Fun letter a

Letter A Activities & Fun Ideas for Kids

You have come to the right place if you are looking for fun, engaging and exciting Letter A themed activities to do with toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartners. Our activities are widely used by teachers, moms, dads, child care providers etc. for learning and teaching while being fun for the kids!

All our activities are available at no cost and are free to print and share. Select below to get started.

Apple Stamping
Apple stamping is a lot of fun. Cut an apple in half, and carve out the shape of the letter “A”. Have your child stamp the letter on a sheet of paper and say the “A” sound each time they stamp.

Cut out a large white triangle for the body, and skin-colored circle for the head, and trace hand prints on white construction paper for the wings. Glue together, and add facial features and a halo.

My “A” Book
Staple several pieces of white construction paper together with a colored construction paper cover. Print “My A Book” and your children’s name on the cover. Cut out magazine pictures of those things which begin with the letter “A”, as well as actual upper and lowercase letters from ads or article titles. Let the children chose the pictures and letters they want, and glue them onto their book pages. Later, arrange a time for the children to read their books to you.

Feelie Box
Have a feelie box, that children can’t look into, such as covered with a towel or sheet. Have them guess the object starting with the letter “A” that you have placed in the box.

Make an Airplane
You will need:
2 paper towel rolls
1 toilet paper roll
Craft Sticks
One of the paper towel rolls, measure about 3″ down from the top and cut 1/2 way through. Measure another 2″ down and again cut halfway through. Remove the section between the cuts. Glue the second paper towel roll through this section. Paint the airplane and using craft sticks to form an “X”, paint them white and glue to the front of the airplane for a propeller. Break another craft stick in half and insert them in the tube under the wings for landing gear.

Use 3 sections of a cardboard egg carton to form the body. Have the children paint it any color they wish. Using pipe cleaners, put antennae on the first section, and six legs on each of the 3 sections. Draw eyes or use wiggly eyes on the front section.

Make an Ark
Cut out two large boat shapes and punch holes around sides and bottom. With shoe laces or yarn (wrap ends tightly with tape to prevent fraying), lace the 2 pieces together. Make a rainbow shape for the top to fit on like a handle. Let the children color the handle and staple or glue to the top of the ark. Fill the boat with animal crackers. As each child selects a cracker to eat, have them tell what kind of animal it is.

“A” Collage
Cut out a large “A” from poster board or other heavy paper. Have the children find pictures of things in magazines that begin with the letter “A”, and either cut or tear them out. Glue them on the “A.”

Acorn Collage
Cutout a large “A” from heavy paper or cardboard. Have the children collect acorns, and glue them to the “A”. Explain how acorns grow into oak trees.

Ant Fun
Cut out a big letter “A” for each child and let them make ant prints all over it with their fingerprints and a stamp pad. Use small tip markers to draw in legs.


ABC GAME From ChildFun Reader Heidi:
I am a teacher and I use this game for children in junior primary to learn the sounds of the alphabet.
All children stand or sit in a circle. Place an alphabet card on the ground in front of them. Play some music and children walk around the circle. When the music stops, they sit in front of the closest card. We then go around the circle and each child has to tell me the sound of the letter they have.

With older children, I ask them to tell me a word that begins with that sound, or has that sound in the middle or end. It works really well and the children have so much fun.

Invite the children to perform acrobatic feats such as somersaults, head stands, back bends, bridges, rocking horses, etc. Be sure to put down a gym mat, or arrange a field trip to a gym. Consider sponsoring a gymnastics meet.

ABC Bingo
Easy to make out of construction paper or poster board. Use buttons or beans to cover spaces. Have children match as you call out lower/uppercase, etc, first child to cover card yells “Bingo.” Prizes can be simple, such as a granola snack or extended time in a certain area.

Aluminum “A” Cut aluminum foil into long strips and glue to a large cutout letter “A”. Discuss the uses of aluminum with your kids, as well as recycling. Have each child bring something recyclable from home and let them place in a recycle bin.

“A” Sounds
Talk about things from home that begin with the letter “A” and see how many things the children can think of.

Make paper airplanes and fly them around, or line up chairs in 2 rows and pretend it’s the inside of an airplane. Make up your own tickets, provide flags for someone to wave when the runway is clear.

I know my Address!
Encourage each child to memorize his or her address. Draw and cut out a large construction paper house to place on a bulletin board. Then, as the children memorize their addresses, invite them to pin his or her name and address on the house shape. A good way to help children remember their address is to have them sing it to the tune of a simple song such as “Rain, rain go away.”

Animals, animals everywhere!
Take the children to a zoo! Most all zoos have a petting area for younger children. Talk about each animal and what it eats, what it feels like, and whether or not it would make a good pet.

The “A” Box
Decorate a box with the letter “A”. Inside the box place items or pictures of items that begin with the letter “A”. This also works well if you use pictures, and have each child in turn draw out one picture and tell it’s name and what they would do with it.

Acrobatic “A”‘s
Divide the children into groups of threes. Have the children in each group lie on the floor and use their bodies to form the letter “A”. Let the children in each group trade places and form the letter “A” again, so each child gets a turn at being a different part of the “A”. Then have the children gather in larger groups and form a giant “A”.

Astronomical Astronauts
At circle time, show the children pictures of astronauts and talk about what they do. Transform your drama center into the moon. Give the children white shirts, boots, and helmets to wear for the astronaut’s clothing. You can make an astronaut’s helmet by using a paper grocery bag or cardboard box and decorating with foil, stickers, pipe cleaners, Styrofoam balls and other items found in daycare. Have pictures of planets hanging all around the center, and maybe even have the children paint a mural of a rocket ship during creative time and put that up on the wall. Have the children pretend they’re walking on the moon, and talk about what it would be like to be weightless in space.

“A” is for animals
Cut out magazine pictures of animals and laminate, if you wish. Have the children put them on the wall in daycare to make your own zoo, or put the pictures together in a picture book for the daycare. Then have the children draw 4 of their favorite animals and make a picture book for each child to take home. Alternatively, photocopy animal coloring book pages for the children to color and make a picture book.

Animal Masks
Make animal masks out of paper plates or grocery bags using decorative items such as stickers, tissue paper, markers, glue, yarn, etc. Have a puppet show or small play and let the children make up their own lines for their animal.

Moon Walk
Along the astronaut theme, have children look for “moon rocks” in a treasure hunt. Make the moon rocks out of balled-up aluminum foil or paint Styrofoam balls in silver.

“A” is for Antarctica, Africa, and Australia
Use a globe or world map to show the children where these different continents are compared to our own. Talk about what a continent is, and read books or show videos on the different continents to learn about their culture. Encourage the children to become a group pen pal (for younger children) or individual pen pals (for older children) with children from other places in the world. There are sources all over the internet to get them started on this. You can also explore what kinds of toys children on these continents play with, and show the children how to make their own.

Alligator Fun
Let the children pretend to be alligators in a swamp. Call “Alligators Go!” and “Alligators Stop!” at random. When the Alligators are all going, they make the short sound of the letter “A”. When they are stopped, they are very quiet. Anyone who makes a sound when they’re stopped is “eaten” and is out.

Who Am I?
Give the children clues about an animal, and let them guess which animal you are describing.

Where Do I Belong?
Mount pictures of animals on a tag board or felt board. Have the children sort the pictures into farm, pet or zoo categories.

Grow Your Own Avocado Plant!
Get several avocados. Cut them open to remove the pits. Help the children plant the pits by sticking three toothpicks in the sides of each pit, evenly spaced. Fill a small glass with water, and set the pits so that the pointed end of the pit is in the water. Watch the root of the avocado grow, then replant in loose soil. This makes a beautiful plant, but it will usually not yield avocados, as most avocado trees take an average of 13 years to produce fruit, and they must be cross-pollinated with other avocado trees to produce fruit.

Accordion Folding
Teach the children to make accordion folds, and have them create something that makes use of the folds. Examples include a bird with wings, a woman wearing a skirt, or a simple paper fan.

Alphabet Hunt: Hide some pictures of things beginning with the letter “A”, around the room, some easily visible and some a little harder to find. Then let the children go on a hunt for the pictures.


Simple Snacks:
Alphabet cereal
Alphabet soup
American cheese
Angel Food Cake
Animal Crackers
Apple Butter/Juice
Apples, applesauce

Apple Chat: Give each child an apple. Ask them to describe the apple using all of their senses except taste. Then cut the apple in half and explain that they grow from seeds. Point out the various parts, invite them to count the seeds, and cut the apple into bite-size pieces. Let them eat a piece and describe how it tastes

Ants on a Log or Raft: Spread cream cheese on a piece of celery (log) or a Triscuit-type cracker (raft). Let the children put raisins on their logs and rafts.

Letter “A” Taste Test: Try apples, avocados, artichokes, apricots, and any other foods starting with the letter “A” that you can find.

Baked Acorn Squash: Show the children an acorn squash. Put an acorn and the squash beside each other, and discuss how they are alike and how they’re different. Ask the children how they think an acorn squash got it’s name. Help the children see that an acorn squash is shaped like an acorn. Then use the squash to make A-Okay Acorn Squash as follows: Cut the squash in half lengthwise, scoop out seeds and pulp. Put the squash face down in a baking pan and pour in about 1/2 inch of water. Bake at 375 for 25 minutes. The squash is done when the flesh is soft. Pour the water out and turn the squash over. Put a little butter and brown sugar over the squash, and add cinnamon or nutmeg if desired. Put the squash back in the oven until the butter has melted. Enjoy!


Finger Puppets
Finger puppets are always a big hit in role playing with children. They can be easily made from construction paper, and decorated with almost anything, such as cotton balls, glitter, yarn, markers, stickers, etc. Have each child make up a finger puppet and divide the children into small groups. Have each group do a small puppet show for the others. You can easily construct a stage out of a cardboard box, using tissue paper or fabric scraps for the side curtains.

I’m a Little Airplane
(Sung to the tune of “I’m a Little Teapot”)
I’m a little airplane (children raise arms from sides to shoulder height)
Watch me fly! (Spin one arm in front as if a propeller)
Here are my instruments
From down low to up high (With their other arm, they reach from the ground to above their heads)
First I get all revved up (Make engine-like noises while still spinning their arms)
Then I can fly (Raise arms to shoulder height)
Lifting off the runway (start walking forward)
Up into the sky! (Go up on their tiptoes and continue to move forward. Let them circle awhile before returning to their original positions.)

Ants, ants,
Rushing here,
Rushing there.
Carrying treasures
To their nest,
Never stopping
For a rest.
Ants, ants
Here and there,
Hurrying and scurrying

Alligators and the Monkeys
5 little monkeys
Sitting in a tree
Teasing the alligator
“Can’t catch me!”
Along came the alligator
Quiet as can be (whisper this part loudly)
SNAP!!! No more monkeys sitting in the tree! (snap your hands together and tickle the kids)

Sing Hurray for A!
(To the tune of “Farmer in the Dell”)
Let’s sing hurray for A,
Let’s sing hurray for A,
Let’s sing hurray for A today
Let’s sing hurray for A.
Apple starts with A,
Asparagus starts the same way,
Let’s sing hurray for A today,
Let’s sing hurray for A.

When the Ants Go Marching In
Oh when the ants
Go marching in
Oh when the ants go marching in
How I want
To be in that number
When the ants go marching in
(Good song for the children to march around the room to)


Dear Reader:  You can help us make this theme even better!

All of our theme ideas have come from our imagination and from reader submissions.   Please use this form to contact us if you have crafts, activities, games, recipes, songs or poems that you would like us to add to this theme.

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12 Awesome Letter A Crafts & Activities

ByLiz Updated on

It is time to get creative with these Letter A crafts! A is the first letter of the alphabet. Apples, angels, alligators, airplanes, apple trees, avocados, aardvark…there are many words that start with the letter A. Today we have some fun preschool letter A crafts & activities to practice letter recognition and writing skill building that work well in the classroom or at home.

Let’s do a Letter A craft!

Learning the Letter A Through Crafts & Activities

These awesome letter A crafts and activities are perfect for kids ages 2-5. These fun letter alphabet crafts are a great way to teach your toddler, preschooler, or kindergartener their letters. So grab your paper, glue stick, and crayons and start learning the letter A!

Related: More ways to learn the letter A

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Letter A Crafts For Kids

1. A is for Angel Craft

This angel made from the letter A is a fun project and is easy to make. It’s so easy to make with paper, feathers, googly eyes, and pipe cleaners. Don’t forget the black marker to give the angel a smiley face.

2. A is for Apple Craft

This paper plate apple craft is the easiest apple craft we have here at Kids Activities Blog that makes it a great alphabet craft for even toddlers!

3. A Is For Alligator Craft

Make an A is for alligator craft where we turn the letter a into a green alligator! via Miss Marens Monkeys

The angel has angelic wings!

4. Ants On The Apple Craft

To work on the lowercase a, make this ants on the apple craft. Grab your red paint, black paint, and green paper, for this letter a craft. via Pinterest

5. A is for Alien Craft

Use your handprint to make a letter a alien. via Red Ted Art

6. A is for Acorn Craft

Use a lowercase a to make a paper acorn. via MPM School Supplies

7. Apple Tree Craft for the Letter A

Make an apple tree  from construction paper and use a stickers to place apples on them! via 123 Homeschool 4 Me

8. Toilet Paper Roll A is for Airplane Craft

Turn the letter A into a toilet roll airplane! This is the perfect way to learn the letter a as well as recycle. So grab your paint and popsicle sticks use different colors to make the coolest airplane. via Sunshine Whispers

9. A is for Astronaut Craft

The best way to learn is by hands on crafts. This letter a astronaut is a fun alphabet craft. via Glued To My Crafts Blog

Aliens start with A and look very silly!

Letter A Activities for Preschool

10. Letter A Sound Activity

Use this printable to work on the letter A sound  and identify which images start with the letter a. This is such a great way to learn about letter sounds. via The Measured Mom

11. Letter A Worksheets

Grab these free letter A worksheets to work on tracing the letter and identifying which objects start with an a. What a great way to learn about upper case letters and lower case letters.

12. DIY Letter A Lacing Cards

Use these letter a lacing cards to practice the letter a and things that start with it. Plus, this is a great way to work on fine motor skills as well. Paper is great, but for a sturdier lacing card, you could back them with craft foam. via Homeschool Share

More Letter A Crafts & Printable Worksheets from Kids Activities Blog

We have even more alphabet craft ideas and letter A printable worksheets for kids. Most of these are also great for toddlers, preschoolers, and kindergarteners (ages 2-5).

  • Free practice tracing the letter a worksheets are perfect for reinforcing the letter a and its uppercase letter and its lowercase letter.
  • Use tissue paper to make this super amazing apple craft.
  • Grab your paint, pom poms, and paper plates to make this apple tree craft.
  • These alligator coloring pages are so much fun and an easy letter a craft.
  • Here is another alligator craft! How cute are these little alligators?
Oh so many ways to play with the alphabet!

More Alphabet Crafts & Preschool Worksheets

Looking for more alphabet crafts and free alphabet printables? Here are some great ways to learn the alphabet. These are great preschool crafts and preschool activities , but these would also be a fun craft for kindergarteners and toddlers as well. 

  • These gummy letters can be made at home and are the cutest abc gummies ever!
  • These free printable abc worksheets are a fun way for preschoolers to develop fine motor skills and practice letter shape.
  • These super simple alphabet crafts and letter activities for toddlers are a great way to start learning abc’s.
  • Older kids and adults will love our printable zentangle alphabet coloring pages.
  • Oh so many alphabet activities for preschoolers!

Which letter a craft are you going to try first? Tell us which alphabet craft is your favorite!


Liz chronicles her adventures in mommyhood at Love & Marriage.

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Learning the letter A - funny poems and memos

A selection of children's poems about the letter A. It will help you learn the letters of the Russian alphabet faster and is useful for scenes and holiday scenarios related to the study of literacy at school and kindergarten.

A is the beginning of the alphabet,
That is what she is famous for.
And it's easy to recognize her:
She puts her feet wide.

- Aaaa! -
Sang "A".
- I'm at the beginning of Primer-a!
I’m going to Bukvograd first,
I’m leading the letters…

The column supports the bar,
The crossbar fastens —
The letter “A” has turned out!
Two legs and a head!

Orange and pineapple,
We are all called to the alphabet!
Stork, harp and watermelon -
Where is the letter "A", little one?

Nadezhda Melnik

A - bus.
Clear, concise.
Here is the exit,
And landing.
Everyone knows the letter A is
The letter is very nice.
And besides, the letter A
is the main one in the alphabet.
They love this sound
Both Andrey and Allochka,
Stick like that and stick like that,
And in the middle there is a stick.

And we have pineapple,
And we have just watermelon,
And we have - in the Altai mountains -
Cherry plum as ordered . ..

We open the ABC.
Do we know the words in A?
Orange and Apricot,
Scarlet poppy grew on the flowerbed,
Astra, August and Watermelon,
Antoshka, cute little kid,
Address, Watercolor, Bus,
Globe will show Africa,
Shark swam away in the sea…
Oh, how many words for the letter A!

Savelyeva Olga

Az is a symbol of affirmation
of intrinsic value, movement.
Below is the foundation of our life:
peace, warmth, fellowship with others,
a cozy home and family,
where there are children and friends.

Above this base, above
, a roof rises upwards to the sky:
in it is the desire for understanding,
Light Divine Co-Knowledge-I.
in it the desire of the y-part-I,
finding the I in the world with-part-I.

Az — the beginning and striving
to find the way for ascent.
I will stretch out my hands to you -
I + you and there is no separation.
Only by finding a connection,
I and you are part of the world.

Alla Valentinovna Vavilova

A stork lived on our roof,
And mice lived underground.

Samuel Marshak

The stork spreads its wings,
The stork opens the book.
The book contains letters and words.
The stork sees the letter A.
And putting glasses on his nose,
He reads:

The stork carried scarlet in a string bag:
ABC for Anya and Alla,
Lampshade, album - for Alice,
Cherry plum, watermelon - for Anfisa.
Apricots for Antoshka,
Oranges for Alyoshka.
Who is the pineapple for?
Well, of course, for us!
Ay yes young stork!
Tired, tea, poor fellow.

Marshallova T.

The stork flew to my roof,
He was holding the letter A in his beak,
Ah! He whispered barely audibly,
How good is this letter!

The stork boasts of its nest:
“I built a nice house!
From grass and twigs
For beloved children.

This is Wildebeest,
And the horns - well, well!

The acrobat is very happy
That he came to the masquerade.

Ditkovskaya I.

The shark swims in the sea,
The letter A is not given to us,
The shark, this letter is important to us,
We all need the letter A.

The sunset is red behind the forest.
Scarlet storks are flying towards the forest.
Asters blush on the flowerbeds in the garden,
Water lilies in the pond become scarlet,
Scarlet ducks glide along the pond ...
It is a pity that the sunset is already burning out!
Alligator received the alphabet.
Alligato learned the alphabet,
Alligator swallowed knowledge,
And then he swallowed the alphabet.

"Alenka" is a chocolate bar,
And chocolate, of course, is sweet.
All children love chocolate
And every adult is happy with it.

Goryunova Irina

Scarlet, juicy was a watermelon,
It just tasted like sugar,
Don't be sad, Egorka,
That there were peels.

Slutskaya L.

Antelope for the name day
They gave oranges,
Apricots, pineapples
And another barrel of kvass.

Oranges, apricots,
Pineapples and watermelon -
Loves these fruits, knows
Since childhood, every toddler!

Besides taste, aroma,
What else do fruits have?
That these fruits can
be read to you in the ABC.

Look at these letters
and compare my words.
All my words, of course,
Start with "A"!

Galina Sergeevna Tomashevskaya

Orange, watermelon, quince -
Appetizing words.

watermelon, album and orange -
Familiar words,
and knows my baby, my son,
What is at the beginning - A.

MANFISH A. 9000 9000 9000

- AH! - said the letter A, -
dizzy ...
And sometimes you don't know,
it turned out: I am a hero!
I'm famous in the primer!
A - the beginning of the alphabet!

Anna Alferova

The letter “A” smells like watermelon,
We will color “A” in Scarlet.
Letter "A" - Arena Artist,
Acrobat of a huge stage.
"A" lives here and there,
Take a closer look at the words
Stork, August, Watercolor,
Apricot, Album, April.
There are a lot of words starting with the letter "A",
Play with words from the beginning.

Anna-Sofia Crimean

Letter A, letter A -
Alphabet head.
Vova knows, Sveta knows,
A looks like a rocket.

The letter A is the head of everything,
She has a solid appearance,
Because the letter A
Starts the Alphabet!
Asters, storks, pharmacies
Letter A is friends forever!

The letter “A” carried Watermelon,
And behind it was a carpuz:
— The letter “A”, the letter “A”,
Teach me to read the words!

Olga Sharko

Letter A, letter A -
Alphabet head.
Vova knows, Sveta knows,
A looks like a rocket.

Letter A - big Watermelon,
Very sweet in taste.
The very first in the Alphabet
the letter A stood up and stands.

Green K.

The letter "A" lived in Watermelon,
In a striped thick belly.
Once Apricot came to her,
Sweet Pineapple brought.
Stork flew past,
He saw the letter "A",
And decided to take it for himself.
Apricot let's shout:
- Ah, they stole it, help,
Return the letter "A" to the primer!

Gurina I.

The letter A behind the first desk
They put me in front of the map,
And on the map the whole earth -
Rivers, mountains and fields.
And they asked who she is
Dreaming of becoming, letter A?
- I want to be an agronomist,
I can be an astronomer,
An architect, an artist
And a scuba diver!
What words do you
Do you know with the letter A?

We need to know the letter A,
To read something,
Ah, Antoshka, Aibolit -
We need to know the alphabet!

I am the head of the Alphabet,
I am proud of a lot.
I decorate the words,
Wherever I stand!
Even if wrong,
It doesn't matter, I'm the letter A!

Henriette Flamer

Take three sticks for "A".
Two leaned over first.
Well, the third one, look,
The third one hid inside.

Here are two posts diagonally,
And between them is a belt.
Do you know this letter? A?
The letter A is in front of you.

Ahead, like a tower,
The letter A stands bravely,
The first and important
The letter is two-story!

Henriette Flamer

Everyone knows the letter A -
The letter is very nice.
And besides, the letter A
is the main one in the alphabet.

They gave the letter A a watermelon -
It tastes very sweet!

Krasnikova I.

The house ran.
Everyone said: — The bus!
The house flew.
Everyone shouts: - Airbus!

Lisa writes the letter A,
The letter rests:
It shrinks, then it jumps up
And it doesn't work.

The hand is already trembling,
Very wide letter.
Looks like a hot air balloon,
And it bursts into the clouds.

Fingers need to rest,
Play a little,
And then the letter A
Will have an even leg.

Again Liza writes a letter,
The hand is no longer trembling!
Everything is in order, and in the notebook
Finally, the letter A!

The bell is already ringing
And the lesson is over.
I did not work in vain:
The letter A is beautiful!

Tatyana Butakova

We play with the sound “A”,
We open our mouth like a chick,
The tongue lies calmly,
The breeze flies freely

From the mouth, but to freedom,
Along the free passage.
Teeth, sponges do not interfere,
Song "A" is not violated.

Natalia Letoshko

Opening the alphabet.
The first letter is A,
Like a stepladder.
- Open your mouth, monkey,
Ah, tell me, - says
Good Doctor Aibolit.

Opens the alphabet - the letter A,
A beautiful view:
Everything shines and radiates
Like an evening lightning.

Meet the letter A.
It is a vowel, it is sung,
It flows so beautifully in songs,
It makes you dizzy.

Curious and courageous: -
Lying down on a piece of paper,
Not afraid of anything,
Forming the desired syllable.

There are many words in the world,
Different - long and short,
But you can always read it
You can use them without skill.

She is so proud.
She is pleased that she is always

And it happens that she gets sick
Or the melancholy suddenly overcomes,
And then she sounds
Between the sound [E] and [A].

Long [A:] - short [A]:
Open syllable - closed syllable.
In a word, for example GRASS
Both - [A:], are famous for that.

In the word KASKA the first one - [A] -
It sounded like a SHORT sound -
You won't hear
behind the high mountain, it became meek.

The word MOM is repeated
Children often - day and night.
They don't know better words,
MOM can help everyone.

If it's scary, if it's bad,
If the tooth hurts all night -
They say the word MOM -
Fears fly away.

Everyone knows the word WATERMELON.
It is green, striped,
Suitable for every taste,
It has a sweetish taste.

The letter A is in front,
And that is - AFTER the letters of CONSONANTS.

Hurry open the book,
Find the letter A in it.
A — everywhere, like an artist!
Learn all the words!

Svetlana Viktorovna Melnikova

We are building a house with the letter A:
Two supports at an angle,
Window sill - for the window,
The letter A is now visible.

Astra, Alphabet, Quince,
Beginning with A
And ending with A
Astra, Alphabet, Quince

Rein S.

Stereotypes boring load:
On A - only Stork and Watermelon?
And if so: Arba, Arbat,
Abracadabra, Acrobat,
Actor, Astral, Atlas, Athlete,
Alpha - Centauri, Crossbow?
And here's another one: Ah! Oh! - Prepaid expense!
Augur, Armada, Pineapple...
So long we can go on,
But it's time for us to start on B.

Olga Tsvetikova

Ranks first in the alphabet
And teaches Children to be Neat.
Erect a hut from two planks,
Put the crossbar on a level -

And the letter "A" will appear before you,
It will reveal how to become healthy, the secret -
Leisure Active is needed at times,
A ban on unhealthy food.

Without the letter "A" to form the word "mother",
(A mother is an authority for children!)
Alas, it is impossible. Not for nothing in any program
Give the letter "A" priority!

Anna Anikovich-Boldyreva

Learning words starting with the letter “A”:
Plum and AVOCADO,
I am glad to try everything.
Ah, so many vitamins!
I barely get up from the table,
Tasty words starting with the letter "A".

Tereshkova G.

Why is the letter famous?
Always the first is,
And behind her the retinue winds,
Continuing the alphabet.

Not special,
She was asked about that.
- So Cyril, and with him Methodius
Only they themselves decided so.

They created the alphabet.
Later Russian alphabet.
Each letter was given a place
It has been standing there ever since.

The letter is this vowel,
Most common.
The letter is beautiful,
The easiest to read.
This is the letter A.

Zoya Kreps

I hold a pencil in my hand,
And I draw the letter firmly.
And my pencil draws
Cozy little hut.
We did it more than once,
And there we had a fire burning.
The stars made me dizzy.
...That's what the letter "A" is.

Anatoly Mokhorev

  • Letters, alphabet, Russian language - thematic selection
  • What and how to read to a child? Tips and best books for your children aged 0-7

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Funny poems. Letter A

Letter A behind the first desk
They sat in front of the map,
And the whole earth is on the map -
Rivers, mountains and fields.
And they asked who she is
Dreaming of becoming, letter A?

— I want to be an agronomist,
I can be an astronomer,
An architect, an artist
And also a scuba diver!
What words do you know
starting with the letter A?

Astra, alphabet, quince
Beginning with A.
Ending with A
Astra, alphabet, quince.

“Ahhh,” Alenka cried.
- On! her sister told her.
She plucked a scarlet flower
And gave it to Alyonushka.

— What are you carrying, car?
- Everything that is with the letter A.
Here are watermelons, oranges,
Apricots and quince.

Here is a marble arch
Leads to the alley of the park.
There is an alley to the gate,
A bus is waiting at the gate.
Yes, here is a fruit shop!

Antonovka and an orange,
Watermelon and pineapple were stored here for us.
Here is an apricot, and here is a quince.
What delicious words -
And all with the letter A.

Lined up
Near the letter A.
Lined up,
But there is no seller.
And try to guess,
What will be sold here.
Silently looks And at us -
What will he offer? A pineapple?
Or maybe a watermelon?
It doesn't taste bad at all.
Apricot and orange compete with him.
Very tasty words
Begin with A.
Then the bus rolled up,
The doors were wide open.
And I was left alone: ​​
My turn disappeared.
So, the letter, the letter A
On the avenue for a reason:
Stop here, order
Asks the letter to comply.
If you need to get on the bus -
You need to get in line.

The sunset is turning red behind the forest.
Scarlet storks fly to the forest.
Scarlet asters covered the gardens,
Creeks and ponds became scarlet.
And on the alley flooded with sun
White phloxes suddenly turned red.

The stork taught the alphabet
And he got a five.
And today without prompting
He reads fairy tales to himself.

Sister can read
And from the very morning
Reads or writes
A capital letter A.
And if he goes into the city,
He will walk the whole street -
He will examine all the signs
And he will find the letter A.
Our letter
climbed into almost every house!

The stork spreads its wings,
The stork opens the book.
In the book - letters and words.
The stork sees the letter A.
And putting glasses on his nose,
He reads:

The stork is eating a big watermelon -
It looks scarlet,
What does it taste like?
He himself can't tell:
Either sugar or honey.

Here are two posts diagonally,
And between them is a belt.

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