Fun o words

Positive Words That Start With O


    Positive O words examples


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Being positive and polite is a great state of being. Positive words can be used in everything from love notes to emails, and cover letters or letters of interest. When we focus on the positive things that are all around us, our lives will take on happy opportunities. Start the journey with a one-of-a-kind list of positive words that start with O.

Short Positive O-Words

Move onward to open oases with positive language! These positive words that start with O have six or fewer letters and are the perfect addition to your writing.




oasis (n. )

a place of calm in the midst of chaos

haven, refuge, sanctuary

odds-on (adj.)

having a strong chance of succeeding or winning

favorite, predictable, likely

offer (v.)

to put forth or suggest for consideration

bid, invite, profer

okay (v.)

to give approval

permit, allow, sanction

onset (n.)

the beginning of something, especially something unpleasant

beginning, commencement, start

onward (adv.)

toward a position that is ahead in space or time

beyond, forward, moving

ooh (int.)

a sound to express joy or awe

wow, amazing, oh my

oomph (n.)

energy; vigor

energy, pizazz, vitality

open (adj. )

someone or something which is not closed

accessible, clear, uncovered

option (n.)

one of the things you can choose

alternative, choice, selection

opus (n.)

a composer’s defining work

masterpiece, accomplishment, achievement

oracle (n.)

a person of great wisdom and foresight

sage, guru, prophet

ordain (v.)

to order or decree

appoint, command, decree

ornate (adj.)

heavily decorated

dazzling, elaborate, flashy

outdo (v.)

to surpass one’s expectations

outperform, best, exceed

outfox (v.)

to outsmart someone in a tricky situation

beat, circumvent, outmaneuver

outwit (v. )

to defeat someone by using your intelligence

overcome, outsmart, baffle


Longer Positive O-Words

Looking for more opulent optimism? Enjoy these opalescent words, along with a short definition and a handful of synonyms.




obedient (adj.)

well-behaved, listens to commands and instructions

abiding, amenable, yielding

objective (adj.)

unbiased, not on a specific side

impartial, neutral, even-handed

observant (adj.)

someone who is good at noticing things

attentive, discerning, perceptive

obtainable (adj.)

capable of being acquired

achievable, reachable, attainable

occupation (n. )

your job or what you do for work

calling, career, job

odyssey (n.)

a long journey or experience

trek, trip, voyage

oeuvre (n.)

the sum of the lifework of an artist

opus, output, work

omnipotent (adj.)

someone or something that is all-powerful

all-powerful, almighty, supreme

omniscient (adj.)

someone or something that is all-knowing

all-knowing, knowledgeable, pansophical

one-of-a-kind (n.)

someone or something that is truly unique

original, rare, unique

ongoing (adj.)

something that is still going on at the present time and is going to continue

continuous, endless, uninterrupted

opalescent (adj.)

showing a play of colors like an opal

iridescent, prismatic, polychromatic

openhearted (adj. )

not reserved; frank; candid

honest, kindly, warm

open-minded (adj.)

a willingness to try new things

fair, flexible, unbiased

operatic (adj.)

relating to the opera

musical, lyrical, dramatic

operative (adj.)

functioning or having effect

operational, usable, working

opportune (adj.)

happening at the right time

apropos, auspicious, timely

opportunity (n.)

a favorable situation with a positive outcome

convenience, freedom, happening

optimism (n.)

the state of being hopeful about the future

idealism, faith, positivity

optimistic (n.)

having a positive attitude toward the future

confident, hopeful, upbeat

optimum (adj. )

the best

best, greatest, supreme

opulent (adj.)

displaying or having a lot of wealth

affluent, elegant, plush

oration (n.)

a formal speech given at a ceremony

address, declamation, discourse

orderly (adj.)

something tidy or organized

controlled, exact, trim

organically (adv.)

in a manner that is natural

naturally, purely, essentially

organized (n.)

having the ability to keep things neat and tidy

conscientious, orderly, well-planned

original (adj.)

preceding all others in time, the first one

primeval, rudimentary, fundamental

originator (n.)

someone who creates or founds something

designer, innovator, author

ornamental (adj. )

decorative in nature

dressy, elaborate, embellishing

outgoing (adj.)

friendly and welcoming

cordial, extroverted, amicable

out-of-this-world (n., adj.)

of exceptionally high quality

wonderful, marvelous, amazing

outperform (v.)

to surpass someone or something in performance

beat, better, exceed

outreach (v.)

to surpass another in reach or to be greater than

exceed, predominate, surpass

outstanding (adj.)

something that is very good or noticeable

exceptional, supreme, transcendent

ovation (n.)

an enthusiastic show of appreciation

acclaim, applause, praise

overcome (v.)

to be victorious after a struggle

win, conquer, master

overflowing (adj. )

having an abundant supply

copious, full, exuberant

overjoyed (adj.)

extremely happy

charmed, delighted, thrilled


Great Opportunities for Positive O-Words

Since positive words are appropriate in both personal and professional capacities, many of them do well on your resume or cover letter. Consider describing yourself as an “objective data analyst” or “original content creator.” You can also include positive O-words in a personal message to a friend or loved one.

Learn how to write a letter, then incorporate some O-words. If you’d like to draft an open-hearted overture, pair your letter with this list of romantic words. Don’t be surprised if the recipient is overjoyed to receive your one-of-a-kind expression of love!

Example Sentences With Positive O-Words

Here are ten of the above O-words hard at work in sentence form:

  1. Their backyard swimming pool is an absolute oasis.
  2. She has the most obedient dog.
  3. Did you know God is completely omnipotent?
  4. He’s also utterly omniscient.
  5. She loved her personality from the onset.
  6. Her evening gown was an opalescent shade of blue.
  7. He couldn’t have been any more grateful for this new opportunity.
  8. All of her vegetables are organically grown.
  9. This is an original first draft from Nora Roberts’ new series of books.
  10. I didn’t like his overture to the play.


An Organic Outreach

Reading is the best way to receive an organic outreach from the world of words. The more you read, the more you’ll meet new words and encounter obtuse context clues. If you’d like to keep adding to your vernacular today, check out these nouns that start with O, as well as a list of adjectives that start with O. When you're ready, check out WordFinder by YourDictionary's full collection of words that start with O. Happy observing!

Positive Words That Start With O | List of 54 Positive Words Starting With O Meaning, Exampes, Pictures and Facts

Positive Words That Start With O: There are many terms in the English language. Everyone is not always able to remember all of the words. We are here to assist you with a list of positive words that start with the letter O. In this article you can find Positive Words That Start With O to describe a person or someone with meaning and examples in English and also Strong, good, descriptive positive words that start with O.

Get inspired in life with these powerful Positive Words lists available and use them in your everyday conversations, emails, cover letters, etc.

  • Name of Positive words whose name starts with O
  • Meaning and example on the Positive words on the list.

Name Of Positive Words Whose Name Starts With O

List Of Positive Words With Letter O At The Start

  1. Oasis
  2. Obedient
  3. Objective
  4. Obliging
  5. Observant
  6. Observe
  7. Obtain
  8. Occasion
  9. Occupation
  10. Occur
  11. Odds-on
  12. Ode
  13. Odyssey
  14. Offer
  15. Ointment
  16. Okay
  17. Omnipotent
  18. Omniscient
  19. Ongoing
  20. Onset
  21. Onward
  22. Oodles
  23. Opalescent
  24. Open
  25. Openhearted
  26. Open-minded
  27. Operatic
  28. Operative
  29. Opportune
  30. Opportunity
  31. Opt
  32. Optimism
  33. Optimistic
  34. Option
  35. Opulent
  36. Oracle
  37. Oration
  38. Ordain
  39. Orderly
  40. Organically
  41. Organize
  42. Original
  43. Originate
  44. Ornamental
  45. Outdo
  46. Outfox
  47. Outgoing
  48. Outlast
  49. Outlined
  50. Outlook
  51. Ovation
  52. Overcome
  53. Overflowing
  54. Overjoyed

Meaning And Example On The Positive Words On The List


Meaning: a fertile or green area in an arid region (such as a desert)

Example: The caravan stopped by the oasis to gather some food and energy


Meaning: doing, or willing to do, what you have been told to do by someone in authority

Example: Students are expected to be obedient in the classrooms


Meaning: something that one’s efforts or actions are intended to attain or accomplish; purpose; goal; target:

Example: The institution’s objective is to provide the best possible theory and practical based knowledge on the subject.


Meaning: exhibiting a pleasant eagerness to help others

Example: The room service obliged with all the necessary help that we needed.


Meaning: someone who is good at noticing things

Example: Being observant is a skill that you master after a lot of practice and patience.


Meaning: to inspect or take note of something

Example: One must observe an unknown environment around him before talking or doing something.


Meaning: to get something

Example: It is almost impossible to obtain newly released novels these days.


Meaning: a particular time, especially as marked by certain circumstances or occurrences; a unique or essential time, event, ceremony, celebration, etc.

Example: We only met on two occasions and each time had a great conversation.

Tomorrow will be one of the most memorable occasions for them, as they have worked hard for the success of this company.


Meaning: the primary activity in your life that you engage in to generate money

Example: Cinematography is going to be one of the most potential occupations for him.


Meaning: To take place; come about.

Example: The event occurred in such a short time that the audience was bewildered by it.


Meaning: a better-than-even chance of success

Example: The team has an odds-on chance of winning the match if none of the players suffer any injuries.


Meaning: a lyric poem typically of elaborate or irregular metrical form and expressive exalted or enthusiastic emotion.

Example: The ode was beautifully sand by the choir.


Meaning: a long, exciting journey

Example: The odyssey for me was eye-opening as it helped me notice all the small things in life for which I should be grateful.


Meaning: to present as an act of worship or devotion

Example: The priest offered the things on our behalf.


Meaning: a thick substance, usually containing medicine, to treat a pain or an injury on the skin, apply it to the affected area.

Example: You should immediately get an ointment for the rash as it might get worse.


Meaning: being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition

Example: If you want to be successful, being okay with your current life is not enough.


Meaning: having unlimited power

Example: Their power is so omnipotent that no one dares to question their decisions.


Meaning: having complete or unlimited knowledge, awareness, or understanding.

Example: He is one of the omniscient Gurus who strive to seek more knowledge every day.


Meaning: continuing to exist or develop, or happening at the present moment

Example: One must not come to conclusions regarding an ongoing investigation


Meaning: Beginning

Example: The onset of the differences led to a full-fledged war between the two nations.


Meaning: in a forward direction

Example: The troops moved onward into the valleys to seek shelter.


Meaning: a large quantity

Example: It was shocking, but she inherited oodles of money from her parents.


Meaning: exhibiting a play of colors like that of the opal

Example: The opalescent scales of the fish were bright even underwater.


Meaning: having no enclosing or confining barrier

Example: The shop was open for the customers 24X7.


Meaning: Someone who is kind, loving, and honest.

Example: The entire class is was trying their best to make the day beautiful for the kids, and it reflected how openhearted they were.


Meaning: possessing or displaying an open mind to fresh ideas or arguments

Example: The best quality that makes him suitable for leading the team is that he is open-minded.


Meaning: of, connected to, or resembling opera

Example: The play was very operatic, and it was a treat to the eyes that such young kids would put in so much effort to make it a success.


Meaning: producing an appropriate effect

Example: This machine is operative only if you give it adequate time to learn its functioning.


Meaning: happening at a time that is likely to produce success or is convenient

Example: This time of the year is the opportune moment for us to review our plan and focus on our future objectives.


Meaning: a potential as a result of a fortunate set of circumstances

Example: This project gave us the opportunity to explore and understand different genres of music.


Meaning: to make a choice

Example: I would love to opt for the English classes.


Meaning: the trait of being hopeful and highlighting the positive aspects of a situation, or the conviction that something good will occur

Example: Optimism is a quality that one must master to achieve great success in this world.


Meaning: disposed to take a favorable view of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome

Example: His optimistic nature is what makes him a perfect team worker.


Meaning: one of several things from which the only one can be chosen

Example: Out of all the options on the menu, all that he could think of was chicken noodles.


Meaning: expensive and luxurious

Example: Even though he does not earn much, he lives an opulent lifestyle.


Meaning: someone who knows a lot about a subject and can give good advice

Example: Our professor is an oracle when it comes to taking advice about the choices one should make in his life.


Meaning: an elaborate discourse delivered in a formal and dignified manner

Example: Her oration on the value of art in modern days was tremendous


Meaning: to invest officially with ministerial or priestly authority

Example: The law was ordained by all the ministers in the house present.


Meaning: arranged or disposed of in a neat, tidy manner or a regular sequence

Example: It is incredible to see how orderly you keep your desk.


Meaning: in an organic manner.

Example: The trend of wearing old-school fashion has organically developed in recent days.


Meaning: organise through rigorous planning and collaborative effort

Example: If your team can organize this event, you’ll be selected for the core team.


Meaning: preceding all others in terms of time or being the first made or completed

Example: I would love to see the original version of this car.


Meaning: to come from a particular place, time, situation, etc.

Example: The trend of men wearing accessories is not recent but originated hundreds of years ago.


Meaning: having a decorative rather than a functional purpose

Example: The bracelets were very ornamental and complimented his entire costume.


Meaning: to go beyond inaction or performance

Example: The team outdid the expectations of the coach.


Meaning: to outwit; outsmart; outmaneuver

Example: Politics is nothing but the art of understanding how to outfox the opposition.


Meaning: friendly and energetic and finding it easy and enjoyable to be with others

Example: His outgoing nature helps him blend in with any and every group in college.


Meaning: to endure or last longer than

Example: The boxer outlasted the expectations of everyone


Meaning: the line by which a figure or object is defined or bounded

Example: The building was clearly outlined in the blueprint.


Meaning: point of view

Example: The students tend to show a positive outlook on all the challenges thrown at them.


Meaning: an occasion when a crowd of people expresses great enjoyment and approval of something with loud and long clapping

Example: The entire play received a standing ovation from the judges and audience present.


Meaning: win a victory over

Example: One must overcome all the problems to succeed in life.


Meaning: covered with water

Example: The sink was overflowing with water.


Meaning: pleased

Example: The winners were overjoyed by the results.

What does fun mean - Meanings of words

fun in the crossword dictionary

  • Antonym of "boring"
  • The meaning of the musical tempo allegro
nine0012 New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


  1. adv. Joyful, lively.

  2. predicate

    1. Rating of some. situation as fun-loving, joyful, creating a good mood.

    2. About the state of fun, joy in which someone is.

nine0004 Examples of the use of the word fun in literature.

From my lonely cell in the tower where I am imprisoned, I, whose name has become the personification of shame, look at your bright flags, O Abydos, how cheerfully they flap on the pylons at the entrance to the temple courtyard, I hear the chants of the procession that goes around one shrine after another.

When Agafonov saw off the guests, all three staggered in an embrace for a long time and laughed merrily.

Multi-coloured light blinks merrily over the bend, street cleanly wear down, almost all the heads of the choir are neatly clothed, and drink your face sharply, as if you are right, light is poor, not completely healthy. nine0017

Second Lieutenant Alyoshin, who was staring intently and seriously at the map, suddenly began to smile again, got up and began to shake off his cap, wipe his neck, shook himself merrily, stamping his boots.

So, Vadim Andreevich, - Altman suddenly said cheerfully, - we must round things up.

And Amok told stories about the stars and the heavens, cheerfully describing the heavenly dance as if he were dancing it himself.

Then he looked around again and sighed sadly, then he crept into the pantry, poured pineapple rum into a glass and, returning, went to the fireplace, where the kettle sang merrily, filled the glass with water, placed the grog, tasted it, sat down and, having taken a long sip, stopped to take a breath. nine0017

I'm not bad here, - the Angora Cat responded cheerfully and laughed nonchalantly.

In short, if Leg doesn't come up with something, we're dead, - Ant said the last words carelessly, almost cheerfully.

Behind this platform, as if under the sacred canopy of araucaria, I see an apartment full of sparkling mahogany, I see a life full of decency and health, a life in which they get up early, perform their duties, moderately cheerfully celebrate family holidays, go on Sundays go to church and go to bed early. nine0017

The Muses, the Charites, the eternally young Aphrodite, Ares and Hermes - everyone participates in a merry round dance, and the majestic maiden, the sister of Apollo, the beautiful Artemis, walks ahead of everyone.

Being alone in the assistant's room with my brother, who looked like my brother, Mona Lisa, who was killed in my chic palace under extremely mysterious circumstances, which I imagined as soon as I entered the assistant's room, something was not very fun for me.

In a dream, the Army entered me, pulled in part by part, answering all greetings, like the brain of a dear old aunt, where everything is ordered, words are stacked in blocks, like a stack of firewood for a fireplace merrily crackling in atherosclerotic vessels, and the target is in the screen of an accurate vision, jointly divided day and night together, getting out by the position of the godlessly separated godless-merry-aunt of vertical and horizontal time, scouring this viewfinder of hers in search of the meaning of being, but in fact in search of a hummingbird, the one that, having humbled the shadows of her wings, sliding along the walls of consciousness, froze In its low-level flight: the movie cameras in front of the entrance to the opening of the Army, did not fly away, did not get scared, which sets me up and tuned me in a dream to a cheerful mood, to the very smile in a dream. nine0017

He stopped, looked searchingly at Babaev and added as cheerfully as he began to speak: - As for the good, let's wait.

Lee Chong was not such a mechanic, and most of the time the fordik dozed in the back of the grocery store among the tall grass, and through the spokes of its wheels the mallow heads peeped merrily.

Source: Maxim Moshkov Library

Learning vocabulary words fun: 3 secrets from the teacher

Simple mnemonics for memorizing vocabulary words. nine0017

Are you sure you can write words such as prerogative, incident, precedent, challenger easily and without mistakes? What about the words presumption, illumination and terrace? There are a lot of vocabulary words in Russian. Each class in the school even has its own list. It's just that teaching them is so difficult and boring.

Together with a teacher with more than 20 years of experience, the author of the SmartyKids speed reading and calligraphy methodology Elena Slesareva , we found 3 non-standard ways to learn vocabulary words: fun, exciting and effective. nine0017


This is perhaps the easiest, but by no means trivial way to learn a vocabulary word. Judge for yourself: in order to see the word, you will have to play with letters, and here you want it or not, but you learn that peanuts still begin with the letter “a”, and in the word art there are two “s”. Naturally, the younger the child, the simpler the dictionary words and the simpler the anagrams. To begin with, you can only rearrange a couple of letters within a word, and at an advanced level, you can already swap all the letters in a dictionary word. nine0017

Try to decipher the following anagrams with your child:





Fleet history

, Remember, how do you are in school along the route "and" Gypsy poked at a chicken while standing on tiptoe", and of course the main imperishable "too married unbearable" . Such things remain in memory for a lifetime, our brain is arranged in such a peculiar way. nine0017

Can be found a lot of similar poems on vocabulary words and various rules of the Russian language. AND you can come up with your own short funny stories with the children from the words to be learned.

I we develop storytelling and learn vocabulary words at the same time.

How do you like it? such variants:

“An astronaut with a shovel ate sorrel from a basket for breakfast today”

“The hippopotamus from Antarctica loved to eat tangerines”

“A woodpecker conductor monthly boots ter”

Than the more absurd and absurd the story, the better.

Or maybe even complicate the task and invent stories using only dictionary words for one letter:

"A bedside penguin fluttered like a dog on a fine day."

Schulte charts

Usually these tables about numbers and about the development of peripheral vision, attention and reaction speed. But if you combine them with dictionary words, you can get an infinite number of tables to train all vocabulary words.

Learn more