNICEF, together with the Ministries of Health and Preschool Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, introduced Bebbo, its first mobile application designed to support parents and guardians of children from zero to six years old.

Designed to help parents, this free app provides expert advice on a wide range of child health and development topics, from nutrition and breastfeeding to early learning, playful exercise, responsive parenting, child protection and safety. The appendix also includes specific advice for parents and guardians of children in terms of ensuring their own well-being.

As an aid to parents in their children's early years, Bebbo also includes features that allow them to record immunizations received and planned, medical check-ups, and other milestones in a child's development.

“The first years of life are of decisive importance in the development of children and influence their entire later life. With the new app, we want to provide parents with an additional tool to help them navigate the difficult path of parenting,” said Afshan Khan, UNICEF Regional Director for Europe and Central Asia. "I encourage all parents to download the free and easy-to-use Bebbo app and get their kids off to a good start in life."

With UNICEF working closely with national partners and early childhood development experts, the mobile app has been tailored to national specificities and needs.

“Every child needs nurturing care, good health, optimal nutrition, and a stimulating and safe environment for early learning. As a handy pocket guide for parents, the Bebbo mobile app is designed to support adults in raising children,” said Agrippina Shin, Minister of Preschool Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Bebbo provides parents with timely and quality advice on how to support the growth, development and well-being of their children. This aspect is especially important in conditions where direct contact with the relevant government services is impossible or difficult, including in the context of the current pandemic.

“The COVID-19 pandemic requires the provision of timely and quality support to parents in the face of disrupted services. The first responses fell on the shoulders of parents, who took on additional responsibility for the education, health and well-being of their children,” said Bekhzod Musaev, Minister of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan. “During the COVID-19 pandemic, the new mobile application is a timely tool that allows parents and guardians to receive reliable information similar to the online consultation of a specialist.

UNICEF continues to work closely with national governments across Europe and Central Asia to empower parents and families with young children, including through new national parent support programs to reach and help the most vulnerable children in remote areas.

Note to editors:

The Bebbo app can be downloaded from the following links:

  • For Apple users
  • For Android users - Bebbo Apps on Google Play -

Media contacts for more information:

Fakhriddin Nizamov

Health and Nutrition Specialist

Phone: +99893 399 05 57

E-mail: [email protected]


Vazira Nazarova

Advisor for Early Childhood Development

5 380 30 07

E-mail: [email protected]


Nargiza Egamberdieva

Public Relations Adviser

Phone: +99893 380 34 19

Asosi - Bebbo-applications-for-parents




Bebbo hush omaded!

Kissagiya balls shumo ҷiҳati malakahoi volidainі.

Bebbo — inafzoraki navaz UNICEF buda, mahsus baroi kumak rasonidan ba volidain omoda karda shudaast. Wai ba shumo malumoti ilimii asosnokkardashuda va inchunin mashvaratkhoi foydaovaru amaliro peshnihod mekunad, ki hihati tarbiya yori rasonida baroi mustakam namudani salomati va inkishofi kadakoni shumo musoidat menamoyad.

Trekeri inkishofi kadaki shumo

Funksiyai mazkur dar mavridi istifodabari sodda buda, baroi mushoqidai inkishofi kadak, ba davit ovardani nuktakhoi mukoisavie, ki baroi sinnu salt muayyan tavsia karda shadamena ast. Volidinero tracker hihati savolho oidi dastgiri inkishof tavassuti boziho ravona mekunad.

Boziho baroi kodakon va volidain

Bebbo aqidahoi ziyod hihati hamkori bo kodakon bo yorii boziho, ki ba omuzish va inkishof havasmand menamoyad, peshnihod mekunad. Volidine metavonand bozikhoe, ki baroi inkishofi taraққieti motility va malakahoi ҷamyatyu khurushonі, zabonі, robitavi, ҷarayoni tafakkuri intihob namoyand.

Matnii Tavsiashudai ҳarrӯu Baroi Khonish

ҳAmarӯza Afzora Az Maҷmӯai qniya Tavsiaҳo az Tarafi Muihassisҳo navistashuda Bozla, ki daisheoro Bar Megirad Pivnya Card. Ҳamai mashvaratkhoro dar ҷuzgiri “Intikhobshuda” sabt karda, imkoniyati bakhambini ongoro bo digar volidain vayo bo duston dorost.

kaddu komati kadak

Asbobi mazkur ba volidain imkoniyat hihati mushohidai inkishofi kaddu komad va vazni kadak medihad.

Taftishti Aҳ Salomatӣ

қmatishi aҳvoli salomatӣ ba Violidain Imudani Namudani Maulovoi, ki pass az tashf ba Tabib, v.


Baroi volidain varakai emguzaronii musoid dastras buda, bo kamaki he emguzaronihoi kadacro mushohid karda bakaid giriftan oson meboshad.


Savol va qavob

Dar kadom davlatho UNICEF afzoraki Bebboro ba roh memonad?

Dar mokhoi nazdik afzoraki Bebbo dar 11 davlat bo 12 zabon dastras khohad shud – dar ozbekiston, Albania, Belarus, Bulgoriston, Yunon, Kosovo, Kirghiziston, Makedaniyai Shimoli, Serbia va dar Tojikiston.

Afzoraki "Bebbo" chi guna tayor karda shudaast?

Dar har yak davlat UNICEF bo sharikon va mutahassison ҷiҳati inkishofi ibtidoii kudakon baroi istifodabaria mahalli in afzoraki mobile adaptatsia shuda ba talabotkhoi ongo ҷavobgӯ shuda zich ҳstaamkori. Prototype afzorak az honibi UNICEF dar Serbia va sharkoni mahallii ongo tayor karda shuda, UNICEF ECARO Namudhoi mazkur ba sharoiitkhoi va zabonhoi mahallii bo hamkori bayni UNICEF va sharokoni milli adaptatsiya shudaast.

Huқuқҳoyi muallifi ҷiҳati content wa hoodie afzorak ba ki mutaalliq meboshand?

hamai hukukukhoi muallifi ba UNICEF mutaalliq meboshad.

Afzoraki "Bebbo" ramzi kushodai ibtidogi doshta, namudi mobile on takhti surogai zerin dastrast ast:

Afzorak dar sharaitkhoi GNU Affero General Public License v3 tayor karda shuda, ramzi on CMS takhti surogai zerin dastras ast:

UNICEF sohibi ramzi "Bebbo" meboshad.

hamai content, ki dar CMS nigoh doshta meshavad, inchunin kushoda ast. Content ibtidoi az honibi UNICEF ECARO bo hamkorii UNICEF Serbia tayor karda shudaast vayo dar doirai sozishnomahoi sharki bo shahsoni seyum muvofiqi sozishnomahoi litsenzioni ba will give ovarda shudaast. Content bo zaboni anglisi ba hamai davlatho baroi taruma va adaptatsiyai minba'da ba zabonhoi mahalli peshnihod karda meshavad.

Oyo "Bebbo" ma'lumotkhoi shakhsiro ҷam menamoyad va ki ba ongo iҷozat dorad?

Afzorak yagon guna ma'lumotkhoi shahsiro, ki metavonand volidainro vayo kodakonro identification kunand ҷam hintunad va in guna ma'lumotkhoro dar yagon guna serveri beruna nigoh namedorad. Hamai ma'lumothoe, ki ba afzorak dohil meshavand tanho gift of telephony mobile shahsi istifdakunanda nigoh doshta meshavand. Az ri siyosati mahfi muvofiqashudai Google and Apple (vobasta az on ki, gift of smartphones istifodabaranda chi guna system and operationsni vuhud dorad) istifodabarandagon purra ҷiҳati ma’lumotҳoe, ki dar telefonhoi mobiles onҳo nigoҳ doshta meshavand ӯbohandor.

At UNICEF, at har kadom ball - sarparast ba ma'lumoti shahsi istifodabaranda ruhsat nadorand. Siyosati mahfiyati “Bebbo” dar somonai dastras meboshad va chi tavr ma’lumotro ҷam menamoyad, istifod mebarad va nigoh medorad va inchunin chi tavr in ma’lumotho hymoya karda meshavand tavsif doda meshavad.

Baroi tayor kardani in afzorak COVID-19 sabab shuda metavonad?

Bale, dar chole, ki robita bo ta'minkunandaho kat karda shud COVID-19az volidain kabuli qaror qhihati rasonidani kumaki sarivaqt, bosifat va dastgiriro talab mekard. Volidain avalin shuda, hihati talimu salomati va behbudii farzandoni hud kavobgar shuda. ҳdadoriҳoro ba dүshi hud giriftaand. "Bebbo" - in tanho asbobe, ki volidainro dar savolhoi kodak, inkishof va bekhbudii farzandoni onho dastgiri khohad kard.

Baroi chi "Bebbo" tango baroi kudakoni az 0 then 6 sola peshbini shudaast?

Gift of 5 salt avvali hayot maғzi sari kudak dar har sonia 1 million payvastoi navi neuroni eҷod menamoyad. Davrai mazkur yak marotiba dar zindaggi ba miyon omada imkoniyat medihad, ki kobiliati omuzish, ishkishofi kodak tashakkul va ba hayoti kadak sakhmi purra guzoshta shavad.

Charo "Bebbo" tanho baro kudakoni sinnu solashon 0-6 muqarrar karda shudaast?

Dar avvali 5 sol mainai sari kodak dar har yak sonia 1 million bastai neuroniro meofarad. Marhilai mazkur yak bor dar hayot dar kodak kobiliati omukhtan, ba voya rasonidan va sakhmi purrai ҷhomea guzoshtanro imkoniyat mediҳad.

Charo tarbiyai hub dar in sinnu sol manii halkunanda doro meboshad?

Tarbiya wa munosibati ҳassosi volidain baroi inkishofi kudak manii halkunandaro doro meboshad. Violidaina Varil Dar Inkishofi Farzandoni Hood nakshai mujimro Mobosand, Zero hesi Axosii muҳiti atrophy kӯdak buda, Baroi Salomatӣ, ӯiFz, Afzoish, Inkishof wa -umoi (ҳAssosos, ҷismonӣ wa ravonӣ)

Afzoraki "Bebbo" ba volidine chi tavr metavonad yori birasonade?

"Bebbo" maҷmӯi purrai asbobhoi amaliro dar ҷaibi volidon meguzorad, then onҳo tavonand:

  • Inkishofi farzandi hudro mushohid va dastgiri cardan;
  • Afzoishi farzandi hudro mushohid va dastgiri cardan;
  • Ayodati tabib va ​​qadvali emguzaroniro mushohid karda ba qayd giriftan;
  • chihati chi guna behtar namudani behbudii shahsi va salomatii ravoniro mashvaratkho giriftan;

"Bebbo" ro istifoda carda volidine ba will move girift:

  • Ba sinnu soli aniq va niyozkhoi kodak contenti adaptatsiyashuda;
  • Boziho baroi dastgirii inkishofi iҷtimoi-muassiri va cognition kodak va inkishofi malakahoi zabon, muoshirat va malakahoi harakatii ӯ.
  • Mushohidai marhalai inkishof - baroi mushohidai peshrafti kodak dar isrorkorii marhalahoe, ki ba sinnu soli ӯ tavsia karda shudaand.
  • Mushohidai kaddi kadak - baroi monitorings kaddi ҷismoni va ғizokhurii kudak0032

    Behbudi Volidine

    Afzorak chi tavr kor mekunad?

    1. Volidain vayo parastoron ma'lumoti asosi dar borai farzandi hud (sanai tavallud, nom) vorid mekunand va muvofiqi sinnu sol va ҷinsi kadak ma'lumotro dastras menamoyand.
    2. Afzorak ba volidain fa'olona mushohid kardan va baqaid giriftani marhilahoi inkishof va peshrafti farzandi hudro peshnihod menamoyad. Wai volidainro hihati emguzaronihoi navbati va muoyinahoi tibbii ogoh karda, ma’lumoti mushahkhas medihad. Inchunin baroi khama guna baqaydgiri hamchun hazinai kulay hizmat merasonad.
    3. Volidine tavsiyahoi shahsi oidi chi guna tavonistani havasmand inkishofi farzandi khurdi hud,ҷori kardani boz ҳam sergezotar voyai khürok vayo beҳtar dark kardani niyozҳo va raftori farzandoni farzandoni hudroandё2908

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