Easy 3 syllable words
3 Three Syllable Words | Trisyllabic Words
3 syllable Words. A list of words that contain 3 syllables.
abandon | abolish | absolute |
acceptance | accident | accountant |
achievement | acknowledge | activate |
addition | adjustment | admission |
advantage | adventure | advertise |
adviser | advocate | afternoon |
agency | agenda | agreement |
alcohol | alliance | allocate |
allowance | ambition | ambulance |
amendment | analyse | analyst |
animal | announcement | apartment |
appearance | appendix | applicant |
appointment | approval | archbishop |
architect | area | argument |
arrangement | arrival | article |
assemble | assembly | assessment |
assignment | assistance | assistant |
Assumption | assurance | atmosphere |
attendance | attention | attitude |
attraction | attribute | audience |
auditor | avenue | average |
awareness | barrier | battery |
beginning | behaviour | benefit |
boundary | businessman | cabinet |
calculate | camera | candidate |
Capital | carrier | casual |
catalogue | cathedral | celebrate |
century | champion | Chancellor |
character | charity | chemical |
chocolate | cigarette | cinema |
circulate | circumstance | citizen |
clarify | classify | coincide |
collection | collector | Colony |
commander | commission | commitment |
committee | commonwealth | companion |
company | compensate | completion |
component | compromise | computer |
concentrate | conception | concession |
conclusion | condition | conference |
confidence | confusion | connection |
consciousness | consequence | consider |
Constable | constitute | construction |
consultant | consumer | consumption |
contemplate | Continent | continue |
contribute | convention | conversion |
conviction | correspond | corridor |
councillor | counterpart | coverage |
Creation | creditor | criticise |
criticism | criticize | curious |
currency | customer | database |
decision | decorate | dedicate |
defendant | defender | deficit |
delegate | deliver | Democrat |
demonstrate | density | department |
departure | deposit | Depression |
deputy | description | designer |
destruction | detective | determine |
develop | diagram | dialogue |
diamond | diary | difference |
dimension | diminish | direction |
directive | director | disagree |
disappear | disaster | discipline |
discover | discretion | discussion |
dismissal | disorder | disposal |
distinction | distinguish | distribute |
dividend | division | document |
dominate | duration | edition |
editor | educate | election |
element | embody | emission |
emotion | emperor | emphasise |
emphasize | employee | employer |
employment | enable | encounter |
encourage | enemy | Energy |
engagement | engineer | enquiry |
enterprise | entertain | entitle |
entity | envelope | envisage |
episode | equation | equipment |
equity | establish | estimate |
evidence | examine | example |
exception | excitement | exclusion |
execute | exercise | exhibit |
existence | expansion | expertise |
explosion | exposure | expression |
extension | factory | family |
fantasy | favourite | festival |
formation | formula | formulate |
frequency | funeral | furniture |
gallery | general | generate |
gentleman | government | governor |
graduate | guarantee | guardian |
heritage | hesitate | history |
holiday | horizon | hospital |
idea | illustrate | imagine |
implement | importance | impression |
improvement | incentive | incidence |
incident | indicate | industry |
infection | inflation | influence |
inherit | inhibit | injury |
inquiry | inspection | inspector |
institute | instruction | instrument |
integrate | intention | interest |
interface | interfere | interpret |
interrupt | interval | intervene |
interview | introduce | invasion |
investment | investor | involvement |
isolate | journalist | justify |
leadership | liberty | library |
location | loyalty | magazine |
magistrate | management | manager |
marketing | measurement | mechanism |
medicine | medium | membership |
memory | mineral | minimum |
minister | ministry | modify |
molecule | Monitor | motivate |
multiply | museum | musician |
mystery | negligent | newspaper |
nursery | objection | objective |
observer | occasion | occupy |
offender | officer | official |
opening | Opera | operate |
opinion | opponent | organise |
organism | organize | origin |
overcome | overnight | ownership |
oxygen | paragraph | parliament |
particle | partnership | passenger |
penalty | penetrate | pensioner |
percentage | perception | performance |
period | permission | personnel |
perspective | photograph | piano |
poetry | policeman | policy |
pollution | portfolio | position |
possession | potato | potential |
preference | pregnancy | premium |
President | principle | prisoner |
privilege | procedure | proceeding |
processor | producer | production |
profession | professor | promotion |
property | proportion | proposal |
protection | protein | provision |
publisher | punishment | purchaser |
qualify | quality | quantity |
radio | ratio | reaction |
realise | realize | reassure |
receiver | reception | recession |
recipe | recognise | recognize |
recommend | recording | recover |
reduction | reference | reflection |
refugee | refusal | register |
regulate | reinforce | relation |
relative | religion | remedy |
remember | removal | replacement |
reporter | represent | reproduce |
republic | requirement | researcher |
resemble | residence | resident |
resistance | restaurant | restriction |
retirement | revenue | salary |
satellite | satisfy | scientist |
selection | seminar | sensation |
separate | settlement | shadowy |
shareholder | situate | solution |
specialist | specify | specimen |
stimulate | stimulus | strategy |
studio | subsidy | substitute |
succession | successor | suggestion |
suicide | summary | supervise |
supplement | supplier | supporter |
surgery | survival | suspicion |
sympathy | taxation | teenager |
telephone | tendency | theatre |
theory | therapy | tournament |
tradition | tragedy | transaction |
transition | traveller | Treasury |
tribunal | turnover | uncanny |
undergo | underline | undermine |
understand | undertake | ungainly |
unhappy | uniform | united |
unity | universe | unlikely |
unlucky | unpleasant | unruly |
untidy | vehicle | victory |
video | violence | visitor |
Volunteer | withdrawal |
Three Syllable Words and Adjectives List for Kids
Three syllables word means a word that has three units of pronunciation or which is pronounced in three steps. The following word list is a great tool for learning perfectly about three syllables word. So, look carefully at the following word list, read and learn.
Following is a list of examples of words with three syllables to teach:
Abandon | Abolish | Absolute |
Achievement | Acknowledge | Activate |
Admission | Advantage | Adventure |
Adviser | Afternoon | Agenda |
Alcohol | Allocate | Ambition |
Apartment | Applicant | Approval |
Arrival | Article | Assistant |
Attraction | Audience | Average |
Beginning | Behaviour | Benefit |
Businessman | Cabinet | Calculate |
Capital | Celebrate | Century |
Character | Charity | Chemical |
Cigarette | Cinema | Circulate |
Classify | Collection | Collector |
Commander | Commission | Committee |
Computer | Condition | Conference |
Confusion | Connection | Consider |
Contribute | Convention | Conversion |
Creation | Criticise | Curious |
Customer | Database | Decision |
Defender | Deficit | Deliver |
Density | Department | Deposit |
Designer | Develop | Dialogue |
Difference | Direction | Director |
Discipline | Discover | Disorder |
Division | Document | Editor |
Element | Embody | Emotion |
Employment | Enable | Enemy |
Engagement | Engineer | Entertain |
Equation | Equipment | Example |
Exhibit | Extension | Factory |
Favourite | Festival | Formula |
Gallery | General | Gentleman |
Graduate | Guardian | Heritage |
Holiday | Hospital | Idea |
Implement | Importance | Incident |
Infection | Influence | Inhibit |
Inquiry | Inspector | Institute |
Intension | Interest | Interface |
Interrupt | Interval | Interview |
Investor | Isolate | Journalist |
Leadership | Liberty | Library |
Loyalty | Magazine | Magistrate |
Marketing | Medicine | Medium |
Memory | Mineral | Minimum |
Modify | Monitor | Motivate |
Museum | Musician | Negligent |
Nursery | Objection | Occasion |
Opening | Opinion | Opponent |
Origin | Overcome | Overnight |
Paragraph | Particle | Passenger |
Perception | Period | Photograph |
Policeman | Pollution | Position |
Premium | President | Principle |
Professor | Qualify | Quality |
Radio | Reaction | Recover |
Religion | Restaurant | Satellite |
Seminar | Studio | Summary |
Surgery | Telephone | Theatre |
Tradition | Traveller | Treasury |
Understand | Unhappy | Uniform |
Universe | Unlucky | Vehicle |
Video | Visitor | Volunteer |
Accident | Addition | Advertise |
Agreement | Animal | Area |
Attention | Battery | Boundary |
Camera | Champion | Chocolate |
Citizen | Colony | Company |
Confidence | Continue | Councilor |
Currency | Dedicate | Democrat |
Deputy | Diary | Disagree |
Disposal | Election | Employee |
Energy | Episode | Exercise |
Family | Furniture | Government |
History | Imagine | Industry |
Injury | Instruction | Interpret |
Introduce | Justify | Location |
Manager | Membership | Minister |
Organize | Oxygen | Scientists |
Multiply | Newspaper | Officer |
Penalty | Piano | Potato |
Quantity | Producer | Relation |
Tournament | Supporter | Underline |
Victory | Unity | Withdrawal |
Keep exploring EnglishBix to learn more words. Learn about stressed and unstressed syllables to correctly pronounce the words from the list.
One-syllable, two-syllable, three-syllable and four-syllable words
One-syllable, two-syllable, three-syllable and four-syllable words differ in the number of vowels forming the same number of phonetic syllables.
Let's find out what one-syllable, two-syllable, three-syllable, four-syllable words are in Russian.
The vowel sound is syllable-forming, therefore, in the phonetic division of words, we focus on the number of vowel sounds in their sound.
Monosyllabic words
By the minimum number of vowels in a word, we select monosyllabic words that contain one phonetic syllable. Let's remember what a phonetic syllable is.
A phonetic syllable is a single vowel sound or a vowel combined with one or more consonant sounds, which are pronounced with one push of exhaled air during speaking.
Put your palm under your chin and clearly pronounce the words:
laz, march, elk, bridge, leaf, moment, cheese, test, glance
On vowels, the chin strikes the palm once. So these words are monosyllabic.
Additional material
Learn more about the composition of monosyllabic words with one, two, three, four consonants.
Two-syllable words
By the number of syllables, words can be polysyllabic: two-, three-, four-syllable, etc.
Two-syllable words, as can be determined by their name, contain two vowels each.
sli-va, stool-chik, fence, city, crown, te-ma, u-kaz, o-strov, a-gent, i-gla, snake-i, evening
When they are pronounced, the chin will fall on the palm twice, as there will be two pushes of exhaled air.
Additional material
How to divide words into phonetic syllables, what to consider in this case, we will learn with examples in the article about two-syllable words.
Not all two-syllable words can be transferred from one line to another in accordance with phonetic syllable division. A number of words in which a single vowel forms an independent syllable cannot be transferred by leaving one letter per line, for example:
- snake - snake
- u-dar - blow
- o-braz - image
- i-gla - needle
- a-nis - anis.
Three-syllable words
A word can have more than two vowels. Three vowels combined with consonants form three-syllable words. When pronouncing a three-syllable word, three air shocks occur, but one of them is stronger, which is created by a stressed vowel, and two are weaker in unstressed syllables. We will be convinced of this by pronouncing the words:
let-tchi-tsa, ko-ro-va, be-li-zna
Examples of three-syllable words
In three-syllable words, consonants are grouped with vowels by two, three or even four sounds per syllable, for example:
- to -ro-ha, bo-ro-yes, so-ro-ka;
- pri-sta-vka, kra-so-ta, te-le-fon, ka-ran-dash, boo-ma-zhka; 90,048
A vowel can form an independent syllable in a three-syllable word:
- a-ktri-sa, a-zbu-ka, a-na-nas, a-ra-his;
- o-city, o-val-ny, o-fresh-live, o-aphid;
- u-goal-nick, u-ra-gan, u-chi-tel, u-slit-e.
Note that the spelling transfer of the words above does not coincide with their syllable division due to the presence of a single vowel in their sound composition.
Additional material
Learn the rule of word wrapping in Russian.
Let's compare phonetic syllable division and spelling word wrapping:
Phonetic syllable | Spelling of words | ||
U-shchel-e | Gather | ||
a-zbu-ka | az-bu-ka | ||
u-ra-gan | ura-gan | ||
a-re-sat | a-re-sat | a-re-sat | sat |
Four-syllable words
If the sound image of a word contains four syllable-forming vowels, we will call it four-syllable, for example:
Transferring these words also requires attention. When transferring four-syllable words, one letter cannot be left on the line or transferred to the next line, although the phonetic syllable exists in it independently.
- y-ro-zhai-ny - harvest, fruitful;
- o-va-tsi-ya - ovation;
- a-lu-mi-ny - aluminium, aluminium.
Four-syllable words are not the limit in phonetic composition. In Russian, there are five-, six-, seven-syllable, etc. words, for example:
- five-syllable ;
- six-syllable - pre-o-bla-yes-no-e, be-di-tel-ni-tsa, re-re-po-i-sa-ny, la-ri-za- qi;
- seven-syllable - mi-ne-ra-li-za-qi-ya, with-so-e-di-no-no-e, re-ko-gno-sci-ro-vo-chny.
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