Example of directions
Giving Directions in English - Wall Street English
When you’re in a country you don’t know, you can easily get lost at some point during the trip, even if you have a map. So it’s really useful to know how to ask for and understand directions in English so you can reach your destination. It’s also great to be able to give directions yourself to tourists or foreign colleagues.
So what words and phrases can help you give and ask for directions? Read on to find out!
First of all, you need to know some basic vocabulary. The most important words and phrases are:
It’s also helpful to know some common places people visit in a city, such as the following:
Here are some examples:
- Go along the street until you reach the traffic lights.
- You’ll see a bank on the left.
- It’s about two blocks from here.
- I prefer going to the airport on the highway because it’s faster.
Some prepositions and adverbs can also help when you’re giving directions:
For example,
- My office building is in front of the mall.
- Go straight on for about one kilometre.
- The cinema is next to the bank.
When you ask for directions, remember above all to be polite. So start by saying one of the following phrases:
- Hello. Can you help me, please?
- Good morning. May I ask for some help?
- Excuse me, could you help?
Once you have someone’s attention, you can ask for help to reach your destination. You can do that by using one of these phrases:
- Could you tell me how to get to the bank?
- Do you know where the museum is?
- We can’t find the subway station. Is it near here?
- Where can we find a park near here?
If you’re not sure you’re going in the right direction, you can make sure by asking:
- Are we on the right road to the city center?
- Is this the right way to the mall?
- What’s the best way to get to the airport?
In the same way that you need to ask directions when you travel abroad, foreigners visiting your city might ask you directions, and what better way to practice English than to help them? 🙂
Here are some common phrases you can use:
- Go past the cinema.
(Pass the cinema.)
- Go along this road.
- Go straight on/ahead. (Stay on this road – don’t turn.)
- Go through the tunnel.
- At the roundabout, take the first exit.
- Turn left at the crossroads.
- Take the second right.
- It’s on your left.
- You’ll see it in front of you.
- It’s on the other side of the road.
- You’re going the wrong way.
If you travel abroad for work or pleasure, knowing how to ask and understand directions is really important.
The best way to learn directions is to do a proper English course that gives you the chance to practice in a controlled environment with guidance and feedback. At Wall Street English you can learn how to give and understand directions through fun interactive activities and by practicing in small classes led by native teachers.
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This post has been adapted and translated from the original content by WSE Argentina here: Aprendé a pedir y a dar direcciones en inglés
Giving Directions in English 🚦
Giving directions in English
Asking for directions in English❓
Directions Vocabulary
Giving Directions Printable Flashcards ️
Let’s Play and Think Critically!
One of the main goals in parenting is to help the little ones become independent. Such a task is not easy to manage, but teaching them about giving and asking for directions puts the parents one step closer to reaching that goal. With this, they get to know how to move around thus becoming more confident about themselves.
When learning how to give directions to a location, kids also practice some valuable skills such as how to navigate the town and, of course, city vocabulary. It’s important to take baby steps while teaching this topic, starting first with moving left or right, or up and down.
After this is advisable to talk about directions vocabulary such as roundabouts or sidewalks, and common expressions for giving and asking for directions in English like “turn left” or “go straight”. By doing this they’ll be able to start making more precise sentences to communicate their thoughts.
Here you’ll find information related to this topic, and also useful phrases to give and ask for directions. Remember to practice the prepositions, which are also used when giving directions in English.
Giving directions in English
go straight
Go straight on Main Street.
turn left
Turn left at the supermarket.
turn right
Turn right on the next corner.
go past
Go past the cinema and you’ll find the library.
If you cross the street, you’ll find a bookstore there!
go along
Go along the main road until you find the gas station.
around the corner
The museum is just around the corner.
You can find the coffee shop between the office building and the movie theater.
There’s a nice park behind the parking lot.
turn back / go back
If you get to the bridge, you went too far, you’ll have to turn back.
go down
Go down the hill and you’ll find the entrance to the park.
go over
To get to the building, you have to go over the walkway.
go through
Take a shortcut to the school going through the park.
go up
Go up the hill and you’ll find the bus stop.
in front of
The market is in front of the City Hall.
My school is beside a small park.
I live near the forest.
around the corner
The museum is just around the corner.
You can find the coffee shop between the office building and the movie theater.
There’s a nice park behind the parking lot.
turn back / go back
If you get to the bridge, you went too far, you’ll have to turn back.
go down
Go down the hill and you’ll find the entrance to the park.
go over
To get to the building, you have to go over the walkway.
go through
Take a shortcut to the school going through the park.
go up
Go up the hill and you’ll find the bus stop.
in front of
The market is in front of the City Hall.
My school is beside a small park.
I live near the forest.
Asking for directions in English❓
Excuse me, where is the…?
Excuse me, how do I get to…?
Excuse me, is there a ______ near here?
How do I get to…?
What’s the way to…?
Where is _____ located?
Directions Vocabulary
zebra crossing
traffic lights
exit ramp
country road
Giving Directions Printable Flashcards ️
To further practice the vocabulary for giving directions, remember to check the names of places in town and also the different parts of a building. Let’s keep learning!
Let’s Play and Think Critically!
Elliot needs our help collecting all his camp supplies for LingoCamp! Can your little ones help him think logically and give him the right directions so that he can make his way to the supplies?
sample and instructions for filling out
As a rule, the preparation of medical documentation for doctors is one of the main labor duties of functions. In addition to the time required to fill out the documentation, which is already extremely short, it is necessary to decide how to fill out the documentation in certain situations. So, consider the form 057 / y.
The main regulatory document regulating the procedure and rules for filling out the form "No. 057 / y-04" is the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated November 22, 2004 N 255 "On the Procedure for the provision of primary health care to citizens entitled to receive a set of social services." nine0003
Form No. 057 / y-04 “Referral for hospitalization, examination, consultation” is issued by a medical organization that monitors or receives patients. According to the Instructions for filling out the registration form 057 / y-04, the form is drawn up as follows:
- In the upper left corner, the full name of the medical organization, its address or the stamp of the institution indicating the code of the institution according to the OGRN (Registration number of the hospital as a legal entity. Allows identify the medical institution that issued the referral for hospitalization). nine0012
- It is necessary to indicate the full name of the medical institution where the patient is referred.
- Enter the number of the CHI insurance policy.
- Enter the benefit code if the patient has a disability or is registered for any chronic condition.
- Full name, date of birth, address of permanent residence - filled in on the basis of an identity document or an outpatient medical record.
- If a citizen of the Russian Federation does not have a permanent place of residence in any of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, then the address of registration of the place of stay is indicated.
- For foreign citizens, the address of registration of stay in the Russian Federation is indicated.
- Indicate the place of work and position according to the patient.
- Enter the ICD diagnosis code.
- In the Rationale for Referral column, the health care provider must write why they referred the patient for elective hospitalization. Most common options:
“For further diagnostics and choice of treatment tactics”;
"For final diagnosis";
"Due to the deterioration of the patient's condition in recent days" .
- Indicate the position of the medical worker who referred the patient, full name and signature;
- The direction is signed by the head of the department indicating the full name.
and is certified by the seal of the institution.
You can download the official certificate form 057 / y in word format from Appendix N 5 to the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation of November 22, 2004 N 255 by clicking here .
Patient side. How can a patient receive a certificate of form No. 057 / y-04?
“Referral for hospitalization, examination, consultation” is required for planned hospitalization under compulsory medical insurance. Outpatient doctors have patients with chronic diseases. If during the next visit, the doctor notes a deterioration in the patient's condition, this is the basis for referral to hospitalization. This document gives the right to go to a medical organization under an insurance policy. nine0003
In order to obtain this document, the patient must:
- Contact your doctor.
- Provide the required documents: passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, compulsory medical insurance policy, birth certificate (for children under 14), temporary registration document (if not permanent).
- Get checked out by a doctor.
- Obtain a certificate of form No. 057 / y-04 (if there are medical indications for hospitalization). nine0033
- Form 057 / y-04 is filled out strictly according to the Instructions, in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 255.
- To issue this form, the patient must be examined by a medical professional to determine the advisability of hospitalization, examination, consultation.
- The reason for the refusal of a medical worker to issue form No. 057 / y-04 may be:
- lack of sufficient indications for hospitalization
- lack of necessary documents.
- According to the Letter of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 3, 2019 N 17-8 / 3065416-31880 On the validity of the registration form N 057 / y-04 "Referral for hospitalization, rehabilitation treatment, examination, consultation" validity of this form current regulatory legal acts are not regulated .
If the medical worker refuses to issue this document, the patient can apply to one of the authorities with a request to ensure the right to accessibility and quality of medical care in accordance with Federal Law No.
to an insurance company
to the territorial CHI fund
to the regional Ministry of Health.
Most important for 057/y-04
5. Form 057/у-04 can be drawn up not only by the attending physician (therapist), but also by any other narrow specialist.
Examples of the final essay. Direction: "Crime and punishment - an eternal theme"
After our tutors checked several essays and gave their critical, and sometimes even strict comments, we began to receive essays from students from different cities and educational projects with a request to check and comment on them texts. Submitting your text for such an analysis requires a lot of courage from students, so we thank you for your trust and ability to listen to constructive criticism. nine0003
Vladislav Shkil, Taganrog; participant of the educational center "Sirius" under the program "Literary creativity. Classical literature"
"Crime and punishment - an eternal theme"
Can a crime go unpunished?
Can a crime go unpunished? No. You can, of course, list the names of uncaught criminals, but the worst punishment is its absence. After all, punishment is not only retribution for what has been done, but also a chance for rebirth. And when a person loses it, he dooms himself to moral death. It is no coincidence that in many works of Russian literature the theme of crime and punishment was repeatedly covered, including in the novel by F. M. Dostoevsky with the consonant title “Crime and Punishment”. nine0003
Let's remember the fate of Rodion Raskolnikov. Dostoevsky's hero creates an immoral, anti-Christian theory about "trembling creatures" - those who are nothing more than material that must reproduce their own kind - and "having the right" - those who can use this material, for whom no laws are written. The categorical division of people into categories is inherently a crime. The author goes further and sends Raskolnikov to do a "test", during which he will kill the old pawnbroker and her sister Lizaveta. Dostoevsky does all this in order to show us, the readers, that such a person as the protagonist of his novel has a chance for rebirth. Raskolnikov goes to hard labor, experiences the death of his mother, before that he suffers from a fever and is disappointed in his theory - a series of punishments and a dream about trichina make him a completely different person. So, the criminal does not go unpunished and, moreover, is reborn. nine0003
However, in F. M. Dostoevsky's novel there is another criminal who, as it seems, was not properly punished. Luzhin is one of Raskolnikov's doubles. In fact, he is punished by the author's oblivion, and therefore doomed to moral death. He is not given a chance to be reborn. Luzhin committed a number of moral crimes. He adhered to the theory of “poor wives” - its essence is to take a poor and suffering girl as a wife, marriage for which will be salvation, for which she must thank her husband for the grave of her life. In a word, Luzhin was looking for a slave, not a life partner. He adhered to another theory - "a whole caftan" or "reasonable selfishness" - its essence is to do everything in your own interests and not think about the well-being of others. So, for example, Dostoevsky reveals the perniciousness of this theory when Luzhin deliberately slanders Sonya in order to undermine Raskolnikov's authority. He is one of those criminals who operate within the law, but nevertheless, infiltrate other people's lives and spoil them. People like Luzhin may not be directly punished, but there is no human left in them - this is retribution for their atrocities without the possibility of being reborn. nine0003
Thus, the experience of works of fiction allows us to assert that a crime cannot go unpunished. I am sure that it is very important for us, the inhabitants of the 21st century, to turn to the works of Russian classics more often, so as not to see only retribution in punishment and to believe in the revival of people who have committed atrocities. How not to remember the words of Emily Bronte: "Let God punish evil people, we must learn to forgive." With these words, the famous writer once again showed us how important it is to show leniency even to criminals in order to put them on the right path. nine0003
Comment by Tatyana Shipilova (post-graduate student of the A. M. Gorky Literary Institute, tutor with 10 years of experience, leader of the video course “Year of the Unified State Examination” )
Very good composition. Moreover, it is immediately clear that the student knows the material well and knows how to use it, but also knows how to please the experts: the mention of Emily Bronte in the conclusion immediately melts the heart, because it is immediately clear that the student looks at the stated problem in many ways. The topic is fully disclosed, again, the arguments are given from one work, but from different positions, which, of course, is only a plus. Here, of course, there will be an offset.