Every shapes name

Different Shape Names (with Useful List, Types) • 7ESL


Are you looking for different shape names in English? Here you will find a list of shapes with different types and useful example sentences. If you work in a business that requires the use of mathematics, for example then it would be very important that you are aware of the English names for shapes.

However, this may not be the only reason that you need to learn this information. When taking part in day-to-day conversations, you will need to learn the shape names in order to describe something or be able to understand what someone is talking about, for example, if a person tells you about ‘the square plate.’ Here, you can learn shape names and further expand your vocabulary.

Table of Contents


What Are Shapes?

Shapes are geometric figures, or the pattern an outline falls into. Shapes are often drawn (whether by ink, pencil, or digitally), but they occur in life, also. Frequently, people picture 2D (two-dimensional, or flat) images when they hear the word “shapes,” so most of the objects listed in this lesson will be 2D shapes, but some will be 3D as well.

Different Types of Shapes

There are many, many different types of shapes, and there are names for basically all of them. The following list focuses on more common shapes that you’re more likely to encounter or to need or want to know the name of.

Shape names with pictures


Two-Dimensional (Flat) Shapes
  • Circle: A circle is an equally round shape. Picture the lid of a jar, flat, from above. That is a circle. The wheels on a car are circular, as well. So are the holes in most lined paper and notebooks.
  • Oval: An oval is basically a circle that’s been a little squished. The cups of over-the-ear headphones are generally referred to as oval. So is the profile of an egg. Some make a distinction between circles that have been squished in the middle versus circles that have been squished at the top, the former being called an ellipse, but common usage treats both as ovals.
  • Rectangle: A rectangle is a shape with four sides, made up of two sets of parallel lines, with four right angles (90 degree angles; picture a capital L). It doesn’t matter whether the sets of sides are the same length. Picture a plain piece of printing paper. This is a rectangle, with one set of sides (generally the top and bottom) shorter than the other set of sides (generally the left and right).
  • Square: A square is a very specific type of rectangle, one with four equal sides. Some boxes have a square footprint. Origami paper is square.
  • Triangle: A triangle is a shape with three straight sides. These sides can be any length, with any degree of angle, as long as the three sides are joined at their ends. Many warning signs are triangular. A slice of a round pizza is mostly triangular (the crust is a little too rounded to be perfect).
  • Pentagon: A pentagon is a shape with five sides. A basic drawing of a house, with two lines for the roof, a line for each side, and a line for the bottom is generally a pentagon.

Shapes with more sides are generally named based on how many sides they have. A hexagon has six sides, heptagon has seven, and an octagon has eight.

Three-Dimensional Shapes

Three-dimensional shapes are ones that aren’t just flat on paper, but also take up room vertically. Only a few are really commonly named.

  • Sphere: A sphere is a 3D circle, like a ball.
  • Cube: A cube is a 3D square, like a box.
  • Pyramid: A pyramid is a 3D triangle. The giant structures in Egypt are pyramids, as is the Luxor in Las Vegas.

Shape Names

It’s important to build a good vocabulary, in any language. The more words you know and understand, the better you can communicate. Even if you don’t use the words often, understanding them allows you to follow along with a conversation, even if it ventures a little outside of your comfort zone. This lesson is specifically focused on different types of shapes.

List of Shapes
  • Nonagon
  • Octagon
  • Heptagon
  • Hexagon
  • Triangle
  • Scalene triangle
  • Right triangle
  • Parallelogram
  • Rhombus
  • Square
  • Pentagon
  • Circle
  • Oval
  • Heart
  • Cross
  • Arrow
  • Cube
  • Cylinder
  • Star
  • Crescent

Different Shape Names with Pictures and Examples

The math student measured each side of the nonagon until he had measurements for all nine edges.



The sectional shape is a quarter of an octagon.



The pagoda has a base of heptagon.



hexagon is a six – sided figure.



The sum of all the angles of a triangle is 180 degrees.


Scalene triangle

A scalene triangle is a triangle that has three unequal sides.


Right triangle

The hypotenuse is the longest side of a right triangle.



These are the opposite sides of the parallelogram.



A rhombus is a simple quadrilateral whose four sides all have the same length.



The interior angles of a square are right angles or angles of 90 degrees.



Draw a pentagon, a regular five-sided figure.



The students sit in a circle on the floor.



The shape of the earth is an oval.



The pool was in the shape of a heart.



The cross is the symbol of Christianity.



It flew straight as an arrow.



The box was cube-shaped.



The cylinder is rotated 180 degrees.



She cuts these paper into star-shaped.



He has a crescentshaped knife.


Shapes | Picture

Learn different shapes with images to improve and expand your vocabulary, especially shapes and colors vocabulary words in English.

PinShapes: Different Shape Names (with Useful List, Types)

Shapes Names Video

There are shapes everywhere, and so references to them happen frequently. Hopefully, after this lesson, you’re feeling prepared to deal with shapes!

Categories Visual Vocabulary

Shapes Names: 30 Popular Names of Shapes with ESL Image

by Issabella

Names of Shapes in English! Lean 30 different 2D shapes and their names with ESL printable infographic to enlarge your vocabulary words in English.

Table of Contents

Names of Shapes in English

Basic Shape Names

Here is the list of 30 names of shapes (geometric shapes) in English:

  • Nonagon
  • Octagon
  • Heptagon
  • Hexagon
  • Triangle
  • Scalene triangle
  • Right triangle
  • Parallelogram
  • Rhombus
  • Square
  • Pentagon
  • Circle
  • Oval
  • Heart
  • Cross
  • Arrow
  • Cube
  • Cylinder
  • Star
  • Crescent
  • Trapezoid
  • Diamond
  • Decagon
  • Multiplication
  • Minus
  • Plus
  • Ellipse
  • Semi-circle
  • Trefoil
  • Ring

Learn more about different types of house in English.

Types of Shapes with Examples


  • This main octagon is the central chamber or nave.


  • The pagoda has a base of heptagon.


  • The church tower likes a huge hexagon.


  • He is having a sandwich triangle.

Scalene triangle

  • The cells of the scaffold grew normally in accordance with close-packed rule in the form of antenna or scalene triangle.

Right triangle

  • The hypotenuse is the longest side of a right triangle.


  • It is the envelope of a series of parallelograms of equal area and sharing two sides.


  • They are situated at the four points of a rhombus.


  • A carpet six metres square has an area of 36 square metres.


  • Draw a pentagon, a regular five-sided figure.


  • The students sit in a circle on the floor.


  • The playing field is a large oval.


  • The cross is the symbol of Christianity.


  • The arrow embedded itself in the wall.


  • The box was cube – shaped.


  • The cylinder is rotated 180 degrees.


  • Remember to match it with your glistening star-shaped necklace.


  • The moon was a brightly shining crescent.


  • trapezoid is a quadrilateral with two parallel sides.


  • They selected a diamond engagement ring.


  • A polygon with ten sides is a decagon.


  • Multiplication and addition are associative operations.


  • The temperature is now minus 5 degrees.


  • Membership is 350 dollars per year plus tax.


  • The Earth orbits in an ellipse.


  • They stood in a semi-circle round the teacher’s chair and answered questions.


  • The main themes were decorated pillars, trefoils and roundels.


  • The men were standing in a ring.

Shapes Names | Infographic

Categories Topic Vocabulary

Name of the Figure: meaning of the name, origin, fate, character, nationality, translation, spelling

What does the name of the Figure mean? What does the name of the figure mean? What does the name of the Figure mean for a person? What is the meaning of the name of the Figure, the origin, fate and character of the carrier? What nationality is Figure's name? How is the name of the figure translated? What is the correct spelling of the figure's name? Compatibility with the name Figures - a suitable color, amulet stones, patron planet and zodiac sign. You can read a full description of the name of the Figure and its detailed analysis online in this article for free.

Name interpretation content

Figure name analysis

Figure name consists of 6 letters. Names of six letters usually belong to persons whose character is dominated by such qualities as enthusiasm, bordering on exaltation, and a tendency to outrageous. They devote a lot of time to creating their own image, using all available means to emphasize their originality. After analyzing the meaning of each letter in the name of the Figure, one can understand its secret meaning and hidden meaning.

  • F - desire to be in the "center of the universe", brilliance, friendliness. Idea generators. They make people happy by enjoying it. Discontent, grouchiness and doubt. People who have such letters in their names go through quite a lot of life tests.
  • and are romantic, refined and sensual natures. Kind, dream of harmony with the outside world. In a difficult situation, they show practicality. Sometimes they are prone to loneliness and asceticism. The inability to obey anyone at the same time indicates indifference to authority.
  • D - thirst for knowledge, interest in everything mysterious, the ability to establish a relationship between life events. Conscientiousness, the ability to pay attention to detail. The need for thrills, often such people themselves are in search of them.
  • has a rich imagination, a sign of generosity. These people empathize with others. They keep secrets, strive to achieve spiritual perfection. Lack of sense of proportion. Direction inward, weak interaction with society.
  • R - resist outside influences, self-confident, brave, enthusiastic individuals. Capable of taking unjustified risks, adventurous natures are prone to indisputable judgments. The ability to take risks for a goal. Desire and potential for leadership.
  • S - earthiness, practicality, craving for materialism, lack of striving for the sublime. The ability to be responsible not only for yourself, but also for others.
  • The meaning of the name of the Figure in numerology

    The numerology of the name of the Figure can suggest not only the main qualities and character of a person. But also determine his fate, show success in his personal life, give information about his career, decipher fateful signs and even predict the future. The number of the name of the Figure in numerology is 5. The motto of the name of the Figure and fives in life is: “I am free like a bird!”

    • The patron planet for the name of the Figure is Mercury.
    • Sign of the zodiac for the name of Figure - Gemini, Aquarius.
    • Stones-talismans for the name of the Figure - alexandrite, carnelian, heliodor, peridot, zincite.

    "Five" in the numerological core is a sign of striving for absolute freedom and complete rejection of any rules and restrictions.
    "Five" in the numbers of the name - the Number of Expression, the Number of the Soul and the Number of the external appearance - evidence of the presence of abilities characteristic of this number. In particular, the ability to find a common language with everyone who is of interest. People with the name of the Figure, who are patronized by the number 5 in numerology, have pronounced abilities for commerce, therefore their interests are often concentrated in this direction.
    Adventurous, fives appreciate the thrill and change in life. These people do not tolerate monotony, quickly losing interest in any monotonous activity. Often they are unpredictable, able to quickly change their minds, and therefore are not reliable.
    Five named Figures is a bright personality. She may be surrounded by friends, but is very good at handling all problems on her own. Geniuses are often born. There are two types of Fives. It can be a person with a strong will, self-confident. And vice versa, weak-willed, but talented, who distributes his talents to everyone. The Five is often lazy, dislikes long runs, more of a sprinter than a long-distance runner. Therefore, it is easier and better for the Five to learn something in an intensive way. Five is the number of inspiration, serves as a Muse for others. The five named Figures are always in motion, cannot stand routine, cannot stay within four walls for a long time. Five has good intuition. Very sensitive to smells and tastes. Passion for mysticism can give the Five the missing adventure in life. Boredom and routine are her enemies, so freedom and new impressions can please the Five with the name of the Figure.

    • The influence of the name of the Figure on the profession and career. Despite the rather solid baggage of innate qualities, there are not too many opportunities for professional self-realization. The best option that the number five offers is your own business that matches your interests. One where at each stage situations will arise that require the use of all abilities and talents. Suitable professions: reformer, inventor, freelancer, photographer. Any profession related to business trips.
    • The influence of the figure's name on personal life. The personal life of the "fives" often becomes the subject of the liveliest interest and constant discussion for their friends and acquaintances. Fives are very freedom-loving, do not like restrictions and show their independence in everything. It is difficult for them to find an ideal soul mate, and they can do this for a long time. They need a partner who will trust them and accept their desire to diversify their lives. Fives with the name of the Figure fit threes, sevens and nines.

    The patron planet of the name of the Figure

    The number 5 for the name of the Figure means the planet Mercury. People of this type have an extremely lively and resourceful mind. Bearers of the name Figure tend to take the initiative, love novelty and frequent change of scenery. They don't have routine. People with the name of the Figure take on any work, and it literally burns in their hands. Everything works out for Mercury, everything is arguable. Agility is in their blood. The owners of the name of the Figure do everything quickly, think quickly, make decisions quickly. People named Figures, under the influence of the planet Mercury, are drawn to knowledge, are self-critical and know how to criticize friends, but they do it gently and to the point, without offending a person in any way. As a rule, they succeed, but if they suddenly fail in business, they quickly become discouraged. The charm that people with the name of the Figure possess replaces many other qualities necessary for them in family life. They do not like to run a household, but show interest in all aspects of life. People of this type find a common language with representatives of almost all types.

    Signs of the zodiac for the name Figure

    The following zodiac signs are suitable for the name of the Figure:

  • Zodiac sign Gemini for the name of the Figure. The life of the Gemini with the name of the Figure is certainly built on extremes. They live under the control of Mercury, belong to the air element, therefore they are windy, changeable, but very friendly. It is impossible to silence the Gemini named Figures. Tryndet until the loss of pulse - this is their secret weapon. Therefore, the owners of the name of the Figure converge very well with Aquarius - lock them in the same room for the night, by morning they will become best friends and will plan to take over the world and coup d'état. Despite their talkativeness, people with the name Figures are reasonable and extremely logical - in their world everything is sorted out, and any outside interference is sharply suppressed. They themselves know how to. Although the owners of the name of the Figure do not refuse friendly advice, like any Gemini.
  • Zodiac sign Aquarius for the name of the Figure. The chatterboxes of Aquarius named Figures can have their own lives go awry - they were fired from work, there is no personal life and is not expected, and even a bunch of complexes in the anamnesis, but they will give you advice that, oddly enough, works. Holders of the name Figures love to chat for hours about everything (read, about nothing): about politics, conspiracy theories and the battle between Oksimiron and Purulent. And it also works with complete strangers. Aquarius Figures are fickle, they can fall in love on Monday (but not much), send them to hell on Tuesday, cry on Wednesday, by Friday they will find a new object of adoration, but they won’t even remember the old one. In general, it is very difficult for Aquarius with the name of the Figure to fall in love: he subconsciously feels how it will all end. A touch of romance prevents Aquarius, the owner of the name of the Figure, from looking at the world soberly. But it does not interfere with being bright, extraordinary. Of the professions, this sign chooses those where you can show erudition, love charity, know how to remain calm even in a stressful situation.
  • Shape name color

    Blue color of the Shape name. People with the name Figure, wearing blue, are trusting and talented. Holders of the name of the Figure do not like conflicts, therefore they bypass them - they are even ready to ask for forgiveness from the offender, only so that no one harbors anger at them in their souls. It is very easy to be friends and work with bearers of the Figure name, but in the family they often have disagreements, as they are ready to give up everything for the sake of friends who are allegedly in trouble. But once the friend is saved, the apology to the family will be so sincere that it is impossible not to forgive them. Positive character traits for the name of the Figure are creativity and creativity, conflict-free. The negative character traits of the name of the Figure are some irresponsibility and dependence on the opinions of others.

    How to spell the name Figures

    In Russian, the correct spelling of this name is - Figures. In English, the name of the Figure may have the following spelling - Figury.

    Figure name declension by cases

    Case Question Name
    Nominative Who? Figures
    Genitive No one? Figures
    Dative Glad To whom? Figures
    Accusative See Who? Figures
    Creative Satisfied with whom? Figures
    Prepositional Thinking about whom? Figures

    Video meaning of Shape name

    Do you agree with the description and meaning of Shape name? What fate, character and nationality do your acquaintances with the name Figure have? What famous and successful people with the name Figures do you still know? We will be happy to discuss the name of the Shape in more detail with visitors to our site in the comments below.

    If you find an error in the description of the name, please highlight the text and press Ctrl+Enter .

    Name Figure: the meaning of the name, origin, fate, character, nationality, translation, spelling

    What does the name Figure mean? What does the name Figure mean? What does the name Figure mean for a person? What is the meaning of the name Figure, origin, fate and character of the carrier? What nationality is the name Figure? How is the name Figure translated? What is the correct spelling of Figure's name? Compatibility with the name Figure - a suitable color, amulet stones, patron planet and zodiac sign. You can read a full description of the name Figure and its detailed analysis online in this article for free.

    The content of the interpretation of the name

    Analysis of the name Figure

    The name Figure consists of 6 letters. Names of six letters usually belong to persons whose character is dominated by such qualities as enthusiasm, bordering on exaltation, and a tendency to outrageous. They devote a lot of time to creating their own image, using all available means to emphasize their originality. After analyzing the meaning of each letter in the name Figure, you can understand its secret meaning and hidden meaning.

  • F - desire to be in the "center of the universe", brilliance, friendliness. Idea generators. They make people happy by enjoying it. Discontent, grouchiness and doubt. People who have such letters in their names go through quite a lot of life tests.
  • and are romantic, refined and sensual natures. Kind, dream of harmony with the outside world. In a difficult situation, they show practicality. Sometimes they are prone to loneliness and asceticism. The inability to obey anyone at the same time indicates indifference to authority.
  • D - thirst for knowledge, interest in everything mysterious, the ability to establish a relationship between life events. Conscientiousness, the ability to pay attention to detail. The need for thrills, often such people themselves are in search of them.
  • has a rich imagination, a sign of generosity. These people empathize with others. They keep secrets, strive to achieve spiritual perfection. Lack of sense of proportion. Direction inward, weak interaction with society.
  • R - resist outside influences, self-confident, brave, enthusiastic individuals. Capable of taking unjustified risks, adventurous natures are prone to indisputable judgments. The ability to take risks for a goal. Desire and potential for leadership.
  • A is the strongest and brightest letter of the Cyrillic alphabet. Individuals with such letters in their names always strive for leadership. Often they compete with themselves. Indicates a desire to change something, to achieve the highest level of comfort in the physical manifestation and in the spiritual.
  • The meaning of the name Figure in numerology

    Numerology of the name Figure can suggest not only the main qualities and character of a person. But also determine his fate, show success in his personal life, give information about his career, decipher fateful signs and even predict the future. The number of the name Figure in numerology is 4. The motto of the name Figure and fours in life: “Comfort, stability and order!”

    • The patron planet for the name Figure is Uranus.
    • Zodiac sign for the name Figure - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.
    • Figure Name Stones - Ametrine, Red Ironstone, Danburite, Emerald, Glass, Mochi, Moonstone, Pumice, Clear Quartz, Black Sapphire, White Sapphire, Yellow Sapphire, Silver, Sodalite, Strombolite, Tiger's Eye, Black tourmaline, zirconium.

    "Four" among the Main numbers of the numerological chart is the unshakable stability of life position, stability and confidence in the future. This is a well-established life, strong family and friendly ties, a reliable, constant income and the invariable respect of others.
    The positive value of the number 4 for the name Figure could be associated with purely masculine virtues, if thousands of women did not possess them. This is a high level of endurance, exceptional ability to work, methodicalness, adherence to principles and equanimity. They value order and practicality, stability and tranquility. Materialists "to the marrow of bones", fours do not like noisy gatherings and thrills. Their main concern is financial well-being, constancy of comfort. These are people with principles, they can be trusted with their secrets and not worry about their safety. Such people have few friends, but those that they have are loyal and proven comrades over the years.
    Four is material, has an innate talent for design and engineering, it is distinguished by creativity, but also by the desire for stability. The four named Figure must be confident in the future, work hard for the future. Those Fours who lack self-confidence can be overly sensitive and stubborn. The material side of life is important to the four, this is a man of action. Vulnerable and touchy. Four can separate the intellectual from the emotional. The Four make a difficult decision, hesitate for a long time and doubt, making a choice, they need silence. You can help the Four without making decisions for them. The four are fond of esotericism. A person named Figure can achieve everything in life. The main thing is faith in your own strength. A child at heart, the Four knows how to be faithful, loves popularity, has acting talent. The Four is always looking for non-standard solutions. Sometimes it has pronounced healing abilities. The talent for commerce is pronounced. In family relationships, she is authoritarian and domineering because of her insecurity. You can please the Four named Figure by giving it stability, confidence and limitations.

    • The influence of the name Figure on the profession and career. The profession of people with a "four" in the numerological core is often determined by external circumstances. Suitable professions: architect, event organizer, financier.
    • The influence of the name Figure on personal life. The number four promises a personal life, far from romance and castles in the air. Fours are very hardworking, stress-resistant and patient. The partner of such a person should be able to cheer him up, make him believe in himself, but at the same time be as patient as he is. For people with this number, eights, twos and ones are ideal.

    Planet patron of the name Figure

    The number 4 for the name Figure means the planet Uranus. Those belonging to this category are very stubborn and wayward. They have their own ideas about the world and life principles, which they follow, neglecting the generally accepted norms of behavior. The main quality of people with the name Figure is independence. They are responsible, love nature and look for friends with similar qualities. Carriers named Figure have a lot of friends and are always happy to chat with them. People of this type are mobile, sociable, hardworking. They have an excellent memory, but they are often irritable and nervous. Among other things, they have excellent organizational skills.

    Signs of the zodiac named Figure

    The following signs of the zodiac are suitable for the name Figure:

  • Zodiac sign Taurus for the name Figure. By nature Taurus The figure is silent, keeps a lot in itself, knows how to think soberly, is intuitive and has a powerful willpower. While Taurus with the name Figure is calm, demonstrates gentleness, patience. If you hit the living owner of the name Figure, Taurus easily explodes. He does not like pressure from outside, he is offended for a long time. Taurus named Figure are absolutely sure that they are special, they know everything better than anyone and simply have to explain to you why you are wrong and in what aspects. The main difference between Taurus with the name Figure and Aries is that they know how to admit they are wrong. Then they will even thank you that you opened their eyes to the truth. Taurus The figure is monogamous and very trusting, therefore it is often deceived in people and even more often disappointed in them.
  • Virgo zodiac sign for the name Figure. Hard-working and reliable representatives of the Virgo sign with a name for the name Figure are endowed with a sober view of things, pedantry. The Virgo Figure is prone to system analysis, constantly criticizing themselves and others, trying to keep everything under control. They maintain order in money, affairs and the house, they are practical and homely. In relationships, they are shy, very sincere and generous, they know how to sympathize and help people, they are not afraid of responsibility. Virgo women are calm and sensible keepers of the hearth. Ideal wives. But Virgo men - write wasted. The most boring and illogical creatures on the planet. Sex, food, sports - everything is on schedule, and being a minute late is punished by a long lecture on the meaning of life. They do not explain the reason for their behavior and are not going to: who are you in general to talk to you? They love it when they rush about and wipe their snot, and they just love to suffer in public to the point of insanity - “how poor and unhappy I am, have pity on me immediately.”
  • Zodiac sign Capricorn for the name Figure. Capricorn The figure knows how to use all the chances in life, is prone to leadership, loves to learn, develop, stand firmly on his feet and go to the goal. Capricorn with the name Figure does not like to take risks, can become an inveterate pessimist and close due to self-doubt. The figure does not really know how to rest, be lazy and relax, considering this time wasted. God forbid you come to Capricorns named Figure for advice: you are provided with at least an hour of lectures. This is because Capricorn Figures always know how to get out of any situation (or pretend to know), and will tell in detail, tediously and with examples where you are wrong and how to live on. The figure is given to work as much as possible, because Capricorn simply does not know how to sit on the fifth point evenly and do nothing. And if you have to, it starts to wither. Capricorn Figure chooses a partner not with his heart, but first of all with his head, therefore, in family life, he is incredibly happy.
  • Color of the name Figure

    Green color of the name Figure. Named people wearing green are kind and warm-hearted, ready to give their last. The owners of the name Figure are not afraid of changes in life, they easily take risks for the sake of material well-being. However, money rarely stays in their pocket - "green" people named Figure like to have fun in a large and noisy crowd, treating everyone. Bearers of the name Figure are very vulnerable and sensual, therefore they are often offended by family members, feeling misunderstood and unloved, however, they forgive as quickly as they are offended. The positive character traits of the name Figure are kindness and optimism.

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