Following instructions to the t
What Does Down to a T Mean?
Down to a T Meaning
Definition: Perfectly accurate and precise.
People use this idiom to explain that something or someone has everything accounted for, down to the smallest detail.
Similar phrases are to a T, follow to a T, down to the T, etc. All of these spellings are sometimes spelled with the word tee instead of the letter T.
For example,
- To a tee.
- Follow to a tee.
- Down to the tee.
- Down to a tee.
Origin of
Down to a TThe exact origin behind this expression is unclear. However, similar idioms include to the last letter, down to the last notch, to the dot on the last i, to the last dot, down to the last point, and to a jot and tittle.
Jot means the smallest part of writing, such as the dot over the letter i. Tittle means a small dot or stroke, such as the dot over the letter i or the cross throughout the letter t. This is evidence that perhaps down to a t is short for down to a tittle, meaning everything is complete, including the minutest aspects. This is similar to the expression dot your i’s and cross your t’s.
As further evidence for this theory, the expression to a tittle first appeared in the early 1600s, and to a t first appeared in the late 1600s.
An early use of the phrase can be found in George Farquar’s play Love in a Battle, written in 1699:
- He answered the description…to a T, sir.
Another theory is that this phrase alludes to the T-square that drafters use for accurate drawing.
Still, others exist, but no one is sure of the exact origin.
Examples of
Down to a THere is an example that involves two college students working on a partner project.
Robin: Okay, it looks like our essay and PowerPoint presentation are complete. Now we just have to proofread it and make sure everything is perfect.
Harry: Why are you so worried? We did a great job. We’ll definitely get an A or a B for a grade.
Robin: I know, but I’m failing this class. This is the last chance I have to bring my score up to a passing level. I need a score of 99% or above to pass.
Harry: Oh, wow!
Robin: I know. That’s why I need to make sure all our facts are accurate, and we’ve followed the rubric the teacher gave us down to a T.
In this dialogue, two coworkers are discussing the cleaning crew at their place of employment.
Mal: I’m so glad they hired Janet to be the head of the cleaning department. She is so organized, and she manages her team so well!
Xiomara: I know! The office always looks so tidy. She attends to every minute detail, down to a t!
More Examples
This excerpt is about how a professional basketball player and his fashion sense. This excerpt uses an alternative spelling of t.
- DT: So, when you’re posting on Instagram, I’m sure you don’t look at the comments because social media is cruel at times.
When it comes to others thoughts and opinions about you, it’s pretty much not your concern.
- RW: You’re right! It’s plain and simple and you have it down to a tee. –Huffington Post
This excerpt is about Brexit, and also uses an alternative spelling.
- Set-piece speeches suit the Prime Minister down to a tee. Her explanation in January at Lancaster House of what Britain wanted in leaving the European Union has been treated since then as Brexit gospel in Government. –Telegraph
The expression down to a t means accounting for even the tiniest detail.
- 1 Down to a T Meaning
- 2 Origin of Down to a T
- 3 Examples of Down to a T
- 4 More Examples
- 5 Summary
To the T: Meaning Explained
If something fits you “to a T,” you might wonder what that means. The phrase “to a T” or “to the T” means that something is perfect.
If you want to learn how to use the idiom “to a T,” you’re going to need some more context.
In this article, we will discuss the definition and meaning of the phrase “to the T,” as well as how to use it in a sentence.
To the T Definition
“To a T” is sometimes written as “to the T,” “to the tee,” or “to a tee.” These phrases mean exactly the same thing, but the most commonly accepted way to write the idiom is “to a T.”
The expression “to a T” means that something is exactly right. If something describes you “to a T,” it means it’s a perfect description for you.
If you have mastered something “down to a T,” you’ve figured it out down to the smallest detail.
If something “fits you to a T,” it’s usually a non-literal fit. The phrase isn’t about clothes fitting you. It’s about something describing you precisely.
Phrases like “to a T” are quite common because they’ve been around for so long.
Using a cliché expression can make your writing sound tired and trite.
ProWritingAid’s Clichés Report will highlight overused idioms so you can spice up your writing with fresher language.
To the T Meaning
So, what does the T in “to the T” mean? Unfortunately, this is one of those expressions that no one really knows the origins of.
Some people think the phrase references a t-shirt because we often say, “fits you to a T.”
Other people have speculated that it refers to a T-square measuring tool, as something fits you like a precise measurement.
People have even thought the phrase references golf tees because they are so small, and the expression means something is perfect to the tiniest detail.
None of these theories really make sense. “To a T” is an old phrase: it dates to around the 1690s. T-shirts are a twentieth century invention, and the T-square also showed up well after the expression.
While golf tees are from the right time period, “tee” is actually a misspelling. The correct form is the letter T.
The first known written appearance of “to a T” is from James Wright’s The Humours and Conversations of the Town, published in 1693. But the phrase was likely used before this.
Many scholars think the expression comes from an early phrase, “to a tittle.” A tittle is a tiny mark or small stroke, such as an accent mark or the mark above a lowercase i or j.
“To a tittle” appeared in 1607 in a play called The Woman Hater by Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. The line said, “I’ll quote him to a tittle.” It’s likely that the phrase evolved to be “to a T" as the word tittle became less common.
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Try it for free!Examples of “To the T” and “To a T” Used in Sentences
The phrase “to a T” often follows words like suit, fit, or describe. Let’s check out some examples of how to use this phrase in sentences.
- I’m a Myers-Briggs type INFJ, and the description fits me to a T.
- The HR representative felt the candidate fit the job description to the T.
- She practiced the complicated piano piece until she knew it down to a T.
- The wedding dress suited her to a T; it was non-conventional and lovely just like her.
“Down to a T" vs “To the T:" Which Is Correct?
It’s common to see the expression “down to a T.” But is it correct to say the phrase with or without “down?”
It’s correct either way. Adding “down” to the idiom is a way of adding emphasis to the phrase. In other words, if something describes you “down to a T,” it doesn’t just fit you well: it fits you down to the tiniest detail.
As far as spelling goes, the correct way to write it is with the letter T. However, the misspelling of “tee” dates all the way back to the 1760s! It’s been misspelled so often that it’s acceptable to use this spelling, too.
Should you use “the” or “a” in the expression? Originally, the phrase used “a,” and most people consider this to be the correct way.
But because it’s been around for centuries, people have messed it up for just as long. It’s fine to write it with “the. ”
It’s always interesting when common expressions like “to a T” have a long, muddy history. If you use “to a T” in your writing, most people will know what you mean.
But you can always find a new way to liven up your writing rather than using this cliché.
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How to teach employees to follow job descriptions
Typical mistakes in the preparation and implementation of job descriptions
Job descriptions are introduced at many enterprises. It is rightly considered that without them the work will not be built professionally enough. Forms of job descriptions roam from organization to organization, they are on the Internet, they are well known to people with experience in Soviet enterprises. However, apparently, job descriptions do not solve the tasks for which they are created, and employees often treat them condescendingly, as an element of bureaucracy. So what's wrong?
Let's first look at what employees don't like about job descriptions.
The first thing employees themselves say about job descriptions is that there is a bureaucratic element that does not help in any way. The dictionary defines the word "bureaucracy" as: "excessive concern for formalities, clerical conventions, to the detriment of the essence of the matter." And this definition is fully suitable for the generally accepted form of job description. Here are the cons that are easy to find.
As a rule, in large enterprises, instructions are written by a special department responsible for regulations. And at smaller enterprises they take these forms as a model. But how can a person who is not an expert in this type of work write a good manual?
The definition of the word "instruction", which we find in the dictionary, is: "a set of instructions, rules that establish the order and method of doing or doing something." Instructions are built according to this type, for example, for household appliances - what to press, in what order, what to twist, what to do in case of problems, what result is expected from each operation. If you come to a driving school, then there you will receive instructions on how to drive a car correctly, learn how to act.
And what do we see from this definition in job descriptions of enterprises? Just a list of things to do. It doesn't even look like a manual. Imagine you bought a TV, open the user manual. And it says: "User rights: watch TV, switch programs, change the sound volume. User duties: wipe dust off the TV, do not drop the TV, do not break the TV. User responsibility: if the TV breaks down due to the user's fault, no one will return the money to the user and the cost of repairs will be deducted from his salary." And that's it! This would be very similar to the "job descriptions" used all the time.
No, the instruction must at least meet the definition of the word "instruction" and contain the methods of action on the post, in addition to listing the actions themselves.
Are you familiar with the term "Italian strike"? This is when everything is done only according to the instructions. If the instructions were written by a person who does not know the technology of this post, if the instructions only spell out the responsibility and duties of the employee, but do not spell out the methods of action and end products, then the "Italian strike" can literally lead to disasters.
But if the instruction contains all the items listed in this article, doing the work "exactly according to the instructions" will only lead to an increase in production.
Responsibility like guilt is not the best help for a production employee, believe me.
An example is retail chains such as "Metro". Large franchising enterprises - hotels, restaurants, cafes, etc. Without detailed guidance materials, without clear regulations for all administrative and production processes, it would be impossible to expand such networks in a single format. Their instructions are written in such detail that they leave no room for confusion.
The question immediately arises - then what qualifications should employees of the regulation department have in order to prescribe the technology of each position?
Who should write instructions and why
Instructions should be written with the intent of helping the person to perform his or her job professionally. There is no other valuable task.
Technological descriptions are written for production processes, which are more consistent with the definition of the word "instruction" and therefore more helpful to the one who uses them. Why not make a job description for each employee in the form of a description of the technological process of his post?
What are the integral parts of the technology? First, the product. What should be the output as a result of performing actions. The product of a car factory is cars. And what is the product of the same sales manager? Certainly "income". The product of an accountant is "tidy reports submitted on time", etc. The wording is specially lightened and abbreviated for easier perception in the article.
There is also the technological process itself, which leads to the product. As a result of each of its stages, "sub-products" are formed. For example, in the paint shop of a car factory, a sub-product "painted car body" is obtained. That is, we need to determine the sequence of actions for the production of the product of each position and add both to the instruction.
This can only be done by a person who really knows this technology in practice. Only those who have theoretical training and practical experience. In production, this is simple - engineers, technologists, managers would not be able to work without such knowledge. Administrative positions are often filled by people who are not familiar with these principles, and therefore do not understand that as a result of their actions something of exchange value should be obtained. Unfortunately, such a person is often put in the department of regulations.
The many instructions that are flooding organizations simply label actions with no regard for the valuable end product, the result. Which is just a fatal error that nullifies the very idea of an instruction.
Job descriptions for the marketing department should be written by someone who understands marketing, right? Understanding on a practical level, that is, knowing how to make money with the help of marketing in this particular company.
Job descriptions for the sales department can be written by the most productive salesperson or manager in charge of the area, provided that he has a positive practical experience.
Instructions for the HR department and for the policy department can be ordered from competent management consultants who have the know-how and experience of building these services. The costs will pay off handsomely.
Responsibility as guilt
Here is another disadvantage of the type of instruction that is widely used. We all understand the goal pursued by most managers when introducing a job description. This is an official document, the observance of which is prescribed in the contract and in the legislation, on the basis of the violation of which the employee can be fined or fired. Managers see this function of the job description in the first place and happily use it. Suppressing thereby in employees the initiative and fighting spirit.
You have to do this and that, otherwise you will not be blown off your head! That's right, that's discipline. But bare discipline without introducing a person in detail to the course of affairs, without training him to do the work at his post, which is a very effective help, is simply an overwhelming effect. Source of stress.
Responsibility is not "guilt", it is the realization that you are able to act on your own initiative, be the cause of actions, and thus be held accountable for them. Causality. When it is reduced to the level of guilt, it turns out the army, and the job description turns into an army charter - an inexhaustible source of jokes and mockery.
How to create the correct instruction
It is done only on the basis of successful experience. Instructions that have the force of law can and should be written only in two cases: when the organization has coped with the danger and when the most successful employee describes a working process, intending to move up or expand the sphere of influence.
Any other instructions can only have the status of experimental, and the rules for making changes and additions to them, approved by the highest management body of the organization, must be written.
Who has the right to legalize an instruction? Only the owner, or his authorized representative, to whom such powers have been delegated in full or in part. (Owners often do not know what to do, although this direct function of theirs is not performed, which does not allow the enterprise to develop correctly). In large organizations where the owner manages through the department of owner control, the instructions are not signed by "someone in this department." The final signature under the instruction is only the owner. If this is an authorized representative, then his authority to sign the founder must be recorded in writing. Otherwise, the owner must take over this function, since the creation of a business (including the approval of technology and procedures, and not just the development of a business idea) is his product. At least that's how it should be.
Performance metrics
Another missing ingredient in order to create the perfect instruction is performance metrics. The ISO 9001 standard mentions that an enterprise should be managed by performance indicators, but does not say how. And managers are forced to come up with these indicators, develop them using available (often disgustingly worked) samples, order them from professionals or enter them for show.
But performance indicators are the most powerful management tool, if you know the technology of their correct application. The format of this article does not allow describing the features of this technology, and in fact, very few managers are familiar with it. The Norton and Kaplan system is mainly used, which has pronounced drawbacks. But even this limited system is better than nothing.
In essence, indicators are simply a quantity of products and sub-products produced, linked to time, for example, per week. The wording and order of reporting on indicators should be in the instructions, on the basis of which a person is encouraged, rewarded, de-bonded, punished, etc.
Organizational structure
The job description must contain a copy of the part of the organizational structure to which this post belongs, so that the employee can find out who his immediate supervisor is, what functions are expected from people working nearby, what products.
The particle flows to be processed must also be shown schematically. What comes to this post (documents, people, materials), what changes need to be made to the incoming particle, where it needs to be sent further. Who should write reports, and which ones.
The entire workflow of this post must be in the form of correctly completed samples attached to the job description in order to exclude constant wars because of "one's own vision" of office work.
How to correctly enter job descriptions
Obviously, the correct job description is not one document, but rather a package of documents.
The study of official materials must be carried out in accordance with the so-called checklist. The checklist is a list of all instructional and technological materials that are required to be studied for understanding and successful work in this position, in the order of their study from simple to complex. The checklist also includes all the necessary practical tasks, exercises, training and internships necessary for mastering the actions indicated in the instructions.
The textbook on social and corporate policy of the Academy of National Economy under the President of the Russian Federation quite rightly states that the best known technology for creating job descriptions and training materials was described by the classic American management L. Ron Hubbard. His "Course of the head of the organization" includes the following list, which consists of a package of official materials:
1. The purpose of the post.
2. His relative position on the org board.
3. Description of the post (usually done by the one who held the post earlier and in this case has no more power than mere advice).
4. Checklist for studying all instructions, technological instructions, manuals, books and for conducting exercises related to this post.
5. Complete collection of materials, as per checklist, plus any equipment manuals or book. (These materials describe the functions, rights, responsibilities, technology, etc. of this post).
6. A copy of the org board of the structural subdivision of the organization to which the post belongs.
7. Flow diagrams showing which particles enter the post, what changes need to be made with these particles, and where they should then be sent.
8. Post product.
9. Statistical indicators (performance indicators) of the post, as well as statistics of the section, department and department in which the post is located.
This will be a package of official materials in the form in which it will really fulfill its direct function - it will help the employee to orient himself, improve professionalism, learn how to work and increase productivity. And also this package includes functions and responsibilities that should be observed, and for non-compliance with which the employee may run into trouble.
People are ready to work if they are taught. Most employees are unskilled, but they are rarely truly malicious, so the above will compensate for most staffing problems.
Finally, it should be noted that this package is not created and is not entered immediately, in its entirety. This is done gradually. The materials of L. Ron Hubbard, mentioned above, contain a detailed technology for the gradual creation and implementation of official materials. It makes no sense to cite it in its entirety, it is easier to refer to the original source. I will only note that the wording of products, indicators, functions and a brief description of the post is done at the very beginning and takes only a few pages. Also, the simplest job package includes all current orders related to this position, which require constant implementation.
Vadim Boykov
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Trados Instructions
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Toolkit Translating a file in Studio 2017 in 10 easy steps
The document shows in a simple and visual way the steps required to translate in Trados Studio 2017 (Russian interface)
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Manual Installing and Licensing the Trados Studio 2021 Professional Single-User System
An overview of the main steps for installing Trados Studio 2021 Professional Single-User: obtaining a license, downloading SDL Trados distributions, installing, (de-)activating a license.
- zip | 1.31M
Manual Document translation in Trados Studio 2019
Archive contains: step-by-step instruction "Translating a document in Trados Studio 2019.pdf", SamplePhotoPrinter.docx document, printer.sdltm translation base, Printer.sdltb terminology dictionary.
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Manual Installing and Licensing Trados Studio 2021 Professional when using Network Licenses
Overview of the main stages of installing Trados Studio 2021 Network: obtaining a license, downloading SDL Trados distributions, installing, activating a license on client machines and the server part.
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Manual Trados Studio 2019 Freelance Installation and Licensing
Trados Studio 2019 Freelance installation overview: obtaining a license, downloading SDL Trados distributions, installing, (de-)activating a license.
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Manual Installing and Licensing the Trados Studio 2019 Professional Single-User System
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Overview of the main stages of installing Trados Studio 2019 Network: obtaining a license, downloading SDL Trados distributions, installing, activating the license on client machines and the server part.
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Manual Translating a document in Trados Studio 2017
Archive contains: step-by-step instruction "Translating a document in Trados Studio 2017.pdf", SamplePhotoPrinter.docx document, printer.sdltm translation database, Printer.sdltb terminology dictionary.
Download and extract the archive on your computer. Launch Trados Studio 2017 and follow the instructions to translate the SamplePhotoPrinter.docx document.
Video for this manual.
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Instruction manual Studio 2017 Mapping: Creating a translation memory from previously translated documents0130 , as well as documents Translating and Reviewing Documents QSG_en.docx and Translating and Reviewing Documents QSG_en.doc .
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Launch Trados Studio 2017 and follow the instructions to create a merge project.
Video for this manual.
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Manual Trados Studio 2017 Freelance 9 Installation and Licensing0147
Overview of the main installation steps for Trados Studio 2017 Freelance: obtaining a license, downloading SDL Trados distributions, installing, (de-)activating a license.
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Manual Installing and Licensing Trados Studio 2017 Professional Single-User
An overview of the main steps for installing Trados Studio 2017 Professional Single-User: obtaining a license, downloading SDL Trados distributions, installing, (de-)activating a license.
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Manual Installing and licensing the Trados Studio 2017 Professional system in case of using network licenses
An overview of the main stages of installing Trados Studio 2017 Network: obtaining a license, downloading SDL Trados distributions, installing, activating the license on client machines and the server part.
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Toolkit Translating a file in 10 easy steps
The document shows the steps required to translate in Trados Studio 2015 (English interface) in a simple and visual way
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Manual Translating a document in Trados Studio 2015
Archive contains: step-by-step instruction "Translating a document in Trados Studio 2015.pdf", SamplePhotoPrinter.docx document, printer.sdltm translation base, Printer.sdltb terminology dictionary.
Download and extract the archive on your computer. Launch Trados Studio 2015 and follow the instructions to translate the SamplePhotoPrinter.docx document.
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Manual Studio 2015 Mapping: Creating a translation memory from previously translated documents
Archive contains: Studio 2015 Step-by-Step Manual Mapping.
pdf and documents Translating and Reviewing Documents QSG_en.docx and Translating and Reviewing Documents QSG_en.doc .
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Manual Trados Studio 2015: Quick Guide to Translation and Editing
Intended for translators and reviewers. It deals with the translation and editing of translated documents. These documents can be presented as single files for translation or files as part of a project or subproject (package).
- pdf | 1M
Manual Trados Studio 2015: Translation Memory Management Quick Guide
Designed for users who create and maintain translation memories.
It deals with setting up translation databases, searching for and editing translation units in manual and automatic modes, importing data into translation databases.
- pdf | 1.37M
Manual Trados Studio 2015: Quick Guide to Project Management
Aimed at project managers. It covers the life cycle of a project, starting with the creation of a project and then managing that project using packages.
- pdf | 2.4 M
Manual Trados Studio 2015 Freelance Installation and Licensing
Trados Studio 2015 Freelance installation overview: obtaining a license, downloading SDL Trados distributions, installing, (de-)activating a license.
- pdf | 2.4 M
Manual Installing Trados Studio 2015 Professional Single User
An overview of the main steps for installing Trados Studio 2015 Professional Single-User: obtaining a license, downloading SDL Trados distributions, installing, (de-)activating a license.
- pdf | 2.32M
Manual Installing and Licensing Trados Studio 2015 Professional (Network)
Overview of the main stages of installing Trados Studio 2015 Network: obtaining a license, downloading SDL Trados distributions, installing, activating the license on client machines and the server part.
- zip | 921 K
Manual Translating a document in Trados Studio 2014
Archive contains: step-by-step instruction "Translating a document in Trados Studio 2014.pdf", SamplePhotoPrinter.docx document, printer.sdltm translation base, Printer.sdltb terminology dictionary.
Download and extract the archive on your computer. Launch Trados Studio 2014 and follow the instructions to translate the SamplePhotoPrinter.
docx document.
- pdf | 1.26 M
Manual Installing and licensing Trados Studio 2014 Freelance system when upgrading from earlier versions
Overview of the main installation steps for Trados Studio 2014 Freelance when migrating from earlier versions : Obtaining a license, downloading SDL Trados distributions, installing, licensing operations.
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Manual Trados Studio 2014 Freelance installation and licensing
Trados Studio 2014 Freelance installation overview: getting a license, downloading SDL Trados distributions, installing, (de-)activating a license.
- pdf | 1.28 M
Manual Installing Trados Studio 2014 Professional in case of using single-user licenses
Overview of the main steps for installing Trados Studio 2014 Professional Single-User: obtaining a license, downloading SDL Trados distributions, installing, (de-)activating a license.
- pdf | 1.10 M
Manual Installing Trados Studio 2014 Professional when using network licenses
Overview of the main stages of installing Trados Studio 2014 Network: obtaining a license, downloading SDL Trados distributions, installing, activating the license on client machines and the server part.
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Manual Studio 2014, Alignment mode: creating a translation memory based on previously translated documents Combining previously translated documents.pdf , documents Translating and Reviewing Documents QSG_en.docx and Translating and Reviewing Documents QSG_en.doc .
Download and extract the archive on your computer. Launch Trados Studio 2014 and follow the instructions to create a merge project.
- pdf | 6.
Trados Studio 2014: Quick Guide to Translation and Editing
Intended for translators and reviewers. It deals with the translation and editing of translated documents. These documents can be presented as single files for translation or files as part of a project or subproject (package).
- pdf | 3.4M
Trados Studio 2014: Quick Guide to Project Management
Aimed at project managers. It covers the life cycle of a project, starting with the creation of a project, and then managing this project using subprojects (packages).
- pdf | 3.6M
Trados Studio 2014: Translation Memory Management Quick Guide
Intended for users who create and maintain translation memories. It deals with setting up translation databases, searching for and editing translation units in manual and automatic modes, importing data into translation databases.
- zip | 615 K
Manual Creating a termbase based on an Excel glossary in SDL MultiTerm 2014
Archive contains: step-by-step instruction in format (*.pdf), example glossary in Excel 9 format0129 "TM dictionary.xlsx" .
Download and unzip the archive on your computer, follow the instructions to create a termbase.
- pdf | 2.2M
Trados Studio 2011: Quick Guide to Translation and Editing
Intended for translators and reviewers. It deals with the translation and editing of translated documents. These documents can be presented as single files for translation or as files within a project or subproject.
- pdf | 1.9M
Trados Studio 2011: Quick Guide to Project Management
Aimed at project managers.
It covers the life cycle of a project, starting with the creation of a project and then managing that project using subprojects.
- pdf | 1.4M
Trados Studio 2011: Translation Memory Management Quick Guide
Intended for users who create and maintain translation memories. It deals with setting up translation databases, searching for and editing translation units in manual and automatic modes, importing data into translation databases.
- zip | 868 K
Manual Translating the document in Trados Studio 2011
Archive contains: step-by-step instructions Trados Studio 2011. Translating the document.pdf , Document SamplePhotoPrinter.doc , Translation Database printer.sdltm , Glossary Printer.sdltb .
Download and extract the archive on your computer.