Dirty dog stories

Harry the Dirty Dog

None Harry the dog likes everything except baths, which makes for a very dirty dog! Harry is a white dog with black dots who lives with a wonderful family that loves him. Harry likes everything except baths. One day, when his family tries to give him a bath, he goes on an adventure to avoid it. On his adventure, Harry gets so dirty that he doesn’t look the same anymore. When he gets back home, the family that he loves with all his heart doesn’t even recognize him. Harry realizes that taking a bath is so much better than his family not knowing him. show full description Show Short Description


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Harry the Dirty Dog

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Harry was a white dog with black spots who liked everything, except ... getting a bath. So one day when he heard the water running in the tub, he took the scrubbing brush... and buried it in the backyard. Then he ran away from home. He played where they were fixing the street and got very dirty. He played at the railroad and got even dirtier. He played tag with other dogs and became dirtier still. He slid down a coal chute and got the dirtiest of all. In fact, he changed from a white dog with black spots to a black dog with white spots. Although there were many other things to do, Harry began to wonder if his family thought that he had really run away. He felt tired and hungry too, so without stopping on the way he ran back home. When Harry got to his house, he crawled through the fence and sat looking at the back door. One of the family looked out and said, “There’s a strange dog in the backyard. ..by the way, has anyone seen Harry?” When Harry heard this, he tried very hard to show them he was Harry. He started to do all his old, clever tricks. He flip-flopped and he flop-flipped. He rolled over and played dead. He danced and he sang. He did these tricks over and over again, but everyone shook his head and said, “Oh, no, it couldn’t be Harry.” Harry gave up and walked slowly toward the gate, but suddenly he stopped. He ran to a corner of the garden and started to dig furiously. Soon he jumped away from the hole barking short, happy barks. He’d found the scrubbing brush! And carrying it in his mouth, he ran into the house. Up the stairs he dashed, with the family following close behind. He jumped into the bathtub and sat up begging, with the scrubbing brush in his mouth, a trick he certainly had never done before. “This little doggie wants a bath!” cried the little girl, and her father said, “Why don’t you and your brother give him one?” Harry’s bath was the soapiest one he’d ever had. It worked like magic. As soon as the children started to scrub, they began shouting, “Mummy! Daddy! Look, look! Come quick!” “It’s Harry!” “It’s Harry!” “It’s Harry!” they cried. Harry wagged his tail and was very, very happy. His family combed and brushed him lovingly, and he became once again a white dog with black spots. It was wonderful to be home. After dinner, Harry fell asleep in his favorite place, happily dreaming of how much fun it had been getting dirty. He slept so soundly, he didn’t even feel the scrubbing brush he’d hidden under his pillow.


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With a wave of his hand, the dog jumped out of the second floor and hung on the Christmas tree: cynologists from Samara told unusual stories about service dogs from the second floor and hung on the Christmas tree [photo] [video]

Police dogs obey the slightest gesture of the cynologist Photo: Svetlana MAKOVEEVA

On June 21, cynologists celebrate their professional holiday. Working with dogs brings not only the positive of communication with animals, but also requires a lot of patience, endurance and discipline, and sometimes it is fraught with real danger. On the eve of the professional holiday, cynologists of the Canine Service Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Samara Region frankly told the KP-Samara journalist about their work, solving crimes and about four-legged partners. nine0004

Ronaldo and Ronaldinho serve in the Samara police

Black German Shepherd Rooney from the Center-on-Olympus is well known in many Samara nightclubs and drug dens. Over the past year, this dog has repeatedly participated in solving crimes related to drug trafficking. Rooney's guide, junior inspector dog handler, senior warrant officer of the Central Control Commission of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Samara Region, Anastasia Pavlova, said that the dog was named after the famous German football player Wayne Rooney. nine0004

the black German Shepherd Rooney is well known in Samara nightclubsPhoto: Svetlana MAKOVEEVA

- In 2018, the year of the World Cup in Samara, our puppies were just born, and the entire litter was named after famous players, - says Anastasia. – So now Ronaldo, Ronaldinho, and several other dogs with football nicknames serve in our Samara region.

Rooney specializes in the search for drugs - these skills require from the dog not only an excellent sense of smell, but also impeccable socialization, the ability not to get lost even in a large crowd of people, with loud music - after all, you have to work, including in nightclubs. nine0004

Anastasia Pavlova and Rooney will represent the Samara region at all-Russian competitionsPhoto: Svetlana MAKOVEEVA

- The puppy gets into the hands of a cynologist at 2 - 2.5 months, and from the first days you need to work on his socialization, - says Anastasia Pavlova. “I took Rooney with me literally everywhere. Home, to shops, to the market, she specially took the ball and started playing there so that she would not be afraid of people. I took on trips with older dogs - I have three in total - to teach them to the car and to work. The main secret of successful raising a puppy is to give him maximum time. nine0004

“The whole periodic table lay on the floor”

Cynologists and their dogs have to work in a variety of conditions. The finds are also very impressive - some dogs find both 20 and 200 kilograms of drugs at once.

Not only shepherd dogs serve in the police.Photo: Svetlana MAKOVEEVA

- Once Rooney and I worked on a raid in one of the Samara nightclubs, there was a private party with Moscow organizers. The dog came in, still in the dark, found the first bag of drugs in the sofa, and suddenly began to literally rush around the hall. I thought that the dog was stuffy, brought it out into the air. We go back, the light has already been turned on - and I was stunned. The entire floor was literally strewn with multi-colored pills, syringes, bundles of hemp - there was the entire periodic table! nine0004

This year, Anastasia Pavlova, together with Rooney, will represent the Samara Region at the all-Russian competition of professional skills “The Best in Profession”. The editors of KP-Samara wish her good luck!

Major Alexandra Sidenkova and her dog ScarletPhoto: Svetlana MAKOVEEVA

“He staggered from the high temperature, but went to search”

During the service, many dogs pass through the hands of cynologists. Sometimes animals are transferred from one handler to another, and the dog must be able to quickly adapt to working with a new person. But sometimes the dog becomes so attached to his dog handler that he simply refuses to accept others. nine0004

- I had a dog, a German shepherd named Elliot, - recalls the head of the department for breeding, training and training of service dogs, police major of the Central Police Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Samara Region, Alexandra Sidenkova. - I really did not want to take him, he seemed to me stupid, not very smart. It took a very long time to suffer with his training. But he was incredibly loyal, with a great desire to please people. And he became very attached to me. I tried to give it away twice, but it simply refused to follow other people's commands. And one incident forever changed my attitude towards this dog. We went to competitions, performed very well, claimed victory. The last test remained - and then Elliot was bitten by a tick. Piroplasmosis began, a very high temperature rose, anaphylactic shock. He needed to find a bag with drugs in his luggage, and at a high temperature, the sense of smell practically does not work. Despite this, the dog, staggering, went to search and found the right bag. True, I did not have time to correctly designate, I just stood next to me. We did not win the competition, but after that I really respected this dog. nine0004

The Belgian Shepherd is a difficult breed to work with. Photo: Svetlana MAKOVEEVA

Alexandra recalls that Elliot was so devoted to her that he would catch the slightest gesture of his mistress and take it as a guide to action. Sometimes this led to curiosities.

- Once we had a lesson indoors, and I pointed to the blinds while talking, - says Alexandra. - And the dog took it as a command "forward." And without hesitation, he rushed straight into the open window. On the second floor! I grabbed my heart - did it really break? We look out - and he hangs on a Christmas tree growing under the window, clasping her with two paws! They took him out of there. nine0004

Mikhail Dunaev raised a lot of service dogsPhoto: Svetlana MAKOVEEVA

“A package with wires fell off the bottom of the car”

Sometimes the work of a police dog handler can be very dangerous - after all, it is he who, together with the dog, is the first to rush to pursue the fleeing criminal, enters the drug den , works at the site of the alleged mining.

- In the 90s, during the heyday of gang wars, "brothers" were driving a car through a snowdrift, and suddenly a black package with wires sticking out of it came off from the bottom of the car, - recalls a veteran of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, former deputy head of the Samara Central Control Commission, deputy head of the FKU Central Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, retired colonel Mikhail Dunaev. - People sensed something was wrong, they called a cynologist with a dog to check if it was explosives. While the dog was driving, they stood relaxed and smoked nearby. A cynologist arrived, let the dog go to an incomprehensible package, the dog sniffed it - and sat down. And this is a signal that there is an explosive inside. In a few seconds, the people around were blown away by the wind. And the cynologist was the first to run, shouting to the dog - “back, back”, because the slightest careless movement of the animal could provoke an explosion. It is no coincidence that dogs working with explosives must have a particularly balanced temperament and impeccable training. nine0004

The task of the cynologist is not only to educate the dog, but also to constantly maintain its skills and abilitiesPhoto: Svetlana MAKOVEEVA Each dog in one way or another turns into a duel of the will of a person and an animal, and it can be difficult to cope with some wayward dogs.

- I still remember with a shudder the incident with the Rottweiler named Valet, - Alexandra Sidenkova admits. - It was not even my dog, we just went on a joint business trip. The dog was ferocious, aggressive, and he was given to the police. He served in the convoy, guarding the prisoners. I was fearless then, even the most aggressive dogs approached quite calmly. And I found a common language with Jack, even his guide was surprised. But the dog liked to eat delicious forbidden food, gained excess weight, and I persuaded his guide to limit all this. Apparently, because of this, the smart dog disliked me, although he did not show it. We worked together for six months, I was about to leave. Once we were left alone in the room, he suddenly began to whimper, flatten his ears, climb to caress, put his head on his knees. I leaned over and stroked him, once, twice. And suddenly he rushed at me, trying to grab right in the throat. I barely had time to substitute my hand - he bit me from the shoulder to the wrist. The conductor came running to the screams, barely repulsed me. It was a shame! After all, I cured this dog, put it on its feet, and he repaid so. After that, I was afraid to approach dogs for a long time, I realized that animals, like people, are different. To overcome her fear, she specially took Rottweilers to work. But now I can literally feel the slightest change in the dog's mood with my back. nine0004

More than a ball, Yena loves only watering fountainsPhoto: Svetlana MAKOVEEVA

I saw a fountain and forgot about everything

However, there are enough curious cases. Anastasia Pavlova says: One of her dogs, the German Shepherd Jena, has a weakness. The dog loves street watering fountains very much - he literally cannot calmly pass by.

- Once during the 2018 World Cup, before the event, we examined the territory of Kuibyshev Square. Suddenly, Yena saw this fountain there - and forgetting about everything, she rushed to play with it, - Anastasia recalls. - She jumps, frolics, I run around, I can’t get through the mud to her, I scream, I call - but she simply doesn’t hear me. All this time, officials, OMON, the Ministry of Defense are standing nearby - everyone is waiting for the dog to play enough. The situation was saved by a janitor passing by - he saw what was happening and turned off the water in the entire area so that I could pick up the dog. nine0004

More than a hundred dogs serve in the Samara Cynological CenterPhoto: Svetlana MAKOVEEVA

Cynologists note that it is very important to remember that a dog is a living creature with its own character. And each needs an individual approach.

- My first dog here was a beagle - an incredibly stubborn and wayward dog, - says Anastasia. - After the shepherds I worked with in the linear department, it was difficult to get used to him. It got to the point that I crawled next to him on all fours, and together we sniffed jars. nine0004

“Love for animals sometimes even gets in the way”

Now more than a hundred dogs serve in the dog training center. These are mainly German Shepherds, less often Spaniels, Belgian Shepherds, Beagles.

- The German Shepherd is the most versatile and plastic breed, these dogs can find a language with different people, because the instructors change, they strive to please the person, - explains Alexandra Sidenkova. - To become a good cynologist, one love for an animal is not enough, on the contrary, it sometimes even interferes. You need patience, attention, respect for the dog, understanding that it does not owe you anything, the ability to interest you - each new dog requires an individual approach. nine0004

The work of a cynologist can be dangerousPhoto: Svetlana MAKOVEEVA

Mikhail Dunaev notes: weak people are unlikely to succeed in working with dogs.

- A guide and a dog are already a pack, and a cynologist should be a leader in this pack, - says Mikhail Dunaev. - In no case should you break loose, give vent to emotions. I once said in an interview that success is achieved by the one whose dog becomes the second half - my wife still reminds me of this phrase! I have been with dogs all my life, starting at the age of one and a half, and at 12 I got my own, I even went to serve with her in the army. Many dogs passed through my hands, and I remember all of them, even those who were temporary. nine0% of them were refuseniks, with whom the owners could not cope - in the 90s it was customary to give such problematic, aggressive dogs of complex breeds to the police. These dogs were then the first to let them go to the criminal, who could be armed and posed a serious danger.

Cynologists from Samara told unusual stories about service dogs


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EDITORIAL ADDRESS: Samara branch of CJSC Publishing House "Komsomolskaya Pravda". Lesnaya street, 9, Samara, 443100 Contact tel. +7 (846) 270-69-10. Mail [email protected]

Exclusive rights to materials posted on the website www.kp.ru, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation for the Protection of the Results of Intellectual Activity belong to JSC Publishing House Komsomolskaya Pravda, and do not be used by others in any way form without the written permission of the copyright holder. nine0004

Acquisition of copyright and contact with the editor: [email protected]

Read online “Crazy dog ​​man. Stories about dogs”, Viktor Kvashin – LitRes

© Viktor Kvashin, 2018

ISBN 978-5-4483-4261-5

Created in Ridero intellectual publishing system


– Oh! And who are you?

"Can't you see?"

- And what are we doing here?

"What, it's forbidden to lie down?"

- Come on, let's get out of here!

"Don't pull your hands, you'll be left without fingers!"

- Oh, that's what we are! Impatiens. Are you a bum, or what?

“Do you read in the eyes?”

– You must be hungry?

“Wow, how understanding!”

- Well, come in.

"Yes, I'm dirty..."

- Yes, come in, what's there. I still didn’t clean for a week, there will be a reason.

“I’ll stand here at the door…”

– Well, here, right here, it’s easier for me. Here, will it be you?

“He still asks! Is there no more? nine0004

- Do you want more? Well, more.


- Everything, there is nothing more. See, the fridge is empty.

“And that's bread! Not every day is like that. Am I going to lie down here?"

- Well, lie down, what should I do with you.

"You're a good guy!"

- Okay, live for now, we'll decide later. And where did you get on my head?

"You don't know where dogs come from!"


Georgy was lying on the sofa with his hand on the dog's neck. I didn't want to think. nine0004

Almost half a year since he was dismissed from the institute, despite his successful work. I tried my hand at "network marketing", but only lost money and time. There was no other work. The deadline was approaching to pay for my daughter's education, and I received a warning about a power outage in case of non-payment of the debt. My wife's salary was only enough for food. And he didn't know what to do.

“Gosh, get on the phone,” my wife called from the kitchen, “Zadonsky.

“That snake of Zadonsk was missing just now,” Georgy thought. “Last time I “threw” half the promised amount - and at least something!” nine0004

– Hi, George, how are you?

- Yes, how can I tell you ...

- That's good, so you won't refuse to work. I don't hear raptures! Yes, don’t sniffle, who will remember the past ... I had problems then, I needed the money myself. Well, shall we work?

– What to do?

- As usual, beat the pits. But this time I guarantee payment. The work is urgent, there are few people. If you make your plot, you will receive ... - Zadonsky named the amount, from which Georgy's eyes darkened. It was impossible to refuse. nine0004

“Well, you can try,” Georgy said, trying not to show his excitement. - Can I take a dog?

- Yes, at least take a mistress, just to do the job. Drop by helicopter. Tool, tent, food I will provide. Departure the day after tomorrow at seven in the morning.

Georgy was almost late - he did not take into account traffic jams. Zadonsky was nervous at the entrance to the airport.

– Why couldn’t you get up early? I made a bet on you, and you almost brought me to a heart attack. Come on, turntable under steam. nine0004

The doors opened on their own, they ended up at the metal detector arch with two female policemen.

- Things on the table, come over here. Are there documents for the dog?

– What documents? George was confused.

- Passport, health book. And why is she without a muzzle?

- This is a male.

- Let's get the documents.

Georgy looked helplessly at Zadonsky.

- You know, we're going on an expedition, to the "fields". ..

- It's not allowed without documents! nine0004

Zadonsky looked unkindly at Georgy, used his eloquence, which rarely let him down. The guards were impregnable:

- Do you want me to lose my job?

Zadonsky rushed to the head of the airport.

– Boarding on the flight ended…

Zadonsky jumped out to Georgy with drops on his forehead.

- Everyone disagrees. Leave your dog and let's run. Turntable know how much it costs! And this, by the way, is our money. Went! nine0004

– What are you doing! How can I leave it?

- Gosh, you're crazy! Do you need money? I wait thirty seconds and fly away. catch up.

Georgiy untied the dog and made it sit near the entrance.

- Sit down, Blackie! Wait! Wait, my dear, soon mom will arrive.

He put his hand in his pocket - no phone! Forgot! "Okay, I'll take it from Zadonsky." And ran to land.

They took off as soon as Georgy was on board.

“Give me the phone, I forgot mine,” Georgy asked. nine0004

- Not allowed in flight. Come on, call.

Landed four hundred kilometers away, on a river spit. The equipment of the camp took all the time until evening. Georgy finally chose the time, asked for a phone, but there was no connection at all.

- How can we call a helicopter? asked Zadonsky.

- On the radio. Ask Petrovich.

The expedition manager, Petrovich, explained that it was impossible to get a telephone number on the radio station.

Georgy spent three days as if in a delirium. He worked automatically, without noticing fatigue. I hardly slept at night. Chernysh's dreary gaze stood before his eyes. I recalled how Chernysh led him out of the deaf taiga, when it seemed that he was completely lost, how, without hesitation, the dog rushed at the tiger, and the storm of the taiga left, how, as an unintelligent puppy, he selflessly defended the backpack abandoned by the owner from a pack of stray dogs...

"I'm a traitor! A true traitor!"

In the morning I approached Zadonsky.

- Call for a helicopter. I can't work anymore. Can you imagine, Chernysh is alone there, waiting ...

- Has your roof been blown off? Do you know how much a turntable walker costs? And who will do your job? Don't be stupid, go to work. Let's do it faster - we'll leave earlier. Not winter, your Chernysh will not die. You can buy sausages from your paycheck.

- No, I can't. Call the turntable. I refuse to work.

- Well, this is not a kindergarten for you! You will not go anywhere, and you will work. If you don't, you won't get money. And in general, I can only call the turntable in an emergency. Grab a tool and plow!

– In an emergency? Do you need an emergency? George exploded. - There will be an opportunity for you!

He grabbed the ax and put his hand on the deck. The finger flew off into the grass, blood spattered from the stump. George raised the ax again.

- Call the turntable!

- Gosh, you're crazy! Stop! shouted the pale Zadonsky. - Petrovich! Call for a helicopter. Urgently! We have an injury…

Wet, sad Blackie sat in the same place and looked at the people coming and going. At first, he didn’t even react to George, looked at him indifferently, then wagged his tail slightly, and suddenly squealed like a puppy, rushed to the owner, trampled with dirty paws, licked his face and set a couple of circles of a frantic leap of delight.

Georgy threw off his backpack, sat down and hugged the dog. The dog clung to his knees and furiously licked his bandaged hand.

- Wait, Faithful! I told you that your master would return. nine0004

George looked around. A man with a beard, dressed decently, but obviously from someone else's shoulder, the imprint of an eternal hangover on his face - a bum. Blackie was distracted from the owner for a second, licked the bum and again pressed himself against Georgy, as if he was afraid to get lost again.

- You have a good dog. We called him Faithful. I fed him here without you, - he patted Chernysh behind the ear.

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