Fun indoor winter activities for adults
20 Fun (& Affordable) Indoor winter activities
Winter is coming. This sentence makes me feel more dreadful than John Snow in front of a white walker. While in the summertime my favorite leisure activities involve being outside (sitting in a street café, going to the beach…) winter forces me to be more creative in my free time. Winter leisure is not a game, or is it?
To be honest – I hate the winter (Sorry all you winter people out there) but it’s true. I’m a full-on sunshine-beach-hot-weather kinda gall and just the thought of winter makes me feel anxious. Although, and maybe because, I’m fortunate enough to live in Tel Aviv with about 300 sunny days a year, for me, winter is depressing AF. The grey skies, the cold and the rain make me want to stay curled up inside.
Related: 7 fail-proof hacks to have more free time no one told you
Don’t worry I got you covered – here are some ways to have fun without leaving your house during those cold months (except for counting the minutes until it’s warm and sunny again).
Don’t have time to read now? Save this pin for later
Casual leisure
1. Binge-watchFirst and most obvious one, binge watch. While in the summer I rarely watch TV on the weekends because I prefer to be outside, winter is the perfect time to spend an evening (or a month) on the couch with your favorite blanky, a bucket of popcorn, and John snow. Literally Netflix and chill.
If you’re more of a rom-com type: check out these 55 Best Romantic Comedies of All Time
2. Read a bookI love reading! You can either get lost in a romance novel or any kind of fiction that will warm up your heart and keep your mind from the cold weather outside. Or you can use the time for some personal development with an inspirational book.
See: My top 5 best happiness books to read for some inspiration this year here
3. Read a blogIf you’re not into reading long books browse the web for a blog of your interest (Leisure-Hacker anyone?).
There are so many good ones that can enrich your world, inspire you or just entertain.
TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages. Follow their slogan “ideas worth spreading” and get inspired without leaving your house.
5. Digital de-clutterIf you’re anything like me you tend to hoard links on your browser, Facebook, save pins you never go back to read, screenshot things you want to remember. This may not seem like a fun thing to do but trust me once you clear out your phone and computer you will feel so much lighter.
Creative leisure
6. Solve a puzzleThis was one of my favorite winter activities growing up (**nerd alert). This is a great activity to do on your own or with family and friends.
Try to challenge yourself with a puzzle with a least 500 pieces. Also, make sure you choose an image you like, not only because you’ll have to look at it for ages but also because once you’re done you can glue it and hang it on the wall.
If a puzzle is not your thing, a wintery indoor boars-game or cards night is a great idea.
Invite some friends over, make a jug of hot sangria and play your hearts out.
Try one of these 7 warming winter sangria recipes (Is it weird that the recommendation here is for booze and not the games…? hmm LOL)
8. Do a coloring bookYep, Coloring isn’t just for kids. Adult coloring has been an actual leisure trend for the past couple of years.
The practice generates wellness, quietness and also stimulates brain areas related to motor skills, the senses, and creativity.
This is a good time to open your famous DIY Pinterest folder and actually do something. It can be a small as painting on a coaster or as big as building a bench.
Need more ideas? Don’t have a DIY Pinterest folder yet (gasp)? Check out my folder for some inspiration
My concrete DIY winter project
10. Re-designIf you are going to be cupped up inside, spending a lot of time at home during the winter might as well be in a nice space. This is a great time to re-organize some furniture, hang up some art (newly finished puzzle anyone?), add some candles or plants – anything that will brighten your space.
11. Learn how to knitThis is very easy to learn (at least the basics) and has a triple delight to it. Not only will you give your brain a good workout, kill some time on a winter day but also end up with a nice, homemade scarf to wear during the winter.
Leisure delight
12. Bake or cookIndoor time is a great time to experiment in the kitchen. Wearing big sweaters and bikini season being far far away is a great excuse for some winter delights. I find food super comforting, especially in the winter – warm food makes me feel all warm inside. Winter comfort food is all about hearty casseroles and warming soaps.
Take the time to try out different recipes. You can start with these 76 Beyond Easy Winter Dinners.
13. Have a hot beverageA hot beverage is not a choice. Whether you’re a hot cup of tea kinda girl, (spiked) hot chocolate or warm sangria – a hot beverage is a good way to keep warm.
Try one of these 40 Homemade Drinks That’ll Make You Feel Warm & Cozy
14. Throw a partyIf you already have food and drinks might as well and have a party. Invite friends and family over to watch some movies, play games or have an indoor dance party.
If you’re looking for an original winter theme for your party try a knitting party or a Vision Board Party which are (somehow) super trending right now.
Organized leisure
15. Clean out your closetTake advantage of your time at home and go through your closet. From year to year – fashion styles, your taste, and your body change. De-clutter, re-arrange, and get rid of anything that no longer fits you.
Rule of thumb is: if you haven’t worn it in two years, you probably not going to.
2 bonus points: you can donate whatever you don’t need and make someone’s winter happier and warmer AND you have a legitimate excuse to go shopping.
16. Plan a road tripTake the time and plan your summer vacation. According to a 2010 study published in the journal Applied Research in Quality of Life, just planning or anticipating your trip can make you happier than actually taking it.
Research locations, plane tickets, hotels. After you finalized your destination – research all the great things in that location and make a list of all the restaurants, museums, sights, and shops you want to visit.
Not sure you have the time or the money for a vacation right now? Read all about the Best life hacks for ‘how to travel more’ for some guidance.
Relaxing leisure
17. Take a napIf you don’t know why this is a good idea well, I don’t know what to tell you. Here’s why napping is good for you, according to science.
18. Have sexWell, you’re already in bed so… besides the fact that it will keep your body temperature up, sex is a great remedy for that winter funk, as it floods your body with oxytocin and endorphins, which promote bonding and kill pain, respectively.
If you need extra excuses to convince your partner read: 7 Reasons Why Winter Is the Best Season for Sex 😉
19. Set up a home spaWinter is the perfect excuse to pamper yourself. Practice your regular body maintenance routine but put some soft music in the background, light a candle and maybe pour yourself a nice glass of wine.
While in the hot steamy summer you’re just trying to groom yourself as quickly as possible before everything is sticky again, in the winter you can indulge in a long bubble bath.
If you don’t own a bathtub, like me, just soak your feet in a tub of hot water with some bath oils and sea salt. This will be the perfect setup for your home mani-pedi (also a great way to save some cash for your summer vacation).
Buy some facial masks or make one, try some new makeup techniques or a new hairstyle (I admit that this led to some misfortune hairstyles over the years so be careful haha).
20. Call a friendWinter blues is a real thing. The weather, the short days, the darkness make a lot of people feel depressed in winter, or suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) – the medical name for “winter blues”.
Except for eating well, exercising, getting outside as often as possible one of the things that make me happy the most is people. The winter funk makes most people crawl up inside their own shell, So pick up the phone and call a friend. The simple act of catching up can do wonders for your mood.
Well, maybe there are a lot of ways to have fun in the winter… even without leaving the house.
Wish you a warm, fun, and wonderful winter! I would love to connect more on IG – come say Hey to me in the DM’s.
P.S. I would love to hear more from you! Are you a winter person or a summer person like me? how do you spend your time in the winter?
Did you find this helpful? Comment below with questions, comments, or what you would like to see in future posts
Disclosure: some of the links here are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission (for which I’m deeply grateful) if you click and make a purchase.40 Fun Winter Activities You Can Try Now
The air has turned cooler, but there are lots of ways to enjoy winter and these fun winter activities will keep you warm. Don’t let the season pass without doing at least a few of the things on this list.
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Fun Winter Activities To Enjoy Outdoors
- Build a snow fort in your backyard.
For a shortcut use your picnic table to get started.
- Go sledding. (Don’t forget to take a big carafe of hot chocolate with you!)
- Ice skate on a frozen pond. (Sure, it might be bumpy but the ambiance is worth it.)
- Go ice fishing.
- Go on a hut trip. (On a hut trip, you snowshoe or ski to a hut in the mountains and pack everything in and out on your back.)
- Make snow angels. (This is extra fun when you combine it with the next activity…)
- Sit outside in a hot tub on a crisp, clear, and cold night while the steam rises around you and the stars shimmer above.
- Join a local broomball league. (Often in the winter the outdoor skating rinks will host these leagues.)
- Bundle up and attend an outdoor sports game.
- Catch snowflakes on your tongue.
- Try winter camping.
- Have a snowball fight.
- Take a horse-drawn sleigh ride in the snow.
- Go snowmobiling.
- Have a snowman-building contest.
- Recreate some of the great Calvin and Hobbes Snowmen cartoons. (Which one is your favorite?)
- Snowshoe in your local state or national park.
- Take a snowboarding lesson.
- Visit a new-to-you ski resort and show off your skills.
- Roast marshmallows outside.
- Take a walk outside when there is a soft snowfall.
Fun Winter Activities To Try Indoors
- Make chili—a classic cold weather dish!
- Read a book by the fireplace.
- Knit a scarf or start learning how if you don’t already know how to knit.
- Enjoy a movie marathon with some wizard’s fire in the fireplace. Simply burn your leftover wrapping paper from Christmas for a special effect.
- Add some new hot toddy recipes to your mixology repertoire.
- Follow up some time out in the cold with hot tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich.
- Make Charles Dickens’s Punch. It takes a bit of time and work, but it’s very good and it’s become a winter classic at our house.
- Get out your fuzzy bunny slippers.
- Sit at the window with a hot drink and watch the snow fall.
- Get out your flannel sheets. (They’re so much fun to snuggle in on a cold winter’s night!)
- Have a pie making contest with your friends or family. (Extra tip: Donate the pies to a local shelter afterwards.)
- Teach your kids (or nieces and nephews) to cook.
- Host a craft-making party. Make jewelry, scrapbooks, or work on your knitting while catching up with friends.
- Do a cookie exchange. Winter is the perfect time to turn on the oven and do some baking. Combine baking with a cookie exchange with friends for more fun and variety.
- Try some new hot teas. (So many teas, so little time!)
- Have some friends over for game night. (This is the perfect time to try out the Dickens’s Punch.)
- Put together a jigsaw puzzle.
- Have a picnic in the living room. Turn the heat down and the fireplace on!
- Take a snow day and huddle under the covers.
Watch some TV or enjoy a good book.
Be sure to avoid the winter blues by doing activities you love. Winter doesn’t have to keep you cooped up inside. Get out and enjoy the elements. All you need is some proper layers and you’ll barely feel the cold.
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What are your favorite fun winter activities? Share this article with your friends and pick a new activity to enjoy tonight.
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Winter fun: 17 active games and other outdoor activities
January 2 Likbez Life
When skates and skis are already tired.
1. Modeling a snowman and other figures
Photo: AllaSerebrina / Depositphotos If loose and sticky snow has fallen, then it's time to make a snowman! You can not limit yourself to a standard snowman with a bucket on your head, but show your imagination and make something unusual. Watercolors or gouache, old clothes and any other props that come to mind will help you with this. nine0003
Show your imagination ☃️
- 20 snow figures that are easy to make by yourself and with children
Also, making a snowman can be turned into a fun game: who will roll up the biggest ball in a limited time. To do this, you need to divide into teams (it is better that there are no more than two participants in each), note the time (5 or 10 minutes) and give a signal to start the competition. After the time runs out, the participants determine the largest ball, and those who blinded it become the winners. The resulting snow globe can be made the basis for a common large snowman. nine0003 Photo: FamVeld / Shutterstock
2. Building a slide
You can build an ice slide on your own property or even in the city yard. It is not difficult to make it: heat the snow, tamp it down, fill it with water and wait until it freezes. See our separate article for more detailed instructions.
Children will be happy, especially if they are involved in the process.
3. "King of the Hill"
For this game you need to find a high snowdrift of dense snow or throw a snowy "mountain" yourself. Its height depends on the age of the players. nine0003
One of the players rises to the top and becomes its "king". He must prevent the rest from taking the "throne", because the goal of each other participant is to become the king of the hill himself. Since during the game the participants will often fall, it is necessary to take care of safety: make sure that there is a layer of soft snow under the “mountain”, and there are no fences, trees, corners of buildings and cars nearby that you can hit or get hurt.
4. "Icicles"
For this game, a circle with a diameter of about 5 meters is drawn on the snow with a small depression in the center. 10-12 pieces of ice are placed in it. It does not have to be just pieces of ice: you can use small pieces of wood, cardboard, and so on. nine0003
Players choose a driver who stands in the center of the circle. The rest of the participants are distributed outside of it. Their task is to pull (or knock out) all the ice pieces outside the playing area. Players can enter the circle, and the driver can only be inside it. If the driver touches one of the participants, the "singed" takes his place. The game ends when all the pieces of ice have left the playing area.
5. Playing snowballs and building snow forts
Photo: YanLev / ShutterstockBoth adults and children like to play snowballs, as this is a great opportunity to spend time actively with friends or family. The construction of snow fortresses will help to diversify the process. In this case, the snowballs will turn into a full-fledged snow battle. You can introduce a rule: the one who is hit by a snowball is out of the game.
6. “Who is on the mountain?”
For this fun, a big snowball is molded, which will play the role of a mountain. Participants stand around him, holding hands. On command, each of them must pull the neighbors to the "mountain" and try not to fall on it himself. Those who still touched the “mountain” are eliminated. nine0003
7. Dodgeball
To play this game, participants stand in two lines opposite each other. There should be 3-4 steps between players, and 12-15 steps between lines. A leader is also selected who will give commands. He must either know the participants by name, or distribute them by numbers (the same for both teams). The host calls the names or numbers of the participants, and after they have responded, commands: “Pli!” After that, the named players must make snowballs and throw them at each other. nine0003
It is allowed to dodge and crouch, but not to move. The one who is hit by a snowball is out. The participant who “knocked out” his opponent can throw a snowball at any of the opposing team. The team with no players left loses.
The facilitator must give instructions quickly so that the game does not stall and is fun.
8. Vorottsa
Photo: tammykayphoto / DepositphotosOrdinary slides can be made even more fun. Below, under the hill, build a gate of snow, sticks without sharp ends or spruce branches. They do not have to be in the center of the descent, because the task is just to slide down and get into the gate. You can ride on anything: on a snow scooter, ordinary sleds, tubing or just on an ice rink. nine0003
9. “Battlefield”
For this game, you also need to split into teams: “shooters” and “targets”. "Targets" are divided into two lines and stand 15 steps opposite each other. The “arrows” do the same, standing in two lines perpendicular to the “shooters”. The resulting square is the battlefield.
On a signal, one of the "targets" group runs to his teammates from the opposite side. His task is to dodge snowballs, and the goal of the “shooters” is to hit the runner on the spot in order to knock him out of the game. As soon as one of the "targets" ran to another line or dropped out of the game, the next one starts moving from the opposite side. After several rounds, the teams change places. nine0003
10. "Snowball tag"
For this fun, you need to designate a large square, which will become a playground. All players are on it, except for two drivers. It is impossible to run outside the square, otherwise the offender will join the drivers. They must hit the rest of the players with snowballs: in this way, the drivers knock other participants out of the game. You can add a rule that the dropouts also throw snowballs. Those two, in which they could not get into, become the new drivers.
11. Winter football
If you miss summer and its entertainment, arrange winter football! Mark the goal in the snow, split into two teams and simplify the rules a bit, because playing in the snow is not only more fun, but also more difficult. For example, you can cancel goalkeepers and not penalize random handball.
12. Sled racing
Photo: d.travnikov / Depositphotos You can arrange real races on sleds if you divide into crews: one person is carrying, the other is driving. You can come up with a difficult route or just compete on a straight line. It is best if parents or older children are carrying. nine0003
In another version of the race, you can remove the drivers so that the “riders” ride on their own with the help of their legs. To do this, it is better to find a flat area and mark the start and finish lines on it. For more fun and excitement, participants can sit on the sled in pairs.
Another variation of sled racing can be the relay race. In this case, it is also desirable to choose a flat area with marked start and turn lines. To do this, you need to break into teams with an even number of participants in order to make several pairs of them. The first crews get on the line, start at the signal, reach the opposite side of the site, turn around and come back. Then the next pair goes. The team, all the “crews” of which complete the relay faster, wins. nine0003
To add to the fun, you can come up with additional conditions. For example, leave one sled for each team so that the “crews” change every time. Or arrange a relay race in which each participant must pass his stage himself, sitting on a sled and pushing off with his feet.
13. "Who is stronger"
You can also arrange an analogue of tug of war on the sled. To do this, two participants sit on the same sled with their backs to each other and with the help of their legs try to leave each in their own direction. Also, one participant may try to leave, and the second must slow him down. nine0003
There is a third version of this fun: participants on two sleds are placed opposite each other. Each holds a rope from the opponent's sled. On a signal, they should try to pull each other to their side.
Unfortunately, not all regions of our country have enough snow in winter for the activities described above. Therefore, we offer several options for a situation where there is little or no snow at all.
14. "Two Santa Clauses"
For this game, with the help of a rhyme, you need to choose two drivers - Santa Clauses. After that, mark two lines at a distance of 15-20 steps. On one of them stand the rest of the participants. nine0003
To add a New Year's mood (especially if children are playing), Frost can say: “I am Red Nose Frost!”, “And I am Blue Nose Frost!” Then they give a start to the beginning of the game: “Well, which of you will decide to go on a path?” The players answer: “We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost!”. And the Frosts command: "One, two, three - run!"
After that, the players run to the opposite line, and the Frosts must touch the participants so that they stop on the spot - “freeze”. When all the players, except for the “frozen”, reach the goal, the drivers give the command for the next start. During each subsequent race, participants can “unfreeze” less fortunate teammates with a touch. nine0003
Another version of this game involves dividing the participants into two teams and standing facing each other so that there are 15–20 steps between groups. Frost is chosen from each team. On a signal, one player runs out from both sides. Their task is to run to the opposite team. Frosts, on the other hand, try to hit the members of the other team with snowballs in order to “freeze” them. "Frozen" should freeze in place. As soon as the player reaches the opposite side or is “frozen”, the next one starts moving. nine0003
15. “North wind, south wind”
For this game, participants choose two drivers. One becomes the North wind and the other becomes the South. The rest of the players run around the court. The north wind catches the contestants and "freezes" them to make the contestants stop. And the South wind “thaws”, touching them with his hand and saying loudly: “Free”. Moreover, the South wind can also be “frozen”.
It is best if the game takes place on a limited area, and the South Wind could not be frozen permanently - for example, only for the time in which he counts out loud to 30.
16. Twelve Sticks
To play Twelve Sticks, you need a wooden board set on a stone or block so that one part of it is up and the other is on the ground or snow. It turns out a kind of "swing". On the half of the board that lies on the ground, put 12 small sticks. The first driver is also selected.
The game begins when one of the players, having stepped sharply on the top edge of the board, scatters the sticks. After that, the driver must collect them, and the rest are hiding at this time. The task of the driver is to find them. Having learned where one of the participants is hiding, the driver must loudly shout his name, and also indicate the place where he took refuge. If the driver named everything correctly, the one found should go out. nine0003
While the driver is searching, one of the participants can imperceptibly run up to the board and, shouting “Twelve sticks are flying!”, scatter the sticks again. While the driver collects them, all the detected players can again hide, and they will have to be searched again. 17. Winter has come . The driver says: “Today it’s warm, the sun is shining, go for a walk!” - and the players run out of cover to the site. When the driver says “Winter has come! Hurry home! ”, the other participants in the game again run for cover. And the driver tries to catch them before they have time to hide. nine0003
Dress warmly, go outside more often and enjoy life!
Read also ☃️🛷🎄
- 50 activities that will not let you get bored on New Year's holidays
- What to do in order not to gain weight over the holidays
- How to celebrate the New Year: 25 ideas for every mood
- How to fill the ice rink right in the yard of your house
10+ winter games for a fun company
We have already written to you about how to entertain a child in the winter on the street, so that you can not leave the house. And for more active parents and kids who can't sit still, we offer 10 outdoor games. But all of them are really winter, you can't play like that in summer. So if you don't want to miss out on all the snow fun, pick a game and run outside!
"Snow Bouncers"
A game for a big, fun and noisy company. A snowy area is selected, on which there is enough snow to shell the enemy. At a distance of 30-40 steps from each other, two cities are drawn, that is, sites with a diameter of several meters. Children are divided into two teams. Some will be "runners", others - "snipers". nine0003
The task of the runners is to run from one city to another without a single hit. You need to run in turn, in a crowd - it's dishonest. And snipers, respectively, fire snowballs at the runners. For each hit - a point. Hits within the "city" do not count. When everyone runs across, the teams change places. And then we count the points and see who is the best runner and who is the best shooter.
Why Pushkin? Because duel. This is a game for two. Dueling weapons, of course, snowballs. Two opponents stand at a distance of about 8-10 meters from each other. A circle of diameters in meters is drawn around each of them. The second (for example, dad) chooses who will be the first. On a signal, the first player leans over, makes a snowball and throws it at the opponent. Then these actions are performed by the second player. You can dodge as you like, the main thing is not to leave the circle. nine0003
If both miss or both hit, the duel continues. But if one hit and the other missed, then another player takes the place of the loser (for example, the second dad). So, after a few rounds of the duel, it will become clear who you have here is "Pushkin" and who is "Dantes".
"Best shooter in the Wild Cold"
We continue the theme of "shooters" with two versions of the same game - "hit the target". In the first case, your target is a bucket on the snowman's head. Each shooter has three attempts to knock down a bucket with a snowball. For hitting on the first attempt - 30 points, on the second - 20, on the third - 10. You can play in teams or together. nine0003
In the second case, the snowman remains intact. The target is drawn on the wall of the house. The rules are the same, but you can make changes and make it a game of speed. Two targets - two players. And whoever is the first to cover the entire target with sticky snow is the best shooter in the Wild Cold.
Snowball Relay
Divide the children into two teams with an equal number of participants. Teams stand in one line, each player takes a snowball. The first participants from each team make a throw. The second participant goes to the place where the snowball landed. And he quits already from this place. nine0003
The winner is the team that, on the throw of the last participant (the first player goes there, closing the circle), was further from the starting line. You can throw both in one direction with both teams, and in different ones, standing at the start with your backs to each other, but then you need a tape measure or a pedometer.
"Sled Relay"
Let's move away from snow battles and think about other winter fun. For example, about sleds. With them, you can come up with many wonderful fun starts, relay races and competitions. Here are a few of them. nine0003
Two kids sit on a sled. Parents plan the finish line somewhere in 7-10 meters from them. Go! The one sitting in front must cross the finish line as quickly as possible, and the one who rides behind must interfere with him. You have 3 minutes to complete. If you play as a team, then for the victory of the player - 10 points.
Another sledge option. Two kids sit on the sled with their backs to each other. The task is to get to the finish line, pushing only with your feet. Think it's that easy? But in fact - a hodgepodge of legs and laughing children. nine0003
And the third option. A pair of sledges is placed at a distance of several meters. The players sit facing each other and take in their hands the ropes from the sled, but not their own, but the opponent's. A line is drawn in the middle. After the signal, everyone begins to pull the rope towards themselves, and whoever first drags the opponent to their territory is well done. You can't help yourself with your feet.
Ice Racing
If you have an ice track in your yard, then you have a few more options for games. For example, "ice football player". Closer to the middle of the path, a large piece of ice, a pebble or a bump is placed. Children, sliding on ice, should move this object with their foot as far as possible. When no one in the circle can reach a new result, the winner is the one who last touched the pebble. nine0003
Second option for three players. Two people stand on opposite sides of the path, holding a long rope in their hands. The third one is standing on the path, holding on to the rope. The players on the sides take turns giving him tasks that he must complete until the end of the "track". Sit down, ride on one leg, turn around backwards, etc. Then the players change. Whoever did it the fastest and best of all, he won.
An old Russian game. On well-trodden even snow, a circle is drawn (diameter - 5 meters). A small depression is made in the center of the circle and 10 pieces of ice are put there. The leader is chosen, he must stand inside the circle, the rest around him. The task of the players is to knock out all the pieces of ice from the center outside the circle, running into it and dragging their trophies. But the leader cannot get out of the circle, but he can kick everyone in a row, knocking him out of the game. The game will end if all the pieces of ice are knocked out or all the children are tagged. nine0003
"Buy a bull"
Another game that came to us from ancient times, but no less interesting and again with an ice floe. We find a large piece of ice, draw a large circle. All children stand in a circle, a leader is appointed. The host should, with the admonition “Buy a bull” (can be replaced with anything, even “Cutlet soup!”, The main thing is a catchy phrase) jump on one leg and try to overpower others.
The task of the other players is to dodge the ice, not "buy a bull". If someone is hurt, then he immediately becomes the leader and shakes one leg. If the leader gets tired, he can be asked to change legs in the middle of the round. nine0003
This is a game of skating and is best played with children who know how to skate somehow. But it is suitable for a large company - 10-15 people. Four leaders are selected from all, their task will be to catch the treasured item. The item can be a rattle, a flag, a bump, or whatever you find.
One of the players is given a "rattle" in his hands and he quickly flies away from the leaders. And they must catch the player in the ring by closing their hands (two, three or all together - it doesn’t matter). The rattle can be passed to other players, but only from hand to hand, it cannot be thrown. When someone is caught, other hosts are appointed and the game continues. nine0003
Fortress Capture
It would be strange not to mention this game. Still, it's a classic. But it also takes a lot of time. First you need to build a fortress, the height of the walls is 1-2 meters. 4 towers need to be made in the corners of the fortress. "Shields" are hung on the towers, ideally - sheets of plywood, at worst - cardboard. A flag is fixed on one of the towers - a piece of cloth or someone's mitten. Three circles are made near the fortress - after 10 m, 15 m and 25-30 m from the wall. It is best to lay the circles with ropes, the drawn lines will be trampled immediately. nine0003
The players are divided into two teams. There should be twice as many attackers as defenders. A supply of snowballs is being prepared, and then the capture begins. When captured, everyone is fired with snowballs, whoever is hit is eliminated from the game.