Fun games on a road trip
21 Best Road Trip Games to Play in the Car for Kids in 2021
Wondering how you’re going to keep the kids entertained on the next family road trip? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! We’ve put together a list of the best road trip games for kids that will make the next car adventure seem like a breeze.
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So, if you’re having a hard time thinking up ways to pass the time, keep reading. We’ve done the research and compiled a list of fun road trip games to play with the kids.
You can also check out our guide to planning the ultimate road trip for more fun things to do in the car. See our suggestions below!
1. Name the Artist
The first person to name the artist or group when a song comes on the radio gets a point. Keep playing until you reach your destination and whoever has the most points at arrival, wins. Need a great playlist? Check out our dance party tracks on Spotify here.
2. The License Plate Game
The goal is to spot as many license plates from different states as you can. Whoever sees a plate first and calls it gets to color it in on their map. The person with the most states colored in at the end, wins.
3. The Grocery Game
Choose your first player and ask them to think of an item you can purchase at the grocery store. Everyone else in the car takes turns guessing what it might be by asking a question. Is it something you would find in the frozen food aisle, perhaps? No? Guess again!
4. What Color is It?
Have the adults in the family list a bunch of things that are the same color. For example, they may say “fire engines, apples, stop signs…” They should keep going until the kids yell out, “Red!” Remember, road trips are long. The more items you list, the better!
5. Alphabet Game
Keep an eye out for road signs! The objective here is to find a word on each sign you pass that begins with each letter of the alphabet, starting from the beginning (“A” for Arby’s, and so on). Call them out as you drive by. First one who gets to Z, wins!

Print out our Scavenger Hunt game card, one per player. First one to complete their card wins.
7. Punch Buggy
An ol’ fashion road trip favorite! See who can spot the most punch buggies, also known as the Volkswagen Beetle, on the road! When you see one, shout it out and include the color of the car (Yellow punch buggy!). Those kinds of sightings are worth one point.
Classic bugs are worth 2, and vans worth 5. Rare models, such as “Herby the Love Bug” are worth a whopping ten! Whoever has the most points by the time you reach your destination wins. Remember, the game doesn’t end until the car is parked!
8. I Spy
Because this one is already so well known, it won’t take a lot of instruction to learn how to play. The first person selects something either on the road or in the car without revealing what it is to the rest of the players in the car. Then they must repeat the phrase, “I spy with my little eye something that begins with the letter …” as it relates to the answer.
The other passengers then try to guess what it might be. While it’s not the most complex car game out there, it is a great way to help young kids develop their spelling and grammar skills, particularly those who are still getting familiar with the alphabet.
9. 20 Questions
We’ll admit that when driving through long stretches of rural area, “I Spy” might not be the best choice to entertain the kids with. 20 Questions, on the other hand, offers endless opportunities for road trip entertainment and is a great choice for games for long car rides.
Pick out a person, place or thing. Everyone in the car can take turns asking yes-or-no questions about what it is, or who it is, you may be thinking of. No two people should ask the same question, and no one can answer more than 20 questions.
Whoever guesses the mystery object first goes next!
10. Triple Threat
Next on the list of road trip games to play on car rides is the Triple Threat. Here, the adults must choose three nouns, like “plate,” “monkey” and “snow,” for example.
The kids have to create a story that includes all three things. Be warned: things will get very silly, very fast.
11. Category ABCs
As far as games for a car ride go, this one is pretty straightforward. Have the first player choose a category and name something that begins with the letter A.
The next person does the same, only their answer should begin with the letter B. The next person is in charge of letter C, and so on. Some examples for the “food” category include Apples, Broccoli, Cookies…
12. Car Color Search
A perfect game for younger kids. Print out one game card per child and let them circle the car colors as they spot them.
13. Would You Rather
Here’s another kid-friendly exercise: Choose one person to think of a question. For instance, Would you rather be the funniest person alive, or the smartest person alive?
You can direct these questions to everyone in the car or take turns providing answers. Of course, when it comes to playing these types of games in a car, it’s important to make sure you’re well prepared.
You can always print out some questions ahead of time to make sure you don’t run out of ideas when on the road.
14. In My Suitcase
Why not sprinkle a fun memory game into your road trip experience? The first person starts by saying, “I’m going on vacation and I packed…” Finish the sentence with any item that begins with the letter A.
The next player must repeat the sentence said by the first player and add an item to the list beginning with the letter B. Keep going and see how many letters you can get through before someone forgets!
15. Name the Most…
Decide on a category and go around the car to see how many related items you can name. For example, you can start with Disney princesses or characters from a specific movie.
You can up the competition a bit by having the passengers bet on who can name the most within the shortest amount of time. If challenged, each opponent must provide an answer within 5-10 seconds. Whoever gets stumped first, loses.
16. Sing Along Challenge
Looking for games that carry a little rhythm? Look no further. To play, one person starts singing a line from a popular song. Passengers must pay attention to the last word sung.
The next person to sing a line must make sure it begins with the same word. See how long it takes until someone gets stuck!
17. The Movie Game
Here’s another fun game to play during a long car ride. Have someone in the family suggest a letter. For instance, if they chose to begin with T, then everyone else in the car must think of movies that begin with T, as in Toy Story and so on.
Once you get through that category, you can begin moving through the alphabet.
18. Hypotheticals
In need of a few more fun car games to get you through the drive? Get everyone in the car to respond to a series of hypothetical questions, like, “What would you do if you won the lottery?”. Or, “If you could transform into any kind of animal, what would it be?”.
Brownie points for whoever provides the most creative answers!
19. Count the Animals
For this game, you must name a series of objects or animals to look out for when on the road. You can choose any number of things, from cows to road signs to yellow cars and more.
Keep a tally of every object on the list that you spot. Whoever has the most points by the end of the road trip wins!
20. Top 10 Game
This one can be applied to almost any subject. Into cars? Have the family come up with the top 10 favorite models. Maybe you’re a musical fanatic. Ask everyone in the car to volunteer their favorites until you get to 10.
Any Robert Pattinson fans in the family? Come up with his top 10 roles!
21. Backseat Bingo
Looking for more fun games to play in the car? Check out this next activity. Before you hit the road, print out bingo cards. They have different sheets available for different areas, so print according to where you’re traveling.
Each player should take a good look at their cards and keep their eyes on the road to spot items along the way. The first player to cross out a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line of their bingo sheet, wins!
We hope you enjoyed our list of road trip games to play in the car! Don’t forget to take photos along the way and share on social media. Tag us in the fun! Check back in with us soon for more things to do with the family.
Each week, we’re bringing you some original ideas on how to have family fun at home, at the lodge and when you travel.
52 fun and hilarious road trip games!
These fun road trip games will keep you and the family going for hours on a long car ride. Literally!
We all know road trips can be long and boring, no matter how excited you are to reach your final destination. So, spice things up by playing one of these fun car games with the gang, or taking some of them with you to play on your vacation.
Whether you are on a car ride, or hurtling down the highway in an RV, or setting up camp for a week and looking for activities to play together, get ready for a whole lot of fun with this list of 52 fun travel games for a road trip!
On the road! Photo by Dino Reichmuth on UnsplashWe’ve broken these games into categories, so scroll down to the section that works best for you.
Below are some classic long road trip games that the driver can also partake in and join the fun.
Some of these games have Amazon links. If you buy from my links I will make a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support of my blog!
I-SpyIs any road trip complete without a round of the classic game I-Spy? This game would have been played on more family road trips than any other, but I had to list it! In case you don’t know how it goes: One person picks something in sight, and says “I spy with my little eye …” with a clue of what you’re looking at. Then, the remaining players must guess what object they spotted. A great one for little kids.
The License Plate GameThe goal of this famous game is to find license plates from each one of America’s 50 states (or if you’re not in America, find a plate starting with A, B, C and go through the alphabet). Since the winner is decided based on who spotted the most, keep track as you go along.
20 QuestionsA fun way to pass the time: pick one object, person, or place, and allow the rest of the players to guess. The rule is answers can only be “yes” or “no” and if it’s not guessed in 20 questions, you win! It is similar to I-Spy, though more ideal for long car rides since your imagination is even more endless than traffic.
The Alphabet GameKeep an eye out for road signs for this one! While going in alphabetical order, shout out every time you see a road sign with the same first letter your group is up to. The winner is the first person to get to letter Z. (This is also a great game to play when watching live sport on TV while the rest of your family cheers for the players!)
Pick the letters from the road sign!5
Car BingoCar bingo consists of marking down notable destinations, signs, emergency vehicles, or animals until you reach “BINGO,” of course! This innovative approach to bingo allows the whole family to play without leaving their car. Download pre-made road trip bingo sheets from Etsy or design your own with easy-to-use templates from Canva.
Punch BuggyWhen you spot a Volkswagen Beetle, (lightly!) punch the person next to you, saying, “punch buggy, no punch back.” It is much more challenging to find Beetles on the road in 2022, making this classic road trip game all the more exciting when you actually find one. Besides, who wouldn’t want an excuse to punch their siblings?
Spot a Beetle! Photo by Tommy Lisbin on Unsplash7
The Sign GameSimilar to the Alphabet Game, you will want to look for signs/brands along the way in alphabetical order. We suggest pulling over when you can, as the state signs boast great photo opportunities you can look back on after your road trip is over. Someone pick which sign you’re looking for next, and first to spot it wins.
Name The ArtistThis simple yet fun road trip game is perfect for music lovers! The first person to correctly answer the name of the artist or group playing on the radio scores a point. And no using Shazam to cheat!
You might also like this post on the best travel quotes – and come up with some of your own!
In My SuitcaseThis memory game is on theme and so easy to play. The first player begins by stating, “I’m going on vacation, and I packed…,” with an object starting with the letter A. The second person adds to the list alphabetically, still repeating the original items listed beforehand, and so on for each player. The first person to mess up the packing order loses the game!
Why not pack a cat in your suitcase!10
Road Trip Scavenger HuntDitch car bingo and, instead, embark on a road trip scavenger hunt that lasts throughout your whole trip. This game may require making some stops, depending on what you list in your scavenger hunt. For example, some choose to put items like “coffee from a rest stop” on their list. This game can be prepared in advance by very organized parents!
Who Am I?Choose a famous person, whether a historical figure or celebrity and have the other players guess who you are. It is similar to 20 Questions, though this time, the original player is a person. You can determine whether they must be living, or include historic people.
Some of the best car ride games call for using your imagination. A great excuse to put down the tech and challenge each other. The options below are perfect for all ages.
12 Telephone Whisper Game
This is fun to play for all ages, and the bigger the group the better. Someone makes up a story and whispers it to the next person, they then whisper it to the next player and so on, until the last person is reached who then tells out loud what they heard. Play it on the plane, in the classroom, in the car!
Playing the whisper game! Pic Unsplash13
The Categories GameThis famous word game, also known as Scattergories, consists of choosing a category, such as an animal, city, or sport. Then, you and the remaining players will list words that fit into said category in alphabetical order. Once someone cannot think of a word, the players will move on to the next round.
Mad LibsMad Libs is a classic, imaginative game in the form of a fill-in-the-blank book. There are numerous editions to choose from, such as Mad Libs On The Road, featuring stories about road trips, car songs, and historical sights. You select a bunch of your own nouns, adjectives and adverbs, then write them in order on the blank spaces in the pre-written story. Crazy funny.
Spot The Cracker BarrelWhile this is not a traditional road trip game, my family and I used to count how many signs for Cracker Barrel we would see driving from the East Coast to Florida. Whoever spots the most when you reach your destination wins a free breakfast at your next Cracker Barrel pit stop! Since there are a bunch of these restaurants across the United States, we are sure you can keep the game going the entire drive. Or, swap Cracker Barrel out with your favorite fast food restaurant.
The Movie GameYou will adore this imaginative road trip game if you are a movie buff who loves The Alphabet Game. The first player will suggest a letter. Then, each player must name a movie that starts with the corresponding letter of the Alphabet.
Count The Animals GameBefore your road trip, choose an animal that you want to keep an eye out for on the road. Popular choices include seagulls, deer (tough one), geese, and squirrels. Once you spot the animal, shout it out. The first person to do so scores a point. When you reach your final destination, the person with the most points wins the game!
Spot the squirrels! (Pic from Pixabay)18
Two Truths and a LieThis one might not work well for family members, but is a fun one to play even just sitting around the campfire with mates: Test how well you know your friends by catching them in a lie. Each player reveals two truthful statements and one lie. It is then up to the others to guess which was the lie. If you get the answer right, you get the point. But if you guess wrong, the player who lied receives the point (or a drink – if you’re not driving that is!)
Road Trip OlympicsKids (and adults) can get restless after spending hours in the car. So, make your rest stops more fun by turning them into the Road Trip Olympics! Select a challenge to try playing at each stop, whether push-ups, jumping jacks, or something else. Tally up who got the most wins to award the gold!
Color SearchChoose a color at the start of your road trip. Then, keep an eye out for any objects, signs, or cars in that shade, like red fire hydrants. Shout it out once you see it to ensure you score a point. Most players tend to stick with cars to keep the game more challenging, especially if you choose a random color like purple, which is rare in cars. Great for younger kids.
Pic UnsplashFun Word Games
Triple ThreatTriple Threat is the ultimate imaginative road trip game. Let the driver start by naming three things; the remaining players must use those words to create a story. Think Mad-Libs, but in real life (and with less context)!
The Grocery GameDon’t play this game if you’re hungry! The first player will choose an item they would find at a grocery store while the remaining players attempt to guess what it is by asking a question. For example, they might ask, “Is it something in the produce aisle?” The initial player can only answer with “yes” or “no.” The person who guesses it correctly wins.
Go crazy on your grocery items!23
Would You RatherThis easy game can be as short or as long as you want. Simply ask your fellow passengers, “Would You Rather…” followed by a question. The questions tend to be outlandish, which keeps things interesting. I’m not going to lie, this also makes a great party game with a couple of drinks!
Name The MostStart with a category (like capital cities, beaches, cake flavors, candy bars), and see which player can name the most corresponding items during their turn. Whoever runs out of related words to say loses that round. If you really want to make things interesting, cap the time to 30 seconds per player. Then, the score is based on who named the most items during that time.
Fortunately, UnfortunatelyThis is my favorite road trip game. Similar to Triple Threat, players will take turns telling one story when playing this game. However, each player must begin or end each sentence with “fortunately” or “unfortunately,” which the next person then builds on. This game results in lots of unforeseen plot twists!
26 Starter For 10 Drawing GameI made this game up when I was kid. Each person starts with a blank piece of paper and one person draws a crazy shape on their paper, then traces it onto everyone else’s piece of paper. You all have 1 minute to turn that shape into something. Add eyes, limbs, wheels, hats. It’s the time limit that adds the pressure. Such fun!
It’s amazing what a scribble can become! This pic is from Pixabay, but you get the drift.
The Counting GameThe Counting Game is simple and exciting. Each player states a number, aiming to be the first player to reach 20. Players may only say one to three numbers at a time in chronological order. So player one starts and says “1,2,3” the second player has to start from “4” but could just stop there. There next player starts with “5” and could say “5,6,7” – it’s all strategic to see who is the player who gets to say “20”.
Guess Whose PlaylistInstead of assigning Aux to one passenger, compile a list of everyone’s favorite songs and guess whose playlist it came from. It is a great way to learn more about your friends’ music tastes and gives everyone a chance to sing along. Plus, playing this game is even easier with the help of Spotify’s remote group sessions, allowing your friends to share and upload songs to the shared playlist.
Guess that song!Card Games for Road TripsCheck out the terrific card game options below, from regular ol’ playing cards to immersive card games. These games are good fun for RV road trips, but most don’t need to lay the cards down so can work for the long car ride too.
BlackjackWho says you can only play this classic card game in the Casino? The goal of Blackjack is to reach 21, or as close as you can to it. If your cards total more than 21, you will bust. If no players hit 21, the player with the closest total receives the point.
Carpool ChaosCarpool Chaos is an exciting card game designed with long road trips in mind. The 160 playing cards feature actions, hypothetical questions, and group challenges. Even the driver can participate in the fun since none of these challenges require physical movement.
I won dad!!31
Do You Really Know Your Family?See how well your family really knows each other with this fun card game! Cards either contain a trivia question or challenge that involves the entire group. If anyone guesses wrong or fails to complete their challenge, they lose their card.
Go FishGo Fish is the perfect card game for young children since it is so easy to follow. A player will ask for a card, saying, “Do you have the queen of hearts.” The rule is that the asker or “fisher” must have at least one card in the same suit in their personal pile. If the other player does not have the requested card, they will “go fish” by drawing a card from the main deck.
HeartsAll players receive the same amount of cards and begin to take turns following suit, starting with the 2 of clubs. You can play the next highest card if you do not have the same suit. The Queen of Spades and heart cards cannot be played in the first round. Instead, they can reveal heart cards later when they do have the same suit, “breaking” the heart.
Cards Against Humanity“A party game for horrible people”! The goal of Cards Against Humanity is to have the funniest answer to the black prompt cards using terms from the white cards dealt. The person who picked up the black card is in charge of choosing the winner, alternating with each player. Note, this card game is recommended for teens and adults since answers are sometimes a bit naughty. That being said, you can also check out this family-friendly version, Kids Against Maturity.
SlapjackThis family-friendly version of Blackjack is even more fun than the original. Each player is dealt cards until the deck disappears. These cards should be kept hidden from the other players, gradually taking one out per turn. Once a jack enters the center, the first player to slap the card collects it and the cards underneath. The first person to lose their cards has one last shot at winning if another jack is revealed in the central pile.
“Shotgun!” The Road Trip GameMuch like Carpool Chaos, this game was designed for road trips. Each card presents an action or question, including some dashboard-friendly cards to keep the driver involved. Since it’s a part of the What Do You Meme? Family, we are sure your group will giggle the whole car ride.
TriviaTrivia is an excellent way to stay entertained on road trips, especially for those who binge TV shows like Jeopardy. Various trivia card decks are available online, from classic Trivial Pursuit to family-friendly All of Us.
UNOUNO has been a personal favorite game of mine for as long as I can remember. Each player is dealt seven cards, taking turns playing or picking up cards if nothing matches. However, things get more interesting when players start to throw down “Skip,” “Draw 2,” “Reverse,” and “Draw 4” cards. When you have one card remaining, shout “Uno” before the other players catch on or risk picking up another card from the deck, starting the whole process over.
Taco vs. BurritoDeveloped by a 7-year-old named Alex, this exciting yet strategic card game is perfect for travelers of all ages. Cards either contain an action or “food” item for extra points. It is super fun to play, especially when you pull out a “food fight” card!
We’re Not Really StrangersAre you looking to get deep on the road? If so, you and your partner, family, or friend group will enjoy the “We’re Not Really Strangers” interactive adult card game, in which each card poses a question or activity. These questions are divided into three levels: Perception, Connection, and Reflection.
Board Games for Road Trips
While board games may not be the best option for a traditional car road trip, they come in handy when traveling by RV. These games are fantastic for keeping your kids (or yourself) engaged longer on the road.
Connect FourConnect Four is always fun, regardless of your age. Each player aims to match four colored discs in a row (up, across or diagonally) before the other, alternating turns every time. If nobody succeeds, you start again until someone wins! There is also a mini version of Connect Four which will work better in the car.
Hedbanz, Blast Off!This board game takes the classic “What Am I?” up a notch. All players wear headbands with cards stating what they are. Then, you take turns to help each other guess what item is on your headband’s card.
MonopolyWhile this game may be infamous for causing fights, a game of Monopoly will keep your group entertained for at least two hours (unless someone flips the board). We usually do not suggest bringing board games with many tiny pieces on the road. Still, this iconic board game deserves an exception. Or you can get a magnetic version!
JengaThis simple game consists of removing blocks and re-stacking them until the entire structure comes crashing down. Whoever causes the drop is the loser of the game. What’s even better, you can invest in a giant Jenga set made of wood that stands three feet tall to double as an outdoor game at your campsite.
PictionaryOne of my favourite all time games! Pictionary has remained a popular game since the mid-1980s. It is pretty similar to charades, but with drawing rather than acting out. Plus, it is the one drawing game where being a mediocre artist actually pays off since the other players might have trouble guessing your answer.
Memory Match Game: Summer Camp EditionMemory matching games are ideal for the little ones. This camping and wilderness theme version features tons of items you will likely encounter around your campground (except the bear card, hopefully).
The Upside Down ChallengeThis game may have nothing to do with the Upside Down in Stranger Things, but it is equally as entertaining. Players take chances wearing special upside-down goggles, competing in tasks against their fellow players to see if their vision makes things more complicated.
I know most of us like to unplug on camping and road trips. However, these interactive mobile games are a great way to entertain the entire family on their devices until you reach your final destination!
Heads UpThis famous mobile game, created by Ellen Degeneres, consists of holding your phone over your head (with the app open, unveiling a series of cards like in Hedbanz). At the same time, fellow players help you guess what the card says. The other players cannot use the term when providing you with clues. There are many categories available, from animals to celebrities to miming actions. Plus, the app records your fellow players, meaning you can look back on the hilarious memories made while playing.
DuolingoHome schooling on the road! Improve your language skills while on your road trip using this popular (and free) mobile app, Duolingo. Lessons are straightforward and entertaining. It is available for download on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
FinderyWhile Findery is not technically a road trip game, it is a useful app for documenting your trip photos and locating points of interest nearby. So, instead of doing deep-dive Google searches of the town you plan to stop in, learn all about it on Findery! A good one for curious passengers who want to educate everyone as you drive.
Trivia CrackThis colorful and straightforward mobile trivia game is a great way to keep your children busy during long car rides. The questions are super easy and can be upgraded to more challenging for older kids and adults. You can also play on a TV or iPad screen through Netflix’s version, Trivia Quest.
WordleHave you played Wordle yet? New York Times bought Wordle from an English man who created it years ago and it’s among the most trending online game right now. The goal is to correctly guess the daily word based on the number of letters available. Now, this game may not keep you entertained for the entire car ride, but it is an excellent way to see who your group’s wordsmith is.
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3 mistakes when transporting children - we all make them (at first)
Anyone who loves to travel with the whole family knows that five minutes after the start, the children begin to languish. Of course, for a while they can be distracted by a phone or tablet, put on a selection of songs, turn on Children's Radio or an audiobook. You can stock up on children's crossword puzzles in advance and guess them together. But after some time, this will get boring, the children will want more active entertainment, and then you will need to turn on your imagination. nine0003
Fun games on the go are uplifting, and it's great if the whole family is involved.
I see what you don't see
The rules are simple. The host marks (for himself) an object in the field of view of travelers, and the task of the players is to guess it by asking a minimum of questions. Moreover, only “yes” or “no” answers are allowed. Warning: the game is addictive.
Guess people or animals
Begins: "I think you know him." And then, for example: "This animal can fly." And with the help of leading questions, you need to guess what kind of animal it is. Alternatively, you can guess someone from your family or friends. For example, this person wears glasses. The question is when do you read? Yes. The next question is is it old? No. Does he have children? Yes. That is, in this case, the answers can also be only “yes” or “no”. nine0003
Guess the song
The players alternately hum or whistle the song. Others guess its name or artist. Whoever recognizes the song first wins. Children's songs, famous pop singles, whatever musical memory has to offer will do. At the end, the guessed song can be sung together - this will cheer everyone up.
Hit Parade
Together you are looking for a song that everyone knows. For example, "Let the pedestrians run clumsily through the puddles." The parent assigns in what mood you should perform it. For example, sad or cheerful, in the style of a march or hip-hop. Who won? Yes, who will come out funnier, although here is the case when the process is more important than victory. nine0003
I'm putting in my backpack.

The first player starts with "I'm putting in my backpack..." and comes up with something, like a hairbrush. The next player repeats the item of the first player and adds his own - a comb and a bottle of water. The one who forgets at least one of the previous items will lose. True, it is advisable for the host to keep a list so as not to make a mistake.
Forbidden words
"Don't take white and black, don't say 'yes' and 'no'." There is a leader and there is a player. The task of the presenter is to force the player to say forbidden words, and it is important for the player not to let it slip for as long as possible. Questions should be asked tricky, for example, it can be difficult to evasively answer the question: “What color is sugar?” or “Tell me, do you really like ice cream?” Alas, sooner or later the player lets slip, the main thing is to deftly lull his vigilance! If a word is accidentally said, the players switch roles. For reference, the first question can be answered: "The same as printer paper. " nine0003
In the classic version of the game, it always started with the question: "Will you go to the ball?", but today's children may not know about balls, so you can ask any questions.
The best day of their lives
The children are asked one by one to describe how they see the best day of their lives. A serving of chocolate ice cream for breakfast instead of porridge, and then jumping on the bed to exhaustion. Then dress up and go to an amusement park, ride a ferris wheel there, go to an upside down house, eat your fill of french fries, ride a pony, and end the day in a cafe where you can get three cream cakes and a big vanilla cocktail. Or is your child's ideal day completely different? The long journey is a great opportunity to learn about it. You may be very surprised by its history, and some dreams can be realized already on vacation - at least about ice cream. nine0003
Your color
Here each player names their favorite color and then looks for it in things around. The first one to find ten objects of this color is the winner.
"Scary" stories
In the "black-black room sat a black-black man" - do you remember? Let's create stories together. The host tells the end of the story, others guess how it happened. Example: there are red shoes in the meadow, they are stained with mud, but their hostess is not around. What happened to her? This is more suitable for children 5-7 years old and older, the kids will not understand and may be scared. nine0003
Vehicle signs
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10 ways to entertain your child (and yourself) on the road
And this is a game for schoolchildren: all participants receive a piece of paper and a pencil. Now they have about 10 minutes to look at the license plates of cars passing along the road. Everyone writes down five numbers of their choice without telling the other players. Then one of the adults tells the children the numbers of the cars that he sees himself. If the child already has such letters and numbers, he crosses them out of his piece of paper. Whoever crosses everything out first wins! nine0003
Or another option: you keep looking at license plates of passing cars and trying to make sentences out of them. It often turns out funny, even the baby "gets infected" and laughs along with the older children. For example: N *** TV - "You must be lying!" or M *** SK - “Misha is a super pump!” The winner is the one who quickly comes up with a coherent and funny phrase.
Who will be the first to see
And this is fun for very, very little ones. It is unpretentious - "whoever sees it first" on the road or along it. For example, a red car or a dog, a grandmother with a wand or a mother with a stroller. And believe me, this is also very exciting, especially if you say the terms funny and show them with facial expressions and gestures. nine0003
In general, it is important to choose the game that suits the age and character of your child. Good mood and fun tireless journey!
If you enjoy other games on the road, tell us about them in the comments. Let's make the second part of the publication!
Photo: Depositphotos
What games to take with you on the road so that they do not take up space in your backpack? Of course verbal!
We have put together a list of fun games for you that will help keep your child entertained in transport while you get to the forest, for example, or other natural attractions.
Word games for kids
Similar to city games, but the theme is simpler, for example, nature. nine0003
The size of the jar and the initial letter of the words are assigned first. And then the players take turns calling objects or living creatures with the selected letter that can be placed in this jar. You can't repeat. Whoever can't come up with a word is out.
I will take with me on the road
The players take turns naming the items they take on the road, starting with the phrase "I will take with me on the road" and repeating all the items in order that were named from the very beginning . nine0003
For example:
- I take a thermos bottle with me on the road
- I take a thermos bottle and a flashlight with me on the road
- I take a thermos bottle, a flashlight and a hat with me on the road...
My new car
The presenter thinks of a number, and everyone together counts the cars oncoming. The car that falls on the hidden number is considered the new leader's car. Especially funny if it turns out to be some kind of garbage truck.
Race raindrops
When it rains, choose a drop for yourself on the window and watch whose drop comes down first.
Car Rainbow
Make a rainbow of cars passing by. First we look for red, then orange, etc.
Guess the driver
Try to guess who is driving the car in front. Discuss the details of appearance: age, gender, hair color and length, the presence of glasses and a headdress. And when overtaking, check who was closer to the truth and wave cheerfully to the driver. nine0003
Word games for older children
The well-known geographical game. Players name cities that start with the last letter of the previous city. No repeats.
Contact available
The host thinks of a word and pronounces the first letter. The task of the guessers is to gradually guess the word by letter, and the task of the presenter is to prevent them. How does this happen? After the first letter is named, the smartest player thinks of any word for this letter and asks a leading question to the others, trying to establish contact with one of the guessers. nine0003
The game continues until someone says the correct word.
The guesser becomes the leader.
For example. The host made up the word “Bonfire” and calls the first letter “K”. One of the players immediately reacts: “Is it by any chance not so fluffy?” (Cat) If someone else understands what is meant, he replies: “There is a contact”, and both begin to count to 10. During this time, the host may intervene: “No, this is not a cat.” Then the contact breaks and the guessers try to establish a new contact by inventing another word for the letter “K”. If the host did not have time to break contact, then the players at the expense of “10” must match and simultaneously pronounce the word “cat”. If they match, then the presenter reveals to them the next letter of his word - “Ko”. If the players did not match, for example, one said “Cat”, and the other “Bush”, then the contact is reset, the leader does not reveal the next letter. nine0003
I will take with me on a hike
The facilitator comes up with a rule according to which he will take objects with him on a hike and gives one correct example. Players try to guess this rule by naming words in turn. If the word matches the rule, then the leader takes this item with him on a hike, and the players have an idea what kind of rule it is. If the word does not fit, they do not take him on a hike. The one who guesses the rule wins.
The rule may be related to the initial letter or syllable, the shape of the object, the color, its quality, etc. nine0003
Moderator: I will take binoculars with me on a hike
Will you take a sandwich with you on a hike?
What about water?
A magnifying glass?
In this example, the facilitator wants to take everything that contains glass with him on a hike.
Playing P
The host thinks of a word or someone whispered a word in his ear. His task is to explain the hidden word, using words (except for those with the same root as the hidden one) only with the letter “P”. nine0003
He can also react to the answers to orient the guessers:
+ almost correct
+/- approximately
- bad, wait
The one who guessed the word becomes the leader.
For example, the word “nature” can be explained as follows: a beautiful expanse of ferns…
If it was not possible to guess right away, then the presenter prompts further: boletus, snowdrops, peacocks...
Say the same thing
1-2-3 each player says any word they have in mind. This is the original information. The further goal is to come to a common denominator - that is, to name the same word at the same time, without saying a word. That is, the next move will be as follows: on 1-2-3, name another word that, according to some principle, is connected with the previous spoken words. And so on until the players match. nine0003
For example:
Turn 1:
Player 1: Dandelion
Player 2: Ryukzak
move 2:
Player 1: Walk
Player 2: Forest
Say it differently
The host thinks of a word (or someone else whispers it in his ear) and tries to explain it in other words, without using the same root. You can mark the time - a minute, or you can play without taking into account the time. The one who guesses the word becomes the leader. You can also try to explain as many simple words as possible in a minute. It's already up to you. nine0003
The moderator guesses the word. The rest of the players ask leading questions that can only be answered with “yes” or “no”.
The one who guessed the word guesses the next one and leads.
For example, the host thought of the word “Tent”
Is it edible?
Can this be used at home?
More no than yes
Can this be useful on a hike?
and so on, until someone who is the smartest and most courageous pronounces the hidden word:
Is this a tent by any chance?
Words backwards
The leader pronounces the word, and the others try to pronounce this word in reverse at speed, as if it were read from right to left. Whoever pronounces it correctly first wins.
For example, the presenter thought of the word “Echidna”, the one who first said “Andihe” will win.
Think of a word for a syllable…
This is no longer just a word game, but more difficult. The host comes up with a syllable or a combination of two or three letters and pronounces it. All players take turns calling words containing this letter combination. Only common nouns in the singular are counted, without repetitions. Shootout game. nine0003
For example, a combination of letters “str” is guessed, players take turns calling: monster, aster, swift, etc.
Fairy tale with the letter…
The leader guesses any letter of the alphabet, except for ъ, ы, ь, й, ё. The rest of the players try to come up with a short story using as many words as possible for the hidden letter. Then everyone shares their stories. A simple and very fun game, and what is valuable - no losers.