Do you know your letter sounds
Do YOU Know Your Letter Sounds?
Letter sounds are one of the bedrock pieces of early literacy. But you might be surprised to find that you may not actually know the correct letter sounds yourself. (I know I was!)
Recently, I was working with a small group of kindergarten students on letter sounds and I noticed an interesting trend.
Many of the students were adding an “uh” to the ends of their consonant letter sounds. So when we worked with the letter “B”, I was hearing “buh”, “buh”, “buh”. For “M” I got “muh”, “muh”, “muh”. And so on.
That may get a passing grade on a phonics test, but will hamstring struggling readers down the road, and here’s why.
Before reading, children learn to hear and manipulate the sounds in words. This “playing with sounds” falls under phonemic and phonological awareness and is highly predictive of reading success later on. (Read more about that here.) This skill is independent of the written word — it’s simply
hearing the sounds in words. This allows kids to hear that the word “play” (though it has four letters) has three sounds :
This is segmenting phonemes, breaking apart the sounds in a word. Similarly, children develop the skill of blending phonemes, hearing that those “stretched out sounds” can come back together to form a word.
(Read more about stretching words here.)
Eventually, as children learn the letters associated with those sounds these same skills help them to decode as they read (blend) and encode as they spell (segment).
It’s all connected in this grand process of literacy.
So, back to my kindergarten friends.
When children learn that the B sound is “buh”, it gets them started in the right direction, but sends them on an unfortunate detour. Because as you segment the word “bat” you don’t hear “buh”, “a”, “tuh”.
Try blending those sounds together. You end up with the three-syllable word, “buhatuh”.
Those extra sounds are very confusing for a child learning to blend and segment!
This extra “uh” sound is called a “schwa”.
It feels natural to put this schwa on the end of the letter sound because many of those consonants are usually followed by a vowel sound. Rather than leaving them hanging, we tack on this “uh” (schwa) to make ourselves feel better. It’s like a wild card for vowels.
But when children learn letter sounds as though that wild card is a part of the letter sound then critical skills like blending, segmenting, and later, decoding and encoding become extremely difficult.
In my effort to help my kindergarten friends, I found this post from Jessica Boschen of What I Have Learned, which further explains this sticky schwa problem.
She points out that consonants are generally either “stop sounds” (a short, staccato sound) or “continuous sounds” (one sound prolonged). That means letter M’s sound is a continuous “Mmmmmm” not the schwa-infested “muh”.
Because we use something called a “mmmm-ap” not a “muh-ap”.
And the letter P has a short, breathy “p” sound, rather than a “puh” because your friend’s name is “P-am” not “Puh-am”.
(Unless, of course, her name really is Puh-am, then by all means…. ;0)
There are also a few tricky letters, which is why I finally learned, at the age of 39, the correct sound for the letter Y. (It sounds strange at first, but it makes complete sense when you consider how the sound is actually blended into words — which is the whole point.)
Jessica explains each correct sound in a quick, 10-minute video in her post here or on her facebook page here.
Whether we’re teachers in the classroom or parents playing with letter sounds at home, it’s important that we make sure that WE know the correct letter sounds first!
Once you have your own sounds down, try these great letter sound activities!
13 Fun Ways to Learn Letter Sounds {No Time for Flash Cards}
Teach Letter Sounds Using 26 Kid-Centered Photos {Teach Mama}
Alphabet Fun {Growing Kinders}
Humpty Dumpty Letter Crack {PreK Pages}
More Literacy Resources:
Does Your Alphabet Chart Need to Be Recalled? {NJC}
Stretching Out Words: Playful Ways to Practice Phonemic Awareness {NJC}
Why Don’t You Teach Reading: A Look at Emergent Literacy (Series) {NJC}
Videos for Learning Letter Sounds
Last updated on January 5, 2022
Don’t waste time searching for videos on YouTube! I’ve compiled a list of my five favorite tried-and-true videos for teaching and learning letter sounds.
It’s the 21st century, and we know that videos are highly engaging for kids and adults alike. So why not use videos for teaching and learning?
I love using videos with my kindergarten students, especially my English language learners (ESL/ELL students). There’s just something about songs that helps learning “stick.”
You can use educational videos to open a lesson, as a warm up, to fill in the small time gaps during the day, or as a review at the end of the day.
I’ve scoured YouTube for videos for learning letter sounds. Here are the top five videos that I recommend!
Learning Videos for the Classroom
While I personally believe these videos are appropriate for preschool, kindergarten and first grade classrooms, remember that there can often be inappropriate ads before and after YouTube videos. Also, I always recommend previewing the full video before showing it to your class.
If you plan to show YouTube videos in your classroom, I highly recommend that you read this blog post by Catherine, the Brown Bag Teacher. She shares three ways to eliminate YouTube video ads so that you can safely play these learning videos in your classroom.
Without further ado, here are five fabulous videos for teaching and learning letter sounds in the classroom!
Videos for Learning Letter Sounds
1. Have Fun Teaching’s Alphabet Song
This video is perfect for practicing letter names and sounds. It says the names of the letters clearly as they appear, which provides great visual repetition. It also a catchy song and is well-loved by students.
2. The Letter Factory Letter Sounds
This video is a kindergarten teacher favorite! It has all of the clips and songs from the Letter Factory video. Each sound is sung many times. The letters are shown so students can connect the sounds to the letters. There are also many word/sound connections. For example, “l” is sung by licking lollipops.
[Note: Every time I start open the link to this video, it begins the video at 50 seconds in, which is the letter E. To start at the letter A, just click on the beginning of the video so it starts at 0:01.]
If you like this video, you can purchase the whole thing as a DVD or even stream it from Amazon! [affiliate]
3. Learning Letter Sounds
Have you heard of Jack Hartmann? He has some amazing educational videos on YouTube. In this video, Jack is “on the beach.” He reviews all the letter names and sounds in order. He also acts out each beginning sound as the word/object is displayed on the screen. I love that he focuses on building brain and body connections!
4. Act Out the Alphabet
This is great for English language learners! In this video, Jack acts out the alphabet (in order). It’s kinesthetic, so there’s a movement for every letter sound. For each letter, he says the letter name, letter sound, a word that starts with the letter and acts it out in a way for students to mimic.
5. Letter Sound Automaticity
This video is more “advanced” because it practices the letter sounds out-of-order (just like Move & Master Fluency Tables – Alphabet Edition)! It mixes lowercase and uppercase letters and it includes long vowel sounds, too! As it shows each letter, it gives 4 seconds of wait time for students to say the letter sound before Jack reinforces it by saying it in the video. Each letter sound is reviewed twice.
Do you know of any videos for teaching letter sounds?
What do you think? Do you have any videos you could add to the list? If so, please let me know in the comments below! I would love to update this post with more videos. 🥳
FREE Phonics Resource
If you’re teaching letter sounds, you’ll probably be interested in this FREE “Help Your Child Learn to Read” brochure for your students’ parents!
About the Author
I help elementary teachers streamline their phonics and reading instruction by giving them all of the information and resources they need to maximize every reading lesson and raise their students reading levels once and for all.
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Letter to Ivashev (My dear idler, hermit of the Perm canopy...). Fedor Sologub. Poems
Fyodor Sologub. Poems
LETTER TO IVASHEV From the book. A. Baryatinsky, from fr. My dear loafer, hermit of the Perm canopy, My dear Ivashev, will you wake up from laziness. Of course, in reading there is the sweetest joy of honey, But, like a stepmother, it forges talent. They would say, seeing how the book owns you: “Your delight has faded, the piano has overthrown the yoke.Erato fights with Euterpe for you, Are you afraid of the yoke of small work. It is more terrible for you to despise their affectionate zeal, Hurry to the double bridge to pray for inspiration. How nicely you have translated La Fontaine. You know, Apollo himself is merciful to you. I read your poems; they please him. (For Parnassus, the languages of the tribes of the earth are all intelligible.) And the elder crowned your blessed success, And I found my inspiration in you And, resting in his peaceful dream, The double applauded his metamorphosis. ... He laughed: in front of him was the caring Karvel The languor of jealousy, a comforting bed... But the muse tells me to be silent: she is a child. For these liberties of foreign language, your call, And how skillfully you were able to transfer On Russian husbands deceived lot. The lover crept into the house disguised as a footman. To remove the shame and convict the villain, The gray-haired husband in the garden guarded the pear .
.. By the will of all three, your verse flies, shines, And a glorious husband deceiving the right, It crowns the old forehead with a crafty omen. And after your delight, the late dream was clothed. Blush... But you're angry at a friendly reproach. Well, dear Ivashev, if you run from censorship, Go to the piano of exquisite structure; You will suddenly forget my poems and my lesson. When your instrument makes a magical sound. With your fingers you deftly press so On a series of instantly inclined and again raised keys. Sometimes, enchanting hearing, your hand runs, Having entrusted your dream to the keys, it is easy, Forward or backward along their motley row, And a brilliant roulade follows her; Sometimes a chord sounds, slowed down, in silence, And it resonates in the depths of the heart. Whims bright and tender dreams Bring charm to our souls. O you, whose hearts have been squeezed by sadness, Come listen to the delights of those concerts. With a light foot he touches the pedals, So that the sweetest sounds behind the chords.
Thunderstorm, Neptune's wrath you will depict us, And along the key you will thunder with thunder. And light hands do not know rest, Running one another, cutting one another. As soon as every sound freezes and becomes silent, Another lightest sound flies in response to him, And your thought is clear, in joy or in anger, And your hand gives life to ivory. Vain accusations! In vain sadness! And inspiration sleeps, and your piano fell silent. Alas! There is ink in front of you, But the dust covered your powerless pen. Paper near him, untouched, white, In order, lay down in packs on a long table, Rest your head with a careless hand, You are fascinated by a book, no one knows what; The other hand is over your varnish Stretched out by a table, motionless and dumb, And the fingers are busy with the mechanical game, In fruitless lightness and fatal laziness. 3 (16) October 1925
Maria Callas, loving and suffering. For the first time in Russian, a book of letters and memoirs of the great singer, Snob, is published.

This is the time of Maria's stormy love affair with businessman and music lover Giovanni Battista Meneghini. He was twenty-five years older than her. He was never married, while burdened with a large number of relatives, who did not want to recognize Mary in spirit. Nevertheless, she falls in love with him with all the unbridled passion of her nature and in 1949 becomes his wife.
My dear Battista,
Yesterday I tore up my letter, and today I am writing you a new one.
I hope I don't bore you.
Battista, I just need to tell you that I love you so much and sincerely that sometimes I even suffer from it. Last night and yesterday turned into a real torture for me. Leaving you would be too severe a punishment for me. I don't think I could bear it! Life shouldn't hurt so much, and I don't think I deserve that kind of pain. I need you so much, your love. Yesterday I decided to leave because I felt like I bored you too much the night before. Yes, I was determined, but I had a lot of excuses not to pack things completely. So many excuses not to leave, and so many hopes that you won't want me to leave, that I barely managed to fill half my suitcase, so I left it.
If you were a little more perceptive, you would understand that I was expecting from you just a gesture, or a word, to keep me. Yesterday your love for me was tested. I needed to hear, to see that I am not a burden for you, that I do not bother you. I felt so bad yesterday, so bad. And I'm happy that you stayed with me. I would suffer greatly if you left at night. I needed to stay in your arms, to feel your closeness, as I felt it yesterday. You are all mine and I thank you for that. I ask for nothing but your love and your feelings for me.
Now you know my shortcomings. You know how to get rid of bad thoughts and any disagreements between us. One word of yours can make me happy, and with just one word or gesture you are free to make me unhappy. You are smart and subtle. You understand me. And I promise that I will do everything in my power to correct my terrible shortcomings. I'm just asking you to be patient a little.
This is how I see it today, and "today" depends on your desire. If you are tired of me, tell me and I will leave immediately. You demand that I make a decision, but today I don't want to leave. I don't think I could have left yesterday. Yesterday I "couldn't" leave; Today I don't want to.
Dear Battista, I am yours entirely, from my most subtle feelings to my most fleeting thought. I live for you. Your will has become mine, I do whatever you want, but do not take this love to lock it in your closet. Try to love her. I need your house. Every home needs someone to take care of it. Do not forget that a woman thinks, lives and depends on her man. You are my man. No woman, Battista, no one will love you more than I love you. From now on you have a duty in life. Live and be healthy for me. The main thing is healthy. Don't push too hard at work and I'll try to bring you some joy and satisfaction if I can, and it's enough for me to have you with me. I am yours and will always be yours. Remember this. Yesterday I was convinced of this, I can not live without you.
Dear, this is a very long letter and you will find it too tiresome. But I need to tell you all this. I am your heart friend, your confidante, your support in fatigue, I am trying now to be all this for you. I wish I could be much bigger, but I don't know how. I will try to be worthy of you.
I want to know if you want to be with me as much as before...
Your Mary
Wedding photo of Maria and Giovanni Battista Meneghini, 1949 year Photo courtesy of Tom Wolf1950
One of Maria Kallas' regular correspondents was Leonidas Lanczunis, her godfather and close friend. She confided to him all her secrets, anxieties, doubts. He is one of the few who was aware of her difficult relationship with her mother and older sister. This letter is dated November 1950. Behind Kallas, there are already several triumphant seasons, and ahead is the rapid rise and world fame of the best opera singer of her time.
Leonidas Lantzunis - in English
November 3, 1950
Dearest Leon,
… great news. Toscanini invited me to participate in an important performance in memory of Verdi in September 1951 with the opera Macbeth. It's a big honor, right? As you probably know, he couldn't find a soprano on Lady Macbeth until he heard me. Are you happy, dear godfather?
Dear Leo, our lives are really very similar. You are married to a woman younger than you, I am married to a man older - we are both happily married. We both became famous - you are a doctor, I am a singer - both worked hard and hard and deserved our happiness and our success. I'm right, right?
I hope to see you soon. I really thought I would spend at least two weeks with my husband, but now, with the new opera and Toscanini, I have no time at all. I have to rehearse with him in person, so goodbye to any rest. Okay, if both of you don't come next year, we probably will. My husband was denied a visa to the United States, so he could not leave then.
As for my sister, I tried my best, and the reward was only insults, so to hell with all this - it’s time for her to work, not for money, but to wake up and understand: real life is not only novels, tears and various pleasant moments. Everyone would like to live without bothering. You probably do too, but life isn't like that. It's time for her to do something seriously and find a use for her abilities. What do you think?
As for my mother, I did everything I could for her this year. After all, she also has a husband. If she didn't spend all her money on travel, maybe there would be more to live on. Do you remember how four years ago she ordered me to give her $ 750 - I didn’t have a penny then, and I had to borrow it from you. You remember all this. So, please, don't listen to her complaints too much and tell how she suffers.
In the end, everyone is responsible for his own life. No one but you, dear Leon, helped me and gave me courage. I will always remember this. I will not forget how, when I had to fulfill a contract in Verona, and I was completely without money. I had nothing in my pocket then, except for the $70 you sent me. I am ashamed to admit, but I had nothing to buy the most ordinary winter clothes. I was freezing in a light coat and summer shoes. All the great love of my mother, of course, did not warm me at all. I beg only, no one about it. Leon, she just sent me a terrible letter in which she curses me, etc., her usual manner (as she believes) to get everything she needs by reproaches and blackmail. She believes that she brought me into the world so that I would support her. These words, I'm sorry, stand in my throat. It's hard to explain on paper, Leon, when I see you, I'll tell you everything. Of course, I will try to do everything I can for them, but I will not let them go that far. I need to secure my own future. I want my child.
Please love me and believe in me, you and I are so alike. I will never forget you and never forget how understanding you were with me. And, Leon, I wish you all the best with Sally. Please write to me both because I love you with all my heart.
My husband's best wishes to you both, and I kiss you and Sally too, very, very hard.
Walter Cummings and Maria Callas, 1959 Photo courtesy of Tom Wolf1957
One of the most dramatic moments in the career of Maria Callas is the trial with former manager Eddie Bagarosi, who concluded an exclusive contract with her in 1947. Despite the fact that for several years they did not even communicate, Bagarosi claimed a percentage of all Maria's fees, as well as reimbursement of expenses that he allegedly incurred while working for her - only about $ 300,000. The letter was addressed to the singer's American lawyer Walter Cummings , which was supposed to settle the claim out of court.
Walter Cummings - In English
November 1, 1957
Dear Walter,
I just got your telegram and I'm surprised you don't understand how important my concert in Texas is. At the risk of a new scandal, I can by no means postpone it. I will also have to return to Italy on November 23 at the latest to start rehearsals at La Scala 1 . As the court cannot understand what moral damage has been done to me, as well as financial. I was free for the whole of November for the process, and also for April.
I can't handle my engagements like this. You can already imagine what kind of scandal follows each of my cancellations due to illness - so imagine what will happen because of the process. It's out of the question!
My name, my reputation, my career are at stake. You must bring this to the attention of Judge La Buie and let him know how much damage this trial has already done to me. The scandal that they staged, defamation and financial losses. Who will compensate me for all these losses? Bagarosi? I waited several months and adjusted everything to the process on November 12th. I can't postpone the premiere at La Scala. Don't you understand that this will be my end? For that matter, I would prefer, and it would not be so ruinous, to pay him 10% of all my contracts. Walter, you have to understand the gravity of this situation. Are you supposed to convince the judge that we're dealing with blackmailers who should be brought to justice long ago? Don't you think it would be better at this stage to agree to pay the interest? Of course, they will try to disprove all my cash receipts, but they are real, and they cannot prove otherwise. Whatever the case, Walter, find a way out! I can't live like this anymore. Please deal with it now and find a way out. I can't afford new scandals, endlessly postponing or canceling my performances.
Write to me if you can offer to pay interest rather than continue like this. They can't refuse, can they? And in this case, they will regret that they did not agree to an amicable agreement, because they will receive less in court. I'm begging you, Walter.
Don't forget I'm flying from Europe, not Long Island!
With love,
Aristotle Onassis and Maria Callas, 1959 Photo courtesy of Tom Wolf1959
Her first cruise on the yacht Christina is over. But the consequences of this sea voyage in the Mediterranean will be devastating for its participants. In a few days, after the letter to Walter and Tidi Cummings is sent, all the front pages of the world press will be occupied by reports about the beginning of the novel of Maria Callas and the Greek shipowner, billionaire Aristotle Onassis. This will be followed by two divorces, two high-profile lawsuits and one of the greatest love stories of the twentieth century.
Walter and Theede Cummings - in English
Monte Carlo, August 28, 1959
Dear Walter and Theede,
Indeed, I have not written to you for a long time, I apologize for this. I think now you already know me well and love me for who I am. I went on a wonderful sea voyage, and we returned a week later than expected. We had very little time left to spend in Sirmione. And now I'm starting to work on new recordings of La Gioconda with the La Scala Orchestra (no reconciliation yet!)
I'm so afraid to give you bad news that will shock you, and all I beg you is not to tell anyone about it yet. I know your devotion to me and your undoubted restraint. I'm breaking up with Battista. About the reasons right now, I can only say that these are personal considerations and a matter of disagreement. Later I will be able to explain better. Believe me, these are good reasons.
I hope, my dear friends, that the impulse to kill me has not overtaken you. I have gone through many trials, but there are so many disappointments, I just wish I could get through them. I also hope that Battista will behave appropriately, that is, like a gentleman, although I doubt it. Don't worry about reading about something like this in the papers if and when they appear. Gossip will be there.
I'll write more as soon as I can, and I'll try to visit you as soon as I'm in the United States, wait a long time, until October. I wish you were here to help me, but this is my battle.
Tell me, Walter, how to get a quick and effective divorce in the United States as an American citizen. This can help?
I got married in the catholic church and in the city hall. But I am Orthodox. Please don't tell anyone this yet, you're the only ones I've brought into this.
Dear friends, pray for me and write as soon as you can. To Milan.
Hugs to you both.
Photo courtesy of Tom Wolf1960
The divorce of Maria Callas from her husband will drag on for five long years. Mutual claims, grievances, public clarifications of who owes whom how much ... Gradually, from the pages of sections of musical events and opera premieres, the name of Maria Callas moves to the pages of court chronicles and scandalous gossip. Hence the intention of the singer to write her own life story, where there would be no lies or speculation. Several sketches and a plan for the future book have been preserved.
Herbert Weinstock - in English
Milan, March 12, 1960
Dear Herbert,
I have received your outline of the article and I think it is very good. As usual, I corrected it a bit, I hope you understand. Someday, soon, I will decide to write a book - a biography 2 . But I need someone to help me find the photos from Greece, the real information that might not be in my memory. You know my scrupulousness in everything. At the very least, I try to aim for accuracy as best I can.
What's happening to my mother is something I can't get away from. She is in the hands of ordinary corrupt middlemen who make money from the simple fact that she is simply my mother. It's funny that no one deigned to write about my father - and he already has something good to say about me.
Everyone considers my husband a billionaire, while he does not have a single centime of his own. He appropriated (here it is, my peacefulness ...) everything that I had. All I have left is the house and the jewels. Luckily, he had to drop the idea of getting 50% royalties on my CD sales. Someday I will tell you everything. I can only say that for eight years I went out of my way to make this marriage real. When I discovered that he had transferred everything to his own name, that was the last straw. Be that as it may, my friend, I hope that I can finally take responsibility for my own future, which is what I always aspired to. Naturally, I needed the so-called rest, but I would rather call it healing from wounds - those that my husband inflicted on me without any participation of a third party [Onassis], as they wrote about it in some nasty newspapers, where they can invent everything that whatever. Of course, you will agree that I used to have a not too happy expression on my face, right? This was even mentioned in the press, and the journalists started arguing: why and what is going wrong with me.
So, Herbert, pray for me and - write, they will give me letters and I will probably return in early April.
The last joint photo with Aristotle Onassis, 1967 Photo courtesy of Tom Wolf1968
Letter of supplication. She does not yet know that Aristotle Onassis has serious intentions regarding his marriage to former US First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy. Their acquaintance began during the life of President Kennedy in October 1963 years old when Jacqueline was a guest on the Christina yacht.
Aristotle Onassis - in English
Paris, January 30, 1968
Aristo, my love,
years of our joint wanderings - I am happy to make this confession from the very depths of my heart.
I am proud of you. I love you with my body and soul, and now I want only one thing - for you to feel it.
God gave me a call to reach the top of my difficult career. But most importantly, he gave me You, for which I never cease to thank heaven. You, who also went through hell and conquered the peaks.
We were supposed to meet and get together forever.
Keep, oh, I conjure you, keep forever our connection! I can't live without your love. Perhaps I am too proud to admit it, and yet know that you alone are destined for my breath, mind, sense of dignity, all my tenderness. And if you could read in my soul, you would see yourself there - the strongest, the richest in the whole world. No, this is not childishness, nor childishness on my part. This is a letter from a wounded, suffering woman, who has experienced a lot of things and gives you feelings so fresh and young that she has never experienced before. Do not forget about this and always try to be gentle with me - the same as in these days, when you created the Queen of the world out of me - my love - oh, how I need your love and tenderness!
I am yours and make whatever you want out of me.
Your soul
Photo courtesy of Tom Wolf1969
There are still a few months left before the official announcement of the marriage of Aristotle Onassis and Jacqueline Kennedy. Taking advantage of another quarrel, Onassis invites Mary to leave the Christina yacht. She won't come back here again.
Elvira de Hidalgo - in Italian
Paris, June 16, 1968
Dear Elvira,
I am now trying to fully comprehend what happened, but it is as if I have been struck by a tremendous force, and I still cannot even breathe. Since then there have been three phone calls. The first time I didn't fit. The other two - answered, and it turned out to be a real disaster for me. I already told you that he is a man who does not want to be responsible for his actions, and this really disgusts me.
I'm in Paris and I'm trying to sort out the thoughts in my sick head. Trying to get through these months somehow. Without much effort - because I do not feel in myself the strength of either mental, or, consequently, physical. And the truth is, I don’t know where to go to relax. I am so destroyed after so many years of work and sacrifice for a man that I don’t even know what world I’m in now, this is already too much. I'll think about what to do. But in any case, write to me here. At least here, at home, I feel good now.
I hug you tenderly and hope you don't worry too much about me. God has always guided me, and he will again show me which way to go further, and I also hope that he will give me the strength to overcome this crisis as well.
My dear, gentle friend forever
Yours forever Maria
Elvira De Hidalgo and Maria Callas, 1957 Photo courtesy of Tom Wolf1968
The "wedding of the century" took place on the island of Skorpios on 20 October 1968 years old. "John F. Kennedy died for the second time" screamed headlines around the world. The new marriage of Aristotle Onassis was a terrible blow to Maria Callas, from which she never recovered until the end of her life. In a series of tragedies that befell Onassis after that, she superstitiously saw the "force of fate" and the inevitability of retribution.
Elvira de Hidalgo - in Italian
October 29, 1968
Thank you for your nice letter.
It's cruel to say that, but they'll both pay for it, and they'll pay more, you'll see.
The worst thing is that he didn't tell me anything about his marriage. I think after I was with him for nine years, he should have told me to at least learn about everything not from the newspapers. I'm sure he's just crazy. For this reason, I simply banished him from my soul. I have to work as soon as I can.
I'm fine now, of course, considering all my circumstances, and I thank you for your love for me. I will soon write about possible projects, because I have not decided anything yet.
As always, with love and respect
Your Maria
Pier Paolo Pasolini and Maria Callas on the set of Medea, 1969 Photo courtesy of Tom Wolf1971
In the hope of continuing her artistic career, Maria Callas will agree to Pier Paolo Pasolini's offer to star in his film Medea. It was her debut in a dramatic role. The film was not a commercial success and quickly left the screens, but Maria's warm, friendly relations will continue until Pasolini's death on November 1975 years old.
Pier Paolo Pasolini - in Italian
September 5, 1971
Dear, dear P.P.P. I am at peace; Yes, that is right. I force myself to be at peace. I have already told you, my priceless friend, that I believe in us, human beings. I, and only I, am responsible for what I managed to achieve, but I also know how much my pride saves me from.
You know that following this path is the most difficult one at this particular moment of life, but in the long run it is the only true path.
I expect nothing from anyone, except friendship from those who are capable of it. And that's already too much. But at the same time, I can handle loneliness very well. I'm good with myself. I rarely change myself.
You will say that I am giving instructions. No, P.P.P., this is not my fault. It just hurts me to watch you suffer. You were so dependent on Ninetto (Ninetto Davoli is a favorite actor and lover of P.P. Pasolini. - Note author ) and this is wrong. Ninetto has the right to live his own life. Leave him alone. Try to be strong, you have to, as we all get through this one way or another. But I know what an unbearable pain it is. Undoubtedly, from her disappointments more than from anything else. Of course, words do not console at all, I also know this from myself.
I would like you to feel the need to come to me, to experience the first severe five minutes - because it's only 5-10 minutes of severe pain, after that it gets a little easier - but it seems that you don't really need my friendship And, of course, it makes me very sad.
But I also understand that your reaction cannot be otherwise.
My friend, I would like to know what's new with you. Don't you think our friendship deserves at least that? I will be here until about the end of November, and then I will return to Paris. Here I am surrounded by so many good friends, and I literally live in music, so I feel good.
But I will become even calmer if you write to me more often, telling me what's new with you. Trust me the way I used to trust you.
I hug you tightly with friendly participation and, believe me, I will always remain your best friend (maybe this sounds too presumptuous)
And the last letter in this collection to an unknown addressee. In March 1975, Aristotle Onassis died. And in two years, Mary will also be gone.
To unknown addressee - in English
June 13, 1975
Faith is all I have. You cannot live without faith. I would never have made such a career if I had not had absolute faith in myself. You can't expect much from others. If we are strong in our faith, then we will be able to forgive other people's weaknesses - those around us are sometimes too weak and irresponsible - but there are also many kind and wonderful people.
As for wisdom, it is a rarity. It is a gift that God has given to very few. I wish there was more wisdom, but even here we must accept life as it is, never losing faith in ourselves.
And never forgetting such concepts as honesty, spiritual purity, gratitude.
God bless you all.
Maria Callas, with love.
Publication and comments by Sergei Nikolaevich
1 For the opening of the season "Masquerade Ball" on December 7th.
2 Memoirs of 1957 remained unfinished. Callas sought the support and help of close friends in order to someday publish a comprehensive account of her life.
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