Silly rhyming words
236 best rhymes for 'silly'
1 syllable
- Lee
- Flee
- V
- We
- Three
- Ye
- Tree
- Re
- Free
- Z
- Spree
- P
- Me
- Thee
- Knee
- G
- De
- Be
- T
- He
- See
- She
- Key
- Fee
- E
- Pre
- Glee
- Plea
- Ski
- Thi
2 syllables
- Nearly
- Really
- Simply
- Quickly
- Clearly
- Billy
- Theory
- Degree
- Busy
- History
- Victory
- Dizzy
- Skinny
- City
- Pretty
- Pity
- Guilty
- Shitty
- Fifty
- Gimme
- Sticky
- Biggie
- Filthy
- Nicki
- Strictly
- Trippy
- Jimmy
- Milli
- Philly
- Mini
- Kitty
- Merely
- Whiskey
- Willy
- Sixty
- Swiftly
- Dearly
- Sickly
- Chilly
- Witty
- Weary
- Gritty
- Ricky
- Slippery
- Grizzly
- Bitty
- Disney
- Tipsy
- Diddy
- Itty
- Pinky
- Hindi
- Hippie
- Tricky
- Yearly
- Risky
- Dilly
- Mickey
- Lilly
- Decree
- Whitney
- Bitchy
- Milky
- Kidney
- Sissy
- Piggy
- Fishy
- Crispy
- Windy
- Chimney
- Eerie
- Teary
- Stinky
- Itchy
- Vinci
- Dreary
- Timmy
- Picky
- Lindsay
- Hickory
- Winfrey
- Winnie
- Shifty
- Indie
- Kiddy
- Misty
- Shimmy
- Kinky
- Nitty
- Slinky
- Tippy
- Richie
- Sydney
- Stingy
- Pixie
- Frisky
- Missy
- Dixie
- Early
- Charlie
- Friendly
- Slowly
- Truly
- Cali
3 syllables
- Lyrically
- Basically
- Physically
- Patiently
- Gravity
- Practically
- Chemistry
- Secretly
- Vanity
- Sincerely
- Clarity
- Entity
- Seemingly
- Technically
- Severely
- Magically
- Unity
- Willingly
- Imagery
- Clinically
- Tragically
- Savagely
- Critically
- Typically
- Logically
- Drastically
- Politically
- Publicly
- Musically
- Actively
- Wickedly
- Emily
- Passively
- Charity
- Rhythmically
- Trinity
- Density
- Rarity
- Purity
- Artistry
- Lewinsky
- Committee
- Varsity
- Honestly
- Heavenly
- Happily
4 syllables
- Mentality
- Insanity
- Humanity
- Community
- Infinity
- Identity
- Brutality
- Repeatedly
- Fatality
- Ironically
- Capacity
- Specifically
- Undoubtedly
- Celebrity
- Virginity
- Genetically
- Dramatically
- Amazingly
- Stupidity
- Positively
- Excessively
- Complexity
- Intensity
- Vicinity
- Calamity
- Integrity
- Activity
- Publicity
- Simplicity
- Diversity
- Mississippi
- Immunity
- Necessity
- Stability
- Maturity
- Humility
- Tranquility
- Adversity
- Facility
- Ethnicity
- Actually
- Especially
- Apparently
5 syllables
- Personality
- Metaphorically
- Automatically
- Immortality
- Psychologically
- Christianity
- Insecurity
- Credibility
- Inability
- Nationality
6 syllables
- Originality
- Superiority
7 syllables
- Individuality
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chili, chilly, dilly, filly, frilly, ...
Pure Rhymes – 41 rhymes
Words that have identical vowel-based rhyme sounds in the tonic syllable. Moreover, that tonic syllable must start with a different consonantal sound.
- gild the lily
- paint the lily
End Rhymes – 7516 rhymes
Words that have a pure rhyme on their last syllable only.
"Go Pro" to see the next 941 end rhyme sets.
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Near Rhymes – 1010 rhymes
Words that "almost" rhyme on the vowel-based rhyme sound of the stressed syllable like: be/eat or maybe/shapely.
"Go Pro" to see the next 137 near rhyme sets.
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Mosaic Rhymes
Rhymes made up of more than one word. For instance, "jealous" and "tell us" or "shaky" and "make me."
There are no mosaic rhymes for "silly".
Not only doubles. Let's tell you what rhymes are like
In the rap community, there is only talk about double rhymes. They talk about how damn cool it is to hear how not only stressed vowels, but also unstressed vowels match. And the end of the line has two words at once, on which the rhyme will be selected ...
Yes, double rhymes in the rap party have some kind of magical effect - they are mentioned in battles, they make fun of them, but they are also relentlessly idolized. In fact, there are many more ways to rhyme - it's time to talk about them.
We group them according to the degree of complexity - from the simplest to the infernal hell.
1) Verbal rhyme
This is the simplest of existing types of rhyme, and all thanks to the variety of verbs in the Russian language. The verb form was constantly used by many famous poets, but in the rap community it is considered "stuffy".
His girlfriend tried to persuade him to take off his underpants for a week ,
but he answered her with a song. Well, now take from him ?(Basota in battle against Meowizzy)
2) Square rhyme
A square rhyme is a rhyme in which rhyming words have the same endings. For example, mom is a frame, pendel is a pretzel. It, in turn, is divided into three types.
a) Standard square
Vanya Noize is a fucking kid! Joke! He is stupid condom .
My verse enters you like a knife in cardboard .(Harry Topor vs. Noize MC)
b) Modified square
This is a change in case or number, and hence the ending of one of the rhyming words.
Your rap is without eggs, you have no weight in the game ,
Your rap is without eggs, you are not a poet, you are a poetess .![]()
(ST vs Harry Axe)
By the way, adjective-adjective and adjective-adverb forms are also considered squares.
Alexander Timartsev's painting “Again a square rhyme”
3) Accent/on consonance
The next stage of development for text writers is accent rhyme or rhyme on consonance. Both double and triple rhymes should be precisely accented.
a) Exact
Exact rhyme for consonance - a rhyme in which words have different endings, but have consonant syllables. The more consonant syllables, the more voluminous and complex it becomes.
Exact rhyme for consonance has a rhyming ending, but is not square. For example, in the first line we use the word "temple". We need a word with one syllable and the vowel "a", while at the end there should not be the letters "m" or "n". For example, the word "dark". Temple-gloom - accent rhyme for one syllable.
Loves Stalin's ideas very much Slava Karelin
And Iosif is inside you like you're an asshole Valeria .![]()
(Ernesto Shut up against Purulent)
b) Inexact
Inexact rhyme for consonances is a rhyme where the last syllables do not rhyme. For example, we need to find a rhyme for the word "sputum". The transcription will be “nar-ko-ta”. We need a word where there are syllables consonant with "wet". For example, the word "balcony". Two syllables rhyme well, but the endings are inaccurate “ta” = “ny”. But in general, it turned out to be an accent rhyme for two syllables narcotic-balcony.
Now catch examples of accent rhymes with different number of syllables:
- for one syllable
So. You are a fan of drawing, this battle will add color to your dull canvas .
After all, my three rounds are a triptych and I'm throwing sins in a circle, I'm a big Russian Bosch .(Rickey F vs Sin)
- two syllables
By the way, after that noisy fishing, Oxy once came to Moscow incognito .
Guess who he met first that early morning? Alexandra Parkhomenko .(Dunya against Oxxxymiron)
- three syllables
And it's not you, but who are you? Opportunist, opportunist .
Only exists in Rusrep as the host .(Oxxxymiron vs. ST)
c) On sizzle
This is another example of simple rhymes. In them, rhyming syllables have the consonant "sh", "u", "c" or "g". They make it easier to rhyme, and the prestige of rhyme disappears.
He likes to hit, but for ten years he hit .
You can hang well, but mostly noodles on the ears .(ST vs. D.Masta)
Finally, let's move on to the difficult rhyme that all battle rappers should strive for.
4) Internal rhyme
So, internal rhyme. This is a type of rhyme when not one word rhymes in a line, but several - in the middle of the line and at the end. It can be either ordinary two words or two double rhymes.
a) Normal internal
Standard variant when a word rhymes in the middle and at the end of a phrase.
I am a rapper, you are joker , in this battle you are padawan .
Give me rap, not pun , and verses, not farce .(Oxxxymiron vs. ST)
b) Double internal
At least three words are already rhyming here. Moreover, at the end there can be both a double-rim and a simple accent rhyme. The same is true in the middle.
He is real before battle in boxing gloves in the gym filmed a photoset
I fuck crap . Did you take mouthguard with you? I thought battle was an essay.(Oxxxymiron vs. Johnyboy)
c) Multiple internal
The number of options here is practically unlimited. All lines may consist of consecutive double or triple rhymes. 9.
(Oxxxymiron vs. Johnyboy)
5) Initial rhyme
The essence of the initial rhyme is that words rhyme at the end of one of the lines, then at the beginning and at the end of the second line. Also, two lines can only rhyme at the end, and the third line will rhyme with them, but at the beginning.
Not up to sleep - they send me verses on Skype - metaspam ,
Pray for rap? I will come to this temple - Herostratus ,
I don't give a shit , it's time for you to leave the fairway .(Oxxxymiron)
6) Double rhymes/double rhymes
These are the same double rhymes that are spoken about at every second battle. They're not that hard to come up with, and they sound good. Hence their popularity.
The complexity of a double rhyme depends on the amount of rhyming syllables. Double-rims rhyme the last two words in a line.
I was not on horseback, I remember that. Sometimes with an opponent you go back to back ,
But today I am here and today I am in shape, today you will suck my dick for me.(Oxxxymiron vs. Johnyboy)
7) Triple rhyme/triple-rhymes
This type of rhyming can be classified as elite. This is a more complex and less common version of the double rhyme, when the last three words in a line rhyme.
Here we had actually get out of the zeros ,
Measuring the length of the distance by the number of pizdyuly .(Oxxxymiron)
8) Full-line rhyme/pantorhyme
The most complex and prestigious rhyme. Its essence is that all the words in each of the lines rhyme. Few can write in pure pantorhyme. Most often, it is used interspersed, since the entire text written in pantorhyme turns into prr.
Years like an Odyssey on the outskirts,
The city of London against everyone, part two, man.(Oxxxymiron)
9) Dense rhyme
This is a special case of multiple internal rhyme. All words in the lines must contain the same or several common syllables.
My forecast - you about play, bro , and simple about sing you go home .
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The most unusual names that Russians give their children
Fresh number
thematic applications
Union 03:02
Olga Ignatova
December 18 is the Day of Civil Registry Office workers. Lovely ladies not only announce the creation of new families under the march of Mendelssohn, but also daily do more routine work: register deaths, adoptions and births of new children.
More than 101 thousand babies were born in the capital this year, in the past 134.5 thousand, in 2011 - 125 thousand. Most often, parents chose such names for their sons as: Artem, Alexander, Maxim, Ivan, Mikhail, and for girls - Sofia (Sofya), Maria, Anastasia, Daria, Anna. But from year to year there are also parents who want their heirs to bear such a name that no one in kindergarten, class, school, institute will certainly have ... What specifically encourages them to do this, they probably themselves don't really know, but the fact remains.
Casper you are my Beloved
The Moscow office of the registry office "RG" told about the most unusual names registered in Moscow since 1998. So, the boys were called Dmitry-Amethyst, Matvey-Rainbow, Nikolai-Nikita-Nil, Count, Dar, Ivan-Kolovrat, Mercury, Kantogor-Egor, March, Christamrirados, Prince, Prince, Cosmos, Angel, Wind, Will, Dolphin, Yaroslav-Lyutobor, Ilya Bogodar, Casper Beloved, Arkhip-Ural, Jeremy Patron, Kit, Luke-Happiness, Summerset Ocean, Monono Nikita, Ogneslav, Buddha-Alexander, Master, Peace.
The girls were given the following non-trivial names: Pleasure, Polina-Polina, Golub, April, Cherry, India, Princess Daniella, Rosiyana, Russia, Zarya-Zaryanitsa, Moon, Lyalya, Angel Maria, Lunalika, Princess Angelina, Alyosha-Kaprina, Okean , Joy, Alena-Flower, Dolphin, Fox, Radostina, Sofia-Sun.
As explained in the press service of the department, there is no fashion or tendency to be fond of unusual names in Moscow. From one to 12 facts of non-standard names are registered annually. According to the head of the Moscow registry office Irina Muravyova, most often an exotic name is expecting a child in a family where one of the parents is a foreigner.
For the love of "VIA Gre"
Residents of the Moscow region are less inventive with non-standard names. So, according to the statistics of the last three years of the registry office in the Moscow region, the boys were called: Anikey, Ion, Ermak, Lukilianne, Hoan, Altair, Andre, Prince, Yakub, Jason, Julius, Daniel. Girls: Zemfira, Cassandra, Esther, Zabava, Kupava, Ustina, Avdotya, Consuelo, Birch, Cassiopeia, Madonna, Roksolana, Raspberry, Mercedes, Bagheera.
An unusual name - Viagra - is registered in the registry office of the town of Korolev near Moscow. Happy parents - the driver Nikolay and the housewife Anastasia explain their choice by three reasons. The first of them is the beauty and originality of the name, the second - the drug of the same name contributed to the long-awaited conception of a child, and the third reason is a long-standing love for the VIA Gra group.
In the last three years Russian registry offices have registered such names as Zhuzha, Tulip, Salad Lettuce, Millionera, Air traffic controller. By the way, people abroad are also good at fiction. So, according to the American Pension Fund, every year hundreds and thousands of children with unusual names are registered in the United States: Eros, Charisma, Lancelot, Lexus, Fantasia and even the Messiah. So, over the past two years, more than 1,000 Messiahs have been registered.
Right to change
However, psychologists say that children with unusual names can have a lot of problems in adulthood. Especially if the associations that an unusual name evokes from outsiders do not correspond to the personal qualities of the child. After all, the more unusual the name, the more it attracts the attention of outsiders. Therefore, from childhood, such a child will feel his unusualness, difference from others. This, of course, will leave a very deep imprint on the psyche. Not every child and not every adult can withstand increased attention to his person.
But if the young Prince or the school graduate Angel-Maria do not want to continue their life path with such names, they have the right to change them. Until the age of 14, this is done through an appeal to the guardianship and guardianship authorities, after 14 years - through the registry office, but with written permission from the parents. Well, after the age of majority, that is, 18 years old, a young man has the right to independently come to the registry office, write an application and change his name. This year, by the way, 6455 people used this right, last year - 8320, the year before - 7834.
In the name of the Revolution
After the October Revolution in Soviet Russia, it was fashionable for children to give the most unimaginable names. In the dictionary of Russian personal names, authored by Nikandr Petrovsky (the name, by the way, is also not the most common), you can find the following popular names of that era: Electrification, Revolution, Decree, Bow, Tractor, Algebrina, Turbine, Diesel, Drezina.
It used to be that girls were called Dazdraperma (from the slogan "Long live the First of May"), Revdit - ("Child of the Revolution"), Pofistal - ("Victor of Fascism Joseph Stalin") and even Perkosrak ("First space rocket").
But among the strange revolutionary names there were those that then took root and were called babies for a long time afterwards. For example, Vladlen (abbreviated as Vladimir Lenin), Ninel (the same Lenin, only in reverse), Kim (Communist International of Youth).
Celebrities also do it
World famous people also like to invent something like that.
So, in the family of football player David Beckham, one of the children was named Brooklyn in honor of the New York area. American rock musician Frank Zappa named his daughter Lunar Sputnik. The daughter of the famous film actress Gwyneth Paltrow received the uncomplicated name Apple, and David Bowie christened his son Zoe: it seemed to the singer a good consonance - Zoe Bowie. By the way, the son did not appreciate the violent creative imagination of his parent. Growing up, he replaced Zoey with a neutral Joe, which, they say, greatly upset his father.
Other Hollywood celebrities were no less original. Today, among the star children, there are such names as Dandelion (Dandelion), Pitches (Peach), Pixie (Fairy) and even Fifi Trixibel - a combination of sounds that cannot be translated.
Reference "RG"
The longest name in the world is an Indian named Brahmatra.
Learn more