Free spelling games for 1st grade
1st Grade Spelling Words, Lists, Games and Activities
1st Grade Spelling Lists, Games & Activities
Subscribe to Home Spelling Words!
We are pleased to provide free 1st grade spelling lists that can also be practiced online by registering with us.
Members can also create their own custom lists. 1st grade is an important time for children to learn and grow.
Help your student ace their weekly spelling tests by practicing spelling words for 1st grade at Home Spelling Words.
You simply create a family account, add your student's name, then import our 1st grade spelling words or use your own from school
by typing them in once each week. Your child can practice as much as he or she likes in order to improve their test scores.
There are many ways to help your child learn to spell. Take time to read with your child and make frequent visits to the library.
Also, there are many board games that can be modified to suit a younger child.
Don't forget that practice is really the key to success.
Make Your Own 1st Grade Spelling Lists
Create your own 1st grade spelling lists by registering with Home Spelling Words. Simply enter your list name, then each spelling word and a practice sentence if you like. Once you are done, publish the list and start practicing right away. You can also take spelling tests or play spelling games with your customized lists. Our website is perfect for homeschools with their own curriculum or students who receive a weekly spelling list from school.
1st Grade Spelling Worksheets
These are printable 1st grade spelling worksheets. Students are able to practice handwriting and spelling by completing these 1st grade worksheets and they can be done anytime. Worksheet 1 goes with List 1 and so forth.
1st Grade Spelling Bee Words
Home Spelling Words is the perfect website for to use for spelling bee practice. Create lists of ten or twenty first grade spelling words and practice
as much as you like. You can also play games with your spelling bee words and take tests as well.
1st Grade Spelling Activities
Make Your Own Books: Does your child have a big imagination? Put it to use by helping your child create their very own book! You can have them write words on a paper and then create illustrations to go with them. You can also use a word processing program like Microsoft Word. This is a great way for children to learn how to use computers and write a book at the same time. Bind your book with yarn or staples. Sample Title Ideas: Fun with Grandma, Fun with Grandpa (make great gifts), My First Day at School, My Teacher, I Love My Pet and When I Grow Up.
Sticky Words: Put sticky notes with words on common objects in the student’s room or elsewhere in the house. Then, the students will practice reading those words daily until he or she becomes familiar with the spelling.
Later you can have a “sticky test” by giving your student sticky notes with words and they have to run around the house placing the notes on the right objects.
Do you have advice for parents of 1st Grade students? Do you have a game you’d like to share? If so, email us at [email protected] today!
1st Grade Spelling Games, Lists, Worksheets & Activities
First Grade Spelling
First grade students love Spelling Stars online spelling program because we offer fun spelling games that change every time. Students can login from anywhere with an Internet connection and practice spelling or play games. Teachers can create their own spelling lists or use our lists. In addition to that, teachers can edit our lists once copied and share them with other teachers. Take spelling off your plate with the help of Spelling Stars!
Sign Up for a 7-Day Free Trial
Google Classroom Integration
Teachers can make their spelling lists, copy spelling lists from us, or copy lists other teachers. Once lists are copied from other teachers or us,
they can be edited. There are many ways to add your spelling lists to our system.
Benefits of Spelling Stars
- Use our 1st grade spelling games to help students become more familiar with their spelling words while playing.
- Teachers can create differentiated spelling lists that are saved year after year.
- It's easy to create student user ids and passwords or use Google Classroom to login.
- We provide Game Play Reports for teachers so they can track how much students practice.
- We provide practice reports for teachers.
- Spelling tests are graded instantly.
- If using Google Classrom, teachers can sync spelling test grades with Google Classroom after running reports.
- Spelling worksheets include word scramble, fill in the blank, word search and multiple choice.
- Perfect for remote learning or hybrid classrooms.
Spelling Lists
Teachers can make their spelling lists, copy spelling lists from us, or copy lists other teachers. Once lists are copied from other teachers or us, they can be edited. There are many ways to add your spelling lists to our system.
- Upload Excel or CSV files
- Copy and paste your spelling words and use our sentences
- Add your spelling words one at a time and create custom sentences
- Copy our ready-made lists, or lists from known publishers
- Copy lists from teachers you know
- Copy lists from other teachers members
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- Tweets by SpellingStars
Home Spelling Words HomeSchool Spelling Website
We have another website made specifically for the HomeSchool environment. Students can practice, take spelling tests and play games with our spelling lists or you can make your own.
Math Pyramid Math Website
Visit our math website with free math videos, worksheets, basic math facts games and much more.
Spelling Stars Site Map
Use the sitemap to view a list of all our pages.
Privacy Policy
We take your privacy seriously please click to read more.
Interactive Spelling Games
Play spelling games with your spelling lists or ours. Help your students learn through gamification.
Practice Spelling
We make it easy for students to practice spelling and for teachers to track how many times students practice online.
Take Spelling Tests Online
Students can take their spelling tests online. All tests are graded instantly and scores are displayed on screen and
logged for teachers in reports. Parents can login from home to view their student's spelling test grades.
useful sites for elementary school children
True Words website
True Words is an educational site for first-graders and not only. Used to test knowledge of the Russian language. In addition to practical tasks, there is also theory - no need to look elsewhere. The site makes it easy to track progress. For the first graders, the Easier than Easy course is a great addition to the main educational process.
Skazbuka application
A useful site for elementary school students — here the kid can learn reading, math and English. The interface does not strain the eyes, and the tasks are divided according to the age scale. The advantage of a convenient function: using the limit, you can limit the time that the child spends in the application.
App for first graders available for iOS and Android.
Application "Math and logic for children"
This application for elementary school children was developed in collaboration with teachers and psychologists. Includes small games that are aimed at developing thinking, logic, geometric imagination and counting skills. Just what first graders need! Available for iOS.
Nambi App
The app has over 1,000 fun math problems that fit the first grade school curriculum. You need to bathe the monsters, help the llama climb the rock, launch the dachshund into the air and feed the birds with cookies while studying mathematics. The app for first graders is available for iOS.
Bubl Draw application
An unusual application that will develop the creativity of the baby: here you can draw and compose music at the same time. Each color sounds differently and changes tone depending on the shape of the picture. Perhaps this will make it easier for parents to choose an additional section - you will find out what the child likes best. Available for iOS.
Learn English Kids website
This educational site for first graders and all children who are just starting out in English is developed by the British Council, the international organization representing the UK in the field of culture and education. On the site, kids can listen to songs, watch cartoons, play educational games and much more.
Memory Trainer application
Application for everyone who wants to train their memory. You need to memorize pictures and choose them from many others. With each step, the number of pictures grows, and the game becomes more difficult.
This educational application is suitable for Android.
Foxford Elementary School
It's good to have separate educational resources and apps for first graders to work on specific subjects and fill in gaps. But if a first grader needs comprehensive online learning, Foxford will come to the rescue!
Foxford Elementary School is an interactive online learning experience for grades 1-4. The child will be able to master the school curriculum in real time: at the appointed time, students gather on the platform and watch the webinar. No need to go anywhere and waste time on the road!
In grades 1-2, parents are present at the lessons with their children in order to immediately receive methodological recommendations and help the young student write his question in the chat. And in grades 3-4, children can already interact with teachers themselves, and separate methodological webinars are held for parents.
Education includes all the subjects required in the primary grades:
- Russian language and literary reading (in grades 1-2 these subjects are combined into one - literacy),
- mathematics,
- the world around,
- English,
- algorithms.
Classes are taught by teachers whose average teaching experience is 15 years. They know how to interest children and find an approach to everyone.
Students and parents are provided with the materials they need to succeed in their studies. Also, the class teacher is always ready to help kids and parents. And during the school year, a psychologist, speech therapist and other qualified professionals hold webinars for parents, where you can ask questions and get recommendations.
Suitable for Foxford Elementary School
- Those who are willing to attend first and second grade with their children.
- Those who want to build an individual learning path for their child from the first grade and learn what is interesting.
- Families who often move or live abroad but want their children to have a Russian diploma.
- For those with poor health or traumatic experience in regular school.
Use online resources to make learning more modern and efficient. And for a full-fledged education, come to Foxford Primary School.
Interactive games in the Russian language - Russian Language and Literature
Egorova Elena 5. 0
Product review ША PRO Analysis of reading technique by grades
and quarters
"Pushchino" to the programmers who created this wonderful program! What we used to did hand-to-hand combat, now can be put into a table and get an analysis of for each student and class report. Great, delight! We immediately appreciated the benefits. FROM the beginning of the new school year will be actively used. Therefore, no wishes We are not here yet, thanks. Very simple and clear instructions important! I thank you and your colleagues for this important work. It's very nice when colleagues understand how can "simplify" the work of the teacher.
Nagovitsina Olga Vitalievna 5.0
teacher of chemistry and biology, secondary school with. Chapaevka, Novoorsky district, Orenburg region
Product review SHA Template Excel Analyzer of the results of the OGE
Thank you, the analytical reference is wonderful, the OGE is chemistry and biology. Very facilitated the analytical work , identified bottlenecks in preparation for exam. My workload, like all teachers, is high. Your template saves time , I showed your template to my colleagues, they also purchased it. Thank you.
Chazova Aleksandra 5.0
Product review SHA Excel Template Analyzer of OGE results for
Very good template, easy to use, trial testing analysis took a matter of minutes. There were problems printing the report, but we need to try again figure out. Thank you very much for a quality analyzer.
Loseeva Tatyana Borisovna 5.0
Primary school teacher, MBOU Secondary School No. 1, Krasnovishersk, Perm Territory
Product review Making a certificate or competition certificate
Thank you very much for the prompt production of certificates! Everything is very beautiful . My student is satisfied, he invested his certificate in portfolio . We will definitely continue to cooperate with you!
Yazenina Olga Anatolyevna 4.0
Primary school teacher, Smolensk Center for Education for Children with Special Educational Needs
Product Review Webinar How to create an interesting lesson:
tools and techniques
I watched the webinar! Was very satisfied with what I received information. Everything is very clear, without "water". Everything that is said, shown, very useful in the practice of any teacher. And I will definitely use useful webinar materials. Thank you very much to the lecturer for being shared her experience!
Arapkhanova Ashat 5.0
I would like to thank you for this help. I figured it out right away , everything is very neatly and efficiently.