Easy math problems for 1st graders
1st Grade Math Worksheets
Rich with scads of practice, the CCSS aligned printable 1st grade math worksheets with answer keys help kids solve addition and subtraction problems within 20, extend their counting sequence, understand place value and number systems, measure length and compare sizes, tell time, count money, represent and interpret data, and know the attributes of 2D and 3D shapes in geometry. Our free math worksheets for grade 1 kids give you a peek into what's in store!
Place Value
Number System
Data & Graphs
Explore 2,200+ First Grade Math Worksheets
Counting and Adding Pictures
The pictures in two groups present a fascinating array of addition equations for 1st grade kids. Count the pictures in the two groups separately, and then combine the two to find the total number.
Subtracting on Number Lines | 0 to 10
Get the little hoppers to draw hops on the number lines in these printable grade 1 math worksheets and complete the subtraction equations involving numbers up to 10.
Identifying the Next Picture in a Repeating Pattern
Develop pattern awareness in kids with this set of pdf worksheets. Study the pattern, identify the pattern's core or terms that repeat in the same order and make a logical prediction of what comes next.
Reading and Writing Numbers from 1 to 25
Fluency with numbers is vital in first grade math. Task kids to look at the top of this printable chart, identify and read the numbers from 1 to 25 repeatedly, and copy them to complete the table.
Base Ten Blocks | Tens and Ones
Visualizing numbers is easy with place value blocks or base-10 blocks. Get kids to count the units and rods in the base-10 blocks and write the base-10 numerals.
Identifying Greater and Smaller 2-Digit Numbers
Cracking these 1st grade math worksheet pdfs is a true measure of your place value skills.
Compare 2-digit numbers using symbols in Part A. Circle the greater number in Part B, and the smaller number in Part C.
Ordering Objects from the Shortest to the Longest
Arranging objects of three different sizes from the shortest to the longest, numbering them 1, 2, and 3 respectively, is all that is expected of grade 1 kids.
Telling Time | Hourly Increment
With these pdf math worksheets for grade 1 kids at your disposal, the time is ripe to practice reading clocks to tell the time in whole hours, and choosing the clock face that depicts the specified time.
Counting Dimes
Develop skills in counting the dimes and expressing the amount in dollars, trading dimes for dollars, and converting between them in word problems with this compilation of first grade math worksheet pdfs.
Counting Tally Marks
Let's travel back in time and practice counting using tally marks. First grade kids have a blast reading and counting each set of tally marks and writing the value it represents.
Identifying 2D Shapes | MCQ
Can the little architects of grade 1 distinguish between a rectangle and a square? Watch them recognize the two-dimensional figures and check the appropriate option that best describes each.
Number Line Addition | 0 to 10
This stack of 1st grade math worksheets has pre-drawn hops on the number lines. The starting-point of the hops, and the number of hops are the two addends and the endpoint is the sum.
Writing Subtraction Equations from Number Lines | 0 to 10
Examine the hops on the number line; identify the minuend, subtrahend, and the difference. Once this is done, completing the subtraction sentence is not a hard nut to crack!
Repeating Patterns | Cut and Glue Activity
Add a spark of fun with repeating picture patterns in this bundle of printable math worksheets for 1st grade kids. Comprehend the pattern, cut out the graphics and glue the one that comes next in order.
Display Chart - Numbers 1 to 25 | Theme based
The crawling number snails get kids to instantly memorize numerals from 1 to 25. This show-and-tell chart comprising snails-shells inscribed with numbers is a compulsive-print.
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1st Grade Math Worksheets
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Base 10 Blocks
Base ten blocks worksheets that teach basic addition, subtraction, number sense and place value using visual representations of quantity. Get your first grade student started with these basic math skill worksheets!
Base 10 Blocks
Addition Worksheets
This is the main page for the addition worksheets. Follow the links for Spaceship Math Addition worksheets, multiple digit addition worksheets, no-carrying addition worksheets and other addition topics. These addition worksheets are free for personal or classroom use.
Addition Worksheets
Subtraction Worksheets
This is the main page for the subtraction worksheets. Follow the links for Spaceship Math Subtraction worksheets, timed subtraction tests, multiple digit subtraction worksheets, simple borrowing and regrouping worksheets, and math worksheets with mixed addition and subtraction problems
Subtraction Worksheets
Fact Family Worksheets
Fact family worksheets focus on sets of related math facts, not specific operations. Teach your kids addition and subtraction at the same time, and reinforce the relationships in a fact family! Two fact families are introduced at each level and allow for progressive practice, or just use the worksheets at the end for comprehensive fact family review.
Fact Family Worksheets
Ordering Numbers
Practice ordering numbers worksheets for with multiple numbers in ascending (greatest to least) and descending (least to greatest) orders. Includes whole numbers, decimal numbers and negative numbers. Similar sets of ordering numbers worksheets are presented in both horizontal and vertical formats.
Ordering Numbers
Printable Flash Cards
This page contains free printable flash cards for each math operation. Print the 'worksheet' on the front, then turn the page over and print the 'answer key' version on the back. Some sets have duplicate facts for the more difficult problems near the end so that the sets end up on a multiple of pages. Those cards are clearly marked as duplicates... use them for extra practice on the harder problems, or put them aside if you want a set with only one flash card for each math fact.
Printable Flash Cards
Hundreds Chart
Every hundreds chart you could imagine! If you're teaching basic counting, number sense, rounding or the basics of arithmetic, you can use a number chart like one of these to speed up building math skills.
Hundreds Chart
Place Value Chart
This page has printable place value charts. In the decimal numbering system, the position (or 'place') of an individual digit in a number determines its value relative to other digits. When a number is written in standard form with groups of three place values separated by commas, each of those groups is called a period. Building number sense by understanding place values is an important early math skill, and these place value charts provide a way to break numbers down to better understand the significane of each digit. There are place value chart variations for whole numbers only, decimal numbers, and very large numbers. There are different place value chart layouts that reinforce just the place value as well as the period value.
Place Value Chart
Telling Analog Time
Practice worksheets for telling analog clock time, including both reading time and drawing clock faces.
Telling Analog Time
Handwriting Paper
Printable hand writing paper templates in a variety of line heights, including 3-line practice paper in both normal and wide layouts, blank story paper, and regular lined paper for older grade students. Check out the numbered blank spelling test templates!
Handwriting Paper
Graph Paper
Free printable graph paper, grid paper and dot paper for math problems, crafts, zentangling, landscape design, architecture or just simple doodling. All graph paper styles include inch and centimeter variations. All of these PDF files are designed to print on 8.5 x 11 inch paper.
Graph Paper
Picture Math Addition
These printable worksheets use pictures and grouping to build a conceptual understanding of addition. These worksheets start out with simple addition picture problems where only basic counting skills are required to come up with addition number sentences, but later worksheets require students to produce a similar grid illustration to demonstrate their understanding of addition concepts. These are a perfect first instruction to addition for students in preschool, kindergarten or first grade.
Picture Math Addition
Picture Math Subtraction
These printable worksheets use pictures and grouping to build a conceptual understanding of subtraction. These worksheets start out with simple subtraction picture problems where only basic counting skills are required to come up with subtraction number sentences, but later worksheets require students to produce a similar grid illustration to demonstrate their understanding of subtraction concepts. These are a perfect first introduction to subtraction for students in kindergarten or first grade.
Picture Math Subtraction
Picture Math Multiplication
These printable worksheets use pictures and grouping to build a conceptual understanding of multiplication. These worksheets start out with simple multiplication picture problems where only basic counting skills are required to come up with subtraction number sentences, but later worksheets require students to produce a similar grid illustration to demonstrate their understanding of multiplication concepts. These are a perfect first introduction to multiplication for students in second grade, third grade or fourth grade.
Picture Math Multiplication
These printable money worksheets feature realistic coins and bills in problems for identifying coins, making change, counting coins, comparing amounts of money. They build foundational recognition and counting skills in Kindergarten and first grade to prepare for full money practice necessary to pass second grade.
Spaceship Math Check-Off
Spaceship check-off pages (complete with the Spaceship ship!) for tracking progress on the Spaceship Math or Rocket Math worksheets for each of the four basic operations.
Spaceship Math Check-Off
Color By Number
These coloring worksheets feature simple color by number instructions for young students who are either just learning their numbers or as a reward activity for older kids. You'll find a growing set of holiday and seasonal themes that I'll be adding to over time... Please check back often for updates, or if you have a suggestion send me a note at the contact link below!
Color By Number
Valentine's Day
Looking for worksheets to make learning math on Valentine's Day a bit more fun? This page has a collection of color by number worksheets appropriate for kindergarten through fourth grade, covering addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations. There are also a collection of simple math exercises with fun Valentine's Day themes.
Valentine's Day
Earth Day
Looking for worksheets to make learning math on Earth Day a bit more fun? This page has a collection of color by number worksheets appropriate for kindergarten through fourth grade, covering addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations. There are also a collection of simple math exercises with fun Earth Day themes.
Earth Day
St. Patrick's Day
You can't rely solely on the luck of the Irish when it comes to math, but these St. Patrick's Day do make it a bit more fun! This page has a collection of color by number worksheets appropriate for kindergarten through fourth grade, covering addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations. There are also a collection of simple math exercises with fun St. Patrick's Day shamrock themes.
St. Patrick's Day
What better time of year to start growing some new math skills than Spring! This page has a collection of color by number worksheets appropriate for kindergarten through fourth grade, covering addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations. There is also a collection of simple spring math worksheets with fun spring flower themes, along with a multiplication chart, hundreds chart, graph paper and coordinate plane!
Word Search Puzzles
Use these math word search puzzles to introduce vocabulary and terms to grade school students as they are introduced to new math concepts! These word search puzzles include sets for various Common Core aligned grade levels, along with specific topics for geometry, algebra and more!
Word Search Puzzles
First Grade Math Worksheets
1st grade math is the start of learning math operations, and 1st grade addition worksheets are a great place to start the habit of regular math practice. The math worksheets in this section are selected especially for first graders and working with them will build a solid foundation for math topics as students move on to higher grades. Students who master addition in first grade might get an early jump on subtraction math fact practice, and may even learn a few early multiplication facts. This is an exciting time for students learning math, and keeping the challenge and enthusiasm for math at a high level is a worthwhile endeavor for parents and teachers. The selection of 1st grade math worksheets here should be an excellent map for that journey and should provide a great headstart to 2nd grade math as well!
tasks for counting and logic
Table of Table- How to teach a child to mathematical account
- Tasks for Putting first -graders
- Option 1 9000 Option 3
- Option 4
- Comparison tasks for first graders
- Logic tasks for first graders
- Instead of a conclusion
Sending a child to first grade, parents always dream that their child will study well and receive only the highest marks in all subjects. And if it is not at all difficult to teach a child to read, then it is not always easy for children to understand and solve mathematical problems. In order for a first-grader to succeed in mathematics at school, parents either hire a tutor, which is not always financially justified, or try to work with their children on their own. In this material, we will tell you how to pull up a first-grader in mathematics at home, talk about different types of problems and methods for solving them.
How to teach a child to count
Parents of first-graders should remember that at the age of 5-7 years, abstract thinking is still poorly developed in children. Remember the tale of Pinocchio, when he counted the apples that “Someone” allegedly took. Similarly, a 5–7-year-old child is not yet able to imagine the condition of the problem.
It is best to use visual aids that the child can see and touch. These can be counting sticks, cubes or pictures cut out of cardboard (for example, a set of cardboard hedgehogs, flowers, leaves, etc. ). Lay out in front of the child the entire condition of the task from visual materials: there was so much, so much was added or taken away. So it will be easier for him to understand the condition of the problem and it will be easier to find its solution.
Another important point in teaching children is that the child must learn to distinguish tasks from each other by type. To do this, you can target it to some keywords. For example, if the task mentions the words "added", "brought", "arrived", "ran" and others denoting joining, then this is an addition problem.
Understanding what type a particular problem belongs to, the child will learn to determine the required solution algorithm and successfully cope with the task.
Addition problems for first graders
As already mentioned, addition problems have a common feature - attachment. Another sign of addition tasks is the phrase “how much” in the task question.
The child must learn to clearly understand that if there is something added to the condition, then he needs to add up the available numbers. The child must understand what the first term, the second term and the sum are, and be able to find them in the task condition.
In order for a child to master mental counting well, he needs to regularly practice mental counting. If you are on vacation, at least once a day, ask him examples to develop memory. You can even study on the way to school or in the section.
Five to ten examples daily will not tire a first-grader too much, but will bring many benefits for his further studies.
Below are addition problems for first graders. For convenience, we have divided them into options, so that when studying at home, you can solve already completed tasks with your child.
Option 1
- Natasha read 5 books during the holidays, and Katya read 4 books. How many books did the children read together during the holidays?
- There were 6 apples on one branch of the apple tree, and 7 on the other. How many apples were there on both branches of the apple tree?
- There are potted flowers on the window in the classroom.
The first window has 2 flowers, the second has 3 flowers, and the third has 1 flower. How many flowers are in the class?
- Alyosha's family has 2 boys and 1 girl. Tanya's family has 1 girl and 1 boy. Serezha has 2 boys in the family, and Katya has only 1 girl. How many girls live in the families of all children? And how many boys?
- According to the results of assessments for the 1st quarter in the 1-A class, 10 excellent students, 14 good students and 2 three students. In the 1-B grade - 8 excellent students, 12 good students and 3 three students. And in 1-B - 11 excellent students, 11 good students and 4 three students. How many excellent students, good students and three students in the entire parallel of the first classes?
Option 2
- Natasha is 8 years old, how old will she be in 3 years? In 4 years, in 10 years?
- In the stationery store, Nastya liked the felt-tip pens for 18 rubles. She has 10 rubles, 5 rubles, 2 rubles and 1 ruble.
Will the girl have enough money to buy?
- 6 girls and 12 boys went for a walk. How many children went out for a walk?
- Sasha has a pack of counting sticks. Of these, 10 are red, 8 are blue and 12 are yellow. How many sticks are in the pack?
- 4 girlfriends and 5 friends came to Polina's birthday party. How many children will sit at the festive table? (here it is important that the child does not forget to count Polina herself, the answer in the problem is 10 children).
Version 3
- Children came to the park and saw birds swimming on the lake: 8 swans and 12 ducks. How many birds were swimming in the lake?
- Children were planting saplings at school. Petya planted 2 seedlings, Anton planted 3, Natasha and Katya planted 2 seedlings. How many seedlings did the children plant in total?
- There were sweets in a box on the table. Masha ate 5 candies, Alena - 3 candies, Nastya - 6 candies, and Kolya ate 6 candies and the box was empty.
How many sweets were in the box from the very beginning?
- There are 20 postcards in Marina's collection. Yulia also has 20 postcards. How many postcards do girls have?
- Seva had 20 stamps, he was presented with 4 more stamps. How many stamps did Seva have in total?
Option 4
- Mom planted 20 cucumber bushes and 17 tomato bushes. How many plant bushes did mom plant in total? On Monday, 8 tables were brought to the canteen, on Tuesday - 7 tables, and on Thursday - 10 more. How many tables did the canteen receive in a week?
- Pasha and dad went camping. On the first day they walked 12 km. In the second - 10 km, in the third - 8, and in the fourth - 11. What path did dad and Pasha cover?
- The zoo has 12 monkeys, 8 tigers, 2 elephants, 6 bears and 4 raccoons. How many animals are in the zoo?
Important! If every day you solve one version of addition tasks with a child, then on the control tests he will show brilliant results.
- There are 13 boys and 12 girls in class 1-A. There are 12 boys and 15 girls in grade 1-B, and 10 boys and 12 girls in grade 1-C. How many boys and how many girls are there in all first grades?
Subtraction tasks for first graders
Subtraction tasks also have their own features and characteristics. In the condition, you can always find some of the characteristic phrases: “how much is left”, “there were so many, of them ...”, “there were so many, so many left / flew away / ran away / deteriorated, etc.” and others. Here it is also important to understand what the first term, the second term and the sum are, to be able to find them in the task condition, because subtraction problems are the inverse of addition. And the concepts here are slightly different: reduced, subtracted, difference.
Below are subtraction problems for first graders. For convenience, we also divided them into options so that when doing homework, children can solve already completed tasks.
Here there are tasks both for finding the remainder (“how much is left”) and for decreasing (“by how much the number has changed”).
Option 1
- Andrei lives on the 7th floor, and Alena 3 floors below. What floor does Alena live on?
- Volodya has 17 cars, but Sasha has none. Volodya gave Sasha 8 cars. How much does he have left?
- Natasha is 12 years old, and her brother Seryozha is 7 years younger. How old is Seryozha?
- There were 10 apple trees in the garden, and 4 less pear trees. How many pears grew in the garden?
- On the first day Mila read 24 pages in the book, and on the second day she read 3 less. How many pages did Mila read on the second day?
Option 2
- Children receive books in the school library. Petya took 8 books, Alyosha took 2 books less than Petya, and Vanya took 3 books more than Alyosha. How many books did each boy take? How many books did they take together?
- There were 25 berries in a vase on the table.
Marina ate 4 berries, Alice ate 6 berries, Mila ate 3 berries, and Katya finished the rest of the berries. How many berries did Marina and Alice eat? Mila and Katya How many berries did Katya eat?
- There were 10 plates on the table and 6 less in the sink. How many dishes were in the sink?
- Serezha is 15 years old, his sister Larisa is 4 years younger. And the youngest brother Boris is 7 years younger than Larisa. How old are Larisa and Boris?
- Mom planted 30 cucumber bushes, 17 bushes sprouted. How many cucumber bushes were lost in total?
Option 3
- The children went to the forest for mushrooms. Dima found 10 russula and 7 white mushrooms. Tanya found 3 less russula and 2 less white ones. How many and what kind of mushrooms did Tanya find?
- The first house has 12 entrances, the second house has 4 entrances less than the first one. And in the third house there are 6 entrances less than in the first. How many entrances are in each of the houses?
- There are 23 apples in the first basket, and 11 less apples in the second.
How many apples are in both baskets?
- 12 girls participated in the performance, and 3 less boys. How many boys were in the play?
- There are 15 roses in one vase and 8 less in another. How many roses are in the second vase?
Option 4
- Sweets cost 30 rubles, and bread is 15 rubles cheaper. How much does bread cost?
- Grandmother baked pies. With potatoes 30 pieces, with jam 10 less than with potatoes, and with cabbage 5 less than with potatoes. How many and what kind of pies did grandma bake?
- There were 20 men on the bus. There were 5 fewer women than men, and 7 fewer children than women. How many people were on the bus in total?
- Children receive books in the school library. Sasha took 5 books, Misha took 2 books less than Sasha, and Serezha took 2 books more than Misha. How many books did each boy take? How many books did they take together?
- 20 buckets of water were used to water the garden.
12 buckets went to the beds with cabbage. How much went to the beds with carrots?
Comparison tasks for first graders
- Comparison tasks are aimed at finding a number that is less or more than the original. In principle, to some extent they can be attributed to addition or subtraction tasks, so we decided not to describe these tasks by options, but to give several similar examples:
- There were 10 cats on the roof: 7 black and 3 grey. How many more black cats than gray ones?
- In the village, my grandmother has chickens and ducks. There are 18 chickens and 15 ducks. How many more chickens than ducks.
- Tanya has 3 dolls, and Dina has 4 more. How many dolls does Dina have? How many dolls does Tanya have less?
- Marina is 14 years old and Misha is 9. How many years is Marina older than Misha?
- There are 8 cars in the garage. Of these, 3 trucks and 5 cars. How many fewer trucks than cars?
- Dima was presented with gifts for his birthday.
First, mom and dad gave 2 gifts, then friends brought 5 gifts. How many more gifts did Dima have?
- On the first day of vacation, Yura solved 5 problems, on the second - 7, and on the third - 2. How many more problems did Yura solve on the second day?
- How many problems less than on the first did Yura solve on the third day? And how many fewer problems did he solve on the third day than on the second?
- Sonya had 3 oranges and 10 apples. How many more apples than oranges?
- Olya has 3 hares and 2 squirrels. Mila has 5 dolls and 1 bear. Who has more toys and by how many?
- Cows were grazing in the meadow. 7 goats came to them and in total there were 15 animals in the meadow. How many cows were there?
Logic tasks for first graders
Articles with teachers' recommendations and lists of exercises and tasks have already been devoted to the development of logical thinking. Here we present several logical tasks that will allow not only to develop, but also to train the logic of first graders.
- Which is easier? A kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of nails? Tea, compote and cocoa were poured into a glass, mug and cup. There is no cocoa in the mug. There is no cocoa in the cup, and no compote. What was poured into what?
- How many fingers are on 3 hands?
- How many paws do 4 cats have?
- How many hands do 10 children have?
- Lena and Misha saw 2 ships in the sea. How many ships did each of the children see?
- Kitten tails sticking out from under the bed. How many kittens are there if 7 tails are visible?
- Dogs hid behind the fence. You can see 12 paws from under the fence, how many dogs are behind the fence?
- There are 5 peaches and 8 pears on the table. How many apples and plums will there be in total?
- There are 2 glasses of milk on the table. Petya drank the milk and put the camp on the table. How many glasses are on the table?
- Vanya left the school. 3 girls walked towards him.
How many children left school?
- Seven first graders went from home to school: Petya, Masha, Liza, Grisha, Tolya, Misha and Larisa, and 4 second graders: Seryozha, Tanya, Mila and Vanya. How many girls went to school?
- To get into the theater 2 daughters and 2 mothers needed 3 tickets. How could this happen?
- Misha is 2 years older than Lena. How much older will he be than Len in 5 years?
- Lena and Milana planted 10 flowers each and finished the work at the same time. Milana started work earlier. Which of the girls worked slower?
Instead of a conclusion
Mathematical development of first-graders is of great importance in their education. By solving examples and problems, the child acquires new experience, knowledge and skills. Learns to think logically and mathematically, find solutions from various situations, more successfully master related sciences in further studies.
Children's progress should not be left to chance, and every effort should be made to help them in this difficult task, like studying in the first grade. After all, it was at this time that the foundation was laid for his further studies at school.
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Why do kids love LogicLike tasks more than tasks from math textbooks? The professor and his team will teach each child to click both typical and non-standard math problems.
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What kind of mathematics do children in the 1st grade need?
The following story often happens: while preparing for the 1st grade the child liked to solve entertaining tasks, puzzles, examples and tasks. Passes the first a quarter and a capable child begins to get bored of the monotonous or too simple for him assignments.
If you were looking for a mental counting simulator or want to check how much your child has learned school curriculum, you will love the collection of math tests for grade 1 from LogicLike.
The LogicLike team knows how to captivate a first grader mathematics and charge with the desire to learn how to solve any problems. We have more 3500 entertaining tasks, awards, achievements, student rating, personalized certificates.
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- Flexible mind and confidence! When children decide tasks and puzzles on LogicLike, they train the "wiggles" and develop ingenuity.
- Foundation for IT! Algorithms, patterns, logic - we have all this. We teach to work with information, train memory and thinking - we form the potential for success in IT professions.
- We increase progress! Regular classes of 20-30 minutes develop logical and mathematical capabilities. As a result - high grades at school, prizes at olympiads and competitions, interest in learning increases.
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Entertaining mathematics for first graders online
Mathematics classes on LogicLike begin with entertaining logical problems, unusual examples, puzzles and other tasks in pictures that you want to solve. In the course we alternate mathematical and logical problems, patterns, figures in space and other types assignments.
Popular categories of assignments for grade 1
Selections from the training course LogicLike
- Simple addition and subtraction
- Enlargement, reduction by several units
- Composite tasks
- Text logic and math
- Examples for addition and subtraction for class 1
- Math puzzles for 1st class
Addition and Subtraction Problems
Simple problem of finding sums
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Three girls took 1 balloon in each hand.
How many balls do they have?
Watch answer
Mindfulness task
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There are two sweets, one cake and three pears on the plate.
How many fruits are on the plate?
Watch answer
Subtraction problem
To decide click Start!
There were 7 liters of water in a 12-liter barrel, and 8 liters in a bucket.
Water from a bucket filled the barrel to the top.
How many liters of water are left in the bucket?
Find out the answer
We have everything you were looking for
Text and logical tasks
Tasks mathematics
Examples and tasks
Shapes in space: 2D and 3D
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We have built the educational process in an understandable and exciting way for anyone child format, from simple to complex.
Tasks to increase and decrease the number by several units
What happens in the end?
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Find out the answer
5 apples.
Age problem
Yura was born 2 years earlier than Vanya.
Yuri is now 5 years old.
How old is Vanya?
Find out the answer
Finding the Unknown term and difference
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An evil virus hid the numbers in the examples.
Put the correct numbers back in their places.
Find out the answer
2 + 3=5
3 − 2 = 1
You can see examples of Olympiad tasks for 1 class or start To activities on the site.
Day after day more 100,000 children
go through 10-20 tasks on the LogicLike website. And how much can you?
Solve problems
Downloads: tasks for developing counting skills
For those who do not currently have the opportunity to study online, we have prepared small selections assignments for paperwork. You can download and print tasks for practicing oral skills invoices in pdf format.
To "warm up" the child's interest in mathematics, we recommend starting with 1 sheet a day.
- Entertaining tasks for grade 1 for addition and subtraction within 10.
- Entertaining tasks for first graders: addition and subtraction up to 10.
What is the best online course?
We recommend that future and present first graders practice 15-20 minutes a day.
Compound tasks for first graders
Tasks in two or three actions develop memory, logic and mathematical speech.
Composite difference problem comparison
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Condition: The purple monster ate 4 whole oranges, and the red monster ate 7 halves of the same oranges.
Question: Who ate more oranges?
Show solution
1 whole orange = 2 halves.
4 whole oranges = 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8 halves.
8 > 7 means Purple ate more than Red.
Multi-action task on balancing
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Condition: A rabbit is 2 kg lighter than a puppy.
Questions: What the scale will be higher if the puppy is placed on the left side of the scale, and the rabbit on right? How after that you need to place the weights on the scales so that they come to equilibrium?
Find out the answer and solution
1. A rabbit is lighter than a puppy, so the right one is lighter. the bowl with the rabbit will rise up.
2. In order for the balance to balance, the weight on the bowl rabbit should be 2 kg heavier than the kettlebell that we will add to the puppy.
It turns out that you need to put on a bowl with a puppy weight in 1 kg, and on a bowl with a rabbit - in 3 kg.
Suggested tasks are part of the LogicLike educational platform. Start learning!
Develop logic and mathematical thinking
- Child-friendly theory .
Video tutorials, tips and hints will help the student to independently deal with even very complex tasks.
- Making math fun . game form and step-by-step methodology make the learning process interesting and effective.
- All materials on one site . 17 categories, over 3500 exciting challenges! The LogicLike team creates new ones every week interesting tasks that help children understand and love logic and mathematics.
Text Boolean
Fedya has equal number of sisters and brothers.
Who is more in the family: sons or daughters?
Show answer
more sons (Fedya is also a son).
To decide click Start!
Kolya and Nadia have the same items.
Anya has a jump rope.
Distribute items to all children.
Find out the answer
Kolya and Nadi - balls. Ira and Anya have jump ropes.
Want more examples of similar tasks? See logic puzzles for 1 class.
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- 3 steps to start the path to the heights of logic 😎:
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Math tasks for logic
Task with figures on verbal-logical thinking
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Condition: The professor thought of a figure and gave two clues:
- it is not square and not blue;
- it is round or triangular.
Question: What did the Professor guess?
Find out the answer
orange triangle.
Take hint
Solving similar mathematical puzzles promotes the development of verbal-logical thinking , trains possession skills basic methods of thinking: highlighting essential and insignificant features of objects, generalization, comparison, derivation of the investigation and others.
Continue the pattern
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Find a pattern and continue the series with numbers.
Find out the answer
The difference between each successive number and the previous one increases by 1 (+1, +2, +3…).