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Kids Game Downloads - Play 66 Free Kids Games!


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Tux Typing


SpongeBob SquarePants Typing


Dora Saves the Crystal Kingdom


Diego's Dinosaur Adventure


Doras Carnival Adventure


La Casa De Dora

7. 5

Doras Carnival 2: At the Boardwalk


Bob the Builder - Can Do Zoo


Aqua Words


Caillou Kindergarten: Counting and Thinking Skills Combined

View All Educational Games

Score Game

9. 0

Insaniquarium Deluxe


Feeding Frenzy


My Horse   Mobile


Zoo Vet


Diego's Dinosaur Adventure


Planet Horse

8. 5

Feeding Frenzy 2


Wonder Pets Save the Puppy


DragonVale   Mobile


Saddle Up - Time to Ride


Angry Birds

9. 0

Bad Piggies

View All Animals Games

Score Game


Pou   Mobile


Despicable Me: Minion Rush   Mobile


My Horse   Mobile

6. 5

My Little Pony   Mobile


Coin Dozer   Mobile


Angry Birds


Angry Birds Free   Mobile


Cut the Rope Free   Mobile

9. 0

Angry Birds Star Wars


Angry Birds Space   Mobile


Dx Ball


Tetris Zone


Bad Piggies


Angry Birds Seasons   Mobile

8. 0



Chicken Invaders 2


Airport Mania: First Flight


American Girl - Julie Saves the Eagles


Chuzzle Deluxe


Benji Bananas   Mobile

7. 0

John Deere Drive Green

View All Just for Fun Games

What are Kids’ Games?

Kids’ games include any video game designed to be played by children. Such games are often, but need not necessarily be, educational in nature. They feature age-appropriate content, with no realistic violence or inappropriate themes. They naturally avoid too-complex rule systems and are designed to be aesthetically appealing to certain age brackets. Within that broad definition, there are a great many subcategories of children’s games.

The History of Kids’ Games

Before looking at the history of games specifically designed for children, it should be noted that most popular early arcade and home games would probably be considered as appropriate for children as adults. Pong, Space Invaders, Pac-Man, Super Mario Bros. , etc., contained no objectionable material which parents might has sought to shield their children from. Only later would games with more mature content and themes, such as Mortal Kombat and Doom, enter the mainstream of gaming. The 1990s saw an increase in controversy over adult themes and violence in video games. Eventually parents’ desire to protect children from certain games led to the creation of a ratings system, the ERSB, in 1994.

That said, however, there has long been a demand for games which specifically cater to children. As the use of home computers and consoles for gaming has grown more widespread over the last thirty years, the demand for kids’ video games has expanded as well.

In 1971, Don Rawitsch, a student history teacher from Carleton College, decided to create a computer game to explain a certain aspect of American history to his young students. With the help of two other student teachers, he created one of the most enduring and iconic of all kids’ games: Oregon Trail. The game has been revised many times since, but the essence of the game remains the same: the player is responsible for leading a party of pioneers from Missouri to Oregon, facing the same challenges that real-life Americans did on the trail in the mid-to-late nineteenth century. Originally released for the home computer, it has more recently been ported to new devices such as the iPhone. Oregon Trail is typical of a successful educational video game: it provides accurate knowledge while also entertaining the students. A spin-off, Yukon Trail, was also created.

In 1985 Brøderbund Software published Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, which teaches players geography as they hunt down a globe-trotting fugitive. Sequels included more specific locales, and one branched out into teaching history as well through the device of time-travel. The series was so popular it inspired television shows, board games, and other cross-media spin-offs.

Another major educational franchise began in 1987 with the release of Davidson Associates’ Math Blaster!, which taught children mathematics as part of an astronaut-themed game. Math Blaster! was remade several times and, beginning in the mid-1990s, its model was expanded to teach other subjects as well. Yet another franchise, JumpStart, which premiered in the 1990s, focuses on a variety of subjects and age groups.

Other games which provide a combination of learning and fun place more emphasis on the latter than those above. In this category might be included Feeding Frenzy, in which the player rises up the ocean food chain by eating other fish. Virtual pet games not only provide a substitute for real pets but also prepare the child for the responsibilities that come with caring for a living animal.

Another genre of children’s games includes those adapted from other media. Such games have grown increasingly popular in recent years. The children’s television network Nickelodeon, for example, has successfully marketed video games based on some of its popular series, such as Dora the Explorer and SpongeBob SquarePants. Also, LucasArts has worked with the Lego Company to develop video games based on the Star Wars and Indiana Jones franchises which are designed to appeal to a younger audience.

Who Would Be Interested in Kids’ Games?

Since kids’ games are marketed toward a specific group, children, the answer to this question might seem obvious. Nonetheless, the great variety of games and the rapid development of children’s minds as they grow up necessitate a certain level of caution from parents. They should carefully check to see whether a game is appropriate for their child’s age and abilities, as well as if the game contains material likely to interest the child.

In addition, some adults may find that they enjoy games that are ostensibly for children. Nostalgic gamers in their twenties or thirties may find it appealing to revisit the games of their youth.

Angry Birds Free Game Review

A superior game, one of the very best in its category.


  • Addictive physics-based gameplay.
  • Charming cartoon visuals.
  • Includes 15 exclusive levels not found in any other Angry Birds game.
  • It's free.


  • It's awfully short.




Read Full Angry Birds Free Review

Now everyone can experience Angry Birds!

Angry Birds is a deceptively simple puzzle game that is known for keeping players busy for hours at a time. It initially gained popularity as a phone-based game but has since stretched its boundaries and journeyed to other platforms as well.

Puzzles Based on Physics

Angry Birds has a fantastic physics engine that makes the game consistent and challenging. The pigs usually hole themselves up in bases made from combinations of wood, stone, ice, glass or snow, and some forts must be hit in a very specific way in order to clobber the pig hiding inside.


Sometimes you can make the buildings even stronger by attacking them in a way that makes the pieces fall tighter around the pig. It takes trial and error, strategy and logic to determine the best plan of attack against each puzzle. Be prepared to play levels multiple times before solving them!

Lock and Load

Who knew catapulting birds could be so much fun? Birds bent on revenge happily load themselves into a giant slingshot and wait for you to fire them at the enemies. You are in full control of the trajectory of each shot. One of the most enjoyable aspects of the game is simply experimenting with different ways of firing the shot.

There are also a variety of different birds to work with in each level with their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes, the birds you have to work with are as much of a challenge as the obstacles the pigs have come up with themselves.

240+ Levels of Pork Popping Mayhem

Angry Birds offers wonderful replay value due to the massive amount of levels in the game. In addition, all future updates are provided free of charge after the game is purchased.

Angry Birds Never Looked or Sounded Better!

The graphics and audio in the PC version of the game have been optimized for larger screens and bigger speakers. The resulting graphics are stunning and crisp, with zero pixelation or distortion.

The sound is also of the highest quality, meaning that all of the little noises the pigs and birds make will be clear as a bell.

Simple, Easy Controls

Angry Birds was initially created to work with a touchscreen interface, but Angry Birds for the PC uses the mouse instead with excellent results. In the game, your cursor appears as a floating hand. Simply pull back on the slingshot by clicking and dragging, and launch the bird by letting go.

Despite the simplicity, these controls are precise!


Golden Eggs to Collect

There are tons of golden eggs hidden in the game for you to find. Each golden egg opens up a special level for you to play. Collect them all!

Angry Birds offers addictive puzzle gameplay that players just can't get enough of. This game provides a perfect balance between thought-provoking puzzles and the gleeful destruction of everything on the screen. It's fun, fast and absorbing!

Review by David Galvin

Dave Galvin is a freelance writer and avid gamer. Somehow, he managed to find a way to combine the two passions.

Another Literal Crash Course in Bird Bombardment

The world is abundant with a lot of things, like salt water, aluminum and especially Angry Birds games. The franchise has been downloaded well over a billion times and consists of so many titles that it can be easy to get lost in the shuffle.

Luckily, Rovio has provided a pretty good jump-off point with Angry Birds Free. It’s not a mere game demo; it can be considered a new entry to the series.


More than that, it offers a bite-sized sampling of what makes Angry Birds such a hit. It has the series’ trademark cartoon visuals, its zany sense of humor, and its challenging physics-based gameplay. It may not be the most original title out there and it may not stand out in comparison to the other Angry Birds games, but for the zero-dollar price it’s going for, you really can’t ask for more.

The Same Game of Bombardment We All Know and Love

There isn’t much to say about the base gameplay of Angry Birds Free. It’s Angry Birds. The object of each level is to destroy the birds’ mortal enemies, the egg-snatching Bad Piggies. You use a slingshot to launch the birds at the porker’s crude fortresses and see how much damage you can cause with each individual attack.

The controls are simple and intuitive. Everything is operated via the touchscreen. If you want to put more power into your launch, you pull the bird back on the slingshot as far as you can. If you want to launch a bird high in the air, then you stretch the sling as low to the ground as you can handle. The laws of physics are your friends in Angry Birds, as the use of getting the right trajectory is the key to winning.

A Playful Variety of Ammunition

In addition to the base mechanics are the different kinds of birds you can shoot. Red the red bird is a basic projectile that can knock down just about anything with the right amount of momentum. Chuck the yellow bird can be given a one-time burst of speed if you tap the screen, and he’s very effective at splintering wood. The blue bird can split into three and is ideal for shattering glass. Bomb the black bird blows up like a bomb and is the best at clearing out metal for you, and so on.

It may sound like a lot to take in, but the Angry Birds series excels in easing new players into the experience. New birds are introduced one at a time and their introductory levels are designed in such a way that you can learn how their abilities work and how to properly utilize them in the future.

However, some birds are more difficult to control than others. The most infamous of them is Hal the green boomerang bird. The idea with him is that you can cause him to reverse direction, which would make him the best at taking out pigs that are well defended on only one side. Unfortunately, his flight patterns are just as hard to predict as a real boomerang. He requires very precise aiming and timing for both his launch and return; failure on either is just going to make him eat dirt. Thankfully, Hal is one of the lesser-seen birds. You won’t need to deal with him too often.

A Little Bit of the Old and a Little Bit of the New

In some ways, Angry Birds Free is akin to a free demo of the original game. However, it’s also a new one in other ways. While half of the levels are lifted straight from Angry Birds, the other half are brand new and can’t be found anywhere else in the series.

Even if you have played the first game to exhaustion or are otherwise very familiar with all of the ins and outs of the franchise, it should be good to know that there’s at least one untouched area that you can enjoy at no extra cost. The new levels may not stand out too much, but they’re well-designed and fun enough to solve on their own.

Hone Your Anger Efficiently

It’s not enough to just smash things up with the Angry Birds. In order to master the game, you need to learn how to do so as efficiently as possible. Not only do you have a limited number of birds on hand who are ready and willing to teach those greedy pigs a lesson, but you get a larger score when you cause massive damage with as few birds as possible. This adds another layer of strategy to the game. While you’re often given more than enough birds to complete each level, beating them using only one or two is much more challenging and immensely more satisfying.

It also helps to add more longevity to the game; it’s not tough to complete and it shouldn’t take too long, but getting a three-star rating for each puzzle can keep you occupied just a little longer.

Freedom Comes at a Price

Make no mistake; Angry Birds Free is completely free to download and play. There are no strings attached, there are no microtransactions, and no content is withheld from you.

Unfortunately, it’s awfully short when compared to the rest of the series. Most Angry Birds games get released with as many as 60 levels out of the box and can easily climb to over a hundred with updates. Angry Birds Free only has a measly 30 available. That isn’t long by any stretch of the imagination, especially since a lot of the earlier ones can be beaten in a matter of minutes each.


You Get a Decent Amount for What You Pay For

In the end, you can’t complain too much. While Angry Birds Free could certainly afford to be a little longer, there’s no arguing that you can easily kill a rainy afternoon with it for free. It’s just as fun and addictive as its paid counterparts and serves as a worthy introduction to what the series is all about for those who haven’t yet joined the madness.

Get it as a sampler to the Angry Birds. If you like what you see, feel free to give the others a whirl. You might be surprised.

Children's games for children 3-4 years old


- Educational games for toddlers and children aged 2 to 4
- Games for children to sort and classify objects by shape, size, color and quantity
- Games for girls and boys, developed in collaboration with experts in areas of preschool education

A few words about these children's games:
Games for toddlers are aimed at developing basic skills and learning something new about shapes and colors, the number and size of different objects. This game for girls and boys can be part of your toddler's preschool education. We believe that games for toddlers should be fun and include an educational element. Therefore, we pay special attention to the content of our games for kids. This time Bimi Boo will go on a magical journey around the world. He will visit different places and perform various tasks. For example, help penguins build houses in the Arctic or collect things for a safari in Africa. These amazing games for toddlers will show your little one all the diversity of the world around them.

Games for children are aimed at improving the following skills:
- Visual perception;
- Concentration;
- Hand-eye coordination;
- Logical thinking.

Games for girls and boys include:
Arctic: Sort items by size. Help the penguins build their houses.
Boat: Sort items by color. Deliver groceries to their destination.
Waterfall: arrange the animals using logical thinking.
Pyramid: Sort items by shape and color. Find an ancient treasure.
Garden: Sort items by shape. Harvest fruits and vegetables.
Space: Assemble the puzzle according to the shape of the objects. The space puzzle is waiting for you.
Road: Sort cars by their color. Arrange cars on trucks.
Numbers: Sort items by quantity. Learning to count.
Safari: Sort by meaning. Separate the edible from the inedible.
Savannah: Sort items by size. Dress up the characters.
Sea: Sort by color. Choose the right house for your sea animal.
Winter: Sort items according to their shape.

Version 2.87

Thank you for using our apps. Here are some details of this update:
- Reduced application size.
- Fixed some minor bugs.

Ratings and reviews

Ratings: 65. 6k

Puzzles for boys

At the beginning, the child really liked it, asked to buy the rest of the levels. After payment, they played for 4 days, on the fifth day the application does not open, when you open it, it's just a white screen. This is not the case with other applications. So... we paid for 4 days of games, and now delete the application at least. Reinstalling the application did not help

Thank you for the review. Please email your device details and we will investigate the issue to help you. Let us know at


:9; in the future


My daughter liked it very much

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BimiBoo Kids team

In-App Purchases

Full version

15 educational games

379.00 RUB

Developer Bimi Boo Kids Learning Games for Toddlers FZ LLC has indicated that, in accordance with the app's privacy policy, data may be processed as described below. Detailed information is available in the developer's privacy policy.

No data collection

The developer does not collect data in this application.

Sensitive data may be used differently depending on your age, features involved, or other factors. Read more


Bimi Boo Kids Learning Games for Toddlers FZ LLC

135.4 MB


4+, for children 0-5 years old

© Bimi Boo Kids Learning Games for Toddlers


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15 games and apps your kids need to download for the summer

It's summer time - the time of the big school holidays, when all parents try to send their children to rest somewhere far away from home. These days, a lot of things change in a child's life - the environment, the climate, he moves to other cities and villages, meets a lot of previously unfamiliar people, even parents are often replaced by grandparents. One thing remains the same these days — having your own mobile phone.

Tlum.Ru offers you a selection of 15 free games and applications for a smartphone or tablet that will not only brighten up and diversify the long road and summer holidays for children, but also, most importantly, will help their parents to worry a little less about their treasures.

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Alphabet game: alphabet for kids

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Safety on the road: for children

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Drawing! Toddler games

In this game, every child can draw a cute character step by step, such as a butterfly, a frog or a hedgehog. Each drawing, after being drawn, as if by magic, comes to life. The butterfly starts fluttering merrily, the hedgehog curls up into a ball, the rocket flies into space, and the frog jumps amusingly. Great voice acting, funny animations and funny sound effects - all this will surely appeal to little artists.
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What grows in the forest child's play

A small interactive colorful encyclopedia of plants, trees and fruits with mushrooms in central Russia. It will be very useful and interesting for children going to their grandmothers in the village or to the country to get acquainted with all the pictures presented. After playing with the children, it will be possible to conduct a botany lesson right on the spot, in the nearest forest.
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Another app that brings you fairy tales beautifully designed as games. A large section here presents everyone's favorite Be-be-bears with their games and photo books. It is worth noting that most of the books are paid. Local gold coins are accepted as payment here, which can be bought for real money or earned by talking about the application on social networks, or saved up.
Google play


Papers is a real creative studio based on the popular animated series. Elk Aristotle and Woodpecker Tuk-Tuk will lead the child through the paper forest to a real paper adventure! Here, each place is unique and filled with items that you can: turn on, put on characters, combine and get not always predictable results.
Google play/App Store

Magic Lantern: Tales

Little fans of filmstrips, adventures and the animated series "Magic Lantern" will meet their favorite characters. "Treasure Island", "Little Captain", "The Ship with Scarlet Sails" and other interactive stories will not only introduce children to the plots of classical works, but also make them full participants in the events described.
Google play/App Store

Be-be-bears Planet of creativity

Before us is the second part of the interactive game of the Interactive Mult studio, created based on the be-be-bears animated series. Fun and interesting educational adventures in the fairy forest are waiting for your children. Here, little players will be surrounded by many objects with which they can interact. Thus, the child will be able to explore and learn about the world around him.
Google play/App Store

Animation Desk — Sketch & Draw

An app that aspiring artists will absolutely love! It's all about cute design, hand-drawn graphics, as well as the ability to create not only individual drawings, but also real animation masterpieces! Of course, these will not be full-length paintings, but mini-lengths, but here everything is limited only by the imagination and skill of the artist. The tools presented in the application will make the life of a young master easier, because in skillful and creative hands they will help to create real miracles.
Google play


Cartoon - children's cartoons

The application for children from the studio "Interactive cartoon" is without a doubt one of the most popular in the Russian-speaking space today! And all because it allows you to watch many domestic cartoons in high quality both online and offline (for offline mode, you need to buy a subscription and download selected cartoons)! For the holidays, the editors of the application prepare special collections, and premieres here appear earlier than on TV screens.
Google play/App Store

KIDOZ Protect your kids

The app turns your phone or tablet into a safe environment for kids. KIDO'Z brings together the best content available for kids in an intuitive interface, including apps, entertaining and educational videos, websites and games. All of them are adapted taking into account age, gender and language.

Just as important, the app will protect the device from problems that may arise when using it by children (for example, uninstalling applications, calls or unintentional purchases).
Google play

Family GPS tracker KidControl

With this application, you can control the location of a child's phone or even several children for 24 hours. If you create special "Places" - geofences, for example "School" or "Home", then you can receive automatic notifications by phone and mail when children visit them.

In the "Battery and Internet" menu, you can see how often the child puts the phone on charge, how quickly the battery is used up, what time the child takes the phone off the charger. Based on these data, it is possible to judge when the child goes to bed and what time he gets up. Other useful features include the SOS button and the ability to search for a lost phone.
Google play/App Store


Parent. Screen Time control

Screen Time will help parents control the amount of time their children spend on tablets and smartphones. Using the application, you can remotely set time limits that will prevent the child from sitting in the specified applications longer than the time set per day. Here are some more useful actions available:

  • Block games at bedtime but allow book reading apps
  • Block social media and games while in school without affecting learning apps
  • Reward kids with extra minutes for doing something like cleaning the room, doing homework on time, or washing the dishes
  • You will have access to the full history of actions with applications on the child's phone

Google play/

Good night

Our review ends with an app that helps kids get into bed and fall asleep wherever they are. This is a small masterpiece from Oscar nominee Heidi Witlinger. Everything here is built on interactivity - the children will take turns looking at different animals on the farm, putting them to bed and wishing them good night. Each animal has three animations that will introduce the kids to how they behave and talk.

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