Easy 3 syllable words

3 Three Syllable Words | Trisyllabic Words

3 syllable Words. A list of words that contain 3 syllables.

abandon abolish absolute
acceptance accident accountant
achievement acknowledge activate
addition adjustment admission
advantage adventure advertise
adviser advocate afternoon
agency agenda agreement
alcohol alliance allocate
allowance ambition ambulance
amendment analyse analyst
animal announcement apartment
appearance appendix applicant
appointment approval archbishop
architect area argument
arrangement arrival article
assemble assembly assessment
assignment assistance assistant
Assumption assurance atmosphere
attendance attention attitude
attraction attribute audience
auditor avenue average
awareness barrier battery
beginning behaviour benefit
boundary businessman cabinet
calculate camera candidate
Capital carrier casual
catalogue cathedral celebrate
century champion Chancellor
character charity chemical
chocolate cigarette cinema
circulate circumstance citizen
clarify classify coincide
collection collector Colony
commander commission commitment
committee commonwealth companion
company compensate completion
component compromise computer
concentrate conception concession
conclusion condition conference
confidence confusion connection
consciousness consequence consider
Constable constitute construction
consultant consumer consumption
contemplate Continent continue
contribute convention conversion
conviction correspond corridor
councillor counterpart coverage
Creation creditor criticise
criticism criticize curious
currency customer database
decision decorate dedicate
defendant defender deficit
delegate deliver Democrat
demonstrate density department
departure deposit Depression
deputy description designer
destruction detective determine
develop diagram dialogue
diamond diary difference
dimension diminish direction
directive director disagree
disappear disaster discipline
discover discretion discussion
dismissal disorder disposal
distinction distinguish distribute
dividend division document
dominate duration edition
editor educate election
element embody emission
emotion emperor emphasise
emphasize employee employer
employment enable encounter
encourage enemy Energy
engagement engineer enquiry
enterprise entertain entitle
entity envelope envisage
episode equation equipment
equity establish estimate
evidence examine example
exception excitement exclusion
execute exercise exhibit
existence expansion expertise
explosion exposure expression
extension factory family
fantasy favourite festival
formation formula formulate
frequency funeral furniture
gallery general generate
gentleman government governor
graduate guarantee guardian
heritage hesitate history
holiday horizon hospital
idea illustrate imagine
implement importance impression
improvement incentive incidence
incident indicate industry
infection inflation influence
inherit inhibit injury
inquiry inspection inspector
institute instruction instrument
integrate intention interest
interface interfere interpret
interrupt interval intervene
interview introduce invasion
investment investor involvement
isolate journalist justify
leadership liberty library
location loyalty magazine
magistrate management manager
marketing measurement mechanism
medicine medium membership
memory mineral minimum
minister ministry modify
molecule Monitor motivate
multiply museum musician
mystery negligent newspaper
nursery objection objective
observer occasion occupy
offender officer official
opening Opera operate
opinion opponent organise
organism organize origin
overcome overnight ownership
oxygen paragraph parliament
particle partnership passenger
penalty penetrate pensioner
percentage perception performance
period permission personnel
perspective photograph piano
poetry policeman policy
pollution portfolio position
possession potato potential
preference pregnancy premium
President principle prisoner
privilege procedure proceeding
processor producer production
profession professor promotion
property proportion proposal
protection protein provision
publisher punishment purchaser
qualify quality quantity
radio ratio reaction
realise realize reassure
receiver reception recession
recipe recognise recognize
recommend recording recover
reduction reference reflection
refugee refusal register
regulate reinforce relation
relative religion remedy
remember removal replacement
reporter represent reproduce
republic requirement researcher
resemble residence resident
resistance restaurant restriction
retirement revenue salary
satellite satisfy scientist
selection seminar sensation
separate settlement shadowy
shareholder situate solution
specialist specify specimen
stimulate stimulus strategy
studio subsidy substitute
succession successor suggestion
suicide summary supervise
supplement supplier supporter
surgery survival suspicion
sympathy taxation teenager
telephone tendency theatre
theory therapy tournament
tradition tragedy transaction
transition traveller Treasury
tribunal turnover uncanny
undergo underline undermine
understand undertake ungainly
unhappy uniform united
unity universe unlikely
unlucky unpleasant unruly
untidy vehicle victory
video violence visitor
Volunteer withdrawal

Three Syllable Words and Adjectives List for Kids

Three syllables word means a word that has three units of pronunciation or which is pronounced in three steps. The following word list is a great tool for learning perfectly about three syllables word. So, look carefully at the following word list, read and learn.

Following is a list of examples of words with three syllables to teach:

Abandon Abolish Absolute
Achievement Acknowledge Activate
Admission Advantage Adventure
Adviser Afternoon Agenda
Alcohol Allocate Ambition
Apartment Applicant Approval
Arrival Article Assistant
Attraction Audience Average
Beginning Behaviour Benefit
Businessman Cabinet Calculate
Capital Celebrate Century


Character Charity Chemical
Cigarette Cinema Circulate
Classify Collection Collector
Commander Commission Committee
Computer Condition Conference
Confusion Connection Consider
Contribute Convention Conversion
Creation Criticise Curious
Customer Database Decision
Defender Deficit Deliver
Density Department Deposit
Designer Develop Dialogue
Difference Direction Director


Discipline Discover Disorder
Division Document Editor
Element Embody Emotion
Employment Enable Enemy
Engagement Engineer Entertain
Equation Equipment Example
Exhibit Extension Factory
Favourite Festival Formula
Gallery General Gentleman
Graduate Guardian Heritage
Holiday Hospital Idea


Implement Importance Incident
Infection Influence Inhibit
Inquiry Inspector Institute
Intension Interest Interface
Interrupt Interval Interview
Investor Isolate Journalist
Leadership Liberty Library
Loyalty Magazine Magistrate
Marketing Medicine Medium
Memory Mineral Minimum
Modify Monitor Motivate


Museum Musician Negligent
Nursery Objection Occasion
Opening Opinion Opponent
Origin Overcome Overnight
Paragraph Particle Passenger
Perception Period Photograph
Policeman Pollution Position
Premium President Principle
Professor Qualify Quality
Radio Reaction Recover
Religion Restaurant Satellite


Seminar Studio Summary
Surgery Telephone Theatre
Tradition Traveller Treasury
Understand Unhappy Uniform
Universe Unlucky Vehicle
Video Visitor Volunteer
Accident Addition Advertise
Agreement Animal Area
Attention Battery Boundary
Camera Champion Chocolate
Citizen Colony Company


Confidence Continue Councilor
Currency Dedicate Democrat
Deputy Diary Disagree
Disposal Election Employee
Energy Episode Exercise
Family Furniture Government
History Imagine Industry
Injury Instruction Interpret
Introduce Justify Location
Manager Membership Minister
Organize Oxygen Scientists
Multiply Newspaper Officer
Penalty Piano Potato
Quantity Producer Relation
Tournament Supporter Underline
Victory Unity Withdrawal

Keep exploring EnglishBix to learn more words. Learn about stressed and unstressed syllables to correctly pronounce the words from the list.


One-syllable, two-syllable, three-syllable and four-syllable words

One-syllable, two-syllable, three-syllable and four-syllable words differ in the number of vowels forming the same number of phonetic syllables.

Let's find out what one-syllable, two-syllable, three-syllable, four-syllable words are in Russian.

The vowel sound is syllable-forming, therefore, in the phonetic division of words, we focus on the number of vowel sounds in their sound.

Monosyllabic words

By the minimum number of vowels in a word, we select monosyllabic words that contain one phonetic syllable. Let's remember what a phonetic syllable is.


A phonetic syllable is a single vowel sound or a vowel combined with one or more consonant sounds, which are pronounced with one push of exhaled air during speaking.

Put your palm under your chin and clearly pronounce the words:

laz, march, elk, bridge, leaf, moment, cheese, test, glance

On vowels, the chin strikes the palm once. So these words are monosyllabic.

Additional material

Learn more about the composition of monosyllabic words with one, two, three, four consonants.

Two-syllable words

By the number of syllables, words can be polysyllabic: two-, three-, four-syllable, etc.

Two-syllable words, as can be determined by their name, contain two vowels each.


sli-va, stool-chik, fence, city, crown, te-ma, u-kaz, o-strov, a-gent, i-gla, snake-i, evening

When they are pronounced, the chin will fall on the palm twice, as there will be two pushes of exhaled air.

Additional material

How to divide words into phonetic syllables, what to consider in this case, we will learn with examples in the article about two-syllable words.

Not all two-syllable words can be transferred from one line to another in accordance with phonetic syllable division. A number of words in which a single vowel forms an independent syllable cannot be transferred by leaving one letter per line, for example:

  • snake - snake
  • u-dar - blow
  • o-braz - image
  • i-gla - needle
  • a-nis - anis.

Three-syllable words

A word can have more than two vowels. Three vowels combined with consonants form three-syllable words. When pronouncing a three-syllable word, three air shocks occur, but one of them is stronger, which is created by a stressed vowel, and two are weaker in unstressed syllables. We will be convinced of this by pronouncing the words:

let-tchi-tsa, ko-ro-va, be-li-zna

Examples of three-syllable words

In three-syllable words, consonants are grouped with vowels by two, three or even four sounds per syllable, for example:

  • to -ro-ha, bo-ro-yes, so-ro-ka;
  • pri-sta-vka, kra-so-ta, te-le-fon, ka-ran-dash, boo-ma-zhka; 90,048

A vowel can form an independent syllable in a three-syllable word:

  • a-ktri-sa, a-zbu-ka, a-na-nas, a-ra-his;
  • o-city, o-val-ny, o-fresh-live, o-aphid;
  • u-goal-nick, u-ra-gan, u-chi-tel, u-slit-e.

Note that the spelling transfer of the words above does not coincide with their syllable division due to the presence of a single vowel in their sound composition.

Additional material

Learn the rule of word wrapping in Russian.

Let's compare phonetic syllable division and spelling word wrapping:

personal name
Phonetic syllable Spelling of words
U-shchel-e Gather
a-zbu-ka az-bu-ka
u-ra-gan ura-gan
a-re-sat a-re-sat a-re-sat sat

Four-syllable words

If the sound image of a word contains four syllable-forming vowels, we will call it four-syllable, for example:

  • ka-lei-to-skop, ry-so-lo-vka, hundred-ro-same-howl, le-ni-vi-tsa;
  • o-sta-no-vka, o-va-qi-ya, o-pe-ra-tor;
  • u-chi-li-sche, u-kla-dchi-tsa, u-ro-zhai-ny.
  • Transferring these words also requires attention. When transferring four-syllable words, one letter cannot be left on the line or transferred to the next line, although the phonetic syllable exists in it independently.


    • y-ro-zhai-ny - harvest, fruitful;
    • o-va-tsi-ya - ovation;
    • a-lu-mi-ny - aluminium, aluminium.

    Four-syllable words are not the limit in phonetic composition. In Russian, there are five-, six-, seven-syllable, etc. words, for example:

    • five-syllable ;
    • six-syllable - pre-o-bla-yes-no-e, be-di-tel-ni-tsa, re-re-po-i-sa-ny, la-ri-za- qi;
    • seven-syllable - mi-ne-ra-li-za-qi-ya, with-so-e-di-no-no-e, re-ko-gno-sci-ro-vo-chny.

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