Feelings activities children
10 Activities for Teaching Young Children About Emotions
Having the vocabulary to talk about emotions is an important part of healthy social-emotional development. In today’s post, we’re sharing a few simple games and activities you can use to teach young children about emotions: how to recognize and name them, how to talk about them, and how to pick up on the feelings of others. Adapted from some new and classic Brookes resources on social-emotional development, these activities are ideal for use in early childhood programs (and parents can easily adapt them for home, too!).
What’s your favorite way to get young children talking about emotions? Add your idea in the comments below!
Feelings ID
This activity is a great starting point for teaching young children about emotions. Here’s what to do:
- Generate a list of feelings. Start with a basic feeling, such as happy or sad, and explain that this is a feeling.
Give a second example, using a more complex feeling such as excited or surprised. Ask students to generate other feelings, add them to the list, and display the list for students on chart paper or with a projector.
- Identify feelings as good or not so good. Go back to the start of your feelings list, and have the students give you a thumbs-up for feelings that make people feel good on the inside and a thumbs-down for feelings that make people feel not so good on the inside.
- Conduct a follow-up discussion. Ask students if they have ever had any feelings where it was hard to decide if the feeling made them feel good or not so good on the inside. Give an example.
Feeling Dice Game
Create “feeling dice” using clear acrylic photo cubes—slide drawings of faces depicting different emotions on each side. (You could also use photos or cutouts from magazines instead of drawings. ) In a small group, give each child a chance to roll the dice. When the dice lands, ask the child to identify the feeling and describe a time when they felt that way.
How Would You Feel If…
Brainstorm some common scenarios that might elicit different feelings. A few examples:
- “Your grandma picked you up after school and took you get to ice cream.”
- “Your classmate spilled paint on your drawing.”
- “Your mom yelled at you.”
- “Your brother wouldn’t let you have a turn on the swings.”
Put the scenarios in a hat and pass the hat around the circle or small group while you play music. When you stop the music, the child left holding the hat should pick out a scenario (you can help read it for the child if they can’t yet read). Then ask the child to describe how they would feel if the scenario happened to them.
Read & Learn
Choose a book about feelings to share with students, or read a book from the following list of examples: Feelings by Aliki, The Way I Feel by Janan Cain,
Feelings by Joanne Brisson Murphy, The Feelings Book by Todd Parr, and My Many Colored Days by Dr. Seuss. Be sure to point out all the actions or ways in which the characters behave when they’re acting on their feelings. Use the following questions to guide your class discussion about emotions:
- What was one of the feelings the character had?
- Do you think it was a good or not so good feeling?
- What did the character do when he or she was feeling that way?
- Was it an okay or not okay way of showing the feeling?
- Can you think of a time when you felt that way? What kind of face can you make to show that feeling?
Feeling Wheel Game
Create a spinning wheel that features different feeling faces. (Need tips on making one? This blog post shows you
how to make spinners for games using items you probably have easy access to.) Give each child a chance to spin the feeling wheel. When the spinner lands on a feeling face, ask the child to identify the feeling and talk about an incident that made them feel that emotion.
Emotion Charades
Form small groups of students. Using laminated cards with illustrations of feelings on them, a large die, or a beach ball with each stripe of color preassigned to represent a feeling, have students act out the face and body clues that show the feeling they drew or rolled. Ask the other students to take turns guessing which feeling is being acted out.
Feeling Face Bingo
Create feeling face bingo boards for your students, each with 12 squares that feature various feeling faces (you can add more squares for older children). Have children draw a feeling name from a bag and then cover the matching feeling face with the paper that was drawn from the bag. When they cover a face, they can talk about events or memories that made them feel that emotion.
Puppet Play
Puppet play is a good activity to try one-on-one or in small groups to help children explore and express their feelings, ideas, and concerns.
Many children find it easier to talk about feelings during puppet play, because it can give them some distance from scary or upsetting issues.
Encourage children to pick up a puppet and be its voice while you or another child or adult adopts the character of another puppet. You can discuss the children’s feelings indirectly and offer another point of view through your puppet. Reversing the characters so that children play another role can also promote empathy by helping kids experience how others feel.
Feelings Collage
For this activity, you’ll need old magazines and some basic art supplies: posterboard or construction paper, scissors, and glue sticks. Invite your students to cut pictures from the magazines of people expressing any kind of feeling, and instruct them to use these images to build a “feelings collage.” Hand out markers and ask students to label each picture in their collage with a feeling word; then, have them take turns explaining their collages and feeling labels to the group. Encourage your students to elaborate on the details of what they noted regarding the person’s facial expression, their body language, or the context of the photo or illustration. When the activity is over, let your students take the collages home and post them in a prominent place so they can practice identifying and labeling their own feelings.
Feeling Face Memory Game
Make 12 pairs of matching feeling faces—you can draw them or find appropriate photos or illustrations to print out. Turn over the face cards and arrange them in a grid. Ask each child to turn two cards over to try to get a match. When they find a match, they can say what the feeling is and describe a time when they felt that way. They set the match aside, and children keep going until all matches are found.
Try these games and activities with your students (or at home with your own children), and let us know which ones worked best for you! And for more ways to help promote healthy social-emotional development in young children, check out the books we adapted this week’s post from:
Activity 1: Adapted from Merrell’s Strong Start—Grades K–2, by Sara A. Whitcomb, Ph.D., & Danielle M. Parisi Damico, Ph.D.
Activities 2, 3, 5, 7, and 10: Adapted from Unpacking the Pyramid Model, edited by Mary Louise Hemmeter, Ph.D., Michaelene M. Ostrosky, Ph.D., & Lise Fox, Ph.D.
Activity 8: Adapted from Pathways to Competence, Second Edition, by Sarah Landy, Ph.D.
Activities 4, 6, and 9: Adapted from Merrell’s Strong Start—Pre-K, by Sara A. Whitcomb, Ph.D., & Danielle M. Parisi Damico, Ph.D.
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Feelings Activities
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Feelings Activities
When children and young people can recognise and talk about different feelings it can help them have a better understanding of how to deal with them. These activities will help you talk about feelings and think together about how to cope with difficult emotions in a positive way.
A Story About Emotions
The Colour Monster
Emotion & Feelings Wheel Activity
A visual aid to help understand our emotions.
Anxiety Thermometer
A great tool to help us to recognise what feelings we might be experiencing.
Sentence Starters
Useful prompts for children who are struggling to express the way they feel.
Emotional Check-In Activity
This resource supports children & young people to express their feelings and also identify why they are feeling a particular way.
Relax Like a Cat!
A relaxation technique for children.
Managing Emotions
These tools are designed to help children understand and manage their emotions and feelings, and stay calm and in control in the classroom.
Glitter Jar
A glitter jar is something your child can make to help them feel calmer and less confused about their feelings.
The STOPP Technique
This video explains how to create a space between a situation occurring and our reaction to it.
The Opposite Actions Technique
This video explains what your child can do to reduce the intensity of negative emotions.
Make Your Own Worry Box
The worry box helps children put their worries in a special place so they don't have to think about them all at once or all the time.
Colour Monster Activity
An activity to help your child think about how they are feeling today.
The Stress Bucket
Try this activity with your child or young person if they are looking or feeling stressed, or of you know they have tests or exams coming up.
Also in this section...
- Anger Activities
- Anti-Bullying Activities
- Feelings Activities
- Low Mood Activities
- Mindfulness Activities
- Self-Care Activities
- Self-Confidence & Self Esteem Activities
- Resilience Activities
- Worries & Anxiety Activities
- Children & Young Peoples Emotional Health
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Emotional development of a preschool child
Emotional development of a preschool child
The article was prepared by: educational psychologist Koroleva M.V.
Man's relationship to the surrounding world is not only understood by him and manifested in actions, but also experienced in the form of emotions. Emotions are one of the forms of reflection by consciousness of the real world.
Accompanying almost any manifestation of the subject's activity, emotions serve as one of the main mechanisms of internal regulation of mental activity and behavior aimed at meeting urgent needs.
The emotional sphere is an important component in the development of preschoolers, since no communication, interaction will be effective if its participants are not able, firstly, to "read" the emotional state of another, and secondly, to manage their emotions. Understanding your emotions and feelings is also an important point in the formation of the personality of a growing person.
The formation of a person's emotions is the most important condition for his development as a person. The extraordinary diversity of human emotions is explained by the complexity of the relationship between the objects of his needs, the specific conditions of occurrence and the activities aimed at achieving them. The class of emotions includes: moods, feelings, affects, passions, stresses. These are the so-called "pure" emotions. They are included in all mental processes and human states.
Preschool childhood is a very short period in a person's life, only the first seven years. One of the main directions of mental development in preschool age is the formation of the foundations of personality. The child begins to realize his "I", his activity, activity, begins to objectively evaluate himself. The emotional life of a preschooler becomes more complicated: the content of emotions is enriched, higher feelings are formed.
A 4-7 year old preschooler is a person with a rich and varied emotional world, he deeply feels, his experiences, first of all, are closely connected with relationships in the circle of loved ones.
The emotional development of a preschooler is associated primarily with the emergence of new interests, motives and needs. The most important change in the motivational sphere is the emergence of social motives that are no longer determined by the achievement of narrowly personal utilitarian goals. Therefore, social emotions and moral feelings begin to develop intensively.
Emotions also play an important role in a child's life. They help to perceive reality and respond to it. An emotional anticipation is formed in a preschooler, which makes him worry about the possible results of his activity, to anticipate the reaction of other people to his actions. Therefore, the role of emotions in the activity of the child changes significantly. If earlier the child felt joy because he got the desired result, now he is happy because he can get this result. If earlier he fulfilled a moral standard in order to earn a positive assessment, now he fulfills it, foreseeing how those around him will be delighted with his act.
At preschool age, the emotional world of a child is richer and more diverse. From basic emotions (joy, fear) he moves to a more complex range of feelings: happy and angry, jealous and sad. The language of such feelings as the expression of shades of experiences with the help of glances, gestures, smiles, movements, voice intonations is also assimilated.
It is at preschool age that a child masters the highest forms of expression - the expression of feelings through intonation, facial expressions, pantomime, which helps him understand the experiences of another person, "discover" them for himself.
The whole life of a child of early and preschool age is subject to his feelings. He still cannot control his feelings. Therefore, children are much more prone to mood swings than adults. It is easy to amuse them, but it is even easier to upset or offend, since they almost do not know themselves at all and do not know how to control themselves. That is why they are able to experience a whole gamut of feelings and excitement in an unusually short period of time. The mood of the child largely depends on relationships with adults and peers.
The development of emotions and feelings in preschool children depends on a number of conditions
- Emotions and feelings are formed in the process of communication between a child and peers. Empathy with peers largely depends on the situation and position of the child. In conditions of acute personal rivalry, emotions overwhelm the preschooler, and the number of negative expressions addressed to a peer increases sharply. In group competitions, the interests of the group serve as the main core, and success or failure is shared by everyone together, the strength and amount of negative expression decreases, because against the general background of the group, personal successes and failures are less noticeable.
- Through specially organized activities (eg music lessons, reading fairy tales), children learn to experience certain feelings associated with perception (eg music).
The child experiences the brightest positive emotions in a situation of comparing himself with a positive literary hero, actively empathizing with him. The preschooler makes such a comparison only mentally and with confidence that in a similar situation he would have acted the same way. Therefore, there are no negative emotions towards the character.
- Emotions and feelings develop very intensively in the type of activity appropriate for the age of preschoolers - in a game saturated with experiences. A powerful factor in the development of humane feelings is a role-playing game. Role-playing actions and relationships help the preschooler to understand the other, take into account his position, mood, desire.
- In the process of labor activity aimed at achieving a result useful to others, new emotional experiences arise: joy from common success, sympathy for the efforts of comrades, satisfaction from the good performance of one's duties, dissatisfaction with one's poor work.
An important feature of emotional development is the close connection with the situation of direct communication of experiences through the prism of direct communicative relations.
In general, children are optimistic about life situations. They have a cheerful, cheerful mood. Usually, the emotions and feelings of preschoolers are accompanied by expressive movements: facial expressions, pantomime, voice reactions. Expressive movements are one of the means of communication. The development of emotions and feelings is associated with the development of other mental processes and, to the greatest extent, with speech.
One of the most important components of the moral development of children is the development of empathy as a person's ability to sympathize with other people and empathize with them, to understand their conditions. The study of the child's emotions plays an important role in identifying the causes of the child's behavior, allows you to determine his attitude to the world.
Emotions and feelings at preschool age
Emotional development in preschool age Uruntaeva G.A.
intensively social emotions begin to develop and moral feelings. To change in the emotional sphere lead establishing a hierarchy of motives. Selection the main motive stimulates sustainable and deep feelings. And they do not refer to the immediate, momentary, rather distant results activities. That is, emotional experiences are now caused not by those a fact that directly perceived, but deep internal the meaning that this fact acquires in connection with the leading motive of activity child.
Feelings lose situationality, become more deep in meaning, arise in response to perceived mental circumstances. At the preschooler emotional anticipation is formed, which makes him worry about the possible results of the activity, anticipate other people's reactions to it deeds. Therefore, the role of emotions in child's activities are essential changes. If the child has experienced the joy of getting what you want result, now he rejoices because that can get this result.
Gradually preschooler begins to anticipate only intellectual but also emotional the results of their activities. Guessing how happy mom will be, he gives her a gift, refusing attractive game. It is in preschool the age of the child masters higher forms of expression - expression of feelings with using intonation, facial expressions, pantomime, what helps him understand the feelings another person, "open" them for myself.
That., On the one hand, the development of emotions due to the emergence of new motives and their subordination, and on the other - emotional anticipation provides this is subordination.
Changes in the emotional sphere are associated with development not only motivational, but also cognitive spheres of personality, self-consciousness. Inclusion speech into emotional processes provides their intellectualization when they become more conscious and generalized. The first attempts to contain their feelings, for example, their external manifestations are tears, can be seen in a child in 3-4 years. Although the baby is still not good at it. Senior preschooler to a certain extent begins control the expression of emotions on yourself with the help of the word.
IN preschool age communication development with adults and peers, the appearance forms of collective activity and mainly role-playing game leads to further development sympathy, sympathy, formation partnerships. Intensively developing higher feelings: moral, aesthetic, cognitive.
source humane feelings advocate relationships with loved ones. At the previous stages childhood, showing kindness, attention, care, love, adult laid a strong foundation for the development moral feelings.
If in early childhood, the child was more often an object of feelings on the part of an adult, then the preschooler turns into a subject emotional relationships, self empathy other people. Practical mastery behavior is also source of development of moral feelings. Experiences are now called public sanction, the opinion of a child society. The experience of such experiences generalized in the form of moral feelings.
Powerful factor in the development of humane feelings is a role-playing game. role-playing actions and relationships help preschooler to understand the other, take into account him position, mood, desire. When children go from simple recreation actions and external character relationships to transfer them emotional and expressive content, they learn to share experiences others.
IN work activities aimed to achieve a useful result for others, new emotional experiences: joy from common success, sympathy for the efforts comrades, satisfaction from good fulfillment of their duties, dissatisfaction with their poor performance.
On basis of children's acquaintance with labor adults formed love and respect to him. A positive attitude towards preschoolers transfer labor to own activity.
Empathy peers largely depends on the situation and position of the child. In conditions of acute personal rivalry emotions overwhelm preschooler, there is a sharp increase in the number negative expressions towards a peer. The child does not give any arguments against a peer, but simply (in speech) expresses his attitude towards him, empathy with a friend is sharply reduced.
When children compete with each other evaluating your abilities, comparing yourself with a friend, then the desire for a personal success, self-recognition and achievements increases the power of expressions up to the highest level. In group the same competitions as the main pivot serve the interests of the group, and success or failure is shared by all together, strength and the number of negative expressions decreases, because against the general background of the group personal successes and failures are less visible.
Most bright positive emotions child experiencing in a situation of comparison with a positive literary hero, actively sympathize with him. Such a comparison the preschooler spends only mentally and with certainty that in such a situation would have done the same. Therefore, negative There are no emotions towards the character.
Sympathy the preschooler becomes more effective, manifesting itself as desire help, sympathize, share.
First more or less complex manifestations feelings of duty arise in children 4-5 years old. Based on life experience and initial child's moral ideas moral consciousness emerges able to understand the meaning of his requirements and relate them to his deeds and actions, as well as actions and the actions of others.
Child experiencing joy, satisfaction when they do meritorious deeds and grief, indignation, discontent, when he or others violate generally accepted requirements unworthy deeds. experienced feelings are caused not only by evaluation adults, but also an evaluative attitude the child himself to his own and other people's actions.
Most a bright sense of duty manifests itself in 6-7 years. The child is aware of the need binding rules of public behavior and subordinate their actions to them. The ability to self-esteem increases. Breaking the rules, dishonorable acts cause embarrassment, guilt, embarrassment, anxiety.
Development intellectual feelings in preschool age is associated with becoming cognitive activity. Joy when learning new things, surprise and doubt, bright positive emotions not only accompany the little ones the child's discoveries, but also evoke them. The world around us, nature especially attracts baby mystery, mystery. She sets before him numerous problems the child is trying to solve. Surprise gives rise to a question that need to find an answer.
Development aesthetic feelings associated with becoming one's own artistic and creative activity children and artistic perception.
Features emotional development in preschool aged:
child masters social forms of expression feelings;
changes the role of emotions in the activity of the child, emotional anticipation is formed;
feelings become more aware generalized, reasonable, arbitrary, out-of-situation;
formed higher feelings - moral, intellectual, aesthetic.
Additional material - Kurachev
Emotional preschooler sphere
emotional preschooler development is associated everything, with the emergence of new interests, motives of needs. The most important change in motivation sphere is the emergence of public motives no longer driven by achievement narrow utilitarian goals. That's why are rapidly developing social emotions and moral feelings. For changes in emotional sphere leads to the establishment of a hierarchy motives. Isolation of the main motive, to which a whole system of others is subordinated, stimulates sustainable and deep experiences.
IN In general, preschool childhood is characterized calm emotionality, lack of strong affective outbursts and conflicts for minor reasons. This is new relatively stable emotional the background determines the dynamics of the views child. Feelings lose context become deeper in meaning content. Of being emotional processes become more balanced, there is no decrease in saturation at all, intensity of emotional life child. Everything that includes a preschooler has a strong emotional connotation, otherwise the activity will quickly collapse.
IN preschool age desires, urges child are connected with his ideas, and thanks to this motivation are being rebuilt. There is a transition from motives aimed at direct perceived objects, to desires, associated with objects in in the "ideal, imagined" plan. Emotions associated with performance allow you to predict the results child's actions. Mechanism emotional anticipation described in detail by A.V. Zaporozhets. Them shows how the functional the place of affect in the structure of behavior. Even before the student starts act, he has emotional image that reflects and future result, and its assessment with side of adults. If he foresees a result that does not meet the standards, i.e. possible disapproval or punishment, he has anxiety - emotional condition that can slow down unwanted actions. anticipation useful result and the resulting high praise from relatives adults is associated with positive emotions that further stimulate behavior. Need to help the child create the desired emotional image.
WITH On the one hand, the development of emotions in preschool age due the emergence of new motives and their subordination, on the other hand, emotional anticipation provides this subordination.
So, occurs in preschool shift of affect from the end to the beginning activities. affect (emotional) image) becomes the first link in behavior structure. Mechanism emotional anticipation of consequences activity underlies emotional action regulation child.
Changes during this period and structure themselves emotional processes. In the structure of emotional processes, in addition to autonomic and motor components, now includes complex forms of perception, figurative thinking, imagination. The child begins to rejoice and grieve not only about what he is doing at the moment, but about what he has to do.
experiences become more complex and deeper. Changes content affects - the range of emotions expands, inherent in the child. especially important the emergence of such emotions in preschoolers, as sympathy for another, empathy, without which prosocial forms of behavior.
Exactly At preschool age, the child learns higher forms of expression - expression feelings through intonation, facial expressions, pantomime, which helps him understand experiences of another person, "open" them for yourself.
First attempts to contain one's feelings, for example their external manifestations are tears, you can notice in a child at 3-4 years old. Although this still poorly done. senior preschooler to a certain extent begins to manage expression of emotions, influencing oneself with the help of a word. Men do not cry ! Preschoolers struggle to contain their emotions associated with organic needs. Hunger, thirst make them act impulsively.
IN preschool age communication development with adults and peers, the appearance forms of collective activity and, mainly a role-playing game lead to further development of sympathy, empathy, camaraderie. Higher senses are intensively developing: moral, aesthetic, cognitive.
source humane feelings advocate relationships with loved ones. At the previous stages childhood, showing kindness, attention, care, love, adult laid a strong foundation for the development moral feelings.
If in early childhood, the child was more often an object of feelings on the part of an adult, then the preschooler turns into a subject emotional relationships, self empathy other people.
experiences now invoked by public sanction, opinion of the children's society. The experience of such experiences is summarized in the form moral feelings.
Powerful factor in the development of humane feelings is also a role-playing game. role-playing actions and relationships help preschooler to understand the other, take into account him position, he learns to share experiences others.
Empathy peer largely depends on the situation. In the face of intense personal rivalry emotions overwhelm a preschooler, sharply an increase in negative expressions to a peer.
passive observation of peer activity causes a preschooler to have double experiences. If he is confident in his strength, then rejoices in the success of another, and if he is sure, then he is envious.
First more or less complex manifestations feelings of duty arise in children 4-5 years old. Now based on life experience and initial, moral ideas the child develops moral consciousness, he is able to understand the meaning of the presented his requirements and relate them to his deeds and actions, as well as actions and the actions of others.
Most a bright sense of duty manifests itself in 6-7 years. The child is aware of the need binding rules of public behavior and subordinate their actions to them. The ability to self-esteem increases. Breaking the rules, dishonorable acts cause embarrassment, guilt, embarrassment, anxiety.
TO 7 years sense of duty is not based only on affections and extends to a wider circle of people with whom the child does not interact directly. The feelings are deep enough are stored for a long time.
Development intellectual feelings in preschool age is associated with becoming cognitive activity. Joy when learning new things, surprise and doubt, bright positive emotions not only accompany the little ones the child's discoveries, but also evoke them.
Development aesthetic feelings associated with the formation of one's own artistic - creative activities of children and artistic perception.
aesthetic children's feelings are related to moral. Baby approves beautiful and good, condemns the ugly and evil in life, literature, art. ON THE. Vetlugina wrote: “... You can’t teach child to truth, goodness without formation he has the concepts of "beautiful" and "ugly", "true" and "false" cannot be taught to strive to protect the truth, goodness, without forming an emotional protest against evil and lies, the ability to appreciate beautiful and good in people.
Features emotional development in preschool aged:
Children senior preschool age should learn to deal with aggressiveness. There is a certain patterns in the development of children aggressiveness. Up to 3 years are marked normal manifestations of temperament short bursts of anger, but real aggression is not typical for children. Its peak is at 4.5 years, and then gradually decreases until it disappears No. By the beginning of school age, children learn the norms of behavior help reduce aggression. Parents can speed up this process by instilling social skills in children communication and stimulating sensitivity to the experiences of others.
So, to summarize:
child masters social forms of expression feelings;
changes the role of emotions in the activity of the child, emotional anticipation is formed;
feelings become more aware generalized, reasonable, arbitrary, non-situational:
formed higher feelings - moral, intellectual, aesthetic.
Emotional well-being of children and its causes. Under emotional distress understand negative feelings child. It is caused by many reasons. Dissatisfaction is the main child by interacting with adults, before all with parents and peers. Lack of heat, discord between 7 family members, lack of close emotional contact with parents leads to the development of a child anxiously pessimistic personality expectations. They are insecure baby, feelings of insecurity, sometimes fear of the predicted negative adult attitude.
Such adult attitude provokes child stubbornness, unwillingness to obey the requirements of the parents, that is, serious "psychological" barrier between adults and children.
emotional trouble associated with hardship interacting with other children, lead to two types of behavior. TO The first group includes children unbalanced, easily excitable. The uncontrollability of their emotions is often causes disorganization their activities. When conflicts with peers emotions of children often manifested in affects: outbreaks anger, resentment, often accompanied by tears, rudeness, fights. Observed associated vegetative changes: skin redness, increased sweating etc. Negative emotional reactions may be due to serious or minor reasons. However, quickly flashing, they quickly fade away.
second group consists of children with stable negative attitude towards communication. How rule, resentment, discontent, hostility etc. long lasting in their memory but when they are manifested, children are more restrained. Such children are characterized by isolation, avoid communication. emotional distress is often associated with unwillingness to attend kindergarten, with dissatisfaction with relationships teacher or peers.
Another significant reason for emotional distress are individual characteristics of the child, the specifics of his inner world (sensibility, susceptibility, leading to the emergence of fears) (E. Gasparov).
Causes children's fears are very diverse. Their appearance directly depends on life child's experience, degree of development autonomy, imagination, emotional sensitivity, tendencies to worry, anxiety, timidity, insecurity. More often fears are generated by pain, instinct self-preservation.
IN 6-7 months the baby is worried if the mother leaves abruptly, reacts negatively on strangers. Anxiety also occurs if the mother rarely takes the child in her arms, treats him too restrained, not paying enough attention to him.
IN early childhood is unbearable for the baby even a short separation from the mother, therefore child becomes whiny falls asleep and wakes up in tears, and during the day tries to be closer to mother. Fear darkness and loneliness does not arise, if the child is used to sleeping on the first year of life in an unlit room. Fear manifests itself most often sleep.
unjustifiably strict position of an adult and inadequate means of education lead to overstrain of the nervous system and create fertile ground for the emergence fears. To such means of education include threats, severe or bodily punishment (spanking, blows on the hands, head, face), artificial limitation movements, neglect of interests and wishes of the baby, etc. Permanent bullying leads children become powerless, lose their ability reason, experience acute emotional discomfort. an important role in the emergence the child's fears are played by the presence of fears at the mother herself. So unconsciously formed anxious feelings arise "hereditary" fears.
developing imagination leads to the fact that to three a whole group of fears appears over the years, associated with fairy tale characters, dark, empty room. Predisposition the unsociable have fears children with limited contact. In children in addition to fears, there may be aggressiveness, stubbornness, whims. Adults stimulate the development of fears, when they force children to restrain their emotions, do not understand their experiences. Then the seemingly discreet children in fact actually filled with all sorts of strong negative feelings.
Leading fear of preschool age (5-7 years) - fear of death. Children, as a rule, they themselves cope with such experiences, but subject to normal, friendly, emotionally warm relationships, as between the parents themselves, as well as between parents and children.