Different ways to write the alphabet letters
10 Super Easy Hand Lettering Techniques with an Artful Spin
The end results of hand lettering are fun, beautiful, often mesmerizing, and leaving many of us thinking, “I could never do that.” But you can! We have it on good authority that hand lettering doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, you can create easy to intricate letters from A-Z. Joanne Sharpe shares 10 hand lettering techniques, from simple to complex, that are all simple to follow and fun to do, excerpted from her book Artful Alphabets.
And remember rule #1 for hand lettering: enjoy the process and embrace “imperfections” as you go! If you purchase your copy of Artful Alphabets now, you will also get a bonus hand lettering lesson free!
10 Hand Lettering Techniques from Easy to Intricate
Hand lettering art can absolutely be a stress-free process, as you explore the components of letters and how they become art images. These hand lettering techniques are somewhat easier than traditional calligraphy or type design because your personal handwriting will be used as the style foundation for each new alphabet and won’t require involve years of practice for immediate success.
As we get started, keep in mind it’s OK to copy at first to get comfortable and confident with the creative lettering process. Be inspired by each sample alphabet and imitate the details. But don’t ever be afraid to put a little spin on the ideas to make the hand lettering reflect your own personal style and your creative voice.
Artful Calligraphy
If you’ve never had formal lessons in calligraphy, try using a specific calligraphy marker to make a stylized alphabet with your own handwriting. You can achieve a lettering look unique to you using the features of a chisel-tip marker and being comfortable with your hand movement and letter formation.
Materials list:
- Black Elegant Writer Calligraphy Pen, medium point
- Bristol paper
- Ruler
- Waterbrush
1. Create guidelines that are 1-inch (25mm) tall. Inside the lines, hold the Elegant Writer medium-sized calligraphy pen at a 45-degree angle and write the upper and lowercase alphabet.
2. On the next row, write the letters with the same pen but on a slant for a slightly more stylized look.
3. On the next row, write the letters at a back and forth slant with a flourish at the end, making the 45-degree angle of the pen do the work for you. You can also explore a new look by wetting the edges of the letters with a waterbrush to let the ink pool out.
Great Gray Shadows
Create some dimension and drama using a basic chisel-tip-marker font with gray shadows along each letter. This bold hand lettering technique is super simple yet always impressive.
Materials list:
- Black and gray Copic permanent markers
- Bristol paper
1. Write the alphabet using the broad chisel tip of a black permanent marker to create the uppercase bold alphabet.
2. Use the pointed tip of the chisel to draw the lowercase alphabet.
3. Using the brush end of a gray permanent marker, add the shadow along the left edge of each letter so the light seems to come from the right.
Matisse Inspired
Study famous artists and their signature styles, techniques and characteristics to create new letters. This sampler imitates the typical colors, bulbous shapes and moving line forms in the art of Henri Matisse. What other artists could inspire letterforms?
Materials list:
- Bristol paper
- Pencil
- Prismacolor markers
1. Study the style of your favorite artist and sketch the alphabet on the paper using a pencil. This hand lettering example uses the whimsical colors and letter shapes inspired by Henri Matisse. Identify characteristics of Matisse’s style such as the color palette, brushstrokes and line formation that could be used as letters. Use the stylized shapes on each alphabet letter.
2. Color the hand-drawn letters, creating rounded edges, drips and split tips to make a complete alphabet.
Watercolor Puddlers
Let puddles of watercolor create colorful, light and airy letters.
Materials list:
- No. 4 and 6 round brushes
- Waterbrush
- Watercolor paints, liquid and pan
- Watercolor paint
1. Lightly pencil the outline of a hollow alphabet if you need to. Using a paintbrush, write the letter of the alphabet with clean water, creating a water path. It will take a few tries to gauge just the right amount of water. You don’t want too much or too little, so experiment and practice first.
2. To paint the letters, drop in watercolor paints and let the colors pool, allowing them to migrate and swirl to fill the letterform. This works especially well with liquid watercolor. Watch the color spread throughout the letter, giving it a somewhat marbled look. Tilt the paper as needed to allow the color to spread through the water. Let the letters dry overnight and then erase the pencil lines.
Seurat’s Dots and Dashes
The style of artist of Georges Seurat is a playful inspiration for an artful alphabet font. Using dots and dashes of color in the impressionistic pointillism style creates an optical treat as the energetic filler for hand-drawn letters.
Materials list:
- Bristol paper
- Eraser
- Pencil
- Prismacolor markers
1. Draw chunky block letters with a pencil. I made some of my letters overlap one another.
2. Using the tip of the end of a marker, add dots to the letterforms. Applying different amounts of pressure will create different-sized dots. Within each letter, use a dark, medium and light shade of the same color to create variation.
3. Erase the pencil lines so the dots and dashes create the letterforms.
4. In other letters, use the bullet tip to fill the letters with dashes going in a variety of directions. Combine dots and dashes within a letter for even more variation.
Floating Feathers
There is so much imagery that can be used as inspiration for letter making. Here I choose feathers and an extra-fine pen to draw letterforms that create a whole alphabet.
Materials list:
- Black uni-ball Vision pen
- Bristol paper or cardstock
- Eraser
- Pencil
1. Sketch the alphabet in upper and lowercase using a pencil. Elongate or change the letter shape slightly to make a more interesting letter. Using a black permanent pen, turn the stem of each letter into the center of a feather with wavy feather lines coming out from it.
2. Add dots around the letters to give them an airy, floating appearance. Erase any visible pencil lines.
Watercolor Ombré
Draw big, bold letters and add watercolor paint in the colors to create a blended, ombré effect.
Materials list
- Eraser
- No.
4 or 6 round paintbrush
- Pencil
- Water container
- Watercolor paint
- Watercolor paper
1. Draw the alphabet in chunky, stylized block letters using a pencil. Fill the shape with clean water (mine is slightly blue here so it photographs clearly).
2. Load a brush with watercolor paint and apply it to the top of the letter.
3. Rinse your brush and gently guide some of the paint from the top of the letter down into the water puddle to create an ombré effect. Work from dark at the top to light at the bottom. Let your alphabet dry completely and then erase the pencil outlines.
Decorative Creative Cursive
Embellish simple, personal handwriting with bold and expressive lines, decorative details and movement in a stylized script or cursive.
Materials list:
- Black Faber-Castell PITT Artist Pen
- Bristol paper or cardstock
- Eraser
- Pencil
1. Write the alphabet using a combination of print and cursive letterstrokes. Allow the letters to be fun and whimsical. They don’t have to match.
2. Using black permanent pen, thicken the letters by reshaping and adding weight to random areas.
Bonus tip for better letters: Embellish each letter by drawing leaves or flowers that “grow” off the letterforms or decorate the interior of a letter. Expand the size of the letters by creating spaces to fill with pattern or color. Add a light color shadow and tiny dots around the letters to add interest.
Font in Floral
Embellish simple letterforms with elaborate, colorful and hand-drawn floral and leaf patterns.
Materials list:
- Black ZIG Writer pen
- Eraser
- Markers, watercolor paint or colored pencils
- Pencil
- Watercolor paper
1. Use a pencil to create rounded block letters. Fill the letters with assorted flower shapes and designs using a black waterproof pen. Go all the way to the edges of the letters with the designs.
2. Erase the letterforms leaving just the linked flower design. Add color to the letters using markers, watercolor or colored pencil.
Storybooks and Scenery
Create an optical illusion or trompe l’oeil scenes inside chubby alphabet letters. Draw landscape imagery, such as a garden or beach, so the art reads across the letters.
Materials list:
- Black Platinum Carbon pen
- Colored pencil
- Eraser
- Pencil
- Prismacolor markers
- Watercolor paints and brushes
- Watercolor paper
- Water-soluble markers
1. Sketch the alphabet with a pencil. Outline the letters to create large, soft block letters.
2. Inside the letters, draw scenes or words that illustrate a particular word. In the sample, I illustrated a beach scene insight the word “bliss.” Use ink to go over the scene. Do not ink the outline of the letters.
3. Color the scene with colored pencils, permanent markers, water-soluble markers or watercolor paint. Erase the remaining pencil lines so the letters are created by the sketches inside.
Having a “Look”
If you think all my letters look similar, you are correct. A personal lettering style should reflect and identify the individual creator. All the sample alphabets illustrated here use my personal print or script handwriting as the foundation. Handwriting is unique to each of us, and it’s my hope that as you are inspired by each one of my hand lettering techniques, your personality and style will shine through.
While you work on your artful alphabets and styles, allow your own handwriting to evolve and influence what you create so when someone looks at your lettering, they recognize you in the lettered messages.
You can use your artful hand lettering in many ways, including but not limited to:
- Art journaling
- Card-making
- Planners and bullet journals
- Scrapbooking
- Decorative invitations and announcements
- Envelopes
- Canvas wall art and paintings
- Room décor
- Party and celebration décor
- Handmade gifts and wrapping paper
- Cake decorating
- Signs and banners
Your Next Steps
Did you enjoy these hand lettering techniques? Tell us which one is your favorite in the comments. And, be sure to check out Joanne Sharp’s Artful Alphabets. This easy-to-follow and exciting resource includes 55 inspiring hand lettering techniques and ideas. Why not try them all?
For a limited time when you buy Artful Alphabet you will receive a FREE Lettering Lesson! Get yours now!
English Alphabet | Writing | EnglishClub
An alphabet is a set of letters or symbols that we use to represent the basic speech sounds of a language in writing.
This page looks at writing the English alphabet. You can read about pronouncing the English alphabet here.
The English word "alphabet" comes from the Latin word "alphabetum". The Latin word "alphabetum" came from the first two letters of the Greek alphabet, "alpha" and "beta".
Letters of the English Alphabet
The English alphabet has 26 letters, starting with a and ending with z. Below you see the whole alphabet.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
The letters above are "small letters". But they can also be written as "large letters" - see below.The letters of the alphabet are also sometimes called "characters".
Small and Large Letters
We can write each letter of the English alphabet as a "small letter" (abc) or as a "large letter" (ABC). Large letters are also called "capital letters" or "capitals".
Below you see the whole alphabet with small letters on the left and capitals on the right:
a A b B c C d D e E f F g G h H i I j J k K l L m M n N o O p P q Q r R s S t T u U v V w W x X y Y z Z
In informal English, we sometimes call capitals just "caps".
Small letters are sometimes called "lower case" and large letters "upper case". This is because in the old days of printing, before computers, the metal blocks for setting type were kept in two different boxes or "cases": small letters in the bottom or lower case, large letters in the top or upper case.
Font Styles
Printed letters of the alphabet come in different styles or designs. Each style is called a "font". This page shows all 26 characters, as small and large letters, in 5 different styles. Each column displays a different font style, in this order:
- Serif: with serifs, or little projections, at the end of most strokes
- Fixed-width: like old typewriter lettering - each letter is about the same width, so "i" takes up the same space as "w"
- Sans-serif: with no serifs
- Cursive: like handwriting
- Fantasy: fancy, artistic
Alphabetical Order
The English alphabet starts with the letter a and finishes with the letter z. We always write the alphabet in the same order:
This order is called "alphabetical order". We often write lists in alphabetical order. For example, to write a list of countries in alphabetical order, we start with countries that begin with the letter A, then with countries that begin with B, and so on. For example:
- Australia
- Brazil
- Canada
If more than one word begins with the letter A, we put them in order based on the second letter, and then the third letter, and so on:
- Algeria
- Argentina
- Belgium
- Benin
- Bermuda
We use alphabetical order for many things, for example:
- dictionaries
- indexes of books
- telephone directories
When you write any list, it is a good idea to use alphabetical order. This makes it easy for your reader to find a particular item in the list.
Writing letters. Graphology of the XXI century
Writing letters. Graphology of the 21st centuryWikiReading
Graphology of the XXI century
Schegolev Ilya Vladimirovich
Writing letters
The program window contains two tabs: "Writing letters" and "Graphological analysis".
By clicking on the "Writing of letters" tab, you enter the section for determining the strengths and weaknesses of the qualitative character traits by the form of writing letters (Fig. 19nine).
Fig. 199
On the left are all the letters of the alphabet (uppercase and lowercase), with the exception of those that are not fundamental for determining the character of a person (Yo, I, b, Y, b). By clicking on any letter, you will see in the box on the right the various spellings. Select the picture with the letter closest to your spelling and click on the arrow in the lower right corner of the picture. The automatically selected letter will be transferred to the handwriting panel, where each letter, uppercase and lowercase, has its own position. You can cancel the selection by clicking on the cross in the upper right corner of the picture of the selected letter in the user's handwriting panel. nine0003
You cannot select multiple letters from the same list (for example, two lowercase "a", two uppercase "b", etc.): the last choice will automatically replace the previous one. You don't have to select all the letters: ten samples are enough to analyze the handwriting. But the more letters you choose, the more accurate the result will be. After making the final selection, click the "Result" button. A window with analysis results will appear (Fig. 200).
It is divided into four parts: the upper two are devoted to the analysis of writing letters, and the lower two are devoted to graphological analysis, which is performed on the corresponding tab. The results are divided into two parts: describing the strengths of the character and telling about the weaknesses. nine0003
If you have selected less than ten letters, you will see "Insufficient data" in the result window. Therefore, carefully monitor the number of selected samples. In this case, such inscriptions are present in the lower part of the window, since we have not yet dealt with graphological analysis.
If you want to completely cancel the previous selection of all letters, click the "Deselect All" button in the form of a red X, located next to the "Result" button.
Fig. 200
This text is an introduction.
5.1. Instead of Russian letters, some programs show squiggles.
5.1. Instead of Russian letters, some programs show squiggles. Run the Control Panel applet -> Regional and Language Options. The Regional Options tab has two sections, Standards and formats and Location. The first section sets up the locale for a specific user and is responsible for how and
The history of the Internet in the dry language of soulless letters
The history of the Internet in the dry language of soulless letters I don’t know if this is bad or not, but the fact remains: if the engine of trade is advertising, then the engine of technical progress is the arms race, and the advent of the Internet is a vivid example of this. After 1957 in
Strange characters are displayed instead of letters
Instead of letters, incomprehensible signs are displayed If strange characters are displayed instead of letters on the screen, then the reason for this may be as follows. • Most likely, the required font is not installed on the system. Purchase the font CD and install them in folder
Moving letters
Moving letters Source file: Textfly.fla Many Flash movies will have text moving around the screen. There are many ways to create this effect, some of which are illustrated with examples available on the book's support Web site. Project GoalIn this section
Letter slope
The slope of the letters At school we were taught to write askew; this is considered to be the most convenient way to write. The letters are tilted to the right, that is, in the direction of movement of the writer. However, some people, for various reasons, did not obey the general rule. Obviously they are
Letter shape
Letter shape There are letters (for example, "p", "sh", "u", "h", "t", "i") that can be written roundly or angularly. The ascending and descending strokes of these letters are sometimes connected by semicircular lines, such handwriting is called round. In other people, the strokes intersect with each other
Letter height and width
Height and width of letters Each writer instinctively chooses the size of the letters that suits him. You can find many options for letter sizes, but graphologists conditionally divide them into three groups.1. Small letters (width and height less than 3-4 mm) indicate the ability to
Joining letters in words
nine0002 Connecting letters in words Does a person tend to make quick decisions, relying on his intuition, or does he consistently and leisurely analyze the situation? This can be seen from the way he connects letters in words. If in most words there are gaps between letters, then atCapital letters shape
Capital letters form There is as much variation in the spelling of capital letters as there is in the spelling of capital letters. They can be big or small, simple or elaborate. In terms of writing style, capital letters often differ markedly from lowercase letters and therefore
Secrets of writing lowercase letters
Secrets of writing lowercase letters The character of a person is revealed not only in the general style of handwriting (in the direction of lines, pressure, inclination, distances between words and lines), but also in the features of writing individual letters. At the beginning of the 20th century, practicing graphologists noticed
5. Letter combinations
nine0002 5. Compounds of letters Signs from left to right (Fig. 185): • connections of letters are garland-shaped; • connections of letters are arched, arcade-shaped; • connections of letters are filiform; • connections of letters are angular. Rice.10.

10. Letter size Signs from left to right (Fig. 190): • the size of the letters is large; • the size of the letters is small; • the size of the letters is very large; • the size of the letters is very small; Rice. nineteen0• letter size
Phonetics and phonology of the Russian language
12.1 Graphics
To convey speech in writing, we use letters, each of which has a specific meaning. The correlation of the signs used in writing with the sound side of the language and their meaning is dealt with by schedule . The set of letters arranged in the prescribed order is called alphabetically or alphabetically (Kasatkin 2014, 246).
In the modern Russian alphabet there are 33 letters , each letter is presented in two versions - printed and handwritten. Each letter can have two options - uppercase letter (large, capital) and lowercase (small). Each letter has its own graphic designation and name.
Letter | Name | Letter | Name | 9la ch'iesy].