Different ways to spell journey
Different Ways To Spell Journey? All Ways To Spell Name Journey
Different Ways To Spell Journey? All Ways To Spell Name Journey
Name Journey Definition
Numerological definition for this name gives a life path number of 9 for Journey. The Destiny Number 9 in numerology stands for the ubiquity of the immortal soul and therefore the nine is always surrounded by an aura of mystery and mysticism. Who was born with this number will have much success in life. However, this success does not just happen, but it is the result of a significant labor input and work ethic. Thus the destiny number or life number 9 stands for turbulence's and hardships, but those can certainly be successfully overcome. Most important for people with life number 9 is coming to terms with themselves and determine for themselves what they want and where the trip should go, that way inner balance is preserved remains. The Destiny Number 9 ensures that you can discover the meaning of life for yourself faster from other people and act accordingly.
The bearer of this number usually recognizes early on that life brings both joy and sorrow and one must accept both to get ahead! Optimists with little enforcement power. People with the destiny number 9 always show much sympathy for the concerns and problems of their fellow men. As a rule, they have a very strong humanitarian streak and help whenever and wherever they can. Nines always meet people with both arms open and have a friendly attitude, but also have something mysterious about them and don't like to reveal everything about themselves. Nevertheless this destiny number can be trusted and always relied on. They see life very optimistic and also gain something positive from negative experiences. Unfortunately they can not always stand their ground with others and therefore run the risk of being exploited by others. Also in partnerships they show a lot of emotion and love and are always ready to literally sacrifice themselves for their loved ones. Who goes with the name number 9 through life will be treated by fate with benevolence, because people with this name number are characterized generally by honesty, inner independence and an enormous intellectual and creative potential.
People with a 9 as name number see great value in spiritual development. The best and fastest way for learning is through meeting and dealing with other people whose intellectual assets and capabilities are role models for them. Exceptional is also their natural given talent to call past life experiences into consciousness and use such knowledge in the here and now. Past experience helps to circumvent any number of hurdles in life.
How Do You Spell Journey
There are two things you can do to get better at spelling. First is to know how each letter in the English alphabet is pronounced. Once you know what sound all letters make it becomes much easier to spell names like Journey. Second is to read more. It is not important what texts you read, but the more it is the better you remember how things are written. When spelling bigger words or names try to separate some letters and see if it makes sense this way. If you want to remember how to spell Journey then write it down a couple of times.
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Journee Name Meaning, Origin, Popularity, Girl Names Like Journee
A variant of Journey, Journee is a modern name. She’s a fun pick for those looking for adventure, as every journey brings it along for the ride. She’s part of the word name trend and parents love her playful sound.
Infographic of Journee name meaning, which is A variant of Journey, Journee is an English name.
Ask your friends & family about Journee…
Year | Rank | # Births | % Births |
1910 | — | 0 | 0% |
1911 | — | 0 | 0% |
1912 | — | 0 | 0% |
1913 | — | 0 | 0% |
1914 | — | 0 | 0% |
1915 | — | 0 | 0% |
1916 | — | 0 | 0% |
1917 | — | 0 | 0% |
1918 | — | 0 | 0% |
1919 | — | 0 | 0% |
1920 | — | 0 | 0% |
1921 | — | 0 | 0% |
1922 | — | 0 | 0% |
1923 | — | 0 | 0% |
1924 | — | 0 | 0% |
1925 | — | 0 | 0% |
1926 | — | 0 | 0% |
1927 | — | 0 | 0% |
1928 | — | 0 | 0% |
1929 | — | 0 | 0% |
1930 | — | 0 | 0% |
1931 | — | 0 | 0% |
1932 | — | 0 | 0% |
1933 | — | 0 | 0% |
1934 | — | 0 | 0% |
1935 | — | 0 | 0% |
1936 | — | 0 | 0% |
1937 | — | 0 | 0% |
1938 | — | 0 | 0% |
1939 | — | 0 | 0% |
1940 | — | 0 | 0% |
1941 | — | 0 | 0% |
1942 | — | 0 | 0% |
1943 | — | 0 | 0% |
1944 | — | 0 | 0% |
1945 | — | 0 | 0% |
1946 | — | 0 | 0% |
1947 | — | 0 | 0% |
1948 | — | 0 | 0% |
1949 | — | 0 | 0% |
1950 | — | 0 | 0% |
1951 | — | 0 | 0% |
1952 | — | 0 | 0% |
1953 | — | 0 | 0% |
1954 | — | 0 | 0% |
1955 | — | 0 | 0% |
1956 | — | 0 | 0% |
1957 | — | 0 | 0% |
1958 | — | 0 | 0% |
1959 | — | 0 | 0% |
1960 | — | 0 | 0% |
1961 | — | 0 | 0% |
1962 | — | 0 | 0% |
1963 | — | 0 | 0% |
1964 | — | 0 | 0% |
1965 | — | 0 | 0% |
1966 | — | 0 | 0% |
1967 | — | 0 | 0% |
1968 | — | 0 | 0% |
1969 | — | 0 | 0% |
1970 | — | 0 | 0% |
1971 | — | 0 | 0% |
1972 | — | 0 | 0% |
1973 | — | 0 | 0% |
1974 | — | 0 | 0% |
1975 | — | 0 | 0% |
1976 | — | 0 | 0% |
1977 | — | 0 | 0% |
1978 | — | 0 | 0% |
1979 | — | 0 | 0% |
1980 | — | 0 | 0% |
1981 | — | 0 | 0% |
1982 | — | 0 | 0% |
1983 | — | 0 | 0% |
1984 | — | 0 | 0% |
1985 | — | 0 | 0% |
1986 | — | 0 | 0% |
1987 | — | 0 | 0% |
1988 | — | 0 | 0% |
1989 | — | 0 | 0% |
1990 | — | 0 | 0% |
1991 | — | 0 | 0% |
1992 | — | 0 | 0% |
1993 | — | 0 | 0% |
1994 | — | 0 | 0% |
1995 | — | 0 | 0% |
1996 | — | 0 | 0% |
1997 | — | 0 | 0% |
1998 | — | 11 | 0.![]() |
1999 | — | 32 | 0.0021% |
2000 | — | 6 | 0.0004% |
2001 | — | 16 | 0.![]() |
2002 | — | 24 | 0.0016% |
2003 | — | 18 | 0.0012% |
2004 | — | 25 | 0.![]() |
2005 | — | 68 | 0.0044% |
2006 | — | 44 | 0.0028% |
2007 | — | 70 | 0.![]() |
2008 | — | 123 | 0.008% |
2009 | — | 150 | 0.01% |
2010 | — | 247 | 0.![]() |
2011 | — | 350 | 0.0246% |
2012 | — | 460 | 0.0323% |
2013 | — | 556 | 0.![]() |
2014 | — | 646 | 0.0443% |
2015 | — | 842 | 0.0579% |
2016 | — | 964 | 0.![]() |
2017 | — | 1,186 | 0.085% |
2018 | — | 1,469 | 0.1069% |
2019 | — | 1,439 | 0.![]() |
2020 | 201 | 1,381 | 0.1085% |
2021 | 197 | 1,390 | 0.1137% |
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The magic of the word
Publications of the Traditions section
The Slavs believed in the magical power of the word, in its ability to change the world around. Words were combined into small poetic works - conspiracies, with the help of which, according to popular beliefs, it was possible to cure an illness, achieve love or calm a baby crying in the night. Kultura.RF talks about magical texts in the culture of our ancestors.
Andrey Shishkin. Fairy tale (fragment). 2008. Image: a-shishkin.ru
In the old days, the conspiracy tradition was very strong in the daily life of a person: there were healing, love, trade, cattle-breeding and trade conspiracies. As a rule, they were very expressive and poetic. In pre-Christian traditional culture, the main images in conspiracies were associated with the forces of nature. The Slavs asked for help from the sun, the moon, rain, thunder and fire. After the Baptism of Russia, they turned to the Savior and the Mother of God, to the images of the saints.
In the settlements, the carriers of magical knowledge were self-taught healers who healed with traditional medicine. But some miraculous words were also known to ordinary villagers: there were conspiracies of hunters and shepherds, military and economic. The researcher of Russian literature Leonid Maikov in the 19th century in the book "Great Russian Spells" published a conspiracy that was read before a long journey. A thief appears in it - this is how thieves, swindlers and robbers were called in the old days.
Conspiracy when setting off.
Yegoriy the Brave rides on a white horse, adorns himself with a golden crown, props himself up with a damask spear, meets with a tat at night, and bickers with him: “Where are you going, thief of the night?” "I'm going to kill people, get merchants passing by." But Egoriy was daring, he didn’t give him a road, he defends the Orthodox, saves him along the way.
The reading of magic words accompanied the rite. It was also very important to pronounce the text exactly, without changes, because otherwise it might not work. "White" conspiracies got rid of evil and protected, "black" - caused harm. It was believed that "black" conspiracies were used by sorcerers in their practice, sending damage and illness.
In different Slavic territories, the texts of conspiracies had a similar structure: they preceded the narration of the beginnings, then came the main part, in which the desire or ritual action was formulated, and at the end - fixed. The beginning was often used: “I will rise, a servant of God, blessed, wash myself with water, dew, dry myself with a woven handkerchief, go crossing myself, from the hut to the door, from gate to gate, to the east ...” “Be my words strong and molding forever; there is no negotiation and non-contract with my words; be you, my sentence, stronger than stone and iron" .
Healing spells
Grigory Myasoedov. Witch Doctor (detail). 1860. Saratov State Art Museum named after A.N. Radishcheva, Saratov
Traditionally, healers were engaged in healing in the settlements. They treated with traditional medicine and magic words. It was believed that people who had been on the verge of life and death after serious illnesses or injuries became healers. Their activities were not associated with evil spirits, unlike the magic of sorcerers.
... The peasant's home medicine is largely superstitious. The first place among them is occupied by superstitious prophylactic remedies, which for the most part are very simple and uncomplicated. In order to enjoy good health and not get sick, it is sometimes enough just to put on your right foot every day ahead of your left ... A kind of wonderful talisman that insures against illness and misfortune is considered a mammoth bone, a cross from a dead person or a pin or needle stuck somewhere, received from "heretics" .
One of the healer's ways to determine the disease was "pouring" on wax: melted wax was poured into cold water and, based on the resulting figures, it was determined what the cause of the disease was and who sent the damage. Read about unusual funeral rites in Russia in this article The action of healing magical texts was aimed not only at the aching tooth, but also at getting rid of the accompanying headache and soreness of the gums. The reading of the plot was accompanied by ritual and magical actions: it was pronounced, peering into the patient's mouth, and the tooth was baptized.
Known spells for hernia, fever, scrofula, barley and walleye and many other ailments. Texts from fever or shaking were distributed - an illness in the form of a woman.
Conspiracy against fever.
I, the servant of God N, will get up, blessed, I will cross myself from door to door, from gate to gate, along the path to the blue ocean-sea. By this ocean-sea stands a carcolist tree; on this karcolist tree hang: Cosmas and Demyan, Luka and Pavel, great helpers. I resort to you, servant of God N, I ask you, great helpers, to tell me: for what reason do women with bare hair come out of the sea, ocean, why do they go around the world, beat off sleep, from food, suck blood, pull veins like a worm grind black liver, saw yellow bones and joints with saws? Here you do not have a dwelling place, not a cool place; you go into swamps, into deep lakes, over fast rivers and dark forests: there for you boarded beds, downy feather beds, and downy pillows are set; there are sugary dishes, honey drinks; there will be a dwelling place for you, a cool place - to this hour, to this day, my word, a servant of God N, strong, strong, strong.![]()
Conspiracies from children's crying
Vasily Perov. Sleeping children (detail). 1870. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
The Slavs believed that the world was inhabited by dark forces and mythical creatures. According to beliefs, representatives of lower demonology - kikimors, brownies, mermaids - could invade a person's daily life and do harm in every possible way. Children's nighttime crying and insomnia were often explained by the tricks of evil spirits, and in order to protect the child, they resorted to magic. Crying was also associated with light and natural phenomena. In conspiracies, they turned to the moon and the month with a request to return the child to sleep. The culprits of insomnia were considered to be the morning and evening dawn, which disturbed children and prevented them from sleeping. Magical texts were read at sunset or dawn, while the baby was taken out of the hut and shown to the sun.
Love spells
Mikhail Nesterov. For a love potion (fragment). 1888. Saratov Art Museum named after A.N. Radishcheva, Saratov
And here, read how the matchmaking went
Dryness and dryness were widely known - conspiracies for love and for the fading of feelings. Married women wanted to regain their husband's love and attention with the help of magic, young girls wanted to become more attractive to their lover. The Russian writer and ethnographer Vladimir Dal in his book “The Tale of Beliefs, Superstitions and Prejudices of the Russian People” explained the appearance of love magic words not only as a fiction of idle imagination, but also as an attempt to interpret a strong feeling of love and passion that suddenly arose in a person. Outside observers explained the changes taking place with lovers by damage, spells, "dryness that must be let in."
A love spell or love spell, which is recited on the drink being served.
I will lie down, servant of God, after praying; I will go from door to door, from gate to gate, I will go out into the open field, into the green seaside.I’ll stand on the damp earth, I’ll look at the eastern side, as the red sun shone: it bakes moss swamps, black mud. So the servant of God N would run, dry about me, the servant of God N, eyes to eyes, heart to heart, thoughts to thoughts; she wouldn’t fall asleep, she wouldn’t go for a walk, amen to that word.
Love “dryness” was often perceived as a destructive supernatural force that brings evil and misfortune, as melancholy or fire that incinerates the soul. And the one reading the conspiracy to "dryness" demanded not a reciprocal bright feeling, but that the chosen girl's heart ached, that she suffered and grieved, "if she didn't sleep, she wouldn't go for a walk" . The passion that was sent was more like a disease, like madness.
Military plots
Konstantin Savitsky. To the war. 1888. State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg
In the spell tradition, there were also amulets - protective magic words. Researchers are aware of numerous conspiracies from a mad dog, from a snake bite, from fire or fire. There were often different texts for the same occasion, but it was generally accepted that their power was the same - the main thing was to pronounce them correctly and observe the rite. The Slavs believed that words would be of use only if a person believed in a conspiracy.
Warriors constantly put their lives in danger, so amulets against bullets and enemy weapons were widespread. Literary critic and ethnographer Andrei Toporkov in the book “Conspiracies in the Russian Manuscript Tradition of the 15th–19th Centuries. History, symbolism, poetics" cites a conspiracy designed to influence enemy weapons:
You are forged brother,
you yourself are of tin,
and your heart is waxed,
your feet are stones
from earth to heaven,
do not bite me,
like a dog otai,
your brother,
then your heart will be afraid
my eyes of discretion,
you are waxed.
In the text, the sword is personified, it has its own body, and its blow is compared to the bite of a dog. There is a call for weapons to become made of wax and tin and not harm the warrior. The researcher of Russian literature Leonid Maikov at the end of the 19th century published a conspiracy of the Cossacks of the Don army: "...Fall, iron, into your mother earth! You, birch, to your mother earth, and you, feathers, to your feathered bird, and the bird - to the bond and to the son, and the fish in the sea - from me, r. B. (name), always, now ... " The iron weapon reading the conspiracy calls to return to the earth, like feathers to a bird, and avert danger.
Cattle breeding conspiracies
Ivan Shishkin. Cows at a watering hole (detail). 1867. Private collection
Livestock plots were used to preserve livestock and increase its offspring. They could be sung, as, for example, some peoples of the Altai Republic sang to female animals if they refused to feed their newborns. Conspiracies were performed, as a rule, for sheep, goats and cows. Among the Eastern Buryats, conspiracies included special words-symbols persuading the female to accept the cub. In some regions of Russia, this tradition is still alive: elderly people who have worked as shepherds, veterinarians, and milkmaids for many years turn to cattle-breeding magical words.
Even more interesting materials about the traditions of different peoples of Russia
The texts of the conspiracies were carefully stored, rewritten and passed on by inheritance. As the ethnographer Andrei Toporov notes, the sphere of existence of magic words narrowed over time, they were forced out of urban life into rural life. In the 20th century, modern realities penetrated the texts: for example, photography began to be used for love spells. Gradually, conspiracies ceased to be magic, magic spells, and today their texts are no longer so widely known.
Author: Margarita Kovyneva
BeliefsSlavic cultureTraditions section publications
Teleportation / Spells D&D 5 / Player's handbook
Official materials from Wizards of the Coast and from publishers supported by this company.
- Level 7 Challenge
- Cast Time: 1 Action
- Range: 10 ft
- Components: V
- Duration: Instant
- Classes: bard, wizard, sorcerer
- Source: "Player's handbook"
within range, or one object visible within range, to a location of your choice. If the target is an item, it must fit entirely within a 10-foot cube and cannot be worn or carried by a noncompliant creature.
The chosen destination must be known to you, and it must be on the same plane of existence as you. Your familiarity with the destination determines whether the move will be successful. The GM rolls a d100 and consults the table.
Permanent circle - - - 01-00 Related item - - - 01-00 Very familiar 01-05 06-13 14-24 25-00 Occasionally visible 01-33 34-44 44-53 54-00 Seen once 01-43 44-53 54-73 74-00 Described 01-43 44-53 54-73 74-00 False Description 01-50 51-00 - -
- "Permanent circle" means a permanent circle of teleportation, the sequence of signs of which you know.
- "Associated Item" means that you have an item taken from the destination no later than six months ago, such as a book from the wizard's library, bed linen from the royal bedroom, or a piece of marble from the lich's hidden crypt.
- "Very familiar" is a place you often visit, a place you happen to explore, or a place you see while casting a spell.
- "Occasionally visible" is a place that you have seen several times, but which you do not know very well.
- "Seen once" is a place that you have seen once, perhaps with the help of magic.
- "Described" is a place whose location and appearance you know from the words of others, perhaps from a map.
- "Falsely described" is a place that doesn't exist. Perhaps you tried to peep into an enemy's shrine but were actually seeing an illusion, or you tried to teleport to a familiar place that no longer exists.
Right on target. You and your party (or item) appear where you were meant to.
Missing the target. You and your party (or item) spawn at a random distance from your destination in a random direction. The distance from the target is (1d10 × 1d10) percent of the distance you moved. For example, if you were trying to jump 120 miles, you miss your target, and on two 1d10s you roll a 5 and a 3, you miss your target by 15 percent, or 18 miles. The DM determines the direction randomly by rolling a d8, where 1 is north, 2 is northeast, 3 is east, and so on. If you teleport to a city on the coast, and find yourself in the sea at a distance of 18 miles, you will be in trouble.
Similar place. You and your party (or item) find yourself in a different location visually or thematically similar to your destination. For example, if you were heading to your lab, you might end up in another wizard's lab or an alchemy shop with the same equipment as your lab.
You usually spawn at the nearest similar location, but since the spell has no range restrictions, you can end up anywhere on the current plane.
Failure. The spell's unpredictable magic makes movement dangerous. Any creature (or object) that teleports takes 3d10 force damage, and the GM rolls again on the table to determine the destination (multiple failures are possible, and each will deal damage).
The material plane contains an infinite number of worlds. Some of them - such as Orth, Toril, Krynn and Eberron - are described in detail, but there are countless others. You and your friends may even have created some of your own D&D worlds!
This was not always the case. Various scientists speak of a rudimentary, unified reality called the First World that preceded the multiverse as we know it. Many peoples and monsters inhabiting the worlds on the Material Plane originated from there. After the First World was shattered by a great cataclysm that gave birth to the worlds that followed it, the offspring of the first elves, dwarves, beholders and other iconic creatures took root in these worlds like seeds scattered by the cosmic wind.
- "Permanent circle" means a permanent circle of teleportation, the sequence of signs of which you know.